How to cook Ossetian pies. How to cook delicious Ossetian pies with different fillings

14.03.2018, 18:53

Ossetian pies - 7 step by step recipes. How to cook Ossetian pie?

Posted on March 14, 2018

AT recent times Ossetian pies began to gain immense popularity. More and more often, pies began to be ordered for family holidays or for going out into the countryside.

In fact, this is a flat cake with a diameter of 30-40 cm with a delicious filling. The filling can be different from cheese to meat. But also these pies can be triangular shape this form of cake is made especially for religious holidays.

The classic Ossetian pie in the old days was prepared only from unleavened dough with various fillings. With the development of the culinary industry and the emergence of more and more new ingredients, the recipe has gradually changed and now we have a huge stock of recipes for making Ossetian pie. There are recipes in which you can freely use eggs, yeast, butter, milk.

And today we will analyze several recipes for making Ossetian pie. Recipes will of course be accompanied step by step photos to make it easier for you to navigate. Cooking an Ossetian pie is not at all difficult. And you will see for yourself now.

For your own convenience, given quantity ingredients, I will cook 6 small pies, they will turn out to be about 20 cm in diameter. Plus, it will be much easier for beginners to make several small ones than one large one.


  • 250-300 gr. flour.
  • 0.5 l. Kefir.
  • 1 sachet of dry yeast.
  • 1 egg.
  • 3 art. spoons of milk.
  • A pinch of salt and sugar.
  • 300 gr potatoes.
  • 300 hard cheese.
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking process.

Pour warm kefir into a bowl, add egg, salt and sugar. Stir so that the egg with sugar and salt are combined in a homogeneous mass.

Stir with a whisk and gradually add flour.

The dough should be very soft and sticky to your fingers. After adding 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. You can of course and olive will be even better.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. I'll peel the potatoes and make mashed potatoes.

In the finished puree pour 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. This will make the potatoes more tender.

Grate cheese, add to the saucepan with mashed potatoes and mix. In hot potatoes, the cheese will melt quickly and you will get a good homogeneous mass.

The dough has risen, you can start preparing the pie. I will miss the baking sheet vegetable oil and I'll post a small piece of dough.

Use your hands to mash the ball into a patty. The main thing is not to make it too thin.

Put a lump of filling on the center and close the edges of the dough over the filling. Then turn the lump over and turn the dough into a cake again with your hands. Make a hole in the middle to let hot air out.

The pie is prepared at 200-230 degrees until golden brown.

After you take the cake out of the oven, brush it with a piece of butter. After the oven, let the cake rest for 5-10 minutes and you can cut and serve. Bon appetit.

Video on how to make beetroot pie

Bon appetit.

Recipe for a delicious Ossetian meat pie

There is one thing associated with this cake. popular belief they are cooked in an odd number only then this cake can bring abundance, happiness and prosperity to the family. It is called "Fydzhyn".


  • 300 gr. flour.
  • 250 ml. water.
  • 1 sachet of dry yeast.
  • A pinch of salt and sugar.


  • 550 ground beef.
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 bunch cilantro.
  • 1 head of onion.
  • Black pepper to taste.
  • 30 gr butter.

Cooking process.

Pour 250 ml into a bowl warm water, add salt, sugar, yeast and flour. Mix until smooth. Let stand 10-15 minutes.

After a while, the yeast will wake up and it will be possible to mix in the rest of the flour and vegetable oil. Knead the dough leave it in a warm place for about 1-2 hours so that it rises 1-2 times.

In minced meat, mix finely chopped onion, cilantro, garlic, salt and pepper. Mix well so that the ingredients mix well with each other.

Minced meat can be used any except fish.

And so the dough has risen well, now you can continue to work with it further. Transfer it to the table and divide it into two equal parts. We will remove one part for now, and work on the second a little.

Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a circle 3-3.5 cm thick.

