Forms and methods of work of cultural institutions of the club type. Principles and methods of social work with youth Name of topics for work with youth

It's no secret that rapid development computer technology, the availability of the Internet allow young people to get the necessary information there, and not within the walls of the library. The focus on quickly obtaining specific information, a decrease in interest in reading, causes a crisis in the reader's culture, which does not contribute to the formation of active civic behavior of young people, harmonious adaptation in adult life. But still, it is the library that is an important means of socialization of the individual, assisting in the formation of views and beliefs. The young reader of the 21st century is significantly different from the readers of the 90s of the 20th century - not only in a more modern worldview, but also in the possibilities of choosing to receive necessary information, ways to spend your leisure time. In order not to lose the youth audience, the modern library must also change. Work with this category of readers should be aimed at finding new forms and methods of library services for young people.

In order to improve the level of library services, exchange experience among the libraries of the Novgorod region, introduce innovative interactive forms of youth service, increase the creative level in the work of libraries, on the basis of the central district library of the Municipal budget institution culture "Inter-settlement library system of the Malovishersky district" On October 31, a joint seminar was held for employees of the library systems of the Malovishersky and Krestetsky districts, dedicated to the topic "New forms of work with youth."

The seminar began with a welcoming speech by the Chairman of the Committee of Culture of the Administration of the Malovishersky Municipal District Efimova Natalya Vasilievna. In her speech, she introduced us to the structure cultural institutions area, their work, the economic condition of the area, the employment of the population.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Yakovleva, director of the MBUK “Malovisherskaya inter-settlement library system”, spoke about the current state and topical issues of the development of her institution, about the distribution of responsibilities among employees in their creative work. Svetlana Borisovna Andreeva, director of the MBUK "Krestets inter-settlement library" acquainted the participants of the seminar with the activities and further prospects for the development of the activities of the libraries of the Krestetsky district.

The chief librarian for marketing and mass work of the Central Library named after A.S. Pushkin, MBUK "Malovisherskaya MCLS" Elena Valerievna Kondratieva spoke about social network sites and other media that are library assistants in working with youth, introduced the website of Malovisherskaya MCLS, spoke about creative workshops held by the central library. The head of the department of innovation activity of the central district library of the Malovisherskaya MCBS spoke about the development of libraries through project activities. She shared her experience in implementing projects within the framework of the regional competition "Novgorodika" and within the framework of the "Active Generation" charity program, about her best projects that received support in their implementation, about her publishing materials.

Alevtina Vasilyevna Izosova, the leading librarian of the reading room of the central district library of the MBUK "Krestets Intersettlement Library", shared her experience of working with young people in a video presentation. The topic of her speech was: “Library and youth. Search for the ideal model. She spoke about working with the youth club "Molodezh.RU" at the branch of the state educational institution Novgorod Trade and Technological College for Patriotic Education and about various forms the work of the library with young people in the ecological, local history direction, to promote reading, a healthy lifestyle. The leading bibliographer of the central district library of the MBUK "Krestetskaya inter-settlement library" Olga Vladimirovna showed a video presentation and spoke about working with youth in the Center legal information on career guidance, on activities within the framework of election campaigns, on pension literacy of the younger generation.

The presentations at the seminar were very interesting and informative, and ended with a tour of the central and children's libraries of the MBUK "Inter-settlement library system of the Malovishersky district."

All participants left with new ideas and good impressions about the well-coordinated and fruitful work of the library system of the Malovishersky district. Got good lessons for publishing and project activities, on the organization of master classes and much more.


Leisure forms are a kind of types, options for organizing cultural leisure, characterized by the features of construction, goals, objectives and content, types and forms of activity of its participants, as well as the place and time of holding.

Acceptable forms of organizing cultural leisure are active forms of involving young people in cultural and leisure activities based on the initiative and practical participation of everyone. In the practice of the work of cultural institutions have developed various types organizations of cultural leisure of youth, which can be summarized in the following organizational forms:

organization of the activities of club formations (clubs of interest and amateur associations, creative teams;

organization of cultural and leisure activities.

Organization of activities of interest clubs.

Club - a public organization that unites people for the purpose of communication on the basis of joint scientific, artistic and other interests; voluntary association of youth with a specific purpose, functioning on a voluntary basis; a community of people with common interests united in an organization or association.

The variety of clubs is very wide: intellectual, political, sports, entertainment, etc.,

Organization of activities of creative teams.

