Dictionary dictation on derivative prepositions. Derivative prepositions. B. Working with educational text

Dictation #1

Despite the beginning of September, it was hot like in summer. Tea was served in the living room, which looked out with its wide-open windows onto the garden, which had not yet been cleared of fallen leaves.

The room was lined with polished antique furniture upholstered in burgundy plush along the walls. Thanks to openwork capes and a snow-white homespun tablecloth embroidered with fancy ornaments, the room looked solemn in a festive way. The gilded and silver-plated dishes were polished to a shine, and in the middle of the table towered, reflecting the sun's rays, a jug in the form of a flower. Around it were placed low, but elegant glasses made of faceted crystal.

The conversation did not stop for an hour. They talked mainly about the trip, which, contrary to fears, ended happily. At the end of the tea party, one of those present, having cheered up, offered to inspect the picturesque lake, which had overflowed due to the recent rains.

Dictation #2

Due to the fact that the village, which I accidentally drove into, was off the main road, it was extremely difficult to find at least some passing transport here. It rained for a week and it was impossible to get out. I had already begun to repent of my undertaking, when suddenly an opportunity came to my aid.

At dawn, a carriage swept past the tavern, raising a bizarre cloud of rapidly dissipating dust, to the station, which brought the manager of the estate, who was not far from where I was going, to the train. This was told to me by the hostess of the tavern who looked out of the open window. When the carriage was coming back, I rushed to meet me, and the driver, in spite of the small detour that he had to make in view of the flooding of the river, agreed to give me a lift.

Throughout the journey, I was overwhelmed with amazing feelings, evoked by the sensations of fast driving and the beauty of the surrounding nature. First we drove along a meandering river, along which rapids met everywhere, then a field that spreads along both sides of the road. At the end of the journey, we crossed a recently planted deciduous forest, where the manor house built in the form of an old medieval castle was located.

For a long time, my friend, I did not ride in a stroller!

Dictation #3

For several hours, the ship, without slowing down for a minute, sails to the southwest. The southern night, which came somehow suddenly, swallowed up the bright colors of the sunset and painted everything around in a dark blue color. The sky shone with dense purple clouds, leaving not the slightest gap. No matter how you look, you will not notice a single star. The moon is also missing. Nothing breaks the silence, only restless waves are splashing against the side, rolling one on top of the other.

Around midnight, an orange sad crescent appeared over the endless plain of the sea, dispelling the impenetrable darkness. Immediately, a narrow, but sparkling and iridescent saffron path lay on the water. A sudden gust of wind blew it in small ripples and drove it away. Despite the moonlight, which slightly brightened the darkness, everything around is still deserted and gloomy.

Basic orthograms: spelling of participles, adverbs, derivative prepositions.

Exercise 1. Write by opening brackets.

(B) during ... the year, (c) the consequences ... of the rain, (c) the consequences ... he fell ill, (c) the kind of cloud, (c) the continuation of ... an hour, (c) the beginning of the novel, (c) the sight of a storm, (c) at the beginning, think, (on) the bank account, (c) differ ... from others, (in) the form of a ball, (not) looking at your feet, (not) looking at the bad weather, ask (on) the account of the trip, (not) regardless of the losses , to do (in) whatever (whatever) that (or) becomes, (due to) the reason for the drought, (in) conclusion ... evenings, turned out to be (in) conclusion ...

Task 2. Determine the part-of-speech belonging of the highlighted words, write down by opening the brackets.

Every time he says the same thing. The garden is small, (for) it is shady. Do not scold him, he (and) is so ashamed. People should be judged (by) what they have done in life. I'm leaving because it's already late. (According to) this schedule, the train no longer runs. I (then) did not hear anything about it. In order to know a lot, one must study. Short and clear, (from) that and fine. I do not know what (would) be so pleasant to say to you. We will also go to the concert. And (so), the conclusions are clear. What would you advise me? He worked as (same) well as everyone else. At (that) house there was a park, with (what) an old one.


