How to cook zrazy from mashed potatoes. Zrazy from mashed potatoes without filling. Video recipe for potato zrazy with liver

In some countries this dish is called "potato patties", but in our country they are known as "zrazy". An attractive golden crust and a little secret in the form of a filling attract lovers of unusual dishes. Although there is nothing unusual in zrazy - the usual mashed potato in the form of a cutlet and a filling hidden inside. The most common dish in Belarusian cuisine, a close relative of sorcerers, although the word itself is rather Polish, is translated into Russian as a “cut off piece”.

Potato zrazy - food preparation

The taste of zraz depends not so much on the products, but on the technology of preparation. Suitable potatoes of any variety. You can cook it in its uniform, clean it ready-made, or immediately clean it and cut it into pieces - everything is at the choice of the hostess. The potato mass should be cooled to a well-warm appearance so that it is more plastic and easily molded by hand. Anything that goes well with potatoes can serve as a filling - meat or minced meat, onions fried to a golden color, spinach and other greens with eggs, vegetables, sausage or sausages. Fry in vegetable or butter.

Potato zrazy - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Potato zrazy with minced meat

A very tasty and satisfying dish is obtained from simple ingredients: potatoes and fried minced meat with onions. This is a special dish. After all, we will not fry our zrazy, but boil it. Sticky potato dough is difficult to form into a "bun", but it is not advisable to add a lot of flour. Things move much faster if you wet your hands with cold water.


potatoes (1 kg), minced meat (250 grams), onions (3 pcs), breadcrumbs (3 spoons), flour (300 grams), egg (1 pc), salt, pepper, vegetable oil, butter and cheese for decoration ready meals and serving.

Cooking method

Boil potatoes in their skins and cool. Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add the breadcrumbs and fry for another 3 minutes. Add the mince and stir-fry until the mince is done. While stirring the minced meat, break up the pieces with a spatula so that it is fried evenly. We rub the peeled potatoes on a coarse grater and add the egg. Add flour bit by bit, mixing well. Moisten your hands with water and separate a piece of dough, then form a cake, put the minced meat inside and close it in the form of a bun. Put them on a plate, as they fry quickly, and it is advisable to bring them to full readiness at the same time. After floating, cook for 10 minutes. We lay out the finished products on a plate, coat them with butter and cover with grated cheese.

Recipe 2: Potato Zrazy with Cabbage

This is perhaps the most popular recipe. Cabbage with potatoes is a classic of the genre. By the way, if you do not have fresh cabbage, you can use sauerkraut. It is best to mix it in half with fresh and herbs.


potatoes (10 pcs), flour (3 spoons), onions (2 pcs), carrots (2 pcs), cabbage (1 small head, 1 kg), egg, salt, pepper.

Cooking method

Boil potatoes and pass through a meat grinder. Break the egg and mix, add flour. Fry the onion in a pan, add carrots. Finely chop the cabbage, add to the onion. You can add fresh green onions or other herbs. Cool the finished filling. We sculpt zrazy with our hands - crush it in the form of a cake. Put the stuffing in the middle and close up. Fry the zrazy on both sides in a hot pan with oil.

Recipe 3: Potato zrazy with mushrooms

The classic combination is potatoes with mushrooms. First, prepare the mushrooms and then hide them in the potato dough and fry. Simple and tasty.


fresh or frozen mushrooms (500 grams, champignons are ideal), onions (1 pc), vegetable oil (4 tablespoons), breadcrumbs, sour cream (150 grams), salt, black pepper, potatoes (500 grams).

Cooking method

Preparing the filling - fry small pieces in vegetable oil, add onion and fry for 5-7 minutes. Salt, pepper. Cool down. Peel and boil potatoes in salted water. Kneading potatoes, add a little broth or hot milk, flour. The dough should be soft. We form pieces and sculpt "pies". In the center we lay out the minced mushroom, pinch the edges, giving the shape of long cutlets. Roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a skillet. Serve on a platter with sour cream and finely chopped green onions.

Recipe 4: Potato Zrazy with Liver

Zrazy with liver is healthy and tasty. Even if you're not a big fan of liver, its characteristic taste will mix with fried onions and mashed potatoes.


chicken or turkey liver (400 grams), mashed potatoes (1 kg, potatoes 1.5 kg), eggs (2 pcs), onions (2-3 pcs), dill and parsley, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs.

Cooking method

Cook potatoes - whole, or, cut into pieces, strain, knead. Fry chicken or turkey liver in vegetable oil with onions for a short time so that it becomes soft. Hard boil chicken eggs and finely chop. You also need to fry the onion separately, and then prepare the minced meat - pass the liver through a meat grinder, add the onion and chopped boiled eggs. You can also add green onions. Break a raw egg into the potato mass, salt, pepper and stir with 3-4 tablespoons of flour. It remains only to form cakes and mold zrazy, similar to a pie and fry them until golden brown.

It is better to boil peeled potatoes without salt, and add salt only with flour. A good effect will be obtained if, before frying, dip the molded semi-finished product into a beaten egg, and then into breadcrumbs. If after breading the whole structure is broken - trim it with your hands, give it a beautiful shape.

A very tasty lean dish is potato zrazy with fish. The technology of their preparation, in principle, is very similar to other options. It is better to take fish without bones, boil it in a small amount of water, pass it through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. You can add onion fried in vegetable oil.

Potato zrazy is nothing more than a stuffed potato pie. Cooking potato zrazy is quite simple. Recipes differ from each other only in the filling: potato zrazy with cabbage, mushrooms, minced meat, boiled egg, onion, cheese, etc. Below we will tell you step by step, with a photo, about the process of preparing potato zrazy with minced meat, and then we will describe the recipes for the fillings. Taste and choose potato zrazy to your liking.


