How to grow herbs to sell: green onions, dill, parsley and chives. Greenery business: how to organize and make it prosperous

Growing greenery has relatively low costs (this includes the cost of inventory, arranging greenhouses, and purchasing fertilizers). Its advantages are associated with a constant high demand for products, cheap seeds, ease of growing greens. More profit can be made by growing greens in winter. But for this you need to purchase and install a greenhouse, equip heating in it. You can use biofuels. In this case, the substrate layer should be 10-12 cm.

You can grow greens in the basement. It is used instead of greenhouses. But in this case, you need to provide high-quality lighting. Need to be installed indoors energy-saving lamps. Reflective foil screens will help increase the illumination. Growing greens in a greenhouse is beneficial in the south. In the north, the cost of electricity may not pay off.

In summer, greens are cheaper, but due to large volumes, you can earn more.

The result of growing greenery of any kind depends on several factors:

  • Selection of varieties.
  • The quality of the soil in the beds.
  • Weather conditions when growing in the garden.
  • Seedling care.

The disadvantage of this kind of product is one, but it is very significant: a short shelf life. The competition among greenery sellers in the market is quite high. Therefore, for those who are not confident in their abilities, it is better to start their business with small plots. Over time, having received income, invest it in the expansion of production, including the construction and arrangement of a greenhouse.

You can grow greens for sale:

  • Small parties. The products are grown on a small area and sold on the market.
  • Industrial cultivation in greenhouses. You can do one type of greenery or combine several. Among all types of greens for sale, feather onions are most often grown. Are becoming more and more popular,.

Dill is bought all year round. Shoots up to 10 cm high are cut off. Dill is consumed fresh, dried or salted. It does not lose its properties when frozen. The seeds are used in folk medicine. Adult plants with mature seeds are placed in jars when pickling vegetables.

Features of growing dill:

  • Dill is sown on fertile moist soils. On dry ones, it will also grow, but in this case the stem will form faster, and the plants will be unsuitable for sale.
  • Seeds must be processed before planting. For this, bubbling is carried out. It consists in processing seeds in water constantly saturated with oxygen. Water temperature 20°C, treatment time up to 20 hours.
  • If there is no bubbling device, soak the seeds in water for 3 days, changing it every 6 hours.
  • Sow seeds in wet ground immediately after processing. The depth of the grooves is up to 2 cm.
  • Dill grows and develops best at a temperature of 15 to 20 ° C. But it easily tolerates a drop in temperature to the minimum positive values. Frost tender dill leaves do not tolerate and die.
  • The plant is photophilous. If natural lighting is not enough, you need to illuminate. Dill does not require special feeding. But it responds well to the application of nitrogen fertilizers. Pre-sowing tillage consists in the introduction of superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride. Care consists in watering during the dry season, removing weeds, loosening row spacing.

Harvesting is carried out one month after sowing. Cut off individual large plants or remove the entire area at once. If their height has reached 15 cm, the entire crop is harvested, otherwise the remaining plants will throw out the umbrellas and lose their presentation.

There are many varieties of dill. They differ in the ripening period, the saturation of the green color, the presence of a wax coating and aroma. For sale, it is more expedient to grow early varieties. They ripen 10 days earlier than late, and for business this matters. Early varieties have less lush greenery. They need to be removed in time, otherwise they will form a stem and throw away the umbrella.

Early varieties are sown in greenhouses or open areas in early spring. Some plants are left to collect seeds. They do not lose varietal properties, therefore they are suitable for sowing.
Late varieties have more leaves, they can be harvested longer. Sow late dill in and June. Harvest until August.

Late varieties of dill:

  • Tetra
  • Kibray

In addition to varieties growing in one stem, bush dill is grown. Its lateral shoots grow in the leaf axils. The stem is formed more slowly, which extends the harvest time to one and a half months. From one plant that looks like a bush, you can collect more greenery than from ordinary late varieties. Used in the southern regions. Popular varieties:

  • Gourmet
  • Russian size
  • Firework

Growing bush dill, you need to provide each bush with space for development. Row spacing is about 30 m, row spacing is 15 cm. By sowing dill again (up to 3 times per season) or in new areas, a green conveyor can be provided.

Dill is sown in a heated greenhouse in early March, without heating - in early April. Use row or continuous sowing. 15 g of seeds are sown per square meter. AT summer period greenhouses can be used for cultivation. Then sow dill again in mid-July for harvest in the fall. It is possible to use for growing dill in the second half of summer the areas vacated after picking, early varieties of potatoes.

Proper cultivation of parsley

- biennial umbrella plant. There are leaf and root types. The advantage of root crops is that both greens and root crops are obtained from them. But the leaf per season forms up to 100 branches, and the root up to 35 pcs.

