How to cook Ossetian pie at home. Ossetian pies - the best cooking recipes

Today I prepared for you real recipe Ossetian pies. I really want to treat you to this amazing dish.

If you had the good fortune to visit Ossetia, you could not only appreciate the fabulous beauty of those places, but also fall in love with Ossetian pies forever. I was lucky a little more, because I was born there, and I know all the secrets of making real pies.

Ossetian pie is a thinly rolled closed pie with various fillings inside. It cannot be said that it is with one filling that the pie is the most delicious. Each pie is delicious in its own way, but almost every filling uses Ossetian pickled cheese.

Ossetian cuisine is distinguished by a wide variety of delicious dishes. One of the most popular and famous are Ossetian pies loved by many. Having tried them once, you will definitely never forget their taste. For any festive table you will definitely see the traditional three pies. Why three, you ask? Three pies are served on a platter for the holidays. They symbolize the sky, the sun and the earth, which is why they are laid out in three pieces. For sad events or dates, pies are laid out two pieces per dish. So, better bake an odd number of pies and let the occasion always be only festive.

And the fact that you bake them, do not even doubt it. My detailed recipe for Ossetian pies will help you do just fine. It remains only to decide on the filling and you can proceed. Well, if you have tried or seen real pies. In many major cities today you can order Ossetian pies. Moscow especially loves them, where this service is very popular. You can order Ossetian pies by phone, after which you will have to wait happily and not worry about anything. Ossetian pies delivery is another convenient service, thanks to which pies will reach you very quickly.

Culinary programs also vied with each other to offer a wide variety of options for both pies and dough for Ossetian pies. Sometimes recipes come across just fantastic, having nothing to do with the real recipe. Quite recently, I had the good fortune to watch such a program in which the guest was in Ossetia and ate a pie with young beet leaves and cheese. In the studio, she tried to cook it and teach others. What she cooked was not even remotely similar to the pie that she could taste in Ossetia. The dough for Ossetian pies was not clear from what, and you will not find fillings like hers in any self-respecting Ossetian family. I understand that sometimes you can replace one product with another and the taste will not suffer from this. But when a pie is prepared with young beet leaves, and they are replaced with spinach, lettuce and parsley, and they announce to the whole country that this is the Ossetian pie, then this is already too much.

Perhaps the resulting pie was also delicious, but this is not an Ossetian pie, but a pie with a different name. In order for you to appreciate the beauty of the pie with young beet leaves, then we will cook it today. Moreover, in the gardens now there are just beets with young tender leaves, ideal for our pie. Young beet tops have a slight sourness, which is what we need in the filling. If beet leaves are a problem, then substitute them for chard, not spinach.

Fillings for Ossetian pies (and, accordingly, pies) are:

  • Ossetian pies with potatoes and cheese;
  • Ossetian pies with meat;
  • Ossetian pie with cheese;
  • Ossetian pie with cabbage;
  • Pie with pumpkin;
  • With beans;
  • Unusual, but amazingly delicious pie with young beet leaves, cheese and herbs.

A real recipe for Ossetian pies with beet leaves and cheese, products:

  • Warm boiled water -200 ml;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Dry yeast - 1 sachet (9-11 g), wet (live) - 60 grams;
  • Flour - 3 tbsp.
  • in addition to the dough, add;
  • Flour -1000 grams;
  • Serum or water - 450-500 ml
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Margarine - 120 grams;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Filling (for three pies):

  • Young beet leaves - 600 grams;
  • Green onions -100 grams;
  • Dill - 100 grams
  • Ossetian pickled cheese - 600 - 800 grams, can be replaced with feta cheese, Adyghe cheese, suluguni;
  • Ghee - 50 grams;
  • Homemade sour cream - 100 grams;
  • Salt - to taste.