Potato- 1 kg

Minced meat- 300 grams

Chicken egg- 2 - 3 pieces

Onion- 1 head

Premium flour- 300 grams

Vegetable oil- for frying

Breadcrumbs for breading(or flour) - 3-4 tbsp. l

Spices: salt, ground black pepper.

How to cook potato zrazy

1. First, prepare the filling for potato zrazy. It is important that whatever filling you choose, it must be fully cooked before you place it in a potato patty. Next are two options. First - you just fry the minced meat in a pan with finely chopped onions, add salt and pepper. Option two - you cook.

2. Then you need to boil the potatoes. You can pre-clean it, and then mash it (in this case, you do not need to salt the potatoes during cooking, salt is added along with flour). Or, as we do, boil potatoes in their skins, cool a little, peel and grate on a coarse or medium grater. Thus, potato zrazy acquire a more sticky texture. Importantly, the potato mass must be warm for cooking zrazy.

. Add eggs, flour and salt to potatoes. Mix with a fork.

4 . Sprinkle breadcrumbs on the bottom of the plate. Lay the potato pancake on top.

. Next, lay out the filling (minced meat or cutlet) on top of the potatoes.

Put the potato cake on the filling again.

. Seal the edges of the potato zrazy.

. And roll potato zrazy in breadcrumbs on all sides.

. It remains to fry potato zrazy in vegetable oil on both sides.

Delicious potato zrazy are ready

Bon appetit!

Potato zrazy recipes

As mentioned above, potato zrazy is prepared in approximately the same way, only the fillings change in the recipes.

Potato zrazy with mushrooms

Mushrooms and potatoes are a great flavor combination. Mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles are suitable for potato zrazy. Although, you can choose your favorite mushrooms as a filling for potato zrazy. They need to be cooked. Boil, chop, fry with onions in vegetable (mixed with butter) oil. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Potato zrazy with cabbage

You can use both fresh and sauerkraut for cooking potato zrazy. If using sauerkraut, add finely chopped greens to it. Fresh cabbage needs to be chopped, fried with chopped onions and carrots. Salt, pepper to taste.

Potato zrazy with egg

Well, this potato zrazy recipe is quite simple. Hard-boiled chicken eggs, drain boiling water and pour cold water over the eggs. Leave for 10 minutes. So the eggs will be easier to peel. That's all. The filling for potato zrazy is ready.

Potato zrazy with liver

The liver must be cut into cubes, fry in vegetable oil until tender. Separately, fry finely chopped onions and grated carrots. We pass fried liver, onions and carrots through a meat grinder. We add a raw egg and a little flour so that a cake (patty) can be molded from the minced liver.

Potato zrazy with cheese

Hard cheese, as well as Adyghe, is perfect as a filling for potato zrazy. It must be grated on a coarse grater. Add finely chopped herbs to the cheese. Mix. The filling for potato zrazy with cheese is ready.

Potato zrazy with onions

As a filling in potato zrazy, you can add ordinary fried onions - also very tasty. Or fry carrots with onions and add some of your favorite greens.

Potato zrazy with green onion and egg

Favorite filling for pies - green onions with boiled egg, also perfect for potato zrazy. Only chopped onions and eggs need to add a little mayonnaise.

Potato zrazy with fish

Boil the fish (choose according to your taste) in salted water. Carefully remove all bones. Skip the fish through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Finely chop the onion, add to the minced fish. Crack in a raw egg. The filling for potato zrazy is ready.

Potato zrazy with crab sticks

If you do not want to mess with fish, you can use crab sticks as a filling for potato zrazy. They need to be cut into thin circles. Add chopped boiled eggs and fried onions (optional). Salt. The filling is ready.

Potato zrazy - cooking secrets.

Our cuisine is so diverse and rich in all sorts of goodies. Europe and America still have a very long time to practice cooking a menu for the whole family, roughly speaking "out of nothing". A good example is zrazy, a dish of Slavic cuisine, especially common in Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. It is traditionally prepared from various kinds of meat - pork or veal, simply from minced meat or a piece of beaten meat, wrapping everything that is available inside.

From potatoes, we cook potato zrazy no worse, if not more interesting, than from meat. Anything you like can serve as a filling, from simple cabbage and mushrooms, as well as cucumbers, especially pickled ones, carrots and asparagus. An interesting filling is obtained by adding cheese and liver, minced chicken and mushrooms, soy sauce and other additives and goodies to potato zrazy.

But, no matter how you complement this dish, the basic secrets of preparing a classic recipe will help make this dish perfect without intricate toppings, or even without it. So, the secrets of cooking potato zrazy:

  • The most important thing is the basis of the dish, the potato zrazy will turn out beautiful, will not fall apart during cooking, if the potato mass is made thick. To do this, when the mashed potatoes are already cooked, we express the maximum amount of water or milk, depending on what you cook in. And then boil the rest on low heat. Then remove the potatoes from the heat, salt, add the sautéed onion (optional), and when it cools down, beat in the egg and mix well.
  • In potato zrazy, namely in potato dough, you can add semolina or flour, or a little starch for density, although this is not recommended, potatoes are already well saturated with it, but for lack of it, you can also. Remember, to make zrazy, the potato dough must be warm, so they are better molded.
  • Such a thick potato dough can be rolled out and mugs can be made with a glass, put the filling in them. Or tear off pieces of dough, knead in your hand, put the filling with a spoon and sculpt them like dumplings. Wet your hands with water so that the dough does not stick to them. But here, think about it, if you add a filling that lets juice in, they can fall apart. To prevent this from happening, roll prepared cutlets in breadcrumbs or flour.
  • You can cook potato mass for zrazy not the same consistency as dough, we examined this in detail in the recipe for potato zrazy with a photo at the beginning of the article. And sculpt potato zrazy in the form of cutlets.

