Presentation for the lesson on the world around (younger group) on the topic: Mushrooms. Project "In the kingdom of berries and mushrooms Project mushroom kingdom in the middle group

Project "Mushrooms-mushrooms"

Educator: Shalaeva Olga Leonidovna

Project type: ecological

Project nature: informative, creative

Project duration: short

Research subjects: mushrooms

Project participants: children-teacher

Problem: children do not know enough about the mushrooms that grow in our forests.

Project relevance: Mushroom is one of the most interesting and mysterious

phenomena of nature. Children are not sufficiently aware of the variety of mushrooms that grow in our forests. The children and I learn a lot of new and interesting things about native nature, get acquainted with various types mushrooms. Every person should love and protect nature. And you need to instill love for her with early childhood. The participation of children in this project will maximize the enrichment of knowledge and ideas about mushrooms - their edible and inedible characteristic features, to develop Creative skills, connected speech.

Objective of the project:

1. Deepening knowledge and

children's ideas about mushrooms.

2. Formation of cognitive

Project objectives:

1. Introduce children to mushrooms that grow in our forests.
2. To form knowledge about mushrooms, about their structure, functions and
importance in the forest community and in people's lives.
3. Teach children to identify the main types of mushrooms (boletus, chanterelles, boletus, mushrooms, porcini(boletus), champignons); distinguish between edible inedible mushrooms.
4. To develop cognitive interests and creative abilities of preschoolers on the example of studying the diversity of the mushroom world.
5.Educate careful attitude to nature.

Topic selection

(using the three-question model)

What do we know about mushrooms?

Mushrooms can be poisonous.

Mushrooms grow near trees.

Mushrooms different color.

Mushrooms grow in the forest.

What do we want to know about mushrooms?

What are mushrooms?

Where do mushrooms live?

How can mushrooms be identified?

How can we learn about mushrooms?

Learn from books.

Ask the teacher.

Ask your parents.

Watch cartoon.

Expected result:

Consolidation of knowledge about children's ideas about mushrooms;

Expansion and activation of the speech reserve of children based on the deepening and generalization of ideas about others, as well as in the process of getting to know stories, poems, proverbs, signs, riddles about mushrooms.

Reflection of knowledge accumulated during the implementation of the project in various activities (visual, theatrical, gaming).

Preparing forproject implementation:

Selection of methodological and fiction;

Selection of illustrations on the topic, updating the speech corner;

Selection of manuals and games on this topic;

Pick up didactic material, visual aids, (pictures, posters, board games);

Preparation of material for productive activities;

Presentation about mushrooms;

Artistic creativity;

Long-term project implementation plan

"Mushroom mushrooms"

cognitive development

Conversations "Where mushrooms grow", "The benefits and features of mushrooms", "Rules of conduct in the forest"

Consideration of illustrations of paintings, dummies, photographs with images of mushrooms.

Decorated in a corner of nature. "Mushroom meadow"



Board games: "Cut pictures", "Lotto", "Domino", "Basket with mushrooms", Lacing "Basket of mushrooms"

Didactic games: "Circle the fungus", "Collect the mushrooms in the basket", "Help the squirrels"

Games: "What mushrooms are hidden", "What mushroom is superfluous", "We collect mushrooms"

Guess from the description.

Outdoor games:

“I take mushrooms and berries from a bear in the forest”

"Put the mushrooms in the basket"

Ball games "Name the mushrooms"

Speech development

Riddles about mushrooms.

finger game"This finger went to the forest"

Finger charger

Physical education "We went for a walk in the forest"

Physical education "For mushrooms"

Reading fiction:

"Mushrooms" A. Tolstoy

"For mushrooms" E. Yaryshevskaya

"Under the Mushroom" V. Suteev

"Mushrooms" V. Kataev

"Boletus" V. Zotov

"Amanita" V. Zotov

Rhyme "Mushroom-Fungus"

"Mushroom - magician" I. Aliyev

"Mushrooms" by I. Fadeev

Artistic Creativity:

Modeling "Mushrooms for a hedgehog"

Application "White mushroom",

Coloring books "Mushrooms in the forest"

Drawing "Mushrooms in the forest"

Application with modeling elements "Amanita"


"One fungus two fungus"

"Build a Mushroom"

creative work

Application teamwork

"Mushroom meadow"

Musical activities

Dance "Mushrooms"

productive activity

Making a lapbook about mushrooms

Presentation "Mushrooms-mushrooms"


During the project, the children showed an active cognitive interest, learned a lot about mushrooms:

As a result of the project, children have replenished, systematized knowledge and ideas about mushrooms , about the variety of mushrooms ;

Based on the deepening and generalization of ideas about the environment, in the process of getting to know stories, poems, proverbs, riddles about mushrooms, the children's speech reserve expanded and became more active.


O.S. Solomennikova Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. middle group

T.S. Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten: Middle group

T.A. Shorygina Mushrooms What are they?

