Is it possible for a child to milk. When can a baby be given cow's milk? Opinions of experts and responses of parents. Indigestion and constipation

In the days of our grandmothers, cow's milk helped to feed many babies when breastfeeding was not possible, but these days, milk formula does an excellent job of this task. This causes controversy between young mothers and the older generation.

Is it worth giving milk from a cow to a small child instead of formula, or is it dangerous for his health? How to transfer a baby from breast milk to cow milk? What are the benefits and harms of this product for the child's body? At what age is it best to introduce children to him? Is it necessary to boil it or can it be given directly from under the cow?

These and many other questions concern almost every young mother. Let's try to understand them, and also find out why it should not be given to young children, as modern pediatricians say.

What is useful?

  • It acts as a source of healthy proteins, from which children get all the essential amino acids.
  • Gives the human body calcium and phosphorus - elements without which the formation of teeth and a strong skeleton is impossible.
  • Includes a large number of vitamin compounds, including vitamin D, which is important for children.
  • Helps strengthen immunity.

It should be noted that all these useful properties can be obtained only with the correct and timely introduction of such a product into the diet of babies.

From what age to give?

Cow's milk appears in the diet of breastfed children at the age of 9 months, as an ingredient in milk porridge. A baby who is fed with a mixture can start preparing such porridge a little earlier - from 7-8 months. In this case, the daily dose of cow's milk is not more than 100-150 ml.

If we are talking about replacing cow's milk with breast milk or an adapted mixture, then it is not recommended to do this until 1 year. If it is impossible to breastfeed the baby, the best substitute for children in the first year of life is formula milk. Although it is made from cow's milk, it undergoes purification during processing, and the composition is as close as possible to that of women.

For children older than one year, cow's milk can be given as a drink in a small amount (up to 200 ml).

You can regularly give such a product in a larger volume to a child every day after 3 years.

Separately, we note that the child is offered a product with a fat content of 2.5-3.2%. If a mother is wondering when to start giving her baby skim milk, then she should know that a low-fat product is not recommended before 2 years of age.

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What is harmful

The harm of cow's milk for infants is associated with significant differences in its composition from the mother's.

Breast milk is the ideal food to give to newborns and to feed all babies until at least 6 months of age. And the cow is inferior to him in a number of parameters:

  • It contains too many proteins. The intolerance that occurs in some children when using this product is often associated precisely with the occurrence of an allergy to protein.
  • A large amount of casein in the composition causes difficulties with digestion. Because of this, the child may become constipated.
  • Contains much more calcium and phosphorus than human milk. And if excess calcium is not absorbed in the children's intestines, since this process has a rather complex regulation in the human body, then excess phosphorus freely enters the bloodstream. This increases the load on the baby's kidneys, which are trying to remove unnecessary phosphorus. At the same time, the child's body also loses calcium. Because of such processes, the reception provokes the development of rickets in young children.
  • It also has too much magnesium, potassium, chloride and sodium. To remove these elements from the body of a baby, the excretory system of the crumbs works with an increased load. One of the consequences of this situation can be dehydration.
  • Although there is almost the same amount of fat in mother's milk as in cow's milk, the quality of these fats is different. Fatty acids that the baby receives during breast sucking are better absorbed and have a positive effect on the nervous and digestive systems. The fats in cow's milk are saturated, so they are harder to digest. For this reason, milk with a fat content above 4% is not recommended for children in the first years of life.
  • The iron content in cow's milk is much lower than in breast milk, and its absorption is worse, since cow's milk, unlike mother's, does not contain lactoferrin. Also, such a product contains little iodine, copper, zinc, ascorbic acid and vitamin E, and there is no folic acid and taurine in cow's milk at all.
  • If introduced too early into the children's menu, the mucous membrane of the digestive tract can be damaged, which can sometimes even lead to internal bleeding.
  • If you give cow's milk at the same time as continuing breastfeeding, such a product may adversely affect lactation. The child will satisfy his needs with cow's milk, refusing his mother's, because it is harder to get food from the breast than to drink from a bottle.
  • Does not include immunoglobulins important for immune support. When replacing such a breastfeeding product, the body's defenses of the little one may decrease.