Potato zrazy - small pies, which are prepared on the basis of mashed potatoes with different fillings. And although their preparation takes a lot of time, the result sometimes exceeds the wildest expectations.

For zrazy, it is advisable to steam the potatoes so that they do not boil soft and do not turn out to be watery. Otherwise, a lot of flour will have to be added to the potato dough, which will adversely affect the quality of the zrazy.

Below are recipes for classic and original dishes that are ready to satisfy the gastronomic needs of any gourmet.

Potato zrazy with minced meat - a classic recipe

In the top lines of the rating are zrazy with meat filling, most often it is minced meat. It can be prepared from any available meat; for dietary meals, minced chicken or minced veal is suitable. This dish will be more satisfying when using minced pork.


  • Potatoes - 6-8 pcs. depending on the size of the tubers.
  • Milk or vegetable broth - 150 ml.
  • Milk for minced meat - 100 ml.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.
  • Minced meat - 400 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Seasonings and salt for minced meat.

Action algorithm:

  1. The first step is to clean, rinse the potato tubers. Put in a cold container and cook until fully cooked.
  2. Drain the water in which the potatoes were boiled (or use to make mashed potatoes). Make mashed potatoes by mashing with a potato masher or blender. Add hot milk, stir.
  3. Prepare the filling. Peel the garlic cloves and onions. Finely chop. Fry in oil using a deep frying pan.
  4. Add minced meat, milk, seasonings here. Salt. Simmer the stuffing until the stuffing is done.
  5. Take mashed potatoes in small portions. Flatten each in turn, put the filling in the center. Form the product.
  6. Place the finished zrazy on a greased baking sheet. Bake for a quarter of an hour in the oven. Serve with sour cream, you can decorate with herbs!

Do you want to experiment a little with classic cooking and surprise your loved ones? The next recipe is just for you.

How to cook potato zrazy in a slow cooker - step by step photo recipe

Traditional zrazy can be made not only from minced meat, but also from potatoes, and the filling, on the contrary, can be made from meat. It turns out economically, unusually and very tasty! Any meat is suitable for the filling, but it is with minced chicken that the zrazy are especially tender.


  • Potato - 700 g.
  • Salt (for mashed potatoes and minced meat) - to taste.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Caraway.
  • Flour - 90 g.
  • Ground white crackers.
  • Butter - 25 g.
  • Minced chicken - 250 g.
  • Pepper.
  • Onion - 180 g.
  • Finely chopped fresh dill - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sunflower oil - 25 g.

For sauce:

  • Mayonnaise - 120 g.
  • Garlic - 1 clove.
  • Chopped dill.
  • Salt.

Step by step cooking potato zrazy:

1. Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Install the steamer. Put the peeled and washed potatoes in it. Turn on the "Steamer" program. Boil the tubers for 30 minutes.

2. Transfer potatoes to a saucepan. Blend immediately with an immersion blender or food processor until pureed. Cool slightly.

3. Enter in mashed eggs.

4. Sprinkle flour, black pepper, salt and cumin (about 0.5 tsp).

5. Stir with a spoon. You will have a soft dough, similar to a thick puree.

6. Set the bowl of dough aside for now, start preparing the filling. Pour out the water from the bowl, wipe the container dry. Put butter. Finely chop the onion, pour into a bowl. Install the "Frying" program.

7. Saute the bow until translucent. Put in the minced chicken.

8. Stirring with a spatula, bring it to a crumbly state. At this stage, it will be almost ready. Put dill and salt.

9. Turn off the multicooker. Transfer the mince to a plate.

10. Wash and dry the bowl. Pour in sunflower oil. Select the "Bake" function. Turn on the appliance so that the oil begins to heat up. Pour crushed crackers into a plate. Spread cling film on the table. With your hands moistened in cold water, pinch off a portion of the potato mass (one fourth), put on a film. Form a thick loaf. Put some stuffing in the middle.

11. Using a film, fold the cake in half.

12. Again, lightly moisten your hands with water, otherwise the potatoes will stick to dry hands and fall apart immediately. Free the top of the product from the film. Put one hand under the film with the cutlet, which you put in the other hand, but without the film. Gently roll the cutlet in the ground breadcrumbs.

13. Immediately dip it into the bowl of oil.

14. Do not put the semi-finished product on a table or plate, otherwise the product will immediately stick to the surface. Place a second one next to it. Cook zrazy under the lid for 9-12 minutes until golden brown. At this stage, the zrazy are still very tender, so with the help of two spatulas, carefully turn them over to the other side. Roast for 8-12 more minutes.

15. While the zrazy are baking, prepare the sauce. Put mayonnaise in a cup, add chopped garlic and chopped dill (to taste). Salt.

16. Stir.

17. Put the zrazy on a dish.

18. Now this can be done easily, as they are finished with a dense, crispy crust. Serve them with sauce. The zrazy are large, so one piece is enough for one serving.

Potato zrazy with mushrooms

Zrazy are good because different fillings are suitable for them: both meat and vegetable. Special attention of gourmets is enjoyed by zrazy with mushrooms, here the choice is also large.

You can take fresh forest (boil and fry), dry forest (then they will have to be soaked first). Mushrooms are ideal, they cook quickly, keep their shape, have a good mushroom aroma and taste.


