Making cherry wine at home. Making homemade cherry wine

Due to the widespread availability of cherries, cherries are often used in amateur winemaking, and very successfully. I will tell you how to make wine from cherries at home using the right technology. The recipe is very simple, and the resulting drink will delight you with excellent taste for a whole year. Rare ingredients are not required for cooking, as long as there is a sufficient amount of fruits.

Dark sour cherries are ideal, but if this variety is not available, take any ripe berries. First, they need to be carefully sorted out, removing spoiled, rotten and moldy. Even one bad berry can spoil the whole wine. The containers should be washed with boiling water and wiped with a dry, clean cloth.

The pits of cherries contain a lot of tannins, so only pulp and juice are needed for the recipe. But lovers of a light tart taste can crush a few seeds and add them to the must (cherry juice before fermentation) in the second stage.


  • ripe cherries - 3 kg;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Attention! For normal fermentation, it is advisable not to wash the cherries so as not to remove wild yeast from the skin.

cherry wine recipe

1. Sort the berries, remove the stalks. Squeeze out the bones, trying not to splash the juice, it should remain in the same container as the pulp.

2. Heat water to 25-29°C (not higher, so as not to kill the yeast) and pour over the processed cherries. Add 500 grams of sugar. Mix. Bandage the neck of the container with gauze (to protect against flies), then put the wort for 3-4 days in a dark warm place(18-27°C).

After a day (often earlier), signs of fermentation should appear: hissing, foam, sour smell. This means that everything is going well. It is necessary to mix the wort 2-3 times a day with a clean wooden stick or hand, drowning in the juice the pulp that has floated to the surface - a “cap” of particles of skin and pulp.

3. Strain the juice through cheesecloth or a fine strainer to filter out any remaining cherries. Press the cake well, it is no longer needed.

4. Add 0.5 kg of sugar to the future cherry wine. Stir until dissolved.

5. Pour the juice into a fermentation container. Fill to a maximum of 75% of the volume to leave room for foam, carbon dioxide and fresh sugar. Install a water seal or a glove with a hole in the finger (pierce with a needle). Leave the vessel in a dark, warm (18-25°C) room.

Fermentation under a water seal glove example

After 4-5 days, add the next portion of sugar (250 grams): remove the water seal, pour 150-200 ml of juice into another container, dilute sugar in it, pour the resulting syrup back and close it again with a water seal. After another 5 days, add the remaining sugar (250 grams) according to the described technology.

Depending on temperature and yeast activity, homemade cherry wine fermentation lasts 25-60 days.

If the process lasts longer than 55 days, the wine must be carefully drained from the sediment through a straw into another container, then put under a water seal to ferment, otherwise a bitter aftertaste may appear.

6. After the end of fermentation (the drink has become lighter, the water seal does not blow bubbles for several days or the glove has deflated, sediment has appeared at the bottom), drain the wine from the cherries through a straw without touching the sediment.

To taste. If desired, sweeten with sugar or fix with vodka (alcohol) in an amount of 2-15% by volume. The addition of hard liquor aids storage, but changes the aroma and makes the taste harsher.

Fill the storage container with wine, preferably up to the neck, so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close hermetically.

7. Transfer the vessel to a dark room with a temperature of 6-16°C and leave for 6-12 months for maturation, which will significantly improve the taste.

As sediment accumulates (2-4 cm), first every 15-20 days, then less often filter the wine by pouring (always through a straw). The finished drink can be bottled and corked tightly.

Finished black cherry wine

The output is cherry wine with a strength of 11-13%. The shelf life in the refrigerator or basement is 5-6 years.

Cherry - a common plant in our country, grows throughout the country. It is very popular among home distillers and in winemaking. Delicious liqueurs, tinctures and liqueurs, drunken cherries are made from cherries, and every adult has probably tried homemade wine from cherries. Where grapes do not grow, cherries are used as a raw material. From the berries, a thick dark red wine with an unusual aroma and a peculiar taste is obtained.

