Animals at different times of the year. How does a wolf prepare for winter? What animals are preparing for winter

Class. Reading Bianchi "How animals prepare for winter."

1. Introduce children to the work.

2. Consolidate children's knowledge of wild animals;

3. To teach children to think logically, ask questions, make the right conclusions;

4. To develop in children speech activity, creative imagination, observation, ingenuity; develop an interest in nature.

Material: paintings depicting animals.

Course progress.

Introductory conversation. Riddles

The teacher makes riddles about wild animals.

A ball of fur was winding in the forest, What made the animals laugh. And you take it and guess who made everyone laugh? Of course, .... (BUNNY)

There is a mighty beast in the forests, You, son, believe me! Eats raspberries, loves honey. Who will name it for me? (BEAR)

Once I saw a Dark-red beauty in the forest. She jumped along the branches, Apparently she was looking for bumps there. (Squirrel)

My ears on the top of my head: Long, big, So that I could hear a fox, I’m not even in silence. (HARE)

She is very cunning: She ate a kolobok in a fairy tale, Chicken steals, roosters. Who is ready to name her? (FOX)

What season is it now? Autumn.

What are the signs of autumn. (It is cold outside, the sun is weakly warm, it often rains, leaves turn yellow and fall on the trees, people put on warm clothes, birds fly to warm lands, animals prepare for winter).

Let's remember how animals prepare for winter.

How does a hare prepare for winter? Changes from gray to white.

How does a bear prepare for winter? Goes to bed in a lair.

How does a squirrel prepare for winter? Prepares stocks of nuts, mushrooms, berries.

How does a hedgehog prepare for winter?

Emotional gymnastics “Turn around yourself and turn into a beast”.

Children depict the behavior of animals: an angry, angry wolf, a cowardly bunny, sly Fox, anxious squirrel.

Invite the children to listen to Bianchi's work.

How Animals Prepare for Winter. - V. BIANKI

In the forest, everyone prepares for winter in their own way.

Who could, flew away from hunger and cold on the wings. Those who are left are in a hurry to fill their pantries, preparing food supplies for the future.

Especially diligently dragging his short-tailed mice-voles. Many of them dug their winter holes right under the stacks of bread and steal grain every night.

Five or six paths lead to the hole, each path leading to its own entrance. Underground - a bedroom and several storerooms.

In winter, voles are going to sleep only in the most very coldy.

Belkin dryer.

The squirrel took one of its round nests in the trees under the pantry. Here she has hazelnuts and cones stacked. In addition, the squirrel collects mushrooms - oilfish and birch trees. She puts them on broken knots of pines and dries them for future use. In winter, she will wander through the branches of trees and be supported by dried mushrooms.

They hide.

It's getting cold, it's getting cold! The water freezes in the pond.

The tailed newt left the pond for the forest and hid under the bark of a rotten stump.

Frogs dive, clog in the silt. Snakes burrow under roots and moss.

It's getting hungry, hungry!

Bats hide in hollows, caves, attics. They already have nothing to eat, butterflies, flies, mosquitoes have disappeared.

A fat badger comes out of its warm and clean hole less and less.

Ants clog the entrances and exits of their high city. They huddle in heaps in the very depths of it, where it is warmer.

Fish flocks pile up in whirlpools and deep underwater pits.

The frost is not great, but it does not allow you to yawn - as soon as it breaks out, winter forges the earth and water with ice at once. Where are you going then?

What is the piece about?

How do animals prepare for winter?

Which animal stocks up?

Which of the inhabitants of the forest hibernates?

Didactic game "What has changed?" (several animals are exhibited; one is removed)

Summing up the lesson.

Late fall. Wild animals are preparing for winter.

Children should know:

Names of wild animals of our forests: bear, wolf, elk, wild boar, badger, beaver, fox, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, lynx;
- that wild animals get their own food, build their own dwelling;
- what is the name of the dwelling of a bear (den), a wolf (lair), foxes (burrow), squirrels (hollow);
- which other animals live in minks (hares, moles, mice, ground squirrels, hamsters);
- which of the animals changes the color of the coat (hare, squirrel), horns (elk, deer);
- distinguish between the names of body parts of animals and people.

Extension vocabulary children:

Nouns: bear, wolf, fox, hare, hedgehog, elk, deer, wild boar, badger, lynx, squirrel, lair, lair, hole, hollow, wool, skin, predators;

Adjectives: shaggy, shaggy, fluffy, strong, cunning, prickly, fast, dexterous, brown, toothy, clumsy, clubfoot, shy, long-eared;

Verbs: hunts, sneaks, howls, gets scared, jumps, rolls over, cunning, hunts down, stores, digs, hibernates, lies down, falls (hibernates).

