Water natural objects. Water body Water natural objects

The regime for the use of water bodies of the Russian Federation is established in industry regulations- in the VK RF, federal and regional laws. Legal relations arising in this area may also be regulated by presidential decrees.

Earth resources

Water bodies of the world occupy a vast territory of the planet. They include seas and oceans, glaciers, snowfields, rivers, swamps, lakes. The world's fresh water bodies are considered the most valuable. There are very few of them on the planet. In Russia, one of such freshwater objects is Lake. Baikal. All water resources of the Earth form the hydrosphere. Currently, there is no single approach to defining its boundaries. There are different opinions in the literature regarding the interpretation of the very concept of the hydrosphere. Traditionally, it is considered the water shell of the planet, located within the crust, including seas and oceans, underground water bodies, snowfields, glaciers, rivers, lakes, swamps, ponds.

Hydrological cycle

All water bodies are directly or indirectly connected with each other. They are united by the global hydrological cycle. In simple words it is called the water cycle. as his key element river runoff. It closes the links of the oceanic and continental cycles. The river has the largest flow. Amazon. It is 7,280 km 3 / year. Over the past 50 years, the mass of water in the planet's hydrosphere has remained generally unchanged. This changes the amount of content in some areas. This is due to the constant redistribution of water in nature. The state of the hydrosphere is particularly affected by global warming. It provokes the melting of glaciers, permafrost. Due to global warming, the water level in the oceans has risen significantly.

Legal aspect

The use of water bodies of the planet is regulated by the norms international law. They establish the rules for navigation, fishing, and the flight of aircraft over water areas. International law has established such a category as neutral waters. Within them, special provisions apply. The rules are established for all states and are binding.

Water bodies of the Russian Federation

Their classification is established depending on morphometric, physiographic and other features. Water bodies are divided into underground and surface. The latter include:

  1. Seas or their separate sections (bays, straits, estuaries, bays, and so on).
  2. Canals, streams, rivers and other watercourses.
  3. Ponds, lakes.
  4. Swamps.
  5. Reservoirs, flooded quarries.
  6. Snowfields, glaciers.
  7. Natural outlets of underground water (geysers, springs).

This category also includes land within the coastline. Groundwater bodies include groundwater basins and aquifers.


Coastlines are defined for:

  1. Moray - relatively constant water level. In the case of its periodic change, the boundary is set along the line of maximum ebb.
  2. Reservoirs, ponds - relative to the normal retaining water level.
  3. Bolot - along the border of peat deposits at zero depth.

The coastlines of underground facilities are established in accordance with the subsoil legislation.

public access

Surface water bodies that are in municipal/state ownership are publicly available. Every citizen has the right to meet their domestic and personal needs with their help free of charge. The Code and other federal laws may provide for special rules. The use of water bodies is carried out in accordance with the standards of protection of the life of citizens. They are approved in the manner determined by the Government. In addition, the use water bodies for household and personal needs is regulated by the rules established by local authorities.


Special rules may prohibit:

  1. Withdrawal of water for household and drinking supply.
  2. Bathing.
  3. Movement of jet skis, small boats and other technical means used for recreation.
  4. Watering place.

In cases stipulated by federal and regional legislation, other prohibitions may be established. Information about restrictions on the use of public facilities is communicated to residents of the respective settlements local authorities through the media. Special warning and prohibition signs are also installed along the coastlines. Notification of the public can be carried out in other ways.


The strips of land that limit publicly accessible water bodies are 20 m wide. An exception is the coastline of canals, streams and rivers, the length of which is not more than 10 km. The width of the bounding strip of land in these cases is 5 m. The coastline of swamps, snowfields, geysers, glaciers, springs and other water bodies is not determined. Every citizen has the right of free access to the coastline. The population can use it without the use of mechanical vehicles for staying near them, moving around, as well as for sports or recreational fishing, mooring boats.


Water bodies located on the territory of the Russian Federation belong to the state. However, the legislation provides for a number of exceptions. Flooded quarries, ponds located within a site that is the property of a region of the Russian Federation, a legal entity, a citizen, a municipality, belong to the corresponding entity. Other rules may be provided for in federal law. The right of ownership to the above objects of a citizen, region, municipality, organization is terminated simultaneously with the alienation of the relevant site, within the boundaries of which they are located. At the same time, the norms of the Civil and Land Codes apply. It is not allowed to alienate water bodies without the withdrawal of the land within which they are located. Such plots are not subject to division if this requires the division of a quarry or a pond. With a natural change in the course of the river, the ownership of the Russian Federation on it does not stop.

Main uses of water bodies

Water areas can be provided to satisfy several or one purpose, to one or more subjects. Water bodies can be operated for:

Energy facilities and infrastructure can be installed in water areas. Fishing is regulated by the RF VK (Article 51). The use of water bodies does not stop with a natural change in the course of the rivers, unless otherwise follows from the content of the legal relationship or from the provisions of the VC. The rights are acquired by organizations and citizens in the manner prescribed by the Code, as well as by the subsoil legislation. The latter applies to underground facilities.

Termination of rights

It is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the VC and the subsoil legislation. Forced termination of the right is allowed on the following grounds:

  1. Misuse of the object.
  2. Operation in violation of the norms of Russian legislation.
  3. Non-use of the object within the time limits stipulated by the decision on its provision or the water use agreement.

Forced termination of rights, if it is necessary to exploit water areas for municipal or state needs, is carried out by executive authorities of the federal or territorial level within their competence and in accordance with legislative provisions.


