Beautiful stories about health. Parables (Reading interesting parables is good for a person's spiritual health)2. A short parable about life - What you order is what you get

In this article we will publish stories about a healthy lifestyle.
There are a lot of wise sayings and instructive parables about health, youth and happiness. In this section, we have collected some of the parables.

Greedy and health at a loss

A man lived in a village. He was very rich and, of course, very greedy. And he suffered greatly that his servants ate a lot. He would kick them all out, but how could he do without them? It is good for the poor - he is his own master. But the rich man is worse: he, the poor fellow, is only the master of his servants, and he himself does not know how to fulfill his own orders, and therefore without servants, as if without hands.
One day the rich man fell ill and lost his appetite. When the doctor came, the patient turned to him with a question:
“Tell me, venerable one, how is it that I don’t eat anything all day, and I don’t feel like it?”
“You have a fever,” the doctor replied, “and therefore you have no appetite. You will be healthy and you will have an appetite.
The miser listened to these words, was upset and at the same time rejoiced, laughed and at the same time wept:
- Oh, it's good that I'm sick: the wallet will be healthier! Oh, how bad it is that my servants are healthy: the wallet is dying!

The secret of longevity

Once a student of a doctor asked his mentor:
— Teacher, reveal to me the main secret of longevity.
“The basis of longevity,” the Teacher said, “is health, and the basis of health is calmness. The calm one does not destroy his body with passionate love, indomitable hatred or insatiable desire. He does not undermine the roots of his health with joy and sorrow, longing and fear; but, avoiding everything superfluous, he never refuses that which gives pleasure, does not violate the harmony of yin and yang.

One day a man asked a wise man:
- How can I get rid of a skin rash, what have I just not done: different lotions, and medicines used, but it still does not go away?
The sage replied:
- There was one person in this world and all the time he did only that he repaired his leaking roof. He put patches of roofing material, smeared it with paint, sewed it up with pieces of iron, but the water still found weak spots in the roof and seeped into the ceiling, and then into the living rooms. Everyone to whom he turned for advice climbed onto the roof and advised in his own way, but about the same thing. However, nothing helped. The rains became a real curse for this man. But in the house the number of various basins and buckets multiplied. And suddenly another master climbed not to the roof, but to the attic. There he saw rotten boards and many other flaws ... So you should find a normal specialist. He will treat your real disease, not its false echo.

A man lived in the world. And the man had a true friend - a dog. But the disease came to the man, his eyesight began to deteriorate rapidly. Every day it got worse and the man went blind. And he grumbled, because it became difficult for him to live in the world. He clung to objects, stumbled and fell. And the dog came to the aid of the man. She began to lead him through the streets, to warn him of danger. The man cherished and cherished the dog, and praised it every day.
But the end of the dog's life has come. And the man was left alone, without support. And he again began to stumble upon dangerous objects and cripple himself, falling on the street. The man understood that it would be difficult for him now without a dog. Understood and reconciled. And he began to strain his eyesight, trying to see at least the light. He succeeded. And he began to train his eyesight in order to see objects. And gradually the vision returned to the person. And the man grumbled that he had lost so much time. And he cursed the dog, which, in his opinion, prevented him from seeing.


The school teacher had a very difficult character. And the boys figured out how to get rid of him. The next day, as they entered the classroom, they each sympathetically told the teacher that he looked completely ill. Master was perfectly healthy, but doubt crept into his heart. He collected his books and went home. When his wife opened the door, he already looked pale and sick. His wife made a bed for him, the teacher took to his bed and stopped attending classes. Several days have passed. The teacher got worse. He completely stopped getting out of bed, his eyes were sunken, everything hurt. Then the children took pity on him and decided to heal him. They began to visit him one by one, and everyone said that now the teacher looks great. After all, the eldest of the students came and suggested that the teacher take a walk down the street together in order to finally recover. On the street, everyone who met the teacher congratulated him on his recovery. The teacher cheered up - and the ailments ceased to torment him.

