Digital educational technologies as a means of developing the cognitive activity of students. IT in schools: from local solutions to a single educational space

The implementation of the main directions of modernization of education required a rethinking of its pedagogical experience, to understand what to change in their activities from the standpoint of developing the cognitive interest of students, what kind of knowledge in modern conditions is no longer enough modern facilities training is most effective for the development of this personality trait.

It became obvious that, using only traditional methods of teaching in the subject, it is very difficult to solve these problems. As one of effective means development of cognitive interest of students today are information and communication technologies.

Digital educational resource- an information educational resource stored and transmitted in digital form. Connecting all schools in Russia to the Internet within the framework of national project"Education" has made educational Internet resources available to all educational institutions.

Educational resources have been created for many modern textbooks. Working in grades 5-6, I use digital educational resources for the textbooks of I.I. Zubareva, A.G. Mordkovich "Mathematics, Grade 5 and Grade 6".

Almost all DERs (Digital Educational Resources) designed to organize frontal work in a lesson are files made in Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 version.

DER data are divided into 5 types:

  • Material for frontal work at the stage of introducing new knowledge;
  • Material for frontal work at the stage of skills formation (mainly these are exercises aimed at developing oral computing skills);
  • Material for the correction and control of knowledge (mathematical dictations for 1 or 2 options);
  • Material for organizing final lessons (plot games or competition games);
  • Material for preliminary testing.

The most effective of electronic educational resources are multimedia resources. In them, educational objects are represented by a variety of various ways: through text, graphics, photo, video, sound and animation. Thus, all kinds of perception are used; consequently, the foundations of thinking and practical activity of the child are laid.

Mathematics is an abstract science. Therefore, many children find it difficult. With the help of DER animation, you can show students tasks for movement: towards each other, in the opposite direction, in pursuit, behind. You can use the ready-made material on the website "Network of Creative Mathematics Teachers", Workshop " multimedia presentations for mathematics lessons” organized by Elena Mikhailovna Savchenko. The process of organizing schoolchildren's education using IT makes it possible to make this process interesting, on the one hand, due to the novelty and unusualness of this form of work for students, and on the other hand, to make it exciting and bright, diverse in form through the use of multimedia capabilities modern computers; to individualize the learning process due to the presence of multi-level tasks, due to immersion and assimilation educational material at your own pace,

  • independently, using convenient ways of perceiving information, which causes students to positive emotions and forms positive educational motives;
  • liberate students when answering questions, tk. the computer allows you to record the results (including without grading),
  • correctly responds to errors; independently analyze and correct the mistakes made, correct their activities due to the presence feedback resulting in improved self-control skills;
  • carry out independent educational and research activities (modeling, project method, development of presentations, publications, etc.), thereby developing creative activity among schoolchildren.

You can use the presentation to systematically check the correctness of the implementation homework all students in the class. When checking homework, it usually takes a lot of time to reproduce the drawings on the board, explaining those fragments that caused difficulties. Mathematical dictations have proven themselves well, which are designed to control and correct students' knowledge in the process of studying the topic, as well as to organize the repetition of the rules of arithmetic operations during the passage of other topics of the course. They allow me to organize independent activities of students with subsequent verification and analysis of the mistakes made, which is usually quite difficult to do. Most of the mathematical dictations in one version are held on initial stage studying the topic. They enable:

  • the teacher - immediately after explaining the new material, to detect those points that are not learned or poorly learned by the students and once again analyze this material;
  • the student - to analyze their mistakes, to understand the reasons for their occurrence.

Thus, approximate feedback is organized in the learning process. Let me explain how the work with these materials goes.

In CERs of this type, at the first stage, by clicking the left mouse button, a task appears. I read it, students either write down only the answer, or the task, its solution and the answer, after which the next task appears. Thus, I can adjust the speed of the appearance of tasks, depending on the level of the class. The greatest effect is achieved if students write down the solution “under carbon copy”. After completing all the tasks, the students give me one copy, and keep the second one for themselves. After that, we move on to the second stage.