Parsley is grown in areas where last season did not grow, cilantro, dill, cumin. The best predecessors are,. In the fall, humus is introduced, in the spring - complex. Fresh organics are not recommended to be applied, because it causes branching of the root system. The site should be light, the soil should be light and nutritious, neutral or slightly acidic.

Rules for sowing seeds:

  • Parsley seeds are sown at the end of January. Use mobile film tunnels.
  • Parsley seeds are very small. Sown dry, they can sprout in a month or more.
  • Therefore, before sowing them. You can use sparging or soaking in warm water. Accelerates germination by soaking in a solution of Epin or other growth stimulants.
  • Then they are dried so that they become free-flowing. To do this, you can pour them on a dry newspaper, which quickly absorbs excess moisture. By changing several newspapers, you can quickly achieve the desired level of flowability.
  • Up to 1 g of seeds are sown per square meter. The depth of the groove is up to 1.5 cm. The distance between the rows is 30-45 cm.
  • The soil must be moist. After sowing, it is good to cover the area with a film. This will help retain moisture and speed up seed germination.
  • You can mulch the area with peat or rotted.

In autumn, dry seeds can be sown 2 weeks before the soil freezes. Parsley tolerates temperature drops well, does not die under snow even in winter. Seeds withstand -8°C, and begin to germinate at 2°C. Shoots appear in 2-3 weeks. After the formation of 3 true leaves, they are thinned out, leaving a distance of 3 cm between plants of leaf varieties, and 7 cm between root varieties.

Feed parsley several times a season.

Nitrogen fertilizers are used for leafy, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used for root. Loosen the soil between the rows. Crops of leaf parsley need to be provided with regular watering, but without stagnation of moisture near the roots. Spend it in the morning or evening. Root parsley needs two waterings per season. Greens for sale are harvested as they grow throughout the season. Seeds for sowing are collected in the second year of vegetation.

Varieties of leaf parsley:

  • Vitamin
  • sandwich shop
  • Carnival

Curly varieties:

  • appetizing
  • green pearl
  • Lace

Parsley crops can be affected:

  • downy mildew
  • white rot
  • Cercosporosis

For their prevention, the seeds are heated to 50 ° C before sowing. In areas where the plants are sick, parsley can be sown after 4 years. If this does not happen, you can sow again. From 1 m2 per season, you can collect about 1 kg of parsley.

Growing onions seems like a fairly simple matter. After all, almost everyone in childhood installed an onion in a jar of water and looked forward to the appearance of green feathers. But growing in large batches is fraught with some difficulties: you need to allocate a fairly large area for onions. It is often affected by fungal diseases. Growing in pallets with a depth of 10 cm, installed on top of each other, will help solve the problem with the area.

Indoors, feather onions are grown from mid-autumn to May. The temperature during the day is 20°C, at night up to 15°C. If it is lower or higher, growth slows down. The day length is 12 hours.

For growing onions on a feather, it is better to use multi-bearing varieties that have a short dormant period:

  • Stuttgarten
  • Bessonovsky

In the presence of 5 rudiments, the yield per 1 m2 is approximately 15 kg. To reduce the dormant period, the onion is immersed for half a day in warm water, slightly dried. You can soak the bulbs for 3 days, covering them with burlap and stirring occasionally. Cutting off the neck of the narrowing and making several vertical cuts at the cut site will help speed up germination. These procedures speed up germination by a week.

The substrate for forcing onions is prepared from peat, turf and leafy soil.

It should be loose, non-acidic. Add manure and rotted compost. The bulbs in the greenhouse are planted in a bridge way, without gaps in the rows. When growing under winter in greenhouses, a half-bridge method is used, leaving up to 3 cm between plants. Cover with a layer of humus 6 cm high. In February, the mulch is removed, a film is installed. Apply nitrogen fertilizers.

To prevent diseases, after planting, they are watered with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Harvest when a height of 30 cm is reached. The roots of the bulbs are cut off, then the feather is separated from the turnip.

Spinach is an annual or biennial plant of the Marev family. Leaves forming a rosette are used for food. After a while, the spinach starts flowering. A stem emerges from the rosette, on which male flowers are formed. The female ones are located in the axils of the leaves. Spinach fruits are rounded or prickly nuts.

Spinach seeds germinate at 4°C. Leaves grow at a temperature of 15-18°C. When the temperature rises to 20 ° C, an arrow with flowers appears. By this time, the harvest of leaves must be harvested. Spinach is a short day plant. Therefore, it throws out arrows if the length of the day exceeds 15 hours. If by this time they did not have time to harvest, break off the top of the stem.

It is best to sow spinach in April and mid-August, then the plants will not shoot, which will allow longer harvest.