Different reasons

Avicenna had a very diligent, new student. Once a blind man was brought to the great doctor. The teacher told the student what ingredients to mix to make two cakes. He did everything exactly as he was told. Cakes were applied to the eyes of the patient - and the next day he received his sight. And the neighbor of the unfortunate student was also blind. Inspired by this success, the apprentice made exactly the same cakes and placed them over his eyes. The next day, the neighbor became even worse, his eyes hurt and became inflamed.
The student came running in tears:
“How is it, Master, I did as you said last time!” Why did it happen?
In deep sorrow, the sage replied:
- Blindness comes from various reasons: from dryness of the body, from humidity, from heat, from cold, etc. A thousand blind people have a thousand reasons. Go son. You only have to work as a baker.

Once, three sorcerers came to the wisest clan of the Quiet Ones with a request to test them in the art of healing. The wisest ordered his disciples to bring to the healers all the suffering and sick in the district, and he himself began to observe what they were doing. Nine days later, when the last patient was cured, the Wise One said to the healers: “The most knowledgeable of you heals the base, making medicines and potions from stones, herbs and parts of animals. "The wisest among you teaches the sick themselves to eradicate the disease, while avoiding neither the low nor the high. You three have reached perfection, but I prefer the wise one, for he knows the Middle Way."

Once there were three strangers. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened them and asked: “Who are you?”
- Health, Love and Wealth. Let us sleep over.
Sorry, but we only have one free seat. I'm going to go talk to my family about which one of you to let in.
The sick mother said, "Let's let Health in."
The daughter offered to let Love in, and the wife suggested Wealth.
While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared.

Once Health and Happiness argued about which of them is more important. Happiness says:
- I'm more important!
- Why?
“It’s bad for people without me. They are always looking for me. Everyone is talking about me. Everyone wants to be happy.
Everyone also wants to be healthy.
- Few people talk about health, but everyone talks about happiness.
Do you think people don't need health?
- Happiness is more important! Man cannot do without it. Look, there goes the boy. Let's ask him what is more important for him - happiness or health?
They turned to the boy.
- Boy, what is more important to you - happiness or health?
- Of course, happiness! The boy answered without hesitation.
- You are happy?
- O! Yes, I'm happy!
- Here you see! Happiness clapped her hands and jumped for joy. - I'm telling you that happiness is more important.
“Tell me, boy, are you well?” Health asked the next question.
Yes, I'm healthy!
- You are lucky! a woman passing by intervened. - I would like your health, then I would be happy.

eye disease

A man comes to the doctor.
“I’m dying,” he says. - Oh, my stomach hurts! Doctor, save me, I beg you!
The doctor looked at him.
- What did you eat?
“Yes, I am,” he says, “I work as a baker. The whole oven of bread burned down. Well, there were a few not completely burnt loaves left there, so I eat them every day. It's a pity it's good!
Then the doctor says to his disciple:
“Get some medicine for blindness. Let three drops drip into your eyes every day.
The baker asks:
- Are you kidding me? I'm sighted! My stomach hurts!
- Well no! If you are sighted, then why did you eat burnt bread?

On the same day and hour, in the same house, two boys fell ill with the same disease. They were peers and bore the same name: Dmitry the First lived on the first floor, and Dmitry the Second lived on the second.

The concerned mothers of the boys called the doctor. It turned out to be a man in a white coat, with a long beard and a caring smile. So he was kind and smart.

First, he visited Dmitry the First, that is, the first Dima from the first floor.

Why do doctors start examining a sick child? The good doctor with the beard started with the same thing: he ordered Dima to open his mouth and say a long “aaaa”, and through his glasses, frowning his forehead, he looked inside. Then he took the temperature, checked the pulse, listened to the heart, lungs. Then he became interested in what the boy had been sick before, what he had been eating and drinking in recent days, whether he had headaches and dizziness, whether there was vomiting.

He analyzed all this and much more in his mind and said to the mother of the first Dima:

This disease is very insidious, it lasts more than a month, and the boy will have to lie in bed all this time.

