Occupation in the senior group is living inanimate. Summary of GCD on environmental education in the senior group "Journey to the world of wildlife." for cognitive development

Final lesson

"Alive and not Live nature».

Target: generalize children's knowledge about living and inanimate nature.


Continue to consolidate children's knowledge of living and inanimate nature,

The ability to classify phenomena and objects of animate and inanimate nature, to correctly name natural phenomena depicted schematically, to develop the ability to independently draw conclusions,

Develop observation

Cultivate love and careful attitude to nature.

- schemes of animate and inanimate nature;
- Pictures of animate and inanimate nature.

Lesson progress:

- It seems to me that joy and kindness always help a person. So let's start our lesson with a smile.

Guys smile at each other.


"Bright sun
and blue sky
mountains, oceans,
plains, forests.
Water and sand
and all living things around.


Educator: children listen to the poem.

"Bright sun
and blue sky
mountains, oceans,
plains, forests.
Water and sand
and all living things around.
What do we call all this, friends?

What is nature? (children's answers)
That's right - flowers, rivers, trees, plants, people, animals, air, water, mountains, stones, stars of the planet and much more that is created by nature.

All that we see and observe is nature.

All nature can be divided into two huge world : Think about how you can divide nature into two groups?

Name the sign of wildlife:

Birth, breathing, growth, nutrition, reproduction, movement, dying (death).

Help solve the problem

If a stone fell from a mountain and split, then this stone is an object of what nature?


Why? After all, there was one stone, there were many.

There are no signs of wildlife.

Yes guys. Stone is the body of nature. Bodies in nature can change.

flowing water in the river - is it an object of wildlife?


But the water in the river is moving, isn't it?

Water moves because the earth is round.

Attention game "What is superfluous?" Why didn't you name the houses, the cars? (Answers of children). That's right, because all this is created by man, not nature.

Conversation: A tree is an object of wildlife, but a log?

An object of inanimate nature.

Why? Is it possible to call a spoon, a table, a house objects of nature?


And where did people get the material to make these items?

From nature.

Conclusion: Man, for his own good, takes both from animate and inanimate nature.

Inanimate - sand - glass,

tap water.

Conclusion : these are just objects that a person made from objects of nature, for his own convenience.

Fizminutka: The wind blows in our face
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter
The tree is getting higher and higher.”

About what living the object of nature we spoke?

About the tree.

Prove that the tree belongs to living nature.

It has all the signs of living nature. It is born (a sprout appears), grows, breathes, feeds, multiplies, dies.

On the example of plants, we will consider how a living organism develops. Let's start with what plants are.(The structure of the plant.) - root - main body plants.

Explain diagram: seed - root - sprout - plant - bud - flower - fruit - seed.

Do all plants reproduce by seed?

(potato, strawberry, tulip).

Let's take a look at the potato as an example. seasonal changes

Guys, where do you need to plant a sprout so that it can grow? (into the soil)

What is soil ? (the land where the plants grow from). Why?


What is needed for plant growth.

Air, sun and water.

And why do living beings need air, including us.

How do plants breathe?

And without air, all living things cannot do.

You said that the plant needs light. Where do they get it from? (Sun)

Why do they need light? What happens if the sun disappears?(Without sunlight and heat, most animals, plants, and man himself cannot exist.)

What is water for? (Answers of children). to live

How does a plant drink water from the ground?

Imagine for a moment that inanimate nature, namely the sun, air, water, will disappear. Will plants, animals and man himself be able to exist then?

Conclusion: Living and non-living nature are interconnected.

Psycho-gymnastics "I am a plant."

“Imagine you are baby plants. You were planted in black, which means fertile land. You are still small sprouts, very weak, fragile, defenseless. But someone's good hands are watering you, wiping the dust, loosening the earth so that your roots breathe. You start growing. Your petals have grown, the stem is growing stronger, you are reaching for the light. It is so good for you to live together with other beautiful flowers.”

In nature, there are 4 seasons.

