Ecological problems of the native land project. Extra-curricular event "ecology of the native land". Extracurricular activity on the topic

MBOU "Sizobugorsk secondary school named after the poet Majlis Utezhanov"

Scientific and practical conference schoolchildren:

"Ecology and Life", dedicated to the Year of Ecology.

The topic of the educational research work:

"Ecology of the native village".

Completed by a student of the 4th "b" class

Utegalieva Anita

Scientific adviser:

Ismurzaeva Zulfiya Dyusenovna

Syziy Bugor village 2017


    Theoretical part:

What is ecology? .............................................................. ........................5

Environmental problems of the village……………………………………6

Negative influence garbage………………………………………7

Fighting garbage……………………………………………………8

3) Practical part:

Photos about the state of the village……………………………………..9

Saturdays at school……………………………………………….10

Assignment for students in grades 4-5 (drawings)…………………….11

Research: how long garbage remains in water and soil……12-13

4) Conclusion…………………………………………………………… 14-15

5) References…………………………………………………………………16


Don't throw trash people!
It can become a big burden ...
Protect the gift of nature
Give her attention!

Tatiana Tsyganok

Great is our Motherland. Its vastness is vast. But for each of us it starts with native land. Our edge - Astrakhan region, Volodarsky district, the village of Sizy Bugor.

Indeed, in a small Motherland, as in a person, the main thing is not the number of years lived, but what they were filled with, what trace they left, what changes and good deeds were accomplished in the time allotted by history.

Years go by, the appearance of the village changes, I will tell about the prospects for the development of my native village, its ecology, culture at the present historical stage in my work. After all, in these changes in the village, in its appearance, culture, ecology, agricultural development, an inextricable connection of times, the continuity of generations is visible.

Environmental issues are currently receiving special attention from the public, scientists, and politicians. And this is not accidental, since global environmental problems require depth of ecological knowledge, responsible attitude to the environment.

Mental and physical well-being of a person, his mood, business activity health is critically dependent on the state of the environment. From the state of the ecological environment, everyone, even a small locality depends on the ecological state of our Fatherland.

“We create cities, villages, and they create us,” Aristotle said.

We, the younger generation, growing up in such environmental conditions When we see that there are fewer and fewer islands of wildlife in the village, we perceive it with great pain and resentment. The soul rejoices at the sight of the cleanliness of our village. But sometimes, we often get upset because of the mess. Therefore, I believe that at present the topic "Ecology of the native land" is very important.

2017 is the Year of Ecology. The environmental issue is very milestone in the development of mankind. She determines fate human world. People, conquering nature, largely destroyed the balance of ecological systems. “Before, nature was afraid of man, but now man is afraid of nature,” said French oceanologist Jacques Yves Cousteau. In some places, the environment has reached a state of crisis.
No one can remain indifferent to environmental pollution. “The bird that pollutes its own nest is bad,” says a folk proverb.
Pollution of the surroundings, reduction of natural resources poses great challenges for humanity. The future of our planet depends on the purity of the environment. To achieve all this, it is necessary that a person realizes everything himself and takes a step towards protecting nature.
Ecological culture and school are closely interconnected. We are faced with the task of gaining knowledge of ecology. To achieve success, you need to work consistently using real facts.
Ecology, as a science, is not included in the school curriculum. Therefore, environmental problems have to be studied in optional classes.
In the lessons of the world around us, we pay attention to the problems of the relationship between society and nature, to methods for developing the productivity of rural crops and to studying the properties of adaptation of living organisms to environmental factors.

The purpose of the research work: to study the ecology of the native village. To accept Active participation in improving the environmental situation.

Relevance of research work.

It is important that each person understands the problems of the environment, tries to make it suitable for his living, and cause as little harm as possible to it. I consider my topic of research work to be the most relevant in our time. Modern man cannot today be completely liberated from nature .

On the pages of my educational and research work, I tried to consider (as far as my capabilities allow me) and show, from an ecological point of view, the problem of the environment in our village, associated with the ecological illiterate behavior of people. Each person must behave in relation to nature in such a way that natural connections. One thing irritates me: before we destroy ourselves, we will destroy the planet.

Object of study: village of Sizy Bugor

Research objectives:

1. To develop the ability to express one's attitude to literary works.

2. To develop interest and respect for the environmental problems of their area.

3. Education of love for nature.

Research methods: selection and search for the necessary material; material analysis; summing up the results.

Scientific and practical significance. The materials of my research can be used for extracurricular activities, in competitive work.

Rationale for the choice of topic: The topic title speaks for itself. We offer to plunge into the problem of our village.

Hypothesis: Find out if the pollution of the territory affects the ecology of the village?

Beginning of work: spring 2017

End of work: work continues.

2) Theoretical part:

- What is ecology?

Ecology is the science of environmental protection.