Spinach is grown on fertile soils on which water does not stagnate: sandy loam, loam. Predecessors - potatoes, gourds. For rapid growth, the soil must be constantly moist. Excess moisture in cold weather can lead to root rot. Withered leaves will testify to this. Between the rows, 30 cm are left, the grooves are deepened by 2 cm. Thinning, 1 plant is left per 10 cm.

Water, loosen the soil, remove weeds. Seeds can be obtained from spring plants, leaving seed arrows. It is only necessary not to miss the moment of readiness so that the seeds do not spill out onto the ground. They can sprout, but this method is not suitable for growing for sale. They begin to collect leaves when there are 5 or more of them in the outlet.

Spinach varieties:

  • Matador
  • Victoria
  • Stoic
  • burly

Lettuce fades very quickly. Therefore, now most often it is sold in special pots. When growing leaf lettuce, modern methods and technologies are used. For example, growing greens without ordinary soil using a special nutrient solution.

There are a huge number of varieties of lettuce that differ in leaf color, rosette shape, palatability. For sale, you can grow one or several varieties, you can alternate them.

Lettuce varieties:

  • Iceberg is a cabbage-like lettuce.
  • Roma late ripening.
  • Curly with curly tender leaves.
  • Arugula with small leaves and spicy taste.

Sowing lettuce is carried out in the spring every 2 weeks. In summer, the interval is reduced to 1 week. Closer to autumn, they are sown again after 2 weeks. Place the seeds in small cups, 2 pieces each. Install them in the greenhouse. When seedlings sprout, leave a stronger plant.

Lettuce is grown in fertile, loose, non-acidic soils in sunny areas that are not affected by drafts. You can sow seeds directly into the ground. Then the crops will need to be thinned out, leaving a distance of 8 cm between plants. You can grow lettuce hydroponically, but this is an expensive technology that requires special attention. It is suitable for industrial cultivation.

More information can be found in the video:

The demand for natural and healthy food is growing every day, and therefore the agricultural business is rightfully considered a promising and profitable direction. And if you are planning to start your own business, you should definitely consider this possibility. You can start with the simplest - the business of growing greens.

Such a choice is quite justified: even a completely inexperienced farmer can cope with its cultivation, investments are not needed to begin with, and the population has a need for fresh herbs. all year round. However, as practice shows, the largest income from growing and selling greens can be obtained in the off-season: in the summer, many healthy food lovers grow greens on their own plots, and with the onset of cold weather, the only place where you can buy it is shops.

How to grow greens

Your agricultural business can have a variety of scales, and the way it is carried out will depend on this.

In the apartment

If you have the opportunity to allocate one of the rooms for growing greens (this, of course, is relevant in the cold season), you can start earning: greens are grown in boxes, pots, and special containers. To fit more greenery, the "beds" are arranged in 3-4 tiers.

In the country

In summer, you can grow greens in your garden. It must be borne in mind that at this time of the year the prices for the product are much lower, so that it will be possible to reach the "winter" profits only by significantly increasing the volume of production. However, the difficulties with growing crops on fresh air significantly less.

in the greenhouse

It would seem - a great way not to depend on the weather and the season: in a well-equipped greenhouse, the climate is always suitable for plants. But this is true only for the southern regions of the country, while in the north the costs of heating and lighting the greenhouse will be too high, so it will not work to make a good profit.

Where to sell greens

The health benefits of greens are undeniable, and advertising for this product is done constantly, and completely free of charge. Doctors and specialists in healthy nutrition do not get tired of telling how many vitamins, minerals and trace elements are in it. So most of your potential buyers are already accustomed to buying this product, and therefore it is not difficult to find a sales market

Greens can be supplied:

  • to wholesale vegetable bases;
  • to the markets;
  • to restaurants and cafes;
  • to shops.

If you plan to cooperate with catering facilities, you will need to conclude an agreement with each of them.

Calculate expenses and income

This business is usually classified as highly profitable: under favorable conditions, its profitability reaches 500%.

In the apartment

Let's try to draw up an indicative business plan for growing greenery indoors (it can be a room in an apartment).

One of the most sought-after "green" products is onion, and we will take it as an example.

In a room of 20 sq.m you can get about 30 sq.m. meters of usable area for planting - you just need to arrange containers or boxes for growing onions in two or three tiers.

So, let's look at the items of expenditure:

  1. seed material. The cost of a kilogram of sowing onions is about 12–15 rubles (subject to purchase at a wholesale warehouse). With a tight fit, a square meter will need about 10 kilograms. Thus, for 30 sq. m. comes out 300 kg of sowing onions with a total cost of about 4,000 rubles.
  2. Boxes and boxes can be obtained for free at any supermarket, or you can buy plastic containers(it will cost 5-7 thousand rubles).
  3. Fertilizers will need to spend 2-2.5 thousand rubles a month.
  4. To organize lighting, you will need fluorescent lamps - this will cost 10-15 thousand rubles.
  5. Payment for electricity and water - about 2-2.5 thousand per month. Onions do not need round-the-clock lighting at all; for its growth, it is enough to slightly extend the daylight hours. However, the more light there is, the better harvest you can count on.
  6. Transport costs will amount to about 5 thousand rubles a month.

