Integration of educational areas. Methodological foundations and levels of integration in preschool education

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The term "integration", meaning "union, connection, summation", is used in pedagogical technologies in several meanings.

From a philosophical and pedagogical point of view, integration can be considered as a mechanism that ensures the alignment of the individual level of thinking and the level of development of the collective consciousness of mankind, defined by the concept of "noosphere"; it is a concept that reflects the fundamental conditions for the formation of any system.

The principle of integration is becoming the leading principle in the development of modern educational systems. The essence of this principle is an understanding of the conditionality of a strict division of natural sciences and the humanities into separate educational areas, the desire to create synthetic, integrated knowledge systems that give students an idea of ​​a holistic picture of the world.

1. The concept and technologies of integration in education

education integration educational synergy

· The principle of complementary natural-science methodological tradition and humanitarian methods of cognition.

· Synergetic approach: commonality of regularities and principles of self-organization of various macrosystems - physical, chemical, biological, technical, economic, social.

· Systems approach: integration - a system of systems, the result of a systematization of a higher order.

Gnoseological approach: integration is a way and process of forming a multidimensional polyphonic picture of the world, based on conjugation various ways and forms of comprehension of reality; it is the process and result of the formation of integrity (holism) - a single quality on the basis of many other qualities; the principle of the implementation of the educational process, based on complementarity different forms comprehension of reality.

Hermeneutic approach: integration is a principle that manifests itself in the transformation of all components educational system in the direction of unification, generalization, development of integrative educational programs, training courses, lessons, events, obtaining integrative educational results, etc.

· Activity approach: integration is a means that provides a holistic knowledge of the world and the ability of a person to think systematically when solving practical problems; creation of conditions for the formation of a personality-multidimensional picture of the world among students and comprehension of oneself in this world.

· Informational approach: integration - the leading trend of updating the content of education - is a big scientific problem. The main task here is the integration of channels of information interaction of students with the world in its integrity and diversity, the actualization of the natural possibilities of multidimensional perception of reality. The objects of integration in educational cognition can be: types of knowledge, a system of scientific concepts; laws, theories, ideas; models of objective processes.

· Developing training.

Currently in Russian education the following concepts and technologies of integration on the basis of general education take place:

Integration of the content of education, reduction of a lot of subject matter, enlargement of educational areas (the concept of V.V. Serikov);

Generalization of the content of educational subjects (the concept within subject integration - V.I. Zagvyazinsky);

Consolidation of didactic units (P.M. Erdniev);

Technologies for integrating educational subjects (physics + chemistry - A.I. Gurevich);

Combining various technologies, methods, techniques in the same spatio-temporal coordinates (the concept of didactic systems synthesis - L.A. Artemyeva, V.V. Gavrilyuk, M.I. Makhmutov);

Combining upbringing and education, training and work, the efforts of the school and society into a single whole (the concept of integrating the educational forces of society - V.V. Semenov);

Environmental education, harmonization of the "nature - man" system;

global education;

Holistic, holistic education;

2. Models for integrating content into academic disciplines Oh

The traditional content of modern school education, and especially the natural sciences, is fragmented, built on a disciplinary principle. Developed within the technocratic paradigm, it reflects the state of natural sciences. At the same time, preference is given to the achievements of classical science, and non-classical science is represented in them by the first third of the 20th century, and there are practically no ideas of synergetics, information about the nature and mechanisms of self-organization and evolution of chemical, biological, social, planetary, space and other systems.

Didactics is still taking steps towards adapting the ideas of synergetics into the content of school education. This will make it possible to most fully illustrate the unity of all that exists, to build a single procedural model of the world - a synergistic picture, through the prism of which the world appears to humanity as a super hierarchy of interacting systems, in which everything is inanimate and Live nature, human life and creativity, society and culture are interconnected and subject to uniform universal laws.

Integration in mathematics is the action of summation, the inverse of differentiation (separation). When applied to a specific object - the content of education, already differentiated in curriculum schools into 10 educational areas and more than two dozen individual subjects, the integration operation is aimed at:

Creation of a unified picture of the world on a scientific basis;

Elimination of repetition and duplication of material in different subjects;

Interrelation of various subject systems of knowledge;

Unloading and optimization of the mode of educational work of schoolchildren, etc.

The operation of integration in mathematics gives an answer that allows many specific solutions. In the construction of the so-called integrated educational technologies, a wide variety of specific solutions is also obtained - models that differ in one or another parameter.

2.1 Model "Integration (unification) of academic disciplines"

The natural-science picture of the world combines the subject systems of physics, chemistry, geography, and biology. For its effective formation, there are attempts to create combined courses: physics and chemistry; geography, biology and chemistry (natural science); history, literature, music and fine arts (world art culture); mathematics and labor (mathematics and design), "Mathematics and design", "Natural science and Agriculture”, “Physics with the basics industrial production», « art and artistic work, etc.