At the second stage, a frontal check is carried out in the form of "Self-Check" or "Mutual Check". In the middle link, teenagers do the check with pleasure. Answers also appear on click. I ask the question: "Who got a different answer?". Those students who raised their hands should be asked the question, “How did you reason?” Speaking aloud his reasoning, the student, as a rule, finds his mistake. I have the opportunity to determine the nature of the error: new material was not understood, a computational error was made, a task was not understood, etc. Students who make mistakes work on their mistakes. Similar work is carried out with dictations for 2 options. Mathematical dictations in 2 versions are mainly held at the end of the study of the topic. They enable:

  • the teacher - to establish which of the students, and how well, has mastered the knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the success of learning in the future, what questions cause difficulties for most students;
  • the student - immediately after completing the work, find out how correctly it was done, where mistakes were made and what are their causes.

Getting me the results of the work of students, and the students of their assessments of their work becomes possible thanks to instant frontal verification. Most math dictations consist of 5 tasks. For each correctly completed task, the student receives 1 point. With such a grading system, it is convenient to give a final grade.

To date, the most dynamically developing area of ​​education is the Internet, which has been widely introduced into school education and has become available for use in the educational space. Using the resources of the Internet, the teacher will be able to introduce new relevant information into the training, increase its visibility and increase the interest of students in learning. Among other things, the Internet makes it possible to diversify the content and methods of teaching a number of subjects, including mathematics. The use of Internet resources in mathematics lessons increases the information culture of students, shows best qualities in children, helps them grow creatively; allows you to use more extensive information; ensures the efficiency of replenishment of educational material with new information. In the classroom, the Internet can be used with a variety of functions and, therefore, goals: as a way to diagnose students' learning abilities, a learning tool, a source of information. Students more often use Internet services at home when preparing for seminars, while working on performing creative tasks.

The use of DER for distance education, enables the student and his parents, if necessary, the teacher, to get acquainted with the lecture material, perform laboratory and test tasks for temporarily disabled students who are homeschooled.

For students in grades 10-11, the problem of the Unified State Exam is relevant. To prepare for it, a lot of different manuals are published. There is a lot of material on the exam and on the Internet. I will dwell in more detail on the website " open bank USE assignments in mathematics. Here are samples of training and diagnostic work, the most interesting are on-line tests, because the student can check the level of his knowledge. Since it takes 1.5 hours to complete the work, this works well in a double lesson. Poor students who make mistakes even in part B can repeat the work in another lesson and compare the result with the previous one. Same way. students can do additional preparation either in the afternoon at home, as most have personal computers.

The use of Internet technologies opens up a promising direction in education. It is much more familiar and interesting for modern children to learn in such a way - in a computer way. However, such training is possible only in combination with other educational technologies. Since the violation of harmony, measures of expediency of application can lead to a decrease in efficiency, increased fatigue of students, and a decrease in work efficiency. Without clearly and correctly set goals and objectives, visiting the Internet cannot be useful and effective. The teacher and students need to jointly select Internet resources, since in the process of such work it is organized research activities students to find a solution using the relevant Internet resources.

Computer presentations are also convenient to use in extracurricular activities during various competitions and games. This is a demonstration of portraits of mathematicians, and a story about their discoveries, and an illustration practical application theorems in life.

04.12.2015, Fri, 14:17, Moscow time

The level of penetration of electronic diaries, interactive whiteboards and multimedia classrooms in Russian schools is close to 100%. Today, electronic textbooks and tablets are in the greatest demand. To improve the efficiency of the use of existing equipment and software schools lack systemic integrated solutions with a well-developed methodological core.