Recipe for Ossetian pies with beet tops:

  1. From the listed ingredients, put the dough, cover with a towel and let it increase in volume.
  2. Sift flour into a large bowl (take checked flour, good quality so that the dough does not float). Make a recess in the flour, pour salt into it, break one egg, pour in the melted margarine, and vegetable oil. Add about half a liter of warm water or whey and knead a soft (important!) dough. The dough for Ossetian pies does not contain any special secrets. Like any dough of this type, it must be gently kneaded, then the pies will be soft and airy. If desired, you can do the usual yeast dough- water, flour, salt and yeast, most importantly, knead it gently.
  3. Grease the bowl vegetable oil, put the dough in it, cover and let rise twice. If the dough for Ossetian pies is kneaded correctly, it will try to escape from the bowl both times.
  4. During this time, prepare the filling. Beet leaves need to be washed, dried, cut off the stems and finely chopped. Add finely chopped green onion and dill. Grate Ossetian cheese into greens, add butter, sour cream and mix the filling. Season with salt to taste and tilt the plate of filling slightly to allow excess liquid to drain from the cheese. The filling will be very juicy, and in order for the cake not to leak, all excess liquid must be squeezed out, this is important. The filling is ready, divide it into three parts and roll three balls out of it. Each ball should be slightly smaller than the dough ball. This dough for Ossetian pies is suitable for any filling, not just beetroot. But Ossetian meat pies are usually made from kefir dough, so tastier.
  5. For the third time, divide the dough into three equal parts. Knead it a little, flatten it with your hands. Place a ball of stuffing in the center of each slightly flattened tortilla. Now grab the edge of the dough with one hand and collect it in a bag, helping with the other hand. The filling will be inside, and pinch the top of the dough. The more toppings in the dough, the tastier the pies.
  6. Turn them over with a pinch down, and leave the balls with the dough and filling to lie down for another 10 minutes.
  7. Turn over and begin to gently spread the filling to the edges of the pie with the palm of your hand. Gradually, the cake will stretch, after which it must be transferred to a baking sheet sprinkled with flour. On it you can stretch the cake a little more. Keep in mind that this type of filling is wet and the cake may leak. Watch a video of Ossetian pies on the Internet, how to stretch Ossetian pies, if someone is not very clear.
  8. We send the pies to the preheated oven. After 5-7 minutes, shake the baking sheet with the cake so that it does not stick to the surface. Bake until golden brown.
  9. Transfer to a flat plate and generously brush with melted butter with a brush. Cover the cake plate with a large bowl to soften the cake.
  10. Bake the other two in the same way, because the recipe for Ossetian pies is universal. The stuffing with beet leaves is very tasty, but requires certain skills. For the first time, you can cook Ossetian pies with cheese and potatoes. Chop hot potatoes and set aside. Grate Ossetian cheese (brynza, suluguni) into it, salt and pepper. This filling is drier and the cake will definitely not tear.
  11. The main secrets of delicious pies:
  • softly kneaded dough;
  • equal amount of dough and filling;
  • generous impregnation of finished products with ghee;
  • cover the pies with a bowl for 30 minutes.

Now you know that you can order Ossetian pies if you have such a service in your city. Ossetian pies, the delivery of which is included in the same price, will certainly fall in love with you. And you can cook them at home, because my recipe for Ossetian pies is especially for you.

Looking forward to your feedback in the comments. Did your pies turn out, what questions arose during the cooking process? I will gladly answer you. Share the recipe with your friends, click on the social media buttons. Let them try this yummy.

And for today there is no more news, until new tasty meetings!

A real recipe for delicious Ossetian pies. With all the secrets and details

The history of the unique Ossetian pie recipe

Today we have unusual recipe Ossetian pie, it differs in that it was invented common man, and does not apply to folk. The author is real Ossetian Alma Kulieva. This chef works in a cafe in St. Petersburg, during her work as a culinary specialist she invented many amazing recipes, among them you can find a method of cooking according to a recipe that she has been using since childhood. In this article, we will tell you dear readers, what is her corporate secret, describing it step by step and accompanying the photo.