In accordance with the agreement, one party - a state or municipal institution of power - undertakes to provide the subject with a water body for use on a reimbursable basis. The lease rules established in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation apply to the contract, unless otherwise provided for in the VC and does not contradict the content of the legal relationship. The agreement is considered concluded from the date of its registration in the register.

The agreement must contain information about:

  1. Object. Among other things, its boundaries, parts within which the relevant activity will be carried out, should be described.
  2. Types, purposes, conditions for using the object or its zone. Here, among other things, the volume of the permitted withdrawal of the resource is indicated.
  3. The period of the contract.
  4. The amount of payment for the use of the object or part of it, the terms and conditions for making the agreed amounts.
  5. Termination of rights.
  6. Responsibility of the parties for violation of the terms of the agreement.


Water resources are an invaluable wealth of each country individually and of the planet as a whole. The norms of international and domestic law establish the procedure and conditions for their operation. The key task of the government of any country is to ensure the preservation of resources in proper condition. To do this, laws are adopted that restrict the free use of objects, prohibiting the conduct of harmful activities near them. At present, the problem of effluent discharge into water bodies has acquired the greatest urgency. To solve it for state level laws have been adopted that provide for the responsibility of entities that negatively affect the environment. Industrial enterprises today they are obliged to install treatment facilities, deduct environmental fees. In addition, the law provides for fines for entities that systematically violate the rules for the use of water bodies.

Nature is the best sculpture and the most talented author. Naturally created amazing and unique glaciers and dungeons, mountains and deserts do not need improvement, they only need careful attitude. They are called objects of protection, cultural heritage and included in the list of wonders of the world. In almost every country there are places worthy of admiration.

The beauty of nature's creations

In total, under the protection of UNESCO (an organization created to protect the cultural and natural heritage) there are 1073 objects, of which 206 are natural, and 35 are “mixed”. These are data for 2017, and the list of such places continues to expand and grow. Nature is able to create amazing and unique landscapes and landscapes. They amaze with their beauty, let's find out where the miraculous wonders of the world are located.

The mountains

Over the millions of years of the existence of the Earth, many mountain ranges have formed. They can be high and relatively low, single or collected in chains and ridges. The composition and origin of mountain systems is striking in its diversity. Particularly different:

Tianji Mountains ( national park China "Yuanjiajie"). From the peaks, you can enjoy stunning views of almost 2,000 peaks and pinnacles that stretch to the skies.

Basalt pillars stand in a continuous ridge volcanic origin at Cape Stolbchaty. It is located on the Kuril island of Kunashir.

In America (Utah) national park Bryce Canyon has many rocky peaks arranged in a natural amphitheatre. This amazing natural object impresses with its beauty and unusual forms.

Another US attraction that deserves attention is Yosemite National Park. Monolithic granite mountains, water cascades and huge forests have been preserved here in their original form.

No less impressive is Mistakken Point in Canada. Rocks and numerous fossils different shapes beautiful and unusual.

Lena pillars. In Russia, on the banks of the Lena River, mountain pillars are separated by faults and steep ravines.

The Western Caucasus is where mountain ranges meet constantly. In the Krasnaya Polyana Reserve, you can appreciate their beauty, standing on special viewing platforms.

The stone park of Tsingy de Bemaraha Madagascar is also impressive. Here giant rocks are surrounded mangroves. The view from above is especially impressive.

There are many beautiful mountain ranges in the world. But the shape of some is especially striking. There are usually many legends associated with such places.

In China, there is a unique miraculous object - the Immortal Bridge in the mountains of Tai. Five huge boulders have been connecting the two peaks for thousands of years. Maybe the giants built a bridge for themselves?

In Cappadocia (Turkey) there is an open-air museum. In Göreme, amazing karst sculptures seem to be made for living. Pillars, pyramids and tuff towers formed a whole city, which people later mastered.

The Australians, apparently, did not think long about the name of the attractions of Flinders Chase Park. The most famous are called Admiral's Arch and Remarkable Rocks. Looking at other huge boulders, one can only guess what the next “pebble” looks like.

In South America, in Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil there are tepui - mesas. I wonder what giants feasted here?

Giants apparently also visited Laos (Xiangkhuang province). After themselves, they left the Valley of Pitchers - stone vessels are simply huge, the largest weigh about 6,000 kilograms, and reach a height of 3 meters.

And on the Spanish coast near the city of Barrica, “backs of dragons” protrude from under the water. This is how turbidites look from above, sometimes covered with dense greenery.

In Norway, in the Skjeggedal mountain range, a troll left his tongue. At an altitude of 350 meters, this attraction is located, which is called the "Troll's Tongue".

In Oregon (USA) you can see Thor's Well. locals also called it the gate to the underworld.

And in Russia there is a unique kimberlite pipe - the largest diamond quarry. It is very unusual in shape, the view from above is especially impressive.

Which forest spirit conquered a fishing village in China? It was abandoned in the 90s, and representatives of the local flora and fauna quickly mastered the houses. Probably, over time, a legend associated with this place will appear in Zhejiang province.

Winds and rains, glaciers and earthquakes have been creating bizarre stone sculptures for thousands of years. And many countries can be proud of amazing natural objects that resemble something mythical or unusual.

Caves and underground reservoirs

Speaking about the natural creations of mother nature, it is definitely worth mentioning the underworld.

In the Philippines, near the city of Puerto Princesa, there is a beautiful underground river in a cave. It was recently included in the list of modern wonders of the world.

