Formation of the research culture of students in informatics lessons. Design and research activities at the lessons of informatics

Project method

at the lessons of informatics and ICT

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………… 3

Chapter I. The project method as a way of organizing educational cognitive activity……………………………………………………………………. 5

1.1 Essence of the project method…………………………………………. 5

1.2. Basic requirements for using the project method………. ten

Chapter II. Application of the project method in informatics lessons…………… 16

2.1. The role of the teacher in the project activities of students………………. sixteen

2.2. Ways to combine the class-lesson system and the project method .... 18

2.3. The place of the subject "computer science and ICT" in the educational process ...... 21

2.4. Examples of mini-projects…………………………………………… 26

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………... 32

References…………………………………………………………….. 35

Applications…………………………………………………………………….. 36


AT modern strategy modernization of education, it is noted that the important goals of school education in Russia are:

    development of students' independence and ability to self-organization;

    formation of a high level of legal culture;

    development of the ability for creative activity, cooperation;

    tolerance, tolerance for other people's opinions; the ability to conduct a dialogue, seek and find meaningful compromises.

In the new educational paradigm, the student becomes the subject of cognitive activity, and not the object of pedagogical influence. This necessitates the organization of the educational process aimed at finding and developing the inclinations, abilities inherent in nature in every student. The result of the teacher's work is the active, creative activity of the student, far from simple reproduction.

There are three main groups of technologies - explanatory-illustrative, student-oriented (multi-level learning, collective mutual learning, modular learning) and developmental learning technologies.

The modern school educational system involves a change in content and forms pedagogical activity teachers and students, mastering innovative technologies and forms of work. In this regard, teachers are of great interest to such technologies as the project method, block-modular approach, portfolio, and pedagogical diagnostics.

Today, the project method is one of the most popular ways to realize the creative potential of students, student-centered learning.

Therefore, I believe that the use of this method has become relevant for every teacher of the modern school.

Based on the above, I define the purpose of this work: explore the method of projects as a way of organizing educational and cognitive activities of students and show its application in computer science lessons.

Based on this goal, I set myself the following tasks:

  • To uncoverthe essence of the project method.

  • Learn the requirements for using the project method.

  • Determine the role of the teacher in the project activity of the student.

  • Determine the advantages and disadvantages of the design method.

  • To answer the question: is it possible to combine the class-lesson form of education and the method of projects in informatics lessons.

  • To reveal the effectiveness of the application of the project method in informatics lessons.

The project method as a way

organization of educational and cognitive activities

1.1 Essence of the project method

The project method is not fundamentally new in pedagogical practice, but at the same time it is now referred to as pedagogical technologies of the 21st century. "Thrown forward" - this is the exact translation from the Latin word "project".

The project method first appeared in the 1920s in the United States. It was also called the method of problems and it was associated with the ideas of the humanistic trend in philosophy and education, which were actively developed by the American philosopher and educator J. Dewey, as well as his student V. H. Kilpatrick. The original slogan of the founders of the project-based learning system is “Everything from life, everything for life”. The main idea of ​​American educators was as follows:

    with great enthusiasm, the child performs only those activities that he freely chooses himself;

    activity is not built in line with the subject;

    reliance on momentary hobbies of children;

    true learning is never one-sided, side information is also important.

Therefore, the design method initially assumed the use surrounding life as a laboratory in which the process of cognition takes place. The idea was to involve each student in an active cognitive, creative process. At the same time, the direction of this process should be pragmatic enough so that students know why they need this or that knowledge, for solving which vital problems they can be useful. J. Dewey and his students tried to organize not just active cognitive activity of students, but activity based on joint work, cooperation of students in the process of communication, communication.

In the 1920s and early 1930s, the method of projects was widely used in Russian schools to implement the task put forward - the development of the cognitive abilities of the student. However, this method did not allow students to master the system of knowledge in the field of specific training courses, so it was withdrawn from school and, at the same time, attention to the main philosophical idea education of that time - its focus on the personality of the child. The works of M.B. Pavlova, V.D.- Simonenko, P.S. Lerner, N.S. Polat, I.D. Chechel, Yu.L. Khotuntseva, I.L. Sasova, M.B. Romanovskaya, E.A. Furaeva and others. At present, the idea of ​​personality development has again become decisive in the activities of Russian schools, which explains the interest of practicing teachers in the technology of project-based learning. The project method is being widely introduced into educational practice in Russia thanks to a charitable program.

The essence of modern project-based learning is to create conditions under which students:

    independently and willingly acquire the missing knowledge from different sources;

    learn to use the acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

    acquire communication skills by working in groups;

    develop research skills (ability to identify problems, collect information, observe, conduct an experiment, analyze, build hypotheses, generalize);

    develop systems thinking.

Professor E. S. Polat gives the following definition of the project method in the modern sense: “... a method that involves a certain set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow solving a particular problem as a result of independent actions of students with the obligatory presentation of these results. ( 7, 16)

The project method allows you to move away from authoritarianism in learning, it is always focused on the independent work of students. With the help of this method, students not only receive the sum of certain knowledge, but also learn to acquire this knowledge on their own, use it to solve cognitive and practical problems.

When a teacher masters the method of projects, it is necessary, first of all, to understand that projects can be different. The typology of projects is conventionally defined according to the following features: the dominant type of activity in the project; number of participants; project duration.

Classification by dominant activity

Research projects have a structure close to genuine scientific research. They involve the argumentation of the relevance of the topic, the definition of the problem, subject, object, goals and objectives of the study. It is obligatory to put forward a research hypothesis, designate research methods and conduct an experiment. The project ends with a discussion and presentation of the results, the formulation of conclusions and the identification of problems for the further perspective of the study.

Creative projects have a not so strictly developed structure, but are built in the well-known logic of the "design loop" - the definition of need, research, designation of requirements for the design object, development of initial ideas, their analysis and choice of one, planning, manufacturing, evaluation. The form of presenting the results can be different (product, video, holiday, reportage, etc.).

Gaming projects assume that the participants assume certain roles, determined by the content of the project. The leading activity of students in such projects is role-playing game. These can be imitations of social and business relations in situations invented by the participants, literary characters, etc. The results can not always be outlined at the beginning of the work, they can be determined only at the end of the project, but the reflection of the participants and the correlation of the results with the goal is necessary.