Now gently spread the filling over the surface of the dough. Leave free edges so that you can later connect the upper and lower parts.

We also roll out the second half of the dough and cover the filling with it, gently pinching the edges in a circle. In the center we make several holes for the release of hot steam.

We shift the cake on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and bake the cake in the oven at 200 degrees until golden brown. Brush the cake with butter after baking. Bon appetit.

Pie with cheese and greens

Ossetians themselves rarely replace cheese with cottage cheese or something else. So today we will also prepare a traditional Ossetian pie with brynza cheese and fresh herbs.


  • 150 ml. warm milk.
  • 1.5 cups flour.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil.
  • 2 teaspoons dry yeast.
  • 1 pinch of salt and sugar.


  • Half a bunch of beet leaves.
  • Half bunch of dill.
  • Half a bunch of green onions.
  • 300 gr. salted cheese.
  • 40 gr. Butter.
  • Black pepper fragrant to taste.

Cooking process.

To prepare the dough, mix the dry ingredients together (salt, sugar, flour, yeast).

Adding milk in parts by hand, knead the dough.

When the dough begins to take shape, you can add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

After adding the oil, continue kneading for another 3-4 minutes. Then we shift the dough into a bowl, cover it and leave it in the room for 1 hour. Remember to cover the dough with a towel or lid. When the dough has risen, you can start preparing the filling.

Brynza needs to be turned into crumbs. This kind of cheese is pretty easy to crumble with your hands.

Wash and dry greens well. Then finely chop.

Mix these two ingredients together.

Add salt and pepper if desired. Although the cheese is already salty, so before adding salt, first try the filling for salt. Mix the filling well and form two such small balls.

The dough has risen well from it we will make two equal pieces. From the pieces we make small cakes in the center, put a ball of filling and pinch the dough over the filling so that again we get such a ball.

The resulting ball with the filling inside is carefully transferred to a baking sheet sprinkled with flour and with light movements we make a cake out of the ball. In the middle, be sure to make a hole so that hot air comes out through it.
Test ingredients.

  • 2 tbsp sour cream.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • Half glass of milk.
  • 2 cups of flour.
  • 1 sachet of dry yeast. 5 grams.
  • A pinch of salt and sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.


  • 1 bunch fresh spinach.
  • 300 gr. Cheese.

Cooking process.

Mix loose ingredients pour milk knead the dough. Add vegetable oil and knead for 3-5 minutes.

Leave the finished dough in a bowl under the lid so that it rises.

Grind cheese with spinach and mix together.

Divide the dough into two halves and roll them into cakes.

Put the filling on one cake with the second cake, cover the first and pinch. Make a hole for air to escape.

Bake in the oven at 190 degrees.

Principles of cooking Ossetian pies

Bon appetit.

Ossetian pies are a special pastry that came from the Caucasus. There it is called "taboo", which does not mean a ban at all. On the contrary, this word literally translates as "blessing". Yes, these pastries can actually be called blessed, as they are baked with soul and love, using only the manual method of kneading the dough, as well as the most useful and delicious stuffing. Do you want to learn how to cook Ossetian pie at home? Then read on. Here we will consider two options for preparing dough and several types of fillings.

Ossetian pie recipe step by step

How to make dough for Ossetian pie?

The dough for this baking should be thin, although it is yeast, and in ready-made it just has to be crunchy. Let's try to cook it ourselves at home.

Recipe 1. Ingredients for three pies: kefir - 1 glass; half the amount of milk sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.; egg - 1; salt - 1 tsp; sugar - 0.5 tsp; yeast (we need dry yeast here) - 10 g; flour - half a kilo.

Preparation of yeast dough begins with dough. Warm the milk slightly and dissolve the yeast and sugar in it, leave for 15 minutes to form a kind of frothy cap on top. Pour the dough into a suitable bowl, send kefir, egg and sour cream there. After mixing, gradually add the sifted flour. After kneading the dough, which at first will turn out to be rather sticky, leave it to rest in warm place at least one and a half hours.