As you can see, already with 30 thousand rubles, you can start a business on the green. Moreover, the initial costs can be reduced by using ordinary incandescent lamps in the first month.

What would income look like in this case? A square meter of usable sown area usually produces about 10 kg of greenery. If the planting material is good, and the growth conditions and crop care are at a height, it can be 15 kg, but we will consider the option with 10 kilograms.

In a month, onions will give us 2 crops, that is, we get 600 kg of onions for sale. With a wholesale price of 70–80 rubles per kilogram, we receive about 45,000 rubles a month. Excluding expenses - 15 thousand profits. AT next months costs will be less - no need to purchase lamps and containers, thus net profit at the most conservative estimates, it will be about 30 thousand rubles.

in the greenhouse

If a climatic conditions your area allows you to grow greens in greenhouses, this can also be a good option. In this case, the construction or purchase of the greenhouse itself must be added to the costs. Its cost, depending on the size and materials used, can range from 40 to 130 thousand rubles. But more greens can be grown in the greenhouse, so the costs will soon pay off.

hydroponic setup

This is one of the most modern ways growing greens, and it can be used both in the greenhouse and indoors. Greens in this case are grown in a nutrient solution.

Such an installation is a special frame with trays, equipped with a pipe system that brings a special balanced solution, and a lighting system with the possibility of automatic control.

Hydroponic installation for room equipment 30 sq. meters costs about 35-40 thousand rubles.

Greens in pots

This is another modern and popular option. Greens are grown in small pots and sold directly in them. Such a product looks more aesthetically pleasing, stays fresh longer, and of course, its price is higher.

To organize such production, you can simply buy inexpensive pots and grow greens in them, or you can buy a special installation that will do almost everything automatically. Its cost is from 75 thousand rubles.

Business registration

If you decide to grow greens on a personal plot or in an apartment, it is absolutely not necessary to register such a business. But in this case, you can only sell products personally - on the market - or sell them to resellers.

Therefore, for larger business owners, if there is a need and desire to cooperate with restaurants, cafes, shops and supermarkets, the best way out will .

The choice of taxation system in this case is obvious -. For those who build their business on management Agriculture this tax replaces all others and is only 6% of net income.

Not everyone has a dacha, but every family needs fresh parsley, dill, green onion feathers. The solution is simple: growing greens on the balcony or on the windowsill will allow you to have vitamin seasonings all year round. Some housewives tried this method and refused, because the herbs turned out to be tasteless and not fragrant. The reason is improper care: in winter there is little light in the apartment, too dry air and others. unfavourable conditions to consider when growing vegetables at home.

What can be grown at home?

They can grow in a small amount of soil, so they can be grown in containers, boxes and pots on the windowsill.

Suitable for growing at home:

  • dill;
  • leaf mustard;
  • parsley;
  • green onions;
  • watercress;
  • celery;
  • leaf salad;

You can start creating a home garden with green onions. It does not need soil - take a jar with a narrow neck, fill it with water and set the bulb so that its edges rest on the sides of the container, and the roots are immersed in the liquid. You will only need to change the water from time to time and cut green sprouts for food. When the bulb shriveles and becomes soft, shoot growth ends, replace it with a fresh specimen.

It is easier to grow each species in a separate container, so you can choose the right composition of the soil, ensure right conditions and watering. In addition, a large heavy box is difficult to move, turn towards the light, so that the landings are evenly lit. In small pots and containers, you can grow each species and variety separately, take them out on the balcony in good weather, and bring them indoors when there is a threat of frost. For proper hydration, it is necessary that there are drainage holes in the bottom. It is easy to pick up a pallet under a compact container, and excess liquid will not create puddles on the windowsill.

When you have little space or containers, you have to grow in one dish different types greenery. Group plants according to their thermophilicity: dill, watercress, celery and parsley in one container; in the other - thyme, marjoram, basil.
Don't forget to allocate at least one container to the children. Let them decide for themselves what herbs will grow there, sow the seeds with you, take care of their plantings on their own. Such work is within the power of even a first grader. Explain that plants are alive and can die of thirst, and the child will be responsible for their pets.

Get started with preparation necessary equipment and materials. Containers must have drainage holes. To prevent excess moisture from accumulating on the windowsill, place containers on pallets. In winter, the air in apartments is often too dry. Add hydrogel to the soil, it will supply the roots with moisture if you forget to water the plantings on time. Put small pebbles on the pallet and regularly moisten the stones, then the plants will not suffer from dryness at home.