Informational Projects are a type of project designed to teach students how to extract and analyze information. Such a project could be integrated into a larger research project and become a part of it. Students study and use various methods of obtaining information (literature, media, databases, the Internet), its processing (analysis, generalization, comparison with known facts, reasoned conclusions) and presentation (report, publication, posting on the Internet or local networks).

Practice-oriented projects. These are results-oriented projects. The result may be a product that satisfies a specific need. Maybe it is an orientation towards a certain social result that affects the immediate interests of the project participants or is aimed at solving social problems. Not only a well-thought-out project structure is important here, but also good organization coordinating work on adjusting joint and individual efforts, organizing the presentation of the results obtained and possible ways to put them into practice, as well as organizing an external evaluation of the project.

Classification of projects by the number of participants

The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, that students complete over a given period of time.

When it comes to project work, individual or group, it is necessary that the goal of students' cognitive actions is not just the assimilation of the content, but the solution of a certain problem based on this content, i.e. active application of the acquired knowledge either to obtain new knowledge or to obtain a practical result based on the application of the acquired knowledge.

Students should be clear about how they can use their theoretical results in practice. The whole problem acquires the contours of a project research activity. Thus, born from the idea of ​​free education, the idea of ​​the project method is now becoming an integrated, fully developed and structured component of the education system. But its essence remains the same - to stimulate the children's interest in solving certain problems that involve enough Fluency the sum of knowledge and through project activities involving the solution of one or a number of problems, to show practical use acquired knowledge.

The project method is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, the ability to navigate in the information space, analyze the information received, independently put forward hypotheses, the ability to make decisions (search for directions and methods for solving a problem), develop critical thinking, research skills, creative activity. Collaborative learning is, as it were, part of the project method. The fact is that this method itself, used in isolation from learning in cooperation, very quickly reveals significant difficulties in the joint activities of students. Indeed, when working on a project, students of varying degrees of preparedness unite, and very often it turns out that some guys are ready for search, research, creative activities - they have a sufficient stock of knowledge for such activities, others are absolutely not ready and therefore can only play the role of extras. Collective cooperation makes it possible to ensure the assimilation of educational material by each student of the group at a level accessible to him, and thus, with joint project activities (at the level of creative application of acquired knowledge), all students can take an active part in project activities, receiving an independent role, an independent area of ​​work.

Classification by project duration

Work is performed within a certain period of time and is aimed at solving a specific problem.

Mini projects may fit into one lesson or less.

Short term projects require the allocation of 4 - 6 lessons. Lessons are used to coordinate the activities of project team members, while the main work of collecting information, making a product and preparing a presentation is carried out in extracurricular activities and at home.

Weekly projects are completed in groups during the project week. Their implementation takes approximately 30-40 hours and takes place entirely with the participation of the leader. It is possible to combine classroom forms of work with extracurricular ones. All this, combined with a deep “immersion” in the project, makes the project week the optimal form of organizing project activities.

annual projects can be done in groups or individually. The entire annual project - from the definition of the problem and the topic to the presentation (defense) is carried out outside of school hours.

1.2. Basic requirements for the use and structure of the project method

Work according to the project method is a relatively high level of complexity of pedagogical activity, which implies a serious qualification of the teacher. If most of the well-known teaching methods require the presence of only the traditional components of the educational process - the teacher, the student and the educational material that needs to be learned, then the requirements for the educational project are very special:

1. The presence of a problem/task that is significant in the research, creative plan, requiring integrated knowledge, research search for its solution.

2. Practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results.

3. Independent (individual, pair, group) activities of students.

4. Structuring the content of the project (indicating the phased results).

5. The use of research methods: defining the problem, the research tasks arising from it, putting forward a hypothesis for their solution, discussing research methods, designing the final results, analyzing the data obtained, summing up, correcting, conclusions.

The structure of training projects includes a number of successive stages:

    the idea that comes from different situations educational process;

    planning of project activities, allocation of its individual stages and distribution in time;

    the actual implementation of the project, which occurs, as a rule, outside the classroom and lesson and is determined by the content of the project;

    presentation of project results - milestone design, which is organized in various forms: specially organized lessons, thematic holidays, conferences, etc.

When creating a project, you can structure the following scheme of the system of actions of the teacher and students (see table 1.)

Scheme of the system of actions of a teacher and a student when creating a project

Table 1.

Project development stages

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Development of a project assignment

1.1. Choosing a Project Theme

The teacher selects possible topics and offers them to students.

Students discuss and accept common decision on this topic.

The teacher invites the students to jointly select the topic of the project.

A group of students, together with the teacher, selects topics and offers the class for discussion

The teacher participates in the discussion of topics proposed by the students.

Students choose their own topics and present them to the class for discussion.

1.2. Highlighting subtopics in project topics

The teacher pre-selects subtopics and offers students to choose

Each student chooses a subtopic or proposes a new one.

The teacher takes part in the discussion with the students of the sub-themes of the project

Students actively discuss and suggest options for subtopics. Each student chooses one of them for himself (i.e. chooses a role for himself).

1.3. Formation creative groups

The teacher conducts organizational work to unite schoolchildren who have chosen specific sub-themes and activities

Students have already defined their roles and are grouped according to them into small teams.

1.4. Preparation of materials for research work: formulation of questions to be answered, tasks for teams, selection of literature

If the project is voluminous, then the teacher develops tasks, questions for search activities and literature in advance

Individual students of senior and middle classes take part in the development of assignments.

Questions to find an answer can be developed in teams, followed by a class discussion.

1.5. Determination of forms of expression of the results of project activities

The teacher takes part in the discussion

Students in groups, and then in the class, discuss the forms of presenting the result of research activities: a video film, an album, natural objects, a literary living room, etc.

2. Project development

Students carry out research activities

3. Presentation of results

The teacher advises, coordinates the work of students, stimulates their activities.

Students first in groups, and then in cooperation with other groups, draw up the results in accordance with the accepted rules.

4. Presentation

The teacher organizes an examination (for example, invites older students or a parallel class, parents, etc.) as experts.

Report the results of their work

5. Reflection

Evaluates its activities in the pedagogical management of children's activities, takes into account their assessments

They reflect the process, themselves in it, taking into account the assessment of others. Group reflection required

The implementation of project activities can be carried out both in the traditional classroom system and outside it. With long-term projects, topics are most often discussed and selected in the lesson, project teams are formed, a certain part of the material is studied, and intermediate results obtained during the implementation of the project are discussed. During extracurricular time, all research work is carried out, consultations are held with teachers, work in project groups, and the results are drawn up.

