What is Irish ale: characteristics, varieties, reviews. Ale - age-old traditions for connoisseurs of beer

The most popular question that owners, bartenders and regulars hear is: how is ale different from beer? There is no answer to it, because the question itself is fundamentally wrong. To understand this, you have to dive into the topic of varieties of foamy drink.

Traditionally, the inhabitants of Russia associate beer with a light lager, therefore, when tasting ale, they ask the question indicated above. In fact, ale, like lager, is one of the types of beer, so asking how it differs from a foamy drink is not entirely correct.

Distinctive features of ale

So what is the difference between ale and beer in our usual sense? Here are a few main points:

  • Ale is made using top fermentation technology. Brewer's yeast is light enough to float up and form a head. Lager, on the other hand, is prepared differently, using heavier fungi that settle to the bottom of the barrel.
  • Light yeast loves heat, so ale fermentation occurs at a temperature of +15 to +24 degrees. Such conditions cause intense release of essential compounds and natural flavors. This makes the beer richer but less stable.
  • Classic ale stays alive to the last drop. It is neither filtered nor pasteurized. That is why the drink has such a bright unforgettable taste.
  • Ale contains much less alcohol than lager. The fact is that initially this type of beer was used to quench thirst, and alcoholic drink became much later. The technology of preparation has remained unchanged, therefore, in comparison with the lager, ale contains less carbon dioxide.

Ale types

In order to never confuse ale and lager, it is enough just to remember which drinks exactly belong to the ale family:

  • Bitter, pale, Indian, soft, brown, strong ales;
  • barley wine;
  • Scottish ale;
  • Porters;
  • Stouts;
  • Trappist beer.

Want to see for yourself the difference between ale and top-fermented beer? Check out the German pub Jager Haus!

Ale is a type of beer. Its main difference lies in the technology of preparation - fast top fermentation is used with high temperature. For the manufacture of water, malt, hops, barley and yeast are used.

The preparation of ale resembles the recipe for beer - the wort is brewed in the same way, but differences appear during the fermentation of the product. Yeast is used riding, so they do not settle, but rise to the surface. Due to fermentation at high temperature (15-25ºС), the process is reduced to 3-5 days. The fruity-floral notes in ale are due to the yeast's reaction to the heat. Usually the aroma is reminiscent of a pear, prunes, apple, banana or plum. As a result of fermentation, the ale matures and then matures for 1-2 weeks in a cool room.

Traditional ale is not pasteurized or sterilized, therefore, contained in brewer's yeast useful material are fully preserved. Hops are added to the modern drink - it was not used until the 16th century.

Due to the fact that ale is not filtered, there is always sediment (brewer's yeast) in the container. It was this sediment that at the first appearance of the drink on the domestic market caused bewilderment among Russian consumers, since at first it was confused with the sediment characteristic of sour beer. The differences are obvious - sediment in ale is homogeneous and quickly falls off, and in spoiled beer it looks like flakes and makes the liquid cloudy.

Ales differ in several ways, including the percentage of alcohol. Today at Irish drink this percentage is usually in the range of 4-5%. The maximum alcohol content of ale is 10-12%. This drink is called barley wine. The minimum alcohol content in soft ale is 2.5-3.5%.

Ale originated in England. In connection with the conquest and subsequent subjugation of Ireland and Scotland by this country, the drink spread to them.

It is believed that ale became widespread in Ireland at the beginning of the 18th century. Thanks to the unique recipe, bitter-strong beer became softer and acquired a unique shade. The founder of this drink in Ireland is considered to be John Smithwick. Today, a brand of Irish ale is named after him, one of the best in the world.

In the 80s of the last century, they began to produce a new ale - Kilkenny, drier and stronger. Today this brand is well known in European countries as well as in Canada and Australia. This ale is brewed in County Kilkenny at Ireland's oldest brewery.

In our store you can buy Irish ale under the Kilkenny and Smithwick̕ s brands.

Initially, Kilkenny ale was considered a stronger variation of a similar drink under the Smithwick̕s brand and was also distinguished by a greater saturation of the characteristic red hue. The main reason for changing the name of Smithwick̕s to Kilkenny was the different pronunciation of the word - “Smittix”, “Smidiks”, “Smiziks”, etc. Under the name Kilkenny, ale was exported. Today these brands are independent from each other.

You can buy Smithwick̕s pale ale from us with a typical pale ale gravity of 10.6% and an alcohol content of 4.5%. Pale ale has a rich golden color, which is why in America the drink began to be called amber. Pale ale has a rich taste and slight bitterness, and the aroma is an unsurpassed blend of malt, flowers and fruit.

Our store also has the famous Kilkenny ale. It has a lower density (10%) and a lower alcohol content (4.2%). Kilkenny is red in color and has a bitter taste with a hint of sweet roasted malt.