In nature there are natural phenomena

In inanimate nature

Solving riddles.

1. Without arms, without legs, but opens the gate. /Wind/.(air movement)

2. Mochit grove, forest and meadow. City, house and everything around! Clouds and clouds - he is the leader, You know, this is ...

( this is not just water, but a real miracle created by nature itself! )

3. Red yoke, hung across the river. /Rainbow/. (the sun plays with water droplets).

In wildlife.

1. The wind plays with leaves, Breaks them from the trees.

Everywhere the leaves are circling - This means ....(leaf fall)

2. Hot arrow, oak fell near the village. /Lightning/.

Thunderstorm - stormy weather with rain, thunder and lightning. Thunderstorms are associated with the development of cumulonimbus clouds, with the accumulation of a large number electricity. Multiple electrical discharges occurring in clouds or between clouds and the ground are called lightning. Pbeautiful, but at the same time, a frightening natural phenomenon.

There are many natural phenomena in nature.

Conclusion: Nature is very beautiful and defenseless.

We, unfortunately, often hurt her.

And only a man can save her.

How can one save her?

Nature must be respected
She is our mother to all of us.
She takes care of us.
Always saves in difficult times.

We must all keep it
Protect, love and do not forget
Yes, do not forget in an unkind hour
That we only have one.

Our mission is to love and protect nature.

GCD on familiarization with the outside world (preparatory group).

Topic: "Living and inanimate nature"

Purpose: To give children the concept of animate and inanimate nature, and that nature is our common home.

Tasks: 1. Develop the cognitive abilities of children.

2. Consolidate, systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.
3. To teach children to distinguish and name objects of animate and inanimate nature, compare, think logically and establish causal relationships.
4. Train the ability to take part in a conversation, express your opinion, listen to the opinion of your comrades.
5. To cultivate curiosity, a sense of personal involvement in nature.

Integration of educational areas: cognition, socialization, reading fiction.
Socialization: introduce children to elementary generally accepted norms and rules of interaction with peers and adults, cultivate friendly relationships, respect for others.
2. Cognition: to expand and clarify the idea of ​​the world around.

3. Communication: develop and encourage the desire to express their point of view and share with the teacher and other children.
4. Reading fiction: to form the ability to listen carefully and with interest to the story.
Handout: felt-tip pens (red, orange, yellow), colored pencils, silhouette pictures.
Type of activity: Learning a new topic.
Vocabulary work: living and inanimate nature

Lesson progress:

Guys, you and I live in an ordinary house, which has walls, a roof, a floor and a ceiling. We feel good, cozy and warm in it, but as soon as we leave the threshold of our house, we find ourselves in another house. This house is nature.

I invite you, now go on a journey through the world of nature.

Look guys
What is around?
The sky is light blue
The sun shines golden
The wind plays with leaves
A cloud floats in the sky.
Field, river and grass,
Mountains, air and foliage,
Birds, animals and forests
Thunder, fog and dew.
Man and season
It's all around nature.
Guys in the house of nature, what is the roof (walls, floor, ceiling)?
In the house of nature, the sky will be the roof. (Mountains, soil, clouds)

Guys, do you know that nature is divided into two huge worlds?

Today we will learn that there is a world of living and a world of inanimate nature.

What do you think about wildlife?
-Birds, animals, insects, forest, plants.
The children are talking.

Let's turn to our Wise Owl. Let us judge which of us is right.
Open and read:
Living nature is what grows, breathes, eats, bears offspring and dies.

For example, animals: grow, breathe, eat, bring offspring and die.
Conclusion: Animals - wildlife
Children give their examples of wildlife, building a chain of life on Earth.
What do you think is inanimate nature?
How can it differ from wildlife?

Children: Inanimate nature does not give birth, does not breathe, does not grow, does not eat.
You are absolutely right. Well done! Give examples. inanimate nature.
Children: stone, sand, water.
1. Living beings breathe, eat, grow, bear offspring.
2. Inanimate nature does not give offspring, does not breathe and does not grow.