For some specialized educational institutions, the state standard of education provides for an integrated course "Fundamentals of natural science knowledge of the world", which combines such disciplines as mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, which are studied in the graduating classes of general education schools. The purpose of this integrated course is not only to teach students the named disciplines (even if in an abbreviated version), but also to process the material of these subjects in such a way that they represent a discipline in which various branches of science are united among themselves on a single logical basis.

Integrated classes (lessons). Building the educational process on integral basis is embodied not only by integrated disciplines. Integrated lessons, which are widely used in last years, most often are one of the forms of generalization of knowledge. They can be conducted on the basis of intra-subject, inter-subject and inter-system integration: combined two-, three- and four-subject, immersion lesson, excursion lesson, hike lesson, travel lesson, etc.

Integrated lessons often serve as a direct consequence of the parallel study of related subjects (topics), which, as it were, are brought into one lesson.

This achieves:

The actual association of subject systems of knowledge about a given object, phenomenon;

Gain in time spent on mastering the material;

One of the teachers frees up time for individual work, control, etc.

Examples: integrated lesson "Crystals" (physics + chemistry), lesson "Geographical discoveries" (geography + history).

integrated days. On this day, the lessons of physics, chemistry, biology are put one after another and are taught almost immediately by three teachers. Example: "Forces in nature, their manifestation in the organisms of animals and humans." At the same time, there is a non-delayed integration of natural science knowledge gained in the lessons of various subjects.

Preparation for the implementation of each such integrated model begins 2-3 weeks in advance. Interdisciplinary consultations are held in advance, where students are advised how much work needs to be done immediately before the “day”.

2.2 “Synchronization” model of parallel programs, courses and topics

Another model for the integration of educational subjects is the temporal (in time) synchronization of programs that should be built so that in terms of integrated subjects in given time topics were studied that were close in content or in historical epoch or some other feature. It is also possible to synchronize the subjects of the natural science and humanities cycles.

With synchronized parallel training on the same day different teachers on the different lessons related topics are studied. Examples: parallel study of the periodic law in chemistry and the electronic structure of an atom in physics or the study in mathematics of those mathematical knowledge that will be immediately applicable in the next lesson when solving problems in physics or chemistry.

2.3 Model of intersubject communications

Intersubject communications (IPC) - mutual consistency of curricula, due to the content of sciences and didactic goals. It is necessary to operate with mathematical concepts in physics classes, formulating laws and conclusions from certain theoretical premises, transforming formulas, solving physical problems, etc. Even at the first stage of studying physics (grades VI-VII), students perform simple algebraic transformations, use knowledge about the proportionality of quantities and the functional relationship between them, about coordinates and methods for drawing graphs, etc. Knowledge of mathematics is applied in the classroom in chemistry. The courses of physics and chemistry mutually reinforce each other.

Sometimes coordination is carried out within cycles and not only of one class (ie, horizontally), but also over a number of years (vertically).

Interdisciplinary connections were of particular importance in the integration of subjects, in which, for the formation of complex topics, the elements associated with them (doses, topics, sections, facts, concepts, laws, etc.) from various branches of knowledge were singled out. MPS could be traced in time as concomitant, preceding, subsequent, promising, recurring (concentric). The direction and path of the transfer of ZUN determined their role as providing or provided, direct or indirect. Finally, by their nature, the connections could be logical, philosophical, epistemological, semiotic.

Interdisciplinary connections are built using the methods of structural and functional analysis - the study of phenomena as a structurally dissected integrity, in which each element of the structure has a specific functional purpose.

* There are "n" and "m" structural elements in each of the two integrable subject areas (doses, topics, sections, facts, concepts, laws, theories, etc.).

* Relationship matrices are built

Interdisciplinary connections are even more clearly visible when constructing structure-oriented graphs. Each topic of the subject is indicated by a circle with a number, and its connection with the topic of another subject is depicted by a directed straight line segment.

Accounting for the number and directions of links of this element allows you to make changes and plan the program content of academic disciplines, while:

The finite elements of the graph, from which there are no providing connections, are considered as inexpedient;

Elements with the least number of connections - are taught at the level of familiarization, memorization, understanding;

The elements with the most connections are sorted at the application level.

A program of continuous training is being drawn up, equipped with the MPS, both in supporting and in provided disciplines.

Forms of implementation of the MEA:

Classes using MPS;

Complex seminars;

Interdisciplinary conferences;

Various forms of extracurricular activities.