Russia is actively moving towards the creation of a digital educational environment. Testing of interactive multimedia electronic textbooks, electronic services has already started in a number of regions, projects of electronic diaries, electronic libraries, as well as “digital schools”, etc. have already started. Some technologies, for example, interactive whiteboards, have already become a familiar attribute of Russian schools. Others, including virtual laboratories, robotics, video conferencing, are much less common.

Digital technologies for schools

According to a survey of providers of IT solutions in education, which was conducted by CNews in August 2015, Russian schools lack systemic integrated solutions with a well-developed methodological core. Today, in most educational institutions, modern equipment and software products are used inefficiently.

Level of penetration of digital technologies in schools

Source: CNews, 2015

According to a survey of IT vendors, solutions such as an electronic diary (100%), interactive whiteboards (96%) and a multimedia room (80%) demonstrate the highest level of penetration. The interest of Russian schools in 3D printers (8%) and robotics laboratories (4%) is still low.

The Atlas of Future Professions, developed with the participation of Skolkovo, says that in 10–20 years the most demanded professions will be closely related to IT. Today, the school focuses on the development of students' ICT skills and an increasingly in-depth study of subjects in the scientific and natural cycle. At the same time, the number of state-funded places in universities in IT-related specialties is growing. It is expected that in the near future in the field of education, solutions for teaching robotics, programming, biotechnology based on educational robotic platforms, as well as digital laboratories for physics, chemistry, biology, geography, will become the most popular.

The results of a survey of providers of IT solutions for education testify to the emergence of interest in Russian schools in robotics. We are talking, first of all, about educational and laboratory equipment for the study of robotics, digital laboratories for the study of physics, chemistry, geography, energy, strength of materials, as well as solutions for 3D modeling and prototyping. In addition to IT, schools are actively developing press centers and video studios, in which schoolchildren gain experience in working with graphic programs and learn how to develop multimedia content.

Demand for digital technologies in schools in 2015–2016

Source: CNews, 2015

According to the survey data, the greatest demand from schools is for electronic textbooks (88%) and tablets (84%). The concept of BYOD has not yet become widespread (48%), but it has growth potential. Cloud services have proven their effectiveness and are quite popular.

Technological solutions used in Russian schools

Electronics and programming Laboratory research Digital technologies
Electronics Basics Kits 3D modeling and prototyping laboratories Interactive whiteboards and displays, interactive touch tables
Electronic designers for the study of electrical circuits and alternative energy sources 3D printers (with consumables to create additional parts and replace lost ones) Multimedia studios
Stands for practicing programming principles Digital Labs (for in-depth study natural sciences, engineering, strength of materials) Tablets for working with electronic textbooks, preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination, as well as class management
Robotics labs (including robotic kits) Voting (poll) and testing systems

Source: CNews, 2015

The main trend in the informatization of education today is not just the introduction of individual technologies, but the implementation of complex projects aimed at creating a unified and continuous educational space.

E-education in Moscow

One of the regions that occupies a leading position in the field of creating a digital educational environment is Moscow. According to a survey of 25 Moscow schools conducted by CNews in August 2015, all of them actively use electronic diaries. 96% have implemented an electronic document management system in one form or another. The level of penetration of interactive whiteboards is close to saturation (92%). The least common tools are 3D modeling and printing (4%), virtual museum technologies (20%). Relatively low is the level of penetration of web conferencing (44%), while there are practically no online broadcasts.

E-learning environment technologies used in schools

Source: CNews, 2015

92% of the surveyed schools use, in one way or another, cloud services. The most requested services in this moment are accounting and HR management from the cloud (60% and 52%, respectively). In general, the list of available cloud services for schools is still small.

Cloud services used in schools

Psychology and pedagogy

School and digital technologies: a memo to the modern teacher

A digital school, a new educational environment, an open information space - these words are firmly established in our everyday life, but not all of their meanings have yet been agreed upon. Leading experts in the field of education share their thoughts on the most relevant trends in the development of education.

The article was created based on the materials of the online conference "Digital: investing in a teacher", which took place on April 5, 2018 in Skolkovo.