Cow's milk should not be drunk in such cases:

  • If the child already has symptoms of rickets.
  • For problems with mineral metabolism.
  • With individual intolerance.
  • If close relatives of the child have diabetes.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

A popular pediatrician is sure that whole cow's milk should not be given to children under one year old. He emphasizes that the early introduction of such a product into the infant's diet instead of an adapted mixture provokes the development of rickets and adversely affects the child's intestines.

If the mother is not able to breastfeed her baby after 3 months or she wants to stop breastfeeding at the age of 5-6 months, Komarovsky advises buying and giving the baby an adapted formula.

The inclusion of milk in the children's diet after a year, Komarovsky calls it acceptable, but at the age of 1 to 3 years, a well-known doctor advises limiting the amount of drink per day to two glasses. He emphasizes that if it is possible for a child to purchase special milk recommended for this age category, such a product will be much more preferable than ordinary milk from a cow.

As for cow's milk in the diet of three-year-olds and older children, Komarovsky believes that after 3 years, children can use this product without restrictions if they like it and do not cause allergies.

Whether to boil?

Safety is very important for baby food, so in most cases, cow's milk that is offered to babies must be heat-treated. Boiling helps to avoid such a serious disease as brucellosis (it is carried by cows), which is a great danger to the child's body.

If mom is not sure of the quality, it must be boiled. Boiled milk retains all proteins, carbohydrates, fats and many other substances. It may only slightly decrease the content of vitamins, but this is not as dangerous as infection with dangerous infections. In unboiled form, it is permissible to give it to children only if it is obtained from a cow that is kept by your family or close friends (you are sure of her health).

How to introduce into the diet of babies?

Due to the risk of allergies, the introduction should be careful and gradual, and every mother should know how to breed this product, since the first time milk is given to divorced children. When the baby is 1 year old, you can take 1 part of cow's milk and combine with 3 parts of boiled water.

The first serving that is given to the child in the morning feeding is 1 teaspoon. If there is no reaction to it, the dose can be increased to 200 ml. Next, begin to reduce the portion of water until you completely remove it and give the baby whole milk. Usually the undiluted product is started at 3 years of age. The recommended volume for a child older than 3 years is 500-700 ml per day.

How to choose for a child

If you want to buy milk for a child aged 1-3 years, the best option is a product marked "for children". It is produced in environmentally safe areas and undergoes more stringent controls, as well as being sold in more reliable packaging.

When buying regular milk for a child over 3 years old, you should opt for an ultra-pasteurized or sterilized product. It is carefully processed so that no dangerous bacteria remain in it. When purchasing it, carefully read the information on the package, specifying the fat content and expiration date.

It would seem, what questions may arise about the introduction of cow's milk into the diet of children?

Milk is a product that they are used to getting from birth, what other difficulties are there? In fact, there are many difficulties.

Let's take a closer look at what age you can give your child cow's milk and sour-milk products, how to relate to "baby" cottage cheese, yogurt, milk?

Milk: good or bad?

Milk for children is far from always an unchanging blessing, as we used to believe, believing the exhortations of our grandmothers, they say, it contains strength and health.

First of all, let's learn one simple rule: mother's milk is intended for feeding cubs of this species: female - for children, cow - for calves, goat - for kids. Different types of milk have a composition different from ours, adapted by nature, just for specific cubs.

Therefore, complementary foods such as cow's milk for children under one year old are increasingly causing allergies, and more and more pediatricians are inclined to later introduce it into the child's diet.

  • Cow's milk contains much more protein than human milk. And this is an additional burden on the small kidneys and organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • And keep in mind that most of this protein is casein, which is very indigestible for a child;
  • Complementary foods in the form of cow's milk can cause diarrhea, regurgitation, bloating, because its fats are very different from the polyunsaturated fats of human milk, which are necessary for the proper development of the brain and the entire nervous system of the child;
  • Cow's milk contains much less iron (here's the risk of anemia) and much more calcium and phosphorus;
  • Cows often receive hormones and antibiotics in their feed. Think about the fact that all this “charm” partially gets into milk.

Therefore, it, ideally, should be tested, from a “familiar” cow, when you are sure that the owners do not feed it with such “seasonings”.

So can babies get cow's milk? Can. Question: in what form and when?

When can you give your baby cow's milk?

So, at what age can children eat cow's milk as complementary foods? It depends on the type of food itself.

  1. With the so-called pedagogical complementary foods, products appear in the baby’s diet when he shows his interest in adult food (after about six months), in order to introduce the baby to new food (read the article: Pedagogical complementary foods >>>);

In this approach to nutrition, there are no strict deadlines for the introduction of products. If the whole family eats porridge with milk, then the child is given 1 microdose of porridge and then the reaction is evaluated.