After this time, the dough will noticeably increase in size, rise. After that, you can start kneading it again, adding quite a bit of flour to the table. The dough is ready when it stops sticking to your hands. Lubricate the palms with vegetable oil, divide the dough into three equal parts.

Recipe 2. Ingredients for 1 pie: a glass of fresh medium-fat kefir; yeast - 7 g; flour - 2 cups; butter - 60 g; salt - 0.5 tsp.

Warm the kefir a little in a water bath or in the microwave in the defrost mode, dilute the yeast in it. Mash the butter until soft. Sift the flour and pour it into a large bowl along with the salt. Make a small indentation in the flour slide, into which pour the dough and put the softened butter. Knead the dough with your hands. Cover it with a clean cloth and let it rise. As a result, in one and a half to two hours it will double.

Now that you can choose the Ossetian pie dough recipe that suits you, you can learn how to prepare the filling for it. It can be completely different - meat, potato, cheese, with herbs, and even with fruit. We will consider the filling of minced meat, cheese with herbs, potatoes and spicy with pumpkin.

Stuffing for Ossetian minced meat pie (for 1 cake)

We will prepare the meat filling from a mixture of ground beef and pork. To do this, combine in equal proportions 200 grams of minced meat, cut one small onion. Onions need to be fried in a pan until a golden hue appears. Mix onion slices with minced meat, salt. Be sure to add spices - you can use a mixture of peppers and some other Caucasian spices at your discretion. Pour 30 g of water into the filling to make it juicy. Mix the ingredients thoroughly again.

Stuffing with cheese and herbs

If you love cheese pies, this recipe is for you. Take 200 g of cheese (you can use cheese, good choice turns out to be suluguni), and 150 g of greens. Here you can fantasize green onion, dill, you can take a little spinach and even sorrel. The main thing that total weight greens did not exceed the specified volume. The filling will also need sour cream - 100 g and butter - 50 g. Finely chop the greens, combine with grated cheese and sour cream, salt. Be sure to taste it. If you use salted cheeses, put less salt in the filling.

Potato stuffing with suluguni

The potato and cheese filling is also incredibly tasty. You will need 4 potatoes, 150 g of suluguni cheese, salt to taste, ground pepper and butter - 60 g. After boiling the potatoes until fully cooked, mash them and combine with grated cheese, spices, salt and softened butter. Do not forget that the presence of suluguni cheese in this filling makes it already a little salty, so when adding salt, taste it.

Ossetian pie with pumpkin

An excellent combination of pumpkin with nuts, onions and spices. Be sure to bake a pie with this filling. You will need pumpkin pulp (half a kilo), grate it. If there is a lot of juice in the pumpkin, squeeze it out, otherwise it will be difficult to work with it. Walnuts(100 g) chop. Cut three large onions and fry with spices (you can take paprika, basil, hot and black pepper). Combine the ingredients together, salt, mix. The filling is ready. It turns out tender and spicy - overeating.

How to start an Ossetian pie?

The finished filling is placed on thinly rolled dough, indenting about 2 cm along the edges. Then pinch the edges with your fingers, pulling them towards the center. Leave a small hole in the middle for steam to escape. You can insert a small tube into it, for example, from twisted cardboard. The pie is generously greased with butter, and then baked for 20 minutes. The temperature is 180 degrees.

What is the recipe for Ossetian pie at home to use? Well, it's up to you to decide! Ossetian pies are a dish that is simply impossible not to fall in love with once you try it. Given that they are easy to make, why not spoil your family regularly with this “blessed” delicacy. Try and bake it yourself using one of these recipes.

Yeast dough on dough


  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast;
  • 600 g + 1 teaspoon of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.


Make a brew first. Combine a teaspoon of yeast, flour and sugar and pour into 50 ml of slightly warmed milk. Stir and put in a warm place until air foam appears.