  • Potatoes - 8 pcs. large tubers.
  • Mushrooms fresh or frozen - 0.5 kg.
  • Onion - 2-4 pcs. depending on weight.
  • Wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil for frying zraz.
  • Salt, ground pepper.

Action algorithm:

  1. Cooking consists of several stages. Immediately you need to put the potatoes to boil (before cooking, peel and rinse).
  2. While the potatoes are cooking, you can prepare the filling. First, fry the chopped onion in oil, then add the chopped mushrooms to it.
  3. Some housewives advise crushing a couple of cloves of garlic into the filling to enhance the flavor.
  4. Mash the cooked potatoes into a puree so that there are no lumps. When it cools down a bit, mix in the flour and egg.
  5. Divide into equal parts (about 10-12).
  6. Roll out each into a patty. Put 2 tsp on the cake. mushroom stuffing.
  7. Dipping your hands in water, form zrazy. Roll them in flour and fry them in hot oil.

There is a secret how to get a crispy crust - semi-finished products should be rolled not in flour, but in breadcrumbs. Potato zrazy with mushroom filling are good hot and cold.

How to cook potato zrazy with cheese

Zrazy with meat or mushroom filling are the most popular, but there are gourmets who prefer cheese filling. In the following recipe, it is proposed to use Adygeisky cheese, which has a salty taste and melts well.


  • Potato - 1 kg.
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt.
  • Cheese "Adyghe" - 300 gr.
  • Dill and parsley - to the taste of the hostess.
  • Ground pepper.
  • Turmeric - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Action algorithm:

  1. Peel the potatoes, salt and send it to boil. Now you can start preparing the filling.
  2. Grate the cheese into a medium-sized container, using a grater with large holes.
  3. Chop the parsley and dill here as well. Salt. Add turmeric and pepper.
  4. When the potatoes are cooked, prepare mashed potatoes by adding a little potato broth. Add flour, knead the dough, it should not crumble.
  5. Divide into small balls. Roll each ball in flour and form a cake on the table.
  6. Place the cheese filling in the center. Gather the edges, press down and smooth. The result should be an oblong or round zraza with a filling inside.
  7. Quickly fry in vegetable oil, turning over to get a golden crust on all sides.

Original potato zrazy with cabbage

Potatoes and cabbage are true "friends" that go well together. That is why the cabbage filling is actively used for zrazy. True, you have to tinker with it a little.


  • Potatoes - 9-10 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 5 tbsp. l. (a little more flour will be needed directly when forming the zraz).
  • Vegetable oil - for frying cabbage and ready-made zrazy.
  • Cabbage - ½ head, medium in size.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, spices.

Action algorithm:

  1. Since the potatoes are boiled for at least 40 minutes, it is worth starting the preparation of zraz with this process. When the water in the pot with potatoes boils, salt, reduce the fire. Cook until done.
  2. Mash into a smooth puree. Cool down.
  3. Add flour and eggs to the chilled puree, knead the dough (it will slightly stick to your hands, so you will need flour).
  4. Shred the cabbage. First fry, then add water, tomato paste and simmer. At the end of the process, salt, add spices.
  5. Divide the potato dough into roughly equal-sized portions.
  6. With the help of hands and flour, form rather thick cakes.
  7. Lay the vegetable filling, raise the edges, blind. Smooth the joint, forming zrazy.
  8. Fry in oil.

As an experiment, you can add mushrooms to the cabbage filling.

Recipe for potato zrazy with egg

Another good "partner" for potato dough is boiled chicken eggs, especially when combined with green onions. Zrazy with such a filling is best cooked in the spring, when the body needs more vitamins and greens.


  • Potatoes - 10-12 pcs. (the number is affected by the size of the tubers).
  • Chicken eggs for dough - 1-2 pcs.
  • Flour - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Salt.
  • Chicken eggs for filling - 5 pcs.
  • Onion greens - 1 bunch.
  • Vegetable oil.

Action algorithm:

  1. Salt and boil potatoes, for flavor, you can add bay leaf, onion to it (lower, boil, remove).
  2. Strain off the water. Cool a little, knead thoroughly and knead the dough, adding eggs and flour.
  3. Boil chicken eggs until hard boiled. Grate.
  4. Rinse onion feathers, dry. Cut into small pieces.
  5. Mix the grated eggs and chopped onion. You can salt a little.
  6. Since zrazy resemble pies, they are prepared in the appropriate way. Divide the dough into lumps of the same size.
  7. First, form a cake, put a little egg and onion filling in the center. Create zrazy.
  8. Fry in oil on both sides, spreading in a pan so that there is free space between the zrazy.

The dish is perfectly complemented by fat sour cream.

Spicy potato zrazy with onions

The filling for zrazy can be selected based on the tastes of family members. But sometimes you can experiment (if the family is ready for this), offer zrazy with a piquant addition.


  • Potatoes - 1 kg (10-12 tubers).
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 30 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Turkey fillet - 150 gr.
  • Onion - 2-3 pcs.
  • Ketchup - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 150 gr.
  • Marjoram.
  • Salt.
  • Vegetable oil.

Action algorithm:

  1. The first stage of difficulties will not cause - you just need to boil the potatoes until tender.
  2. Mash hot potatoes with butter. Cool down. Add flour and eggs. Knead the dough.
  3. Form zrazy (without filling). Roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in oil until fragrant.
  4. Transfer the zrazy to a large brazier. Sprinkle with salt, marjoram. Drizzle with ketchup.
  5. Cut the turkey into sticks. Fry in oil.
  6. Finely chop the onion, fry in another pan, but also in oil.
  7. Cut cheese and pepper into small cubes.
  8. Put the turkey on the zrazy, followed by a layer of onions, then - cubes of sweet pepper, cheese.
  9. Bake in the oven.