ON THE. Knushevitskaya Poems and speech exercises on the topic "MUSHROOM"

Internet resources




Organization: Saratov region, Balakovo

Location: Saratov region, Balakovo

"The world surrounding the child is, first of all,

the world of nature with a limitless wealth of phenomena,

with inexhaustible beauty. Here in nature,

eternal source of children's mind. Very important from an early age

develop in children the ability to contemplate, enjoy it,

look at it and listen"

wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky


Many great thinkers and educators have written that the development of a child in the first years of life is largely dependent on the natural environment. The cause of nature protection depends to a greater extent on the consciousness of each person, his civic responsibility for the fate of his native nature, and this, in turn, requires increased attention to educating people, respect for nature, starting from preschool age- the period of formation of the foundations of the future personality.

A huge role in the environmental education of children is played by practical, research activities in natural conditions. Modern urban children rarely communicate with nature. They know the plants and animals of other countries well and are much worse than those who live next to them. The ecological education of the child must begin with an acquaintance with the objects of nature in the immediate environment.

Taking walks, excursions into the forest, we see a picture consumer attitude scattered garbage, broken trees, ruined anthills to nature .... How to look children in the eyes, how to explain to them what is good and what is bad in relation to nature. When we talk about the rules of behavior in nature, about the importance of preserving nature, and in Everyday life children see something completely different.

Raising a caring and caring attitude towards living and inanimate nature perhaps when children have at least elementary knowledge about them, master simple ways to observe nature, to see its beauty. On this basis, children's love for nature, their native land is formed. Acquired in childhood, the ability to see and listen to nature as it really is, arouses in children a deep interest in it, expands knowledge, and contributes to the formation of character and interests. Familiarization of preschoolers with nature is a means of educating in their minds realistic knowledge about the world around them, based on sensory experience. In kindergarten, children are introduced to nature and the changes taking place in it at different times of the year. Based on the acquired knowledge, such qualities as the ability to observe, think logically, treat all living things aesthetically, and curiosity are formed. One of the definitions of curiosity sounds like “active interest in the world around us, in phenomena, in people”, and the task of teachers is to develop this “active interest”. However, not everything can be correctly understood by children when they communicate with nature on their own, and the correct attitude towards plants is not always formed. Introduce the child into the world of nature, form realistic ideas - knowledge about its objects and phenomena, cultivate the ability to see the beauty of native nature, love, careful and caring attitude to it are the most important tasks of a preschool institution. Communication with nature, knowledge of its secrets ennobles a person, makes him more sensitive.

Therefore, in our time, when the child communicates very little with nature, and free time more and more occupied by a computer, TV and other achievements of technological progress, it is very important to help a child see the uniqueness, integrity of nature, teach him to love her, respect, arouse a desire to communicate with her.

The more we learn about the nature of our Motherland, the more we begin to love it.


Today in Russia there is a problem of poisoning with berries and mushrooms. We can often hear that in some locality several people were poisoned. It's really scary. There are three main reasons why people lose their health and even die after tasting berries or mushrooms. The main reason is the lack of public awareness about poisonous berries and mushrooms, about twin mushrooms. And in recent times even edible mushrooms become deadly due to poor ecology. The second reason is partly a product of the first: according to the statistics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the main number of deaths from mushroom poisoning falls on the urban population. In the villages, people are better versed in forest delicacies. Yes, and collect them in environmentally friendly places. City people have lost touch with nature, this harmony has been lost ... We must know as much as possible about this in order to save ourselves from trouble once again. As they say: "If you are forewarned, then you are armed."

How to build your work based on this problem? folk wisdom says: "To love is to know." Teaching children to love nature native land, its past and future. Probably, the problem is that adults set an example for children, therefore, it is necessary not only to work with children, but also with adults. Make it so that adults understand their mistakes through children, and try to change their attitude towards nature, their behavior towards it.

How to make sure that both adults are calm and children are safe?

This is facilitated by systematic preventive work with children in a playful form that is acceptable to them, which is closely intertwined with the cognitive process.

Thus, the safety formula for children reads:

It is necessary to see, to foresee, to take into account,

If possible, avoid

If necessary, call for help.

Project goals:


creation of conditions that reveal the intellectual and creative potential of preschoolers focused on environmental education;

the formation of children's ideas about mushrooms and berries, safe collection skills.

forchildren: learn more about the gifts of the forest - mushrooms and berries, the rules of behavior in nature.

Project objectives:


  • To give children the idea that everything is interconnected in nature (for example, the same plant can be poisonous to humans and medicinal to animals; insects harmful to humans can be food for amphibians, etc.).
  • Expand, clarify and systematize children's knowledge about berries, mushrooms as special plants, about their structure, diversity, their significance and interconnection within the natural complex.
  • Familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior in the forest; with the rules of the mushroom picker.
  • Enrich vocabulary children, introduce stories, poems, fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings, folk omens about mushrooms and berries.
  • To form the ability to compare, analyze, establish the simplest causal relationships, make generalizations.