What is ecology? This term, first used in 1866 by the German biologist E. Haeckel (1834-1919), refers to the science of the relationship of living organisms with the environment. The scientist believed that new science will deal only with the relationship of animals and plants with their environment.

This term has firmly entered our lives in the 70s of the XX century.

However, today we are actually talking about environmental problems as social ecology- science that studies the problems of interaction between society and the environment.

It seems to me that today the concept of "ecology" is closest to the original understanding of the Greek term "oikos (abode) + 1ogos (teaching)" as the science of one's own home, i.e. about the biosphere, the features of its development and the role of man in this process.

I will add from myself: and his behavior in this house.

Ecological problems of the village.

What environmental problems have I identified in the village?

Our village is distinguished by the beauty of houses, fences, shops…
The houses are well maintained, the fences are painted, along the streets, some have flowers and fruit trees planted. By tradition, people sweep, clean their yard and street. But "civilization" also left a bad mark. Currently, we often see garbage that people have become accustomed to. it plastic bottles, film, garbage bags. Gives a messy look broken roads. On every street there are abandoned houses that are a place of accumulation of garbage secretly taken out by negligent owners.

I started my work with a questionnaire addressed to schoolchildren, in which one of the questions was the following: “What would you like to see natural environment in your native village? Everyone had the same answer: pure water, fresh air, fertile soils, no hazardous pollutants.

What is the real situation?

Briefly characterizing the current state of the environment and comparing with what we wanted to have, the conclusion is: "What we have is clearly different from what we want."

There are places like unsanitary monuments that cause shame for their villagers. The photo shows all that remains of the building of the kindergarten, the club.

I conducted a study and recorded places with an unsanitary condition: the territory of the former club, fields, banks, a cemetery.

At present, the field has turned into a garbage dump: manure, plastic bottles, household waste. This is a real breeding ground for various diseases.

People themselves, without thinking about the consequences, deprive themselves of a wonderful vacation spot.
Will it be possible to restore it? I think it's possible. After all, some residents of the village are trying to clear the shore, to restore the former appearance. This is another example of the fact that spontaneous landfills should not be allowed. It is almost impossible to return the former nature.

All in our hands.

The negative impact of garbage.

Garbage is solid household waste(packaging plastic container, aluminum cans, glass, cleaning and waste food raw materials, paper, etc.), waste industrial enterprises, the consequences of walking dogs on lawns, etc. Garbage is littered with some nooks and crannies of the village, roadsides highways

Where does garbage come from?

The main sources of garbage:



The shops

Of course, more attention should be paid to the person. Walking through the streets, we do not hesitate to throw papers, cigarette butts, any unnecessary garbage, clearing our pockets. It is even more terrible to see the picture when garbage is thrown out of the windows of houses or vehicles. Scientists have calculated that if every person throws at least one piece of paper a day, then our streets will be covered with a dense layer of paper.

Impact on the health of villagers.

Decaying garbage releases a huge amount of toxic substances that are the cause of many diseases. Changes in plant communities, indirect impact on the fauna of our region. Soil erosion, which reduces fertility and contributes to changes in soil structure. I will give some facts of the formation of toxic substances as a result of the decomposition of organic and mineral composite waste. When such substances are burned, as well as under the action of ultraviolet rays, substances are formed that are very toxic. Alloys containing cobalt adversely affect the content of hemoglobin in the blood. Garbage containing products from the electronics industry can interfere with liver function, and their vapors destroy mucous membranes. Metal coatings containing cadmium, decomposing, cause destruction of the nervous system. Electroplating, alloys, solders contain tin, which also has a negative effect on the nervous system. Mercury batteries, lamps, different kinds colors can cause mental disorders and deafness. Fight against garbage.

The main ways to deal with garbage are: improving the culture of the village population. Our school has created special environmental programs, participation in promotions, community work days, cool watch... Strengthening control over the cleanliness of the streets, the introduction of administrative penalties for non-compliance with the rules of behavior on the streets and the establishment of bins and garbage bins in the village. One of the ways to finally solve the problem of garbage is to burn it. Many villagers use this method. But this method is environmentally harmful, because. when burned, many substances form a large number of poisonous compounds that cause a number of diseases, including cancer.

Another method is recycling raw materials. But this method for our villages is something out of the realm of fantasy.

Most effective method Today it is a promotional work. After all, it’s not in vain that they say that “it’s clean not where they clean up, but where they don’t litter.” This means that it is necessary to bring to the consciousness of every resident the need to keep their native village clean.

Practical part:

Photos about the state of the village

as of March 2017

Saturdays at school.

“We cut down the forest, arrange landfills,

But who will protect everything?

The streams are empty, there are only sticks in the forest.

It's time for humanity to understand

Wealth from Nature, taking away,

That the Earth must also be protected:

She, like us, is the same - alive!