  1. In pediatric complementary foods, a new product is introduced according to age.
  • Cow's milk, like other products, in this case is introduced into complementary foods, in order to gradually replace breast milk or formula with food from the general table;
  • From how many months can cow's milk be given as complementary foods to a child in this case? Not earlier than 1 year. Until then, breast milk (or adapted formula) should be the priority.
  1. Dairy products are allowed to be given as complementary foods from an earlier age:
  • cottage cheese - from 7 months;
  • kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt - after 8 - 9 months.

In this case, we are talking about natural yogurt, without sugar, dyes, preservatives, flavors. But complementary foods from ready-made dairy products from baby food stores are best left up to 1.5-2 years.

Attention! So, remember: the age when a child can be given cow's milk is a year, fermented milk products - 8-9 months. Purchased dairy products - 1.5-2 years.

Watch the online course to figure out when and in what order to introduce foods into your child's diet and how to maintain a good appetite for the baby. Follow the link: ABC of complementary foods: safe introduction of complementary foods to babies >>>

Yes, and one more thing about fat. Don't believe it if you see "skimmed milk with vitamin D" on the label. This is pure fiction.

The fact is that this vitamin dissolves only in fats and is absorbed along with them. Similarly, a fat-free product cannot contain vitamin A.

Cow protein intolerance is not a sentence

Can children have milk as complementary foods in this case? Of course not! You wouldn't feed your baby with eggs, knowing that he has a terrible allergy to them, would you?

Intolerance is not an allergic reaction, but an inability to digest a particular food. But it has the most unpleasant symptoms associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Flatulence;
  2. intestinal colic;
  3. Spasms;
  4. Diarrhea (read related article: Diarrhea in infants >>>)
  5. Pain in the epigastrium, etc.

By the way, the child may well be allergic to milk. In this case, of course, you can not give it either.

But what kind of complementary foods then make up for the lack of calcium in a growing body? I understand this is the first thing you think of.

  • Don't worry, milk doesn't contain any substances that can't be replenished with other products. For example, similar vitamins and amino acids are found in meat. Increase the portion of meat complementary foods in the diet of the crumbs and the problem is solved;
  • But you will probably argue: milk is calcium! So, there are many other products in which there is no less calcium (and it is often absorbed from them even better);

For example, it is parsley, spinach, cabbage and cauliflower, broccoli, sesame.

  • One more question: what to do with an afternoon snack if the baby cannot have cottage cheese and yogurt? Replace them with any other light snack: fruits or vegetables.

Remember: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, eggs, cereals, cereals - all this may well make up a balanced diet for a child, even if there is no milk in it.

By the way! If a child has an allergy or intolerance to cow protein, it is desirable that he receives breast milk or at least a mixture for at least 2 years. This will help balance the work of the digestive system and the diet of the baby.

Portion size matters

Well, the benefits and harms of cow's milk were discussed, allergies and age were also sorted out. It remains to talk about how much milk can be given to a child if there are no contraindications.

So, I will give you a visual norm of dairy products for babies before and after a year:

But what about porridge? Is it possible for children to have porridge with milk, because this is a hearty and healthy dish?

If the child has intolerance to cow's milk protein, then milk porridge is excluded from the child's diet. In all other cases, cereals in milk can be given to a child.

The question of age is again very arbitrary and depends on how the child's body reacts to milk.

By the way! Even if there is a reaction to cow's milk, you can successfully start eating coconut milk, which nutritionists consider safer and healthier for anyone.

At 2 years old, milk can be given as much as the child wants. With a healthy appetite, the child will not drink more than his body needs.

Finally, some useful tips on the topic of dairy complementary foods:

  1. Pasteurized milk does not need to be boiled either - it has already been thermally processed;
  2. If the baby stubbornly refuses to feed with cow's milk - do not insist;
  • First, forced infusion will never benefit the digestion and the body as a whole;
  • Secondly, very often children intuitively avoid those products that are not harmless to them (cause pain, allergies).
  1. Choose milk with a fat content of up to 3.2%. More is excess fat. Well, less - I already said: there can be no vitamins D or A in it, which is also not very useful;
  2. Try not to feed your baby on the street in the summer with cottage cheese and kefir - pathogenic flora develops in them quite quickly in the heat, which can lead to infection, for example, with E. coli.