A kind doctor with a beard prescribed medication for the boy and prescribed treatment: what you can and cannot eat and drink, how to follow the regimen, etc.

Dmitry the First, of course, became sad.

Then a kind and intelligent doctor with a beard, with a smile and in a white coat, went up to the second floor and examined Dmitry II, the second Dima, with the same thoroughness. And also found that the disease was the same. He told the mother of the second Dima the same thing as the mother of the first Dima, and prescribed the same treatment for Dmitry II as for Dmitry the First.

Dmitry II, of course, also felt sad.

Days passed. And since much was forbidden to both Dmitri, they could think a lot, because the doctor did not forbid them to think.

Dmitry the First did just that: he plunged into thoughts, in other words, into his spiritual world. "What's going on here?" he thought and looked around. The boy was horrified to find in him a swarm of locusts of dark thoughts, bad words, a pile of fragments of terrible images - shooting, murder, deceit, anger and hatred. “Where does all this abomination in me come from?!” The boy lit a big fire in his imagination and threw all this rubbish into it. And although then the fire went out, nevertheless, it became lighter in the soul.

Then the image of his beloved grandmother surfaced before him, who was also sick and therefore could not visit her grandson. At first, every day he sent her a mental caress, and then the idea came to build a small church and give it to her. He built in his imagination with his eyes closed, patiently and for a long time. Decorated it inside and out. And when the church was ready, grandmother came. She admired the gift of her grandson and offered a great prayer in the church for the benefit of all the people of the Earth, for Dima's speedy recovery. People came to the church, prayed, and it began to glow. Dmitry the First looked at his spiritual creation and rejoiced that he had brought joy to people. And it made my heart even brighter.

At the appointed time, his mother gave him medicine, and then, swallowing the pills, he mentally turned to them: “Thank you, good medicine, that you want to cure me.”

This is how Dmitry the First lived in his spiritual world.

And on the second floor, Dmitry II was lying in bed, who from time to time also plunged into his inner world, but repaired something completely different there. He was spiteful, envious and revenged. “Why did I get sick, and not the one who took my gun and does not return it? I'll get up and punch him in the face... And that bully who makes fun of me? You need to teach her a good lesson, she will learn how to treat me! .. ”He scolded someone all the time, came up with insidious ways for revenge. And sometimes in his thoughts he walked the streets with two pistols, people shied away from him, and he was glad that they were afraid of him.

What if the store is robbed? But better - a bank, and immediately get rich! The rich don't need to study. And he imagined himself the ruler of the island, where he was surrounded by servants and maids, ready to fulfill his every whim. Sometimes he turned into an ataman of robbers or a captain of pirate ships. He hid all the loot in impregnable caves. And in general, what kind of parents does he have, they don’t want to buy him a computer as a gift so that he can live in the virtual world of pirates. “I won’t go to school until my wish is fulfilled… And the school, of course, should be blown up.”

So in the spiritual world of the second Dima, ugly thoughts, images and bad words multiplied by a huge number of their own kind. And when his mother brought him medicines, he scolded the doctor who prescribed him such nasty things.

A week later, a doctor with a beard, with a caring smile and in a white coat visited his patients. This time he started from the second floor and checked the health of Dmitry II.

Oh oh oh! he said anxiously. - So far, no improvement... Did you follow my instructions exactly? - he turned to Dima's mother. “Then why did the boy not get better, but worse?”

A kind and intelligent doctor could not understand the reasons for the aggravation of the condition. Therefore, he added others to the previous medicines.

Then he went down to the first floor and visited Dmitry the First. And after examining him, he said thoughtfully:

I can't figure out what's going on! This disease is not cured in a week, but the boy is completely healthy! And there, upstairs, another boy got worse! ..

But who could explain to the kind and bearded doctor the secret that the First Dima will reveal when he grows up?

And twenty-five years have passed since then. Do you know the name of Dmitry the First?

Yes, now he is the most famous doctor.