Spicy zrazy prepared in this way looks fantastic and tastes excellent.

Lean potato slices

Since zrazy are made from potato dough, they are very good for fasting - healthy, satisfying. You can cook with or without filling, it is clear that with vegetables or mushrooms the dish will be more delicious.


  • Potato - 1 kg.
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Flour for backing when forming zrazy.
  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Sugar, black pepper, salt.

Action algorithm:

  1. According to this recipe, you can start the process by preparing the filling. Peel the onion, chop. Cut mushrooms too.
  2. Fry in oil in different containers. Combine, add spices and salt (a little bit). Leave to cool.
  3. Boil potatoes. Mash into a homogeneous mass. Add some salt and sugar. Pour in flour (you may need more than indicated in the recipe). Knead the dough, it will be tender and elastic.
  4. Wetting your hands with water, separate small portions of the dough. Form a cake directly on the palm of your hand. Put the filling on this cake. Helping with the second hand, mold immediately.
  5. Roll in flour/breadcrumbs. Fry.

And fasting can take place with healthy and tasty dishes!

Recipe for potato zrazy in the oven

Zrazy from potatoes are good in all positions, they can be a simple and complex dish, everyday and festive. And there are several options for bringing to readiness, the most common is frying, less well-known (but more useful) is baking in the oven.


  • Potato - 1 kg.
  • Flour - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Salt.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1-2 pcs. small in size.
  • Fresh boletus - 300 gr.
  • Spices.

Action algorithm:

  1. According to tradition, you first need to boil the potatoes. Mash into a puree, adding a little flour and an egg.
  2. For the filling, sauté the grated vegetables.
  3. Mushrooms, cut into pieces, boil and fry.
  4. Combine with vegetables.
  5. Form cakes from potato dough. Hide stuffing inside.
  6. Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with vegetable oil. Lay zrazy.
  7. Bake until golden brown.

Serve in the same dish (if a beautiful dish) or transfer to a plate. Sprinkle with herbs.

Potato zrazy is the best reason to try and show off your culinary talents. The choice of fillings is so huge that the eyes run wide. With onions, mushrooms, saury... Even when describing the recipes, an incredible appetite flares up. We will tell you how to cook tender cutlets with juicy filling so that they do not fall apart.

Zrazy with minced potato is also called cortoplyany. Such potato cutlets with different fillings are incredibly loved in Western Ukraine, Lithuania, and often cooked in Belarus and Russia. Cutlets are mentioned even by the classics of literature. Babel in "Odessa Tales" has a phrase how "the old man drank vodka from the kettle, ate right away, smelling like a happy childhood" ... In general, we are learning to cook cutlets worthy of a literary pen.

For cooking we need:

  • a kilogram of potatoes (the red variety for baking is best - it will not fall apart);
  • large head of onion;
  • a pound of any quality minced meat;
  • a glass of milk;
  • half a glass of cream of any fat content;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
  • flour (the amount will depend on the number of cutlets);
  • vegetable or butter for frying - to taste;
  • a pinch of salt, pepper.

Wash potatoes under water and carefully clean with an iron brush. Boil until tender in salted water. Three ready-made potatoes on a coarse grater in a separate container.

Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Fry minced meat with onions, salt in a pan. Salt, pepper to taste and add 2 chicken eggs. At the same time, the minced meat should not be too hot so that the eggs do not “cook”.

If you put raw minced meat in zrazy, it runs the risk of not being fried and the zrazy will remain raw.

We form cakes from potatoes. We spread a little minced meat in the center of each, pinch the edges to make beautiful, even cutlets. It remains to roll them in flour and fry on both sides in a mixture of vegetable and butter until a beautiful golden crust.

Zrazy is served warm with a sauce of flour, milk or cream. But, in principle, you can not bother with the sauce. Serve cutlets with fresh sour cream and parsley leaves. Eat and lick your plate! Bon appetit.

Recipe for cooking with mushrooms in the oven

It often happens that a little mashed potatoes remain from the evening. On the second day, few people want to eat it, because puree is tasty only fresh. It's time to revive the potatoes and serve chic fragrant potato zrazy with mushrooms, with a sauce of curdled milk, sour cream and whipped cream for dinner.

For cooking, we will need a small saucepan of ready-made mashed potatoes, fresh champignons - 200 g, a large onion, a couple of chicken eggs, salt, pepper to taste, a little oil not frying.

Mushrooms are best fried in butter - so they turn out deliciously creamy. Evaporate the water completely, otherwise the filling will soften the zrazy, and they will stick right in the pan.

The step by step guide looks like this:

  1. Break eggs into mashed potatoes.
  2. Add some flour.
  3. Thoroughly mix the potato mixture.
  4. If necessary, add salt, otherwise the cutlets will come out fresh.
  5. In a frying pan, fry the mushrooms, diced, and the onion.
  6. We make beautiful cakes, put the mushroom filling in the center and pinch the edges.
  7. Roll the zrazy in flour and fry in a hot frying pan on both sides.

We serve ruddy, mouth-watering zrazy on a large flat dish, adding sour cream sauce and small pickled or fresh cucumbers to them - at your discretion. We eat, savoring the delicate mushroom flavor, accentuated by creamy mashed potatoes. Bon appetit!

With cheese

When cut, zrazy with cheese reveals a viscous melted filling, amazingly in harmony with airy mashed potatoes. Take any cheese - spicy, fresh Russian, sweet maasdam, classic parmesan. The taste will be different. But do not skimp on cheese - there should be a lot of toppings.