The cake itself is divided into eight parts, the average cooking time is only one hour. This is quite small, which gives a tangible advantage compared to others, where it takes one and a half or even two hours to make. The complexity of cooking is low, which means that both a teenager and a person can repeat it without any special knowledge in cooking.

I would like to note, firstly, that Ossetian pies have a peculiar difference in the taste of the dough from. The main difference is the complete absence of milk; this product should not be consumed cold. For a better feeling of all the taste that the chef wanted to convey, it is better to warm it up.

In the homeland of these pies, in Ossetia, housewives are made in ovens, where pastries are heated to high temperature sometimes even up to 300 degrees. Cheese, meat, various greens are mainly used. But you can and should fantasize with the ingredients. It has been mentioned more than once in our articles that most often three pies are served on the table. It is a symbol of the past, present and future. Forms are very diverse, they can differ in holes, splendor and filling.

The composition of the ingredients of the Ossetian pie recipe

For the test

  • Sugar - 50 grams;
  • Wheat flour - 500 grams;
  • Water - 1.5 liters;
  • Salt - 60 grams;
  • Live yeast (recommended) - 50 grams

Ossetian pies

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If you approach the matter thoroughly, without haste, Ossetian pies will turn out the first time, and you will proudly think of yourself as a talented culinary specialist. At least that's how it was for me. So that you also fall in love with delicious pastries with national flavor, I made a selection: Ossetian pies recipes with photos step by step from different test and with different fillings. chose simple recipes Ossetian pies with potatoes and cheese and cabbage. I do not claim authenticity. Recipes are adapted to our realities, and how pies are baked in Ossetia is an art with centuries old traditions and culture.

Ossetian pies are always round, just a big flat cake. Thin layers of dough on top and bottom, and between them an abundance of filling. It can be very different: from meat, cheese, beet tops, cheese with herbs, potatoes, cabbage, beans. Traditions prescribe for a feast to make an odd number of pies and serve them in a pile, cut into sectors. Hot or cold, with vegetables, herbs, meat and of course a decanter house wine it will not be superfluous - what is a feast without it? Yes, they eat pies with their hands. No forks and knives.

Dough for Ossetian pies

They make dough on water, milk, kefir, whey, ayran, often mixing one with the other. The best is the dough for Ossetian pies, cooked with yeast and fermented milk products. I made on kefir. Soft and plastic, it is easy and pleasant to work with it. And of course the taste is amazing!


  • wheat flour - 380 g;
  • fresh pressed yeast - 12 g;
  • fine salt - 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp. l;
  • warm kefir 1% fat - 200 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.


We measure the right amount of yeast - a little less than a third of a standard package weighing 50 grams. Combine with sugar and salt.

Kefir is heated, we need it warmer than room temperature, but not hot. While stirring, make sure it doesn't curl. Pour into bowl with yeast.

Pour flour through a sieve. As always, I advise you not to rush and not add everything at once. Leave a little, add when kneading.

Stir, add sunflower oil. Normal, odorless.

Knead the dough right in the bowl. At first, the dough will be rough and tough. As you knead it becomes soft, sticky. Flour must be added in a very dosed way so as not to “hammer” the dough.

Knead by hand for ten minutes, no less. After kneading, the dough should remain soft, light, slightly oily, elastic. We collect in a bun, cover and put on proofing.

Depending on the temperature of the air in the room, the dough will rise in an hour and a half. It will grow three times, become very lush, airy. We crush it and proceed to molding. The dough is universal, suitable for any filling.

Ossetian pies with potatoes and cheese

Perhaps the recipe for Ossetian pies with potatoes and cheese is the most everyday and affordable option of all. There are always potatoes in the house, and buying cheese is not a problem. By the way, about the choice of cheeses. Traditionally, pickled cheeses are added to the filling: Adyghe, Ossetian, sheep cheese or from cow's milk. AT modern recipes increasingly used hard cheeses as the most accessible. If it is possible to buy pickled cheeses - excellent, if not - make the filling with hard cheese.