1. During the year, due to rain, subsequently he fell ill, like a cloud, for an hour, at the beginning of the novel, due to a storm, first think, at the bank account, unlike others, like a ball, not looking under your feet, despite the bad weather , ask about the trip, no matter the loss, do by all means, because of the drought, at the end of the evening, got into custody.

2. Every time he says the same thing. The garden is small but shady. Do not scold him, he is already ashamed. People should be judged by what they have done in life. I'm leaving because it's getting late. The train no longer runs on this schedule. I didn't hear anything about it either. To know a lot, you have to study. Short and to the point, that's why it's great. I don't know what nice thing to say to you. We will also go to the concert. So the conclusions are clear. What would you advise me? He worked just as well as everyone else. At that house there was a park, and an old one.

Collection of dictations in Russian for the 7th grade.


Dictation #1

No matter how hard you listen, you will not hear a single extraneous sound. The seagulls do not cry, nor the steamers passing by break the silence. Even the wind that had swayed the trees all day had died down. Only the sound of the surf, not ceasing for a minute. A smooth surface spreads to the right and left, and there is no end or edge to it. Waves, overtaking one another, rapidly roll onto the shore and just as quickly run away.

It is impossible not to admire this majestic panorama. A saffron crescent peeped out from behind the clouds and illuminated the sea surface. The light of silver stars ignites millions of flashing and immediately dying sparks. How beautiful all around, how mysterious! It is this mystery that attracts and fascinates.

More than once I thought about what is the charm of the sea, and could not find an answer. Whoever does not write about the sea, does not sing about it! more than one artist took up the brush to convey the uniqueness of the sea element. Many poets and composers have tried to comprehend the secrets of the sea, but not one genius has penetrated them to the end. Is there anything in the world more majestic and beautiful than this moving, breathing, sparkling bulk?! (160 words)

Dictation number 2.

At the beginning of the summer, I spent several days in solitude, undisturbed by anyone and nothing. Due to the flooding of the river, I had to postpone my departure.

The old house was surrounded by a huge neglected garden. For many hours I watched the blossoming trees, the growing flowers. What only colors, sounds, smells were not around!

Wherever you look, acacia is fragrant everywhere, honeysuckle bushes delight the eye. It is impossible not to admire the delicate daffodils, it is impossible not to admire the fluttering chocolate butterflies and dragonflies with lavender wings. Bird trills never stop for a minute, grasshoppers and cicadas also chirp, attracting attention. The trees rush up, stretching towards the sun, which gives warmth. No matter how you look, you will not see a cloud or a cloud in the bright blue sky.

Where did fate take me? But no matter where I was, no matter what beauties I admired, the charm of that unforgettable summer has not been erased from my memory until now. (133 words)

Dictation #3

Despite the fact that the sun was hot during the day, somehow it immediately became fresh and windy. Hills and hills, blown by the wind, take on a lavender hue. The bluish-scarlet sunset, dying out somehow reluctantly, is cold and dim. There are no purples or oranges. No matter how you look, you will not see anything catchy, pleasing to the eye.

The piercing wind, which did not subside for the whole evening for a minute, did not leave a single passenger on the deck. More than once I left the cabin, but did not dare to go aboard.

Where I just have not been, what seas I have not sailed! But at this late hour it was impossible not to shudder, looking at the dark blue ice water, which has no end or edge.

Twilight, thickening more and more, absorbs the last colors. The night, with a cloudy-pale moon floating in the clouds, is as cold as yesterday. (123 words)

Coordinating conjunctions

Dictation #1

Autumn came too quickly. How changed the forest, until recently filled with the sounds and colors of summer! The flowers don't bloom, the grass doesn't turn green. The birch rustles with golden foliage, the maple is also about to turn crimson. Only spruces are still green and delight the eye with their lush crowns.