  • To develop coherent speech of children.
  • Develop cognitive activity children in the process of observation, consideration of thematic presentations, albums, illustrations, as well as on the material of didactic, vocabulary, outdoor and creative games, creativity, communication skills.
  • To develop the ability to reflect one's attitude to the object under study in various types of productive creative activity.
  • Use sensory information received earlier, activate memory, thinking operations (comparison, classification, analysis, synthesis.


  • To form a careful and responsible attitude towards the natural world.
  • Draw attention to those around you natural objects develop the ability to see the beauty of the environment natural world, its variety of colors and shapes.
  • Cultivate the desire and ability to preserve the world nature.

Members. Children of the senior group, educators of groups, teacher - defectologist, parents of pupils.

Project development

  1. To raise the question: is it really possible to form in preschoolers knowledge about mushrooms and berries, the rules of behavior in nature in the process of purposeful and planned work.
  2. To select methodical, fiction, illustrative material, toys, attributes for gaming and theatrical activities, to familiarize preschoolers with mushrooms and berries.
  3. Pick up material for productive activities.
  4. Compose perspective plan events.


Direct educational activities

Retelling of the text "How we went to the forest for mushrooms" based on a series of pictures

“One fungus, two fungi in t and a whole box”

Quiz game "Question for backfilling". Topic: "The kingdom of berries and mushrooms"

"Jar of Jam for Carlson"


"Mushroom kingdom, berry state"

How to properly cut mushrooms. Is it possible to uproot

“Why are edible mushrooms so fond of people. What mushrooms fell in love with forest dwellers

"Why mushrooms and berries in the forest"

Conversation-discussion "What can be prepared from mushrooms and berries"


to the children's library.

Watching cartoons

"Luntik. Porcini";

"Masha and the Bear" - "Day of Jam"


  • Evening of riddles and riddles

Research activities"Sponge Games"

Didactic games:

"Put the mushrooms in the basket"

"Find an extra one"

"Find and name the mushroom"

"Say it differently"

"Guess where the mushroom grows"

"Forest Gifts"

"Learn by description"

"Compare mushrooms and berries",

"Whose mushroom?"


Role-playing game "Family - in the forest for mushrooms", "Preparations for the winter"


"Mushroom pickers"

"Berry - raspberry"

Reading and discussion with kids literary works talking about mushrooms and berries:

V. Suteeva "Under the mushroom"

Reading the stories of V. Zotov from the book "Forest Mosaic" ("Cowberry", "Strawberry", "Raspberry", "Amanita", "Boletus"),

Thematic fairy tale "Mushrooms and berries",

Listening to the video fairy tale by V. Dahl “The War of Mushrooms and Berries”.

Learning poems, riddles about mushrooms and berries

Discussion of proverbs and sayings.

Listening to music: Abelyan L. "Pick mushrooms",

Learning a song-game with mushrooms.

Viewing presentations

consideration paintings, illustrations, photographs depicting mushrooms and berries

Mini-exhibition drawings

Working with parents.


Creation children's noise instruments from waste material.

Exhibition books and audio recordings on the topic.

Drawing with children on the topic "We will go to the forest - we will find mushrooms and berries."

Exhibition of crafts "Gifts of the Forest"

Participation in the quiz game "Backfilling question". Topic: "The kingdom of berries and mushrooms"

Resource support of the project:

1. Personnel and social partners:

  • Adults - educators, teacher-defectologist; music director, parents.
  • society - children's library .

2 . Material base :

  • equipment: computer, projection system, internet,DVDplayer, TV, music center
  • Software: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft OfficePublisher, Microsoft Office Point
  • didactic games;
  • reproductions of paintings, images and dummies of mushrooms, berries;

3. Internet resources .

Stagesproject implementation

Stage name



Defining the problem of children's goals, introducing children to project activities through discussions, reflections.

Diagnosis of children in order to identify the level of knowledge and ideas about the gifts of the forest - mushrooms and berries.

Parent survey.

Preparing adults for project activities: selection of literature, illustrative material, production of attributes and manuals for gaming activities, preparation of materials for the productive activities of children.


Distribution of roles, definition of types of work on the project, children's tasks within the framework of project activities.

Replenishment of the development environment


Implementation of all types of work on the project.


Final diagnosis of children

Re-survey of parents

Project presentation:

Exhibition of children's works

Quiz game "Question for backfilling".

Topic: "The kingdom of berries and mushrooms"

Expected results of the project

Short term :

The goal will be achieved: obtaining new knowledge by children;

The interest and activity of parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten will increase;

The card index will be replenished didactic games and manuals illustrative material, music library;

New printed products will be created;

rise professional level educator on the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the work;

Having gained an idea about the variety of mushrooms and berries, the rules of collection and behavior in nature, children will consciously set a new cognitive task.