I hope the knowledge gained today will help you correctly introduce milk into your baby’s diet in order to avoid many unnecessary problems.

When can you give cow's milk to a baby? This question is asked by many mothers who, for various reasons, want to introduce this animal product into the diet of their baby. Natural food, after all, and with a useful composition pleases. In addition, for our mothers and grandmothers, feeding a child with cow's milk was a normal, natural process. And they knew what to do.

Composition of cow's milk

Indeed, the composition of cow's milk is very valuable. What is contained in 100 grams of the product?

  • Proteins - 4.3 g.
  • Fats - 1.0 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 6.4 g.
  • Sodium - 52 mg.
  • Potassium - 157 mg.
  • Calcium - 136 mg.
  • Magnesium - 16 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 96 mg.
  • Iron - 0.1 mg.
  • Vitamins B1, B2, PP, C.

It would seem that for the developing child's body this is a unique complex of useful substances that contribute to the qualitative growth and development of the baby. Chlorine, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, protein in cow's milk is three times more than in breast milk. More - not less. But is it so good?

Let's start thinking logically. Why did nature provide breast milk? In order for a person to feed their offspring with it. Cow's milk, respectively, is intended for feeding calves. Both products are valuable, no doubt, but each according to its purpose. In the first months of being in this world, it is mother's milk that will inhale life, strength, energy to a human cub.

Benefits of mother's milk

What does mother's milk give a baby?

  • The maximum of nutrients in the amount required for optimal growth and full development. These are lactose, vitamins, enzymes, fats, minerals, iron, water.
  • Protection against pathogenic bacteria that multiply in the intestines and cause various diseases.
  • Stimulation of brain development. Breastfed babies have a good memory and excellent eyesight.
  • A close emotional connection between mother and child, a great feeling of love, warmth, affection.
  • Minimal susceptibility to various diseases, including diabetes, asthma, allergies, cardiovascular pathologies.

An important advantage of breast milk is the absence of the need for its preliminary preparation. The product has the correct temperature and is always available to the child.

Protein in milk

All the organs of the newborn are still in the process of development, therefore they cannot fully perform the functions inherent in the body of an adult. When an excessive amount of protein and minerals contained in cow's milk is received, the kidneys receive a significant load, the level of which is several times higher than the permissible one. They have to work very hard. Trying to unload the body from an unnecessary excess of the substances obtained, they remove the liquid in a larger amount than necessary. Accordingly, the baby begins to feel thirsty. Mom, seeing his desire to drink, can give milk again. Thus, a vicious circle is created.

Compared to a similar product of other mammals, human milk is characterized by the lowest protein content: 0.8-1.1 g per 100 ml. A valuable element found in breast milk consists of globulins and albumins, which are easily digested in the baby's body. Also, protein is a building material involved in the formation of immunity, the production of antibodies, the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.

Casein - harm to the child's body

Casein is a cow's milk protein, a fairly large molecule that can injure the mucous membrane and intestinal walls. When it enters the body, histamine is released into the blood. The high content of this substance causes an allergy to milk. Damage to the intestinal walls can cause bleeding, and then, as a result, a drop in hemoglobin levels and the development of iron deficiency anemia.

With the constant use of cow's milk, there is a risk of intestinal bleeding from ulcers formed on the intestinal mucosa. Casein in breast milk is ten times less than in a product of animal origin. Its particles are so small that in the baby's stomach they form delicate flakes that are easily digested.


Cow's milk contains very small amounts of iron. And even these milligrams are poorly absorbed by the body, and therefore do not participate in the process of building hemoglobin. The lack of such a substance provokes the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia, which, in turn, causes weakened immunity and other developmental abnormalities. Although there is not so much iron in breast milk, it is absorbed by 70%.

Boiling: a must

The question of when cow's milk can be given to a child is relevant if the baby is artificially fed or there is a transfer from breastfeeding to "adult" food. The reason for introducing a livestock product into the diet may not only be this. For example, many mothers think that their child may not be fed up with breast milk. It should be understood that with proper breastfeeding, the baby will always have enough milk. Nevertheless, caring mothers are in a hurry to fill this gap and introduce the baby to a more varied diet, including cow's milk. At what age can children be given this product so that it is not at the expense of health?