Not only trees, but also birds feel the pace of autumn. Flocks of birds rise up, and their farewell cries are heard far around. Either the wild geese are cackling, calling to each other on the way, or the cranes are murmuring about something of their own. And you can’t make out: either this is a farewell cry, or a calling cry.

And how good it is all around! The sun is not that warm, but bright, and the days, although windy, are still warm. Autumn is gaining strength, coming into its own, then it stops, slowing down.

Cool autumn air, but how fresh! And, inhaling it, you are not so much sad about the summer as you rejoice in the autumn. (145 words)


Dictation #1

Despite the beginning of September, it was hot like in summer. Tea was served in the living room, which looked out with its wide-open windows onto the garden, which had not yet been cleared of fallen leaves.

The room was lined with polished antique furniture upholstered in burgundy plush along the walls. Thanks to openwork capes and a snow-white homespun tablecloth embroidered with fancy ornaments, the room looked solemn in a festive way. The gilded and silver-plated dishes were polished to a shine, and in the middle of the table towered, reflecting the sun's rays, a jug in the form of a flower. Around it were placed low, but elegant glasses made of faceted crystal.

The conversation did not stop for an hour. They talked mainly about the trip, which, contrary to fears, ended happily. At the end of the tea party, one of those present, having cheered up, offered to inspect the picturesque lake, which had overflowed due to the recent rains. (106 words)

Dictation #2

Due to the fact that the village, which I accidentally drove into, was off the main road, it was extremely difficult to find at least some passing transport here. It rained for a week and it was impossible to get out. I had already begun to repent of my undertaking, when suddenly an opportunity came to my aid.

At dawn, a carriage swept past the tavern, raising a bizarre cloud of rapidly dissipating dust, to the station, which brought the manager of the estate, who was not far from where I was going, to the train. This was told to me by the hostess of the tavern who looked out of the open window. When the carriage was coming back, I rushed to meet me, and the driver, in spite of the small detour that he had to make in view of the flooding of the river, agreed to give me a lift.

Throughout the journey, I was overwhelmed with amazing feelings, evoked by the sensations of fast driving and the beauty of the surrounding nature. First we drove along a meandering river, along which rapids met everywhere, then a field that spreads along both sides of the road. At the end of the journey, we crossed a recently planted deciduous forest, where the manor house built in the form of an old medieval castle was located.

For a long time, my friend, I did not ride in a stroller! (165 words)

Dictation #3

For several hours, the ship, without slowing down for a minute, sails to the southwest. The southern night, which came somehow suddenly, swallowed up the bright colors of the sunset and painted everything around in a dark blue color. The sky shone with dense purple clouds, leaving not the slightest gap. No matter how you look, you will not notice a single star. The moon is also missing. Nothing breaks the silence, only restless waves are splashing against the side, rolling one on top of the other.

Around midnight, an orange sad crescent appeared over the endless plain of the sea, dispelling the impenetrable darkness. Immediately, a narrow, but sparkling and iridescent saffron path lay on the water. A sudden gust of wind blew it in small ripples and drove it away. Despite the moonlight, which slightly brightened the darkness, everything around is still deserted and gloomy. (113 words)

Basic orthograms: spelling of participles, adverbs, derivative prepositions.

Final dictations.

Dictation #1

The evening glow is fading. The sky, in some places covered with clouds, is colored with crimson, orange, bright yellow colors. The air infused with herbs is clear and fresh. Through the wide-open windows one can see a garden with trees swaying in the wind and flower beds in the form of regular polygons. Meadows overgrown with uncut grass are visible in the distance.

The rays of the setting sun penetrate through thin woven curtains, illuminate gilded and silver-plated dishes, paint light gray walls and a whitewashed ceiling in soft tones. The last ray of sunshine, slowly gliding along the parquet, fades and somehow reluctantly goes out. There is unbroken silence everywhere. No matter how hard you listen, you won't hear a sound.