To prepare the Ossetian pie with potatoes and cheese you will need:

  • yeast dough (recipe above);
  • potatoes - 7-8 pcs;
  • cheese or cheese - 200 g;
  • any fresh herbs- a bundle or two;
  • butter- 70-80 g;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;


  • flour for shaping and sprinkling - about 0.5 cups;
  • butter for greasing pies.

How to cook Ossetian pies

We make the dough according to the recipe above, but while it is suitable, we will prepare the filling. Peel and boil potato tubers in salted water, cut into pieces. Leave a little broth, salt the rest - it will not be needed. Mash the potatoes with a crush, adding a little broth. We make the stuffing cool enough.

Add butter, chopped herbs of your choice (I have parsley with celery), ground pepper. We connect everything.

Grate cheese or cheese. I specially made an Ossetian pie with potatoes and hard cheese, having bought a piece of Dutch. But I will tell you that very tasty Ossetian pies with cheese. We try - you should like the filling, bring it to the perfect taste.

We start molding Ossetian pies. Divide the dough into three or five pieces. Focus on the size of the pan. I have a small one, made five pies. You can bake large pies on a baking sheet - as you like. We make koloboks from the dough and from the filling. The photo shows that there are almost as many potatoes as dough.

Sprinkle the work surface with flour, knead the dough with the palm of your hand into a fluffy cake.

Place the filling in the middle. Raising the edges and gently pulling, we collect over the potatoes in the center, carefully fastening. The folds are not thick, make sure that they do not gather on one side.

We get a new bun - outside the dough, inside the filling, a neat pinch on top. Check that the cake is tightly pinched, otherwise the potatoes will come out.

Now press down with your hand, again make a cake. And we begin with our fingers and palm to carefully stretch from the center to the sides according to the size of the pan.

Sprinkle a baking sheet or pan with flour. We move the cake. Make a hole in the center with your finger to release steam.

The oven is already preheated to 200 degrees. We put the cake in the oven, bake for 15-17 minutes. The top is gilded - done! The temperature can be added a little - you know better how your oven bakes, if it is quiet - bring it up to 210-220 degrees.

Hot, piping hot, remove the cake onto a plate on which we will serve. We generously grease with butter so that the whole cake is buttery, and it also gets into the filling. Cover with a bowl and do the next pie.

Ready Ossetian pies are stacked one on top of the other. Lubricate each well so that when you put a hot cake, the bottom is also soaked.

We cut Ossetian pies with potatoes and cheese into segments and serve.

Ossetian pie with cabbage

For the Ossetian cabbage pie recipe, I made yeast dough on water. The same soft and tender, only the taste is different, simpler. In this recipe, the filling is the soloist, you can be sure: Ossetian pies with cabbage are delicious from any dough.


To prepare the dough for the Ossetian pie you will need:

  • fresh yeast - 10 gr;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 2/3 tbsp. l;
  • wheat flour - 400 g;
  • warm water - 250 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.

The filling is prepared from the following products:

  • white cabbage - 0.5 medium fork;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • tomato sauce- 3 tbsp. l;
  • salt, pepper - all to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 4-5 tbsp. l.

Cooking Ossetian pie step by step

Step one is the dough. We combine yeast, salt, sugar in a deep container. Pour in water, add flour in two passes (poured half - stirred, added the rest). Pour in sunflower oil.

First knead in a bowl, then on a work surface sprinkled with flour. At first, the dough will be loose, lumpy, you need to knead it for 10-15 minutes, rolling it away from you, folding it and rolling it again.

After about ten minutes, the loose dough will become homogeneous, but not quite elastic yet. We continue to knead it with our palms, if it is very sticky, add oil.

As a result, we get a smooth rounded ball. The dough for Ossetian pies must certainly be soft, pliable so that you can stretch it with your hands. These pies are not rolled with a rolling pin, everything is done by hand. Cover the gingerbread man, leave in a bowl for an hour or longer, until it triples in size.