To answer the question of what is more effective - personal or group projects, we list their advantages.

Advantages of personal projects:

    The project work plan can be built and tracked with maximum clarity.

    Students fully develop a sense of responsibility, since the implementation of the project depends only on themselves.

    The student gains experience at all stages of the project without exception - from the inception of an idea to the final reflection.

    The formation of the most important general educational skills (research, presentation, evaluation) among students becomes a controlled process.

Benefits of group projects:

    The participants of the project team develop the skills of cooperation, mutual respect, mutual understanding.

    The project can be carried out in the most profound and versatile way.

    Each stage of work on the project, as a rule, has its own situational leader; each student, depending on their strengths, most actively involved in a certain stage of work.

    Within the framework of the project group, subgroups can be formed that offer different ways to solve the problem, ideas, hypotheses, points of view; this competitive element, as a rule, increases the motivation of the participants and positively affects the quality of the project.

The ability to use the method of projects, learning in collaboration is an indicator of the high qualification of the teacher, his progressive methods of teaching and developing students. No wonder these technologies are referred to as technologies of the 21st century, which primarily provide for the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of human life in a post-industrial society.

Application of the project method in computer science lessons

2.1. The role of the teacher in the project activities of students

The main purpose of the project method is to provide students with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge in the process of solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. If we talk about the method of projects as a pedagogical technology, then this technology involves a combination of research, search, problem methods, creative in nature. teacher within thethe role of a developer, coordinator, expert, consultant is assigned.

The implementation of the project method and the research method in practice leads to a change in the position of the teacher. From a carrier of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of the cognitive, research activities of his students. The psychological climate in the classroom is also changing, as the teacher has to reorient his educational work and the work of students on various types of independent activities of students, on the priority of activities of a research, search, creative nature.

The role of the teacher is to create conditions for the development of students' thinking, expanding their cognitive interest, and on this basis - the possibilities of their self-education and self-realization in the process of practical application of knowledge.

That is why the subject teacher, who undertakes the organization and management of the project, must have a high general level of culture, creativity, imagination, without which he cannot be a generator of the development of the student's interests and his creative human potential. The authority of a teacher is determined by his ability to initiate interesting initiatives. Ahead will be the one who initiates and provokes independent activity of students, who challenges their ingenuity and ingenuity. It also turns out to be a challenge to itself.

In a certain sense, the teacher ceases to be only a "pure subject" - he becomes a generalist teacher, a teacher who helps the student to see the world in all its unity, beauty, diversity.

How can a teacher create conditions for the development of students in the course of project activities? To answer this question, the list of roles that the teacher will have to "live" in the course of project management can lead to.

    Enthusiast , which increases the motivation of students by supporting, encouraging and guiding them towards achieving the goal.

    Specialist , who is competent in several (not all!) areas.

    Consultant , which can organize access to resources, including other specialists.

    Supervisor , who can clearly plan and implement the project.

    "The Man Who Asks Questions" (according to J. Pitt), which organizes a discussion of ways to overcome emerging difficulties through indirect, leading questions, detects errors and supports feedback.

    Coordinator , which supports the group problem-solving process.

    Expert , which gives a clear analysis of the results of both the completed project as a whole and its individual stages.

In terms of creating conditions for the development of students in the course of project activities, the most difficult issue is the degree of independence of students working on the project. Which of the tasks facing the project team should be solved by the teacher, which ones should be solved by the students themselves, which ones can be solved with the cooperation of students and the teacher? There are no ready answers to these questions. It is clear that the degree of independence of students depends on many factors: on the age and individual characteristics of students, on their previous experience in project activities, on the complexity of the problem that the project is intended to solve, on the nature of relationships in the group, etc.

2.2. Ways to combine the classroom system and the project method

The question of whether project activities are compatible with the classroom system is still debatable.

Modern scientists-educators distinguish project form of organization of the educational process , an alternative to the classroom system, and project method , which can be used in the classroom along with other teaching methods.

Classroom model. This model is characterized by the fact that all students' workstations are equipped with computers, as well as workplace teachers. It is also assumed that all computers are connected local network and added to the server. Interaction with the computer is organized during the lessons in such a way that all students perform the same or just the same actions. The task of the teacher is simplified. He poses problems, shows how to solve them and controls the process. Monitoring the same tasks is very simple, as well as a comparative evaluation of the results. To the best of its ability, this organizational model implements a learning model that is ancillary to all others. In addition, the viewing model can also fit into a computer class in the case when students do not set any specific goals, but rather master the viewing procedure. All other models require individualized actions of students and, therefore, do not fit into the classroom system.

Project-group model. This model is based on the well-known method of projects in pedagogy. One of the main contradictions modern school is the discrepancy between the pedagogical goals facing teachers and the goals that students strive for. The low significance of pedagogical goals for students does not contribute to increasing their motivation and leads to a general decrease in interest in learning and, as a result, to a decrease in academic performance.

One of the effective methods of increasing motivation is the creation of meaningful goals for students, the achievement of which is carried out through the acquisition of certain knowledge. In this case, the achievement of pedagogical goals proper becomes a means of achieving goals artificially set for students. It seems quite probable that this well-known position in pedagogy can acquire new life in connection with the emergence of the possibility of using information technology in the school based on computer science.

Mastering the method of projects, the teacher focuses his attention on pedagogical issues, on planning changes in the educational process. The use of information technology here acquires an auxiliary role in ensuring the planned changes. Since the project activity implies the presence of different roles for the participants, the use of the computer becomes episodic, carried out as needed in accordance with the distribution of roles between students. If there are several, six or eight, project teams in the classroom, it may well turn out that one or two computers are enough to provide all the work. In this case, each group can use the computer differently than other groups. The work of a teacher in such a class becomes more difficult.

However, due to the high motivation of students, you can at least be sure that they are all busy. Accordingly, it becomes more difficult to assess the educational achievements of each student. To avoid this complexity, the planning of evaluation procedures should be carried out during project development. Obviously, depending on the content of the project, any of the methodological models for using information technologies can be implemented, except for the study model.