About the digital school

  • No, this is not a school stuffed with projectors and interactive whiteboards. This is a space in which it is possible for each student to create their own personal school with the help of digital technologies. Digital competencies cannot be the goal of education, but can only be a means. They allow us to reach new urgent tasks. The Digital School Gives Everyone Endless Opportunities: the child himself can choose for himself the sources of knowledge.

  • Then convenient navigation through the information space is necessary: otherwise how to understand the insane flow of knowledge.

  • The next component is the digital environment, which relies on online interaction wherever it is effective.

  • And finally, after all this follows the maximum simplification of formal tasks that now interfere with the teacher so much. It is also reasonable to use digital technologies for this.

About the e-textbook

Do not confuse an electronic textbook with an electronic version of a paper textbook. It's completely different, fundamentally New Product, created at the intersection of content and technology. The content of the textbook is influenced by all the declared relevant competencies, approaches to monitoring and evaluation.

Three pillars on which the electronic textbook rests:
  • theory
  • practice
  • methodology

It is difficult for a teacher to build a program on his own. It is much more convenient if all the techniques, theory, practice and methodology are collected in a single convenient product, in ready-made didactic units.

The theory is supported in the electronic textbook visual materials and anthologies, practice - workbooks and problem books, methodology - teaching aids and a work program. Practice is transformed into educational games, at the intersection of practice and methodology there are interactive practical work, simulators (the platform has interactive test papers), at the junction of methodology and theory is born new form class work. A full range of techniques are used to use new technology in the classes.

About the electronic diary, journal and bureaucratic tasks

“Digital content is wise to use only where it is justified. If any tool is not useful to the school, it simply should not be used. Modern technology has no right to be redundant: you don't need three different systems, you need one, convenient and useful. In this sense, duplication of the same reporting forms on the "figure" and on paper is a completely useless exercise. Unfortunately, now the combination of electronic and paper form Reporting is done rather carelessly.

Mikhail Kushnir "League of Education"

School paper reporting should and will definitely be abolished. Let's turn to statistics: every year up to 7.5 tons of paper is spent on a Russian secondary school. The scale of paper reporting at the level of the Russian Federation is more than 370 thousand tons per year. At least it's not environmentally friendly.

The main tasks that we set ourselves as creators electronic resource for the school - to reduce time and money costs, to create a secure operational communication system. The economic effect of the abolition of paper reporting, according to our calculations, should be more than 120 billion a year, not to mention the fact that the teacher will finally have free time. Paper should be replaced with digital technology wherever possible.

Andrey Pershin,

On the importance of the level of technical equipment of schools

Schools around the world are not well equipped. In Ireland, for example, there are 20 students per school computer, which is a clear lag in terms of technical equipment. Russia in this issue occupies an average position, and for the scale of our country, these are quite worthy indicators.

Valery Nikitin, "I-class"

We always go from the user - teacher, student. Yes, not all schools in the country now have the opportunity for each student to access the electronic textbook through their own tablet. But I want to enjoy all the benefits of a new digital product right now, therefore, even if not every student has a suitable tablet, you can make the lesson bright and interesting.

Our editors make sure that the teacher can use a convenient handout, print the most important slides for students.

Andrey Kovalev, Russian textbook

Teachers and school directors often turn to us with similar complaints: there is no way to buy computers for the whole class, there are not enough tablets for everyone, there is no Internet network in the school ... But even with all these difficulties we are ready to help you with advice so that you choose a convenient, suitable digital platform for you.

Olga Ilchenko, FIRO, Reformatika project

On a unified educational space and competition

Unity is not the same as uniqueness. Not only is it unnecessary to teach everyone from a single textbook or software product, it can't be done. After all, unity is possible only with diversity, and only when all elements of the system have developed common key principles and mission. Technologies in education can and should compete with each other. No censorship will help, we need a free choice, and for a choice - recommendations.