A creative team is a voluntary association of lovers of musical, choreographic, theatrical and other genres of artistic creativity, based on a common interest and joint creative activity that contributes to the development of the talents of its members, the development and creation of cultural values.

Participation in creative teams is carried out in their free time from study and is one of the forms of active social, cultural and leisure activities.

Creative teams - ensembles, circles, studios, sections, clubs

The repertoire of creative teams is one of the leading educational factors, the formation of which takes into account the following tasks:

o to promote the formation and development of citizenship and patriotism among young people;

o develop respect for national history, traditions and culture of the people;

o to attach to the achievements of domestic and world artistic culture;

o contribute to the formation of a multicultural and tolerant personality;

o develop cultural horizons

Organization of cultural and leisure activities.

Work on the organization of leisure as an active form of extracurricular activities provides for the inclusion of young people in the preparation and holding of cultural and leisure activities. Youth and creative teams are actively involved in the organization, preparation, development and holding of cultural and sports events.

Cultural events:

official and solemn meetings;


show programs;

theatrical performances;

· folklore holidays;

competitions and festivals;

Theatrical processions

· Creative meetings with outstanding figures of culture and art.

dance evenings, etc.

For young people, leisure programs of an exclusively recreational nature are of the greatest interest, which allow you to relieve fatigue, stress, nervous tension, disconnect from all everyday worries. And therefore, such forms as small theatrical performances with a dance-competition program resonated with young people. These forms of leisure contribute to getting a charge of vivacity and positive emotions.

One of the most common types of leisure activities among young people, recreation, entertainment is a disco.

"Disco" (Greek diskos - disk and theke - storage) is one of the most popular forms of leisure among today's youth. The main purpose of the disco is dancing with the use of recordings of modern music. The disco, equipped according to all the rules, has perfect sound-reproducing equipment, light and music systems, etc., the head of musical programs is a disc jockey (DJ). "Disc jockey" or "DJ" (DJ) - A disc jockey, MC, disco host, one who puts records and spins them in different directions to achieve sounds and rhythms. The mood of the audience depends on his musical taste.

AT modern world the disco is in most cases part of an extensive system of show business, pursuing both commercial and ideological goals to distract young people from political, social and serious cultural problems. I would like to note that the disco is defined as a form of leisure organization.

A disco is a form of leisure that brings together people of various specialties, inclinations, talents based on interest in music and art. The purpose of discos is the moral and aesthetic education of young people using effective technical means. small institute sociological research”, where the tastes and needs of young people are studied through questionnaires, surveys, direct dialogue; "design bureau", where a wide variety of technical devices are conceived, designed and manufactured.

Promotions (flash mobs) are also very popular. Flash mob (flash mob, flash mob) - this is a pre-planned mass action in which a large group of people (mobbers) suddenly appear in a public place, perform predetermined actions (according to a prepared scenario) for several minutes and then quickly disperse in different directions at the same time, as if nothing had happened. The main principle: "Flash mob is out of politics and economics." Flashmobs cannot be held as advertising or social and political events.

Mind games also find their interest among young people.

An intellectual game is a type of game based on the players' use of their intellect (from Latin intellectus - understanding, knowledge) or erudition (from Latin eruditio - learning, knowledge; deep comprehensive knowledge, broad awareness). Mind games are often built in the form of a quiz: as a rule, in such games, participants are required to answer questions from various spheres of life and fields of knowledge.

Show programs have become one of the most popular forms of leisure organization in our country. Having received, thanks to television, millions of fans of all ages, they have widely entered the practice of cultural institutions, clubs for working with youth. The youth actively takes part in various show programs. Talk show (from the English talk - to speak) is a kind of show in which participants discuss topics proposed by the presenter. As a rule, spectators are present at the same time, who are given the opportunity to ask a question or express their opinion.

game show - a kind of show, which is based on a game played according to certain rules.

concert show - a type of show program, which is based on a particularly bright, spectacular concert (gala concert).

dance show - a type of show program based on the use of choreography.

sports show - a kind of show based on the demonstration of a sport.

Fashion show (from English Fashion - style, fashion) - fashion show, fashion show; fashion theater performance, etc.

Various festivals and competitions are also an integral part of the leisure life of young people, this is especially true for youth creative teams, clubs, circles, as well as individuals who are fond of various areas of youth leisure subcultures. The festival may include not only competitive, but also other entertainment (excursion, concert, etc.) program for its participants and spectators.