The project-team model can be implemented using single computers, perhaps even with one computer in the school. Some of the projects may not require a computer in the classroom at all. At the same time, it is the educational process that is informatized, and not the auxiliary operation of studying the computer itself. The practical implementation of the project-group model requires teachers to have new knowledge and follow a special procedure.

Model of individual activity. This model the best way is implemented using a home computer, however, single computers located, for example, in a school library, can be used as its analogue. This organizational model allows you to implement any of the methodological models for using information technology, including the learning model. For its implementation, both school and non-working hours can be used. If students have home computers, the emphasis can be shifted to work at home.

In the conditions of modernization of education, design is considered as the main type of cognitive activity of students. Using design as a method of learning, students come to rethink the role of knowledge in social practice. The reality of working on a project, and most importantly, a reflective assessment of the planned and achieved results help them to realize that knowledge is not so much an end in itself, but rather necessary remedy which ensures the ability of a person to competently build his mental and life strategies, adapt in society, and fulfill himself as a person.

Ways of activity developed by students in the design process, in contrast to "accumulative-knowledge" learning, form a meaningful performance of vital mental and practical actions. In other words, key competencies of students are formed: labor, communicative, social, information.

Thus, we can conclude that educational projects can and should be carried out within the classroom system, especially in high school. Such projects show their effectiveness in many schools, including ours.

2.3. The place of the subject of informatics and information technology in the educational process

The place of the subject of informatics and information technologies in the educational process is special. On the one hand, there is still an opinion in the modern school that computer science is not such an important and priority subject compared, for example, with mathematics or the Russian language. On the other hand, in real professional activity, a modern person must very often have a high level of certain information skills and abilities. From the above, the main task of teaching computer science at school is to form the general skills and abilities of using information technology in the student.

To form the general skills and abilities of mastering information and communication technologies by students modern teacher should use not only the traditional, explanatory and illustrative method, but also the technologies of student-centered and developmental learning. Using the method of projects, problem-based learning, differentiated approach. While information technology is broad sense, are not pedagogical technologies, in the educational process of a modern school they should be used primarily as technologies that allow the student to systematize, integrate and apply the knowledge gained at school.

The formation of information skills and abilities in the educational process is more efficient if the computer science teacher uses modern pedagogical technologies.

Informatics is a subject where the traditional component (book) and the electronic component (computer) allow the teacher to shift the focus to the independent work of students, which means that it is necessary to move from explanatory and illustrative technologies to personality-oriented technologies.

It is important to note here that computer science and information technology are integrated with any academic subject, they show the connection of the studied properties and phenomena with real life. Thus, the student can and should use the skills and abilities when using software obtained in computer science lessons in their educational activities.

Information technology should help the student, especially the senior classes, in studying all subjects at school in the systematization of knowledge; in the design of creative, individual works, projects and to gain new knowledge.

With this approach, it is desirable that every modern teacher has the necessary level of use of information and communication technologies and is professionally competent.

However, when teaching computer science, a number of problems arise:

    insufficiency and unevenness of the general training of students;

    low level of learning motivation (not only in the field of computer science, but also in all other disciplines);

    dynamic development of the content of the informatics course.

Solving many problems in computer science lessons can hardly be called problematic. Students, completing projects in computer science lessons, often do not solve a problem, but perform certain algorithms of actions, exercises. It turns out that there is only one task (for example, drawing while studying computer graphics), and the options for solving it depend on the characteristics of thinking, vision of the world, the degree of information competence of students, the use of a combination of various methods and teaching aids, the integration of knowledge and skills from various fields of science, engineering, technology, creative fields. That is why it is useful to introduce the project method in computer science lessons.

The project activity of a student cannot go beyond the limits of his knowledge, and before starting work, he must acquire this knowledge. The project method activates cognitive abilities, reveals creative possibilities, takes into account the interests of the student. But each lesson cannot be free, take into account only the interests of the student, as this deprives the learning process of systematicity and reduces the level of learning. "Fitting" the method of projects in the classroom system is a difficult task for the teacher.

I think c it is advisable to follow the path of a reasonable combination of traditional and student-centered learning systems by including elements of project activities in a regular lesson. At the same time, projects can be small for one lesson (as a rule, these are lessons that summarize knowledge) and longer, often designed to expand educational activities in the form of self-education as part of independent work at home or at school.

In computer science lessons within the subject, students master the following application programs: text and graphics editors, spreadsheets and databases. As part of the basic computer science course, the project method is most often used in the lessons of control and generalization of knowledge. It should be noted that in such lessons, students begin to understand where and how they can apply their knowledge, and when working traditional way the student often remains unclear for what and why he needs to perform certain exercises, solve certain problems. When working on a project, the student himself sees how well he worked, the mark becomes less important than achieving the goal of the project. The assessment by the teacher of his personal qualities, manifested in the process of work, becomes more significant for the student than the mark in the subject for the knowledge presented.

The use of the project method in the senior classes, in comparison with the basic course, provides additional opportunities for the teacher and students to use the project method. Most students already have PC skills. The study of subjects becomes more focused, often acquiring elements of pre-professional activity. A circle of students is being formed who intend to link their further education with computer science. By virtue of their age features, high school students are more disposed to research and independent activities, they want to prove their individuality, independence and versatility.

All these reasons determine the need to form a new environment for learning and communication. And, of course, again, an indispensable assistant for organizing such an environment is the method of projects.

Project activity becomes leading in the lessons of the information cycle in high school. But in my opinion, you can count on its success when you manage to build a work on material that is significant for students. And the most difficult is the process of manifestation and clarification of the interests of the student, jointly with him formulating the concept of the future project. The project can help solve a personal problem or be a way to penetrate into a new area of ​​interest, to which before it was not clear which side to approach. In high school, projects in informatics can act as integrating factors, their goal is the practical application of accumulated knowledge in various subjects.

This activity is aimed at achieving the following goals in teaching high school students:

    formation of the foundations of the scientific worldview;

    formation of general educational and general cultural skills of working with information;

    preparing students for subsequent professional activities;

    mastering information technologies as a necessary condition for the transition to a system of continuous education.

In my opinion, the following system is acceptable. First, the basic theoretical knowledge that are aimed at universal understanding. Then you should move on to practical exercises, the content of which corresponds to the final system of knowledge and skills of students in the subject. After that, proceed to the implementation of projects aimed at applying the acquired knowledge in non-traditional situations, preferably of practical importance.