Turn around once or twice and turn into the sun - hands up;
Turn around once or twice and turn into rain - claps;
Turn around once or twice and turn into a snowflake - spin around;
Stork (stand on one leg)
Frog (sitting jump)
Turn around once or twice and turn into children.
The children sit down.

Listen to "The Tale of how the Sun, Water and Soil argued among themselves"

Argued somehow Water, Sun and Soil among themselves: which of them is more important, who brings great benefits to all life on earth.

“I,” said Water, - the most important. It is I who quench my thirst at a running deer, it is all the plants waiting for me on a hot summer day with a warm rain, it is I who murmur in a running stream, where fish live and beautiful water lilies bloom. It's the frogs croaking in the pond on a warm, quiet evening. I am the main one, I quench the thirst of all living things.

Think about it, laughed. Sun with its fervent laughter and merrily shook with its golden rays - I warm all life on earth. As soon as I touch the edge with my rays, and the first green grass is already visible, flowers are blooming in the clearing, and butterflies are already fluttering from flower to flower, bees, bumblebees are flying, ground beetles are swarming below, ladybugs, workers - ants are busy with their work from morning to evening. I stroke the leaves of the trees, and look - the buds are already bursting, the first leaves appear from them. And birds fly from the south - spring has come. I woke up spring, and therefore all nature from a long hibernation. If I were not there, it would be dark on earth, like at night, but as soon as I appear, the day is born.

And what about me? - said The soil, - I'm a home for both plants and some animals. The roots of plants live in me, and you too, Water you live in me, and the plants suck you out of me with their roots. If it wasn't for me, where would you be? What did you think? Where would moles, earthworms, beetle larvae and other insects live? No, what to say, I am the main one for all life on earth.

How is that, she said Water , everyone considers himself the main one, then who is the most - the most important?

The Sun, Water and Soil thought , but they did not find out who.

What nature are they?
What do you think, which of them is the most important? Why?
Guys, can the world exist without sun, water and air? And why?
Children: All living things will perish.

How should we treat nature?
Children: We must love nature, protect and increase
- Yes, indeed, we must preserve and protect our living and inanimate nature.
Nature is our common home.

Summary of the lesson:
What new did you learn?
What have you learned?

Nadezhda Titkova
Synopsis of GCD in senior group on the topic "Living and inanimate nature"

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: « Living and non-living nature» .

Prepared by the teacher Titkova N.N.

Target: Improving children's knowledge of living and inanimate nature.


- remember the concept: "The water cycle in nature»

Practice distinguishing between concepts « nature» and "not nature» .

Practice naming and classifying objects on "live" and « inanimate»

Activate the dictionary of adjectives and consolidate the ability to agree

adjectives with nouns.

To consolidate the ability to arrange pictures and carefully stick them on a collage.

Practice jumping in place, walking between objects and crawling under arcs.

Cultivate respect for nature.

vocabulary work: word activation – nature, live, inanimate, water, sun, air, adjectives-definitions; new concept - the water cycle in nature.

Material: Pictures - « Nature is not nature» , "Alive is not alive", water, sun; picture collage inanimate; live pictures nature.

Lesson progress:

1. The teacher brings artificial flowers.

Children, I would like to plant these flowers in our group.

Do you think they will grow if I plant them in the ground?

(not alive, will not give roots, will not grow).

Flowers are made by man. All items made by human hands are not nature.

Do you know what is nature?

(children's answers).

Nature- this is the world around us, more precisely, that part of it that is not created by human hands. This is the sun, water, air, sky, animals, insects, plants and man, as part of nature.

slide show "What's extra?"- Mushroom, carrot, cloud, ball.

Mushroom, carrot, cloud, ball. What is superfluous? Why is the ball extra?

(all objects belong to nature, and the ball is made by a man).

2. Nature is living and non-living. What to do with the living nature?

(plants, animals, insects, flowers, people).