3. Jena-plan-school (P. Petersen (1884 - 1952))

target orientations. Teach children:

a) talk to each other (dialogue);

b) not be afraid to take the initiative;

c) learn to look critically, to think;

d) respect others and others around you;

e) want to be honest and be yourself;

f) learn to cooperate.

Need: "learn to live" and "live to learn."

The goal of all learning activities, written in the school plan, is to create a link between the reality in and around the child and learning in the classroom situation.

Conceptual features:

· World orientation, embracing all near and far surroundings of the pupil, is what the child gets acquainted with, moving from knowledge of the immediate environment to more and more distant.

What a child experiences at every moment of his life, and all Environment is a single entity. Dividing it into parts - educational subjects that are studied by students, is a structure invented by scientists.

The child often learns something faster from another child than from an adult; them life worlds very close.

· Education for the Jena-plan-school has a service function. Education is put at the service of upbringing.

· The desire to abandon the systematic study of the sciences represented by academic subjects, the desire to know the world in its unity.

Content Features. Jena-plan-school does not rely on subjects. She seeks to organize and activate the meeting of children with the surrounding reality. The school creates life and work situations for this. Naturally, children here learn to read, write, and count, acquire other knowledge and skills.

The traditional school is mainly from written and printed the words are coming to nature, to real life. Jena-plan-school - on the contrary. It goes from life and work situations to their analysis, to the study of what is given in the content of various educational subjects, that is, the movement of thought is made from situations that occur in life, to specific academic subjects, taken in a complex, integrated.

Features of the organization. In the Jena-plan-school, the following groups are distinguished in which interaction and knowledge of the surrounding world takes place: a) the school community; b) family group; c) a group of one table; d) level group; e) a group of choice.

The school community includes everyone who is related to the school: teachers, administration, group leaders (this is a non-traditional type of association), children and parents.

Family group. This is a heterogeneous group of different ages, and the educational process in it occurs naturally and spontaneously. Family groups are at school and, according to age, are united into younger ones (4 - 6 years old); medium (6 - 9 years); senior groups (from 9 to 12 years old inclusive).

In each group, the student is trained for an average of three years, although different reasons there may be deviations. For a child, his own group is the main one, and what happens in it is what the teachers of the Jena-Plan-School called: "learning to live" and "living to learn."

Children in this group differ in age, sex, level of development, pace, giftedness, and character. This heterogeneity makes a natural learning process possible. In such a family group, the same natural manner of learning can take place as in a family: in it, the older child teaches something to the younger and vice versa.

Coming to the group as a junior, the child starts from the bottom. Other children stay longer in this group. They know and are able to do more: they independently master the skills, show initiative more easily, are responsible for the course of affairs in the group, etc. the youngest is still dependent on them for everything. They accept him into their group.

When he becomes average in age, he notices from the new children that he has moved forward. He is less dependent and remembers his position at the very beginning.

When he becomes the eldest in the group, he achieves greater independence, has more opportunities for self-determination. But, having reached this level, the child goes into next group, and the whole process begins anew: there he will again find himself in the position of a junior, less independent in the new conditions; but he already knows that he can grow up, and he sees from other children that this is really happening.

Thanks to family groups, repetition is excluded. If necessary, you can extend the time of stay in the group. It is also possible vice versa: a shortened period when the child develops faster in all areas of knowledge and practical activity.

Groups of the same table are distinguished by their heterogeneity: they combine the younger, middle and older children of the same family group. Because of this, they can better learn from each other by helping and collaborating.

Level groups are an organizational tool that makes it possible to simultaneously teach large groups of children: they provide an explanation for children who are equally familiar with the material.

A choice group occurs when children are given the opportunity, on the basis of their interests, to take part in a particular job or cause for a certain period.

Jena-plan-school is a model of a democratic type of school in which children and adults, parents and teachers form a single family.

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This article discusses new approaches to building the educational activities of preschool children, taking into account the implementation of the leading principle - integration, which involves the organization of a holistic educational process; scientific substantiation of the revealed patterns of this pedagogical phenomenon and the principles corresponding to them, which determine the methodological basis of the phenomenon under study, is given; justifies the legitimacy and effectiveness of its use in kindergarten.

The author dwells upon new approaches to building educational activities of pre-school children concerning the realization of the driving principle such as integration which helps to organize educational process as a complex. The scientific evidence is given to discovered regularities of the pedagogical phenomenon, as well as the corresponding principles that determine the methodological basis of the examined issue. The relevance and effectiveness applied at infant school are proven.

Key words: integration, principle of integration, regularity, factors of integration, integrity, picture of the world, personal development.

Key words: integration, integration principle, regularity, integration factors, complex, vision, personal growth.