Thus, general idea organization of project activities in informatics lessons next : this is a search for a solution to an interesting "life" problem, which requires knowledge, both in the field of theoretical computer science, and skills in information technology. The execution and design of such projects requires the student to be able to work with a variety of software and also provides for the integration of knowledge in various subjects.

2. 4. Examples of mini-projects

Project "Social survey" (Appendix 1)

When studying information technology, the project "Sociological survey" turns out to be interesting, where high school students, having compiled a questionnaire and conducted sociological research according to their own public significant topic, process the received materials in Excel.

Project type: research.

Planned result: obtaining quantitative characteristics of various social phenomena, their illustration by diagrams.

Goals: developing the skills of collecting information by conducting a questionnaire, the practical use of existing knowledge to process the results using Excel, self-learning to build diagrams according to the tables obtained.

: computer science and any area of ​​the surrounding reality.

Duration: two lessons and time to prepare homework.

Since this project involves the study of certain social processes, then such school specialists as a psychologist, a social pedagogue and a doctor are involved in the work in it. A problem is identified in advance, in the solution of which the students could provide them with real help. In order for the problems posed not to be completely narrow, it is recommended that students be grouped by 3 people in a group.

When working in small groups, students find out from each other everything that they do not understand. If necessary, all together turn to me for help. Everyone understands that the success of the group depends not only on memorizing ready-made knowledge given by the teacher, but also on the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and the ability to apply it in specific situations.

Research topics can be different, and this includes relationships - a teacher-student, asocial families, your free time, daily routine, drugs and youth, sports and so on.

Students go through all stages of design, each responsible for their own direction and constantly teaching their comrades the acquired skills. Projects are defended in class, always with specific conclusions and recommendations. To present the results, it is possible to demonstrate a prepared presentation.

Project "Crossword - test your knowledge"

The name of the project was not chosen by chance. In the proposed project, the crossword serves to test the knowledge of not only the one who solves it, but also for the one who creates it.

Project type: practice - oriented

Planned result: Creating and designing a thematic crossword puzzle in a word processorWord.

Goals: students will, using the skills of working with fonts and tables, independently master the technology of creating crossword puzzles.

Subject area: computer science and any educational subject or any topic of computer science studied in the classroom.

Duration: two lessons

Project progress:

    determining the topic of questions for the crossword puzzle;

    selection of material, its analysis and compilation of questions with answers;

    creating a crossword puzzle layout on paper;

    creating a crossword puzzle on a PC, when designing a crossword puzzle, you can use the insertion of pictures, symbols, auto-shapes;

    writing questions and answers to the crossword puzzle;

    presentation of the results of the work to the teacher.

Before the project, it is advisable to ask subject teachers to bring crossword puzzles that they would like to use in their lessons. Blanks can be used as starting material. Thus, the project acquires an interdisciplinary character and is practice-oriented.

During the implementation of the project, the role of the teacher is to organize independent cognitive, creative and practical activities of students. They can turn to their comrades for help. Moreover, the helper receives no less help than the one who turned to him, since his knowledge is consolidated precisely when explaining to his classmate. The best works are printed and used by subject teachers in the classroom. (appendices 2, 3) Such projects allow you to get marks in several subjects at once. They clearly show students the practical value of the knowledge they have acquired.

Project "Collect a Phrase"

This project allows you to acquire navigation skills in Windows, learn how to work with object labels, the Word text editor, and find out in what formats you can save files.

The first part of the work is that each student conceives his own key phrase and creates five files in the Word editor containing part of the key phrase and an indication of which file contains the next part. A shortcut is created for the first file and placed on the desktop. It is agreed in advance that all search criteria for files in the Windows environment should be used: by name, type, symbol and name, size, date, text contained in the file. One of the five files can be archived - thus, the skills of working with archivers are practiced.

The second part of the work consists in the fact that after creating five files, the students change jobs: each goes to another computer, where by clicking on the shortcut opens the file with the beginning of the phase and the path to the second file, and then sequentially searches for the rest of the files and collects the key phase.

This project contains both an element of the game and an element of competition: who will develop the most interesting search task, who will find all the necessary files faster. Students evaluate the work of their friend according to the following criteria: the complexity of the search, the correctness of the organization. Here, everyone conducts a self-assessment of their skills in working with the file structure. Exampletask completion (Appendix 4).

Project "Choose a PC"

( recommended for students in grades 7-9)

Project type: role-playing game, mini project.

Planned result: a conscious choice by students of a computer model, according to the existing initial conditions.

Goals: check the quality of students' knowledge on the topic "PC device", show students the practical application of the material they studied in computer science lessons, teach a culture of behavior in a seller-buyer situation.

Educational and pedagogical task: using advertisements from newspapers, price lists of computer companies, determine, based on their interests, the most suitable PC configuration. Justify your choice.

Subject area: Informatics

Duration: one lesson.

Project progress:

This project is the final lesson on the topic "PC Device". The students were previously divided into two groups. Participants of one are representatives of computer firms. They bring prepared advertisements, price lists of computer companies, advertising booklets to the lesson. Another group of students is the buyers. Each member of this group wants to buy a PC for a specific purpose and for the amount "available" to him. With a call, sellers take their place at their desks, and buyers try to make the best choice, based on certain restrictions. When the choice is made, an agreement is signed between the two parties to "sell" the computer. After the conclusion of such contracts by all buyers, we proceed to discuss the situations played out. Customers are the first to submit their results. Each of them announces for what purpose he came to buy a computer, how much he had and what equipment he chose. The characteristics of the selected computer are written in the contract and the choice of each component must be justified, the student's assessment depends on this. Then students from the group of sellers speak. They present their sets of components for the orders made, justifying their choice.

Summing up the results of the project, students should pay attention to their culture of behavior in simulated sales situations, pointing out the need for a polite attitude towards each other.

Described The projects above give an idea of ​​the possibility of including elements of project activities in the teaching of informatics and allow us to draw the following conclusions:

    project activity allows solving the problem of multi-level computer training of students. Everyone works at their own pace, mastering feasible skills and abilities;

    an assessment given not for reproducing the material covered, but for trying to independently expand one's knowledge, find practical application for it, the ability to work in a team is a good incentive for further learning;

    there are real conditions for conflict-free pedagogy, education of self-criticism, training in self-analysis and reflection;

    the method of projects makes it possible to organize practical activities in an interesting form for students, directing efforts to achieve a result that is significant for them;

    the development of software and computer technology becomes more meaningful, the work of students is conscious, exciting, cognitively motivated.