KVN, not new form, but still remains relevant for the youth environment. Young people actively take part in KVN. KVN (Club of Merry and Resourceful) - popular humorous games in which teams of various teams (universities, educational institutions, classes, etc.) compete in humorous answers to questions asked, improvisations on given topics, playing pre-prepared scenes, etc. d.

Today, in our time of information, computers and computer networks, the most modern equipment, young people are becoming more interested in "industrial" types of leisure games associated with the use of slot machines and computers. Creation of a hall of modern slot machines. These games require certain skills, computer literacy, new information and knowledge.

Salon games are games in a team psychologically turn-based role-playing games with a detective story. This is an option for holding a holiday for small groups of participants (from 10 to 30 people). As an independent event or in the structure of the Party, the parlor game allows participants to have an interesting and unusual time.

It cannot be said that all of the above forms are new in the modern leisure of young people. Most of them existed before, but over time their content changed due to the changing interests of young people, the emergence of new youth subcultures and the growth of technological progress. As noted by I.V. Nosov, despite the conservatism of traditions in their transmission from generation to generation, there are always unlimited opportunities for maneuvering their content. This is manifested in the removal of some of the obsolete elements or the replenishment of the specified heritage with new materials that are more appropriate for the prevailing conditions. The simplification of the types of youth leisure activities and the primitivization of their content, the inability to organize leisure activities can be explained by the underdevelopment of the leisure infrastructure, as well as the lack of sufficient material resources for most young people. This can be confirmed by the results of Yu.R. Vishnevsky and L.Ya Rubina, who testify that, for example, the level of students' spending on leisure activities closely correlates with the degree of satisfaction with spending free time. Moreover, researchers record the presence of a direct relationship between the amount of money spent on leisure activities and satisfaction with it.

The Internet as a type of leisure activity is organized not only at home, but also in various computer clubs, Internet cafes. At the same time, the functioning of such enterprises in the field of youth leisure is associated with a number of problems. So, in the course of an expert survey of a leading specialist of the department of organization educational work Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory discussed the results of raids on computer clubs in Krasnodar in September and November 2002. During an interview with an expert, concerns were raised about the "detrimental effect of overindulgence computer games questionable content on the psyche young man».

Modern forms of work with high school students and youth include:

* Recreational activities, which include tourism, conversations with medical specialists, preventive measures;

* Evenings of rest (thematic discos, festive evenings, evenings of communication and acquaintances, youth balls);

* Dispute clubs, talk shows, briefings, scientific and moral conferences, communal fees;

* Meetings with interesting people, built in various forms - conversations, "dark", programs based on the plots of television programs. Widely practiced are meetings with veterans of the Second World War and Afghanistan, meetings with the founders and members of youth associations to exchange work experience;

* Concerts and festivals, competitions with the participation of creative youth and amateur youth groups, exhibitions of works by young artists, poets, and emerging writers. Staging youth performances and musicals, shows with the participation of young performers and groups.

Rural House of Culture with. Eilig-Khem was put into operation in 1987 and is located in the village. Eiligkhem on Nayiral street 3. 5 specialists work at the rural House of Culture, 2 of them are specialists with higher professional education in culture.

The number of inhabitants of the village of Eilig-Khem is 627 people, including young people aged 15 to 24 years old 150 people, i.e. from total number population, the number of young people is 23.9%.

The main directions in work with youth were events of patriotic, moral, environmental education, introducing the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle. One of the main tasks is the mass involvement of young people in the useful and cultural spending of free time. From year to year, the main forms of work remain various contests, reviews, game programs, quizzes, games with elements of sports, hiking, themed discos, and evenings of rest. For example, discos with a game program “Ah, do you know who?”, “Cleanliness is the key to health”, “Cool you hit!”, “The best dancers of the evening”. Every year, in the House of Culture, together with the youth department, a KVN is held among youth teams. This year it was called "We are young". The idea was to identify and develop the abilities and talents of young people, communication and relationships between young people in the process of creative activity.

The priority areas of activity of the rural House of Culture of the Ulug-Khem kozhuun in 2012 are:

  • 1. Modernization of the material and technical base of the rural House of Culture with. Eilig-Khem. Since a club in a rural area should be a local intellectual base, a leisure center, technically equipped with modern computer and electronic means. For only a well-equipped club can be a center of culture;
  • 2. Modernization of youth leisure;
  • 3. Advanced training of specialists of the rural House of Culture, leaders of amateur groups. In kozhuun, 19 specialists of rural clubs have only a secondary specialized education, 9 specialists have a secondary special education not in culture, which is 52%, therefore, the problem of specialists capable of solving complex problems of cultural and leisure institutions in the new conditions, and hence the problem of improving the qualifications of these specialists - one of the main ones. It is solved according to the plan for advanced training of specialists of rural cultural and leisure institutions;
  • 4. Active participation in the development of Grants of the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, social and creative orders, FTP.