Homemade cherry wine, prepared at home, is valuable because it contains only natural ingredients, mostly yeast is not used in recipes, so the benefits of cherry wine for the body have been described more than once in various works. Cherry wines can be made both dry and semi-sweet, as well as fortified dessert wines. The main thing in the manufacture must comply with the technology and adhere to the rules described below. For the drink, dark sour cherries are best, but in principle any variety you can get your hands on will do.

How to calculate the yield of the finished product. From 100% of the original volume of cherry berries, approximately 60% of the must is obtained. This must produces 80% of the wine. 20% is pulp and sediment during overflow. The more must, the better the wine fermentation process, the risk of oxidation is reduced. It is correct when calculating to take the minimum proportion for 10 liters of wine.

Pitted cherry wine recipe

Pitted cherry wine has a pleasant almond flavor. Brightly saturated color, gives the drink a rich look. This simple recipe is suitable for beginner winemakers. When making wine, it is important to remember that the skins of cherries contain naturally occurring wild yeasts that are essential for wine fermentation. Therefore, you cannot wash cherries! But if you got a washed berry, then in this case you can use special wine yeast, which can be purchased at specialty stores.


  • Cherry -6 kg;
  • Water - 6 l;
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

How to make cherry wine:

  1. Peel the cherries from the stalks, remove the rotten and moldy berries. Gently knead the berries with your hands, without damaging the bones, otherwise there will be bitterness in the wine.
  2. Place the cherry mass along with the seeds in an enamel pan. Pour in water, add 800 grams of sugar. Cover the pan with gauze or put a lid in a warm place for fermentation for 3-4 days.
  3. Literally in half a day, the first signs of fermentation appear. A hissing foam cap forms on the surface, a sour smell of fermentation is felt. In order for the wort not to turn sour at this stage, it must be stirred two or three times a day and the hat of pulp should be heated.
  4. After the required time has elapsed, pour the wort into a fermentation tank through a sieve or gauze, squeeze the pulp well from the juice. Add a quarter of the cherry pits there, add 400 grams of granulated sugar. Mix everything well until the sugar dissolves completely. Install a special water seal or medical glove on the container. Put the bottle for fermentation in a warm place with a temperature of 20-25C. Important! 1/4 of the fermentation tank should be free, in the process of rapid fermentation, foam rises, which can fill the water seal and go outside.
  5. After 5 days, remove the water seal and drain 300-400 ml of wort. Dissolve 400 grams of sugar in it and pour the syrup back into the bottle.
  6. After another 5 days, filter the wort from the seeds, add the rest of the sugar, dissolving it in the wort. Leave to ferment for 1-2 months, depending on the strength of the yeast and the ambient temperature.
  7. The end of the fermentation process can be determined by the water seal, in which the gas stops bubbling. The wine is partially clarified to the bottom of the sediment. Alcohol is on the palate. Carefully decant the young cherry wine, drain it from the sediment through a PVC or silicone hose. Add sugar if necessary. At this stage, the wine can be fixed to the desired strength with vodka or brandy. Usually, 3-15% of strong alcohol from the volume of wine is poured in for this.
  8. Pour the wine into a clean container, install a water seal for the first 10-15 days. Place the container for quiet fermentation in a cool place with a temperature of 8-15C. The maturation of young wine lasts 6-12 months. During this time, sediment falls to the bottom, when the sediment reaches 2-3 cm, the wine must be poured off the sediment.
  9. Pour the ripened wine into clean bottles, seal hermetically and can be stored in the cellar for a very long time. for a long time. The more the wine costs, the tastier it becomes, the bouquet is balanced and will delight you with its unique taste.

Video recipe for making cherry wine.

Cherry homemade wine recipe - “Vishniak”

Vishniac is popularly called dry cherry wine. The preparation process takes about two months. The taste of the drink is quite sweet, so this wine is more suitable for the female half.


  • Fresh cherry - 10 l;
  • Sugar - 4 kg.


  1. Pour unwashed cherries into a container (glass bottle), sprinkle with sugar. Put the bottle on the windowsill in the sun for fermentation for 30-40 days.
  2. After the above time, strain the wort through a sieve or cheesecloth. Rub the rest of the berries through a colander and add to the must.
  3. Keep the must for another 3-5 days in the sun. Then strain the wine through several layers of gauze. Leave for 7-10 days to mature.
  4. Pour the finished cherry into a clean container, add sugar or water if necessary. The drink is ready to drink.

cherry fortified wine recipe

This quick cherry wine recipe is different from the ones above. After 1-2 weeks, you can already enjoy excellent cherry wine and treat guests.