Science has proven that 80% of the information that a student hears in a lesson is forgotten on the same day if the student did not work on it independently (repeated, spoke, wrote down), 20% is stored in memory a little longer, depending on the level of its relevance for learner. Therefore, the use of project activities in the classroom allows students to fully comprehend and assimilate educational material, forms the independence and initiative of schoolchildren. For the development of individual inclinations and abilities and so that the student does not remain a “thing in itself”, the project method is one of the better ways learner's knowledge and self-knowledge. If a school graduate acquires the above skills and abilities, he or she becomes more adaptable to life, able to adapt to changing conditions, navigate in a variety of situations, and work in various teams.

As a result of summarizing the experience on the problem of using project technology in the system of training sessions of the information cycle, I draw the following conclusions:

    The need to apply the project methodology in modern school education is due to obvious trends in educational system to a more complete development of the student's personality, his preparation for real activity.

    The project methodology is increasingly used in teaching students about computer science and information technology, which is due to its characteristic features described above.

    The application of the project methodology gives results at all stages of teaching a secondary school, because the essence of the project methodology meets the basic psychological requirements of the individual at any stage of its development.

First of all, this is due to:

    the problematic nature of the project activity, it is based on a practically or theoretically significant problem related to real life;

    the non-conflict nature of the project activity: the project methodology involves the elimination of the direct dependence of the student on the teacher by restructuring their relationship in the process of active cognitive mental activity.

Our own observations showed thatIn general, the project methodology is an effective innovative technology that significantly increases the level of computer literacy, the internal motivation of students, the level of independence of schoolchildren, their tolerance, as well as general intellectual development.

However, the use of the project methodology, in my opinion, is still inferior to the use of the traditional approach in the learning process. This is due to incomplete or untimely awareness of teachers about the specifics of using this alternative approach in the learning process, as well as the existing difficulties in using the project methodology on the part of students: different level knowledge, insufficient ability for independent thinking, self-organization and self-learning. Therefore, the organization of project work requires, first of all, the study of the basic theoretical and practical foundations for the use of project methodology in the educational process, to which this work is dedicated.

If the project method is used as a planned and permanent part of the educational process, then conditions will be created for:

    formation and development of internal motivation of students for better mastery of general computer literacy;

    increasing the mental activity of students and acquiring logical thinking skills on problems related to real life;

    speech development of students, improvement of communicative competence in general;

    development of individual characteristics of students, their independence, the need for self-education;

    changing the role of the teacher in the educational environment;

    more effective solution of the problems of education, development and upbringing of the personality of the student.


    Guzeev V.V. Planning for educational outcomes and educational technology. - M .: National education, 2000.

    Davydov V.V. Problems of developing education. - M., 1986.

    Zakharova I.G. information technologies in education. - M., 2003.

    Intel "Learning for the Future". - M., 2002.

    The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010: Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated February 11, 2002 No. 393. - M., 2002.

    Materials of the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson".

    Polat E.S., Bukharkina M.Yu. etc. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Tutorial– M.: 2001.

    Collection of articles: “Problems and prospects of the theory and practice of student design. Ed. Pakhomova N.Yu., - M .: MIOO, 2005.

    Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. - M .: People's education, 1998.


Appendix 1.

Approximate a nket "Sociological survey"

What are the chances that you will look cool if you…


None /

very little

A little


Pretty big

Very big

do you smoke a cigarette?

Do you regularly drink alcoholic beverages?

are you actively involved in sports?

… are you a good student?

smoke marijuana or other drugs?

Exemplary analysis of survey results

Appendix 2

Geography crossword


    ISOLINES. water freezing dates

    SETTLEMENTS. separate settlement

    LAND RELIEF. degradation

    SETTLEMENTS. village in Belgium

    SETTLEMENTS. landowner's estate

    WATER RELIEF. threshold on the river Indigirka

    WATER RELIEF. place of accumulation of water

    WATER RELIEF. water regime phase

    LAND RELIEF. grainy packed snow

    WATER RELIEF. channel

    LAND RELIEF. slight sloping hill

    SETTLEMENTS. camp of nomads

    WATER RELIEF. muddy, swampy place

    LAND RELIEF. dark mountains

    WATER RELIEF. wave breaking process


    LAND RELIEF. isthmus

    LAND RELIEF. stand-alone hill

    ISOLINES. duration of ice cover

    ISOLINES. flowering time of which plants

    SETTLEMENTS. large estate in Latin America

    SETTLEMENTS. big village

    WATER RELIEF. river, stream in mediterranean

    SETTLEMENTS. estate in japan

    WATER RELIEF. part of the ocean

    WATER RELIEF. muddy bottom of the lake

    LAND RELIEF. elongated hill

    WATER RELIEF. part of the seabed

    ISOLINES. wind speed

    GEOGRAPHY. an imaginary circle dividing the earth into two hemispheres


Appendix 3

Database crossword puzzle


1 Order records in a table in ascending or descending order

3 Characteristics of the object, table column

4 Table row

5 Boolean operation that evaluates to true when both operands are true

8 The value that a boolean expression can take


2 Question to the database

6 Boolean form

7 Boolean operation that evaluates to true if the value of at least one operand is true

9 A property that defines the set of values ​​that a field can take on different records

Appendix 4 .

File search task example

File number and name

Job to search for the next file

Part of a passphrase

1) d1.doc

The second file was created at 11.00 and contains the word "need"

It's not enough to master

2) d2.txt

The third file is saved as a template, it has the character "3" in its name

wisdom, you need


The fourth file is saved on drive C and has the extension kr

also be able


The fifth file is zipped and saved on the d: drive, no more than 19Kb

use it.

5) d5.rar


Annex 5 .

Project execution example

Creation of a logo

Appendix 6 .

Project execution example

Creating an emblem

Methodical methods of useresearch method in computer science lessons

This method is widely used in computer science lessons. Especially when it is necessary to make some computer experiment. The research method is an independent search for solutions to problems by the student. The teacher may suggest standard scheme solution of any research problem, and the student independently solves his particular problem on the basis of this scheme. At the same time, he uses his own methods, his creative finds to solve the problem that arises.