From 9 months (or better, when 1 year old) you can start giving cow's milk to children who are on artificial nutrition. Of course, it is desirable to prefer mixtures adapted to this age, as they contain a balanced set of essential nutrients. Cow's milk should begin to be given to the child in a diluted form and only after pre-boiling.

Why boil milk? It is dangerous to drink raw milk from a domestic cow, since sanitary control over the animal does not always take place. Some infections may be asymptomatic, or the cow may be a carrier of the infection. In particular, cattle can be a carrier of a dangerous disease - brucellosis, which affects the bone and joint apparatus, the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Therefore, raw dairy products should not be given to young children.

How to properly introduce cow's milk into the diet

How to transfer a child to cow's milk? Complementary foods should be started with one teaspoon of milk diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. If no reaction of the body follows during the day, then the portion can be gradually increased. After 2.5-3 weeks, the amount of milk consumed can be about 100 ml. Fat content should be in the range of 3-4%. Gradually, you can reduce the amount of water and eventually completely eliminate it. If a child has an individual intolerance, such a product should be discarded and stop thinking about the question of when it is possible to give cow's milk to a child.

The gastrointestinal tract of a baby under 2 years old does not have the necessary enzymes that help to fully assimilate the animal product. Therefore, milk allergy is quite common. This happens due to the content of beta-globulin in its composition - the main culprit of the rash. Amino acids from mother's milk are easily and quickly absorbed by the child's body, while enzyme systems need to work with an increased load on the breakdown of foreign acids. Allergy has a cumulative nature, so it may not appear immediately.

Fermented milk products are introduced into the child's diet before cow's milk. This is due to the reduced amount of protein and lactose due to the manufacturing process. According to a number of studies, with the introduction of cow's milk into the diet of children under 1 year old, in ¼ of cases, an allergy developed to this product. This circumstance gives grounds to consider cow's milk as one of the most allergenic products.

When can you give cow's milk to a baby?

For a person, breast milk is optimal, especially in the first half of life. Therefore, parents should not have doubts about whether cow's milk can be given to a month-old baby or not. It is forbidden. At an older age, such a liquid is allowed to be consumed, but it is still better to opt for cottage cheese and sour-milk products.

But what about the experience of mothers and grandmothers, proven over the years? In those days, medicine was not so developed, experts could only guess the causes of many diseases. Today, science has filled in many gaps, so it suggests being guided only by verified information.

What should parents do? Whether or not to introduce milk into complementary foods is a purely individual matter. But still, with a great desire to introduce the baby to such a seemingly useful product, it is better to do this no earlier than 1 year. And before that, be content with mixtures adapted to the children's body and having much more advantages, namely:

  • all vitamins and microelements necessary for the child;
  • stable, unchanging composition;
  • minimized the likelihood of allergic reactions due to special processing of milk protein;
  • convenience and ease of preparation.

What do pediatricians say? Pediatricians unanimously argue that cow's milk should not be given to children under one year old. The most optimal age is after 3 years. It is during this period that the body becomes ready to eat "adult" food, which also includes milk.

Cow's milk is a valuable and nutritious product. However, is it really good for babies? The product contains a large amount of animal protein, which is quickly and efficiently absorbed in the digestive system. Especially if you compare it with a similar component of meat and fish. Cow's milk for babies can also carry a number of dangers. That is why it is allowed to give it to the baby only if he is already one year old.

Main Features of the Product

The difference between cow's milk and mother's milk is significant, so you need to be extremely careful with it. Its advantage lies in the high content of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. It is not recommended to give cow's milk to babies, since a large amount of carbohydrates can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The product can cause a serious allergy, which develops due to the unpreparedness of the body to digest the main components. Parents have a question, at what age is cow's milk safe for babies? Breastfeeding experts recommend gradually introducing it into the diet of children older than one year.

It is not allowed to feed a baby with cow's milk. It is only at first glance it may seem that both liquids have the same structure and composition. Actually it is not. Cow's milk can be very harmful to a baby, since its composition is adapted to the animal's digestive system. It contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, but they can become useful only from a certain age.


Cow's milk during breastfeeding, according to traditional concepts in medicine, is prohibited. In order not to harm the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it can be given to babies from the age of three. During this period, the body will fully adapt and will be ready to digest all the components of the composition. Some mothers give milk to the newborn, and it does not cause a negative reaction. However, this process is associated only with the individual characteristics of the baby's body.