There is another titled object in Vietnam - Hang Son Doong. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest cave system in the world. The height is about 200 meters, the width is about 150, the length has not yet been fully measured - so far, about 6,500 meters have been explored and it is believed that this is only part of the overall, even larger huge underground system.

Bulgaria has its own attraction - Prokhodna. It is indeed beautiful, but what makes it unique is the "Eyes of God", two through holes in the rock that serve as the underworld light source. But the mountain looks more amazing from the outside when it is raining, as if tears are flowing from the eyes.

In New Zealand, the Waitomo Dungeon was chosen by fireflies. The already bizarre outlines are illuminated by a pleasant luminescent light, and all this miracle is reflected in the underwater river.

In Mexico, you can see a fantastic sight - the Cave of Crystals (Cueva de los Cristales). Inside, snow-white crystals of selenites grow and intertwine chaotically. And on the Yucatan Peninsula in the White Caves flows the longest underground river Sak-Aktun. It is believed that its total length is tens of thousands of kilometers, of which a very small part has been studied, so far no more than 1%.

The most famous marble caves are located simultaneously in two states: Chile and Argentina. But the Chilean part was more fortunate: it is there that the famous Marble Cathedral is located.

The most beautiful place is located on the Greek coast. The cave and lake Melissani was considered the habitat of the nymphs. It's warm inside, and plants have settled wherever possible.

Them complete opposite– Glacial caves of Alaska. Glaciers of Mendenhall can be called a winter underground kingdom, amazing and changeable. The landscape changes as the glaciers melt.

In their beauty, the waters of the dungeons are not inferior to those on the ground, and now it will be possible to verify this.


The highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls, located in Venezuela. From a height of 979 meters, it falls down. The most amazing thing is that there is no visible source at the top of the mountain. Nearby is another one - the Dragon.

On the border of Argentina and Brazil there is a whole park of waterfalls. Iguazu is a crescent-shaped complex, 275 separate water jets can fall simultaneously in it.

The Plitvice Lakes are interconnected by a series of waterfalls. This national park of Croatia with an area of ​​almost 300 kilometers is really impressive.

The four-level Mitchell Falls in Australia are quite beautiful. Nature consistently alternated high rapids with plateaus filled with water.

Cascades in China also deserve attention. In the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, you can enjoy views of the waters falling from the mountain peaks.

But not only waterfalls impress with their majestic view. Freshwater reservoirs rightfully claim the attention of lovers of natural beauty.

Lakes and rivers

Baikal is known all over the world for its stunning beauty. The deepest on the planet (1620 meters) and one of the oldest (about 25 million years old), Baikal is also the largest “custodian” of fresh water. Almost 20% of world reserves are located in Baikal. Russia is rightfully proud of him.

And in South America, the most famous is the mountain reservoir Titicaca. It is also considered the largest storage of fresh water on this continent.

In the intermountain basins of Tuva, you can admire the salt lake Ubsunur. The Ubsunur basin is located on the territory of two countries, Russia and Mongolia, and is included in the UNESCO list.

Immediately 5 states divide the Caspian coast among themselves. It can be called a huge salt lake, because it is a closed body of water. But on the other hand, it is really huge (the largest on the planet, an area of ​​​​about 371 thousand kilometers), and the bottom is of the oceanic type. According to these signs, the Caspian is the sea.

In Norway, two fjords amaze the imagination: Geiranger and Nerøy. It has it all: the waters of the fjords, flowing through narrow corridors, from which rocks and cliffs grow. Tons of water from numerous waterfalls fall into them from above. The landscape is complemented by lush vegetation on the shore.

No less picturesque are the Australian Wet Tropics of Queensland. Here among tropical plants stormy rivers run and waterfalls fall, flat terrain covered with thickets gives way to gorges.

Diverse reservoirs of China are also impressive. The travertine terraces of the Huanglong Valley are a national park and a natural heritage site. There is a similar miracle in Turkey - the pools of Pamukkale are very beautiful.

Slovenia and Italy are connected by a stunning turquoise river with the purest water. In Slovenia it is called Soča, in Italy Isonzo. It is relatively shallow 1 - 1.5 meters and quite long - 138 kilometers, but the main advantage is that the color is preserved throughout its entire length.

Ice lake Jokulsarlon is considered a miracle of Iceland. It looks especially impressive against the backdrop of the northern lights.

Tufa towers on Lake Mona in California also look amazing.

Reservoirs in different parts of the world can be impressive, and they also become the habitat of the most rare species flora and fauna. For example, pink flamingos fly to the shores of Nakuru in East Africa. Even though it's water here increased salinity this place is shared by flamingos with other birds.

Seas and oceans

Not only fresh water bodies can be proud of their beauties. sea ​​coast and the depths of the ocean are also magnificent.

The leader of the sea kingdom can be called the Great Barrier Reef. The unique ecosystem is beautiful, and its inhabitants are diverse.

There are also coral reefs near the Yucatan on the coast. South America. The Belize Barrier Reef group includes the unique Great blue hole in Belize. This huge funnel looks especially picturesque in the pictures from above.

The Dead Sea is well known. It is considered one of the saltiest and at the same time the lowest: the surface is located 425 meters below sea level. This is the lowest point on the planet.

The Beach of Holy Water or the Beach of the Cathedrals in Spain got its name from the unique landscape. Nature did its best and at low tide a series of Gothic arches appears on the shore.