When the dough comes up, start making the dough. Sift flour and melt butter. Make a well in the flour and pour in the dough, butter, 100 ml of milk and kefir. Add salt.

Mix well until smooth and leave in a warm place until the dough has doubled in size. This may take over an hour.

Knead the risen dough well until it becomes soft and pliable.

Yeast-free dough


  • 300 g of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 400 g flour.


Slightly warm the milk and dissolve the salt and sugar in it. Sift the flour and, stirring, gradually pour it into the milk.

Knead the dough well so that it becomes homogeneous, soft and elastic and does not stick to your hands. Sprinkle with flour if needed.

Cover the dough with cling film and let it rest for 10-15 minutes.

How to make stuffing for Ossetian pies

The filling should be either as much as the dough, or a little more.

For the Walibach pie with cheese


  • 1 kg of Ossetian cheese or a combination of pickled cheeses (for example, 500 g of Suluguni + 500 g of Adyghe).


Just mash the cheese with your hands.

For Kadyndzjin pie with cheese and green onions


  • 700 g of Ossetian or other pickled cheese: Adyghe, Suluguni, feta cheese;
  • 300 g green onions;
  • salt - to taste.


Mash the cheese with your hands or grate it. Finely chop the green onion. If the cheese is fresh, salt to taste. Mix well.

For the potato pie with potatoes, cheese and herbs


  • 800 g potatoes;
  • 200 g of Ossetian or other pickled cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.


Boil potatoes and do it. Add grated cheese, sour cream, chopped herbs, salt and pepper, mix again and let cool.

For the Fidgin Meat Pie


  • 1 kg of beef or lamb (other lean meats can also be used, but, as a rule, they do not put pork in Ossetian pies);
  • 1 onion;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • ground or fresh hot red pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 9-13 tablespoons meat broth(3-4 for the filling + 6-9 pour into the finished cake).


Grind meat, onion and garlic in a meat grinder. Add seasonings and mix well. Pour in 3-4 tablespoons of the broth, mix again and put in the refrigerator so that the filling is a little infused.

For the Tsakharajin pie with beet tops and cheese


  • 300 g of beet leaves;
  • 700 g pickled cheese;
  • salt - to taste.


Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Wash the leaves, dry and cut into medium pieces. Mix with cheese, salt, if it is fresh, mix.

For the Kadurjin pie with beans


  • 600 g of beans;
  • 150 g of onion;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 teaspoons of thyme;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.


Soak the beans for 8 hours, and then turn them into puree with a blender or meat grinder. Finely chop the onion and fry it in oil until golden brown. Mince the garlic.

Mix beans, onion and garlic, add thyme, salt and pepper. Mix well.

For the Kabuskajin pie with cabbage and cheese


  • 900 g cabbage;
  • 1–
  • 600 g pickled cheese;
  • salt - to taste.


Finely chop the cabbage. Fry it in hot oil for about 10 minutes, uncovered. Vegetables should not burn.

When the cabbage becomes a little softer and settles, cover the pan with a lid and, adding water from time to time, simmer until tender. Remove from fire and cool. Drain excess liquid.

Grate the cheese or mash with a fork or your hands. Combine with cabbage, salt and mix.

For the Davonjin pie with wild garlic and cheese


  • 3 bunches of fresh wild garlic;
  • 5 green onion feathers;
  • 5 sprigs of dill;
  • 600 g pickled cheese;
  • salt - to taste.


Separate wild garlic leaves from too coarse stems. Finely chop all the greens and remember it with your hands. Grate the cheese or mash with a fork if it is soft. Cheese should be less than a mixture of greens.

Combine all ingredients and salt to taste.

For the Nasgin Pie with Pumpkin and Cheese


  • 600 g pumpkin;
  • 300 g of Ossetian, suluguni or other pickled cheese;
  • 250 g of onion;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • 2 teaspoons dried thyme.