Whether this product can be given to a baby, only a breastfeeding specialist can determine. Parents should not make such a decision on their own, as it may adversely affect the state of his health. Allergy to cow's milk protein in infants is a frequent occurrence, so everything must be done to avoid it.

  • The composition of cow's milk in infants can cause a serious disruption in the digestive system. The situation arises against the background of the presence of a large amount of minerals and proteins in the liquid. Not all components will be useful for a growing children's body. On the contrary, they can lead to aggravation of kidney function. Cow's milk also removes phosphorus and calcium from the body, which are vital for the proper growth and development of the baby. If the situation continues for a long time, then the child's risk of developing rickets increases.
  • For a baby, the value of the product cannot be compared with mother's milk. The stomach cannot yet fully cope with its digestion, therefore, the risk of internal bleeding and the manifestation of other life-threatening symptoms increases.
  • In an infant, this product may cause severe allergies. Not all babies can digest lactose and milk protein from the first days of life.
  • It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of developing anemia in a baby. Milk creates a situation in the body with a lack of iron and hemoglobin. If the mother begins to feed the child only with such a product, then anemia develops. The disease is serious and can lead to dangerous consequences.
  • If you feed the baby with a cow's lactation product, then the risk of his rejection of the breast increases. Therefore, such complementary foods should be used with extreme caution.
  • Scientists were also able to establish that this feeding option increases the risk of developing many pathologies and chronic diseases. This feeding option does not introduce immunoglobulins necessary for proper growth and development into the child's body. Due to this, the protective functions of the body are significantly weakened, so the child cannot cope with infections and viruses on his own.
  • A nursing mother does not need to store milk, so her baby always gets it fresh. In the second case, the risk of getting food poisoning increases markedly.

Beneficial features

Only a pediatrician can correctly answer the question of when it is possible to give milk to a baby. As a rule, this process is allowed gradually from eight months. At the first stage, it is allowed to give the child some cottage cheese. If there is no intolerance, then you can continue to introduce products of this group into the diet.

Breastfeeding mothers are advised to use products that have been specially formulated for babies under one year old. In such cocktails, all the beneficial properties, vitamins and minerals are ideally combined. With their use, the likelihood of food allergies is minimized. Cottage cheese must be present in the diet of the baby. With its help, it is possible to create the correct intestinal microflora.

Bad manifestations in the baby ends with the use of drinks with a lot of preservatives. Flavors and dyes are dangerous for a growing organism. Only infant formula is allowed. The adult version of the drink should not be diluted and given to a child. Today, not only sterilization is used for processing, but also pasteurization. These are different methods with a number of features that parents should familiarize themselves with before giving a drink to a child.

During pasteurization, the temperature treatment exceeds one hundred degrees. The drink is not allowed to be diluted, because it contains a small amount of vitamins and minerals useful for the body. A healthy drink is produced through gentle processing. As a result, its shelf life is reduced to a few days. It is allowed to give it to a child only if the parents are sure of its freshness and high quality. In the store, you should also carefully study the composition, processing method and expiration dates.

Agusha is a safe drink for babies

Negative symptoms in the baby will not appear if you use a drink with a minimum fat content. In this case, all useful components are guaranteed to be well absorbed in the child's body. With a high percentage of fat, the risk of harming the digestive system increases.

Features of introducing the product into the diet

Before cow's milk, you need to make sure that the child is not allergic to animal protein. For the first time, a small amount of a drink can be given to a baby only at nine months old. At the same time, parents must adhere to a number of rules:

  • Before drinking, the drink must be boiled and mixed in a ratio of 1: 3 with water.
  • The first time it is allowed to give no more than one teaspoon of the drink to the baby. Next, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the body of the crumbs.
  • If the allergy has not been noted, then it is allowed to double the daily portion.
  • The maximum daily volume should not exceed one hundred grams.
  • Over time, it is necessary to reduce the amount of water used for dilution.

The raw drink is strictly contraindicated. All cows are carriers of the harmful bacteria brucellosis. When entering the body, this virus negatively affects the functioning of the spinal cord. If treatment was not started on time, then the child may remain disabled for life. It will be possible to avoid the situation if you pass a protein test.

Fresh milk is a favorite drink of many adults. That is why many parents mistakenly believe that this type of complementary foods should be introduced into the diet as quickly as possible. Buy only a certified product. Therefore, when buying goods on the market, it is necessary to clarify the availability of the necessary documents. Remember that harmful bacteria can get into the milk if the basic milking rules are not followed.