At present, the demand of the population, especially young people, for holding high-quality and meaningful events has noticeably increased. Indeed, would a person want to spend his leisure time in a technically unequipped cultural center, if other institutions are much better in this regard? Will he go to a disco in a club with poor sound quality and without appropriate lighting effects, while in Kyzyl, for example, there are many high-quality recreational places? This question is now facing the cultural workers of the village in all acuteness. It's not just that the club may lose its credibility in the eyes of the people. With poor equipment technical means the club will cease to be a center of culture, a place of rest.

Intending to keep pace with the times, it is necessary to firmly understand that the normal functioning of any, even a small club, both in the city and in the countryside, is unthinkable today without the use of new technologies, without skillful leadership. There is no area of ​​cultural work where the urgent need for technical workers is not felt. Is it possible to do without technical assistants who can make each event more emotional, colorful, and intelligible? And the development of paid services provided by the club to the population cannot be solved without a good material and technical base.

Realizing the great role of new technologies, we in our House of Culture are trying to work on the constant improvement of the material and technical base, taking into account modern requirements, which undoubtedly affects the level of events. Compared to 2000, the number of club formations, cultural and leisure activities, financial receipts from different types statutory services.

Several sets of computer, office equipment, and communication equipment were purchased with the proceeds from the provision of statutory paid services, as well as, to a lesser extent, from sponsorship receipts. A SANYO video projector was purchased and successfully used in the work, the use of which has significantly improved the quality and level of events.

It became possible colorful show-video-discos for young people with simultaneous projection of video clips, which, in our opinion, significantly raises the level of discos to a qualitatively new level. Broadcasting of events on the screen, showing slides, videos, titles was new in the course of events.

New technologies are being actively introduced into self-supporting circles, interest clubs and amateur associations. There are 13 formations in the House of Culture, where 125 people are engaged, of which for young people from 15 to 24 years old, 5 formations, where 80 people are engaged.

Since 2011, 2 paid self-sustaining clubs and a video recording studio have been operating in our House of Culture, where young people aged 15 to 24 are engaged, in total 50 people.

This is a computer circle "My computer world" (headed by Mongush A.A.). The purpose of this circle is to teach the basic skills of working on a personal computer. The training program includes familiarization with the device of a computer and peripheral devices, work with graphics, text, worldwide network Internet.

We get everything from the receipts of tuition fees in the circle expendable materials: printer cartridges, paper, copier refills, laminating film, etc.

Circle of future video operators. The class is held weekly. Theory is taught, the main methods of shooting, the ability to use light, a microphone. Thanks to the club members, all events are recorded with a video camera on a cassette and stored in a separate fund. There is a recording studio. The center has its own recording studio with the possibility of computer pre-mastering and the production of laser CDs, where 10 people are passionate about the work. (ages 14 to 24).

In the future, it is planned to open a club of cinema lovers at the House of Culture, which, we hope, will bring together the youth of like-minded film lovers. The level and number of rural leisure activities are not comparable with those in the capital, and this determines the low attendance of youth events. The way of life of the villagers is more monotonous than that of the townspeople, they watch TV more, attend discos more often, and walk more.

Thus, the problem of youth satisfaction with their leisure time is relevant today. This problem has both objective and subjective content. On the one hand, the passivity of young people, the orientation towards consumerism, on the other hand, financial restrictions. The House of Culture, for example, considers the holding of paid services, discos, circles, rent of premises and equipment as a way out of this situation, as a financial limitation. The introduction of paid, interesting circles for young people and the population in the House of Culture. We believe that then the mechanism of self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency will work.

And so today, 8 most important factors for attracting the population, youth to the rural House of Culture and the development of a club institution have been identified: interest in their work and the creative level of the leader, specialists working in this House of Culture, well-thought-out tactics of work, active implementation of statutory paid services at the request of the population , the constant improvement of the material and technical base, the active introduction of new technologies in work, the Internet, communications and the constant improvement of aesthetics, the design of the exterior facade of the building, the improvement of its territory: landscaping, lighting, etc.