Mikhail Kushnir, League of Education

Faster and faster technology penetrates our lives, including education. Online learning platforms with a set of courses in almost all specializations have firmly established themselves in the world, everything is becoming less people who have not heard of Coursera. Technology is developing rapidly artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual and augmented reality. However, the question is natural: are schoolchildren and teachers themselves ready for such changes? What is the real attitude of the population towards “digitization” educational process? How fast and how radical should these changes be?
Digital education is a broad concept. This includes massive open online courses, and education management systems (LMS) that allow for blended learning, and the use of new technologies: augmented and virtual reality, big data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics advances. However, on this moment In Russia, digital education is almost not developed even in the context of taking individual courses in the digital environment, not to mention conducting chemical experiments using virtual reality. In general secondary education, online learning is not actually used, in additional school education the share of online learning is 2.7%. According to experts' forecasts, by 2021 the shares will increase to 1.5% and 6.8% in general and additional school education, respectively. At the same time, students still use mobile devices and the Internet. So why not use it for learning purposes? Especially considering that the number of teaching staff of schools in the Russian Federation is growing noticeably slower than the number of audiences: for example, according to Rosstat, in 2016 there were slightly more than 1 million teachers per 15 million students, while the proportion of parents who are dissatisfied with the quality of educational services is growing: According to the results of the FOM survey, almost half of the parents report a decline in the quality of school education.
In the document under development “Moscow Education. Strategy-2025” such concepts as “FLOW” (personalized educational trajectory in open teams) and “GROWTH” (distributed assessment in the talent system) appear, the names themselves already have a hint of digital education. Of course, the concepts proposed in the strategy do not apply exclusively to digital education, they will allow schoolchildren not to be limited by the boundaries of their school, but digital education also allows achieving the same goal. The development of digital education will happen one way or another, so how can teachers prepare for the changes?

Truth or lie?
Since digital education in our country is just beginning to develop, it is surrounded by many myths. In order to modern technologies useful, all stakeholders need to understand what they are and how to apply them. Let's take a look at the main claims to digital education.

Myth 1. Savings due to the quality of education
Some parents and teachers believe that digital education does not provide sufficient quality of education, that this is just an attempt to save money by reducing high-quality communication with the teacher by replacing a person with a screen. Indeed, both in the world and in Russia, BYOD (bring your own device), in which students and employees use their personal devices (laptops, tablets, mobile phones) for educational and work purposes. This allows organizations to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment, but more and more activity is transferred to the electronic environment.
True: this trend is not spreading at all because it is “cheap and cheerful”, but because education becomes accessible in this way. You can take other courses educational institutions(including foreign ones). If we recall the Strategy-2025, then the main idea of ​​POTOK is “the main thing is not where, but what to learn and from whom to learn”. It turns out that using your own devices can help you learn everywhere, with what you want and from whom you want.

Myth 2. Distance learning does not provide proper control over students
Doubts are expressed that the average modern schoolboy or student is able to “learn the basics of science” without the control of a teacher hanging over him with textbooks at the ready. For the effective development of distance learning programs, a certain set of qualities is really required: high level self-organization, motivation and focus on the independent formation of high-quality knowledge and skills. Study of psychological readiness Russian student to learning using technology distance learning showed that many of the students Russian universities are not ready for training in these technologies. If students are not ready, then what can we say about schoolchildren? After all, even due to their age, schoolchildren are characterized by a lower concentration of attention, they do not have the habit of learning, and self-organization is an unfamiliar concept for most of them, especially when there are other, more interesting activities outside of school.
True: there are systems for managing the process of self-learning that allow the student to form and implement a personal learning trajectory on his own (which, again, is one of the priority areas for Moscow and Russian education). An electronic course with reference to calendar dates can streamline and systematize independent work, increasing the level of assimilation theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Online classes require a lot of self-discipline and perseverance, but the same qualities are required in face-to-face contact learning - a reluctance to learn and a lack of understanding of the need for knowledge will negate the efforts of the best teacher. At the same time, no one suggests leaving schoolchildren to study on their own - the teacher and parents will always monitor the progress of the student, while modern technologies will also come to the rescue: they will show what is difficult for the child (the teacher will be able to individually discuss a difficult topic with the student) or which is difficult for everyone (here it is already worth considering a change in the presentation of the material).