Vietnamese Halong bay with rocks different heights, protruding from under the water, is shrouded in myths and legends. The rocks are said to be gems spat out by dragons to smash Chinese ships attacking the Vietnamese coast.

The seashores are so colorful that it takes your breath away.

Riot of colors

Description of amazing natural objects would not be complete without mentioning at least a few places that amaze with their color scheme.

The Chinese mountains of Zhangye Danxia are painted with all the colors of the rainbow. These colorful rocks look amazing from any angle.

Mauritius has colored sands. The village of Chamarel is famous all over the world. The most interesting thing is that any attempt to mix the sand is unsuccessful. Even if you pour them into a jar and shake them, they will still “distribute” by color.

The colorful river Cano Cristales flows in Colombia. Algae and mosses different colors(black, red, green, yellow and blue) live at the bottom. Locals call it the river of five colors.

In Ethiopia, the plateau near the Dallol volcano looks amazing. Almost all the colors of the rainbow can be seen here thanks to various metal salts washed up on the surface.

And in Indonesia, multi-colored reservoirs formed in the valley of the Kelimutu volcano. There are three of them.

There are colorful bays with open access to the sea. They are located in the Crimea (settlement New World). The waters in each bay are colored green, blue and blue, and they are located one after the other.

Sinegal has pink lake Retba. It owes its brilliance to the cyanobacteria living in it. And on Bahamaspink beach. The sand of Harbor Island can change color from vanilla to soft pink.

The orange-brown rock of Uluru in Australia. The rock contains a lot of iron oxide, which explains the unusual color. AT different time days, depending on the lighting, it "changes" color from dark purple to gold.

On the island of Bohol (Philippines) there are chocolate-colored hills.

The famous Honghe Hani rice terraces impress with a riot of colors. The view from above is mesmerizing like a surrealist painting.

Part of the Sahara desert is called White. The sand on its site is really snow-white. The same miracle is in the state of New Mexico, where the White Sands Desert is located.

Nature continues to work its wonders and creates more and more objects worthy of admiration. And we can only admire and protect them.

water body- accumulation of natural waters on the earth's surface and in the upper layers earth's crust, which have a certain hydrological regime and participate in the water cycle on the planet. Most of the natural waters that make up the Earth's hydrosphere are concentrated in water bodies.

Water body groups

According to the structure, hydrological features and environmental conditions Water bodies on Earth are divided into three groups: streams, reservoirs and special water bodies.

Watercourses include water bodies in elongated recesses of the earth's surface with the translational movement of water in channels in the direction of the slope (rivers, streams, canals). Reservoirs are water bodies in depressions of the earth's surface with slow movement of water (oceans, seas, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, swamps). A group of water bodies that do not fit into the concept of watercourses and reservoirs are special water bodies - mountain and cover glaciers and groundwater (for example, groundwater aquifers, artesian basins).

According to the position on the planet, the listed water bodies can also be divided into three groups: surface water bodies on land (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, swamps, glaciers); oceans and seas; underground water bodies.

Water bodies can be permanent and temporary (drying).

Many water bodies have a catchment, which is understood as part of the earth's surface and the thickness of soils, soils and rocks where the water comes from to the water body. All oceans, seas, lakes, rivers have catchment areas. The boundary between adjacent watersheds is called a watershed. There are surface (orographic) and underground watersheds.

A hydrographic network is usually understood as a set of streams and reservoirs within a territory. However, it is more correct to consider the hydrographic network as the totality of all water bodies located on the earth's surface within a given territory (including glaciers). The part of the hydrographic network, represented by watercourses (rivers, streams, canals), is called the channel network, and consisting only of large watercourses - rivers - the river network.


The natural waters of the Earth form its hydrosphere. There are no well-established definitions of the term "hydrosphere" and its boundaries yet. Traditionally, the hydrosphere is most often understood as a discontinuous water shell. the globe, located on the surface of the earth's crust and in its thickness, representing a set of oceans, seas, land water bodies (rivers, lakes, swamps, including snow cover and glaciers), as well as groundwater. In this interpretation, the hydrosphere does not include atmospheric moisture and water in living organisms.

However, there are both narrower and broader interpretations of the term "hydrosphere". In the first case, it is understood only as surface waters located between the atmosphere and the lithosphere, in the second case, the concept of the hydrosphere includes all natural waters Lands involved in the global cycle of matter, including groundwater in the upper part of the earth's crust, atmospheric moisture and water in living organisms. Such a broad understanding of the term "hydrosphere" seems to be the most correct. In this case, the hydrosphere is no longer a discontinuous water shell of the Earth, but really the geosphere, which includes not only accumulations of liquid water itself (as well as snow and ice) on the earth's surface, but also waters interconnected with them in the upper part of the lithosphere and the lower part of the atmosphere. With such an interpretation, a new, little-studied geographical problem of "interpenetration" of various geospheres (hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere) arises. Since the waters of the Earth serve both as a habitat for many organisms and a condition for their existence, the boundaries of the hydrosphere in the broad interpretation of this concept will approximately coincide with the boundaries of the biosphere in the understanding.

Earth's water resources

The water bodies of the Earth contain about 1,388 million km3 of water. This huge volume of water is distributed among different types of water bodies. The World Ocean and its associated seas account for the bulk of the waters of the hydrosphere - 96.4%. Glaciers and snowfields contain 1.86% of all water on the planet. Only 1.78% remains for other water bodies.