In order to activate the consistent work of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere for the prevention of socially dangerous diseases, to introduce the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle, together with the Department of Education of the Administration of the Ulug-Khem kozhuun, a cycle of preventive programs was carried out such as “No to tuberculosis!”, “We are for a healthy lifestyle”, “ Strip of Life”, on the prevention of offenses, the degradation of the individual and simply to the fact that a person does not grow up as a full member of society.

So the problem of a creative approach to organizing youth leisure is a task state level. And its decision is of national importance. Therefore, it should be given great attention at all levels.

But still, it is most effectively solved on an individual, personal level.

Therefore, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the harmonious development of the personality, to stimulate the desire of young people to actively spend their leisure time, to minimize the unoccupied free time of young people. And everyone will benefit from this. After all, young people are not only an active, living part of society, but also its foundation in the future. Thus, in conclusion, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Leisure activities in free time outside the sphere of social and domestic labor, thanks to which the individual restores his ability to work and develops in himself mainly those skills and abilities that cannot be improved in the sphere of labor activity. This activity is carried out in line with certain interests and goals that a person sets for himself.

Leisure is a part of the social time of an individual, group, or society as a whole, which is used to preserve, restore the development of physical and spiritual health man, his intellectual development. The culture of youth leisure is characterized by such activities that are preferred in their free time.

The ability to direct soy activities during leisure hours to achieve generally significant goals, the implementation of one's life program, the development and improvement of one's essential forces, largely depends on the social well-being of a young person, his satisfaction. free time. When considering socio-cultural technologies for organizing youth leisure, the following was revealed ...

The sphere of youth leisure has its own characteristics. The leisure of young people is significantly different from the leisure of other age groups due to its specific spiritual and physical needs and socially inherent in it. psychological features. These features include increased emotional, physical mobility, dynamic mood swings, visual and intellectual susceptibility. Young people are attracted to everything new, unknown.

The specific features of youth include the predominance of search activity in it. Thus, the task of cultural and leisure centers is the maximum implementation of developing leisure programs for young people, which are based on the principle of simplicity of organization, mass character, inclusion of unused youth groups. Organization Improvement cultural forms youth leisure will provide her with the opportunity for informal communication, creative self-realization, spiritual development, will contribute to the educational impact on large groups of young people.

It is important for cultural and leisure institutions to be able to organize such work and such leisure programs that could captivate any young person, therefore it is necessary:

  • - continuous improvement of the material and technical base of cultural and leisure institutions;
  • - improve the quality level of leisure activities through the introduction of new, non-traditional forms of entertainment, education and communication and a wide choice of them;
  • - creation of a comfortable cultural and leisure environment in which various segments of the population would feel comfortable;
  • - creation of a bank of ideas and a center for young initiatives, taking into account the needs, interests and needs of youth in activities;
  • - creation and organization of new interest clubs, living rooms and amateur associations;
  • - participation in various competitions, festivals and support for groups and participants in amateur performances;
  • - creation on the basis of a cultural and leisure institution of social living rooms, communication groups, consultations of psychologists, centers for socio-psychological rehabilitation for those in need of communication, care, kindness.

Based on the above as a proposal, we have developed a draft municipal target program for organizing youth leisure.

We hope that the practical significance of this work in the future will be associated with the possibility of its use by specialists of cultural and leisure institutions, as well as teachers and organizers in educational institutions as guidelines for the organization of the youth.


In the course of the study, we studied the current state of the activities of cultural institutions in organizing leisure activities for the youth of the village, as a special category of the population. The transition to market relations necessitates constant enrichment of the content of the activities of cultural institutions, methods of its implementation and search, new leisure technologies. One of the urgent problems of the activities of cultural and leisure institutions on the way to solving this problem is the organization of youth leisure. leisure youth sociocultural

Optimal use of the socio-cultural potential of young people is achieved through the use of socio-cultural technologies, namely the development and implementation of socio-cultural projects and programs. For this purpose, we have developed a draft settlement target program "Youth of the village of Eilig-Khem for 2013-2015", which was approved by the Head of Administration and allocated funds for the implementation of the program in the budget of Ulug-Khemsky kozhuun for 2013.

We hope that our target program will be implemented successfully, as it is practically significant.