We invite you to get acquainted with the rich culture of draft ale and beer. With us you will always find a variety of brands and varieties, density and alcohol content.

Ale is a top-fermented beer. It is believed that the name comes from the word alu, which means "magic", "divine". This drink is really very tasty and often has a sweet aftertaste due to the addition of honey or caramel. The best ale is made in Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland.

What is ale

Ale is a top-fermented beer, which is produced using special "top" yeast. The composition of the ale includes prepared water, regular barley malt and brewer's yeast. After secondary fermentation, ale is poured into steel containers, and in some places even into oak barrels, a little sugar is added and left to mature.

Due to the long quiet maturation, the ale acquires a rich, balanced taste with many shades, in which tones of dark fruits are clearly felt. In the aroma of ale, experts feel shades of caramel, cherries, figs, biscuits.

Differences between ale and beer

Until the 15th century, any product of brewing was called ale, then these two concepts began to be distinguished. Initially, hops were not used for the production of this drink, today the addition of hops is practiced everywhere.

Regular beer is produced by bottom fermentation, while ale is top fermented, an older fermentation method. Secondary fermentation of ale occurs when elevated temperature, on average 15-25 degrees. In the final stage, the yeast forms a kind of hat on the surface of the ale. The whole process of secondary fermentation lasts no more than 30 days. Unlike beer, the production technology does not provide for pasteurization and filtration. This significantly reduces the shelf life of the finished drink, but retains a maximum of aromatic and flavor shades.

Varieties and brands of ales

Depending on the country of origin and national characteristics production distinguish between American, Irish, Scottish, English, German and Belgian products. Divided into three by color large groups s:

  • Pale Ale - Pale malt is used to make it, which is why the drink acquires a light amber color. The taste is hoppy and malty. The fortress is in the range of 3-20%.
  • Brown ale is made from caramelized malt. It has a dark brown color, rich but mild taste with hints of nuts and dried fruits.
  • Dark ale - roasted malt is used in the production, so the finished drink has an almost black color. Its strength is not necessarily higher than in the case of pale ale.

The following types of ale are distinguished by style:

  • porter - a very dark drink with a characteristic bittersweet aftertaste;
  • stout - dark beer with hints of coffee and chocolate in the taste, the strength of which is 4-5%, for imperial - at least 7%;
  • Lambic is a sour beer fermented with wild yeast. Fruit lambics are especially popular: cherry, raspberry, peach, etc.

Trappist ales, which are brewed in monasteries according to old recipes, stand apart. Only seven breweries in the world have the right to call their drinks Trappist: this means that the entire production process takes place within the walls of the monastery, directly by the monks or under their strict control. They are produced mainly in Belgium, in very limited quantities, and therefore incredibly appreciated by connoisseurs.

How to drink ale

Ale is drunk chilled to 10-12 degrees, at a higher temperature it loses all its attractiveness. Often bars serve a slice of lemon or orange to balance the sweetness to their own taste. It is not customary to drink ale from large beer mugs, it is better to take tall beer glasses.

Pale ale is good as an aperitif, it can be served with Thai dishes, salads and fish snacks. Brown and dark varieties are excellent digestifs, as well as companions for barbecue and solid meat dishes. From meat to ale, mutton and duck are suitable.

Ordinary beer snacks also do not spoil the taste of ale: it goes well with crackers, croutons, nuts. Of the cheeses, cheddar is the best. Certain varieties show themselves perfectly in the company of spicy blue cheeses - this unusual combination finds more and more fans.

Thanks to its recognizable sweetness, the ale is also suitable for desserts, especially pies with apples and nuts.

How to choose ale

To choose a good ale, you need to navigate the varieties and styles. This way you will know what to expect from your labels. If you see the Pale Ale label or a combination with the word Bitter, you have a pale variety with a pronounced hop aroma and a clear malt flavor. Indian India Pale Ale (aka IPA) - more interesting option with fruity, floral or coniferous tones on the palate. Brown Porter, Baltic Porter - dark rich beer with a bright aftertaste. Dry Stout, Sweet Sweet Stout, Oatmeal Stout are all varieties of thick and dark, sometimes quite strong stout.

Ale - price in WineStyle

WineStyle stores offer hundreds of ales from popular producers in Belgium, Great Britain, Germany and other countries. Detailed descriptions and tasting notes will help you make right choice. The price of ale in WineStyle stores starts from 90 rubles. for a standard 0.5 liter bottle. Popular varieties of Belgian ale cost from 200 rubles. for a bottle.