Fresh waters are the most valuable. Their volume in the water bodies of the Earth is small - only 36,769 thousand km 3, or 2.65% of all waters on the planet. Main part fresh water concentrated in glaciers and snowfields (70.1% of all fresh water on Earth). In fresh lakes there are 91 thousand km 3 (0.25%), in fresh groundwater- 10,530 thousand km 3 (28.6%). Rivers and reservoirs contain 2.12 and 6.3 thousand km 3 of water, respectively (0.0058% and 0.017% of all fresh water). The swamps contain relatively little water - 11.47 thousand km 3, but the area occupied by swamps on the planet is quite large - 2.682 million km 2 (more than lakes (2.059 million km 2) and much more than reservoirs (0.365 million km 2)).

All natural waters and all water bodies are directly or indirectly connected to each other and are united by the water cycle on Earth, also called the global hydrological cycle.

River runoff is the main component of the global water cycle. It closes the continental and oceanic links of this water cycle. In the river runoff entering the World Ocean, the largest share belongs to the largest river in the world - the Amazon, whose water runoff is on average 7280 km 3 / year, which is at least 18% water runoff all rivers.

Information about the water reserves on Earth and the global water cycle, given in the tables, reflect the average state of the hydrosphere over the past 40–50 years. In fact, with a practically unchanged mass of water in the entire hydrosphere, the amount of water in different water bodies changes as a result of some redistribution of water between them. In recent decades, in the context of global warming, the following have been noted: firstly, the increasing melting of both sheet and mountain glaciers, secondly, the gradual degradation of permafrost, and thirdly, a noticeable increase in the level of the World Ocean. The latter is explained as the receipt melt water sheet glaciers (Antarctica, Greenland, Arctic islands), and thermal expansion of sea waters. For the twentieth century The sea level has risen by about 20 cm.

V.N. Mikhailov, M.V. Mikhailova

Regulatory framework for property relations on water resources. Features of public administration in the field of use, protection, protection of the forest fund.

Owner's right to own, use and dispose natural resources corresponds to the obligation imposed on it by law to ensure the rational use of natural resources, their reproduction and environmental protection. This obligation in a practical sense means that in the process of nature management, if the owner himself exercises his right to use, he is obliged to comply with the relevant requirements provided for by law. For example, if the owner of natural resources transfers them for use to other persons, which, as a rule, is entrusted with the obligation to ensure that the user complies with the provisions of the legislation on the rational use of natural resources, their reproduction and environmental protection (this is especially common in relation to state property ).

In the natural resource legislation, the right of ownership is established for land, subsoil, animal world, water bodies, forests. The objects of property rights also include specially protected natural territories.

An object is an important feature of the right of ownership, which makes it possible to delimit it and other real rights from other absolute rights (to a name in copyright, to life, freedom of movement). The object of property law is individually defined property. The Civil Code classifies "natural resources" as "immovable property". In Article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, land plots, subsoil plots, isolated water objects, as well as everything that is firmly connected with the land, that is, objects that cannot be moved without disproportionate damage to their purpose, including forests and perennial plantations.

Thus, the objects of the right of private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership of natural resources are:

  • 1) individual natural objects(land, subsoil, forests, etc.);
  • 2) only those that are provided for in the law (environmental relationships, wind energy, solar energy are not objects);
  • 3) provided that they are in ecological connection with the natural environment. For example, water in a water supply system, wood in an enterprise, minerals in industrial processing, etc. cannot be considered as being in an ecological relationship with nature. They pass into the category of property, becoming objects of civil law.

Problematic in legal science was the question of atmospheric air as an object of property rights. By federal law"On the Protection of Atmospheric Air" air is not an object of property rights, which is due to its physical condition. Unlike the earth, subsoil, objects of the animal world, atmospheric air as a material substance is in a state of constant, turbulent movement and cannot be individualized. To establish any form of ownership on it because it migrates (winds, cyclones) and is a natural component of the life of all living beings, and the introduction of ownership of the air would mean an encroachment on life, and this is absurd. Because of this, the possibility of actual ownership of it is excluded.

Land - private, state, municipal

Subsoil is only state-owned.

Water - private, state, municipal

Forests - private, state, municipal (mainly state)

Animal world -only state.

Atmospheric air - cannot be owned for objective reasons.

Specially protected natural territories and objects - only state.

The subjects of ownership of natural resources are also determined by law. They are physical and legal entities, Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities. This list of subjects appears to be exhaustive.

The subjects of state property rights are the bodies of representative and executive power of the federation, the republics that are part of the federation, territories, regions, autonomous entities, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The subjects of municipal property right include representative and executive bodies local self-government of cities and regions.

The volume and composition of the rights and obligations of nature users is determined by the type of natural object provided for use, the purposes of use, and the status of subjects of nature management. At the same time, all natural resource users have the right to:

  • - to carry out the use of a natural object within the limits established by law, license and contract;
  • - receive information about the state of the natural object provided for use.

The general obligations of nature users are:

  • - to carry out the use of natural objects rationally, in accordance with their intended purpose, in ways that do not harm the natural environment and human health;
  • - implement environmental protection measures provided by law and contract;
  • - timely and correctly makes payments for the use of natural resources and environmental pollution;
  • - ensure compliance with environmental regulations;
  • - provide special government bodies information on the state of a natural object in the manner prescribed by law;
  • - to restore natural objects disturbed in the process of nature management at their own expense.