Stage two - filling. Onion finely cut into cubes. Three carrots on a coarse grater. Shred the cabbage into thin strips.

In hot oil, fry the onion until soft, add carrots. We fry for two or three minutes.

Pour cabbage, salt. Stir until it loses volume. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes until softened.

Add tomato sauce, a little sugar for a balanced taste. If the cabbage is dry, add a little water.

Simmer covered for 15-20 minutes until done. At the end, add pepper or other spices. Cool down.

The third stage is the molding of Ossetian pies. The dough tripled in size during proofing. We crush it around the edges and in the center, let out the air.

We divide into five pieces or into three large ones. Landmark - a piece of dough for a small pie fits in one palm, for a large one - in two.

We make rounded koloboks, cover with a film. After five minutes, one knead into a cake on a plate sprinkled with flour.

We put the filling in the center, in terms of volume it is about as much as the dough.

Tightening the edges, pinch the dough over the filling. Tightly, pressing one pinch against the other.

We make the folds thin, evenly around the entire circumference, so that they do not gather in one place.

Turn it over with the pinched side down, press down with the palm of your hand.

Sprinkle a pan or baking sheet with flour. We transfer the workpiece. Gently press down and continue to stretch to fit the pan. In the middle we make a hole, a recess.

We bake Ossetian pies at an average level in a hot oven with a temperature of 200 degrees.

After 15-20 minutes, the top will brown and you can get it. Lubricate the hot cake with butter, plentifully so that it drains. We cover. We bake the rest.

We stack hot Ossetian pies with cabbage one on top of the other, like pancakes. Cut into triangular segments, serve to the table.

Fillings for Ossetian pies

The choice of toppings is quite large. In addition to potatoes and cabbage, pies are baked with meat, chicken, beet tops, cheese and even beans. I will write the main types of fillings, and you choose which one you like. Interesting feature: depending on what is inside, each type of pies has its own name: khabizdzhyn - with cheese, kabuskadzhyn - with cabbage, fiddzhyn - with minced meat, kartofdzhyn - with potatoes and cheese. Still eat with beans, wild garlic, beet tops, pumpkin. All of them are delicious and deserve to be cooked and tasted.

Beetroot and cheese filling

  • beet tops - 300 g;
  • parsley, dill - in a bunch;
  • salt - to taste;
  • Adyghe cheese- 300 g;
  • flour - 1-2 tbsp. l (if necessary).

We collect the greens in bunches, cut off the stems. We wash under cold water, dry on a towel. Cut into thin strips, lightly crush. Salt. We rub the Adyghe cheese or break it into small pieces. Mix, if the filling is watery - add flour.

Meat filling

  • beef or veal - 250 g;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • green cilantro or dill - a bunch;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • onion - 2 large heads.

We cut the onion as small as possible. We will cut it, and not three or grind it in a meat grinder. We make minced meat from meat, mix with onions, peppers, chopped herbs. Salt. Everything is ready, you can bake pies.

Wild garlic stuffing with eggs

  • wild garlic - 3-4 large bunches;
  • egg - 3 pcs;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter (melted) - 2 tbsp. l.

We wash the bunches of wild garlic, separate the legs. We cut the leaves finely, after drying them. Hard boil the eggs, mix everything. Salt. Drizzle with oil so that the filling does not crumble.

Cheese and pumpkin filling

  • pumpkin without peel and seeds - 250 g;
  • Ossetian or Adyghe cheese - 250 g.

Three pumpkins on a coarse grater. We squeeze out the juice. We rub the cheese, mix both components. Salt, pepper.

I showed different recipes for Ossetian pies step by step, with a photo, so that you have at hand detailed instructions, and you were able to repeat everything. But if you have any questions, feel free to ask, I'll be happy to answer. I am sure that having cooked Ossetian pies at least once, you will cook them again and again, trying new fillings. Tasty pies and bon appetit! Your Plushkin.