Myth 3. Digital learning deprives live communication
There are fears that excessive "digitization" minimizes the contact between the teacher and his audience, because learning is not only the exchange of information, but also live communication. Pupils only watch videos, while there is no necessary socialization, and after all, a school is a society in miniature, and it is there that a child develops communication skills, including with adult teachers.
True: there is no need to explain the difference between a good and a bad lecturer, when the "speaker" from the teacher's rostrum himself is not interested in his subject and, on the contrary, enthusiasm is contagious and directly affects the assimilation of information. There is an example of the phenomenon of virtual lectures that can influence the audience - the popularity of speeches on the platform, when a person can come and hold a mini-conference on the topics of his concern and problems, and his voice can reach anyone with Internet access. The third most popular TED video on has a telling title: Are Schools Killing Creativity?

It is also worth noting that the complete transition of school education to the digital sphere will definitely not take place in the near future, so for now, communication between the teacher and the student in the form that everyone is used to is not in danger.

Myth 4. Digital learning is “talkology”, it does not provide practical skills
People are also skeptical about the introduction of digital education, seeing its limitations as a "conversational genre", while practical skills are in the "blind zone". In most cases, digital learning refers to a set of lectures dictated by the teacher to the camera, which the student watches, and then, possibly, passes the test. The effectiveness of this method of teaching, especially aimed at schoolchildren, is questionable.
Truth: Online courses are not limited to lectures and tests. On the contrary, systems that provide the opportunity for projects and joint work are becoming more widespread. Traditional assessment methods are also transferred to the digital environment - the teacher can check the essay not in a notebook, but on the screen, specially created sites and systems will follow how the student solves equations and problems in physics. Game elements are often introduced, and the competitive element of games has been proven to provide fast learning and deeper immersion through emotion. Lectures and truth occupy great place in digital education, but do they occupy a smaller place in traditional education?

Myth 5. The teacher will lose control over the actions of students
If a student is taking an online course, how can the teacher be sure that these are the results of this student?
Truth: The problem of identifying students is indeed quite acute. In the case of online courses for adults on many platforms, this remains on the conscience of the user himself (he needs knowledge and skills, without them his certificate means nothing), but it is obvious that in school realities, control should be more stringent. Here, parents can come to the rescue, who can confirm that their child really passed the task, or they still have to trust the students in the manifestation of consciousness. Indeed, in traditional education there will always be those who will be able to cheat or cheat, unfortunately, no system is ideal.

We all know that often innovations in our lives turn into just an extra headache. Will it be the same with digital education? Wouldn't this be just another task in a series of things a teacher needs to do? But many teachers find it difficult to change proven methods and work with information technology.
Truth: Indeed, the introduction of new technologies requires the development of a certain set of qualities. The use of distance learning technologies is more likely to be characteristic of younger teachers, with less work experience, but at the same time having degree; perhaps this is due to the greater technological savvy of young people, and can also be explained by established traditions in learning technologies among the older generation. However, there is no getting away from new technologies, but they can really free up the teacher’s time: not only with the help of a single reading of a lecture on record, but also, for example, with the help of automatic feedback - instead of writing one and the same thing over and over again in the answer to the control the same, the teacher needs to enter the information only once, and the student, if the answer is wrong, will see it (and at the same time a hint where it was explained so that he can see for himself). Teachers have more time to teach rather than answer the same questions, and reducing contact work reduces emotional stress, reducing the likelihood of burnout.

What to do?
Having dismantled the main myths, we see that digital education can really bring benefits, but for this it is necessary to understand what lies behind the introduction of digital education in schools.