Youth is a key audience of any mass action or holiday. Therefore, the organizers need to take into account the opinion of this audience. So, what do young people think about youth holidays? I asked several representatives of the younger generation to answer the following questions:

  • 1 - What holidays do you consider youthful?
  • 2 - What is the fundamental difference between a youth holiday and a non-youth holiday?
  • 3 - What is needed for a successful party for a young audience?
  • 4 - Examples of successful, in your opinion, youth events that you attended?
  • 1) Youth Day, Valentine's Day, April Fool's Day.
  • 2) Age category, there are mostly people from 18 to 25. A more active competitive program. The texts in the event are more modern.
  • 3) It is good to interest the youth. Play more interesting prizes, and more often activate the audience.
  • 4) Beauty Contest 2010
  • 20 years. Nina.
  • 1) Youth Day, City Day, Laughter Day, Student Day.
  • 2) There are people up to 30 years old, Modern content of the action. Interesting active competitions, modern musical accompaniment topical issues for us youth.
  • 3) It is necessary to properly organize, so that it would be interesting for everyone, campaigning, advertising in advance, posting information on the Internet. Activate during presentation. Topics interesting to raise. Actors and artists that would be professional.
  • 4) April Fool's Day

Vika, 20 years old.

  • 1) New Year, City Day, Russia Day, Ivan Kupala Day, Tatyana's Day and Valentine's Day.
  • 2) Active competitions, modern vocabulary, a disco is a must.
  • 3) It is important that there are good presenters at the event who will not read information from tablets. What would be well conveyed the theme of the holiday, traditions, etc. And it is also very important that the dynamics of the presentation is respected.
  • 4) Festival of gifted children.

Anna, 18 years old.

Summing up the results of the survey, we can conclude that the most attractive holidays for young people are St. Valentine's Day, Youth Day, April Fool's Day, and the most important thing in holding it is the impeccable organization and idea of ​​​​the event itself - how close it is to young people and is able to unite the participants.

The main difficulty in organizing youth holidays is that the tastes of modern young people are extremely diverse. This is expressed in everything from music and literature to clothing style. Each representative of the youth is individual and wants to prove himself against the background of his peers. Our task is to make it happen, but at the same time it is important not to offend anyone else, to almost everyone to do brief analysis and individual approach and, of course, arouse full interest in the content of the holiday. And then it will become the key to a successful event and high appreciation of the actions of the organizers by all those present. It is important to know how and what to "dress" the holiday, what idea and artistic thought to put into it so that it is interesting and eventful. I propose to make a short excursion into interesting forms of celebrations, many of them have a historical beginning and entered the culture as traditional, but are still used today. And there are new forms that have come to us in the 21st century, quite recently.

social leisure youth

Today, social services for youth carry out their activities in more than 30 areas. Only psychological and pedagogical counseling for adolescents and youth is carried out by 206 centers; 10% of services provide emergency psychological assistance by phone; about 6% of the centers are engaged in social rehabilitation; 19.5% provide sociocultural services; 13.5% are engaged in career guidance and employment of young people; about 1% provide legal and almost 5% - informational assistance to young people.

The main areas of work of the youth social service bodies are:

Educational and preventive;




Information and advisory;

Employment promotion;

Social support for the younger generation.

In the educational and preventive direction, the content is built in the logic of promoting the self-realization of children and youth, which means helping them in the conscious expedient disclosure and use of their positive capabilities, aimed at free choice of new growth opportunities.

To implement this direction, the following tasks should be solved:

1. Acquisition and updating by adolescents of important socio-psychological knowledge.

2. Disclosure and implementation by adolescents of subjective qualities in various activities.

3. Development of a reflective position and feedback skills in adolescents.

The rehabilitation area includes issues of drug prevention, the consequences of vagrancy, unauthorized departures of residents of boarding schools (ICI) who have been treated for drug addiction and alcoholism and are in remission, etc.

The following methods are used in the work: conversation, observation, interviewing, individual counseling, individual psycho-correction, group psycho-correction, skills training.

The purpose of the direction is the activation of non-specific adaptive reactions of the body and the achievement of emotional balance and deep mental relaxation.

The health direction includes the improvement of the nation, the formation of a healthy, physically strong generation, clearly identified in the Development Concept physical education and sports Russian Federation, the task of maintaining and strengthening health in the conditions of a mass general education school is paramount in the educational process. This task is multifaceted. One of the reasons for the decline in the health of students is their overwork in an educational institution, low physical activity outside of school hours.

The basic principle of working with young people is the rational organization of their leisure time outside of school hours. Implemented here:

1. Educational activities(aimed at obtaining the initial skills of the profession or artistic skill) - classes in circles, electives, pre-profile training courses.