Gradual introduction of the product into the diet

Before introducing milk into the diet of an infant, you should consult your doctor. He will be able to advise what kind of complementary foods to start with. In some cases, on the contrary, a woman must follow a diet that does not include milk in its pure form. It is important to limit yourself to drinking this drink, because otherwise the child increases the risk of developing allergies. Milk should not be given to a baby immediately after birth, because it can cause significant harm to the functioning of organs and systems.

If a woman does not have the opportunity to continue the natural feeding option, then she should not switch to animal milk either. This option may seem cheap, but it will only harm the formation of the baby's organs and systems. Even if relatives tell a woman that they themselves acted in this way, their experience should not be repeated. A few decades ago, people did not know about the features of all foods. Modern research has confirmed that beneficial properties can only be obtained from the later introduction of the drink on the menu. For all parents, the health and well-being of the child should always come first.

It is important for parents that their baby receives all the necessary nutrients and trace elements from birth. Breast milk is great for this. But sometimes a woman has to refuse breastfeeding, or supplement her child. This is where the question arises of what can replace breast milk. It would seem that the answer is obvious - it is necessary to give infant formula, but many parents, for one reason or another, believe that it is better to use cow's milk. Is it possible to give cow's milk to an infant and at what age it is recommended to do this, this article will tell.

Comparison of the composition of human and cow's milk

The use of cow's milk instead of breast milk has been practiced since ancient times. In the absence of a nurse, this was the only chance for the child to survive. The result of the first attempt to estimate the percentage of surviving children after feeding on cow's milk in 1913 at the IV English Congress on Infant Mortality was disappointing. About half of the infants in the group assessed eventually died. The thing is that cow's milk is biologically programmed to feed a calf, not a child. The main constituents of cow's milk are:

  • water;
  • proteins, including whey proteins and caseins;
  • carbohydrates, among which the leading place is occupied by milk sugar (lactose);
  • milk fat;
  • nitrogenous compounds of non-protein structure (peptides, amino acids, etc.);
  • fat and water soluble vitamins;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • other biologically active substances.

All of these components are present in . Differences can be seen only by delving into the chemistry and physics of milk in detail, also taking into account the quantitative composition.

Comparison of the composition of breast milk with cow's milk(Based on the materials of the book "Chemistry and Physics of Milk and Dairy Products", K. K. Gorbatov, P. I. Gunkov)

Component, mg%Women'sCow
Calcium33 120
Potassium50 146
Sodium15 50
Phosphorus15 92
Iron0,15 0,067
Copper0,045 0,012
Manganese0,004 0,006
Retinol0,06 0,03
Vitamin C3,8 1,5
Thiamine0,02 0,04
Riboflavin0,03 0,15
Niacin0,23 0,10
Biotin0,00076 0,0032

As can be seen from the table, cow's milk differs from human milk in a number of ways:

  • higher dry matter content;
  • increased protein content;
  • increased content of casein in relation to whey proteins;
  • reduced lactose content;
  • increased content of minerals;
  • some differences in the mineral and vitamin composition.

This is not a complete list of differences, even taking into account the existing knowledge about the composition and properties of breast milk. Thus, cow's milk in its natural state cannot serve as a complete substitute for human milk.

Difference from adapted infant formula

The main difference between formula and cow's milk is that the mixture uses cow's milk components rather than whole milk. All substances missing or in excess are corrected by the manufacturer as far as possible.

Before launching a new adaptive infant formula into mass production, it is thoroughly tested, and each subsequently released batch of goods undergoes constant laboratory quality control.

Therefore, when choosing how to supplement a child in the first year of his life, it is necessary to give preference to it. Cow's milk will be much worse absorbed by the body of a newborn baby and can lead to various adverse consequences.

  1. The high protein content overloads the baby's digestive system. As a result, metabolic, enzyme and hormonal disruptions occur. For example, the level of insulin in the blood and insulin-like growth factor rises, which, on the one hand, leads to intensive growth, and on the other hand, contributes to the early launch of some "adult" diseases (obesity, cardiovascular insufficiency, etc.)
  2. Casein, which prevails over albumin, is poorly absorbed, stays longer in the stomach, which causes various functional disorders of digestion.
  3. Allergy risk due to specific protein composition.
  4. The systematic use of cow's milk can cause iron deficiency. This is due not only to its low content, but also to poor digestibility.
  5. High mineralization adversely affects the excretory system of the child.
  6. Violation of immunity and.
  7. Impaired absorption, which can lead to rickets.

