Adyghe cheese at home. How to make Adyghe cheese at home. To make cheese according to this recipe, you will need

Many believe that cheeses, presented in abundance on store shelves, cannot be prepared at home on their own. However, it is not. Cheesemaking is a whole science, but anyone can master it. Especially if you start with the simplest cheeses, for example, Adyghe. In this recipe, we will tell you how to cook Adyghe cheese at home, for this you will not need special tools, just the kitchen utensils that you have at your disposal in the kitchen. Surprisingly, this process also takes quite a bit of time. The only condition is the presence of sourdough. But with the development of homemade cheese making, this is no longer a problem. It can be bought on the Internet, sometimes such starters for cheeses are sold in pharmacies.

TIME: 4 hours


Servings: 6


  • 2 liters of milk
  • sourdough for Adyghe cheese on the tip of a knife,
  • heaping tablespoon of salt.

How to cook homemade Adyghe sourdough cheese

Milk must be homemade and preferably with a high percentage of fat. Unfortunately, the quality of store-bought dairy products in most cases leaves much to be desired. And from milk restored from powder, cheese will not work in any way. Milk is best left to stand for a day in the refrigerator. Then pour it into a saucepan and heat it up a little. You don't need to boil. The temperature of the milk should be no higher than 40 degrees, that is, when you dip your finger into it, the heat should hardly be felt.

Remove the sourdough from the refrigerator first. Let it lie down for half an hour at room temperature. Then dilute it in a tablespoon of boiled and chilled water and add to milk. Leave for 20 minutes. When the milk curdles into jelly, cut it with a knife so that the clear edges of the clot can be seen. Run a spoon along the bottom, but do not stir very carefully, the jelly should not turn into porridge. Leave for another 10-15 minutes, but no more.

Now wrap the sieve with clean gauze, and put the sieve itself on top of a deep pan so that the whey has a place to drain. Pour the mass into a sieve. Leave it to drain for 1-2 hours.

Then cover the cheese mass with the free end of the gauze and turn it over so that the whey is completely glass. If you want the cheese to be denser, you can put a small weight on top, such as a jar of water, and leave it there for about another half hour. Transfer the finished cheese to a plate.

Pour 300 ml of whey from the pan and dissolve a tablespoon of salt in it.

Dip a piece of cheese with this serum and leave for half an hour - an hour.

Now you can take it out and eat. Although knowledgeable cheese makers still advise to wait a couple of days, supposedly this way the taste of cheese is revealed more fully. Store homemade Adyghe cheese in the refrigerator, wrapped in damp gauze. Its shelf life is not high, so it is advisable to eat quickly.
We have previously told

Hello dear readers. I really love homemade cheese. I like the recipe to be simpler. But at the same time, the dish turned out very tasty. True, I’m not going to cook hard cheese, but I need to tinker with it a little. I have never cooked Adyghe cheese at home. But I tried it in the Crimea and I really liked it. I'm talking about homemade Adyghe cheese.
Very gentle, not sour with a creamy aftertaste. And we also used Adyghe cheese to make Greek salad, as well as feta cheese.

I know how to cook cheese from cow's milk. Previously, they often cooked, then they ate. And all the time I want to try something new and interesting. My recipe is simple, my mother often used it to prepare cheese for us.

To be honest, I like homemade cheese more than plastic cheeses that are sold in our supermarket. One thing, the presence of village milk. And it is better if the village milk is thick.

The advantage of Adyghe cheese is the natural raw materials for its preparation. It is useful for children and adults, and pregnant and lactating women.

The calorie content of Adyghe cheese is approximately 270 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How to cook Adyghe cheese at home

Soft and delicate taste will not leave you indifferent. Moreover, the ingredients are more than simple.

Ingredients for making cheese:

Are you surprised by the amount of ingredients? Me too when I got the recipe. Our friends shared the recipe with us. I don't know how they make it in dairies, but you can make it at home. If you know how to cook Adyghe cheese correctly, write the recipe below in the comments.

Making Adyghe cheese is even easier. From this amount of ingredients, we got 550 grams of delicious homemade Adyghe cheese.

I try to cook cheeses at home and try different recipes because I like to have a cup of fragrant tea with a piece of cheese for breakfast. Sometimes I eat cottage cheese with honey. Well, there is oatmeal. But every day for breakfast, oatmeal gets boring and I want to diversify breakfasts. So that it is tasty and healthy.

I made homemade cheese from a liter of milk, eggs and sour cream. It turned out 300 grams of cheese. But the cheese was also very tasty. I recommend trying it if you haven't tried it yet. The recipe is very simple.

Milk bought at the local market from friends. Kefir is made from milk. You can say all the products are rustic. I must say right away that I don’t know whether the cheese will turn out from store products or not, I don’t know. Because I have never made cheese from them. As you know, the milk there is powdered.