Conversation "How wild animals prepare for winter."

Winter will come soon. The animals of the forest have the hardest time. They are getting ready for winter. Some animals will sleep peacefully in their houses all winter. Who is it? Bear and hedgehog. Three months is a very long time, so now these animals must eat properly, accumulate a lot of fat so as not to freeze and not get hungry until spring. They insulate their houses.

Where is the hedgehog hiding? In the hole.

Where will the bear sleep? In the den.

But there are animals that do not have a house and they will run through the forest all winter, looking for food.

The hare changes his summer coat for winter. It is not only warmer, but also a different color.

What? - Why white?
- From whom they save his hare long legs and white coat? From fox and wolf.

This is predatory beasts. If a hare is caught, it will not be good. The fox has a house - a hole, where she can hide from the winter cold, and the wolf has a wolf's lair.

Do the fox and wolf need to change their fur coats for new, winter ones? Of course you do.
After all, in the summer we wear light clothes so that it is not hot, and in winter we put on warmer clothes, so the animals also have to change clothes.
This does not mean that they take off their skins and put on new ones, they just grow a different, warmer fur. This period in the life of animals is called molting.

Another small fluffy inhabitant of the forest, which changes the color of its coat for the winter.
The squirrel was red all summer, and by winter it becomes gray.

Where does the squirrel live? In the hollow
How did she prepare for winter?
She collected mushrooms and berries all summer and autumn and hid them in various places. In winter, she looks for her reserves, but, unfortunately, she does not always find them. But in the place where the cones or nuts were hidden, a small sprout may appear in the spring and in a few years a new tree or bush will grow here.

But this handsome forest man wears a beautiful decoration on his head.
- Who is it? Elk.
- What do moose eat? Plants.
How many plants can be found in the forest in winter?
There are many trees and shrubs in the forest. It is their bark that this big beast eats. How much does he need for food? Lot. Therefore, foresters feed these beautiful animals so that they can overwinter. Forester - a person who monitors the safety of the forest.

Didactic exercise "One-many" (education plural nouns):

Fox - fox.
Hedgehog - hedgehogs.
Squirrel - protein.
Hare - hares.
Wolf - wolves.
Elk - moose.
Boar - boars.

Didactic exercise "Call it affectionately" (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes in singular and plural):

Squirrel - squirrel.
Fox is a fox.
Hare - bunny, bunny.
Squirrel - squirrel.
Bear is a bear cub.
The wolf is a wolf cub.

Didactic exercise "Count to Five"(coordination of nouns with numerals):

One rabbit, two rabbits, three rabbits, four rabbits, five rabbits.
One fox, ..., five foxes.
One wolf, ..., five wolves.
One bear, ..., five bears.
One squirrel, ..., five squirrels.

Didactic game "Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?"

Fox tail - fox tail.
Bear paw - bear paw.
Wolf teeth - wolf teeth.
Hedgehog needles - hedgehog needles.

Whose trace? - fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel.
Whose ears? - fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel.
Whose head? - fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel.

Didactic exercise "Choose definitions" :

Wolf (what?) - gray, toothy, scary, ...
Bear (what?) - brown, clumsy, clumsy, ...
Fox (what?) - cunning, fluffy, red, ...
Hedgehog (what?) - prickly, small, ...
Hare (what?) - long-eared, shy, cowardly, small,

Didactic game "Who lives where?" (use of the nominative case of nouns):

In the den lives (who?) - a bear.
In a hole lives (who?) - a fox.
In the den lives (who?) - a wolf.
Lives in a mink (who?) - a hedgehog.
In the hollow lives (who?) - a squirrel.

Didactic exercise "Compare animals with people."

Humans have mouths, while animals have mouths.
A person has a face, and animals have a muzzle.
Humans have teeth, while animals have fangs.
Man has a belly, and animals have a belly.
Humans have nails, while animals have claws.
Humans have hands, while animals have paws.

Didactic game "Name the family" (exercise in word formation):

Dad is a bear, mom is a bear, cub(s) is a bear cub (cubs).

Dad is a wolf, mom is a she-wolf, cub(s) is a wolf cub (wolf cubs).

Dad - fox, mom - fox, cub (s) - fox (foxes).

Dad is a hare, mom is a hare, cub (s) is a hare (hare).

Fox - yapping.
The bear is growling.
The wolf is howling.
Hedgehog - snorts, etc.

Didactic exercise "What is superfluous and why?"