Each culture requires a special approach when planting and growing.

  • Green onions can be grown both in water and in the ground. Take sets or small onions and plant them in the ground 2 cm from one another, buried in the ground at half the height.
  • For a pen, you can plant perennial onions in boxes. Dig it up in your garden, cut off the green feathers, and plant it in a container.
  • Parsley seeds are slow to germinate due to the abundance of essential oils. Soak the seeds for a day in a saucer of water, and then sow. You can plant rhizomes with a good apical bud in the ground, arrange the long roots obliquely.
  • Sow watercress in rows 10 cm apart.
  • Lettuce seeds should be sown in separate recesses so that the distance between plants is about 5 cm. You can sprinkle a few grains in each hole, and then leave the strongest specimens.

At home, vegetables are usually grown, which are used for food. above-ground part. To develop shoots and leaves well, sow herbs during the growing moon. If you need good rhizomes, start sowing when the night light is in its waning phase.

Pour expanded clay at the bottom of the container, then the nutrient mixture. It can be purchased at the store or prepared from the same amount of peat, sawdust and sand. After sowing, sprinkle the seeds with a layer of soil 0.5 cm thick, cover the container with foil and keep in a warm, dark place until germination. To ensure that the green conveyor supplies you with fresh seasonings constantly, make new plantings every 2 weeks.

How to grow greens on the balcony

Those who do not have a dacha can grow greens on an open balcony in the summer. If you build deep boxes, you can sow other crops: carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes. In summer, caring for planting in boxes is not much different from cultivating herbs in open ground, the only difference is that the earth dries out quickly, and watering should be more frequent. Frost-resistant species can be sown as soon as they come. warm days, and basil, rosemary and other southern crops are kept at home on the windowsill and taken out only when the spring frosts are over.

In winter, greens can be grown on glazed and well-insulated loggias. Try to plant unpretentious species that will withstand a short cold snap. Do not forget about lighting, equip the balcony with comfortable fluorescent lamps. If stationary boxes are used for landings, which, when severe frosts impossible to bring into the room, keep heaters ready.

Residents of the southern regions can also grow heat-loving crops on glazed loggias: basil,. You need to plant greens only in small containers, which, when poor prognosis the weather is easy to bring into a warm room. It is desirable that all bindings be with sashes. Winter in the South is unpredictable, even in January the temperature can rise to +20⁰. On warm, clear days, open the windows to let the plants enjoy the sun and fresh air.

Greenery care at home

In the northern regions in winter, plantings do not have enough light, so often the greenery on the windowsill grows tasteless and without aroma. The plants themselves will tell you that it is too dark for them: they will begin to stretch upwards. Install energy-saving lamps and give your pets at least 12 hours of daylight. To take full advantage of the light's brightness, surround the containers with mirrors or foil.

The next problem is tightness. Each bush should have enough space for development. If, when sowing, you poured the seeds too thickly, destroy the extra specimens. When the plants are spacious, they will produce more tasty succulent shoots and leaves. If you notice that buds appear on the plantings, cut off the flower stalks, and the greenery will be more magnificent and tender.

For good development Plants need adequate watering. In very dry apartments, be sure to add hydrogel to the soil, and cover the soil surface between plants with small pebbles. Water at least every other day, and spray the greens with a spray bottle. If the ground begins to crust, loosen it. Feed your windowsill garden every 2 weeks with a compound fertilizer solution.

Greens for sale

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment allows, growing greenery at home on the windowsill can be a good addition to the family budget. There are many methods that allow you to organize your business selling herbs. If you wish, you can build racks in several tiers or purchase a hydroponic installation. There are entrepreneurs who have earned start-up capital on parsley and dill. To be able to promote your business, you need commercial skills, and an ordinary housewife can simply sell surplus greens.

It is not necessary to stand in the market, you can get acquainted with the seller of herbs and give the greens for sale. Another option is to offer your products to a small cafe or diner. The owners of small establishments are already tired of imported herbs, which are expensive, look good, but cannot boast of any taste. They will be happy to buy spicy bunches from you, which half an hour ago grew in fertile soil on your windowsill and absorbed the aromas familiar from childhood.

The easiest way is to post a notice on your front door. AT apartment building neighbors will instantly buy up all the surplus from you and will be enrolled in the queue for the next harvest. If you are in maternity leave, freelancing or otherwise do not have a regular income, the containers on the windowsill will help replenish the budget.


Fresh herbs at home can be grown all year round. In the summer, a cottage or a balcony will supply you with vitamins, and in winter you can grow herbs in a heated greenhouse, on a glazed loggia or right in a room on the windowsill. You will get a double benefit: a crop of juicy leaves, and a natural humidifier for dry air in the apartment.