Long term :

Acquaintance with the diversity of the nature surrounding the child will help in socialization, in the upbringing of the desire and ability to preserve the natural world around;

It will be possible to implement this project in work with new children;

There will be a need for the educator to develop and implement new projects in working with children;

It will be possible to present this project in professional competitions pedagogical excellence

Efficiency of project implementation.

Certain results have been achieved during the project implementation. Before the start and at the end of the project, a survey of children and a survey of parents was conducted. As a result of the project implementation, a positive dynamics of the quality of knowledge among pupils and their parents was noted.

During the implementation of the project, the following results:

1. Children learned a lot of interesting things about mushrooms and berries, their structure, collection rules and behavior in nature and came to the conclusion:

You need to know as much as possible about this in order to once again save yourself from trouble.It is important to take care of nature, because it is a home for its inhabitants.

One of the types of pedagogical fixation of the results of work was the fixation children's discoveries.

2. Parents of pupils took part in all the proposed activities with pleasure:

Drawing together with children on the topic: “We will go to the forest - we will find mushrooms, berries”;

Exhibition of crafts;

Visiting a quiz game;

Reading the literature he proposed and searching for a new one.

3. Were created:

New manuals of didactic games;

Album "Kingdom of berries and mushrooms";

A selection of poems, riddles, finger gymnastics, proverbs, sayings about mushrooms and berries has been created.

4. The participants of the project came to the conclusion that the project method is a very interesting and productive type pedagogical activity. There was an idea for the development and implementation of a new pedagogical project "Why the leaves turn yellow"

Risk assessment and measures planned to minimize the impact of such risk factors


Insufficient competence of teachers in mastering new forms of work.

Increase in study load.

Unwillingness of parents to participate in activities.

Ways to minimize risks:

Improving the qualifications of teaching staff through consulting work. Assistance to teachers by creating a methodological service on the basis of a preschool institution.

Optimization of the number of classes and bringing it to the norms of SanPiN

Holding events in a fun way.

Further development of the project

Present this project in professional competitions of pedagogical skills.

Use this project with other children.


I.P. Pavlenko, N.G. Rodyushkin "Development of speech and familiarization with the environment", Moscow, 2005

E.A. Alyabyeva "Final days for lexical topics”, Moscow, 2006

I.A. Lykov “Fine activity in kindergarten. Senior group”, Moscow, 2007

Shorygina T. A. “Mushrooms. What are they?”, GNOM and D, 2010

Shorygina T. A. “Berries. What are they?”, GNOM and D, 2012

Encyclopedia "I know the world"

Belaya K. Yu., Zimonina V. N., How to ensure the safety of preschoolers. / Notes of classes on the basics of the safety of preschool children growing up - Moscow "Prosveshchenie", 2006.

Polynova VK Dmitrenko ZS Fundamentals of life safety of preschool children / Work planning. Conversations. Games. - St. Petersburg Childhood - Press, 2010.

Internet resources:

"Country of Masters"

"" http ://

Children's portal "Sun"



Open class»

Evgenia Kamynina

Project relevance:

In September, in the forests came mushroom season. Since the territory of our kindergarten is located near a natural forest belt, teachers with children can observe forest plants, including mushrooms. In the group and on the walk, the children constantly asked me questions about appearance mushrooms, about their diversity, clarified the names, examined the structure of mushrooms, made sketches, conducted experiments, talked about mushrooms, read works of art on this topic.

The high interest of children in mushrooms, as objects of nature, was the reason for the creation of an educational environmental project"Mushrooms in the woods"

Objective of the project:

To form in preschoolers an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bedible and not edible mushrooms about their diversity and structure.


Teach children to recognize edible and non-edible mushrooms

Introduce them to the structure of the fungus

Expand your active vocabulary

Tell children about the role of mushrooms in nature and in human life

To form a careful attitude of children to natural objects

The main activities of the project:

"Journey Through the Woods" - Target Walk

“From what, from what, from what…” - practical research activity

"Mushroom clearing" - creating a layout of a forest clearing

"Mushrooms in the forest" - a creative exhibition of children's drawings

"Under the Mushroom" - a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by V. G. Suteev

1. "Journey through the forest"

The formation of initial ideas in children about the conditions for the natural growth of mushrooms.

Show children the beauty and richness of the autumn forest

Learn to distinguish between edible and non-edible mushrooms

To develop respect for nature and its inhabitants

2. “From what, from what, from what…”

Form the foundations of research activities

Learn about the variety of mushrooms

To study the structure and properties of fungi

3. "Mushroom clearing"

Formation of the basics of modeling by the method of productive activity

Strengthen practical skills with various materials

Develop spatial-figurative thinking

Cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste

Involve parents in designing

4. "Mushrooms in the woods"

Creation of conditions for the development of artistic potential

Reproduce different types mushrooms

Improve your pencil skills

To form the basis of artistic and aesthetic taste

5. "Under the mushroom"

Introducing children to theatrical culture

Organization of joint creative activities of children and teachers

Create conditions for the creative self-realization of each participant in the performance

Strengthen social communication skills

Project results:

Children learned what edible and inedible mushrooms are and how to distinguish between them.

