Nyusha has a husband. Igor Sivov: biography, personal life of a public figure. Nyusha's husband's Instagram: where the newlyweds live and what they do in their free time, photo

  1. The first wife of Sivov was the spectacular brunette Alena Sivova, who worked as a dance teacher. In marriage, they had two sons. The politician does not give any special details about his first family. It is only known that the sons plan to devote their lives to sports, especially the Younger - Matvey, who plays hockey and is fond of football, which Igor is incredibly happy about.
  2. According to journalists, in 2016 the couple officially broke up due to her husband's affair with famous star, which grew into another marriage of Igor. Almost immediately after the divorce, Igor and Nyusha began to attend events as a couple.
  3. The ex-wife was very upset by the divorce, but she pulled herself together in time and even passed the casting for the television show "Dancing" on the TNT channel. In 2016, she also opened a dance studio.
  4. Although some publications say that she was seen in the role of Sivov's wife at the events of the Minister of Sports of Tatarstan V. Leonov ( former colleague Igor and a member of the KVN team "Four Tatars").

Second marriage

  1. Igor Sivov until 2016 was not a particularly popular person, although he occupies a high position. Fame came to him only after the official announcement of Nyusha about his marriage. The sports official met the star personally at one of the sporting events he organized.
  2. She was also invited as a singer. Igor Nyusha received marriage proposals in early 2017 in Africa during a romantic trip. And already at the end of summer in the Maldives, their wedding took place. The official painting was in one of the registry offices of Kazan, without paparazzi, relatives and friends.
  3. The celebration itself was organized by Sivov. The ceremony took place on the site near the pool. Beloved took care of the terrace overlooking the ocean, and the delicate flowers, and the view of the sunset. It is known that not only relatives and close friends were invited to the solemn event, but also Hollywood stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Paris Hilton.

  • the couple agreed that the wedding was celebrated for 3 days. During this time, several places for the celebration were changed. The daily cost of a room in the hotel where they stayed was just over 100 thousand rubles. They felt the romance of the honeymoon in Venice, where the couple was able to enjoy not only each other's company, but also relax with their friends.
  • It is worth mentioning that the age difference is 10 years. Despite the open details of their wedding, they do not like to advertise secrets much. family relations. Personal photos are not often published either. Despite the second marriage with fame, he often visits his homeland and supports his children, takes part in their upbringing.
  • by the way, younger son Igor, probably, does not mind communicating with her new father's wife, since she is subscribed to her Instagram page. The couple admitted that they have to live in three cities: Moscow, Kazan and Lausanne (the place of work of the politician).

The incomes of Igor Sivov and his wives (both in the first marriage and in the second) are radically different. In 2014 and 2015, the politician received an annual income of 1.3 and 1.6 million rubles, respectively. During the same period, the income of his then wife Alena turned out to be more ridiculous - the official income is 30 thousand rubles. While the second star wife Igor received his annual income for only one concert.

Career and awards

  1. 1997 - 2002 – study at the TISBI Academy of Management. Specialty "International Relations". AT student years was close to creativity and show business, as he played in the famous KVN team "Four Tatars". For some time he was even its captain.
  2. 2002-2008 - student club of the Academy of Management "TISBI". Position: Deputy Director.
  3. 2008 - 2011 - Municipal unitary enterprise "Directorate of holiday programs". Position - director. During the same period, he combined the position of Deputy CEO in the ANO "Executive Directorate of the 27th World Summer Universiade" (Kazan). Together with Sergei Bezrukov, Evgeny Ilyushkin, Andrey Marmontov, he became the producer of the Russian film The Real Fairy Tale.
  4. 2011 – 2014 - continues to work only as a Deputy General Director at the ANO "Executive Directorate of the 27th World Summer Universiade".
  5. 2014-2016 - Head of the Kazan Executive Committee.
  6. autumn 2016 - moves to the position of chief adviser to the president at the International University Sports Federation.

For all his career he was awarded medals

  • "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan";
  • "For services to the Fatherland" 2nd degree.

What do you think of Igor Sivov? We are waiting for your comments.

A well-known politician and show business star, singer Nyusha got married in 2017. Their dating history living together long hidden from the public. Until the singer announced at her concert that she was in love and happy.

Igor Sivov told how he fell in love at first sight with Nyusha

famous singer and famous politician Igor Sivov, look in photographs from social networks very happy.

Igor Sivov is closely associated with Russian Federation sports FISU, in this organization he takes the role of adviser to the head of the Federation. The famous wife of a politician, Nyusha is a famous Russian pop singer, not a scandalous and sweet girl who won Igor's heart forever.