Fundamental Principle development of modern preschool education, proposed by the Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education (FGT) - the principle of integration of educational areas. In a preschool educational organization, according to this federal document, training sessions that duplicated the educational process in primary school and did not correspond to the age characteristics of a preschool child, it is proposed to design a holistic integrated process.

In preschool pedagogy, to date, significant theoretical and practical material has been accumulated on the problem of the relationship between types of children's activities from the standpoint of a comprehensive and integrated approach (N.A. Vetlugina, T.G. Kazakova, S.P. Kozyreva, T.S. Komarova, G. .P. Novikova, and others). Section relationship different types children's activity is reflected in the content of different types of classes, among which integrated classes are singled out (L.A. Gorshunova, O.M. Klementyeva, S.P. Kozyreva, T.S. Komarova, G.N. Novikova, O.S. Ushakova and etc.).

The methodological foundations of any pedagogical phenomenon involve the identification of patterns and principles for organizing an integrated process in a preschool educational organization. A significant theoretical result for the study of the organization of an integrated process in preschool education is to identify and characterize the patterns and principles of the implementation of the pedagogical phenomenon under study, allowing: a) to reveal its practical essence; b) define

pour requirements and rules for effective implementation; c) justify the choice of methods and means of operating with it by subjects pedagogical process; d) set the characteristics of the result when using the phenomenon under study.

In general scientific terms, regularity is an objectively existing, repetitive, essential connection between phenomena of social life or stages of historical development. Being the result of the cumulative action of many laws, it reflects many connections and relationships, while the law unambiguously expresses a certain connection.

In the course of the study, we identified the pedagogical patterns of using the principle of integration in the educational space of preschool education.

Implementation of the principle of integration involves the organization of a holistic process. Integrity is created through synthesis, combining different elements of the educational process kindergarten into a single whole, such as: different types of children's activities (joint and independent; direct educational activities and activities of children in regime moments), various types of interaction (child-teacher, child-child, teacher-child-parent), different educational areas and ensuring a single line of development for each preschooler ( physical development, social and personal development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive and speech development).

The introduction of the principle of integration into preschool education involves the formation of a unified picture of the world in a preschool child. Scattered, fragmentary knowledge about the world, which destroys the preschooler's idea of ​​the world, is unsystematic and does not contribute to a full perception of life. According to R.M. Chumicheva, “in the process of his individual, cultural development a preschooler, repeating the evolution of knowledge of the world in the history of mankind, goes through the following stages: from the perception of the world as an environment for satisfying one’s own needs and the absence of a holistic image of the “I” to the knowledge of the environment in universal interconnections and interdependencies and understanding oneself as a person. The formation of a child's picture of the world as a whole is determined not only by the path intellectual development child, but also determines the development of his creative potential, forms a way to perceive the world figuratively. At the same time, a single picture of the world is a holistic, systematic representation of the world around the child: the world of things, phenomena, human communication and interaction, interconnection, various types activities.

The organization of an integrated process in kindergarten ensures the holistic development of the child and the formation of integral personal qualities.

In the process of integration of educational areas, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical, social and personal development is carried out.

By cognitive-speech development we understand the purposeful process of the child's movement towards the values ​​of cognition of the world around him in various ways, and the self-affirmation of his individuality in the harmonious interaction of his world with the world of another.

The artistic and aesthetic development of a preschooler is interpreted as a purposeful educational process aimed at creating and updating the unique world of feelings and emotions of a child, aimed at discovering, self-expressing the image of the “I”, self-promotion of one’s own potential to an original creative product of activity.

The physical development of a preschooler is the development of dexterity, willpower, physical activity child by means of physical culture and sports.

The social and personal development of a preschool child is defined as a purposeful process of continuous and organic socially controlled entry by a child into society, the process of appropriating social norms and cultural values ​​by him under the direct participation of a significant adult, on the basis of which self-knowledge and self-change of a person occur already at an early stage of ontogenesis.

These lines of development do not appear by themselves. They are the result of constant, controlled accompaniment of a preschool child by a significant adult. The synthesis of these lines of development ensures the transition from a lower stage of development to a higher one, determining a new qualitative advancement of the child in the knowledge of the world around him, the acquisition of personal and social experience.

The integration of the educational process is ensured by system-forming factors. It is necessary to single out the system-forming factor of integration as a “working unit”, which can be any component of the content of education or process, the qualitative characteristics of its participants. Educational areas are such a system-forming factor in preschool education.

The second system-forming factor is the integration of educational areas on the basis of calendar-thematic planning: the choice of a particular topic determines the selection of educational areas for it, which will fully reveal its content to the child. Each exemplary program offers its own planning topics, taking into account significant dates and seasonal events, but the educational institution makes its own adjustments to the choice of topics, based on certain climatic and ethno-cultural conditions.