We got acquainted with the structure of mushrooms, that they can be distinguished by color, composition.

On the example of the modeling of the "mushroom clearing" they saw about the diversity of mushrooms

Children during the whole project expanded their vocabulary

Children were introduced to nature and they developed a careful attitude towards it.

Stadnik Irina Viktorovna Educator of the highest category of the joint venture "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" GBOU gymnasium No. 1, Pokhvistnevo, Samara region
Lyuft Ekaterina Viktorovna Educator of the 1st category of the joint venture "Kindergarten "Skazka" GBOU gymnasium # 1, Pokhvistnevo, Samara region

Development of cognitive and creative abilities of children
Type of project: creative.
Duration: week.
Participants: speech therapist, educators, parents, children of the elders of the speech therapy group.
Integration educational areas: "Knowledge",
"Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Physical education", "Health", "Safety", "Labor".
Relevance: children with speech disorders they have an insufficient idea of ​​mushrooms, where they grow, how they reproduce, etc.; they do not know how to describe the subject, since children have an extremely poor supply of adjectives and verbs. The participation of children in the "Mushroom Kingdom" project will maximize the enrichment of knowledge and ideas about mushrooms, their properties; develop coherent speech, creative abilities of children, search activities.
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of developing the children's and adult educational project "Mushroom Kingdom".
enrich the idea of ​​mushrooms growing in the region; (knowledge)
enrich the dictionary by designating qualities (colors, sizes, etc.); (communication)
develop coherent speech by compiling a descriptive story about mushrooms; (communication)
develop respect for all living things. (socialization)

The main directions of the project implementation:
NOD "In the kingdom of mushrooms";
homework for children and parents - joint production of "wonderful" mushrooms from salt dough with a descriptive story about their mushroom;
conversation with children "Mushrooms, what are they?".

Preliminary work:
search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic "Mushrooms";
reading the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom" by V. Suteev;
watching the cartoon "Under the Mushroom";
outdoor games "Let's go to the forest for mushrooms", "For mushrooms";
learning finger gymnastics "Mushrooms";
guessing riddles about mushrooms;
didactic games:
"Edible - inedible mushrooms"; "Call yourself by the color of the hat"; "Continue my offer"; "What will happen to the mushrooms if"; "Shade the mushroom cap"; "Select and remember the names of mushrooms";
game-dramatization based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”;
development of a sliding folder “Mushrooms of our forest”.
board games, special methodological literature,
audio and video recordings on the topic.

Estimated result
Children should know:
to know that mushrooms form, like plants and animals, the kingdom of wildlife;
what mushrooms are, how they differ, where they grow;
the main types of edible and inedible mushrooms, methods of processing and harvesting mushrooms;
that fungi reproduce by spores, not seeds.

Children should be able to:
distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms (the most common in the area), name them, talk about their distinctive features;
summarize the main features of mushrooms, compare their features, highlight the main parts;
recognize by description;
compose a descriptive story using a reference scheme;
be able to use natural waste material, salt dough, together with parents to find original solutions in the creation of mushrooms
Product of the project activity: making mushrooms from salt dough with a descriptive story about it together with parents

Project presentation:
Entertainment "Visiting Lesovichka".
An old forest man appears in the group, invites the children for a walk in the forest.
Lesovichok: Hello guys! I want to invite you for a walk in the forest. Autumn forest very handsome, look how many gifts he has prepared for us! And here are the mushrooms! Let's play with you! Want to? I turn you into different mushrooms!
1. Etude "We are mushrooms."
Children turn into different mushrooms, based on imagination or visual elements are used hallmarks mushrooms.
2. Round dance game "Let's go to the forest for mushrooms." (Children go to chairs).
The melody of the round dance "Let's go through the raspberries into the forest" is used. Children sing and dance.
Let's go to the forest for mushrooms
Let's start the beach.
Sunshine in the yard
And the path in the garden
Delicious from mushrooms
Filling in the pie.
You, mushroom, do not be lazy,
And show the kids.
We will collect mushrooms
We'll bake pies.
3. Riddles about mushrooms.

(Invites to stand in a circle)
4. The game "Edible - inedible." (Children go to chairs)
The teacher takes turns throwing the ball to the children standing in a circle and calls the mushroom. Children catch the ball and answer which mushroom it is - edible or inedible. If the child answers incorrectly, he misses the game. Then the teacher, throwing the ball, says the words “edible” or “inedible”, And the children should name a specific mushroom.