At the school Saturday

At the school Saturday
Excellent workers.
Clean up the village today
Both old and young came.

Gathered pensioners
Clean streets and fields.
- Do you need helpers?
Suggestions are heard.

It came out first class
Cleaning up for the first time.
You can only hear: - Come on!
Get to work!

Someone is picking up trash
Someone is planting trees
Someone in the flower beds swarms,
Happy faces everywhere.

At the school Saturday
All wipers, all rafts.
Even a restless resident
I came to help today.

Nobody quarrels with anyone
Everyone's job is arguing.
The fourth grade decided on "five"
Clean up the village for the holiday.

N. Anishina

Task for schoolchildren in grades 4-5:

How do you imagine "Ecology of the native village".


Research: how long garbage remains in water and soil.

Landfills are breeding grounds for rats, mice, and numerous insects.

It is known that the decomposition rate of ordinary paper in natural conditions is about 2 years, a metal tin can is about 90 years, a plastic bag is about 200 years, and a glass jar is about 1000 years, and most plastics do not decompose.

I can confirm these figures by my research: how long garbage remains in water and soil.

We will place garbage from different materials: paper, plastic, metal, fruit.

Into a container of water

In a container with soil

Let's see what happens with the garbage:

Went down to the bottom

Stayed on the surface

Stayed on the surface

A week later

Without changes

Without changes

will swell

Started to fall apart

next week

There have been changes

Without changes


A week later

Without changes

Without changes

will swell

Minor changes

A week later

Minor changes

Without changes

strong changes

strong changes

It is terrible to think what awaits us in the near future: we will find ourselves hostages of ourselves, we will surround ourselves with mountains of garbage.


Green World- this is how I want to see the planet and my small homeland. Nature is our common heritage and common Home. AT recent times in this house it becomes more difficult and uncomfortable to live. Everything in our complex world is interconnected, nature is fragile and vulnerable, and the consequences of a rude, insane attitude towards the animal and plant world can be catastrophic. But we have one planet, one for all earthlings and there will be no other. Each inhabitant is responsible to all mankind for the preservation of nature for present and future generations.

For decomposition glass bottle, it takes 200 years, paper - 2-3 years, textile products - 2-3 years, wooden crafts- several decades, a tin can - more than 90 years, plastic bag- more than 200 years, plastic - 500 years.

You can use garbage to good use - use part of the plastic waste to equip a flower garden, create various crafts, bird feeders, etc .; glass containers, if possible, hand over to a collection point; clothes in good condition that are no longer worn, to give to those in need; books, magazines to hand over to the library; donate old toys Kindergarten.

How do I see my village in 10-20 years?

Spring, morning, steamy air, unsteady sunlight, the whiteness of birch trunks, the singing of birds, in the summer a sea of ​​​​flowers sat on a flowerbed and the happy laughter of children.

There lived a wise man who knew the answers to all questions. The students decided to shame the teacher. One of them took a butterfly in his palm. And they decided to ask the wise man: what do they have in their hands: dead or alive? If the answer is "dead", then we will release the butterfly, and if the answer is "live", then we will squeeze our palms, and it will die. Thus, in any case, he will be wrong. But the sage answered his disciples... What did he answer them? ALL IN YOUR HANDS.

Let's remember this: our future is in our hands.

I want to urge all residents:

    maintain cleanliness not only in your home, but also in your yard, on your street, in public places;

    take care of the earth, do not litter the soil with inorganic household waste (glass, polyethylene, iron tanks, etc.);

    prevent unreasonable felling of trees and shrubs;

    plant at least one tree for each villager;

    actively participate in spring and autumn cleaning of the village;

I want to continue my research work.

I was born in the village of Sizy Bugor,
What stands by the river Bushma.
How beautiful it is here
I love everything here
I can't even live without her!
I'll leave the house
The coast will open
I see a wonderful distance
And in the spring, when everything wakes up,
Often there, in front of people,
Starlings walk so important
And I watch them for hours.
I am very sorry, of course, that the river
overgrown completely with garbage along the banks!
There are fewer fish in the river,
But the crow doesn't care!!!
How do you want your native village
Wish to develop, grow,
So that in the future our descendants
You could see this beauty!


    Alekseev. Textbook "Ecology" - M, Education, 2002 - 98 p.

    Chernova N.M., Bylova A.M. Ecology. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981.- 254 p.

    Novikov Yu.V. Ecology, environment and man. M.: Agency "Fair", 1998. - 320 p.


Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Social project "Ecology of the native land" Completed by a student of the 6th grade of the MBOU "Zaboryevskaya secondary school" Khromov Daniil Head Kulikova Irina Nikolaevna

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The existence of civilization on our planet is inextricably linked with natural conditions. Human activities are having an increasing impact on environment which led to the formation and deepening of numerous environmental problems. In order to draw public attention to the issues environmental development Russian Federation, save biodiversity and ensuring environmental safety by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, 2017 was declared the Year of Ecology and Specially Protected Natural Areas in Russia.