Ossetian pies - a video recipe will show all the details and nuances of cooking.

Ossetian cuisine is traditional cuisine people historically living in the Central Caucasus. Ossetians are the descendants of the ancient Alans, who led a nomadic lifestyle, their origin is attributed to the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes. At the beginning of the 1st century BC. Alans roamed the Caucasian lands, some of them went further west, and some remained in the Caucasus and moved to settled way life.

Here you need to look for the roots of Ossetian cuisine. As former nomads, they preferred simple meat dishes, but, thanks to living in one place, which means development Agriculture, gradually their cuisine becomes more diverse and not so simple. But the Alans lived in a harsh highlands, where there was little land suitable for agriculture, so the lack of fruits and vegetables affected the culinary preferences of the Ossetians.

So far in the prevail meat dishes. All of them are high-calorie and are not suitable for a person who counts every calorie. Meat is traditionally cooked in large pieces or whole carcasses in a large camping cauldron or barbecued. Meat is served with traditional garlic Sause on sour cream, baked or raw vegetables and wild garlic.

Traditionally, not a single Ossetian festive dinner is complete without national Ossetian pies. If the guest was especially respected and the hosts were disposed towards him, then he was offered to try three pies. It has sacred meaning, since each cake symbolizes the elements of the universe - the Sun, Water and Earth. One pie was potato, the second meat, and the third with beet leaves and cheese.

Pies were made closed, a wide variety of fillings were placed inside the dough: meat, vegetables, mashed potatoes with herbs or cheese. In those distant times, Ossetian housewives did not use eggs and butter in the preparation of dough, but used exclusively wheat flour, whey and water. Currently, there are many variations on how to cook Ossetian pie.

Different options for dough recipes for Ossetian pies

It is better to use yeast dough on dough. Opara is prepared by mixing 1 teaspoon each of fresh yeast, sugar and wheat flour in 50 ml of warmed milk. First mix the dry ingredients, then pour in the milk. Such a mixture should be in a warm place until foam forms.

Take 600 gr. flour and sift it through a sieve into a large container several times (this is done to make the mixture more fluffy and soft) and add liquid ingredients to it, namely:

  • dough;
  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 35 gr. melted butter;
  • 150 ml of warmed milk.

Also add 1 tsp. salt. Mix and cover with a towel, put closer to the battery or in the sun. While the dough is coming up, and this can take from an hour to two hours, you can start filling.

If there is not enough free time, you can make the dough according to a simplified recipe. Instead of milk for making sourdough, take warm water, similarly mix with 2 tsp. fresh yeast, two tbsp. spoons of flour and the same amount of sugar. After the dough has foamed, add it to the rest of the liquid ingredients (1.5 tablespoons of water, a glass of warm milk, salt). Gently add flour to the liquid mixture, mixing thoroughly, and at the end add vegetable oil.

We are waiting for the yeast dough to come up, leaving it in a warm place, covered with a towel. If you don't feel like messing around with dough, you can use whey instead. Then pour 1 cup of whey, 2 cups of milk (all warm) into the sifted flour and add 1 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. l. dry yeast and 1 tsp. Sahara. Knead not too steep dough and under a towel for an hour.

How to make an Ossetian pie

The dough for Ossetian pies is often prepared in the same way, but the filling can be very different, we will talk about it a little later. So, the dough has come up, it must be well kneaded and divided into about five pieces. The diameter is chosen arbitrarily, but usually Ossetians prefer to make pies to the size of their usual dish for serving. You can't go wrong if you roll a ball the size of two women's palms.

Sprinkle flour on the table and on it begin to stretch the ball from the center to the edges with your hands, forming a cake. The filling is placed in its center, there should be a sufficient amount of it. Do not be stingy, in the Ossetian pie, the dough is just a form for the filling. Leave about three centimeters from the edge and stretch the edges of the cake. Then pull them towards the center so as to close the top of the cake and leave a hole in the middle. Remember that the cake should be perfectly round and the thickness of it in all parts should be uniform.

