How to teach English letters. How to help your child learn the English alphabet easily and quickly. Where to start

The need to study foreign languages ​​is obvious. Therefore, in recent years, English has become a compulsory lesson in kindergartens. But, despite this, parents themselves can teach the baby. And starting with learning the alphabet, use what kids like the most: songs, games.

At what age can a foreign language be taught?

At the age of 3, the child reaches the age of ‘I want to know everything!’ And this should be used

Lewis Carroll: "The more you learn right away, the less you suffer after."

Many moms and dads are wondering at what age is best to start teaching a child. Psychologists and teachers have come to a consensus that the optimal age for learning a foreign language is 3 years. At this age, the baby already speaks his native language quite well, his speech becomes articulate, divided into phrases and sentences. In addition, from 3 to 5 years, the child's memory works most intensively.

How to start learning the English alphabet?

Early learning should be visible

The difficulty of learning the letters of the English language lies in the fact that most of them have several sounds, unlike Russian. Therefore, the associative method of memorizing sounds (namely, they are necessary for subsequent learning to read) is not suitable in this case. Methodist teachers recommend that you first learn the order of the letters, and only then add the memorization of sounds. So where do you start learning letters? Given the young age, the answer is obvious - with educational games and songs.

Exercise Games

Cards with the English alphabet can be made independently

There are several options for interesting exercise games for learning the alphabet. Moreover, if you wish, you can engage not only with your child, but also with his friends.

  • "Funny Magnets" This is a magnetic board with multi-colored letters-magnets that you and your child rearrange or invent different stories with them. Just keep in mind that it is imperative to call the letter every time and ask the baby to repeat its “name”. Letters-magnets can be replaced by those drawn on cards. In this case, it would be better to accompany each letter with a drawing of the object or phenomenon in the name of which it is.
  • Card game. The letter of the alphabet is written on one side of the cards, and what this letter looks like on the other. It turns out a kind of associative series. For example, the letter S looks like a snake, and W looks like a fire-breathing dragon.
  • "Who is who's neighbor?" For this game, again, cards with letters are needed. The kid must find neighbors from the mixed deck to the left and right for a given letter.
  • "Puzzle". Draw a picture, cut it into pieces and write a letter of the alphabet on each. The kid will get used to the order of the letters and will easily remember it, putting together a puzzle with a specific image that he understands.
  • Letter Soup. Write the letter on one side of the card and the word containing it on the other. Put all the cards in a bowl, the child pulls out one - this is his dinner. Children are very happy to accept such training, especially when they come across frogs (frogs) or bears (bears).
  • "Mystery Guest" Hide the card with the letter under the book and gradually pull it out - the baby must guess what the letter is before it appears.


Choose energetic and fun songs

There are two types of songs for learning the English alphabet:

  • with a certain melody (for such songs you need periodic listening to memorize the motive);
  • with an improvised melody (such songs can be sung to any suitable motive).

Here are some texts of the second kind:

Come and sing along with me

tell me what you want to be

Now I know my ABCs

This song can be shortened (this version, by the way, is also with a melody):


Now I know my ABCs

Next time won't you sing with me.

For those kids who are familiar with numbers, there is a more complex option:

It's as easy as 1 2 3.

Some of the letters rhyme

We're almost done now

Now I've gone through our ABC's,

Maybe next time you'll say them with me.

As for songs with a specific melody, it is best to use the karaoke version:

How to consolidate the studied material?

If you expect results from your studies, then you need to practice regularly.

Young children very quickly grasp new information, but just as quickly, without systematic repetition, they forget it. Therefore, it is important to correctly build the work to consolidate the alphabet. To do this, also clothe it in the form of a game.

Use educational cartoons. It is better that they are authentic, but for this, parents will have to brush up on their own knowledge. Children are very fond of animated series in which the characters solve some important issues, for example, they study the alphabet at a school for frogs.