3 slide

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What is Ecology? The term "ecology" first appeared in the scientific community in 1866. Then this word was proposed to be called the branch of science that studies the existence of various communities of living beings interacting with each other and with their environment. natural environment. In 1990 on International congress Ecologists have given a definition: Ecology is a science that studies the interaction of animate and inanimate nature.

4 slide

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Ecological problems Forests enrich the atmosphere with oxygen, which is so necessary for life, and absorb carbon dioxide. They play a major role in the water cycle. The trees are lifting The groundwater, enriching soils and keeping them from desertification and erosion - it is not for nothing that rivers instantly become shallow during deforestation. According to the reports of the Food and agriculture The UN, annually loses 13 million hectares of forest, while only 6 hectares grow. Deforestation

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Depletion of the Ozone Layer Ozone is a form of oxygen found in the stratosphere, approximately 12 to 50 kilometers from Earth. For many centuries, people did not suspect the existence of ozone, but their activity adversely affected the state of the atmosphere. At the moment, scientists are talking about such a problem as ozone holes. The depletion of oxygen modification occurs for a variety of reasons: launching rockets and satellites into space; operation of air transport at an altitude of 12-16 kilometers; freon emissions into the air.

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According to experts, 10-15 thousand species of organisms disappear annually. The impoverishment of the species composition of flora and fauna significantly reduces the stability of ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole, which also poses a serious danger to humanity. The process of biodiversity reduction is characterized by an avalanche-like acceleration. As of 2000, 415 species of animals are listed in the Red Book of Russia. This list of animals last years increased by half and continues to grow. Humanity as a species with huge numbers and habitat does not leave suitable habitat for other species Decreasing biodiversity

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Water pollution Humans have used every river as a sewer for centuries. Greatest Danger for the hydrosphere arose in the 20th century with the advent of major cities and industrial development. Despite the treatment facilities that are able to prevent the transformation of a river or lake into a fetid slurry, they are not able to return the water to its former natural purity: the growing volumes of industrial effluents and solid waste, soluble in water, are stronger than the most powerful treatment units. About half of the population developing countries does not have access to sources of clean water, is forced to drink contaminated with pathogenic microbes and is therefore doomed to premature death from epidemic diseases.

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Today, oil, as an energy resource, is one of the main factors in the development of the economy. But oil production, its transportation and processing are invariably accompanied by its losses, emissions and discharges of harmful substances, the consequence of which is environmental pollution. In terms of scale and degree of toxicity, oil pollution is a planetary danger. Oil and oil products cause poisoning, death of organisms and soil degradation. Natural self-purification of natural objects from oil pollution is a long process, especially under conditions low temperatures. The enterprises of the fuel and energy complex are the largest source of environmental pollutants in the industry. oil pollution

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The soil is the custodian of fertility and life on Earth. It takes 100 years to form its layer 1 cm thick. But it can be lost in just one season of man's thoughtless exploitation of the earth. One of the modern environmental problems of the planet is land degradation. Under this concept are collected all the processes that change the state of the soil, worsen its functions, which leads to the loss of fertility. There are several types of degradation at the moment: desertification; salinity; erosion; pollution waterlogging; depletion of the land as a result of its long-term use. land degradation

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Currently, the problem of waste, due to its scale, is particularly relevant. When producing a product, we should take into account not only its consumer benefits, but also its environmental impact during production and disposal. Today, humanity has accumulated so much waste that it is seriously faced with the problem of their disposal. Wastes are substances or wastes that have lost their consumer properties and cannot be used. For the safe handling of waste, a waste classification has been developed. Most substances can be used, the limitation of unsuitability is economic feasibility and the lack of advanced technology. The garbage we throw away can be a valuable resource if we understand how cheap it is to recycle it. Waste

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The earth cannot support a huge number of people. According to scientists, 500 thousand is the maximum allowable number of people for our planet. Today, this limit figure has been exceeded 12 times, and according to scientists' forecasts, by 2100 it may almost double. But the growth in the number of people is also an increase in the use of natural resources, an increase in areas for agricultural and industrial needs, an increase in the amount of harmful emissions, an increase in the amount of household waste and areas for their storage, an increase in the intensity of human expansion into nature and an increase in the intensity of the destruction of natural biodiversity. Mankind today is simply obliged to restrain its growth rates, rethink its role in the ecological system of the Planet, and take up the construction of human civilization on the basis of a harmless and meaningful existence, and not on the basis of animal instincts of absorption. overpopulation

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Environmental problems Ryazan region. The Ryazan region is located in the center of the West European Plain, on the ancient Russian platform, has a flat relief. In the north - the Meshcherskaya lowland, in the west - the spurs of the Central Russian Upland (height up to 236 m). Its territory is well watered and populated. The Oka River divides it into two parts: northern - forest and southern, which includes zones of broad-leaved forests of the forest-steppe.