It is advisable to grow each species in a separate container. If there are few containers, group the plants so that there are herbs in the same box that require the same growing conditions and ripen at the same time. Prepare a pot of new seeds in advance, then fresh herbs will be uninterrupted on the table. Remember that the rhizomes planted for forcing are quickly depleted, after about 2 harvests they will have to be replaced with new ones.

In order for the greens at home to gain taste and aroma, it needs a lot of light. Install energy-saving lamps and reflective screens and make sure that the stems do not stretch. Water and loosen the soil in time, do not forget to feed your pets, and you will never have to stop at the stalls with withered parsley and dill, more like a camel's thorn.

Growing greens - profitable business. Demand for fresh parsley, onion, dill, celery is consistently high. They are the ingredients of many dishes, natural source vitamins and beneficial trace elements. Having established their production and sale, you will receive a solid, and most importantly, permanent income.

Want to learn how to beat the competition and succeed? Get comfortable! I will tell you about how to write a business plan for growing greens.

Project description

The goal of the project is to obtain a stable income from the cultivation and sale of greenery. This line of business is actively developing. The demand for fresh herbs is increasing every year, which is associated with an increase in the number of our fellow citizens choosing healthy eating, as well as with a reduction in imports.

If you organize the sale of grown products, you will not only quickly recoup your initial investment, but also get a decent stable income.

Goals and objectives

The goal is to develop business, increase production and sales volumes.

Achieving this goal is directly related to the solution of a number of tasks:

  • choice land plot to establish production;
  • studying the niche and choosing the cultures most in demand among buyers;
  • creation of optimal conditions for growing;
  • search and development of optimal ways to sell grown products.

Greens are a perishable commodity. Your main task is to implement it immediately after harvest.

Choice of growing method

Greens for sale are grown in three ways:

  1. At home(on the balcony, window sills, on the loggia). Disadvantages: small volume of production, average quality of greens. Advantages: you will be able to sell your goods in winter, during the period of maximum demand, you will test the market and your crop-growing abilities.
  2. At the dacha, garden plot. Disadvantages: seasonality, climate change. Advantages: high quality of greens, cultivation of a wide range of crops, "sample" of the market.
  3. In a greenhouse or greenhouse. Disadvantages: we need start-up capital for the construction of greenhouses, little knowledge of agronomy, land, personnel, well-established sales channels. Advantages: it's a complete entrepreneurial activity, which promises a good profit with proper organization affairs.

If you are aiming for a good income, choose the greenhouse method of growing.

Market and competitor analysis

Analyze the situation on the market and the offers of competitors on your own or involve professionals from consulting companies (if there are funds for this).

Market analysis implies:

  • determination of the number of competitors in the regional market;
  • study of their assortment and price offers;
  • determination of demand in different periods of the year;
  • identification of risks and pitfalls.

Competitor analysis:

  • determination of the number of competitors and the "style" of their work (seasonal, permanent);
  • analysis of pricing principles;
  • range study.

According to consulting company"Growth Technologies" for December 2017, the yield of greenhouse vegetables and salad crops was 3 times higher than the yield of the agro-industrial complex. In 2017, greenhouse areas in Russia increased by 200 hectares. The growth of the industry is associated with the restriction of imports and the growth of investment.

Marketing plan

The main objective of the marketing plan is to establish sales of products immediately after its collection, so pay close attention to finding buyers.

To attract customers, all means are good:

  1. Commercial offers for shops, supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, eateries.
  2. Search for resellers with optimal price offers.
  3. Creating your own website, searching for buyers through social media.
  4. Retail in the local market.

Use all the ways to attract buyers. Only in this way will your products become in demand, and your business profitable.

Production step by step

The production plan combines the selection of the territory, equipment for greenhouses, the selection and purchase of planting material, the search for personnel, as well as the solution of other organizational issues.

Let's consider each of the points in more detail.

Step 1. Selection of equipment and greenhouses

To open a business, you will need 3-5 greenhouses made of glass, polycarbonate or acrylic. The cheapest option is plastic wrap, but it is short-lived and torn from the wind and weather phenomena.

In addition to the frame, you need:

  • tillage equipment;
  • top dressing for the soil;
  • equipment for heating, lighting greenhouses;
  • shelving structures;
  • equipment for the installation of an irrigation system;
  • thermometers, humidity sensors.

The purchase and installation of equipment is a crucial stage, on which the productivity and convenience of the staff depend.

Step 2. Installation of the greenhouse

Installation begins with the foundation and installation of the supporting parts of the structure. The presence of a foundation is optional, but with it your crop will be reliably protected from rodents and pests. In cold regions, the foundation will prevent heat loss.