  • Freshly picked cherries - 10 kg;
  • Filtered water - 5 l;
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • Wine yeast - 2-5 gr;
  • The mint is fresh.


  1. Rinse the berries under running water, remove the stalks and spoiled cherries. Squeeze the juice as much as possible in any way possible without damaging the seeds. Transfer the pulp to a separate bowl.
  2. Pour juice into a clean pan, add sugar and put on a slow fire. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved while stirring. Pour water into hot syrup, add pulp with seeds. Tear the mint leaves into small pieces and add to the must.
  3. As soon as the wort cools down to a temperature of 22-25, add wine yeast. Put the container in heat for fermentation. After 7-10 days, the wort will ferment. The wine must be drained from the sediment and poured into bottles. If desired, you can add vodka or cognac in the amount of 3-5%.

Cherry wine from frozen berries

In some cases, you can prepare cherries for good and later use frozen berries to make wine. The collected cherries need to be washed, sorted out, slightly dried and placed in the freezer. Dried raisins are used as yeast starter.


  • Frozen cherries - 5 kg,
  • Filtered water - 3 l,
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg,
  • Raisins - 100 gr.

How to make wine:

  1. Place the frozen berries in a wide dish, let the cherries melt completely at room temperature.
  2. Mash the berries, transfer to a saucepan, add sugar, water and pour raisins. Mix everything, cover with a lid.
  3. Place the container in a warm place for 7-10 days. For that time will pass violent fermentation. After its completion, drain the wine from the sediment and pour into a clean container for quiet fermentation. Install a water seal on the neck.
  4. After 1-1.5 months, drain the young wine from the sediment, pour into bottles and leave to mature for 3-6 months in a cool room.

The nuances of making homemade cherry wine

  1. cherry wine at home are made only from ripe berries. Green, spoiled, rotten berries are not good. Such fruits can drastically spoil the taste of the drink.
  2. Berries for making wine are preferably harvested dry. sunny weather. Harvested cherries are too watery when it rains.
  3. If you do not like the tart taste of wine, then you can remove it from the cherry.
  4. Cherry wine can be combined with other fruits and berries. The most suitable combination with raspberries, blackcurrants, plums.
  5. The fruits do not need to be washed before cooking, they contain wild yeast necessary to start fermentation.

Cherry wine always turns out tasty and fragrant. There are many options for its preparation - someone likes strong wines, while others like lighter options. You can make such a drink at any time of the year - frozen cherries also make excellent alcohol.

How to make wine from cherries?

Cherry wine is prepared according to different recipes. Experienced winemakers have their own proven recipes over the years. Each of the options has its own differences and features, but there are also general rules, which must be followed so that the resulting drink has a pleasant taste.

  1. Cherries should be used unwashed. On its surface contains natural yeast necessary for fermentation.
  2. If the cherries have been washed, it is better to use additional wine yeast. Cherry wine starter, which is often made with raisins, can also come to the rescue.
  3. Berries for winemaking should be juicy, ripe and without the slightest damage.
  4. If there is no water seal, use an ordinary medical glove, making a puncture in it in one place.
  5. Ready-made homemade cherry wine should be stored in hermetically sealed bottles in a cool place.

Cherry wine with pits at home

Cherry wine is more often prepared without stones due to the fact that the latter contain harmful substances, but there are no rules without exceptions. Pitted cherry wine will turn out delicious, very aromatic, and, most importantly, safe if you follow everything exactly step by step recommendations specified in the recipe.