Lesovichok: We are urgently looking for mushrooms. You rather take them and put them in a basket to us, And tell us about them. Children come out, demonstrate their crafts and talk about mushrooms (color, shape, size, where they grow, what can be cooked). Then they put their mushroom in a basket.
Surprise moment. Lesovichok takes out "mushrooms" - cookies from his basket and treats the children.

Morning exercises "Let's go to the kingdom of mushrooms"
-to form children's knowledge about mushrooms, about where they grow (Knowledge)
- to form the ability to listen carefully to the text (Communication)
- to form the ability to perform a variety of exercises in a playful way synchronously with the text (Socialization)
- move rhythmically at a different pace, orienting in space (Physical Education)

Let's go along the path to the forest,
We can find a lot of mushrooms there.
Top-top-top - legs are walking,
Top-top-top - go along the path.

Our legs are not tired
They ran faster into the forest.
They ran to the meadow
The stumps immediately stood up.

Let's scatter who where.
There would be no trouble!
Don't go far
Are you looking for mushrooms?
Sit down, bend over
And try to collect mushrooms!

Here is a forest stream running
And somewhere everything is in a hurry.
We'll jump over it
And we won't say anything.
Let him run ahead
It leads us.

And now we step on the moss,
Softly, softly we come.
Like soft carpet
We walk quietly in the forest.
And in the moss boletus,
Miracle - marvelous mushrooms!
We will sit down, we will part the moss,
Take out the leg carefully.

Bor is over, look:
There are birch trees ahead.
In sundresses all year round
Lead a round dance smoothly.

In a circle and you get up soon,
Sing a song together.
Sing the song and watch
Look for boletus.

(Children sing one verse "There was a birch in the field")

The whole birch forest has passed,
How many mushrooms were found there!
Aspens are waiting on the way
We are called leaves.
All aspens stood in a row,
They look at us cheerfully.

Suddenly they fled from the line
And everyone gathered in a column.
Turn your head around
Look for a boletus.
He has an orange head
You don't overlook it.

We got a lot of mushrooms
And then counted:
One is a fox
Two is a pig
Three - again,
Four - nigella,
Five - pot-bellied boletus,
Six - baby flywheel,
Seven - like a hat, black breast,
Eight - I'll be back.

Ball games "Edible - inedible mushrooms",
"Name yourself by the color of your hat"

- fix the names of edible and inedible mushrooms, their distinctive features(Cognition)
- to exercise in the ability to quickly respond to the teacher's command, to catch the ball without pressing it to the chest (Physical Education)
-develop interest in gaining knowledge in a playful way (Socialization)
- to achieve a clear pronunciation in the names of mushrooms (Communication)

The teacher takes turns throwing the ball to the children standing in a circle and calls the mushroom. Children catch the ball and answer which mushroom it is - edible or inedible. If the child answers incorrectly, he misses the game. Then the teacher, throwing the ball, says the words “edible” or “inedible”, And the children should name a specific mushroom. Similarly, a game is played according to the color of the mushroom cap. Before the game, the teacher needs to remember with the children the material on which the game is built, since in everyday life children do not encounter mushrooms so often.

Sponge and water experiments

- to form knowledge that the mushroom cap is porous and the stem is fibrous; be able to test theoretical knowledge by experience, drawing conclusions that a porous substance quickly absorbs moisture and harmful substances from the air and soil (Cognition)
- to form the ability to express judgments and draw conclusions (Communication)

Observation "Mushrooms on trees and buildings"

-to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms that grow on trees and in damp places of buildings (Cognition)
- develop attention, observation, the ability to quickly navigate the site (Socialization)
-activate the dictionary on the topic (Communication)
-to form knowledge about the dangers of these fungi (Safety)

Riddles about mushrooms
- to form the ability to distinguish in a riddle characteristics mushrooms, think logically (Cognition)
- to form the ability to explain how you guessed the riddle (Communication)

Under the bump is a crumb, only a hat and a leg. (Mushroom)

While the children - each in a beret. Grown up - put on hats. (Mushrooms)

I stand on a thick leg, I stand on a smooth leg, under a brown hat, with a velvet lining. (Borovik)

What kind of mushroom is standing on a bump in a red velvet handkerchief? (Boletus)

This mushroom is beautiful, red, but believe me, it is dangerous. (Amanita)

Near the stump and on the lawn we always walk in a flock. Very friendly guys, they call us ... (Honey mushrooms)

Girlfriends are hiding in silver and slightly wavy hats, their name is ... (Volnushki)

As if our hats are covered with butter. Openly strong ones grow under the pine tree ... (Butterflies)

In red hats, sisters, they call them ... (Chanterelles)

Very plump, round used to the rain ... (Raincoat)

The cap of the porcini mushroom, only the stem is only thin. And I grow in another grove, but finding me is not easier. (boletus)

The hat can be seen from a mile away, I wear it with pride. Only now the leg turns blue, like an aspen in the wind. (Boletus)