To make cheese, you need to boil 3 liters of milk. I took a larger saucepan so that the milk would not “run away”. In boiling milk, you need to pour kefir in a thin stream while stirring the milk.

But I read, after searching the Internet, that kefir can be replaced with ordinary whey or even lemon juice. But I have an original recipe with kefir. Therefore, I try and cook with kefir.

The milk will curdle. Leave the milk on the stove until it boils. When you see pieces separated from the whey, then the cheese must be strained. It boiled for me for about a minute. It is important not to overexpose on fire, otherwise the cheese will be hard.

Usually you need to wait until the serum turns greenish. So that the milk curdles well.

There is a lot of whey left. I have over 3 liters left. Serum is delicious, not acidic. From it you can cook many different dishes or drink just like that. Moreover, there is no salt in the serum. The serum is not acidic, I would even say sweet. Very pleasant to the taste.

Then the whey drains and we collect the cheese in a ball, while I tied the cheesecloth. Be careful the mass is hot. Next, you need to put a press on the cheese. I cover it with a plate and put a bottle filled with water on top.

You need to leave it for 2-3 hours under pressure. But I did not leave it so long and left it for 1 hour. The cheese turned out amazing. I had it with cheese. I left it under pressure for a long time and it was rubbery and dry.

I pour 0.5 liters of whey and dissolve half a tablespoon of salt in it (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of whey) and dip the cheese into the salt solution. Then I covered it and put it in the fridge.

But of course, before that, we tried the Adyghe cheese. Very, very tasty cheese.

Do not be afraid that it will not work, everything will work out. Moreover, you already know how to cook Adyghe cheese at home.

It can be added to salads, eaten with honey, as well as greens and vegetables. I add this cheese to a Greek salad. Sometimes I cook with cheese, sometimes with Adyghe cheese. It turns out very tasty. You can cut cheese on the festive table. A natural and healthy product is obtained in a matter of hours.

We ate half of it almost immediately. Our children love homemade cheese, especially my daughter. She eats it without bread, tea and vegetables.

So try and get ready. You will succeed. Enjoy your meal.

Adyghe cheese is quite simply prepared at home in modern city apartments. Of course, it will not work the way it is in the Caucasus, in the Circassian village, but it will be at least no worse than in the store.

Adyghe cheese: reference

Adyghe cheese belongs to the group of soft cheeses. He is accompanied by such well-known varieties as ricotta, mozzarella, mascarpone, blue cheeses, curd cheeses, brynza, feta, etc. Of course, these are very different products, but there is something in common between them: being cheeses without ripening, they are made according to the technology excluding secondary heating and forced pressing.

Adyghe cheese has a delicate, but at the same time dense texture, and a sour-milk, slightly “whey” taste, moderately spicy, moderately salty. Adyghe cheese is fresh and light. It does not have a crust, but has a slight layering on the surface.

Adyghe cheese is made from goat's, sheep's or cow's milk. The cooking technology is quite simple (which makes it easy to make Adyghe cheese at home): the milk is heated to almost 100 degrees, sour-milk whey is introduced, as a result of which the milk curdles. Then the cheese mass, still warm, is kept in special vessels, squeezed out of the whey and salted.

How to make Adyghe cheese at home

Of course, the homemade Adyghe cheese of a modern city dweller will have its own characteristics. In addition, you can cook it in different ways. The difference is expressed mainly in what your starter, or whey, will be.

The most important thing about products

Milk. If you manage to get real village cow's milk, it will be great. I cook with regular packaged milk 2.5%. You can take milk with a higher fat content, then the cheese will turn out to be more fatty.

Sour cream. It is “urban” sour cream that is suitable, since it is made on sourdough, and this is very important in our recipe. Rustic, separated sour cream will not work!

Serum. In my recipe, sour cream and eggs act as a starter, but you can use kefir, yogurt, or make your own whey. However, I prefer my own version, since it has been tested by me and always works out.

Bonus. After cooking (more precisely, as a result of it), you will have almost 1 liter of whey left. It makes great pancakes!

Recipe Ingredients

  • milk 1 l
  • salt 1 tbsp
  • sour cream 200 g
  • eggs 3 pcs.

Instructions for cooking Adyghe cheese

I usually make cheese in the evening to leave it in the fridge overnight under pressure. In the morning the Adyghe cheese will be ready. You will be pleased with its fresh soft taste and aroma.

Not all residents of our country know where Adygea is located. But Adyghe cheese is known and loved even by losers in geography. And of course, having arrived in the republic, I simply could not help but visit the cheese factory.

1. It all started in the market in Maykop. Having bought a couple of "pigtails" of cheese, I began to ask the saleswomen where cheese is made in the republic.
- "Many places, but most of all in the village of Dondukovskaya."
I went there, remembering that on the package of Chechil cheese, which I bought back in Moscow, there really was a settlement with this name.