What breathes, eats, grows, develops - everything belongs to the living nature.

What applies to inanimate nature?

(wind, snow, water, air, sun, sand, earth).

Slide "What's extra?"- Rook, flower, goat, moon.

What is superfluous? Why is the moon extra?

(Rook, flower and goat - refer to living objects, and the moon - inanimate)

3. - Will the planet Earth be able to exist without inanimate nature? Why?

(all living things need water, air, solar heat to grow).

Slide: "Water"

There will be no water on Earth, there will be no life. Water is a necessary condition for life. Imagine that you have come to the shore of a reservoir.

"The water cycle".

Many, many droplets play and frolic in the water. The sun is shining brightly, it's hot. And droplets-girlfriends, one by one, begin to separate and rise into the air. That is, evaporation occurs. High above the ground, the air gets colder. And the droplets come together again. This is how clouds are made. The wind drives them to the ground. The clouds become dark and heavy. It's raining from them. Rain is small droplets of water. Under the ground, small droplets are collected in underground streams. Streams flow into reservoirs. The supply of water on Earth is constantly replenished. From earth to heaven, from heaven to earth. This process is called the water cycle nature, from the word "a circle" i.e. water moves in a circle. (speaking in chorus)

4 Physical minutes "The droplets go around"

Let's turn into droplets and play their circular journey. I am Mama Cloud, and you are little kids. It's time for you to hit the road (children move around the hall to the soundtrack of rain). Droplets fell to the ground (light jumps in place). They got bored of flying alone. They gathered together and flowed in little cheerful streams. Brooks met and became a big river (walking one after another between objects). Droplets float in big river. (crawling under the arc) The river flowed, flowed and fell into the ocean. Children form a circle. Droplets remembered that Mama Tuchka ordered them to return home. And just then the sun came up. The droplets became light, stretched upwards. They evaporated under the rays of the sun and clean, cheerful returned to their mother Cloud.

What is the name of the round trip of a droplet? (The water cycle)

caregiver: Now let's rest a bit.

They fly without wings

Running without legs

Sailing without sails. (Clouds)

In rich clothes

I'm blind myself

Lives without a window

Didn't see the sun. (Mole)

Parents and children have all clothes made of coins. (Fish)

Not water, not land:

You can't sail on a boat

And you can't walk with your feet. (Swamp)

On a green cord, white bells. (lilies of the valley)

White peas on a green stem. (lilies of the valley)

I live under the roof

It's scary to even look down.

I could be taller

If only there were roofs. (Icicle)

It flies - howls, sits down - digs the ground. (Bug)

I always fall in the morning

Not a rain, not a star -

And sparkles in burdocks

On the edges and meadows. (Dew)

in the seas and rivers inhabited,

But often it flies through the sky.

And how bored she is to fly,

Falls to the ground again. (Water)

He is in his forest chamber

He wears a frilly robe.

He heals trees

Knock - and easier. (Woodpecker)

Zarya-zaryanitsa, red maiden,

Walked across the field, lost the keys.

I saw a month - I did not raise it,

The sun saw and picked up. (Stars)

Jugs and saucers do not sink and do not beat. (water lilies)

Ser, but not a wolf,

Long-eared, but not a hare,

With hooves, but not a horse. (A donkey)

They have a very strange look!

Dad has curls in a wave,

And mom walks with a haircut,

What is she offended by? (A lion)

She grew up - she grew a tail,

She wore a dark dress.

She grew up - became green,

Tail changed to oars. (Frog)

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat insects, worms,

I don't fly away for the winter

I live under the ledge. (Sparrow) 5. Sun, air and water are ours best friends Without them, all life on earth would not exist.

"Water"- What kind of water? (clear, cold, transparent, warm, etc.)

There is no life on Earth for all living things and without the sun.

"Sun"- What sun? (radiant, round, yellow, warm, etc.)

"Air" What is the balloon filled with? (by air)

What air? (cold, clear, transparent, warm, etc.)

Air is essential for all living things.