Welded metal structures are used as a base (frame), on which polycarbonate sheets are attached.

Choose a site for greenhouse farming near communications. Otherwise, for each meter of water supply and sewerage supplied to it, you will incur additional costs.

The next stage is the installation of an irrigation system, a hydroponics system (growing greens without soil), heating and lighting. When they are mounted, the ground is prepared. It needs to be loosened, fertilized, moistened.

The business plan should contain information about the material and model of the greenhouse, as well as information about who will install it.

Step 3. Purchase of seeds

Greens are grown from seeds, bulbs and seedlings. Buy planting material only from trusted sellers. Over time, you will collect the seeds yourself, but for the first time, visit specialized stores or greenhouse complexes.

Step 4. Recruitment

For 5 greenhouses you will need 15-18 employees.

Personnel costs depend on its quantity, production volumes. If the volumes are modest, many aspiring entrepreneurs save on hiring a sales manager and an accountant.

The list of employees and their approximate salary are given in the table:

Position Responsibilities Approximate salary, rub
manager or engineer Monitoring the work of employees, the operation of heating and lighting systems, the purchase of seeds 40 000-45 000
Handyman Watering, loosening the soil, harvesting, packing greenery 18 000 -25 000
Driver Delivery of products to the place of sale 20 000 — 25 000
Sales manager Finding clients, resolving sales issues 30 000 -35 000
Accountant Bookkeeping, employee payroll 25 000 -30 000
Security guard Ensuring the safety of greenhouses 15 000 -20 000

Entrust bookkeeping to an outsourcing specialist. By concluding a cooperation agreement with him, you do not have to hire a full-time employee.

organizational plan

An organizational plan is the official registration of a business with state control bodies and the hiring of personnel. Without official registration, you will not establish sales.

Selling greens without documents is allowed if you grow it in your apartment and rely on customers from among your friends or neighbors, or on a small retail in the wild market.

Business registration

To make money on growing and selling greenery in a greenhouse, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. An alternative is the organization of an LLC for two founders. The optimal system of taxation is the single agricultural tax (ESHN). According to it, tax payments will amount to only 6% of the amount of income.

Opening schedule

Opening schedule - a calendar plan in which each item of events for opening a business is entered with an indication of the timing of its implementation. With it, you concretize your actions by tying them to clear deadlines. For example, you plan to spend 1 month searching for a suitable land plot and renting it, installing greenhouses on it.

The table shows an illustrative example of a business opening schedule.

Action February March April
Finding and renting land +
Purchase of equipment, installation of greenhouses + +
Installation of heating, lighting, ventilation + +
Paperwork +
Search and recruitment of personnel + +
Purchase of seeds, fertilizers +
Beginning of work. Sowing seeds, planting bulbs, seedlings + +

Financial plan

financial planning is the most important part of a business plan. Your expenses directly depend on the scale of the business.

Consider an approximate annual financial forecast of income and expenses of an individual entrepreneur growing greens in 5 greenhouses.

Indicators Amount in rubles per year
1 Sales revenue 11 600 000
2 Land lease 250 000
3 Wage personnel 4 450 000
4 Fertilizers, chemicals 230 000
5 Heating 790 000
6 Costs for electric heating 234 000
7 Watering 45 000
8 Packaging materials 270 000
9 Depreciation of agricultural equipment 110 000
10 planting material 85 000
11 other expenses 300 000
12 Income before taxes 4 200 000
13 Tax (6% according to UAT) 252 000
14 net income 3 948 000

Want to save money to get started? Build a greenhouse with your own hands. Use a simple garden hose instead of automatic and solid fuel heating instead of electric. This way you will keep your initial costs to a minimum, evaluate your skills in agronomy and try out the market.

Sample Plan monthly greenhouse costs:

Possible risks and guarantees

The risks of a year-round greenhouse business are few, but they should not be underestimated.

Decided to start growing green onions, basil, dill or parsley?

You are at risk for:

  • high competition;
  • high prices for heating greenhouses;
  • seasonal fluctuations in consumer demand;
  • failure of heating, watering or lighting equipment;
  • low yields due to the wrong choice of crop growing methods.

The guarantee of the profitability of this business area is the reduction in the import of lettuce crops from other countries, as well as the interest of investors in greenhouse business, which has been experiencing a real boom since 2014.

Download business plan

Aspiring entrepreneurs, in addition to calculating annual and monthly expenses, need a sample greenhouse business plan. Downloading.

The document is available for viewing in PDF format and printing. It reflects in detail the principles of choosing the material for the greenhouse complex, the selection of equipment, and provides approximate calculations of energy resources.