  1. "Bingo". The kid must find among the cards the letter that you called him.
  2. "Hourglass". Set the hourglass for one minute - during this time the child must name as many letters of the alphabet as possible. It is not necessary that they be in the correct order, the main thing is the quantity.
  3. "Letter collage". For children who love to draw, you can offer to draw a multi-colored letter poster and hang it above the desk - so the letters will always be in front of the child's eyes. And different colors will help to associate letters by shades.
  4. "Merry Garland" Make three-dimensional letters and hang it in a conspicuous place. Each time, passing by, name the letter - the baby must show it.
  5. "Drawing in the Air" When taking a bath, returning from kindergarten or guests, ask your child to draw the named letter in the air.
  6. "Crocodile". Involve all family members. Everyone must show this or that letter with their body, all other participants guess it.

And, of course, periodically, while doing everyday activities, ask the child to name the order of the letters - this is how the student will memorize the sequence of the alphabet.

When we start learning a foreign language, we, first of all, strive for our child to learn to read as soon as possible. Reading is an important element of both foreign and native languages. That is why we want the child to learn to read fluently as soon as possible. How do we start the process of learning to read? Of course, alphabetically.

First of all, we introduce our child to letters. The child gets acquainted with how they look, are pronounced, written. And today we want to talk about the English alphabet; about how best to present it to a child.

Let's learn the alphabet together!

So, we learn the foreign alphabet together with the child, so that it is easy and interesting for him, so that he does not get lost in the world of English letters. Before starting English reading classes, explain to your child why it is important to learn to read.

Tell him that the ability to read in a foreign language will allow him to read texts, stories, novels and poems by real English authors in the future. Stimulate your baby's desire to learn something new, encourage and reward him. Show the child the English alphabet, read each letter, pointing to it:

  • a-
  • bb-
  • cc-
  • Dd-
  • Ee - [i]
  • Ff - [ɛf]
  • gg-
  • hh-
  • II -
  • jj-
  • Kk-
  • Ll - [ɛl]
  • Mm - [ɛm]
  • Nn - [ɛn]
  • Oo - [əʊ]
  • pp-
  • Qq -
  • Rr - [ɑ] or [ɑɹ]
  • Ss - [ɛs]
  • Tt-
  • uu-
  • vv-
  • ww-
  • Xx - [ɛks]
  • Yy-
  • Zz - ,

If the child is still small, then it is better to master two or three letters in each lesson than to take on the entire alphabet at once. Show your child a few letters, read them, ask him to repeat after you. Then, moving your baby's hand, help him write these letters. Put them into syllables or short words.

The English alphabet for children should be fun, bright and interesting. Provide each letter with a drawing, illustration, coloring book depicting an object for this letter. Talk to the baby about what is shown in the picture, give a few more examples of words for this letter.

Together with letters, you can memorize two or three words with your baby, thus enriching his vocabulary.

Learn the alphabet visually!

In addition to illustrations and coloring pages, various videos will come to your aid in learning the alphabet. Learning the alphabet with passion! Short video cartoons or video clips will help your child learn the English alphabet, consolidate the correct pronunciation, and replenish vocabulary.

Pay attention to the following videos:

« English alphabet for children Educational cartoon» - this video in the form of a cartoon will introduce the child to the English alphabet. The cartoon will help your child learn how to pronounce each letter, as well as the order of the letters in the English alphabet. You can watch it with your baby, helping him figure out what's what.

A cute, funny and colorful song about the English alphabet will help your kid remember it faster. It is very exciting both to watch the cartoon and to sing along to its voices.

And again a song. Developing children's cartoon about the English alphabet, which can be watched by the whole family. " Let's sing the English alphabet” is not only a song, but also funny pictures representing English letters. Learning the alphabet with such a cartoon is doubly fun.

The Funny English Alphabet tutorial video is the alphabet in verse form. The ease lies in the fact that the verses are in Russian, so the baby will understand everything himself. Your child can watch such a cartoon on their own.

Well-known cartoon character Luntik! This cutie will help your child learn the English alphabet. The ease lies in the fact that the cartoon is in Russian, so that the baby will be able to navigate well. The child can watch it many times with pleasure.