The first condition is real events taking place in the world around and arousing the interest of children (bright natural phenomena and social events, holidays).

The second condition is imaginary events described in work of art which the teacher reads to the children. This is a powerful theme-forming factor, like real events.

The third condition is events specially “modeled” by the educator (based on developmental tasks). This is the introduction into a group of objects previously unknown to children, with an unusual effect or purpose, causing genuine interest and research activity (What is it? What to do with it? How does it work?).

The fourth condition is events occurring in life age group, "infecting" children and leading to interests that persist for some time, the roots of which, as a rule, lie in the mass media and the toy industry (for example, a fascination with dinosaurs, etc.)

All these conditions can be used by the educator for the flexible design of a holistic educational process. Moreover, each topic can be implemented from 1-2 days to 1-2 weeks.

The third system-forming factor is the integration of the main activities of preschool children: cognitive research, labor, artistic and creative, communicative, motor. Activity as a psychological basis for integration is capable of uniting disparate components within itself and being an integrator of all other activities. Some scientists, when integrating various types of activities, propose the creation of synthetic activity blocks. In preschool education, it is appropriate to consider the game as an integrator of all types of a child's activities. As a result of the development of integrative activity, the child develops integral social and psychological formations, such as integrated methods of activity that are easily transferred from one sphere to another, an individual style of activity.

The fourth factor is the formation of the integral qualities of the individual, which are provided for by the FGT as the end result of the educational activities of the preschool educational institution. At its core, a person is holistic, systemic. A person in the process of personal formation gradually acquires independence as the ability to autonomous existence and social activity as the ability to create and maintain their relationship with the environment. The integral individuality of each person is formed in the process of upbringing, development and training. FGT clearly distinguishes the lines of education: spiritual and moral, civil, patriotic, gender education, as well as the education of a healthy safe lifestyle. The federal document identifies unified educational processes focused on educating a citizen who loves his people, his land and his homeland, who is tolerant of the culture, traditions and customs of other peoples. FGT also outline the lines of development of preschool children: physical, social and personal, cognitive and speech, artistic and speech. Undoubtedly, the integration of educational activities should both take into account and ensure the processes of education and development.

The fifth system-forming factor of integration is the unification of the forms of education and upbringing of preschoolers. In order to qualitatively implement the principle of integration in preschool educational education it is necessary to single out forms of integration that, within one day (or several days), will provide both a synthesis of educational areas, and the interconnection of different types of activities, and the formation of integral qualities of a preschooler's personality in the process of education and development based on calendar and thematic planning. The forms of the integrative process characterize the final product, which acquires new functions and new relationships between the teacher and the pupil, and even parents within one day, a week. Joint creative projects, holidays, experiments, travel, excursions, role-playing games can serve as such integrative forms in preschool educational institutions.

The peculiarity of the organization of an integrated process in a preschool educational institution is such that all of the listed forms cannot exist in their pure form, the choice of a specific topic also implies their integration.

For example, the theme "Mother's holiday" determines the choice of such educational areas as "Socialization", "Communication", "Cognition", "Music", "Labor", "Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”, as well as types of activities: artistic and creative, gaming, reading, cognitive research. A single organizational form can be a matinee. During the day, children read works about their mother (V. Oseeva, Yu. Yakovlev, E. Blaginina, etc.), examine A. Shilov’s “Portrait of a Mother”, draw portraits of mothers themselves, make an exhibition of portraits “All kinds of mothers are important”, talk about professions of mothers, make a gift for mother - an application card, listen to musical works dedicated to mothers (for example, F. Schubert "Ave Maria"), organize a concert for mothers together with adults, participate in the project "Mom's outfits" or "Hostess". On such a day, a meeting with one of the mothers is useful, who will share secrets with the children about how she prepares her favorite treat for her son or daughter (the secrets may be different). Children not only immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a joint holiday, but also master the ideal features of a modern woman, such as tenderness, caring, affection, kindness; learn to appreciate and respect their mother. Here there is spiritual, moral and gender education, social, personal, artistic and creative, cognitive and speech development, as well as the formation in children of such qualities as activity, curiosity, emotional responsiveness, creativity.

The theme “My family” (senior preschool age) suggests choosing as the leading form a project organized on the basis of the integration of educational areas: “Health”, “ Physical Culture”, “Cognition”, “Music”, “Labor”, “Reading fiction”, “Communication”, “Safety”, “Artistic creativity”, “Socialization”, that is, all 10 educational areas are united by this project. The project is quite large, so its execution can take place within 3-5 days.