When can a baby be given whole cow's milk?

ESPGHAN Nutrition Committee do not recommend giving to a baby who is not yet a year old whole cow's milk. In the WHO recommendations, you can see information about the age of 9 months, but this is rather an extreme case, when for social and material reasons there is simply no other way out.

If the child is anemic from birth, then the introduction of whole milk is delayed until he reaches two years of age. Some pediatricians also adhere to this age in their recommendations, regardless of the presence of anemia in the child, explaining that early introduction of cow's milk into the diet can provoke metabolic disorders and the development of diabetes, others advise to postpone the introduction of whole milk until 3 years of age. . It is at this age that the baby's immune system becomes more stable and stronger, and the body is already able to fully absorb such food.

Important! All these recommendations apply to the use of milk in its pure form. According to the "National program for optimizing the feeding of children in the first year of life in the Russian Federation", in the absence of ready-made milk porridges, it is permissible to use whole cow's milk from 4 months (no more than 100-200 ml / day) as part of baby cereals.

Rules for entering the children's diet

So, the minimum period for introducing a whole cow into the diet of a child is the age when the baby is one year old, and only if the baby is not obese and has a normal body weight. In order for the child's body to normally perceive a new product for him, milk must be introduced, starting with a small amount.

If a child tries whole milk for the first time (previously used milk porridges on an adapted formula or breast milk), it is recommended to dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. At the same time, it is important to monitor the reaction from the body and the baby's stool. If everything is fine, the stomach is working normally, and the child also goes to the toilet without problems, then after three weeks the milk is diluted with water already in a ratio of 1: 1. So gradually the child is transferred to whole milk. With severe manifestations (reddening of the skin, itching, impaired stool), milk should be excluded from the diet and consult a doctor.

As an independent product, cow's milk can be given no more than once a day, it can be used regularly as part of. If milk is used as a drink, you should not overload the baby's digestion with other products that can provoke increased gas formation and bloating (fruits, berries). It is best if it is not mixed with anything.

At the age of one to 1.5 years, the total volume of dairy products per day should be 450-500 ml (100-150 ml of milk as part of baby cereals). Starting from 1.5 years and up to 3 years, the consumption rate of dairy products increases, and amounts to 400-500 ml per day (150-200 ml of milk as part of milk porridges). If the child is accustomed to whole milk, then it is quite painless to drink one glass a day. After three years, in the absence of contraindications, there are no strict restrictions.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to monitor the amount of whole milk consumption by a child, you need to be able and correctly choose this product. You should buy only special baby milk. It is subject to high requirements, so there is no doubt about its microbiological safety and composition. The fat content of whole milk should not exceed 3.5%, ideally if it is a product with 2.5% fat content. For children who suffer from heart and vascular diseases, as well as those who have high cholesterol levels, doctors recommend introducing low-fat milk into the diet.

Such a drink must be packed in an aseptic box that does not allow pathogenic and harmful bacteria to get inside. By adhering to these simple recommendations, parents can make the process of introducing cow's milk into the child's diet the safest.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about cow's milk in children's nutrition

When to Avoid Cow's Milk

Despite all the benefits of whole milk, this product can harm the baby if he suffers from lactose intolerance or is allergic to milk protein. In this case, the baby may complain of abdominal pain after drinking such a drink.

An allergic reaction to cow's milk protein can be recognized by the following signs:

  • violation of the stool, manifested in the form of diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the face;
  • a rash on the skin;
  • increased lacrimation.

Sometimes an allergic reaction can affect a child's respiratory system. Then there is a cough, and breathing becomes difficult. If such symptoms occur immediately after the child has drunk cow's milk, then it is better to refuse this product and immediately seek medical help.

Video about the nutrition of a child under one year old with an allergy to cow's milk protein

Whole milk is considered a unique product, as it contains a large amount of vitamin and mineral components. However, it is impossible to thoughtlessly introduce such a product into the diet of your own child. It is necessary to analyze the age of the baby, the tendency of his body to develop an allergic reaction, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases. Only such an integrated approach will allow the child's body to get all the benefits of cow's milk.

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