Such videos can be watched by the whole family, or you can leave the baby alone in front of the screen, but it is important to keep a vigilant eye on whether he understands everything. From time to time, you can go into the room and ask the baby unobtrusive questions. And after watching, it's fun to repeat the alphabet!

Let's play with the alphabet!

Everyone knows that a child learns information better through play. Here, your imagination and the imagination of your child can express themselves as you like. The main thing is that the baby was fun and interesting. Provide the child with the alphabet in pictures, cards and tablets with English letters. With the help of such tablets, syllables and words can be added.

You can colorfully depict English letters on balloons, then make up words with your child. Also, you can cut out letters from colored cardboard, let the baby name the letters, make words or even whole sentences with them. Coloring games will allow the kid to find vowels and consonants. Ask your child to color the vowels in one color and name them, and the consonants in another color and also name them.

There are all kinds of audio games as well as alphabet puzzles to help your child navigate the world of English letters and sounds. Games may vary. Connect toys, bright books, coloring books to your games. It will be fun and interesting.

This is how you learn the English alphabet. There are many ways, the main thing is that the child is interested!

Consists of 26 letters, of which 6 are vowels and 20 are consonants.

How to quickly memorize the alphabet?

First of all, you need to learn. There are few of them, so they are easier to remember.

In English transcription, the colon sign denotes the length of the sound, i.e. you have to pronounce it long.

Particular attention should be paid to the letter Yy. This letter is often mistaken for a consonant. In fact, it is very easy to remember if you make an association with the letter Ii. In words, these two letters are read the same way.

it's easier to remember if you break them down into logical groups:

  1. Consonants similar in appearance to Russian and pronounced the same with them:
CC si
Kk kay
mm Em
Tt ti
  1. Consonants that look like Russian, but are pronounced or spelled differently:
  1. Consonants that are not in Russian:
FF ef
gg ji
hh h
jj jay
Qq cue
Rr [ɑː] a
vv in and
www [‘dʌblju:] double
Zz zed

It is better to learn the English alphabet in blocks, writing and naming each letter in several lines. This is how three types of memory work at once: auditory, visual and motor.

After you have done this, then perform a series of exercises to consolidate the results.


  • Write the letters on the piece of paper from memory, saying each letter aloud. If you do not remember the name or find it difficult which letter is next, then you can look at the hint. When you have written a “difficult” letter, underline or circle it and continue on. After writing the entire English alphabet, write out separately all the underlined letters in one row. Repeat them. Write a few more rows of these letters randomly, calling them out loud. When you are sure that you have remembered, start the exercise again.
  • Cut 26 small squares, write letters on them. Place face down on the table. Take each square in turn, calling the letter out loud. Check yourself against the table. Those letters that are called incorrectly or forgotten, put aside. After working with all the squares, take all the letters set aside and do the same exercise with them only. Repeat several times, each time postponing only those that are not remembered.

Remember that any work on memorizing something should be structured as follows:

  • Learn and set aside.
  • Repeat after 15 minutes
  • Repeat in an hour
  • Repeat next day
  • Repeat in a week.

In this case, the memorized material will be deposited in memory forever!

English alphabet games

If it is possible to attract 2-3 people, then you can diversify the study of the alphabet with games:

  • "Spell the word"

Any English text is taken. Players take turns saying the letters in order, starting with the first word in the text. The one who called incorrectly is out of the game. The last one left in the game wins.

  • "What is missing?"

The facilitator chooses from 26 cards with letters 5-10, depending on the age of the group. Players memorize letters. After everyone has turned away, the leader removes one or two letters. Players must guess which letters are missing.

  • "Who quickly?"

Each player is dealt cards in the same number, you need to arrange them in alphabetical order as quickly as possible.

  • "Find a couple"

The participants in the game are given cards with capital letters. Each card has a lowercase letter written on the back. 3 minutes are given. During this time, each player must remember and write down a lowercase letter. The one with the most letters wins.