2. Gaming leisure activities ( leisure in the form of a game, aimed at expanding the horizons of young people and organizing free time) - contests, quizzes, game programs, matinees, collective creative activities, discos. This also includes many forms that are actively implemented in cultural and leisure institutions.

These are mass events (KVN, educational competitions, - musical, historical, literary, concerts), evenings of communication (disputes, press conferences, briefings, talk shows, conference-disputes), meetings with interesting people (professional-oriented, valueological , creative, meetings with veterans), festive musical and dance or theatrical events (balls, carnivals, evenings, matinees for children).

3. Recreational leisure (aimed at switching the attention of young people from school (institute), communication, familiarization with nature and cultural values) - hiking, excursions, trips out of town, visiting museums, concerts, social clubs of interest.

The whole variety of forms of communication among young people in the context of leisure activities can be classified according to the following main features:

By time (short-term, periodic, systematic);

By nature (passive, active);

According to the direction of contacts (direct and indirect).

There are two main forms of youth leisure: organized and unorganized. The sphere of organized leisure includes teenage and youth organizations, houses of culture, social centers, art and sports clubs, clubs, sections, etc. Formally established organizations youth leisure activities contribute to the inclusion of boys and girls in new social relations, their self-realization, socialization of the individual, assist the family in raising the younger generation, contribute to the prevention of neglect, deviant behavior among minors.

Unorganized leisure is a spontaneous formation of youth groups united on some basis, for example, these may be similar interests. To belong to informal group provides a young person with a certain social status and satisfies the needs for social protection thanks to high degree intragroup solidarity. Often this leads to self-identification with the company of peers, the rejection of individuality, complete submission to the norms, values ​​and interests of the group. In such informal groups, the unifying core is the way of life, one's own morality, spiritual values, paraphernalia, slang, that is, a kind of subculture that is different from the generally accepted culture of adults, which applies only to members of the group, regardless of the rest of those around them. To declare itself, the society should be surprised, amazed. This is embodied in clothes, manners, jargon, specific hobbies. Quite often, everything is limited only by eccentric behavior, violation of moral standards, interests around music, parties, destructive manifestations. The difference between a spontaneous group as an agent of socialization lies in the fact that it is not regulated by any legislation, is unpredictable and often poses a danger to both boys and girls, and to others.

An unorganized form of leisure, communication in the company of peers, to be a member of which a young person needs organically, is a natural process. Indeed, according to many surveys of young men and women, preferences for spending leisure time are given precisely to informal communication with friends and peers.

In modern Russian conditions, the organization of youth leisure by the state is developed at an insufficient level. Free circle associations, sections, studios, usually existing at institutions of general and vocational education, institutions of additional education, Palaces of Culture, have either disintegrated or are not able to interest young people. Institutions that organize free time on a commercial basis, many young people cannot pay. Besides, Special attention You should pay attention to informal youth associations that are formed according to the “yard”, micro-district affiliation, as the subject of socialization, but in such companies it is possible Negative influence- the use of alcoholic beverages, familiarization with tobacco and drugs, participation in antisocial manifestations.

In this connection, one of the directions for the prevention of deviant behavior of young people is, firstly, the creation of more opportunities for the implementation of various taste preferences in the field of leisure, the "legalization" of young people's hobbies, the provision of free choice of leisure activities; secondly, expanding the network of leisure institutions for young people, and strengthening control over those institutions whose activities are associated with the presence of such forms of social deviation as alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution (discotheques, night clubs, etc.); thirdly, the identification of teenage youth companies and groups in order to use the desire of a young person to belong to an informal group, to direct their activities in a socially significant direction.

The activities of a social and leisure institution and its improvement depend not only on the skillful organization of leisure, but also on the consideration of psychological and pedagogical factors. The activity of young people in the field of free time is based on voluntariness, on personal initiative, on an interest in communication and creativity. In this regard, there are questions of communication in teams, and the typology of leisure behavior. Therefore, one can speak about the content of events, about the forms and methods of work only when the psychology of the individual and the psychology of groups, the psychology of collectives and the masses are taken into account. Realizing the goal of development creativity, taking into account personal initiative and voluntariness in leisure conditions, the type of activity of people, leisure organizers create such events that include programs for self-development and creativity. This is a fundamental difference between activities in the conditions of a cultural and leisure institution, from regulated conditions, where the development and enrichment of the individual are of such a voluntary nature.