Suddenly, a cloud appears from behind the horizon and within a few minutes covers half the sky. Darkness is gathering rapidly. Suddenly, the sky is lit up with zigzag lightning, followed by a thunderous peal. The first drops fall on the ground, and immediately a falling downpour falls with a uniform noise. Streams of water whip the leaves, bend thin trees, bend flowers to the ground. Thunder, rolling from somewhere far away, does not stop for a minute. A damp wind rushes in through the window. The flickering, fluttering lightning still flashes, as if trying to look into the room. (164 words)

Dictation #2

In view of the fact that the recently built daubed hut, to which I made my way, was located on the very shore of the sea, for a long time I had to stray along the untraveled mountain paths. The panorama that opened before my eyes was truly magnificent.

The sea splashing below, the waves beating with furious force against the coastal rocks, the dome of the sky dotted with stars, the mountains piled one on top of the other in the form of giant pyramids - everything was majestic and solemn. Wherever you look, everything is covered by the mysterious veil of night.

Having overcome a steep climb, I approached a hewn palisade, slightly opened an iron-bound gate, and, walking along a path overgrown with grass that had not yet been cut, looked inside the room.

In the middle of the room stood an unpainted table, on the edge of which a kerosene lamp lit by someone barely flickered. A bench, made of poorly planed boards, perched in a corner, curtained by a homespun curtain that had not been lowered to the end. A wooden shelf filled with earthenware, a wicker basket attached to the side, several coarsely chopped logs - that's all I could see in the dusk, slightly scattered by the light of a burning lamp. (150 words)

Exam paper for 7th grade

During September, it rained, not stopping for a day, like autumn lingering rains. Thick chalk clouds hung low over the ground. No matter how you look, you will not see the slightest gap in the sky. Everything around was somehow dull and inconspicuous: the fields were harvested, the grass was mowed, the trees, recently painted with burgundy, crimson, orange colors, shed their foliage. Leaves that had not been removed by anyone strewn the alleys and paths, covered the painted benches wet from the rain. The garden was deserted, only the crows solemnly walked along the paths, cawing and occasionally flapping their wings. The wind, filled with dampness, pierced right through.

In these bleak bad weather days, the house was especially comfortable. A hot stove warmed the walls, the windows covered with bright yellow curtains, and the freshly whitewashed ceiling. To the left of the stove were birch logs, and a sweetish, slightly intoxicating smell emanated from them.

The table was set for tea. In the middle stood a gilded samovar, faceted glasses in silver coasters stood on snow-white napkins, a small but elegant glass vase like a flower was filled to the brim with apple jam. Everything was ready to receive guests. (160 words)

(According to the materials of the newspaper "Russian Language" No. 2 (122), January 1998 - supplements to the newspaper "First of September")

Creative work within the Russian language lessons

Dictation for punctuation in direct speech

At recess, as always, Fedor and Valya love to gossip: "Listen, Fedka, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich told me that a new English teacher has come!" - "So what?" Fyodor muttered. "I've seen so many of them."

The bell rang, everyone sat down, the teacher came in and said something in English, in my opinion, "hello."

"Natasha," whispered Valya, "what is she saying?" - "Probably she wants to say that we should sit down at our desks?" Natasha suggested. "Or is she just saying hello to us? Better ask Denis, he was learning something in English."

Then he asked Denis: "Day, what is she saying?" Denis said with a laugh: "Don't you know?" "No," Valya said. "She says 'hello' or 'good to see you'... In short, I don't remember, ask her!" - "Excuse me, what did you say?" Valya asked the teacher. "Repeat one more time."

She repeated it two more times, and then Valya realized that he would never be strong in English in his life.

grammar poem

(roots alternating "zar" - "zor", "clone" - "clan", "gor" - "gar", "creation" - "creature", "pilaf" - "melt")

Under the sign with the root "zar"

Dinosaur is crying quietly.

He is with clone silt dejectedly neck,

He is sad: "Oh, I don't dare

Swim in the sea until dawn.

My friend, you have created a miracle!