  • "Continue"

One of the players begins to speak the alphabet from the beginning, the leader stops at any letter. Players must pick up where they left off as quickly as possible.

  • "Remember Five"

The facilitator gives each player a letter face down. On command, the players turn over the card. You need to write the next 5 letters of the alphabet as quickly as possible. The one who completed the task raises his hand.


To quickly memorize the alphabet, you can use. The melody for them can be found on the Internet.

Oh well you see

Now I know the ABC!

There is another version of this song, the last two lines of which sound like this:

Now I know the ABC

Next time won't you sing with me!

Currently, English textbooks give two pronunciations of the letter Rr: [ɑː] and [ɑːr] In the second version, the second sound is an overtone, that is, it is not pronounced in its pure form, but muffled. Both options are correct.

In English transcription, you can find several ways to write the same sound. This is due to the fact that the rules for writing certain sounds are gradually changing, more often towards simplification, for example:

Both the one and the other sound is pronounced [e] with an overtone [e].

I learned the alphabet, what to learn next?

After learning the English alphabet, it is advisable to learn the sounds that each letter can convey.

In English, many letters have several sounds, depending on the type of syllable and combination with other letters:

aa [æ] her, a (long), e (with an overtone I)
bb [b] b
CC [s][k] from, to
Dd [d] d
ee [e] uh, and (long)
FF f
gg [g][s] g, s
hh [h] X
II [i] [ə:] ai, i, yo (similar sound)
jj [j] y, j
Kk [k] to
Ll [l] l
mm [m] m
Nn [n] n
Oh [əu][ɔ:][ɔ] ey, oh (long), oh
pp [p] P
Qq kue
Rr [r] a (long), p (similar)
Ss [s] with
Tt [t] t
Uu [ə:][ʌ] yu (long), yo (similar), and
vv [v] in
www [w] ue (there is no equivalent in Russian)
xx ks
Yy [i] ah, and
Zz [z] h

Then you should move on to mastering the rules of reading. You need to start with the simplest, namely the first and second types of syllables. Having studied

Learning any language, including English, begins with mastering the alphabet.

For those who want to learn English, the first question is how to learn the English alphabet? I will answer right away - simply, quickly, easily. The main thing is your mood and motivation from the very initial stage of language learning.

Playful learning is the best way to learn the alphabet.

The most important thing to pay attention to is the initial setting of the correct pronunciation of English letters, using the correct pronunciation of the transcription for this.

Remember - initially CORRECT PRONUNCIATION OF SOUNDS letters of the English alphabet - the key to further successful development of English.

How to quickly learn the English alphabet

Most importantly, set yourself a goal and a deadline (for example, say out loud - "I will remember the letters of the English alphabet within a week, doing 5-10 minutes a day").

In order to achieve your goal, pay special attention to the study of the alphabet and at the same time accept it as a game.

Think about what gift you will give yourself when you learn the alphabet (for example, you learned 5-7 letters, you did push-ups from the floor, or you went and bought yourself something harmful, but so tasty - repeat the learned letters on the way or in the process of push-ups and rearrange them in your mind in places in a different order to consolidate the result).

Below are six successful steps to successfully learn the English alphabet at home:

  1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the letters of the English language - this is very important.
  2. Be sure to use the video when teaching.
  3. Write each letter in cursive and its transcription, listen to the audio or video to hear the sound of each letter.
  4. Learn letters in order and randomly.
  5. Visualize each letter in your imagination and for each letter identify one or another object, for example, in your room.
  6. Exercise regularly and systematically.

Thus, simply by setting a goal, you can achieve it in a short time by adhering to this technique.

How to learn the English alphabet on video

One of the most effective teaching methods in recent times is the video format. So, in the video, not only the sound range is presented and pronunciation is trained, but pictures are also shown in order to visually fix the letters of the English alphabet in memory.

The alphabet in the form of songs is a fun and fast way to learn:

1. Visual representation of each letter with different words for a particular letter and images. Images are remembered by the brain much more efficiently than ordinary cramming:

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