Kirov Regional State Educational Autonomous Institution "Gymnasium of Urzhum"

Nomination "Natural local history"

Research project on the topic:

Water natural objectscity ​​of Urzhum

Completed by students of grades 11 a and 9 b

KOGOAU "Gymnasium of Urzhum"

Feofilatova Anastasia and

Lelekova Julia

Head teacher of geography

KOGOAU "Gymnasium of Urzhum"

Busygina Olga Gennadievna

Urzhum, 2011


1. General physical and geographical characteristics of the study area.

1.1 Geographical location.

1.2. Geological structure and relief.

1.3.Climatic conditions.

1.4. Hydrographic network.

1.5. Soils.

1.6. Flora and fauna.

2. Characteristics of water bodies.

2.1. Kabanovsky pond.

2.1.1. Geographical position.

2.1.2. The main morphometric parameters of the pond.

2.1.3. Hydrochemical research.

2.1.4. Soils.

2.1.5. Plants and animals.

2.1.6. Assessment of area contamination with solid waste.

2.2. Kuntavka river.

2.2.1. Geographical position.

2.2.2. The main morphometric parameters of the pond.

2.2.3. Hydrochemical research.

2.2.4. Soils.

2.2.5. Plants and animals.

2.2.6. Assessment of area contamination with solid waste.

2.3. Popovsky Pond.

2.3.1. Geographical position.

2.3.2. The main morphometric parameters of the pond.

2.3.3. Hydrochemical research.

2.3.4. Soils.

2.3.5. Plants and animals.

2.3.6. Assessment of area contamination with solid waste.

2.4. Springs in the village of Popovka.

2.4.1. Spring No. 1 (Transparent).

2.4.2. Spring No. 2 (Spring).

2.4.3. Spring No. 3 (The Hermit).

2.4.4. Spring No. 4 (Forest).

2.4.5. Spring No. 5 (Economic).

2.5. Springs of the village of Kotelki.

2.5.1. Spring No. 1 (Mudny).

2.5.2. Spring No. 2 and No. 3 (Handy).

3. Conclusion.

Bibliographic list.


The hydrographic network of the Urzhum region is well developed. This is due to both climatic and hydrogeological conditions. Therefore, the territory of the region is rich in surface and underground waters.

Climatic conditions favor significant surface runoff. Within the city of Urzhum, the following rivers flow: Urzhumka, Shinerka, Kuntavka. The main type of food is snow and rain. Annual rainfall in Urzhum is 534 mm. In addition to surface nutrition, great importance in the life of rivers have groundwater. Which is closely related to the hydrogeological conditions of the area. There are aquifers in Quaternary deposits. They are confined to river valleys and ravine-gully systems. In the Quaternary sediments, one aquifer is observed with a slope towards the river. Tertiary deposits in the area are either anhydrous or low water.

Snow cover plays an important role in the annual runoff. Long winters contribute to the accumulation of snow. And the number of days in a year with stable snow cover reaches 150 days. Average Height snow cover is 50 cm. The maximum water reserves in the snow are 146 mm.

The expenditure part in the water balance of the region is evaporation, which reaches 400 mm per year.

Thus, it can be said that the district's rivers receive their main food from snowmelt in the spring. The rivers of the region are of the type with predominantly snow feeding, which reaches 65%. In second place is soil nutrition.

Therefore, water flow throughout the year is uneven. Approximately 60-80% of the annual runoff occurs during the spring flood.

The largest outcrops of groundwater are found in the southern part of the city in the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"gray stones", as well as in the area of ​​​​the asphalt plant and the valley of the river. Shinerka.


Search and mapping of water bodies in Urzhum.


Water natural objects of the city of Urzhum.

Object of study.

Hydrographic network of the city of Urzhum.

Subject of study.

1. Morphometric indicators of water bodies

  • Width

  • Depth

  • Water consumption

  • Current speed
2. Hydrochemical features of water bodies.

3. Vegetation and fauna.


Carrying out a comprehensive study of water bodies in the city of Urzhum.


  1. Analyze the literature on the topic.

  2. Carry out field work:

  • Investigate morphometric indicators of water bodies

  • Conduct hydrochemical studies of water bodies

  • Determine the land cover in the area of ​​water bodies

  1. Put the studied water bodies on the map.

  2. To conclude.

The location of water bodies near or on the territory of the city contributes to their anthropogenic pollution.


  1. Expeditionary

  2. Analytical

  3. Cartographic

  4. Field studies

  5. Ratings


Before starting to study inland waters, we got acquainted with the general physical and geographical characteristics of the region.

1.1. Geographical position

Urzhumsky district is located in the eastern part of the East European Plain, located in the southeast of the Kirov region. It is bordered to the north by Nemsky and Nolinsky districts, to the west by Lebyazhsky, to the southwest by the Republic of Mari El, to the south by Malmyzhsky district, and to the east by Kilmezsky. The area is located mainly on the raised and dissected right bank of the Vyatka River, although part of the territory is located on the wooded lowlands of the left bank of the Vyatka. The study area is located in the central part of the Urzhum region.

1.2. Geological structure and relief

The Urzhum region is located on the rise of the anticlise platform, the depth of its occurrence is 1800 m. From above, the platform is covered by a sedimentary cover. Across the Kirov region, an uplift stretches - the Vyatka shaft. It is presented as a system of Vyatka dislocations extended over the Kirovo-Kazan aulacogen.

The Urzhum ledge (a feature of the structure of the crystalline basement) is the eastern part of the Vyatka dislocations, has a size of 90 by 60 km. It is overlain by layers of sedimentary rocks that form a gentle fold - the Urzhum swell, the axis of which stretches almost meridionally along the watershed of the right tributaries of the Vyatka-Urzhumka and the Buya.