Squirrel, fox, cow, wolf (cow, as the rest are wild animals).
Hedgehog, bear, hare, dog (dog, as the rest are wild animals).
Hare, dog, cow, cat (hare, as the rest are house animals).
Fox, cat, hare, wolf (cat, as the rest are wild animals).
Horse, bear, goat, dog (bear, as the rest are domestic animals).

The game "To whom shall we give?"

Meat for the wolf.
Raspberry - ...
Honey - ...
Carrot - ...
Apple - ...
Nuts - ...
Mushrooms - ... etc.

The game "Who - who?"

The bear has cubs.
The fox has...
The wolf has...
The rabbit has...
The hedgehog has...
Squirrels - ... etc.

How the wolf prepares for winter, you will learn from this article.

How does a wolf prepare for winter?

Let's say right away that wolves do not hibernate in winter and their activity does not decrease. They endure the cold season on their paws. But still, some changes occur with wolves.

Wolves, like other wild animals, such as a hare, do not change the color of their coats. After all, they are predators and they simply do not need a protective color of a fur coat. Only its density changes - the fur becomes very fluffy and thick. This allows the wild animal to maintain body temperature and survive even severe frosts and winds.

Another feature that helps animals survive in conditions harsh winter, is the low thermal conductivity of fur (1.2-1.5 times lower than the thermal conductivity of muskrat and beaver skins).

By the time winter arrives, wolves begin to gather in packs. So it is much easier to survive in the winter by getting food for yourself. It is easier to hunt in a flock, which they do with success, chasing wild boars, hares and roe deer. The diameter of the area occupied by the flock in winter is usually 30-60 kilometers. In spring and summer, when the flock breaks up, the territory occupied by it is divided into several fragments.

A pack of wolves in the autumn-winter season can consist of two old men, 3-6 arrived and 2-4 over-flyers, that is, from 7-12 individuals, rarely more.

life explorers wild wolves noticed interesting fact- preparing for the winter, the wolves begin to dig up moles, bite the animals and bury them back in order to find this treasure in winter and feast on it if it gets really bad.

in winter wild animals is having a hard time. Everyone has their own plan for how to survive the winter, they prepare in different ways for severe frosts. Someone is stocking up on food, someone is changing clothes, and someone is preparing a warm home for themselves.

How squirrels prepare for winter

Squirrels prepare for winter throughout the year. They stock up on nuts, acorns, mushrooms, berries, cones, as they eat only plant foods. They carefully dry the obtained food on branches, stumps and put it in their dwelling. Squirrels hibernate in hollows, but do not hibernate. They do not tolerate frost well, so most in winter time they spend in their lodges. Squirrels equip the hollow in advance with tree bark, moss, found feathers, etc. In winter, squirrels change their color from red to grayish, in order to mask.

How beavers prepare for winter

Beavers prepare their homes in advance. They can place it at water level or underwater. To do this, they demolish sticks, branches, which are skillfully tied with algae, grass or held together with clay. The house built by beavers under the ice is warm and safe. They do not freeze in the water in winter, because their fur coat is waterproof. Beavers pre-prepare their food for the winter. In winter, they do not hibernate, but reduce their activity, while being supported by food.

How badgers prepare for winter

Winter for badgers is a difficult period in life, they do not tolerate low temperature. The beginning of autumn for badgers is characterized by the preparation of housing and the collection of food for the winter. In order to survive the winter, they equip their burrow with grasses, branches, moss, etc. From food, they stock up on nuts, acorns, plants, seeds, etc. They are sensitive to frost. The winter is spent passively in a hole, eating stocks.

How do rabbits prepare for winter?

Hares do not equip holes and do not stock food for wintering. They endure severe frosts on their paws. As a disguise, starting in autumn, hares change color from gray color on white. This gives them the opportunity to camouflage themselves from predators against the backdrop of snow. Well, if a wolf or a fox noticed him, he quickly tries to escape. Winter behavior also includes digging temporary burrows in snow or hay. In such holes, he rests and gains strength.

How foxes prepare for winter

Preparing for winter begins with warming your coat. Their coat becomes thick, downy, bright. It perfectly protects them from severe frosts. The fox lives in burrows all year round. Often a place for digging a hole is some kind of hill. So that the fox could survey the entire forest. If she moved far from her hole and a strong snowstorm began, the fox may temporarily settle in another abandoned hole. Before returning to the hole, she carefully confuses the tracks. The fox does not make stocks for the winter, but regularly goes hunting. Most often, rodents become its prey. For lack of meat, she can eat found berries or vegetables. Nature is so complicated that in winter, the metabolism of foxes is reduced. Subcutaneous fat is wasted on warming them in severe frosts. Furry paws allow foxes to move silently when hunting prey. The fox is resistant to severe frosts.