First of all, it is worth re-emphasizing that for most schools and students, digital education will be limited to a few online courses. Education management systems will become more widespread, which will become the main means of digital education in schools, since massive open online courses imply the student's interest in obtaining additional knowledge or new skills and, most likely, will rarely be used in school education, as they are aimed at adult audience. Modern systems learning management tools allow you to create personalized courses, enroll students in a course or choose courses yourself, view educational analytics: evaluate various indicators and make forecasts, including how each student is involved in the educational process, highlight problem areas and calculate the likelihood that a student does not will finish the course. Thanks to these technologies, adaptive individualized learning is possible, which is focused on each student depending on his abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

So how do you prepare for the introduction of digital education?
First of all, to get acquainted with the very concept of online courses, you can take such a course yourself (in the article "Harvard on the couch" there is a list of sites with online courses, including for adults). Taking an online course, or rather several, will allow you to get acquainted with the format, see for yourself how different presentations of the material are perceived, highlight moments that seem unsuccessful in order to avoid them in your work. Being on the other side of the barricades is the most qualitative research, and the abundance of courses for adults will allow you to get the necessary and useful knowledge at the same time.
Secondly, if the school is already implementing digital education, or at least in question about this, it is worth finding out what means the school plans to use. The abundance of different options for platforms and systems does not allow us to be more specific, but if you know what solution will be implemented at the school, this makes it possible to familiarize yourself with it in advance, and not prepare materials in a hurry. Even if your school is not yet thinking about implementing digital education, you can think about how your subject can be transferred to the form of an online course.
Thirdly, it is possible to start introducing elements of digital education even without its centralized implementation. Take some time to find resources that offer play-based tutorials for your subject. Students will enjoy taking a geography quiz or doing a physics experiment using their phone. Gamification (the use of elements of game mechanics) is used by giant companies, marketers and many others. Today's students have grown up with a computer and video games, and despite the stigmatization of games in our society, the use of elements of games allows them to successfully involve them in the learning process. In learning management systems, not only mini-games are often used, but also achievement badges, this kind of instant reward for success has a positive effect on motivation.
Fourthly, it is necessary to monitor what is happening in this area at the state level. For example, at the moment there is a priority project "Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation", which is aimed at high-quality and affordable online education of citizens of the country using digital technologies. Within its framework, there is also a professional development program in the field of development, use and examination of online courses, which may be interesting and useful for teachers and lecturers.

Thus, we can say for sure that digital education will also penetrate schools, but to a lesser extent than universities. Digital education can bring many benefits, but for this you need to understand how it works in general and will work in a particular school, so a lot will depend on each teacher - how much he will be able to interest his students, how he will build a course, what tasks he will give. Yes, initially the teacher will have an additional burden, but these efforts can lead to a significant result and make it easier later life, getting rid of monotonous, repetitive tasks, freeing up his time, and prepare students not only for school subjects, but also for later life.

Ruslan SULEIMANOV, Head of Department information technologies MGPU

It seems that the word “digitalization” has been on the agenda of large-scale events dedicated to education for a long time. This is not surprising: according to the Digital Economy program adopted by the Government, by 2025 the education system in Russia should be set up in such a way as to prepare a sufficient number of competent users of information technologies with the competencies necessary in the 21st century for a breakthrough into a digital bright future.

The digitalization of the economy is not just the transfer of data and processes from the “analogue” era to digital form.

Therefore, the digitalization of the education system cannot be limited to creating a digital copy of familiar textbooks, digitizing workflow and providing all schools with access to high-speed Internet. It's like starting a new home with wallpaper and choosing a chandelier instead of thinking about the foundation. The approach itself must change, what and how to teach.

digital literacy

It would seem that literacy is a concept familiar to everyone. According to the common definition, is the degree of proficiency in basic cognitive skills: reading, writing and arithmetic mother tongue. But with the development of technology and the complication of the information space in which we exist, the concept of literacy is expanding. International organizations who try to classify the necessary modern man competencies, talk about the importance of digital, information, scientific literacy. Often these types of literacy overlap and complement each other.