There is a quick option - with cubes of good processed cheese. If the cheese is with additives, such as slices of ham or mushrooms, the dish will sparkle in a new way.

Among the required ingredients:

  • cheese - 100 g;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • mashed potatoes - 500 g;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • breadcrumbs - 300 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 100 ml.

We rub the cheese on a grater. Break the eggs into the puree and mix thoroughly. We form cakes the size of a palm, pour a generous portion of cheese into the center of each. We “seal” the cutlets on both sides so that they turn out to be dense and the filling does not leak out. Roll the zrazy in breadcrumbs, quickly throw it into a heated frying pan. Fry on all sides until crispy.

It is convenient to sculpt cakes, periodically wetting your hands with cold water - so they will not stick.

Put the finished zrazy on a paper towel, so excess fat is absorbed. Serve with greens, cherry tomatoes, fresh cucumber.

with cabbage

When stewing cabbage, it is better to season with dry dill. It will add a subtle mushroom flavor to the filling.

For cooking, we need a little cabbage stewed in vegetable oil, mashed potatoes and a couple of eggs (you can not take them if you are fasting).

We act like this:

  1. Let the potatoes warm up slightly (or just take them to room temperature).
  2. We make neat cakes, and put stewed cabbage in the center of each so that the filling does not fall out.
  3. We pinch the edges very tightly.
  4. Fry the zrazy in a hot frying pan greased with plenty of vegetable oil.

Serve with herbs, cucumbers, pieces of herring. You can pour tomato sauce - the taste will be extraordinary, with a slight sourness. Such zrazy is easy to give to children to school and take with you to work as a light but satisfying snack.

Zrazy from mashed potatoes with meat

Potato zrazy with meat also turns out tastier from mashed potatoes: they come out more tender, more magnificent, and kids really like it. It is easy to cook a dietary option right away, if you are not too lazy: pre-cook the meat and scroll it with the onion through a meat grinder.

If the mashed potatoes turned out to be liquid, it is better to add only yolks to it.

Proteins will make the consistency even more watery, you have to add flour and the zrazy will turn out to be rough.

For cooking you will need:

  • 300 g lean beef;
  • large bulb;
  • butter or sunflower oil (for frying);
  • mashed potatoes - 500 g;
  • and 2 chicken eggs.

Cook the meat until soft, grind in a meat grinder or blender, passing along with the onion fried in vegetable or butter. Break the eggs into the puree, mix well. Salt and pepper to taste.

We sculpt beautiful oval cutlets from mashed potatoes, placing the meat filling inside. Lightly fry the zrazy in a frying pan.

You can serve such potatoes with kvass milk (curdled milk), sour cream and even whipped cream. The dish is suitable for children from an early age. You can make a meat casserole by alternating layers of potatoes and meat, and bake it in the oven until golden brown.

Variant without adding eggs

Zrazy is easy to cook without eggs and flour. They will turn out melting, with a pleasant crispy crust. Choose any filling. And we offer a classic combination of potatoes with mushrooms. We will prepare mashed potatoes with a small amount of liquid so that the dough turns out to be quite steep.

Kortoplyans are prepared from: a kilogram of potatoes, 500 g of mushrooms (can be dry, previously soaked in water), semolina - we will sprinkle our cutlets, large onions, salt, pepper to taste and sunflower oil with it.

We act in steps:

  1. Boil the potatoes, mash them into a puree (drain the water almost completely, leaving a minimum).
  2. Mushrooms cut finely, fry in a pan with onions.
  3. We add, we pepper.
  4. We make pancakes from mashed potatoes 1.5 cm thick.
  5. Spread out a tablespoon of the filling.
  6. We pinch the edges.
  7. We form oval pies.
  8. Roll them in semolina - it will make the dough sticky even without eggs.
  9. We heat up the pan.
  10. We pour out the oil.
  11. Fry the pies quickly.

We suggest serving mushroom zrazy without eggs with fresh vegetables, herbs or pickled cucumbers.

Some housewives always add a little (dessert spoon) of sugar to the potato dough. It makes the taste of the dish much brighter.

Potato zrazy without filling - for garnish

Filled zrazy is a great way to use leftover mashed potatoes from dinner. Pork chop, potato patty, greens - dinner will turn out to be simple, inexpensive, but almost festive. If desired, you can add the filling: bacon, sausage, chicken. But we advise you to try an unusual recipe with dill oil: pieces of butter should be mixed with finely chopped dill and allowed to freeze in the freezer.

Required components:

  • two glasses of mashed potatoes;
  • one egg;
  • a couple of tablespoons of flour;
  • a pinch of salt, pepper, nutmeg;
  • 30 g of any cheese (if any);
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Add spices to the puree, three cheese, put a little flour and break the egg. Knead the dough. We make potato pies, stuffing each with a piece of dill oil. Pinch tightly, roll in breadcrumbs and quickly fry in a hot frying pan. Serve with any meat dish, pouring fresh sour cream. Decorate with parsley sprigs!

With peas

You can prepare zrazy by adding peas. It costs a penny, but it is extremely tasty, especially when combined with pieces of meat, chicken liver, and just potatoes.

In season, you can replace dried peas with green ones. It is important to cook it and lightly punch it in a blender with oregano or fresh dill.

We will need: 200 g of boiled peas, 700 g of mashed potatoes, a large onion, salt, pepper, vegetable oil, 2-3 tablespoons of flour, egg yolk, breadcrumbs.