How do we take care of nature? (we water flowers, do not break branches, feed birds, etc.)

Children, today at the lesson we learned a lot of interesting things, right?

Children: Yes!

Related publications:

Synopsis "What is wildlife?" Abstract continuous educational activities according to FEEP with children of the group preparatory to school

What is nature?

What can not be called nature?

That's right, this is already called the man-made world.

Man often invents things that are similar to nature.

D / game: "What does it look like."

For example: a helicopter looks like a dragonfly, Submarine to a whale, an umbrella to a mushroom, a bridge to a rainbow, a fan to the wind, a carpet to the grass, a shower to the rain, an airplane to a bird, a light bulb to the sun, a musical bell to a flower bell, etc.

Nature exists independently of man.

Look at your tables, you will see pieces of chalk and cups on them - one empty, the other with water.

Take the chalk and break it. What happened to the chalk? Has he ceased to be chalk or not?

That's right, the chalk remained chalk, only its pieces became smaller.

Take a glass of water and pour some of the water into another glass. What has become of the water, has it ceased to be water?

That's right, the water remained water, only it became less in the cups.

And what will happen to a butterfly, a beetle, a flower, a tree, a bird, an animal, if we divide them into parts?

And how do you see the difference between living nature and non-living nature? (* Living nature: breathes, grows, eats, moves, develops, reproduces, changes, dies)

Continuing the conversation about nature, I invite you to go on television and visit several TV shows, as well as be participants in these programs.

Fizkultminutka "We are drivers."

We're going, we're not driving,

We press the pedal.

Switching speeds

We look closely into the distance.

Wipers clean off drops

Right left. Purity!

Hair ruffled by the wind.

We are drivers anywhere!

Program: "Smarts and Wise".

So we got to the program "Clever and clever".

The rules of this program are as follows - you need to answer very quickly and clearly and complete sentences.

1. How should one behave in the forest?

2. Name deciduous tree with white skin?

3. What does “feet feed the wolf” mean?

4. Where does the snow start to melt earlier - in the forest or in the city?

5. Where is it easier for a hare to run uphill or downhill?

6. Why can't you touch the eggs in the nest?

7. What is more terrible for birds - hunger or cold?

8. Most Is the territory of our planet Earth occupied by water or land?

9. Name living and inanimate nature?

I am pleased with you, you are real wise men and smart girls.

And now we are going to another TV show.

Here we are on the program.: "In the animal world".

You and I know how diverse the animal and vegetable world.

Please tell me how animals differ from each other? (Coat color, size, nutrition, habits, habitat).

How are plants different? (color, shape, structure (structure), place of growth).

How can animals be classified according to how they eat? (herbivores, rodents, predators).

D / n: “Who lives where?”

And now guys we have such a task. You need to go to the tables and arrange pictures with animals and birds according to their habitat. (Green circle - taiga and forest, blue circle- glacial zone and tundra, red circle - desert and steppes, warm countries).

(Children must prove the correctness of their actions).

Do you think that animals of hot countries, for example, a giraffe, can live in our forests? Or Brown bear in Africa? Why? (Because every animal is accustomed to the climate where it lives and to the vegetation that it feeds on).

Program: "Travelers' club"

Now we will visit the program "Club of Travelers".

Who we are going to talk about today, you will learn from the riddle.

Red, but not a fox. Small but not a cat.

Jumps, but not a hare. Lives in a hollow, but not an owl. (Squirrel)

Find a cube with a picture of a squirrel. Where does the squirrel live? (In the forest, in a hollow).

On what trees does the squirrel find its home? (Find a cube with an image of a Christmas tree ( pines) and place squirrels under the cube).

And for these trees to grow, what is necessary for their growth? (Earth, sun, air, water).

Find the cubes with these images and determine the place in this pyramid.

We have compiled a pyramid in which it is clear that wildlife is interconnected with non-living.