The relief of the Urzhum region is flat watershed spaces and gentle slopes, lowlands in river valleys. In the east of the Urzhum swell there is the Shurma trough (Shurma lowland).

The Urzhum uplift (corresponding to the rampart of the same name) is distinguished by its dominant heights of 100-150 meters. The wide, well-developed valleys of the Urzhumka and Buya rivers, as well as their tributaries, are separated by flat watersheds (with heights of 130-180 m), which did not experience glacial processing in the Quaternary.

The valley network of the Urzhum uplift is well developed both in width and depth. Absolute heights valley incisions are 65-130 meters. The entire right-bank part of the district is dissected by a dense girder network. The left bank of the Vyatka is a fluvioglacial outwash plain.

The main relief-forming factors are: erosion-accumulative activity of rivers, abrasion and accumulation in lake water bodies and peat formation processes.

1.3. Climatic conditions

The territory of the district belongs to the southeastern agro-climatic region southern zone areas. This zone is well provided with heat, but insufficiently provided with moisture. Average January temperatures are minus 14.2 C; July plus 18.5; the average annual plus 2 C. The annual amount of precipitation is 534 mm. Of these, 420 mm falls on the warm season, 220 mm on the cold. The radiation dryness index of Budyko, calculated from the observed values ​​of the radiation balance and the total precipitation, corrected for underestimation with a rain gauge, is 0.97. This value is close to optimal and is characteristic of the boundaries of the forest and forest-steppe zones. However, the increased dryness of the summer season makes it possible to classify the southern regions of the region, starting from Urzhumsky, as arid.

1.4. hydrographic network

The rivers of our region belong to the Caspian Sea basin. Main river Vyatka region. Its length is about 1370 km (within the region 70 km). The largest right tributaries of the Vyatka in the region are the rivers Buy, Urzhumka, Engerderka, Turechka, Kizerka. Left tributaries - Kilmez, Nemda. The lakes of the region are small in area, numerous, one can especially distinguish Lake Shaitan, located in the Buiskaya forest dacha. Shaitan lies in a rounded karst basin.

1.5. Soils.

In connection with the position of the region in the zone of coniferous-broad-leaved forests, the soil cover is a complex of soddy-podzolic, gray forest, soddy and soddy-calcareous soils. Sod-podzolic soils account for 64% of arable land. They are common on flat watersheds of poorly drained interfluves, on watershed slopes composed of rocks that are lighter in mechanical composition under leaching conditions. In terms of their properties, these soils approach light gray forest soils and are close to them in terms of agricultural production indicators.

Soddy-calcareous soils are formed on the eluvium of carbonate Permian rocks. They are common on watershed slopes adjacent to the steep sides of river valleys and asymmetric gullies, and also form on girder slopes. These soils are characteristic of the Urzhum uplift and are found in the Shurma lowland. Their share in the arable land of the region is 6%. Almost continuous plowing caused widespread erosion processes.

1.6. Flora and fauna

The territory of our region is located in the northern zone of coniferous-deciduous forests. The vegetation is peculiar, here there are elements of the flora of the European and Siberian taiga, the European forest-steppe. The area belongs to the sparsely forested area, its forest cover is 35%. The most common are spruce (23%) and pine (25%) forests. Small-leaved forests of birch and aspen are widely represented (40%). There are broad-leaved tree species: linden, oak, elm. Shrubs are not uncommon in the area: buckthorn, hazel, hawthorn, wild rose. The region is also rich in wildlife. There are: wolf, bear, wild boar, squirrel, fox, muskrat, badger, mole, weasel, otter, hare. Of the game birds you can meet: capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse, partridge. There are beavers on the rivers of the region. Rivers and lakes are rich in fish.

2. Characteristics of water bodies.

2.1. Kabanovsky pond.

2.1.1. Geographical position

The pond is located north of the city in the village of Kabanovshchina. It is located in the river valley. Kuntavka is of anthropogenic origin. From the south it adjoins the village of Kabanovshchina, in the east it is limited by a bypass road.

2.1.2. The main morphometric parameters of the pond.

When examining the lake, we measured the length and width, determined the transparency, took water samples for chemical analysis, and described the aquatic and coastal biota. During office processing of the results, the relative transparency, the surface area of ​​the water surface, and the volume of the water mass were calculated.

Maximum depth 12 m

Lake length 700 m

Maximum width 140 m

Surface area = 700m *140m /2 =49000m

The volume of water mass \u003d 49000m 2 * 12m \u003d 588000m 3

2.1.3. Hydrochemical studies of the Kabanovsky Pond

The water temperature, measured during the study of the lake on June 15, 2010, was +18°C on the surface, +15°C at a depth of 1 meter. Such a change in temperature with depth indicates a direct temperature stratification. Chemical analysis of water was carried out in the laboratory of the gymnasium.

Organoleptic indicators of water.

    Putrid (at a temperature of 60 gr.)

  • From the side - a noticeable pale yellowish, from above - slightly yellowish.

  • Slightly yellowish (with a water column height of 10 cm), yellowish (with a water column height of 20 cm.)

  • Good.
The chemical composition of water.