  • cherry berries - 3 kg;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. The pitted berries are kneaded with hands, the mass is placed in a container, 400 g of sugar and all the water are added.
  2. Stir, cover with gauze and leave for 4 days.
  3. After 6-12 hours, the first signs of fermentation will appear.
  4. The wort must be stirred all the time.
  5. The juice is filtered through gauze, the cake is squeezed.
  6. A quarter of cake and 200 g of sugar are added to pure juice.
  7. The juice with seeds is poured into a fermentation container, a water seal is installed and the container is removed into a dark room.
  8. After 5 days, the rest of the sugar is added and closed again.
  9. After 6 days, the wort is filtered through cheesecloth, the remaining sugar is added, mixed, poured into a container and a water seal is installed again.
  10. Young wine is drained through a straw, poured into containers and cleaned in a cool place.
  11. While a precipitate appears, the wine is filtered by pouring it through a straw.
  12. When the sediment ceases to fall out, wine from cherries with pits is poured into bottles for storage and hermetically sealed.

Cherry juice wine

Wine from cherry juice at home is prepared with the addition of wine yeast. The result is a sweet drink, the strength of which will be approximately 12 degrees. Juice for wine is conveniently squeezed out with a juicer. If there is no such technique, you can use a blender, and then strain the mass.


  • pitted cherries - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • wine yeast - 10 g.


  1. Juice is squeezed out of cherries.
  2. Cherry pomace is poured warm water, sugar, yeast are added and left warm for 3 days.
  3. Braga is filtered, mixed with juice, poured into a sterile bottle and a water seal is installed.
  4. The wine is filtered and bottled.
  5. Cherry wine will ripen for a month.

How to make cherry wine with vodka?

It is extremely easy to prepare in a bank. Before placing the berries in a jar, each of them is pierced with a fork so that the juice stands out from them better. There are no clear proportions in this recipe, you can use both a liter and a three-liter jar, the main thing is to fill it with berries and fill them completely with vodka.


  • cherry;
  • vodka.


  1. The berries are poured into a jar.
  2. Pour in vodka.
  3. Close the container with a lid and leave for a month.
  4. After that, the wine from the sour cherries will be ready!

Cherry wine with lemon

Simple wine made from sour cherries lemon juice comes out light and very flavorful. The finished drink will have a strength of about 11 percent. The wine will be delicious when it is well infused. Therefore, if it is made in June-July, just in time for the New Year, the taste of the drink will be revealed in full, and it will not be a shame to put it on festive table.


  • cherry - 3 kg;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemons - 2 pcs.


  1. Seedless berries are poured with boiling water and left for 3-4 days.
  2. The drink is filtered, lemon juice and sugar are added.
  3. The future wine is poured into a fermentation container, on the throat of which a water seal is installed.
  4. When fermentation stops, the wine is filtered, bottled, which are cleaned in a dark, cool place for six months.

Cherry jam wine

Cherry wine is prepared not only from fresh berries and juice. An excellent drink can be made from. At the same time, it is quite possible to use the jam that has been candied, and just like that no one will eat it. The finished wine is carefully poured into another container, without affecting the sediment and sealed.


  • jam - 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • warm water - 1.5 liters;
  • raisins - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


  1. Mix jam with water, add raisins and sugar.
  2. The mass is poured into a glass container, a water seal is installed on the neck.
  3. Leave the container to ferment for several weeks.
  4. The contents of the bottle are filtered, 100 g of sugar are added and left for 2-3 months in a dark place.
  5. The wine is bottled and sealed.

Frozen Cherry Wine

Cherry wine at home can be made at any time of the year, even in winter, if there are frozen berries in the freezer. Cherries are first taken out of the freezer and thawed in vivo. It is absolutely impossible to defrost berries in the microwave or warm water.


  • frozen cherries - 2.5 liters;
  • water - 2.5 liters;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Thawed cherries are pureed, raisins are added and left for 2 days.
  2. Pour in warm water, stir and drain the liquid through gauze into another jar.
  3. The pulp is squeezed and discarded.
  4. Pour sugar, install a water seal and send the container for fermentation to a warm place.
  5. When the fermentation is completed, the wine from the frozen cherries is poured into bottles and put in a cool place.

Dry cherry wine

Cherry wine without sugar is very easy to make from fermented compote. Can also be used fresh compote, but then it must be removed to a warm place and left until a white film appears on the surface. Ready wine must be kept for 2-3 months in a cool place before drinking.