How to cook? Just:

  1. We cook mashed potatoes from peas.
  2. Add mashed potatoes, yolk, a little flour to warm mashed potatoes for greater stickiness of the dough.
  3. Let it cool down a bit so it doesn't burn your hands.
  4. Peas fried with onions. You can add a lot of onions - so the peas will come out juicy.
  5. We make pies with pea filling.
  6. Roll them in breadcrumbs.
  7. Fry in vegetable oil until crispy.

We eat cutlets a little warm or even cold - at your discretion. Hearty, but easy to digest, they are delicious with hot tea or a light vegetable salad seasoned with fragrant oil. They can be sprinkled with chopped sweet onions for a special piquancy.

Juicy potato zrazy with egg and onion

Zrazy in the oven in the manner of everyone's favorite pies with green onions and eggs are prepared without frying. So, they are not only tasty, but also less high-calorie. We recommend eating them to everyone who monitors weight, but prefers a hearty meal.

Prepare cold mashed potatoes, yolk, protein, a bunch of green onions, 2 boiled eggs, salt, pepper, vegetable oil and 2-3 tablespoons of flour.

Remember the cooking rules:

  1. Add any spices, yolk to the puree, mix thoroughly. You should get a smooth potato dough that does not stick to your hands.
  2. Finely chop the eggs into crumbs.
  3. Cut the green onion into slices.
  4. Mix eggs and onions. For the uniformity of the filling, we recommend adding a little vegetable oil or a piece of butter.
  5. We make potato pancakes, wrapping the onion filling inside.
  6. Lay each on a baking sheet so that they do not stick to each other.
  7. Lubricate the pies with protein.
  8. We send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees.
  9. Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.

Ready-made hot pies can be smeared with butter, poured with milk, cream sauce or eaten with low-fat sour cream. Be sure to try snacking on pies with pickled mushrooms seasoned with fragrant oil. Take such a dish with you to work, eat it cold with tea - all colleagues will definitely ask for the recipe.

With minced chicken zrazy

With chicken, children like zrazy more, because the dish comes out airy, but satisfying. And the chicken cooks much faster, which increases the speed of cooking. For the filling, you can take chicken thigh fillets and even chicken breast, especially if you boil it and grind it in a blender to a thick meat paste.

We need 400 g of chicken or breast, onion, butter or sunflower oil (for frying), mashed potatoes - 500 g and 2 chicken eggs.

Zrazy is even more interesting if you add a little grated hard cheese to the minced meat.

  1. Boil the chicken, pass through a meat grinder or punch with a blender.
  2. Add onion fried in butter.
  3. Salt mince, pepper to taste.
  4. We prepare elastic dough from mashed potatoes, make cakes, and put a spoonful of chicken and onion filling inside each. We pinch the edges.
  5. Then do as you wish - bake pies in the oven or fry.

Prepare mushroom bechamel for chicken cutlets: chop the caps of any mushrooms, fry lightly with onions. Add a glass of milk to the mass, 2 tbsp. l. flour. Simmer until the sauce thickens slightly. Creamy sauce, meat patty with juicy filling and tender mashed potatoes - a wonderful treat that the household will definitely appreciate.

With saury filling

Even those who categorically do not like fish eat zrazy from mashed potatoes with saury. The fish gives an interesting flavor and for some reason not at all fishy (rather meaty). Saury is a rather fatty fish, zrazy come out satisfying, although eaters, without exception, always require supplements.

For fish dishes, we will prepare: a jar of saury, two glasses of mashed potatoes, an onion, flour - 100 g, vegetable oil, ground black pepper and an egg.

The cooking process is extremely simple:

  1. From the puree, knead the dough with flour and egg.
  2. Drain the liquid from the jar of saury.
  3. Fry the onion in a frying pan, add the fish and simmer until the liquid evaporates.
  4. We form pies, filling them with saury.
  5. Roll in semolina or flour and fry.

We cover the finished cutlets with a thin mesh of mayonnaise, sprinkle with parsley. Cutlets are especially tasty when cold - as soon as they cool down, they fly away from the plate at the speed of light. The recipe for zrazy can also be made in the form of a casserole. It's hearty, delicious and very easy.

Potato sorcerers in Belarusian

The Belarusians elevated the potato to a cult, made it a national property. But sorcerers love not only in this country. They are often cooked in the Baltics. But who would dare to challenge the authorship of branded sorcerers among the Belarusian people! We cook, adhering to the advice of hospitable residents of the most potato country in the world.

Sorcerers are a special variety of potato pancakes. Unlike zrazy, they are always made from grated potatoes.

Required Ingredients:

  • a kilogram of large white potatoes;
  • 500 g of any minced meat with onions, peppers (we recommend using chicken, which cooks much faster than pork or beef);
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Three peeled potatoes on a coarse grater and add. Let the juice stand out. Squeeze out the excess through cheesecloth or drain in a colander. Add flour, egg, salt and pepper. And now - attention - we will do everything very quickly! We heat the frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it and warm it up.

We immediately make a cake (you can sculpt it with your hands), put the minced meat on top, pinch the edges and squeeze it slightly to make the shape flatter. Place immediately in the pan. Fry until crispy. At the end, you can cover with a lid so that the stuffing is finally cooked.

Do not make the fire too strong, otherwise the potatoes will burn on the bottom and remain raw inside. Minced meat will not be stewed all the more.

Sorcerers with sour cream are sprinkled with herbs. Hearty, with a juicy meat filling, fried cakes are the perfect start to the day off.

with sausage

All kids love sausage rolls. And if the dough is potato, the pie will turn out much more interesting and tastier. All you need is a few sausages, yesterday's mashed potatoes, an egg, a little flour, vegetable oil, salt, pepper to taste.

Sausages must be of high quality, for example, dairy, GOST.

How do we cook?