Let's give an example of creating a problem situation in a computer science lesson. It is necessary to conduct a computer experiment using Excel spreadsheets. To create a problem situation, the teacher offers the students the following task. Make a scheme for calculating the roots of a quadratic equation. Arrange this diagram in such a way that the result looks like this:

no roots

Scheme for calculating the roots of a quadratic equation

Teacher. Think about how it is more convenient to implement the solution of this problem on a computer?

The students speak up. After discussing this issue, we come to the conclusion that a more convenient way to implement the solution to this problem on a computer would be using a spreadsheet.

Teacher. How do you figure out what values ​​will be in the cells of the spreadsheet?

Students. In the first - the coefficient a; in the second - coefficient b; in the third - the coefficient c; in the fourth cell - the value of the discriminant.

The remaining cells should contain formulas that will be used to find the roots of the quadratic equation.

Teacher. What knowledge that you have acquired in mathematics lessons will we need to solve this problem? What formulas should be used?

Students remember the conditions by which the values ​​of the roots of a quadratic equation are found.

Together with the students, a mathematical model is developed. Students remember the formulas for calculating the discriminant, the roots of the quadratic equation: D=b 2 -4ac;

Using a spreadsheet, you need to build a computer model. Information and mathematical models are combined in a table.

It is assumed that students know the logical function IF.

The teacher, using the example of one of the formulas, shows what should be in the cell, how the logical function IF should be used.



Students, by analogy, fill in the cells with the necessary formulas.

    We change the data of the coefficients of the quadratic equation.

    We follow the recalculation of the results.

    We analyze the results and draw conclusions.

So, you can do conclusion. Using Problem-Based Learning Methods in Informatics Lessons stimulates personal activity, perseverance of students, activates their attitude to knowledge. Students are able to justify and defend their point of view, find their own way of expressing thoughts and feelings. All this has a positive effect on the education and upbringing of students.

Project and research activities at informatics lessons

I remember myself at school ... The teacher tells new topic, then there is a consolidation of the material in the form of solving a problem or performing an exercise, you learn the rules at home, you prove a theorem, etc. Now everything has changed in our country. Sitting in class, listening to the teacher, then memorizing it at home and repeating it at the next lesson became boring andnot right . The school and the teacher in this school at the present stage of the development of society should not only give students certain knowledge, but also prepare them so that in the future they will be able to solve a wide variety of problems. At the present stage of development of education, the main task is to educate a thinking person, able to navigate in changing conditions, the flow of information, ready for creative search. How to do it? How to make a child think? It is necessary to put him in this or that situation, the way out of which he must find himself (perhaps with some help from the teacher). This is quite successfully solved when using students' project activities in educational practice.

Project method - this is a way of knowing the reality around us, which contributes to the development and formation of the individual in the modern changing world. The student learns this reality, i.e. receives knowledge, and perfectly understands where and how he can apply this knowledge, i.e., attaches to vital problems.

The project method develops students' logical thinking, cognitive interest, creativity, expands mental abilities, develops independent research skills. The student can analyze the situation, generalize, classify, compare. He starts to look differently real life- The mindset of students is completely changed.

This method can be used on any subject. But in computer science classes this method can be used in full, tk. these lessons most often use independent work at the computer, methods of differentiated and individual learning are used. For most students, computer science is a favorite subject. When studying a computer science course, many important topics do not involve working at a computer. At the same moment, you can notice that the guys' mood drops, they are no longer as active as when working on a computer. Children without pleasure answer orally. They do not understand why to study this topic, how it is related to the subject. The project activity of students can just be used in such lessons. This will allow a more complete and comprehensive review of the material of the lessons and keep students interested in studying these topics. Students' projects show how this knowledge can be applied, they are looking for an answer to the question "why", they show all their skills and abilities. In the method of projects, there are competitions between groups of students, which significantly increases the self-control of students, and most importantly, activates activities well. Successful defense of the project encourages the student to take further action. The guys exchange information, sometimes argue, help each other find answers to questions, find mistakes together, thereby better understanding the material of the lessons, and, of course, the team will unite. At the same time, not only well-performing students can show their knowledge. The talents and abilities of a student who was not interested and not clear in the lesson may be revealed as a result of poor academic performance.

The project method at the informatics lesson and after school hours contributes to the development of observation, the ability to see the unusual in familiar things, ask yourself questions about the phenomena that you encounter in life, set a goal and formulate the results of your independent activity.

The projects method can be started in any class. Children are happy to participate in any research. As an example of the project activity of students in grades 5-7, one can cite a project on the topic: "My project of the future." Students themselves come up with the topics of the project - "Computer of the Future", "2050", "If only...". On the initial stage training, they study several topics - the Paint graphics editor, the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation wizard, the Microsoft Word text editor. The design form is free - from a layout and drawing to a computer drawing and presentation. Students are happy to participate in such a project, involving their parents in it. They willingly share their fantasies, other guys ask a lot of questions. In grades 8-9, the following topics for projects can be proposed - "Computer history", "Algorithms in our life", "Computer health". The Computer History project is considered outside school hours. They have already passed the history of computer technology, but the guys want to return to this topic, to return to the past. Under the guidance of a teacher in our city, they found a small museum of computer technology, not a virtual one. And we went on a tour. We saw with our own eyes the first laptop, the first processor, and much more. They were so enthusiastic about telling other guys and sharing their knowledge. The project "Algorithms in our life" is offered when studying the topic: "Fundamentals of algorithmization" in the 9th grade. Students examine our lives as if under a microscope, whether we really live according to some points, in what situations we consciously compose an algorithm of actions, and in which we act by “inertia”. The Computer Health project is a must. Now children do not leave computers. They all know the rules, but, unfortunately, they do not comply. As a result of this project, the guys form the right attitude to the everyday use of computers, for compatibility healthy lifestyle life and work at the computer. Students not only tell the rules of how and how long one should be at the computer so as not to harm their health, but also look for real stories life. They also visit hospitals and polyclinics (if possible) and talk about the advantages of a computer in such institutions, as they allow you to quickly detect a disease and help a person.