I’m like a traffic light in the forest, I’ll warn all people: “You can’t tear and eat me!” Stop! I signal to everyone for good reason. (Amanita)

I am more modest than a fly agaric, my hat is completely pale, but more often people bypass me. (Toadstool)

If you know us, cut it off, but if you don't know, leave it. (Mushrooms)

Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”

- continue to involve children in fiction know the content of the story. (Reading fiction)
- to form the ability to use pantomime and speech expressiveness to create the image of a fairy tale hero (Communication)
- act together with partners on the stage, make changes to the script, show writing creativity (Socialization)
-develop motor activity(Physical training)

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills "Shade the mushroom cap"

- consolidate knowledge of the colors of the most common mushrooms in the area (Cognition)
-to consolidate the ability to paint over the template rhythmically, in one direction, without gaps (Artistic creativity)
-develop fine motor skills of fingers (Health)

Attention exercise "Select and remember the names of mushrooms"

- to form the ability to carefully listen to a rhymed text, to highlight the names of mushrooms from it (Communication)
- choose from the pictures the one on which the named mushroom is depicted, select its parts (Cognition)

The teacher reads the rhymed text to the children.

The boletus stands
He looks kinda sad.

On him from under the aspen
The boletus looks.

Two girlfriends in the meadow -
Very fat pigs.

Chatting with them is fun
Inseparable waves.

Here, under the fir tree, chanterelles
Bright red sisters.

Slippery butterflies nearby,

Honey mushrooms grow on a stump.

And in the moss mushrooms,
The whole family is healthy.
They sit side by side
And they don't want to go to the trash.

Didactic exercises

"Continue my offer"

- consolidate children's knowledge about the places where mushrooms grow (Cognition)
- to form the ability to listen carefully to a sentence, to finish it, choosing correct name mushrooms (Communication)

Grow in a birch grove ... (boletus)
Grow under the aspens ... (boletus)
They grow in the spruce forest ... (butter)
AT mixed forest grow ... (porcini mushrooms)
They grow on old stumps ... (honey mushrooms)

Sentences can be built the other way around: “Birch trees are growing ...”

What will happen to the mushrooms if...
- to form the ability to establish a sequence of events, to express it in a sentence (Communication)
- consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms (Safety)

The teacher gives the children options of their choice.

What happens if the summer is dry?
What happens if there is constant moisture in the forest from rains?
What happens if early frosts come in the fall?
What happens if the mushroom is pulled out along with the mycelium?
What happens if mushrooms are not picked for a long time?
What happens if a person does not understand edible and inedible mushrooms?
What happens if the mushrooms are poorly boiled?
What happens if you destroy all false and inedible mushrooms?

What word did the name of the mushroom come from?
- to form the ability to explain the origin of the name of mushrooms: chanterelles, butterfish, volnushki, white mushroom, fly agaric, russula (Knowledge)

Develop the skill of word formation (Communication)

Kindergarten "Scarlet Flower"


Project "Mushrooms and berries". Middle group.

The project aims to expand knowledge about edible and non-edible mushrooms and berries. What mushrooms and berries have you seen and picked in our forests? Are mushrooms and berries part of wildlife? What is the role of mushrooms and berries in human life? Are the berries of our forest really good for people's health?

Relevance of the project implementation:

Nature gives us a lot of beautiful, tasty, useful. Autumn is especially generous with gifts. How many delicious fruits and vegetables ripen in people's gardens, how many bright colors flourishes in gardens. Just do not count the gifts that nature gives, without requiring any effort from man. These are berries, and mushrooms, and medicinal herbs. When people get sick, as a rule, they immediately run to the pharmacy and buy expensive medicines.

But northern berries are a natural pharmacy. Berries have always helped our ancestors to regain strength, maintain their health, amazing vitality and youth. Every person should love and protect nature.

And you need to instill love for her from early childhood. So in kindergarten, we constantly turn to this problem, considering it with children from all possible sides. In order for a child to have a desire to protect and protect nature, he must learn to see its beauty and understand its value to humans. Not every modern parent goes to the forest with their children. But it is impossible to get to know nature close enough without visiting the forest in different times of the year. The autumn forest is extraordinarily beautiful.

That is why the children and parents and I undertook to implement the Mushrooms and Berries project. Stepping up the stairs to the final of the project activity, the guys and I will learn a lot of new and interesting things about our native nature, get acquainted with various types of mushrooms, the characteristics of their growth and useful properties, both for humans and for animals, birds. Together with parents, we will organize exhibitions in a group and decorate our site.

Target: To summarize the knowledge of children about mushrooms and berries of our forests.



To educate children in love and caring attitude towards nature, to show the value of nature and its gifts for every person.


To form in children knowledge about mushrooms and berries, their types, about the value of mushrooms and berries for humans and animals, birds, to expand knowledge about the forests of their native land, to learn to understand mushrooms and berries, to take care of nature.