  1. From mashed potatoes, flour, eggs, knead a dense dough.
  2. We prepare the cake with our hands, and wrap the sausage inside.
  3. Fry the pie in hot oil.
  4. Place on paper towel to soak up excess oil.

Sausage pies are delicious cold with hot herbal tea, fragrant coffee latte. For a children's holiday, it's easy to make mini versions of crumb sausages (they are sold in any store) or simply cutting the standard one into 2 - 3 parts.

How to cook a dish in a slow cooker?

Inventive housewives cook zrazy in a slow cooker. But, we warn you right away, potato cutlets in a multi-bowl can spread. Try to make pure meatballs. Pure meat zrazy - originally from Poland; there they are prepared from different varieties, stuffing cutlets with different fillings; translated from Polish, zrazy is translated as “separate pieces of meat” - before, meat was only chopped, never scrolled through a meat grinder.

We will need:

  • minced meat - 700 g;
  • egg - 6 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

5 hard-boiled eggs, cool and peel. Add the egg to the meat, beat with your hands. Salt and pepper. We make cakes. We put the egg inside, carefully pinch - the cutlet should turn out to be even, dense.
Courageous housewives can try to cook classic potato zrazy. At the same time, the lid of the multicooker cannot be closed, and you need to cook only in the "Frying" mode.

Fry the zrazy at the bottom of a multi-bowl heated with vegetable oil. Close the lid and simmer until tender on the “Meat”, “Stew” or “Baking” mode. In the process, zrazy will give fragrant meat juice - they will definitely need a side dish. Cook mashed potatoes, pasta, rice. Serve cutlets with curry sauce, salted capers, fresh bread, herbs.
When cut inside each "zrazinka" a testicle will be found. They look very appetizing, and the taste of zrazy is incredibly pleasant.

With cottage cheese

Zrazy with cottage cheese will fall in love with everyone who loves culinary experiments and is not afraid to discover new flavor combinations. It would seem, how do potatoes combine with cottage cheese? Our answer is great. At the same time, we recommend making the filling complex - season the cottage cheese with herbs, sour cream and, without fail, squeeze a clove of garlic into it.

Prepare: mashed potatoes, a pack of cottage cheese of any fat content, a bunch of herbs, a little sour cream, salt, pepper, a clove of garlic, a little flour and an egg. Add a little oregano, basil or any fragrant herbs to the puree - this will make the dish very fragrant.

The process looks like this:

  1. Knead elastic, smooth potato dough with flour, egg.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, herbs, garlic, add.
  3. We form cutlets, inside each we lay out a tablespoon with a slide of curd filling.
  4. Distribute the cutlets in a baking dish.
  5. Lubricate with protein.
  6. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

If desired, zrazy is easy not to bake, but to fry. The technology is also very affordable, and the result is amazing. Cutlets must be allowed to cool a little - the cottage cheese should “grab”. Serve with tartar sauce or yogurt with herbs.

There are thousands of recipes from time to time: every Belarusian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian family has its own signature recipe. In Ukraine, they love zrazy with cracklings, in Belarus with sour cream, in Lithuania with cream and, imagine, lightly salted herring. There are even very original recipes for zrazy with dried fruits. You can also try, invent your own combinations. Then the dish will never get bored. Bon appetit and new discoveries on the culinary "front"!

If you have mashed potatoes left after yesterday’s dinner or a festive feast, then the next day you don’t have to puzzle at all how to feed your family. We offer you a recipe for a dish that surprisingly combines simplicity, cheapness and amazing taste. We will cook zrazy from mashed potatoes.

Below we consider the option without filling. But if you have time and desire, then you can put minced meat, finely chopped smoked bacon (sausage, sausages), stewed cabbage, pieces of boiled chicken, liver, fried mushrooms or boiled eggs stuffing with green onions in the middle of each zrazy. Very juicy and tasty zrazy are obtained if you add a piece of dill oil inside. It is done in an elementary way: soft butter is mixed with fresh dill, after which it freezes in the refrigerator.


  • mashed potatoes - 10-12 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • white wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to your taste;
  • nutmeg (ground) - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • breadcrumbs or wheat flour - for rolling.

How to cook zrazy from mashed potatoes without filling

Yesterday's mashed potatoes are perfect for making potato zrazy. It is desirable that it be thick and homogeneous without lumps.

Transfer the puree to a bowl and mash it well with a fork, beat in the egg. Now gradually add the flour, depending on the stickiness of the potatoes, it may need a little more or less than indicated in the recipe. Gently knead the dough, its consistency should be of medium density (it does not fall from a spoon, but holds).

Potato dough for zraz is ready. If you wish, you can diversify its taste with all sorts of aromatic additives. For example, grated on a fine grater, processed or hard cheese. From spices, you can add ground black pepper and nutmeg. Any fresh herbs (parsley, basil, dill) are great. But be careful with salt, do not overdo it, for sure, yesterday, when you prepared mashed potatoes, you already salted it.

With wet hands or a spoon, pick up some potato dough, shape into a round or oval cake, roll in breadcrumbs or flour. It would be even better to dip each cake in an egg before rolling. Prepare all the zrazy in this way and you can start frying them.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, put on fire and heat well. Transfer the zrazy and fry over medium heat on both sides until browned.

Transfer the finished potato zrazy from the pan first to a paper towel so that it absorbs the rest of the oil. And then put it on a beautiful dish and serve it to the table.

When serving, zrazy goes well with sour cream, fried mushrooms, vegetable slices or a light salad. It would be ideal if you prepare a sauce for them - tomato, mushroom, mayonnaise with pickled cucumbers, bechamel, sour cream, garlic and fresh herbs.

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