Explain to your mother

I - swimmer. She has no right

Forbid me to swim. Yes!

Her fears are nonsense.

The dawn lit up in the sky.

Tell her quickly:

I want to swim in the sea

Anyone who wants to, I will ride! ”

Dictation using phraseological units

I labored tirelessly, and Olga Dmitrievna said that I worked carelessly. Of course I'm learning with sin in half but still I'm all grasp all on the fly, just everything to me sick of worse bitter radish, and bad grades are falling like a cornucopia. Bogin said that my results growing by leaps and bounds but only down. After this I fell asleep like the dead, and in the morning they told me: "Get up, one foot here the other there". And I, as always, worked the next day without a hitch without a hitch.

Dictation on the spelling of words beginning with PRE- and PRI-

Once, the President of the Republic Filtenstein, using his privilege as the first person of the state, decided to take a nap at a meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Council and did not hear much interesting. On that day the Council heard the report of the local prefect on the adoption of preventive measures against disturbances in the forthcoming elections.

The fact is that a candidate for the post of head of the prefecture could undermine the prestige of the state with his obscene behavior. The report contained a fundamentally important thesis about the inadmissibility of the possibility of choosing a primitive person with “primate habits” for this position, as the speaker put it.

From In a private conversation between the Prime Minister and the Prelate (you see what influence the Church has on the Presidium), it was found out that the heart of the applicant belonged to the me-ballerina, who has the stage name "Princess". The hit of the program of her performance was Chopin's "Prelude", from which even the Madonna herself sobbed backstage.

The report was dominated by pretentious statements about the fact that, having an unpresentable appearance, it is unacceptable to give numerous pots of primroses as a present to your beloved.

The prefect smashed the applicant to smithereens, as if dissecting a corpse. The unfortunate preparat could not even plead the presumption of innocence, since the presence at the meeting was not yet his prerogative.

Considerable the prefect's claim was also the passion of the applicant for the position of chief of the prefecture with preference, which he indulged in the company of a privat docent, in whose speech there were words like "prefix" and "preposition of the predicate" in abundance, polluting the native language. The passion for preference could set a dangerous precedent for the gambling bacilli to penetrate the city's most important institution, the prefecture.

The speaker's argument was also the applicant's involvement in the trade in primus without an approved price list.

The privileged position of the president allowed him to sleep through the announcement of the preamble of the resolution on the report, in which the priority of the integrity of the reputation of officials was named as the main idea, and wake up only at the end.

Dictation on derived prepositions

It was not possible to earn money, and the rector had to agree to give Nezhny the opportunity to make a great discovery, receive the Nobel Prize and glorify the university, and subsequently pay an unfortunate fine.

What will you not sacrifice for the sake of preserving a good name!

Dictation on opposition of short forms of participles and verbal adjectives

The famous female detective *** (we will not name her) sat in the boss's office and looked at the pieces of paper that were scattered around the room. She seemed to be distracted, but in fact it was a trick: *** was reserved and focused. The boss, whose manners were only refined in appearance (although, most likely, his manners were refined in a garbage dump) and whose outlook was limited, spoke of a criminal who escaped from prison, despite the fact that it was formed from armored metal, the prison itself was limited by a fence, and the hands of the criminals were shackled. "Besides," the boss added, "all the forces of the police are concentrated around the banks, and the "movements" that they make in relation to the criminal are rather constrained." At that moment, *** was already determined to jump out of the building, as she understood that the boss was saying all this on purpose, because he wanted to annoy her.

Dictation for exceptions to the spelling rule Н-НН in participles and adjectives

On one windy morning, just on Forgiveness Sunday, this terrible story happened. A young boy woke up in a small wooden hut. He put on his chewed, washed-over-washed trousers. Then the boy pulled out a sack from under the bed and put in it a read-re-read book and a tin soldier. A few seconds were spent on getting the fragments of a glass cup out of the forged chest and laying them out at the threshold. The main thing is that the boy’s work should not be heard by his named brother, because the brother has a very sensitive ear. But nevertheless, this clever murderer was caught by the imprisoned parents of the named brother, and the murderer, slow and calm, with a fake grin, went to the execution. Every last generation decided that the boy was worthy of death.