To arouse cognitive interest in the healing properties of berries, to study the use of berries in human life.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the gifts of the forest, mushrooms and berries growing in our forest, about their hometown and its environs;


Develop imagination, logical thinking, curiosity, observation;

To develop children's skills in productive play and other types of children's activities.

develop the creative abilities of children, involve parents and children in joint activities.

Project type:

creative, information and research.

Project type: family, group.


Children do not have sufficient knowledge about mushrooms and berries growing in our forests.

Expected results: fostering a caring attitude towards nature, expanding children's knowledge about mushrooms and berries, their values ​​for humans, involving parents and children in joint activities, establishing trust and partnerships with them. Children will learn what berries grow in our region, about their healing properties, about the use of berries in medicine, cooking, cosmetology.

Dates: from 12.05 – 31.05.2015

Working mode: during and outside of class.

Project participants: Educators, children, parents, music director.

Children's age: 4-5 years.

Conduct form:

Game activities, conversations, memorizing poems about mushrooms and berries, viewing the presentation “Mushrooms and berries of our forests”,

Exhibition of books "Mushroom Glade", "Berries" photo collage "We are mushroom pickers" (joint activity of children and parents), productive activities: modeling, appliqué.

Material and equipment: Poems, proverbs, masks for theatrical activities, attributes for a role-playing game, musical equipment, collections of children's songs, a laptop, a presentation "Mushrooms of our forests", cartoons, models of various mushrooms and berries, a basket, colored paper, scissors, cardboard, glue - a pencil, a set of demonstration pictures "Mushrooms", "Berries", a selection of children's books about mushrooms and berries (for an exhibition in a group).

Stage 1. Communication of the theme of the project to children and parents in order to involve them in joint activities. Acquaintance with the work plan, distribution of responsibilities, taking into account the wishes and capabilities of the parents.

2nd stage Search

Learn all about the berries and mushrooms of our forest.

What does a plant look like?

Where does the berry grow?

Berries ripening and picking rules.

What mushrooms grow in our forests.

Find out who else in nature eats berries and mushrooms?

Stage 3. Organization of project activities.

3.1. Game activity.

*** Role-playing game "Family", "In the forest", "Shop",


Purpose: to develop independence in children in the game, to learn to imitate adults; clarify the features of behavior in the forest and the rules for gathering in the forest; learn collective game respectful attitude towards each other.

*** Board game "Animals of our forests", lotto "Who lives where", "Vegetables, fruits".

Purpose: to expand the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children, to develop coherent speech.

*** Word games “Who lives where? ”, “Say a word”, “Correct the mistake”, “Continue the story”, “Edible, inedible”.

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the world around them, to teach them to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms, to develop speech and memory.

3.2. Artistic and speech activity.

Purpose: to instill love and respect for nature, cultivate love and respect for family members, take care of loved ones, teach to listen carefully, develop speech and memory.

Reading and memorizing poems about mushrooms and berries.

Conversation: “Who benefits from mushrooms”, “Rules of conduct in the forest”, “What are mushrooms”, “What are berries”

Reading proverbs and sayings about mushrooms and berries, guessing riddles.

Musical and theatrical activity.

Purpose: to teach to listen to music, to perform movements to the beat of the music as shown by the teacher and other children, to develop friendliness towards each other.

3.3. Artistic and aesthetic activity.

Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children, to teach to bring joy to another, to bring the work begun to the end, to instill accuracy in work.

Application from colored paper "Brothers - mushrooms".

Application from colored paper "Berries"

Modeling of various mushrooms: boletus, chanterelle, boletus.

Design in the group of the exhibition of children's works "All mushrooms are good!"

"Berries in the meadow".

3.4. Exhibition. Photo collage "We are mushroom pickers"

Purpose: to develop children's interest in picking mushrooms, discuss the value of mushrooms for human body, meet to family traditions children, involve parents in joint activities with children.

Stage 4. Project product.

4.1. Exhibition of books "Mushroom meadow"

4.2. Photo exhibition "We are mushroom pickers"

4.3. Exhibition of children's creativity "All mushrooms are good!"

Conclusion: Northern berries and mushrooms are a wonderful gift of a short Siberian summer - a storehouse of vitamins and many useful substances that help restore health and strengthen immunity.


1. "Green House", Moscow, Enlightenment, 1997 - 254s

2., Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Biologist, Moscow, Pedagogy, 1986 - 352s

3. , "Mushrooms, plants and people" - Moscow:

Agropromizdat, 1986 - p.208

4. Vasilkov and poisonous mushrooms middle lane European part of Russia (determinant), 2nd ed., St. Petersburg, ed. "Science" 1995, - 189 pages,

5. Internet resources:

ru. wikipedia. org› List of mushrooms listed in the Red Book of Russia

dou158.ucoz. en›index/proekt_quot_griby…jagody…379

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