2. The village itself is no different from hundreds of others, and if you just drive past it, you will never guess that this particular village is the capital of Adyghe cheese making. At a small market, I decided to find out from local grandmothers where the cheese factory is exactly here.

They do it everywhere, honey. But who will tell you? The secret is. You can look for yourself who has gates on richer houses.

Realizing that you can’t cook cheese with a grandmother, I turned to a man who drove up to the square in a GAZelle with cans.

Well, yes, they do a lot. But almost everyone does it illegally or is simply afraid of inspections, the cheese business here is a "nightmare" not sour. The only ones that remain afloat are large factories, there are only a few of them in the republic, and there is only one in this area, in the neighboring village of Giaginskaya.

But you can’t get into this plant, because everything is very strict and secret there. Production is divided into zones, and a worker in one zone does not even have the right to go to the next one to smoke. And that these zones are almost fenced with barbed wire - that's what a random stranger named Alexei told me.

- "Well, I see you have Moscow numbers, you are probably not from the police. Listen here, my brother is engaged in cheese, I can call and ask him. But keep in mind, this is a long process, it takes a whole day. Are you ready to wait?"

For the sake of cheese, I was ready for anything, so I exchanged phone numbers with Alexei, and just in case I decided to try to "break through" to the secret factory for the production of Adyghe cheese.

3. Twenty minutes later I was already in the village of Giaginskaya, and an hour later I was filming the production of cheese. It was easy to agree: I came, told who I am and why I need to photograph their cheese, and the marketing department staff gladly gave me a tour of the "secret" production.

4. In fact, all the secrets are hidden behind the door of this vat. From the receiving shop, where cow's milk is delivered, whey, consisting of pasteurized milk, some additives and salt, comes through the pipeline.

5. Employees of the workshop collect this substance in a colander.

6. It is still half liquid, but not enough to "leak" through the holes in the bucket.

7. Then the excess water is drained.

8. Sprinkle the cheese mass with salt.

9. And they clean up to "dry" on special racks.

10. After a quarter of an hour, the cheese must be turned over and left in the racks for another 15 minutes.

13. I was very pleased with these multi-colored buckets!

14. After the cheese hardens and cools down, it goes to the packing shop, and the ladles go to the sink.

16. Here the cheese heads are cut into four pieces.

18. Manually put into packages.

19. A special machine removes air from the bags and seals them.

20. Labels are glued on packages with Adyghe cheese.

21. And then weighed and laid out in boxes. Everything, Adyghe cheese is ready to be sent to the store :)

22. I myself don’t really like this kind of cheese, it seems bland to me. So I went to another workshop located next door.

23. It is called the suluguni workshop, although not only it is made here, but also all sorts of other smoked cheeses: chechil, pigtail. Many people also call these cheeses Adyghe, but in fact they are not: the "real" Adyghe is what we saw in the previous room: round, unleavened, almost curd cheese.

24. But smoked cheese is just a dream! Let's silently see how it is made? :) The technology is similar to the production of Adyghe, and the pictures are quite visual.

31. Smokehouses.

36. The packaging process is also very simple.

38. I can’t understand only one thing: why such small portions? :)

All of us, probably, have heard and even tried Adyghe cheese. Its taste has always attracted many lovers of good food, as well as famous chefs who add it to special dishes. It belongs to diet food, as it contains a lot of calcium and proteins, which is why nutritionists recommend everyone to use it.

On the shelves of shops, we can see this cheese from different manufacturers, but the usefulness of such cheese can be doubted. Let's learn how to make Adyghe cheese with our own hands, and we will eat only good products!

How to cook homemade Adyghe cheese?

For Adyghe cheese, we will use the following ingredients:

Homemade milk, 1.5l.
. Lemon, 1pc.
. Salt.

The original recipe of the Circassians used sheep's or goat's milk, but we can take cow's milk as well. Salt is optional.

Adyghe cheese. Recipe.

1. First you need to prepare a container in which we will strain the cheese. It can be a bowl with cheesecloth or a sieve. In our case, a semicircular sieve is used.

2. Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.

3 . While milk is boiling, we can take a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it into a small container.

4. We are waiting for the milk to boil. As soon as we waited, turn off the heat and let the milk stand for 5 minutes. Its temperature must drop to 95 degrees, otherwise the cheese will be rubbery, not tender. It is at this point that we can add a little salt, if, of course, we wish to do so.

5. We wait another 5 minutes, and then pour the lemon juice into the milk. Mix it thoroughly.

6. We immediately notice how the reaction of separation of protein from whey begins to occur. This reaction usually lasts no more than 1 minute. If the squirrels come in lumps, it means that we did everything right.

7 . We filter the resulting mass through the previously prepared satiety.

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