Any business plan from the Internet is typical. This is the basis that you adapt to your business. You cannot use calculations from a standard plan without taking into account the specifics of your business. It is introductory in nature.

A video about how to analyze the market on your own, how best to sell products and why growing greens is profitable:


According to the opinions of entrepreneurs working in the field of growing greenhouse salads, green onions and parsley, celery and other crops, with proper business management, you will work out all the invested funds after six months.

Starting a business in this industry promising activity bringing in a good income. The main thing is to correctly draw up a business plan, establish sales by offering the buyer an interesting assortment.

(6 ratings, average: 4,83 out of 5)

Dill and parsley are the most popular herbs. Almost every housewife uses these seasonings in the preparation of various dishes. Dill and parsley are not only a delicious seasoning, but also very healthy, so people who take care of their health must use fresh herbs.

In the previous article, we talked about and. In today's publication, we will talk about growing dill. Learn how to get the most out of this business.

Growing dill and parsley as a business can be a profitable and profitable way to make money. The main thing is to skillfully implement the idea. To do this, first of all, it is required to note the pros and cons of this type of business.

Benefits of a Dill and Parsley Growing Business

  1. Simple technology of cultivation and care. Dill and parsley are unpretentious plants that do not require much care and certain skills. Even a beginner can handle this quite well. Therefore, it makes sense to try to implement this business idea;
  2. Minimum financial investment. If you don't have the money to start a serious business, then growing herbs can be a very profitable option to make a quick profit. Dill and parsley seeds cost a penny, the cultivation technology is the simplest. Therefore, there is every chance to make money in this business area;
  3. Quick profit. Harvest of dill and parsley you will receive in short time after landing. Thus, the income from the greenery business can be expected after a few months;
  4. Great demand for products. Greens are in constant demand at any time of the year. Especially in winter, you can profitably sell your products, so it makes sense to grow greenery all year round.

Cons of growing greenery business

As with any form of income, there are also certain disadvantages.

Firstly, cut greens cannot be stored for a long time and must be sold immediately. Therefore, it is so important to establish a good distribution channel for finished products.

Secondly, these are the difficulties with growing dill and parsley in the cold season. If you want to make your business year-round, then you need to equip a greenhouse for growing greens in the winter. Although these are additional costs, but believe me, they will quickly pay off with a skillfully established distribution channel.

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Technology for growing dill in a greenhouse in winter

On the shelves of vegetable shops and supermarkets, we see beautiful bundles greens that attract buyers with their presentation and aroma. How to grow herbs for sale at home? Let's take a look together important features growing dill and parsley.

Growing dill in a greenhouse

To grow greens in the cold season, you should build and equip a greenhouse. Depending on the planned cultivation volumes, choose the required area for sowing. For starters, a small greenhouse near the house is enough for you. You can build it yourself, with your own hands from improvised materials. To do this, you will need a regular film and a frame that can be made of wood.


If you plan to start growing greens on an industrial scale, you need to equip the greenhouse with everything necessary for comfortable ripening of the crop in the cold season.

As noted earlier, it is much more profitable to grow parsley and dill for sale in winter than in summer, the price is much higher, and there is little competition.


When dill and parsley ripen, it is necessary to properly harvest and preserve the crop. Greens are a perishable product, but thanks to simple tricks, you can extend the life and preserve the presentation of the product. Before direct harvesting, water the bed with water. Thus, it will be more convenient to dig up the plant and clean its roots from the soil. After that, the dill should be placed in a waterproof container; to maintain its presentation, you can pour water into the container with the addition of aspirin and fertilizers. At temperatures up to +10 degrees, the greens will remain fresh for a week.

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Business costs

  • Construction and equipment of the greenhouse. Everything will depend on your starting capital, you can build a greenhouse yourself or purchase a ready-made version;
  • Purchase of seed. Dill and parsley seeds are inexpensive. In the future, you can collect seeds and no longer spend money on their purchase, continuing to grow greenery;
  • Buying fertilizer. To get a good harvest, you need to take care of proper fertilizer and protection of plants from pests.

Sales and business profit

The most profitable is the cultivation of dill in a greenhouse in winter. Therefore, you should count on high profits in the cold season.

Greens are products that are in great demand among buyers. There are several options for its implementation.


If you conclude contracts for the constant supply of products with retail outlets, supermarkets, restaurants, then you can earn good money.

Sale of greens in the market

You can trade greens in the market by renting a tent. But this option is not very profitable due to the high competition. But as an additional way of implementation, it will fit perfectly.

It can be concluded that the cultivation of dill and parsley as a business is quite a profitable occupation, as well as. Small investment and quick payback - give rise to high competition in this business area. But even despite this, it is quite possible to earn good money, so it’s definitely worth a try. Also, read about other earning ideas, for example, about or. I wish you success.

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