In grades 10-11, you can invite the guys to participate in the World Wide Web project. This educational project can be considered as a problem-research project. Groups of students are created, each of which has its own questions. It is often a person looking for something on the Internet and, unfortunately, find the information they need in in large numbers offered links is very problematic. So the guys are exploring not only different browsers and search engines, but also compiling various queries. They also interview teachers and students, and as a result of the research, they offer options for solving these problems. Several educators participate in this project and also at the end give their assessment of whether these discoveries helped them.

While some guys are speaking, others are listening, asking questions, participating in the discussion. At the end of the project, the best works are selected. With them, the guys speak at a scientific and practical conference and submit projects for consideration by other students and teachers of the school.

The success of all projects depends largely on the correct organized work at its separate stages (preparation, organization, holding, protection). Educational projects should correspond to the age of the student, increase their interest in the subject being studied.

Project activities can teach children the ability to:

1. see the problem;

2. set a goal and break down its steps;

3. obtain information, evaluate it, use various sources, incl. people as a source of information;

4. plan your work;

5. evaluate its result, compare it with what was stated as the goal of the work;

6. see the mistakes made and avoid them in the future.

Every student is a little explorer. Our task, as teachers, is to develop this ability, to teach to think, to apply the acquired knowledge in life. As a result of such operations, a person enriches himself, begins to see many things in a different color, takes steps forward, develops and builds his life.

The ongoing changes in modern society, in public life, imply the development and application of new pedagogical technologies aimed at individual work with students.

I took the path of a reasonable combination of traditional and student-centered learning systems by including elements of project activities in the learning process. One of these forms are research and project-research activities of students.

At the present stage of education, it is necessary to pay special attention to the individual development of the personality, the search and development of the student's creative abilities, and teaching the skills of independent solution of the tasks assigned to him. To form in students the ability to think independently, apply knowledge, be able to plan activities, ask questions and be able to find answers to them. Ability to work effectively in diverse mini-groups. All this should inevitably lead to the search for and implementation of new pedagogical forms and technologies in education.


Slides captions:

Sociological poll»
9th grade
"Information Technology".
Work form:
students were divided into 5 groups, making up
questionnaire and conducting a sociological study on their own chosen
socially significant
processed the received
materials in
Project type:
Planned result:
quantitative characteristics of various social phenomena, their illustration by diagrams.
developing the skills of collecting information by conducting a questionnaire, the practical use of existing knowledge to process the results using
self-learning to build diagrams according to the received tables.
two lessons and time to do homework.
To decide from which class to start preventive lessons with the help of 9th grade students, a sociological survey was conducted. We interviewed 313 students in our school, but 20 students refused to answer and submitted blank or damaged questionnaires.
After analyzing the table and graphs, we saw that the number of schoolchildren who smoke increases sharply at the age of 12-13. The first tryers appear at the age of 9 (and this is the 2nd grade), regularly smoke at the age of 13, while the number of girls exceeds the number of boys, but by the age of 16 the number of smokers decreases. From this we conclude that preventive measures should be started from grades 2-3.
An example of a sociological survey
on the topic: "Smoking and schoolchildren"
The project "Let's Bow to the Great Those Years!"
changes in modern society, in public life
development and application of new pedagogical technologies aimed at individual work with students
I took the path of a reasonable combination of traditional and student-centered learning systems by including elements of project activities in
learning process.
One of these
forms are
research and
design and research
student activities.
in the line of "Communication technologies
8th grades.
Planned result:
album learners
with a selection of messages, illustrations, notes from the periodical
press, presentations on removable media.
within the study section.
Online communication in real time.
Mobile Internet.
Sound and video on the Internet.
Work form:
creating a project in groups.
Under my guidance, the children also planned practical work with the class.
was carried out
at the lesson, necessarily with specific conclusions and recommendations. To present results
used the demo
prepared presentation.
A research project is currently underway
using TP by 10th grade students on the topic: "Possibilities of a spreadsheet processor in the study of trigonometric functions"
Project "Knowledge is power!"
Kozlova Tatiana
MOU "Secondary School No. 42", Vorkuta
I bring to your attention these projects.
Project "Be Tolerant!"
work for
prepare graduates,
owning modern technologies and
therefore able to adapt
to a rapidly changing world.
Based on this goal, I set myself the following tasks:
To develop independence and ability for self-organization in students.
Realize individual approach to the students.
Reveal gifted and talented children.
Develop the ability to be creative and constructive.
Teach choice
, development and use of a suitable manufacturing technology for a design product;

with the
research (
analysis, synthesis, generalization).
Bring up personal qualities: tolerance, patriotism, the ability to conduct a dialogue, etc.
Attract more students to social problems society.
year 2012
Research from a learner's point of view
maximize your creativity
The activity that
will allow you to express yourself individually or in a group, try your hand, apply your knowledge, benefit, show a publicly achieved result.
aimed at solving an interesting
Olga, 8th grade student
Exploring the possibilities of the GIMP graphics editor for processing graphic images and creating animated GIF objects.
1. Get to know
with the principles of operation of a raster graphics editor
2. Explore
stages of creation
3. Contribute
development of interest of the surrounding public in social problems
Sociological survey of students "Secondary School No. 42", Vorkuta
The goal is to identify the dynamics of development of the level of patriotic education among schoolchildren.
Number of participants: 92 people
Boys - 36
Girls - 99

Thank you for your attention!
activity - activity associated with the search for an answer to a problem, the solution of which is not known in advance.
The meaning of research in the field of education is that it is educational. This means that his main
is the development of the student's personality, and not obtaining an objectively new result, as in "big" science.
the task that I set for myself -
develop the student's personality, teach research skills
self-acquisition knowledge.
Since this project involves the study of certain social processes, such school specialists as
teacher and doctor.
Working in small groups, students find out from each other everything that they do not understand.
If necessary, all together turn to me for help. Everyone understands that the success of the group depends not only on memorizing ready-made knowledge given by the teacher, but also on the ability to independently acquire new ones.
Research topics:
Smoking and schoolchildren.
Ecological situation in the school.
Mass media in the life of schoolchildren.
patriotic ideals. (view over time compared to 2011 survey).
Individual research activity of the student
GIMP raster graphics editor as a tool for creating GIF animation

History of the free graphic editor GIMP
2. Getting to know the GIMP interface
3. Features of the GIMP program
3.1. Working with photos
3.2. Animation
4. Description of practical work to create
– animations

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