  • fermented cherry compote - 6 liters;
  • grapes - 50 g.


  1. The fermented compote is mixed with raisins, a glove is placed on the neck and cleaned in a warm place for fermentation.
  2. When the glove falls off, the cherry wine is filtered and bottled.

Cherry wine without water

Cherry wine without water turns out to be very tasty, because it is rich and pleasantly sweet. This recipe does not use any wine yeast or. Wine should ferment only due to the natural yeast that is on the surface of the berries. Therefore, it is best to collect cherries for wine in a dry campaign.


  • cherry - 10 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 5 kg.


  1. Berries with stones are placed in a suitable container, sprinkling each layer with sugar.
  2. Close the lid and clean in a dark place for 1.5-2 months.
  3. The contents of the container must be stirred periodically.
  4. After the end of fermentation, the wort is filtered.
  5. The wine is bottled and sent for a couple of months in a cool place.

Cherry fortified wine

The sweet cherry wine that so many people love is very easy to make. If you want it to be fortified, vodka or alcohol is poured into the must. The amount of these components can be varied to your taste, depending on how strong drink I want to get the output. We must not forget that the wine will be completely ready for serving only when it is infused for at least 2 months in a cool place.

Cherry wine is in no way inferior to its grape analogue in its taste and aromatic qualities. It turns out very tasty and fragrant, and thanks to the year-round availability of this berry all year round Absolutely anyone can treat themselves to such a drink.

There are several options for preparing this delicious alcoholic product.

The most detailed will be described below. correct option recipes, the wine prepared according to which is distinguished by its beautiful and rich color, pleasant aroma and excellent taste.

Making thick and fragrant homemade cherry wine can be quite simple and easy. All that is needed is purified water, sugar and themselves berries. They can be either fresh or frozen.

fresh berry recipe

Such wine turns out to be more fragrant and colorful, and its taste is more pronounced.

Reference! It is best to choose dark cherries, almost black varieties with high content Sahara. Wine from such berries turns out especially thick and tasty.

Would need:

  • 1500 g of granulated sugar;
  • purified water - 4 l;
  • cherry - 3 kg.

Important! Before use, the cherry cannot be washed, if it has strong dirt, then they should simply be removed with a dry and clean rag. Otherwise, the desired wild yeast will not remain on the surface of the berries.

Further steps will be similar for both the recipe using fresh berries and frozen ones.


  1. It is necessary to collect only the most ripe and whole berries. they should not be traces of worms and insects, as well as rot or impact marks.
  2. Raw materials are carefully sorted and the stalks are removed.
  3. Bones are removed from cherries, so that the pulp, along with the juice, remains in one container.
  4. Pour water heated to 29 degrees into this container and add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar.
  5. Close the container with gauze and put it in a dark and warm place for 3 days. Three times, in fact, with a wooden spoon, the pop-up pulp should be lowered to the bottom of the container.
  6. After the fermentation process begins actively, strain the liquid thoroughly and pour into a fermentation container.

The video describes the technology for making wine from fresh cherries according to the classic recipe:

If the season of ripe berries has long passed, then you can prepare such a tasty and alcoholic drink from frozen berries.

From frozen

To prepare such a drink you will need:

  • dark unwashed raisins - 100 g;
  • filtered water - 3000 ml;
  • frozen berries - 5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1500 g.

Since the cherry has been frozen, there are no microorganisms on its surface that are necessary to start the fermentation process. Therefore, their role here is played by raisins.


  1. Arrange cherries in a single layer on a wide tray and leave until completely defrosted at room temperature.
  2. Pour out the released liquid.
  3. Grind the fruits and pour them with water, then add granulated sugar and mix everything well. Bones, if present, may not be removed.
  4. Leave the fermentation mixture in an unhermetically sealed container for a week. When the process is activated, it is good to drain the juice from the pulp and continue to follow the recipe.

Attention! When making wine from frozen berries, sugar is added all at once. If the cherry is fresh, then it is introduced in stages, as will be described below. Just for a drink made according to the second recipe, these steps can be skipped.


On average, this process takes from 20 to 60 days. It all depends on the sugar content of the feedstock and the type of berries.