TOTAL: So what can we conclude by looking at this pyramid? (Everything in nature is interconnected: people, plants, animals, soil, air and water. Everything is in an inseparable unity - wildlife cannot do without inanimate nature and vice versa.)

All nature can be divided into two huge worlds: the world of living nature, the world of inanimate nature.

What kind of objects do you think a person belongs to? (showing a picture)

Prove that a person relates to wildlife.

What does a person need for growth and development?

Children: Heat - food - water - air - love of loved ones.

Vos-l: What do you think, nature can exist without man? (maybe)

What about man without nature? (no, why? Prove it.

Children: Man is part of nature. Without nature, he is doomed to death (nature gives him food, warmth, air, water).

What happens if there is no air?

How is man different from other objects of nature?

Children: A person can think, reason,

Man is a thinking, rational being. He learned a lot from nature. On Earth, he is smarter than everyone, and therefore stronger than everyone!

Guys, does nature teach us something? What? (truthfulness, purity, kindness, justice, patience, work, friendship). Nature teaches a person how he should behave in a given situation. Therefore, we must protect and protect nature!

2. Guess the riddles, and find the clues in this picture (the teacher shows big drawing depicting nature).

a) lives in the seas and rivers,

But often it flies through the sky.

And how bored she is of flying.

Drops to the ground again.

b) They beat me, beat me,

Turning, cutting

And I endure everything

And I cry all the best.

c) blue scarf

Red bun.

Rolling on a scarf

And people smile. (heaven and earth)

d) Blue sheet

The whole world covers.

e) Shines, sparkles,

Keeps everyone warm. (sun)

e) Without arms, without legs,

And the gate opens.

Well done boys! You have correctly guessed all the riddles!

3. - Guys, what else do you see in this picture?

Now look at this picture again and think about how you can call everything that is depicted on it in one word?

What do you think nature is?

Why do you guys think the artist didn't draw them? Did he do it on purpose or just forgot to draw?

And who makes cars, houses, benches, toys, bicycles?

So, guys, everything that is made by human hands, we cannot call nature. What is called nature? Nature is everything that surrounds us, but not made by human hands. Correctly!

4. The teacher offers the children the game “Nature or not? »

Guys, you have pictures and envelopes on your tables. Take the pictures and look at them carefully. Think about what is depicted on them, nature or not?

Now put the pictures with nature in an envelope, and leave the rest on plates.

And now I propose to check how you did it.


5. Fizminutka "Beetle".

A beetle flew into our group,

Buzzed and sang: "W-w-w-w",

Here he flew to the right,

Everyone looked to the right.

Here he flew to the left,

Everyone looked to the left.

The beetle wants to sit on the nose,

Let's not let him sit down.

Our beetle has landed.

Whirled and twirled


Beetle, here is the right palm,

Sit for a while.

Beetle, here is the left palm,

Sit for a while.

The beetle flew up

And sat on the ceiling.

We got up on our toes

But we did not get the beetle,

Let's clap together

Clap - clap - clap,

So that he can fly.


6. The next task is the game "Living and inanimate nature."

The teacher distributes one picture to everyone. The children then take turns placing the pictures on the board. With wildlife they put on the top strip, with inanimate nature - on the bottom.

Let's take another look at the top bar. Here we have pictures: a man, a dog, a bird, a fish, a tree, a flower, a hedgehog - they all eat, grow, breathe, therefore they are classified as wildlife.

And the sun, clouds, stones, soil, water are classified as inanimate nature, because they do not have the ability to grow, feed, breathe. Well done guys, you did a great job.

7. - Guys, look carefully. Do we have wildlife in the group?

Experimental activities. The teacher invites the children to compare a live fish with a toy.

Let's compare the fish. What are they?

Where do live fish live?

What about toys?

What can live fish do?

What about toys?

Let's take them in hand. Why can't live fish be taken out?

8. Good or bad game. TRIZ.

(Words: water, sun, rain, wind. The teacher is interested in what benefit and what harm each of these phenomena can cause. For example: What is good about water? What can harm water)

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