How do wolves prepare for winter?

Wolves endure winter easily. By cold weather, their coat becomes longer and fluffier. It keeps them warm in extreme cold. Often they run out onto roads, trails to facilitate their run. The wolves have salient feature- association in a flock. In a flock, they easily catch prey within a radius of 30-60 km, then eat it together. On average, a pack consists of 7-12 wolves.

How do bears prepare for winter?

With the arrival of autumn, the bear is puzzled by the search and preparation of housing for the winter. An ideal option for a den is a crevice in a mountain, a hole in the ground. He carefully insulates it with branches, foliage, moss, etc. Before falling into hibernation, the bear eats subcutaneous fat at an accelerated pace. This fat is gradually wasted during the winter. In moments of thaw, the bear may wake up for several days and start looking for food.

Wild animals prepare and endure the winter in different ways. Someone lives through severe frosts in motion, someone outlasts them, hiding in their home, while others hibernate. Nature competently distributed features to all animals.

Irina Kolesova
How do animals prepare for winter?

1 slide. The title of the presentation is "How Animals Prepare for Winter"


In winter, the hare changes his fur coat to White color. Belly, front legs and ears turn white. Then the sides and back of the body. In early December, the hare is already completely white. Long-ears have a bad time when there is no snow for a long time, and they have already shed. White fur betrays them to enemies.


The bear hibernates in a den. The place is chosen dry, located in a crevice or rock. Before the onset of sleep, the bear eats little to empty the stomach and seal it. During hibernation, the bear does not sleep deeply, dozes, and in case of danger meets the enemy.

A fox

With the advent of winter, the fox changes its fur, to a more lush one, by molting. During the day, she usually sleeps in her burrow, and at night she hunts mice and other rodents. Sometimes, due to lack of food, the fox will steal poultry if it lives near the village. In preparation for winter, the fox digs a hole in groves or on the slopes of ravines.


The wolf is dangerous and cunning beast. It is not easy for them to live among the snowy forest, but it is possible. In winter, wolves gather in packs to catch prey more easily. pack of wolves for a short time can catch and divide a wild boar, and alone a wolf is almost impossible to do.


Squirrels do not tolerate frost well and are forced to hide in the thicket of the forest for most of the winter. The squirrel begins to prepare food for itself long before winter. In general, squirrel all year round drags acorns, nuts, mushrooms, cones onto tree branches. Then the squirrel dries the food on stumps or high branches of trees and eats it.


Beavers start preparing for winter long before it starts. It builds a dwelling at the water level or slightly lower, and in winter it is completely under the ice. They are warmer there. The dwellings built by the beaver are very strong, they bind the pieces of wood with plants and river clay. The beaver needs enough food for the winter, because they do not hibernate, but only lower their energy.


In winter, the badger lives in a hole that it makes in the fall. Inside, he equips everything with dry grass, leaves, moss, so that it is as warm as possible. The badger also stocks up on food with the beginning of autumn. The food for the badger is the roots of plants, seeds, acorns, fruits of various plants.


Hedgehogs begin to prepare for winter in early autumn. They are looking for a deep hole, at least one and a half meters deep, otherwise cold winter with severe frosts, hedgehogs may simply freeze and not survive. They warm it with dry leaves and moss, clog the hole and hibernate.


Chipmunks gather food supplies all day long and hide them in their burrows to provide themselves with food for the whole winter. Chipmunks feed on nuts, berries, plant seeds and even insects. When chipmunks find something edible, they grab it and quickly stuff it into their mouths, into their cheek pouches, and then they carry it into the hole. Chipmunks live in burrows with intricate passages, which, depending on their subspecies and habitat, they usually dig in dense thickets of bushes, near fallen trees or stumps.


First of all, females with cubs move to wintering, followed by adult moose. During the period of frost, moose hide up to their withers in the thickness of loose snow, and during the period strong winds or during a snowstorm, the animals hide in the thicket of coniferous young growth. Moose lay down under the wind in a semicircle and freeze in the direction of the trail.


By winter, as a rule, the lynx eats up a small subcutaneous fat reserve, which, coupled with thick, dense hair, reliably protects it from frost. Powerful wide paws allow it to quickly move through the crust and snow, without falling through and without restricting movement.


Preparing for frosts, mice dig the main passages and multi-storey minks. Under the roots of trees, as well as in places where snowdrifts are the largest in winter, they dig holes.


In ground squirrels, long before hibernation, an increased secretion of male steroid hormones begins in the body, due to which they muscle mass increases by a quarter. This and also body fat, allow you to safely overwinter.

Thank you for your attention!

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