Vocabulary dictations

Dictation No. 1

A long time ago, apparently-invisibly, willy-nilly, exactly the same, side by side, little by little, nothing, nothing, not at all, not at all, postman, objection, receipt, genuine, bare, shattered, gallery, concentrated, epidemic, necklace, indomitable, authentic, Russia, rush, as if, somehow, rush, combination, distance, desired, oil pancakes, oil paints, pool, slow, attentive, sacred, unexpected, accurate, unprecedented, unheard of, unexpected , uninvited, unexpected, chewed, forged, wounded fighter, driven, striking, stop, claim, be careful, be present, art, skillful, depict, reflect, expose, gate.

Dictation number 2. Case endings of participles

About the flag fluttering in the wind; falling maple leaf smelling of hay; by the rippling lake; along a river smoked by fog; at the spreading forest swamp; springing from the ground with keys; trunks of birches stretched to the sky; in the stormy sea; a shot that sounded in the forest; walked with a gliding step; a bird floating near the shore; overgrown bush; about birds flying away for the winter; in a moving object; downstream; cleared path; in a sinking haze; in a grove darkened by an approaching cloud.

Dictation number 3. Spelling participle suffixes

You will see fog creeping over the river; decision depending on the circumstances; a thought that disturbs you; mercilessly stinging mosquitoes; it will burst like rain sowing through a sieve; thundering waterfall; driven by fear; treated with herbs; rumbling thunder; barely breaking dawn; crying baby; cultivated plants; splashing wave; a ship in distress; leaves swayed by the wind; hoping for help; snowflakes melting on the cheeks; a waterfall gurgling in the distance; about a house under construction; self-adhesive wallpaper; rushing from side to side; worried about exam results; barely visible in the dark; chirping bird; dependent on the weather; recommended book to read; from stinging bees; a ship fighting the waves; barely audible whisper; chasing a hare; at a barking dog; in the mist spreading over the river.

Dictation No. 4. Vowels in the past participles before the suffixes -НН- (-Н-), -ВШ-

Heard a rustle; hated lies; offending the baby; toiling from the heat; honored; melted snow; dispelled the seeds; sowing fear; dispelling doubts; smelling the beast; pasted posters; rolled out barrel; pumped out oil; hung pictures; hung flour; mixed paints; implicated in a crime; kneaded dough; who ruled the horses; who saw the picture; sowing rye; thawed earth; meeting friends; built a house; stinging a child; barking dog; depending on the circumstances; tied a knot; desperate person.

Dictation No. 5. Spelling -Н- and -НН- in participles and verbal adjectives. unsalted soup; fresh-frozen fish; freshly frozen pike perch; purchased books; darned socks; sowing flour; torn sleeve; confused answer; patent leather shoes; lightly wounded soldier; a soldier wounded in the arm; fried in oil; woven tablecloth; tangled threads; painted floor; painted floor; uncut meadow; painted with oil paint; golden nuts; washed linen; laundry washed many times; written beauty; butter pancake; the letter is written, read, sent; finished book; noticed errors; loaded with bricks; buttered bread; gold woven suit.

Dictation No. 6

Sucker Punch; divided principalities; ripe gooseberries; arson of a barn; severe burn; set fire to hay; cheap look; coarse hair; thickened place; reed cat; nightingale clicking; small river; pitiful little soul; equipped with new appliances; generalized topic; smoked ceiling; lined with bricks; lead clouds; dejected look; someone else's garden enjoy the scenery baked loaf; dedicated to friends; simplified task; near a large building; barking dog.