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Ecological problems of the Ryazan region. The region is an old industrial region with a diversified complex. In the industry structure industrial production a large share falls on mechanical engineering and metalworking, significant shares are oil refining, electric power, production building materials and food industry. The most important industries are oil refining and electric power industry. The production of building materials is developed (Mikhailovsky cement factory Eurocement group, Skopinsky glass factory), leather production and processing (OAO Safyan), non-ferrous (Kasimov, Ryazan and Skopin) and powder metallurgy, production of chemical fibers. Developed industry creates environmental hazard in the area of.

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Ecological problems of the Ryazan region. Consider the most acute environmental problems of the Ryazan region. Atmospheric air pollution. Emissions from industrial enterprises, transport emissions, cinders from forest and peat fires in summer period pollute the atmosphere. The ecology of the region is suffering from forest fires, which are caused by rich peat deposits in the region. About 14% of the territory of the Ryazan region was affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This part of the region has an increased radioactive background. Rich reserves in the area drinking water, but, unfortunately, the water in them is of poor drinking quality. Due to unauthorized cutting down of waterproof forests, the water level in the Oka River has dropped significantly. For this reason, some sections of the river became impossible to use for the passage of ships. The problem of waste disposal. There is a system of specially protected territories on the territory of the region. The structure of which includes: the Oksky Reserve, the Meshchersky Park, the Ryazansky Reserve and other natural objects.

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At first glance, this is a quiet and unwise land under a dim sky. But the more you get to know it, the more, almost to the point of pain in your heart, you begin to love this ordinary land. And if I have to defend my country, then somewhere in the depths of my heart I will know that I am also defending this piece of land, which taught me to see and understand the beautiful, no matter how ordinary-looking it may be - this forest pensive land, love for which will not be forgotten, just as the first love is never forgotten Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968) Meshchera region

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Paustovsky Path In November 2016, the students of our school took part in the launch of the regional social project "K.G. Paustovsky Path", aimed at familiarizing young people with the literary and artistic heritage of the Ryazan region.

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Ecological problems of our native land We were lucky to be born and live in this land of forest lakes and swamps, quiet and leisurely rivers, endless forests with their mushrooms and berries.

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Environmental problems of the native land Unfortunately, our amazing edge environmental problems were not spared. A large amount of household waste today is taken to unorganized landfills, in woodlands. This is due to the elementary lack of the required number of authorized places for waste disposal and the low level of coverage of the population by organized waste collection systems. In recent years, the number of identified unorganized garbage dumps has increased.

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Ecological problems of the native land Picturesque corners of nature have become a favorite vacation spot. The problem of forest conservation is especially acute in places of mass suburban recreation (lakes near the village of Laskovo). Changes natural complexes arise from trampling undergrowth, compacting the soil and destroying flowering and medicinal plants, pollution of forest lands, which is also a fairly common problem in the Ryazan region.

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Ecological problems of the native land Huge damage to the ecology of the Ryazan region was caused by fires in the summer of 2010. Was Became

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Ecological problems of the native land Not only forests suffered in a terrible ecological disaster, several villages of the Ryazan region burned down, namely the village of Peredeltsy, Laskovsky village, and also a small part of the village of Kriusha.

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Ecological problems of the native land. The negative consequences of a fire are enormous. It destroys trees, grass cover, animals and birds. A forest damaged by fire loses water protection, field protection and other functions. It creates favorable conditions for the mass reproduction of harmful insects and the spread of fungal diseases. On forest fires, a different type of vegetation is formed, which leads to a change in the animal population. The hunting and fishing fauna bears great losses, and by-products of the forest (mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants) perish.

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Ecological problems of the native land. First of all, we need to start fighting not with the consequences, but with the causes of the environmental problem. This requires more attention environmental education especially in teenagers. Our students are actively involved in various environmental actions organized by the Ryazan region. So, during the fire hazard period, the volunteer detachment participates in patrolling recreation areas on the territory of the Urzhinskoye, Segdenskoye and Laskovskoye lakes. During the work, volunteers hand out leaflets and talk to vacationers about compliance with safety rules in forest areas.

Ecology and us

Security and rational use flora and fauna.

Done: student

9th grade MOUOO

schools in Yusupovo

Tagirova Fluza

leader: teacher

Russian language MOUOO

Schools in Yusupovo

Nigamaeva E.A.


1. Live nature- the main asset of the Earth.

2. Vegetable world and plant resources.

3. Relationship between flora and fauna.

4. Take care of nature!

Living nature is the main asset of our Earth; human society has developed in its bowels and exists at its expense. It satisfies our nutritional needs and provides the main conditions for the life of people on the planet - the composition of the air environment, protection from cosmic radiation, the purity of water, soil fertility, and climate mitigation.