For the first time, the couple was observed together at the closing of one of the hockey championships, although Nyusha stated that she did not follow sports events in the country passionately. Their appearance in public was preceded by the fact that, at one of the solo concerts, the diva declared that her heart was not free.

Igor is 10 years older than Nyusha, and he already has children from his first marriage. With Nyusha, a young and promising official, Igor Sivov, began to live in civil marriage since 2016, as soon as he filed an official divorce from his previous wife, Elena Vladimirovna.

The couple in love hid each other from the public for a long time, without advertising the relationship. But already in 2017, the lovers told reporters that they would soon have a wedding, which pleased many of the singer's fans.

Igor Sivov and Nyusha have been in search of their true love for a long time

The couple have known each other since 2013, Igor and Nyusha became close after a joint stay in Kazan at the Universiade. After a long conversation, married Igor did not claim the heart of the beautiful Nyusha. And the singer met with guys from her circle. The last person the famous singer dated was a popular hip-hopper Russian scene Yegor Creed, for whom more than one girl's heart of the country is crying.

Nyusha, unlike many of her stage colleagues, has never been a brawler. A girl from school, knows what she wants.

In one of the interviews, when asked by a journalist what her future husband. The pop diva openly said that an important criterion for choosing a life partner for her will be the attitude of a man to the family, support and respect for family values. Nyusha wanted to find a real man - the protector of the family. The personification of masculinity and courage, Igor Sivov became such a man.

The wedding of Igor Sivov and Nyusha took place on the islands of love

After the marriage proposal, the couple signed in one of the Kazan registry offices, in secret trying to keep the place of the main marriage ceremony. Only a month after the wedding, Nyusha revealed the secret to the public that the wedding took place in the Maldives. Only close friends and relatives of Igor Sivov and Nyusha were present at the wedding itself. Three days after the gorgeous ceremony in the Maldives, the singer posted a beautiful wedding video on her blog.

At the ceremony, the singer wore two custom-made dresses in a trendy design studio. Both of them were fabulously white and beautiful, with long trains, emphasizing the singer's thin waist.

This year, the happy couple became parents, they had a girl. On November 7, almost immediately after giving birth, Nyusha posted the first photo of her newborn daughter, signing on the blog that they were happy. The birth took place in the United States, and therefore, due to climate change, the trip home of the singer and the newborn is postponed until the child gets stronger.

Igor Veniaminovich Sivov was born in Kazan on June 9, 1980. In 2002, after graduating from the TISBI Academy of Management in his hometown, where he studied in the specialty "international relations", he took the position of deputy director of the student club at his alma mater. Having worked at this place until 2008, he headed after municipal enterprise"Directorate of holiday programs" and supervised them until 2011.

In his youth, Igor Sivov was a member of the KVN team "Four Tatars".

Igor Sivov's career

From 2009 to 2011, he concurrently served as Deputy General Director of the ANO "Executive Directorate of the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan". From 2011 to 2014, he worked in the same position in the specified ANO on a full-time basis.

Igor Sivov in 2014 received the medal "In Commemoration of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan" and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

From 2014 to 2016, he headed the office of the Executive Committee of Kazan, and from September 19, 2016, he was appointed Chief Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU).

Personal life of Igor Sivov

First wife Igor Sivov was a dance teacher Elena Vladimirovna Sivova. The couple, who divorced in 2016, had two sons.

In 2013, when representatives of Russian pop music performed at the Universiade in Kazan, Sivov met the singer Nyusha, who in 2017, together with Dima Bilan and Valery Meladze, took the chair of the mentors of the Channel One vocal project “Voice. Children season 4. In early autumn 2016, Igor and Nyusha began to appear together as a couple.

In January 2017 during joint recreation with Nyusha Sivov made a marriage proposal to his beloved, to which the singer agreed. The wedding took place in August of the same year in the Maldives. Among the guests were not only relatives and close couples, but also Hollywood stars

The ex-wife of Igor Sivov, who previously served as the head of the apparatus of the Kazan executive committee, and then became an official of FISU, became a participant in the popular show "DANCES" on TNT. 34-year-old Alena Sivova frankly told from the television screen that she was very upset by the departure of her husband from the family, but she was able to pull herself together. sincere tears and incendiary dance beautiful brunettes caused a lot of enthusiastic and bewildered responses: “What a woman! How could he?"...

In an interview with Evening Kazan, Alena admitted that she was already over the divorce, now she is happy and even in love, but her main love is, of course, dancing.

- Alena, when and how did your dancing career start?