Make sure that you carefully fasten the edges, if there are any holes in it, except for one in the center, and send it to bake.

Ossetian pie baking

Best of all, pies are made in a traditional Ossetian oven on coals, in a cast-iron form. But in modern conditions the oven is fine. Heat it well and cook the dish for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees. When the cake is ready, generously grease it with butter or cream. There should be a lot of them, so it will turn out especially tender. Don't save. Serve the dish cut into triangles, eat only with your hands, dipped in butter or garlic sauce.

While the dough is rising, it's time to work on the filling. These pies are famous for their variety, as well as for their extraordinary juiciness. You can put everything in a pie from meat and potatoes to walnuts and fruits.

The main secret how to cook Ossetian pies is to remember that the dough should be at least half as much as the filling. In Ossetia, it is believed that pies with thick dough are baked either by inexperienced or inept housewives, and girls with early childhood learn how to cook pies, and attention is paid not only culinary technique but the fact that a girl should cook with a pure heart and good thoughts. Perhaps this is the secret of Ossetian cuisine, why the pies of each housewife are special and delicious at home.

You can experiment with this filling a lot - try different types cheeses, adding new ingredients and spices. For the filling, take:

  • half a kilo of salty Caucasian cheese
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • one third of a glass of milk
  • salt and spices to taste

Soak the diced cheese in water for 2 hours, then rub with a fork or knead with your hands. If the cheese is not very fatty, put butter on it. Add cheese and spices, warm milk to mashed potatoes. We mix everything well.

Meat filling

Ossetian meat pies are called fydchiny. It is better to chop the meat into small cubes, but you can also use large minced meat, which should not be too lean, but not greasy either. good stuffing is the key to juicy and delicious pie- decorations of the festive Ossetian table. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 gr. any meat or minced meat
  • one bulb
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • salt and spices
  • 50 gr. broth

We finely chop the onion, we chop it with a knife, and do not twist it through a meat grinder. Pepper and salt, then mix with onion and garlic. Let the minced meat brew for about half an hour in the refrigerator, then it will be saturated with the smell of onions and spices. If you want a more juicy filling, before assembling the pie, you need to pour the broth into the minced meat.

As meat filling you can take any kind of meat: veal, beef, as well as chicken. You can experiment and add mushrooms and cheese to the filling with meat.

Stuffing from stewed cabbage

Ossetian cabbage pie is one of the most popular traditional Ossetian delicacies. Its advantage is that the filling is prepared quickly and the cake is tender, juicy and with an interesting taste. To make the cake tastier - let the excess oil drain from the cabbage.


  • half a kilo of cabbage;
  • a handful of chopped walnuts;
  • salt, spices, savory to taste;
  • 2 bulbs.

Finely chop the cabbage and simmer until soft with onions and spices.

Take 300 gr. any greens - green onions, parsley, dill, spinach, etc., rinse it thoroughly and chop finely. 150 gr. cheese can be cut into small cubes or grated. Mix cheese with herbs and add 100 gr. sour cream. Salt and add your favorite spices.

Ossetian pies are famous for their unique taste and satiety. You can find a lot different recipes with various different fillings. I propose to try how to cook a real Ossetian pie. ...Further


I'll tell you how to cook Ossetian pie, delicious and very satisfying! One such pie was enough for me to feed two male friends! It's easy to cook, but it turns out very well tasty dish, I advise! ...Further

I'll tell you how to cook Ossetian pie without yeast! I cook it with potato filling, it turns out very tasty. All you need is to buy in the store yeast-free dough and start cooking! ...Further



Ossetian pie is a very tasty dish. Plus, it's pretty easy to prepare. There are many options for toppings. One of them is cheese with herbs. Very tasty! ...Further


The name of the dish is Ossetian pie, it's more like a name whole group dishes. Depending on the filling, the pie also has a special name, for example, with potatoes, the pie is called kartofjin. ...Further