For humans, the plant world acts as plant resources. These resources, especially forests, are significant in Bashkortostan. Forests occupy about 39% of the region's territory. In neighboring Tatarstan, the area of ​​forests is only 17% of the territory. Timber reserves allow the development of forestry, wood-chemical and other industries.

The water protection role of forests is very important. They accumulate more snow, which feeds the rivers. Especially important to us mountain forests, feeding the rivers, protecting the slopes of the mountains from erosion. If the forests are depleted, then irreparable damage can be done not only to Bashkortostan, but also to neighboring regions, since the rivers flowing to the plains will dry up.

Forests are the source of life for numerous herbivorous animals, in close connection with which there are also predatory animals.

Of the negative qualities that somewhat reduce the value of the republic's forest resources, we note their uneven distribution. About 70% of the forest area falls on Gorny Bashkortostan, where the forest cover reaches more than 80%. As a result of intensive deforestation, the forest area of ​​Bashkortostan has halved over the past century. The steppe vegetation was damaged due to plowing. The steppe areas also suffer from excessive grazing.

Various animals inhabiting the territory of the republic represent animal resources for us. Like vegetation, animal world severely debilitated. Wild horses, saigas, beavers have long disappeared, red deer. The number of bear, otter, mink has decreased. It is sometimes believed that predatory animals bring harm.

Consider the opposite - the positive impact of man on the flora and fauna. This impact is expressed in the protection, rational use and replenishment of plants and animals. Much has been and is being done in this direction.

1. Three reserves have been created - the Bashkir State Reserve, Shulgantash and Yuzhno-Uralsky. These reserves are protected rare species animals and plants.

2. Organized 15 state hunting reserves and 12 reserves for the protection of medicinal plants. 148 natural sites have been declared natural monuments.

3. Protection and restoration of forests are being decided - field-protective forest plantations are being created, forest plantations are being carried out, work is underway to prevent forest fires, school forestries and green patrols are being created.

4. Much has been done to protect and replenish animals: valuable animals have been settled - American mink, red deer, muskrat, muskrat, river beaver. The elk population is growing.

5. Many animals are taken under protection, for example, brown bear, maral, roe deer, etc.

6. Stocking of lakes, reservoirs and ponds is carried out.

7. There is a fight against poachers who violate the terms and places of hunting, as well as fishing.

There is much more to be done. Must be abandoned consumer attitude to forest resources. In this case, one should note the principle "as much as you need" on the other - "as much as possible". forest resources are called renewable and exhaustible. We can harvest wood only within the limits of the annual growth of forests, and not as much as you need. "Cut down a tree, plant two," foresters say, but, unfortunately, so far an average of 20,000 hectares are planted in the republic, and 27,000 hectares are cut down.

All our activities will help the wildlife of the region well only if each of us is firmly aware of the importance of caring for the forest, meadows, birds, and animals. Communicating with nature, convince yourself: "This is our common, and therefore my forest, my river, lake. I must protect all this. Who will save this world if not me."

Life practice itself suggests: the ecology of nature without the ecology of the soul is unthinkable. We are terribly destroying the vegetation cover of the earth, proud and independent animals, all the beauty that only holds life.

Nature appears before us in all its beauty and grandeur. We admire her, she disinterestedly gives us joy.

But why, then, are there guys who destroy bird nests, clog springs or rivers, break trees? And then they brutally deal with a cat or a dog ...

How should we educate the current rising generation, the generation of the 21st century? How to develop environmental consciousness, careful attitude to nature? it difficult task. Not so something to work out in a man environmental habits. After all, we do not understand the behavior of those who pluck a flower and do not think about the fact that this flower is dying. What needs to be done so that forests, fields, rivers, our smaller brothers, animals and birds, do not suffer from the cruel hands of poachers? How to stop from ill-conceived actions? In the end, the human being, a part of nature, will suffer.

What ways, forms and methods are used to educate a person who is not indifferent, who will be a real watchman and master of the natural riches of our planet?

Those who forgive should receive answers to questions: why you can’t throw garbage wherever you can light a fire in the forest, why you need to plant flowers and why you can’t break tree branches, and others.

Dear children and guests! Our conference is dedicated to one of the most pressing issues of our time - the relationship between man and nature. (tell 1 sheet and abstract).

Your attention is invited to speeches on the following topics: Ecological state of the oil industry in our region, Protection and rational use of flora and fauna, Environmental problems of our region, Protection of the ecological environment is everyone's business.


1. V.N. Kuznetsov. "Ecology of Russia" Reader. JSC "MDS"

Page 4-5.