Reading the works of English (and not only) authors, you can come across such a phrase as "a mug of ale." Usually this drink is associated with something magical, witchcraft, perhaps due to the origin of the word ale from the ancient of English language, where it was formed from the concept of "magic", "intoxication". And its creators are the British. Ale is a type of beer produced by top fermentation in warm place. This drink was in great demand during the Middle Ages due to its ability to be stored for a long time. Today, ale is still especially popular in the UK, Ireland and Scotland. Unlike beer, ale has sediment and is not brewed or pasteurized. Very often when preparing ale, various herbal infusions are used. Due to its composition, this drink is quite high in calories and, according to some studies, is very beneficial due to the content of unfiltered yeast. In addition, as we noted above, it does not spoil for a very long time - so that on some bottles of English ale only the date of production is put.

Most Popular Ales

In the UK they love:
- pale/amber ale (made from light barley malt);
- brown ale (made from darker malt, often with a nutty flavor)
- dark ale (from dark, well-roasted malt malt);
- Scottish ale (strong, dark, with a bright taste of malt);
- red Irish ale (roasted barley is added to the malt);
- barley wine (strong ale, with an alcohol content of 8.5-12%).

The most popular in Germany are:
- pale Cologne ale;
- ale altbier (with a pronounced taste of hops and an alcohol content of 4.8%).

Belgians prefer:
- light ale;
- reddish ale with a rich flavor of malt;
- Trappist ale;
- red-brown ale.

Ale Recipes

Village ale:
- 23-25 ​​liters of cold water;
- 3 l hot water;
- 2.4 kg of rye flour;
- 0.8 kg of buckwheat flour;
- 0.2 kg of dry yeast;
- 1.2 kg of barley malt;
- 1.2 kg of rye malt.

This drink can only be prepared by the happy owners of a private house, stove and kegs. Although, someone, perhaps, will contrive to create it in a city apartment. Add barley and rye malt to rye flour and pour in 3 liters of hot water, knead the dough and put it in the oven for 12 hours. Then transfer the dough into a barrel (volume 25 liters) and dilute cold water by filling the container to the top. In a separate bowl, knead the dough in water from buckwheat flour and yeast and leave it for 2 hours to rise. Then take a clean barrel, put buckwheat dough in it and fill it with strained malt infusion. Leave the mixture for 4-6 hours to ferment. When bubbles appear on the surface, shake the drink in a barrel, bottle it, close it and take it to a cool cellar. It is best to put the bottles in the sand.

Non-alcoholic ginger ale:
- 2 l. water;
- 1 tbsp. granulated sugar;
- 1.5 tablespoons grated ginger;
- juice of 1 lemon;
- 1/4 tsp dry yeast.
Let's make a reservation right away that this drink cannot be called ale in the full sense of the word, but this does not change its taste and refreshing qualities. Grate a piece of ginger rhizome on a fine grater and put in a jar that you will use for fermentation. Add sugar, yeast, lemon juice and add water. Then close the jar and shake well, shake. Next, let the ale ferment in closed jar at room temperature for 2 days. After the specified time, bottle the drink and put it in the refrigerator. The next day you can drink ale.
Attention! Often used for fermentation plastic bottles and bottles - in this case, you need to monitor the formation of gas and, if necessary, release the gas a little!

The answer to the question of how ale differs from beer in taste or appearance may surprise an inexperienced lover of this drink. The fact is that all the varieties and varieties of beer that are produced today belong to one of two large groups - to ales or to lagers. Thus, comparing ale with beer is incorrect - these are not two different types, but one included in the other.

The key difference between ale and lager beer is different types yeast that ferments different temperatures. The result is two fundamentally different drinks: a light, refreshing and versatile lager and a complex, multifaceted and whimsical ale.


The yeast used to make lager is collected at the bottom of the fermentation tank. This is where the concept of “bottom fermentation” comes from, which can be found in the description of various types of beer. Lager yeast begins to ferment actively already at a temperature of 8 degrees and absorbs all the nutrients that it can find. The result is a beer that is less sweet than ale and contains fewer flavor notes.

Another difference lies in the exposure conditions. Lager is aged at a very low temperature - from 0 to 7 degrees. Under such conditions, the beer spends about a month, after which it acquires the famous refreshing taste and light aroma.


When making ale, the yeast is collected at the top of the vat, and the fermentation temperature is maintained at 15 to 22 degrees. The ale resulting from such fermentation can be compared in properties with wine: the taster will find many subtle notes in its taste, and it will not work to serve it with any dishes. Each type of ale is combined with certain dishes and snacks.

Ale aging and storage conditions also differ. The ale is aged for several weeks, and the temperature is from 4 to 13 degrees. Mild aging conditions preserve rich taste qualities ale. For this reason, ale is rarely served chilled: in order to reveal all the facets of the taste and aroma of ale, it must be drunk at room temperature.

Thus, the difference between ale and beer is completely absent, and ale and lager can only be compared from the standpoint of their properties - they are so different.

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