A system-forming factor in the integration of educational areas can be the compilation of a “Family Tree” (in the context of the past and future) together with parents, its presentation and protection by each family, which tells not only family members, but also their rights, duties, professions, age and even the growth of family members; as well as the defense of the mini-project " Family traditions and hobbies”, in which children together with their parents in a free form (drawing, dance, photographs, dramatization) represent a family, a presentation of a map-map of microdistricts, houses, apartments where families live. For their projects, children, together with their parents, select proverbs and sayings that most characterize the family. This project may include role-playing games: "Family", "Furniture Salon", "My Apartment", "House", as well as games-dramatization of fairy tales "Turnip", "Geese-swans", creative storytelling on the topics " How I help at home”, “Who will I be”, “I will be a dad”, “I will be a mom”, “Our favorite pets”. Such a project may include competitions " morning exercises my family”, “Mom, dad and I are a sports family”, “ Favourite dish my family”, “Family budget”, drawing competition “My family”, “We are on vacation”, issue of family newspapers, exhibitions “Family hobby”. This topic requires reading the stories of L.N. Tolstoy "Bone", "Philippok", A. Lindgren "The Kid and Carlson". Listening to the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the "Children's Album", learning and performing songs.

The sixth system-forming factor of integration can be a cognitive task that children solve to discover the phenomena of the world around them. An integrated cognitive task is such a problematic task that includes the subjects of the educational process in the activity of establishing and assimilating links between the structural elements of educational areas. Integrated cognitive tasks reflect the general scientific level of cognition, which fixes the relations of the objective world: “system-function”, “structure-property”, “phenomenon-essence”, etc.

One of the advantages of organizing joint activities of the subjects of the educational process is the creation of conditions for the search activity of children in solving integrated cognitive tasks.

The organization of a joint creative search contributes to the development of natural curiosity, forms a holistic picture of the world, enriches the life experience of the child. For example, solving the cognitive problem “Where does milk come from?” encourages children to learn

Cow, goat, horse, camel, deer are domestic animals that give milk to a person; man, in turn, cares for them, cares for them, feeds them;

Before it hits the table, the milk does long way, and many people are involved in this (those who care for cows, milk them; who take milk to dairies; those who work in dairies; shop assistants who sell dairy products, etc.);

Milk is necessary for a person for health and growth, because it contains useful material;

There are many products that are made from milk (sour cream, cottage cheese, butter, yogurt, mayonnaise, cheese, etc.);

It is difficult to cook many dishes without milk (cereals, milk soup, pancakes, pies, etc.).

In addition, children develop such personality traits as curiosity, careful respect for the products of labor of many people.

Integration as a multifaceted phenomenon unites children, teachers and parents into a new community. This community is facilitated by the creation joint projects, holidays, festivities, excursions. Projects such as “War in the life of our family”, “Pets”, “Mother's Day”, “My family”, etc., are carried out only with the help of parents who enrich the educational process with their participation and enrich themselves by gaining pedagogical experience in raising children. The Law "On Education of the Russian Federation" obliges teachers and parents to become not only equal, but also equally responsible participants in the educational process.

For example, the implementation of the theme “Don’t play with fire!” involves the participation of parents in the selection of proverbs and sayings about fire, fire, the creation of a mini-museum "01", relay games "Obstacle Course", "Extinguish the fire!", Excursions to the fire station, making the album "Playing with matches does not lead to good ” and others. In addition, other significant adults participate in such projects, who, by virtue of their profession, help children to reveal the topic deeper and brighter - doctors, firefighters, librarians, teachers, builders, policemen. Thanks to their participation in projects, a preschool educational organization becomes an open system that opens up great opportunities for the socialization of preschoolers.

The revealed patterns made it possible to determine the pedagogical principles for organizing an integrated process in preschool education (Table 1), which are a guide to the construction of educational activities.

Table 1

Implementation of the principles of integration of educational areas in the educational space of preschool educational institutions

Name of the principle Essence Pedagogical rules for the implementation of the principle

1. The principle of a system-forming factor The education of preschoolers is built on separate functional units-factors designed to achieve specific educational goals The content of the integration of educational areas must be designed in such a way that it fully ensures that each child achieves the educational goals set for him. In accordance with the training material, various types of activities, forms, methods, subject to the achievement of the intended goal, should be integrated.

2. The principle of separating separate elements from the content The content of the integration of educational areas should be considered as a single integrity aimed at solving the educational goal. The unit of study can be a specific topic or type of activity of the child that unites educational areas.