I can’t even name the age when I started dancing - it seems that I have always been able to dance. AT school years I went to all kinds of choreographic studios. At the age of 14, she became a member of a serious team - the Kazan show theater "Sharm", and at 16 she already began to teach dance to children ...

Of course, after I got married, after the appearance of the first child, the priorities changed. my status ex-spouse not that he didn’t allow ... He spent a lot of time at work, and I understood that I couldn’t go into creativity, I needed to take care of my family. I was the keeper of the hearth, raised the eldest son first, then the youngest was born (from the marriage with Sivov, Alena has sons 2 and 10 years old. - "VK")... Well, then it so happened that my former world collapsed, what had been built for many years disappeared. I took it hard until I realized that I needed to pull myself together. And dance became my medicine, my rehabilitation.

- It turns out that it was the divorce that brought you back to your favorite pastime?

In general, I believe that if you have been given a gift, if something is destined for you, then you will return to it, no matter what. Yes, probably, the divorce was the main impetus for my creative "comeback".

Why did you decide to take part in the TV show?

I never thought that I would participate in DANCES, there was no such idea when watching past seasons, and I didn’t plan this time either. Therefore, she did not participate in the Kazan casting. But in the end things turned out the way they did.

- And you went to the casting in Samara.

Yes, I had some free time: my eldest son was in the camp, the youngest was resting with his grandmother, so I was able to go to the casting. I prepared the number, morally set myself up, but until the last moment I thought that I had come in vain.

- What caused such excitement if you have been dancing since childhood?

Well, I think everyone understands perfectly well that average age participants - 20 - 25 years. I am 34. The jury members even joked that I already retirement age for the dancer. Outwardly, of course, I do not differ from them, but my internal state not on the same wavelength. Young dancers are more fanatical, they are not burdened with children, home, worries, they do not have serious responsibility, this gives them freedom and the opportunity to rush headlong into different kind adventures.

- At the casting, you showed a very perky dance in the style of waking. Why was it chosen?

I really thought for a long time what I should do: whether to go on stage with something lyrical, to dance, so to speak, my life story. But then I decided that there was no need to carry some kind of philosophy, drama, I would dance for my own pleasure. I was in a wonderful mood, and with it I went on stage.

As for the dance itself, before leaving for maternity leave with my second child, I taught this particular style at a dance school - waking. It suits me very well in terms of energy, and I decided not to experiment once again.

- Was it comfortable to dance in such heels? Are you at all Everyday life how do you dress?

AT real life I love to dress up, I love beautiful clothes, I follow fashion. In what I put on for the performance, I don’t go every day, but I can quite dress like that. It was important for me not to be very naked on stage, I wanted to be as covered outwardly as possible and an open soul. I tried to look as natural as possible.

- Those who have known you for a long time, and those who got to know you thanks to the TV show, were impressed by the radical change in your image. In most photos on social networks, you are with long hair and now with short hair.

The reason for the short haircut was a sad event in my life. A little over a year ago, I lost my mother under tragic circumstances, everything happened unexpectedly, literally in an instant. And I was still going through a divorce with my husband ...

One day I woke up and realized that I wanted to cut my hair: my mother at my age had a similar haircut. I didn't do it in memory of her, no, I just felt like I wanted to do it. No wonder they say that with hair you release something from your life. New haircut filled me with new emotions, new forces.

-On the air, you had a very emotional “business card”: you spoke about a very personal thing. Was it hard to open up in front of the camera like that?

In fact, this interview was great, we cried together with the girl who asked questions, even the cameramen shed tears. I answered sincerely, honestly, the way I feel.

- Is the bad behind today?

Yes I happy man! I have beautiful healthy children next to me, I myself am physically healthy ... I admit that God gave me a lot: a beautiful appearance, talents and abilities, I can share this and I have harmony inside.

The fact that I ended up going to the casting was the last thing my family found out. Close friends were aware, but the sons understood this only from the announcements that began to be played shortly before the broadcast. The son was happy, he admires his mother.

- Do you know if the ex-husband saw the broadcast with your participation?

Yes, the sons were with their dad at that moment, and they watched the release all together. Supported, cheered for me. My performance ex-husband I liked it, a lot of compliments were said - I hope sincerely (laughs).

- Why didn't you get your money back after the divorce? maiden name? (Naumova. - "VK".)

Oh, I consider this an ordinary formality that does not carry any emotional load. I got married, took my husband's surname, gave birth to children from this man ... Next time I get married, I will take my husband's surname again. It's like accepting a man's family, his history, I see no reason to take a step back now and change my last name.