Dictation number 7. NOT with participles

Unopened letter; a letter not opened by the father; the letter is not printed; not written, but printed text; the floors are not painted; not painted with oil paint; not a thoughtful decision at all; never knowing fear; not stopping at any obstacle; an unexplored question; perplexed about the behavior of a classmate; not yet occupied house; uninhabited houses on the outskirts; water is not spilled; irreparable defect; the briefcase is not leather; hated falsehood; was not at school; the jacket is not brown; not wide, but deep river; the fire is not extinguished; things are not collected; the essay is not written; unwritten essay on literature; not yet sown fields; not knowing fatigue; not loud, but quiet conversation; mutters something indistinct; ignoramus in music; not handsome, but simply cute; acted far from nicely; futility of thoughts.

Dictation number 8. Vowels in gerunds and verbs before suffixes

Cherished a dream; offending the baby; having built a house; built a garage saw a mouse; seeing a fire; sowed peas; sowing the field; taped neatly; upset parents; upset by the news; upset by the news; starting a dispute; offended by a friend; losing hope; relying on a friend; putting emphasis; starting a dispute; started a quarrel; noticing an error; having repented of the deed; quickly calmed down; heard a rustle; hearing noise; noticed a light; noticing the approach of the ship.

Dictation #9

Gallery, combination, express, tamp, neat, innovator, chewed, unexpected, sacred, stop, slow, striking, cavalry, silhouette, aligned, claim, as if, bare, unseen, chivalrous, press, unintentional, forged, driven, stop , distance, pool, authentic, true, desired, somehow, silver, adventure, unheard of, distort, generous, sublime, bare, eyelash, oblong, majestic, regal, reflect, arise, be, overcome, black-haired, turquoise, be present , parachute, gate, obstacle, somewhere, art, slay.

Dictation number 10. Н, НН in adjective suffixes

A windy day, a valuable thing, an earthen rampart, a hawk's beak, a bee's nest, a glassy act of courage, a solemn day, a drum roll, an oat field, a tower crane, a leather bag, wooden horses, a moonlit night, a long road, a state plan, an unexpected guest, a herbal cover, sandy shore, earthen vessel, antique, tin soldiers, windless morning, ruddy baby, windless night, pork ham.

Dictation number 11. The letters E and I in the prefixes NE- and NI- negative adverbs

No time to go to the theater; there is no help from anywhere; nowhere to wait for news; nowhere to stay; there was no light anywhere; not at all afraid; no way to reach; not met anywhere; never receive letters from anywhere; nothing is heard from anywhere; not at all surprised; never denied anyone anything; never offended anyone; not at all confused; nowhere to go; never forget; lie prone.

Dictation number 12. Hyphen between word parts in adverbs

According to the old custom; jam cooked according to an old recipe; brought up in the old way; approach the problem in a new way; walked along the new bridge; approached the issue differently; they went on different schedules; come close to the shore; wrap in thick paper; wasting time; entered an empty room; according to the new chronology; walked along a visible track in the snow; apparently left; talk in a friendly way; acted comradely; speak English; turned out our way; tie tightly; howl like a wolf; meet someday; do something; barely wandered; repeat exactly; go somewhere; get out the best, hello; moved little by little; warmth in spring; resounded from somewhere; somewhere.

Dictation #13

Be present, column, garland, reflect, gate, package, ferry, silhouette, striking, withered, driven, led, translated, chewed, sacred, inadvertent, watercolor, aquarium, aligned, claim, claim, coach, training, pool, distance, shine, combination, gallery, combine, epidemic, objection, defeat, postman, receipt, stamp, envelope, not at all, not at all, as if, apparently invisible, side by side, exactly the same, subsequently, fantasy.

Dictation number 14. Continuous and separate spelling of prefixes in adverbs

Get close; fold in four; scatter; the three of us stood; sat in pairs; be in a dead end; carry books under the armpits; look straight ahead; say in hearts; move with difficulty; save for centuries; stay in memory forever; shatter into pieces; run a race; roll along; speak in a low voice; back down; learn the rules first; since the beginning of spring; go to a meeting with friends; run towards; come closer; hope for good luck; went at random; during the lesson; do the job on time; have a quick bite; make a mockery; stand on tiptoe; forcefully persuaded; saw nearby.