Fermentation stages:

  1. Strained juice must be poured into a bottle for final (secondary) fermentation and a water seal installed.
  2. After 5 days, drain 1 liter of juice from the container and dissolve 500 g of sugar in it. Pour back into the fermentation tank. After another 7 days, repeat the operation. This stage is necessary only for wine made from fresh berries.
  3. When the rapid fermentation process is over, that is, carbon dioxide ceases to be actively released, and sediment forms at the bottom of the container, the wine is considered almost ready.
  4. Using a thin rubber hose, drain the liquid from the sediment into small bottles, filling them to the top.

Reference! Fermentation of a drink based on frozen berries is faster.

The taste and aroma of this cherry alcoholic drink its proper storage and exposure has a significant impact.

The nuances of fermenting wine from cherries are described in the video:


Cleans containers filled with liquid in a dark and cool place for 3-12 months. Approximately every 25 days, the drink is drained from the sediment. When it practically ceases to stand out, the cherry wine is considered ready.

Important! For a drink based on fresh berries optimal time excerpts are considered 8 – 12 months. But a drink made from frozen berries acquires a true taste and aroma after 12 - 118 weeks.

Ready-made cherry wine should be stored in a dark and cool place in an airtight container. It is best to use the cellar or the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

In this case, the guaranteed period of its storage is 60 months. The strength of the finished alcoholic drink is approximately 10 - 16 degrees.

Reference! If you don't want to wait a long time, you can make Drunk Cherry liqueur without insisting.


  • Ready cherry wine prepared according to this recipe has excellent taste.
  • Its color, depending on the exposure time, ranges from dark ruby ​​to intense red.
  • The taste is sweetish with characteristic notes of this berry, the aftertaste is long with a slight sourness.

Such a delicious fragrant homemade wine will perfectly decorate any festive table and will pleasantly please everyone with its naturalness and safety.

Step-by-step recipes for homemade cherry wine with lemon, blackcurrant, chili, herbal infusion and cinnamon on raisins with and without stones

2018-08-20 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


41 gr.

164 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Homemade Cherry Wine Recipe

Fresh ripe cherries have a very bright berry flavor that cannot be confused or forgotten. That is why compotes, tinctures and wines are made from it. By the way, we will consider the recipes of the latter in this collection. Moreover, we will make homemade wine from cherries from whole berries, both in pure form and with the addition of other ingredients.


  • 3 kg of juicy cherries;
  • 1.5 kg white sugar;
  • 5 liters of purified non-chlorinated water;
  • 10 grams of acid (lemon);
  • 119 grams of raisins (not washed).

Step-by-step recipe for homemade cherry wine

Wash ripe cherries in purified water. Remove branches. Remove the bones with a pin one by one. Pour prepared berries into a bowl.

Add a third of the sugar. Shake gently. Leave for three hours so that the sugar can dissolve in the juice that comes out.

After this time, scald a large bottle with boiling water. Inside move the contents of the pelvis. Introduce unwashed raisins, the second third of sugar and citric acid. Pour five liters of water without chlorine.

Cover with gauze folded in layers and leave for 2-3 days to start active fermentation. During this period of time, a lot of bubbles, a strong foam and a sharp specific smell will appear.

At the next stage, remove the foam and, without touching the sediment, pour the wort through gauze into the second glass bottle. Add the rest of the sugar (500 grams).

Stir the future drink and pull a thin medical glove over the neck. Leave in the same very dark and warm (up to 22-23 degrees) place for further fermentation.

After 20-25 days the wine in last time strain, pouring homemade wine from pitted cherries into smaller bottles. Seal as tightly as possible. Leave already cool for another three to four months for the final cessation of the fermentation process.

At the last stage, it is very important to cork the drink in such a way that it does not react with oxygen. To do this, use corks that are suitable in diameter and close the wine tightly, as professional producers do. But it is better to store a fragrant cherry drink in a place up to 16 degrees Celsius and with minimal sunlight.

Option 2: A Quick Homemade Pitted Cherry Wine Recipe

We propose to make quick wine from pitted cherries, slightly reducing the tincture time. The result is a young semi-sweet wine, ideal for meat dishes.