- After the broadcast, you have a lot of fans - you just have to read the comments on the Internet. Do they have a chance?

There is always a chance for everyone! I am of the opinion that people should be given a chance - the first and even the second ... Although, frankly, I have never given anyone a second chance (laughs). But now it will be difficult to get into my heart, I am already in love. True, the man I'm thinking about doesn't even know about it. I enjoy these emotions alone, they give me strength and inspiration.

- In addition to participating in the show "DANCES", what are your plans for the near future?

I have a serious project ahead of me - he is like a third child for me. This is my own dance studio, small. Only girls, girls and women will be trained there, whom I will be able to teach what I can, to make their life brighter and richer. I believe that a woman should dance, dance is a powerful way to fill up with energy.

Igor Sivov was born in Kazan on June 9, 1980. Graduated from Gymnasium N°122 in 1997 and immediately became a student of the faculty international relations Academy of Management (Tatar Institute for Business Assistance). During his studies, Igor was a member of the KVN team "Four Tatars" of the first composition. At the festival "Club of cheerful and resourceful" in Jurmala in 1999, the team led by captain Ildar Fatkhutdinov earns "gold".

Some members of the team subsequently went into show business. Stanislav Staroverov was engaged in writing the script for the series "Voronins", Dmitry Chernykh and Rustam Khabibullin created the duet "Neighbors", which participated in the program "Slaughter League".

After graduating from high school, Igor Sivov holds the position of deputy director of the student club at the Academy of Management. The young man worked in this position until 2008, after which he went to the municipality to the Directorate of holiday programs. Having assessed the professional data of the new employee, Igor Veniaminovich Sivov is appointed the head of this project.

Sports and politics

In 2008, preparations for the Universiade began in Kazan, which was scheduled for 2013. The capital of Tatarstan was chosen at the international vote of the Federation of University Sports, held in Brussels. Kazan competed with the Spanish city of Vigo and the South Korean Gwangju, but won with 20 votes out of 27.

An organizing committee for the 27th World Summer Universiade is being created in Russia, with First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov appointed as its head. Igor Veniaminovich Sivov is invited to the position of Deputy General Director of the Executive Directorate of the Autonomous non-profit organization. For three years, Igor Veniaminovich was engaged in part-time duties, and in 2011 he was fixed on a permanent basis. The young official worked hard in this post until 2014.

The abilities of Igor Veniaminovich were appreciated, and in 2014 Sivov was invited to the Office of the Executive Committee for the post of director. In the same year, the official receives awards "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan" and the Order "For Services to the Fatherland". Sivov's duties included overseeing all economic and legal processes carried out in the city.

Personal life

Igor Veniaminovich was married to Elena Vladimirovna Sivova. The couple have two children. But in 2016, the couple broke up, officially filing a divorce. In 2017, information appeared in the press that Igor Sivov proposed to the singer Russian stage Anna Shurochkina, better known as Nyusha, author of the singles "Above", "It Hurts", "Alone".

Young people met in 2013 at the Kazan Universiade. Then they began a close relationship. For some time, Igor and Nyusha tried to build their personal lives separately from each other. It is known that Anna met with the Russian hip-hoper Egor Creed.

But in 2016, Igor and Nyusha began to live together, and at the end of January, a photo of a girl appeared on the singer's page on Instagram, in which she shows wedding ring. For some time, the name of the person Nyusha is marrying was hidden by the singer. But in May 2017, the artist and her future husband appeared together at the Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall at the closing ceremony of the Continental Hockey League (KHL) season. Young people started a comic skirmish on stage about the announcement of the winners among the judges.

Igor Sivov now

Happens in 2016 new round in political biography Igor Sivov. The hardware state official is transferred from municipal level to international. Igor Sivov becomes Chief Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), supreme body university world movement.

The organization was founded in 1949, the Swiss Lausanne was immediately identified as the headquarters. FISU is responsible for holding competitions for students under the age of 28. At the moment, the organization unites 167 countries.

In 2017, Igor Sivov made an offer to Anna Shurochkina on vacation in Kenya. Nyusha told the fans that the wedding would take place in the summer of 2017, but already in July, the media reported on the secret wedding of Nyusha and Sivov in Kazan. The singer's fans are sure that the wedding ceremony was held in the strictest secrecy due to the couple's busy schedule, and the magnificent celebration itself took place later.

In May 2018, Nyusha officially confirmed that she would soon become a mother. The singer spoke about the happy event on social networks in order to get rid of rumors and speculation once and for all. The girl asked the media and fans to treat her current situation with understanding.

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