Dictation #15

Rushing away; dotted all over; gallop; open wide; hit backhand; marry; fall on your back, do not disturb your parents; bake pies; burn brushwood; return after midnight; hide from the rain; rush away; wait impatiently; execute exactly; unable to continue the path; kindle a fire; appear from behind the clouds; make a hut; the day is good; appoint an attendant.

Dictation number 16. Spelling of derived prepositions and conjunctions

During a long time; changes in the course of the river; during the whole summer; due to heavy rains; an error was made in the investigation; new characters act in the continuation of the novel; new characters are included in the continuation of the novel; find out about the excursion; transfer to the school account; instead of gratitude put in a secluded place; at the end of the report; for many years the Decembrists were imprisoned in Siberia; despite failure; walked without looking around; answered in spite of what was written; in view of the approach of cold weather; Have this in mind; within five years; spoiled due to overload; swim in the sight of the city; expands due to overheating; lagged behind due to illness; within a minute; did not come due to illness; climbed to the top without looking down; answered without looking at the textbook.

Dictation number 17. Continuous spelling of unions also, too, to

He also came and told the same thing; he is also a talented student; say the same as other witnesses; as boastful as his brother; he is also ready to go; he also had a dog; what would I read so as not to get bored on the road; whatever happens, everyone must remain calm; acted as cunningly as the hunter; at the same time my brother arrived; he also came to the feast; the problem was solved in the same way as the previous one; I will also go on a hike; and he was there at the same time.

Dictation number 18. Distinguishing in writing particles NOT and NI

There was not a speck of dust; could not stop thinking about his mother; had no doubts of success; not to take into account anyone's interests; nothing to help; he cannot be trusted in anything; did not contact anyone; knew neither rules nor formulas; no matter how difficult, but it must be done; one cannot but be proud of his successes; the building turned out to be nothing more than a library; it could not be anything else; neither a bush nor a twig moves; whatever he does, all is well; no matter how hard you try, all in vain, did not catch a single fish; not a blade of grass in the field; could not hear; not a piece in the house; did not grow a grain; none came; was late more than once; never been.

Dictation number 19. Consolidated and separate spelling NI and NOT

Ridiculous act; unripe watermelon; no pity for the time; does not reach the bottom; lack of kindness; the sky is not blue; ill-conceived decision; hair is not loose; not having learned the previous one; without feeling any pain; habits are not fox; the briefcase is not leather; no need to say so; the teapot is not porcelain; the branch is not broken; lacking tact; acted uncomradely; the essay has not been verified; not answering the letter; not less than two meters; not yet frozen river; was not interested in anyone; did not share his problems with anyone; nowhere to get strength; good for nothing; do it at any cost; as if nothing had happened; no better than this; did not do it your way; never quarreled; nowhere for an apple to fall; did not agree at all; nowhere to be seen; nothing to measure; did not warn in time; didn't see anything; not at all surprised; shines not like summer; not sorry; not necessary; there was no time; door not closed by me; without thinking through to the end; prolonged bad weather; messy look; awkward outfit; resent what happened; not a deep, but a shallow lake; small but fast river; not affected by weeds; did no better; uninvited guest; unthinking kid; far from an interesting film; not completed, but only begun work; don't talk nonsense; far from an easy task; all sorts of surprises; hidden dislike; done carelessly; not high, but low.

Dictation #20

Real, situation, pitch, in order to, because, as if, traffic light, semaphore, author, classic, mass, cross, champion, preliminary, diligently, caricature, satire, inaccessible, commandant, polished, furious, grown, overcoming resistance , school football team, goalkeeper help, spring-like, red-hot, power plant, early morning, interesting, unseemly act, dislike, innumerable, railway, anyone, for several days, bad taste, beautiful, climb, legendary.

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