  • 3 kg cherries with pits;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 10-11 grams of citric acid;
  • 5 liters of water without chlorine;
  • 115 grams of dried unwashed raisins.

How to quickly make homemade cherry wine

Wash whole ripe cherries. Shaking the batch of berries from the water, pour into a large glass bottle. By the way, it needs to be scalded before use.

At the next stage, add a kilogram of sugar, all citric acid and the planned amount of dried raisins.

Shake the contents of the container several times and pour in water that does not contain bleach. Cover with gauze and leave warm for two days.

After this time, strain the wort and pour the resulting liquid into a clean bottle. Pour in the remaining half a kilogram of sugar. Mix. Put on a rubber glove over a straight neck.

Leave homemade cherry wine with pits to ferment for a month, then strain for the last time. Pour into regular wine bottles. Serve after at least a month.

To make the fermentation processes necessary for obtaining wine go faster, leave the must warm at all stages (up to 26 degrees). But after the last blockage, it is recommended to store the drink in a special refrigerator or cellar, the temperature of which is not lower than 10 and not higher than 16 degrees.

Option 3: Cherry wine with lemon at home

We will prepare the next wine with lemon, which will replace granular acid in the recipe. By the way, you can use it in the form of chopped pieces or squeezed juice and grated zest.


  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • large lemon;
  • 3 kg of fresh cherries;
  • 121 grams of raisins;
  • about 5 liters of non-chlorinated water.

How to cook

Look at ripe and juicy cherries so that rotten berries do not get inside. Throw away the branches. Throw clean fruits into a bowl or basin.

Use a crusher or mortar to “beat” the berries so that they crack. Only then introduce a pound of sugar. Leave warm for a couple of hours.

Then transfer the mixture from this container to a glass bottle big size. Throw in unwashed raisins, the second part (500 g) of sugar and non-chlorinated water there. Also add halved or quartered (depending on size) fresh lemon.

Cover the future wort with gauze and leave for a couple of days. As soon as the active phase of fermentation begins, drain the drink into another bottle, squeezing the pomace from the berries and lemon.

Now pull on the neck of a glass bottle with a fragrant liquid inside a glove. Leave in the dark for a month, during which all stages of fermentation will pass and homemade wine from cherries with pits will be ready for the last stage.

So, carefully, it is advisable to pour the drink into bottles with the help of a straw, which are immediately corked and left already in a cool place up to 16 degrees. Keep at least four months before serving.

Want to make a wine with more pronounced bitter undertones? Then replace the usual lemon with an exotic lime, which today can be purchased at any large store for a very reasonable price.

Option 4: Homemade cherry wine with blackcurrant

Another berry that fits perfectly into the recipe for cherry wine is blackcurrant. In addition, using it, you do not have to add citric acid.


  • kilogram of blackcurrant;
  • two kilograms of pitted cherries;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • five liters of non-chlorinated water;
  • 10-12 grams of citric granular acid;
  • 110-120 grams of raisins.

Step by step recipe

Leave the frozen cherries in the basin overnight so that they can completely thaw. The next morning, pour thoroughly washed blackcurrants inside. Pour also a pound of sugar.

After two hours, carefully pour the contents of the basin into a ten-liter bottle scalded with boiling water. In addition, add another pound of sugar, unwashed raisins, all non-chlorinated water and citric acid.

Covering the neck with gauze, forget about the wort for three days, after which strain and squeeze the cake into the resulting mixture. Add the remainder of the white sugar. Mix. Put on a thin rubber glove.

Put homemade cherry wine in the dark and cool, where it should stand for about a month. At the next stage, with the utmost care, pour the drink without sediment into clean bottles, which are corked and returned to the same storage location.

Infuse the wine for another three to four months, after which it is permissible to serve it with meat dishes or desserts.

Before adding blackcurrant, be sure to taste it. If it is sufficiently acidic, it is permissible to exclude or significantly reduce the introduction of citric acid. As for the raisins, they should not be washed, as is the case with the preparation of other homemade wines.