    The indicator (litmus) showed that pH = 6.
Chloride concentration

  • After the addition of silver nitrate, there was no turbidity and sediment in the water. So there are no chlorides.
Sulfate concentration

  • After adding to water of hydrochloric acid and barium chloride, a slight turbidity appeared. Hence, the concentration of sulfates is 10 mg/l.
Phenol concentration

  • After adding bleach, the "pharmacy" smell did not appear. So there are no chlorophenols.
The concentration of hydrogen sulfide and its salts.

  • Lead paper was placed in the water, which did not darken. This means that hydrogen sulfide and salts are absent.
Iron concentration

  • After adding hydrochloric acid, potassium thiocyanate, hydrogen peroxide to water, its color did not change. This means that the concentration of iron is less than 0.05 mg / l.
Nitrite concentration

  • After adding the Griess reagent to the water and heating to 70 gr. The color of the solution turned slightly pink. This means that the MPC for nitrites is 0.003 mg/l.
Concentration of ammonia and ammonium ions

  • After adding Nessler's reagent to water, the color of the solution became slightly yellow. This means that MPC is 0.25 mg/l.

  • After adding sulfuric acid and potassium permanganate to the water, the color of the solution became pale pink. So, the oxidizability is 8 mg/l.
Nitrate concentration

  • 50 ml of water was evaporated and disulfophenolic acid, distilled water and a 10% ammonia solution were added. The color of the solution became slightly yellow. This means that the MPC for nitrates is 3 mg/l.
Conclusion: The water is not suitable for drinking, the high content of surfactants, the reaction is acidic.

Owater quality assessment by biotic index

Object of study: Kabanovsky pond.

Were found.

The reservoir is moderately polluted - inhabited by freshwater and bivalve mollusks, larvae of stoneflies, horned flies and caddisflies, leeches. The reservoir is ecologically moderately polluted, because it is inhabited by a small number of individuals of the key species.

This is due to the fact that a small anthropogenic impact is produced.

2.1.4. Soils

On the northeastern shore of the lake, we laid and described a soil section. Exploring it, four soil horizons were identified:

Ao - turf, 3 cm;

A - humus-accumulative, 19 cm;

It was established that the soil on the shore of the pond is soddy medium-thick, loamy.

2.1.5. Plants and animals.

Plants and animals are closely related to aquatic environment habitats and form a single whole - hydrobiocenosis.

Floristic list

  • Chastuha plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica);

  • Horsetail (Equisetum);

  • Chicory (Cichorium);

  • Red clover (Trifolium praténse);

  • Burdock (Arctium láppa);

  • Sedge (Cárex);

  • gout (Aegopodium);

  • Dandelion (Taraxacum);

  • Plantain (Plantago);

  • Buttercup caustic (Ranunculus acris);

  • Meadow geranium (Geranium pratense);

  • Forget-me-not (Myosotis);

  • Mouse peas (V. craccaL);

  • Horse sorrel (Rúmex confértus);

  • Far Eastern Sverbiga (Bunias orientalis).
In the Kabanovsky Pond, thickets that form roots, elodea, are clearly represented. Here, in summer time the coastal zone of 12 meters is covered with dense thickets of elodea. The plant is completely in the water and only inflorescences, at the end of summer, protrude above the surface of the water surface.

The species composition of animals: the pond is inhabited by freshwater and bivalve mollusks, larvae of stoneflies, mayflies, folded flies and caddisflies, dragonflies (belladonna and dragonflies are a large rocker), leeches.

2.1.6. Local pollution assessmentand solid waste.

The assessment was carried out according to the methodology (Appendix No. 1).

Characteristics of the territory.

Visibility of some pollution, some chemical pollution, dustiness, possible mechanical damage to 5% of plants, slight damage to grass and soil cover, change species composition plants characteristic of this type of area.

Research results.

Total: 79

40-100 pieces of garbage - a high degree of pollution. Conclusion: Kabanovsky pond has the 4th degree of pollution.

2.2. Kuntavka river.

2.2.1. Geographical position

Location of the observation point: flows through the village of Terebilovka, north of the city of Urzhum, flows into the Urzhumka River.

2.2.2. The main morphometric indicators of the river.

Determination of water flow upstream rivers Kuntavka andmeasuring the speed of a river(Appendix No. 2).

Date 09.06.10.

The distance between the upper and lower section is 10 m.

No. p / p

Distance from the coast


Left 0.75





Left 1.5





Right 0.75




The highest speed is 0.4m/s.

The lowest speed is 0.32 m/s.

Average speed 0.35 m/s.

Measuring the depth of a river.

No. p / p

Distance from the coast.m

Depth, m

Left bank cut.




Point 1




Point 2




Right bank cut







Q=0.17*0.35=0.06m 3 /s

Definitionwater flow of the lower reaches of the Kuntavka River.

Measurement of the speed of the river Kuntavka.

Date 09.06.10.

The distance between the upper and lower section is 7.5 m.

No. p / p

Distance from the coast

Measured float travel time, s

Average travel time of floats, s

Flow velocity at a given distance, m/s.


Left 0.75





Left 1.5





Right 0.75




The highest speed is 0.37m/s.

The lowest speed is 0.27 m/s.

Average speed 0.32 m/s.

Measuring the depth of a river.

No. p / p

Distance from the coast.m

Distance from adjacent depth measurement point.m.

Depth, m

Left bank cut.




Point 1




Point 2




Right bank cut




Measurement of the area of ​​the living section of the riverbed.

Intermediate areas: W=((h1+h2)/2)*b

h1,h2-depths at adjacent measurement points.

b is the distance between two adjacent points.





Calculation of water consumption.

Q(water discharge)=w(river area) v(average water velocity)

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