Grate pumpkin pulp and cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry it in hot butter and vegetable oil until golden brown.

Simmer the pumpkin with onions for 5 minutes, add salt, pepper and thyme. Add cheese and mix well.

For Zokojin Pie with Mushrooms and Cheese


  • 500 g fresh champignons;
  • 2 dried white mushrooms;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • ½ teaspoon dried thyme;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • 400 g pickled cheese.


Cut the mushrooms into cubes, grind the porcini mushrooms into powder in a separate bowl.

Put the mushrooms in a frying pan with heated oil and simmer over low heat under a closed lid until half cooked. Add mushroom powder, thyme, salt and pepper and continue cooking.

While stirring, wait until all the liquid has evaporated.

Grate the cheese, combine it with chilled mushrooms and mix well.

For the Balgin pie with cherries


  • 350-450 g whole pitted cherries (you can use frozen);
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons corn or potato starch;
  • 60 g walnuts.


Leave a few berries to decorate the pie, put the rest in a bowl. Add sugar and starch, mix gently.

Finely chop the walnuts and set aside - they will be needed during the formation of the pie.

How to sculpt Ossetian pies

"Balgin" with cherry

Divide the dough into two parts. Roll out one half and lay in shape. Lay out the cherry in a thick layer. Sprinkle with walnuts.

Roll out the other half of the dough and cover the pie.

Spread the filling on the cake.

Pin the edges of the dough on top. Stretch carefully so that the filling does not shine through.

First, press the middle with your hands, then the edges and slowly stretch the cake so that the filling is evenly distributed.

When the cake is fairly thin, turn it seam-side down onto a baking sheet, cast iron skillet, or floured pan. Make a small hole in the center for steam to escape.

Make two more pies in the same way.

How to bake Ossetian pies

In the oven

Preheat the oven to 200°C and put the pie in it for about 15 minutes to brown it.

in a frying pan

So you can cook any pie, except for "Balgin" with cherries.

Heat a dry frying pan well. Put the cake on it and bake under the lid until golden brown on each side.

How to serve Ossetian pies

Grease the finished pies generously with butter. Pour the broth into the meat.

Serve pies stacked and hot.

1. Prepare the dough in the sponge method.
Pour warm milk (temperature ~30-35°C) into a cup and dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar in milk.
Crumble the yeast into the milk and mix well so that the yeast is completely dissolved.
Put the dough for ~ 10-15 minutes in warm place- during this time, the dough should rise with a "cap".
Pour the risen brew into a large bowl.
Add kefir, sour cream, egg (products should be at room temperature), a pinch of salt.
Mix everything well.
Gradually adding flour, and lubricating hands with vegetable oil, knead the dough.

* The dough is viscous, it is not very convenient to knead it. But when it fits, it becomes soft and obedient.

Cover the dough with a clean cotton towel or tighten the bowl with cling film and put it in a warm place for ~ 1-1.5 hours.
In the meantime, prepare the fillings. We grate the cheese, chop the greens, chop the cabbage and fry in vegetable oil.

2. When the dough comes up, you need to knead it and knead a little (~ 1-2 minutes).
Divide the dough into 3 equal parts

3. Put one part of the dough on a table dusted with flour and knead it slightly to make a cake (the cake does not need to be made thin, otherwise the dough will tear).
Put 1/3 of the filling in the middle of the cake (it is better not to distribute the filling over the cake, but spread it in a small slide).
Bring the edges of the cake to the center and pinch well. The filling should be inside the cake.

4. Dust the cake large quantity flour.
Gently knead the cake from the center to the edges.
To form Ossetian pies, it is very convenient to use 2 round wooden boards. On one board, dusted with flour, a cake with filling is placed and gently kneaded from the center to the edges. Then the cake is covered with a second round board and carefully turned over so that the board that was on top is at the bottom, and the cake is turned over accordingly. Now we remove the top board, dust the cake with flour and knead again from the center to the edges. Thus, you can turn the cake over several times until you get a cake of the desired size. The cake is kneaded quite thinly, its diameter is about 30-40 cm.