3. The principle of dynamism Provides a free change in the content of educational areas, taking into account the characteristics of children's groups. The material must be constantly processed and updated. The content of each element can be easily changed and supplemented. By constructing integration elements, you can create new high-quality structures

End of Table 1

4. The principle of flexibility Requires such a construction integration process so that the content of education can be easily adapted to the individual needs of the children. In a narrow sense, this individual approach teacher When individualizing the educational process, diagnostic activity is necessary; it must be organized in such a way that, based on its results, it is possible to build an individualized structure. Control and self-control after certain stage educational process

5. The principle of natural conformity When integrating, it is necessary to take into account the attitude towards the child as a part of nature, which involves raising him in unity and harmony with nature and taking care of environmentally friendly natural environment its habitat and development The natural conformity of preschool education is carried out in accordance with the laws of development child's body, takes into account the peculiarities of physical development, the state of his health, creates conditions for satisfying his dominant needs: in movement, play activities, cognition, communication with people and nature, in creativity, ensures the normal continuity of the stages of child development

6. The principle of cooperation between the teacher and children Determines the need to involve the child in the life of the kindergarten, causing them a joyful feeling of success, moving forward, development

Thus, the pedagogical patterns that we have identified and the corresponding principles for organizing an integrated process in preschool education have made it possible to reveal the essential characteristics of this pedagogical phenomenon, determine the main strategic guidelines, outline the prospects for a comprehensive impact on the development, upbringing and education of preschool children through a holistic perception of the world around them due to integration of educational areas, various types of children's activities.


1. Vygotsky, L.S. Pedagogical psychology [Text] / L.S. Vygotsky. - M. : Education, 1990. - 275 p.

2. Federal state requirements [Text] // Preschool education. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 4-7.

3. Feldstein, D.I. Childhood as a socio-psychological phenomenon and a special state of development [Text] / D.I. Feldstein // Questions of psychology. -1998. - No. 1. - S. 54.

4. Chumicheva, R.M. Value-semantic development of preschoolers (based on the history and culture of the Don region) [Text] / R.M. Chumicheva, O.L. After all, copper, N.A. Platokhin. - Rostov n / D, 2005. - S. 43.

An integrated approach makes it possible to develop in unity the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child's personality. An integrated approach to educational activities meets one of the basic requirements of preschool didactics: education should be small in volume, but capacious.






You need to constantly deal with children, promote them, lead them to development, because nothing happens by itself. (T.S. Komarova)

Many psychologists characterize the preschool age as carrying great unrealized opportunities in the knowledge of the world around. Effective assistance in their disclosure can be provided by integrated educational activities.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the main educational program is built taking into account the principle of integrating educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas, and is based on the complex-thematic principle of building the educational process, which provides the preschooler with a holistic perception of the world around him. The basis for compiling the list of educational areas was the activity approach. Each educational area is aimed at the development of any activity:

  • "Physical development" - motor activity;
  • "Socially communication development» - game activity;
  • « cognitive development» - cognitive and research activities;
  • "Speech development" - communicative activity;
  • "Artistic and aesthetic development" is a productive activity.

The Federal State Educational Standard determines that educational activities are carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities, as well as during regime moments, in the independent activities of children and in interaction with the families of pupils of preschool educational institutions.

Content integration makes it possible to create a model of the organization of the pedagogical process, where the child comprehends the basic categories (part, whole, etc.) from different points of view, in different educational areas. In pedagogical science, integration is considered as the leading form of organizing the content of education.

The principle of integration has a psychological basis associated with the age characteristics of preschoolers: “grasping” the whole before the parts allows the child to see objects integrally. An integrated approach makes it possible to develop in unity the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child's personality. An integrated approach to educational activities meets one of the basic requirements of preschool didactics: education should be small in volume, but capacious.

Building the educational process on the principle of integration of educational areas, we solve such problems as:

  • Formation in children of deeper, more versatile knowledge; holistic view of the world. The world surrounding children is known by them in its diversity and unity;
  • Integration contributes to the formation of generalized ideas, knowledge and skills, increases the effectiveness of the upbringing and development of children, encourages them to actively explore the surrounding reality, comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, develop logic, thinking, and communication skills.

The essence of an integrated approach to educational activities is the combination of knowledge from different fields on an equal basis, complementing each other. At the same time, in the classroom, teachers have the opportunity to solve several problems from various areas of the program, and children master the content through the main types of children's activities: cognitive research, labor, artistic and creative, communicative, motor. Within the framework of an integrated approach, children consider a particular phenomenon, event from different angles, highlighting and studying different aspects: social, including moral and ethical; emotional and sensual, including musical, artistic and aesthetic; logico-mathematical; natural science.

When planning and conducting GCD on cognitive-speech development, the teacher in working with children uses methods such as:

  • surprise, game moments;
  • examination, observation, comparison, examination;
  • comparative analysis, comparison, heuristic activity (partial search);
  • problematic questions that stimulate the manifestation of a kind of joint “discoveries” with the teacher that help the child find the answer;
  • a variety of speech didactic games to activate the vocabulary, expand the understanding of the diversity of faces mother tongue, instilling a sense of self-confidence.