Digital literacy is the ability to create and use content using digital technologies, including computer programming skills, information search and exchange, communication with other people.

There are different criteria for developing digital literacy. For example, Henry Jenkins believes that digital literacy includes the ability to work with a computer like a "hardware" (that is, you must understand how a person interacts with digital technology), understanding the features of the device and the distribution of digital information (for example, the ability to work with software), understanding the structure of the network community and the features of social media.

Doug Belshaw identifies eight elements of digital literacy, including understanding the cultural context of the Internet environment, the ability to communicate in online communities, the ability to create and distribute content, and the skills to use digital technologies for self-development.

The authors of different concepts of digital literacy agree on one thing: only an understanding of how digital reality works can teach a person to control "information noise" and make interaction with digital technologies a source of development, not stress.

To live happily ever after in the digital economy, a person must have a culture of information consumption and be able to choose between a conventional volume of Dontsova and War and Peace, understanding their needs and the nature of these works.

It is obvious that digital literacy is a complex set of skills, for the development of which it is not enough just to update the program in the subject of "Informatics" or technical re-equipment of the school. And without their development, the foundation of the digital economy, alas, cannot be built.

Individualization of the educational trajectory

If we take into account that the development of digital technologies is ousting from production, first of all, workers of “routine” labor, then the conveyor of mass education, which trains specialists according to one program, becomes irrelevant. In addition, experts are sure that the digital economy requires a person to develop the skills of self-organization, planning, self-motivation - and this is facilitated by the individualization of education.

Digital technologies, coming into the education system, make it possible to individualize the learning process both at the stage of mastering new material and at the stage of monitoring individual results. Opportunities for this are created by projects such as "Mobile e-school" - a system for educational and methodological support of the educational process, which is social network for teachers, students and parents, with learning content, assessment and feedback systems.

Digital technologies provide tools for the development of blended learning, overcoming the limitations of the classroom system with the same curriculum and the same time for its development. True, in public school these opportunities are rarely realized.

And if you look at the recent discussions of the new edition of the Federal State Educational Standard, which caused indignation among teachers of literature, then a question arises. How does the concern that children, moving from one school to another, may experience inconvenience due to the difference educational programs, with the understanding that such qualities as the ability to adapt to new conditions and build your own development trajectory are just important for the digital economy, constantly choosing from a variety of options?

Continuing Education

The digital economy is fundamentally changing the labor market: where a computer can replace a person, it will replace him. Self-employment will be the way out for people who have lost their jobs, especially since digital technologies provide new opportunities for organizing and developing a business. In addition, in the near future, a regular change of profession will become the norm, and even being in one professional field will require more and more willingness to learn. The concept of continuous education assumes that a person's life is not strictly divided into the period of study (before receiving a diploma) and work, and learning is a continuous process throughout life.

In order for lifelong learning to become the norm, the structure of online education must develop and the attitude of society towards learning should change. And if the first task is directly related to the development of online platforms, software, content digitization, then the second one is related to the development of a person’s internal motivation to study. As shown by a HSE study on the education of adult Russians, the main reason why adults do not go to learn new things is the lack of an internal need for this.

And such a need is formed (or not) from the elementary grades, and it is not so important whether there is an interactive whiteboard there.

The digital economy requires from the education system not just the "digitization" of individual processes, but an integrated approach that would set new goals, change the structure and content of the educational process. And for this, perhaps, the leaders of education themselves must learn not to be afraid of the future that has already come.

Experts will talk about this and much more at the Moscow International Salon of Education - the largest Russian educational event, which will be held from April 18 to 21 in the 75th pavilion of VDNKh. The event will be of interest to teachers, those involved in the organization and management of education, as well as parents.

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