Traditional filling of potatoes and cheese for a traditional Caucasian dish - Ossetian pie. Be sure to try it - you'll love it. ...Further


I must say right away that pies with such a filling are not prepared in Ossetia - other products are traditionally used there. But it is so delicious, try it, you will definitely like it. ...Further


If you have little time left, but you want to cook a tasty and satisfying dish, make an Ossetian pie in a pan. This, of course, is not a traditional pie, but it is also very tasty. ...Further


A relatively new dish for our tables, but it has already firmly entered our diet. I especially like this cottage cheese pie, I recommend it! ...Further


Yeast dough for Ossetian pie during baking turns out to be very soft, the filling is juicy and fragrant. Highly delicious pastries the whole family will love it. ...Further


I was surprised to discover that from what was previously simply thrown away, you can cook a very tasty dish. Namely, an Ossetian pie with beetroot leaves. ...Further


Traditionally, the Ossetian pie is very thin, reminiscent of a flatbread. The filling is equal in thickness to the dough. In the case of cherry filling, the cake is more magnificent. Great option for dessert. ...Further


I offer you a recipe from the Ossetian piggy bank national cuisine. The peculiarity of this dish is that it is very easy to prepare, and at the same time very tasty and satisfying. Be sure to try! ...Further


You can cook an Ossetian pie with meat or other fillings, or you can make a lean version. I have in stock for this case - a recipe stuffed with cabbage and walnuts. ...Further


For this pie, it is important to purchase fresh fish - thanks to this, the dish will turn out to be very tender, juicy and tasty. Prepare this wonderful dish for your family. ...Further


In Ossetia, every housewife knows how to cook a traditional pie. The skill of its preparation is honed over the years. The main secret is thinly rolled dough, it should not be thicker than the filling. ...Further


The famous Ossetian pie was invented centuries ago and is a stuffed flatbread. The standard for baking is thin dough with large quantity ingredients inside. Incredibly delicious! ...Further


They say that baking is bad for the figure, but such a cake will definitely not hurt you. The peculiarities of preparing a traditional Caucasian dish make it very tasty and light. ...Further

What can be said about this pastry - only that it turns out to be very tasty, satisfying and will surely please both you and your whole family. Check out the recipe and try it! ...Further


The traditional pie accompanies the inhabitants of Ossetia throughout their lives - with different fillings, at different feasts. These pies symbolize the sun, its warmth and wealth. ...Further


Round and warm like the sun, a cake from the oven will make your day warm and give good mood. What’s more, it’s very easy to prepare. ...Further

The unique national Ossetian pie with beet tops will perfectly fit into the party, make a splash and consolidate your fame as an unsurpassed culinary specialist. Be sure to try and rate. ...Further


Imagine how you pick up a slice of a hot pie and bite off a piece, and there is a hot, stretchy cheese with the aroma of greens. Delicious? I'll tell you how to cook a pie with suluguni. He is awesome! ...Further


Fidzhin is an Ossetian pie. They turn out very tasty and juicy due to the fact that the filling is covered with another layer of dough. And she can be anyone. Use meat, potatoes, herbs, cheese. ...Further


Khachapuri has long been a truly "folk" food. You can easily buy them in any corner of the city, and it’s even more interesting to learn how to cook on your own. I offer a simple recipe. ...Further


For the preparation of Ossetian pies, a special dough is required. Usually, yeast dough is prepared on kefir and flour. Pies are baked in the form of cakes with different fillings. Be sure to try! ...Further


Davonjin is a traditional flat Ossetian pie with wild garlic leaves and Ossetian cheese. With this recipe, you can easily prepare delicious and hearty dawonjin pies! ...Further

Having tried khachapuri with cheese in a cafe, I never thought that you could make it at home. I thought that a special oven was needed, but everything turned out to be easier. Khachapuri can be baked in a conventional oven at home. ...Further

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