Information and advisory activities include:

Enlightenment of youth in the form of "round tables", disputes, conversations;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Prevention of asocial phenomena in the youth environment;

Improving the legal culture and literacy of young people;

Preparing youth for family life;

Consultative activity of specialists: psychologist, narcologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, lawyer;

Holding opinion polls among young people;

Organization of temporary summer employment for adolescents and youth.

Social service bodies assist in the employment of young people. Employment is carried out in the following areas:

1. Organization of public works.

2. Organization of temporary employment for unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work.

3. Organization of temporary employment of graduates educational institutions vocational education up to the age of 25.

4. Organization of temporary employment of minors aged 14 to 18 years.

Social therapy is an industry scientific knowledge, focused on solving social and therapeutic problems through overcoming anomalies in life orientations, social values ​​of subjects public life(including young people), their ideas about justice and injustice.

Common technologies of social therapy include the following technologies:

1. Consulting - establishing contact through verbal communication, identifying client problems, assistance and interaction in finding their solution.

2. Art therapy - "art therapy" through the involvement of a young person in cultural and leisure activities, visiting various cultural and leisure institutions.

3. Music therapy - the socialization of the individual by turning to any musical culture, subculture, attending concerts, rallies, competitions, themed discos, regular listening to musical compositions.

4. Bibliotherapy - the impact on the consciousness of the individual in the process of forming meaning-life orientations through the selection of special literature.

5. Socio-pedagogical technologies - Active participation a social worker (teacher) in the upbringing of the client and the formation of his meaning-life orientations.

6. Creative technologies - involving young people in collective creative and constructive activities, promoting the development of individual creativity.

7. Logotherapy - (from the Greek logos - word, therapeia - care, treatment) treatment with a word. Social logotherapy deals with the study of methods, means, ways of influencing (mutual influence) on people's ideas about social processes, the meaning of life, social values.

Exploring the real needs of young people in social services- a key element in the formation of a system of their social services. According to studies, young people need, first of all, the labor exchange, legal protection and legal advice, the work of "helplines", in sexological consultation, a center for helping a young family, a hostel-shelter for teenagers who find themselves in conflict situation at home. One of the main problems of youth is employment, well-paid and interesting job. Market relations involve a radical transformation of incentives and motives economic activity people, the formation of the readiness and ability of the younger generation to live and work in new conditions. A study of the attitude to work of various categories of young people showed that a radical reorientation took place in their minds from the preference for non-material values ​​to material ones. The solution of many socio-economic problems of young people is facilitated by youth entrepreneurship, the development of which is helped by a whole complex system of organizations, including regional educational and entrepreneurial centers, business incubators, business support centers, etc.

Society and the state consider youth as a basic strategic resource, as a real subject of socio-economic policy. This means increasing attention to the problems of youth, a fundamental change in attitude towards them at all levels of government, as well as building a public-state system of youth work.

Basic principles, directions and standards social work with youth, state policies regarding youth should be formulated and defined at the federal level in the form of main strategic directions and priorities, which should be reflected in the legal framework, decisions and documents of the federal executive authorities.

Social work with youth should be based not on guardianship and paternalism, but on stimulating the activity of young people themselves, creating conditions for independently solving the problems they face. Social work with youth is not focused on creating benefits for young people. This is a targeted and systematic investment policy that provides for investing in young people through the organization and stimulation of work initiated, organized and carried out, primarily by the youth themselves. Financing of youth work should be carried out from the budgets of all levels and from extrabudgetary sources, based on the principles of investment, through the creation of effective mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness of this work.

There are various reasons for the emergence of different types and forms of social work. One of these grounds are the spheres of social practice, and in this case we can talk about social work with young people in education, healthcare, leisure, etc.; others - the socio-psychological characteristics of social work clients - young people in general, social risk groups, suicidal people, etc.; the third is character and other grounds. In all cases, the goal of social work will be specified (from prevention to correction).

Thus, this concept also includes social services, the role of which in society differs in many respects from the activities of ordinary state institutions. Social services act as the institutional basis of social work, it is through them that implementation mechanisms are implemented social projects into practice in order to protect and support various groups of the population.

In this regard, it is important to expand the content of old and develop new methods, organizational forms of social and youth work and work on the social support of youth, attract specialists armed with new knowledge, leading the search and testing innovative technologies social work with families, street social work with adolescents, development of socio-psychological counseling methods and programs, taking into account the type of settlement.

Thus, the use of various principles and methods of social work with youth makes it possible to solve a wide range of problems covering the younger generation in a difficult period of time for them.

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