Form of GCD- non-standard, interesting, it can beexciting trips, educational excursions, interesting meetings.In connection with the introduction of the federal state standard, the game becomes the content and form of organizing the life of children. Game moments, situations and techniques are included in all types of children's activities and communication between the teacher and the preschooler. The caregiver fills everyday life children with interesting things, games, problems, ideas, includes each child in meaningful activities, contributes to the realization of children's interests and life activity.

Education of children is built as an exciting problem-playing activity that provides the subjective position of the child and the constant growth of his independence and creativity. The construction of the pedagogical process involves the predominant use of visual and practical methods and ways of organizing activities: observations, excursions, elementary experiments, experimentation, game problem situations, and so on.

At each age stage, the teacher solves different developmental tasks and his role should change flexibly. In some cases, the tasks of the development program will be solved more successfully only with the help of an adult - direct teaching. In others, the teacher creates a special environment and situations for cognitive activity child, organizes his cognitive and research activities. Sometimes he leads the child by personal example, showing generally accepted patterns of behavior, while supporting children's initiative, forming a child's self-confidence.

The educator uses all the variety of forms of work with children to solve pedagogical problems, but at each regime moment he thinks over specific organizational situations. The qualitative result of educational activity depends not only on the program, but primarily on the personality of an adult who creates an emotionally rich environment for the child to master a particular area of ​​knowledge (regime moments, independent children's activities). The tasks of forming the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved in the course of mastering all educational areas in an integrated manner.

At present, the task set before the kindergarten is not to develop integrated classes through the synthesis of educational areas, but to offer a holistic integrative process of interaction between an adult and a child on a specific topic within one day or a week, in which various educational areas will be harmoniously combined for a holistic perception of the world around .

The use of the project method in preschool organizations is one of the methods of integrated teaching of preschoolers.

Project is a set of actions specially organized by adults and performed by children, culminating in the creation of creative works.

Project method - a learning system in which children acquire knowledge in the process of planning and performing ever more complex practical tasks - projects. The project method always involves the solution of a problem by the pupils.

The method of projects describes a set of actions of the child and the methods (techniques) of organizing these actions by the teacher, that is, it is a pedagogical technology. The use of this method in the educational process helps to learn how to work in a team, develops its own algorithm of actions to achieve the goal. Teachers are free to choose methods and types of activities. The choice of a specific project topic also determines the selection of educational areas for it, which will comprehensively reveal its content to the child.

The purpose of our preschool educational institution of a compensating type is to create a single correctional educational space that provides optimal correction of developmental disabilities, the full physical and mental development of children and the alignment of their starting opportunities when entering school.

Our teaching staff has been working for many yearsa single perspective thematic plan. A wide range of specialists work with each child. Every teacher refracts the lexical topic in his classes in his own direction, thereby creating a holistic view of certain phenomena, objects in children. In addition, the concentric arrangement educational material contributes to the deepening and consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills.

For preschoolers with TNR educational work It is built on material that is close and understandable to children, covering as much as possible the range of phenomena that they encounter.

The peculiarity of the organization of an integrated process in a preschool educational institution is such that all of the listed forms cannot exist in their pure form, the choice of a specific topic also implies their integration. The study of some topics takes place as a project activity.

For example, the theme “Defenders of the Fatherland Day” determines the choice of such educational areas as “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”, as well as types of activities: artistic and creative, game, reading, cognitive-research, motor. During the week, children are read works about the Russian army by L. Kassil, S. Marshak, look at reproductions of paintings about the army, an exhibition is being prepared “Our dads are soldiers”, a collage about the army, an exhibition of toy military equipment, military uniform On cognitive and speech therapy classes talk about the army, get acquainted with the types of troops, military uniform, technique, play various speech games, compose a story based on a series of paintings “Dog-orderly”, make a gift for dad - an application card, listen to musical works dedicated to the army (military march), A single organizational form can be a complex educational and musical thematic lesson(entertainment), sports festival "Strong, brave, dexterous", held together with parents (dads).

On such a day, children not only immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a joint holiday, but also master the features of a future soldier, such as composure, dexterity, courage, determination, ingenuity, learn to appreciate and respect their dad. Here there is a spiritual, moral, patriotic and gender education (especially since the main contingent of pupils are boys), social, personal, artistic and creative, cognitive and speech development, physical development, as well as the formation in children of such integrative qualities as activity, curiosity, emotional responsiveness, creativity.

The technology for integrating organized educational activities may be different, but in any case, the manifestation of the creative activity of the teacher is necessary. This is one of the important conditions during its implementation for the development of children's abilities.

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