2. Khismatov M.F., Sukhov V.P. "Geography of Bashkortostan". Textbook for 9th grade. - Ufa: Kitap. Page 41-43.

"I and the ecology of my native land"

(environmental project)

Stage I - preparatory

    nature and me

    Environmental problems

II stage - research

Stage III - generalization of materials

I stage - preparatory

Project object- forest plantation, park, trees.

Project subject– excursions to the park, forest plantation, cleaning the territory, protecting trees, maintaining cleanliness and order.

Project Hypothesis- thanks to excursions, cleaning of territories, protection of trees, it is more effective to form research skills.

The goals of the project are to form ecological consciousness, to study the impact of conducting excursions, cleaning the territory, protecting trees on the formation of research skills.

Project objectives:

1) Find out the state of the park, forest plantations.

2) Study and analyze the literature on this issue.

3) Research work "I and the ecology of my native land."

    nature and me(Soothing music playing).

Hello, my native land,

With your dark forests

With your great river

And boundless fields!

For each person, the concept of "Fatherland" is inextricably linked with nature. River, bank, grain fields and Birch Grove, taiga and steppe - all these pictures familiar from childhood merge into a single big image Motherland. To educate in the younger generation responsibility for the fate of nature and love for it and one of critical tasks today in the implementation of the multiplication of natural resources. We must preserve and beautify our land.

It is impossible not to love your land, its unique nature, which is not only an object of admiration, creative strength and health, but also of great importance natural resource- the source of wealth of our Motherland.

The words noted by D.K.Ushinsky: “Wouldn’t the freedom, and the open space, the beautiful surroundings of the town, and these fragrant ravines and swaying fields, and pink spring and golden autumn, be beautiful.”

    Environmental problems

The study of nature cannot be imagined without direct observation and study of objects and natural phenomena; it is rather difficult to study without excursions. Is it possible to form conscious knowledge, for example, about the forest without direct access to nature? Not!

We decided to conduct an ecological excursion to the park, to the forest plantation.

Ecological excursions have their own specifics. It lies in the fact that during the excursion, in addition to educational tasks, environmental problems are also solved.

During this excursion, we paid attention to the issue of nature conservation. We already knew that plants should be handled with care, not breaking branches of trees and shrubs, not uprooting flowering plants, not picking flowers from them. We were told about the Red Book and explained that everything in nature is interconnected and harmonious, and our task is to preserve this amazing and multifaceted world. We have been assigned to do some useful work aimed at identifying disturbances in nature.

We found out the state of green spaces, the degree of trampling down of park sites, forest plantations. Such work aroused great interest in us, the desire to do something useful, helps to cultivate a careful attitude towards nature.

II stage - Research

Both in the park and in the forest plantation one of the most beautiful trees - birches - is planted.

On the meadow, on the hill,

By the window, among the fields

Blond birches - a symbol

My motherland!

The birch is a symbol of Russia, because we have so many of them. A symbol of youth, beauty, poetry. Sweet, simple, eternally young Russian birch.

In our country, birch is the most common hardwood. We have up to forty species of birch. And in the first place - warty birch. Well-known and birch - fluffy. They are very similar.

And how amazingly good a birch is in spring in a green dress. The light she studies can warm a chilled soul. How many songs have been composed about her, how many poems have been written! And everything seems small! For example, V. Musatov has a poem "Birches".


The yellow leaf in the forest is spinning

And birch trees lie at the feet ...

Having met very coldy

With bare head

Birches won't catch a cold

Legs hidden under the leaves.

No other country has as many birches as we have in Russia. Birch and in songs, and in riddles, and in fairy tales. And how many rivers, villages, villages are named after our cheerful birch.

A birch grows in Volgograd, grows on the land that has survived 200 fiery days. She remembers the ruined city, the bomb explosions, the rivers of blood, the moans of the dying. Here stood to die soviet soldiers, survived and won.

For me, birch is a part of Russia.

She is, and will be, and was.

Knowing about the beauty and usefulness of birches, people do not think about their protection, they release cattle, tear them for brooms, some boys break branches, in early spring they hurt birches to extract juice. And we, with the whole class, also connected our parents to take patronage over the park and forest plantation. We often visit our sponsored places, take care of trees, remove garbage, make sure that people do not drive cattle into the park. We examine small wounds on a birch. The birch wound was healed with Garden Var glue to heal faster. After the end of juice secretion, the wound was smeared with oil paint. Seeing how the kids diligently take care of the trees, and the population of our village has already begun to litter less, let out livestock. We understand that everything in nature is interconnected, I would like to end with B. Zakhoder's poem "About everyone in the world."

Needed in the world.

And midges are no less needed than elephants

You can't do without absurd monsters

Even without evil and ferocious predators!

Everything in the world is needed!

Everything is needed -

Who makes honey and who makes poison.

Bad deeds for a cat without a mouse,

A mouse without a cat is no better off.

Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone

We all really need each other.

And if someone seems superfluous

That, of course, would be a mistake.

III stage - Generalization of materials

In order to have something to remember, we decided to plant a birch each in the spring.

We already know the rules for planting trees: first, we dig holes to such a depth that the roots of the seedling fit in the hole; then, one holds a birch stalk by the stalk, and the other fills the hole with soil; we form a hole so that the water does not flow down the sides when watering. We all love planting trees.

All people should take care of the trees, water them every day. If people pollute the air, there will be fewer trees. People, do not pollute the Earth!

At the end of my speech, I turn to all the guys.

There are a lot of us guys

May each of us

Even a bush for the garden

Will plant now.

May it be better and more beautiful

Itself, like spring,

Becomes our

MBOU "Sizobugorsk secondary school named after the poet M. Utezhanov"

Scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren:

"Ecology and Life", dedicated to the Year of Ecology.

Topic of educational and research work:

"Ecology of the native village".

Completed by a student of 4 "b" cells.

Utegalieva Anita

Classroom teacher:

Ismurzaeva Zulfiya Dyusenovna

Garbage is solid household waste (plastic packaging, aluminum cans, glass, cleaning and food waste, paper, etc.), waste from industrial enterprises, the consequences of walking dogs on lawns, etc. Garbage is littered with some nooks and crannies of the village, roadsides of automobile expensive...

Where does garbage come from? The main sources of garbage:

  • - human
  • - transport
  • - the shops

Impact on the health of villagers.

Decaying garbage releases a huge amount of toxic substances that are the cause of many diseases. Changes in plant communities, indirect impact on the fauna of our region. Soil erosion, which reduces fertility and contributes to a change in soil structure .. Synthetic polymers - thousands of plastic bottles, balls, containers, scraps and plastic bags - that's not complete list polymer materials found on our streets. When such substances are burned, as well as under the action of ultraviolet rays, substances are formed that are very toxic. Mercury batteries, lamps, various types of paints can cause mental disorders and deafness.

Target: study the ecology of the native village. Take an active part in improving the environment.


I consider my topic of research work to be the most relevant in our time. My village is my home . We live here. One thing irritates me: before we destroy ourselves, we will destroy the planet. The main problem is where to put the garbage.

It’s not for nothing that 2017 has been declared the Year of the Environment. I propose to plunge into the ecology of our village.

Hypothesis: Find out if the pollution of the territory affects the ecology of the village?

At the very beginning of the research work. I would like to know - What is ecology? There are many definitions of ecology.

Ecology is the science of environmental protection.

From the Greek term "oikos (abode) + 1ogos (teaching)" as the science of one's own home.

I will add from myself: and his behavior in this house.

Ecological problems of the village.

What environmental problems have I identified in the village?

I notice that our village has a lot of beautiful houses, fences, shops... The houses are well maintained, the fences are painted, along the streets, some have flowers and fruit trees planted. People must sweep, clean their yard and street. Currently, we often see garbage that people have become accustomed to. These are plastic bottles, film, garbage bags. There are abandoned houses on every street, which are a place where garbage accumulates.

I started my work with a questionnaire addressed to schoolchildren, in which one of the questions was the following: “What kind of environment would you like to see in your native village?”. Everyone had the same answer: clean water, clean air, fertile soil, no dangerous pollutants.

I conducted a study and recorded places with an unsanitary condition: the territory of the former club, fields, banks, near the cemetery. Currently, the field has turned into a garbage dump: manure, plastic bottles, household waste. This is a real breeding ground for various diseases.

All in our hands.

Fight against garbage. The main ways to deal with garbage are: improving the culture of the village population. Our school has created special environmental programs, participation in promotions, community work days, class hours ...

Establishment of urns and garbage collectors in the village. I saw a large urn only on the school grounds. The school is much cleaner.

Many villagers burn garbage. But this method is environmentally harmful, because. when burned, many substances form a large number of toxic compounds that cause a number of diseases, including cancer.

Another method is the recycling of raw materials. But this method for our villages is something from the realm of fantasy.

After all, it’s not in vain that they say that “it’s clean not where they clean up, but where they don’t litter.” This means that it is necessary to bring to the consciousness of every resident the need to keep their native village clean.

A lot of work is being done in our school. These are: class hours, in the classroom, extracurricular activities, subbotniks, various promotions.

  • For the decomposition of a glass bottle, it takes 200 years, paper - 2-3 years, textile products - 2-3 years, wooden products - several decades, a tin can - more than 90 years, a plastic bag - more than 200 years, plastic - 500 years .
  • You can use garbage to good use - use part of the plastic waste to equip a flower garden, create various crafts, bird feeders, etc .; glass containers, if possible, hand over to a collection point; clothes in good condition that are no longer worn, to give to those in need; books, magazines to hand over to the library.

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