Option 5: Homemade Cherry Chili Wine

The next wine is probably unknown to you. However, it "has the right to life." Especially if you like unusual drinks with extravagant taste.


  • three small chili pods (2 g each);
  • three kilograms of peeled cherries;
  • five liters of mineral (without gas) water;
  • 10 grams of granular acid;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • 130 grams of unwashed dry raisins.

How to cook

Transfer the processed and peeled cherries from twigs and pits to a large enameled basin. Pour half a kilo of white sugar.

After two hours, move the infused berries, together with the resulting juice, into a ten-liter glass bottle.

Inside, introduce citric acid, dry raisins, a second pound of sugar and five liters mineral water(dining room).

Cover the mixture with gauze. Put in heat. After three days, strain the wort and squeeze out the cherry pomace.

Return the drink to a clean bottle, where to add the last pound of sugar. Stir homemade wine from pitted cherries in a circular motion and put a thin glove on the throat of the container.

When another three to four months pass and the active phase of fermentation ends, drain the drink from a large container for the last time, leaving sediment at the bottom in liter bottles, where before that it is necessary to put a washed small chili pod.

Cork the wine tightly with corks and leave it in a relatively cold (12-14 degrees) place for another three to four months.

After the last designated time, be sure to taste the wine for spiciness. If it has already been sufficiently infused, it is better to remove the chili so that in the end the drink does not come out too saturated. Therefore, it is not recommended to cut the pod itself.

Option 6: Homemade cherry wine with cinnamon


  • five liters of mineral or purified water;
  • three kilograms of fresh cherries with pits;
  • ten grams of citric acid;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • 135 grams of dried raisins;

two cinnamon sticks.

Step by step recipe

Throw a whole and thoroughly washed cherry into a clean enameled basin. Press down lightly to release some of the juice. Cover with a layer of sugar (500 grams).

When two hours have passed, move the berries with the resulting liquid into a scalded ten-liter bottle. Also introduce another pound of sugar, raisins, citric acid, all the planned water and a couple of cinnamon sticks.

Cover with gauze. Leave for active fermentation for three days. Then carefully remove the sticks, and squeeze the rest of the ingredients. Strain the wort itself and return to the container. Lay cinnamon sticks.

Put on a rubber (very thin) glove on the neck. Put in the dark and cool. After another four months, strain homemade wine from cherries with pits for the last time, and remove the cinnamon.

Now pour the drink into bottles, cork tightly and leave at a temperature not higher than 16 degrees.

Depending on the condition of the stick and your love of cinnamon, increase or decrease the amount of time it is in the drink. If you want to achieve a light shade, remove this spice along with raisins and cherries. The longer the stick is in the drink, the more intense the cinnamon flavor will be.

Option 7: Homemade cherry wine with herbal tincture

In the last wine after the last filtering, we suggest adding a little herbal tincture. This will slightly increase the degree of the drink, but, most importantly, provide an amazing aroma.


  • one and a half kilograms of white sugar;
  • 180 grams of herbal tincture;
  • three kilograms of juicy fresh cherries;
  • five liters of mineral water without gas;
  • 150 grams of dry raisins;
  • 9-11 grams of citric acid.

How to cook

Wash all three kilograms of cherries, process (remove seeds) and transfer to a wide container with high sides.

Pour a third of the planned volume of sugar on top, shake gently and leave on the kitchen table for a couple (2-3) hours.

Then, together with raisins, acid, non-carbonated mineral water, half a kilogram of sugar, move the berries with juice into a ten-liter bottle.

Cover with a piece of gauze, leave for two to three days. Then pour the wort through a couple of layers of gauze, and squeeze the cherries and raisins and discard.

Return the drink to the glass container, where to pour the rest of the sugar through the funnel. Stir and put in a dark place, pulling a rubber glove over the neck.

Three months later, pour half-finished homemade cherry wine through a narrow tube into liter bottles, where add the same amount of herbal tincture (30 ml each).

Cork the drink with corks and let it brew for another three to four months. Serve cold.

What kind of tincture to use is up to your culinary choice. However, when choosing herbs, try to choose a mixture that suits the taste of cherries. After all, it is important for us to complement the main taste of berry wine, and not spoil it.

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