5. Make a few cuts on the surface of the cake to release steam, being careful not to cut through the cake. Usually incisions are made in the form of a pattern.
Thus, prepare the remaining 2 pies, dividing the dough and filling equally.
Place an empty baking sheet in an oven heated to ~230°C and let it warm up well.

The Ossetians living in the Caucasus have a long history and the same culinary traditions. Their pies are famous almost all over the world. Indigenous people bake them for any occasion, be it holidays, weddings, birthdays or even commemorations. According to customs, three pies should flaunt on the table, which are symbols of heaven, sun and earth, and in memorial days there must be an even number of them. Usually they are round, but for religious celebrations they also make square pastries with cheese.

It is not difficult to prepare it, but still a certain experience and skills must be. Let's learn how to do it together.

homemade baking

The most delicious Ossetian pies are made from thinly rolled dough with the addition of a large number juicy stuffing. The first thing that always begins the cooking process is the dough.

For him you will need:

  • warm boiled water- 1 tbsp.;
  • dry yeast - 1 sachet;
  • flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.

From these ingredients, you need to make a dough and, covering the bowl with a towel, leave for half an hour. In the meantime, you need to prepare some more products:

  • flour - 1 kg;
  • milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • margarine - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt.

Add the dough to the sifted flour, put a pinch of salt, beat in the egg, pour in the melted margarine and butter. The main secret Ossetian pies - the correct consistency of the dough. It should be soft so that the pastry is airy. The finished mass must be put up twice. If you did everything right, then both times it should increase significantly in volume.

And while the dough will "rest", you can start preparing the filling. It can be anything: cabbage, cheese, beans, pumpkin, minced meat, potatoes and even beet leaves. Everyone will find an option to their liking.


These are the well-known cheese pies. Ossetians use self-made cheese from cow, goat or sheep milk. It must be salted and squeezed out excess liquid so that the filling does not flow, and then divided into three parts and rolled into balls. They should be slightly smaller than the dough in size.


The meat filling will make the dish satisfying. Traditionally, it should be at least 0.5 kg for each fidjin. The meat turned into minced meat should be seasoned with spices, finely chopped onion and a little garlic should be added. Mix well, roll into balls and let stand for 30 minutes.


From the name itself, it becomes clear that such pies are baked with potatoes. It must be boiled and mashed. Add 300 g Ossetian soft cheese, some milk and salt. To make the filling juicier, fried onions and greens will not be superfluous.


For those who want to try something special, it is worth baking pies with beet tops and cheese. The preparation of the filling does not take much time. For this you will need:

  • beet leaves;
  • green onions;
  • dill;
  • soft cheese;
  • melted butter;
  • sour cream.

Wash and chop the tops along with dill and onion. Add mashed cheese, melted butter and a little sour cream. Knead and press lightly to remove excess liquid from the glass. As in the previous options, the resulting mass must be divided into three parts.

final chord

When the dough and filling are ready, you can proceed to one of the most important points- forming a pie. The dough needs to be rolled out into a thin layer, lay out a ball from the filling. Then, with one hand, take the edge of the dough and begin to pinch it, making a bag.

After it is formed, turn the resulting ball with the seam down and let it lie down for a bit. After 10 minutes, gently begin to distribute the dough, giving the cake the shape of a cake. When it acquires the desired height and diameter, you can lay it out on a deco and send it to the oven.

Readiness will be easy to notice by the appearance of an appetizing brownish crust. Having taken out the finished pastry, it must be generously greased with melted butter, cover with a bowl on top and let stand for 20 minutes. This is another secret of Ossetian pies.

Such simple and affordable recipes will come in handy for every housewife who wants to please and surprise her loved ones with fragrant, juicy and incredibly delicious dish with many different fillings.

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