Before he tells the patient: “Open your mouth and say“ aaaa ”, - he first does something strange: he looks into the eyes of the patient and looks for something in them for a long time. “The eyes are the mirror of the soul,” he whispers to himself. And then he does everything in the same way as a kind and smart doctor with a beard did and prescribes medicines.

But he also does something that no doctor does: he writes something secret on a special purple form and puts it under the patient's pillow, and no one except the patient has the right to look into it.

Only a few days pass, the person recovers and never gets sick again. And burns a secret note.

And if someone asks Dmitry the First to reveal the secret, he closes his eyes, smiles mysteriously and says something vague:

You see, brother, the energy of the spirit...

So understand the secret of healing.

Louise Hay's books contain tables containing a complete list of diseases in alphabetical order. For each disease, the psychological causes that caused it are given. Thus, we have practical confirmation that most diseases are psychosomatic in nature. So, in particular, opposite to “incurable diseases”, when people have many health problems, go from specialist to specialist, take many drugs, but do not get relief, it is indicated that it is impossible to be cured by external means in this case. In order to regain health, you need to go inside yourself, that is, deal with your emotions, attitudes.

Most often, people with “incurable diseases” first need the help of a psychologist, so that because the cause of the disease can be all sorts of fears, repressed anger, hurt pride, disbelief in the course of life, guilt or resentment, unrealized creative abilities, lack of security, lack of attention. People lose the ability to look at the world with joy.

About where to find happiness and joy in such a turbulent time of ours, tells the parable of health, the health of not only the body, but also the soul.

Parable about health.

AND there was a holy man in the world, and he had the gift of healing. He healed many people. Everyone respected and loved him. However, the time has come for him to die. The people were sad:

- How will we be without you? We will wither completely, because no one will help us or our children except you.

The saint began to convince the people that it was not he who healed people, but God. He himself only asked God for this in his prayers:

“If I die, then you yourself ask for mercy from God,” he consoled people, but no matter how much he convinced them of this, people did not want to believe.

“God is far away, and you are near,” they lamented.

Then the saint decided to test them and said:

- I will die, and I will leave you this stone from my neck. He will heal you.

Everyone immediately rejoiced, took the stone and calmed down about their future. Since then, a saying has appeared in this area: a magic stone in the hand is better than a God in the sky.

L Once, two people were driving in a hospital ward: one at the window, the other at the wall. The one who lay at the window every day described to his friend everything he saw on the street: a bewitching sunset, merry children's pranks, the embrace of lovers, the lush greenery of parks.

The second patient was very envious of the first and secretly grumbled at his unfair share: “Why do others get all the best, and I have to be content with “leftovers”?” But the patient, who was lying by the window, died. And then the second patient asked to be transferred to the bed by the window. The merciful sisters fulfilled his request. However, the man was surprised to find that the window overlooks the wall of the neighbor's house, except for which absolutely nothing is visible from the window.

- How could that patient see everything that happens on the street ?! he exclaimed in bewilderment.

- Didn't you know? - the sister was surprised, - Your neighbor was blind.

W once a rich man was sick. Nothing pleases him: neither the house is a full bowl, nor the beautiful wife, nor the Persian carpets, not the sturgeons in aspic, nor the poverty of the neighbor. The melancholy is completely stuck, a piece does not climb into the throat.

The rich man called different doctors: his own and overseas, and they began to deliberate. They thought and thought, decided, wondered, but they did not understand anything. They decided that this ailment was foreign, unknown to science yet. And they did not find anything better than to prescribe the patient to take broth and exercise.

So the rich man drank his broth and went for a walk. To meet him the poor man:

- Give for the sake of Christ for food, in the morning there were no crumbs in your mouth.

- I would like your problems! - the rich man was angry - I don’t eat for days on end, I don’t sleep, I’m breaking my head, how can I defeat my illness, and just fill your belly.

There were two brothers in the world. One brother, his name was Zhivo, was in excellent health, he never got sick, walked barefoot in the cold, drank ice water from a source, ate what he had to, in general, did what he liked, and at the same time with good health he was all right. Another brother, his name was Mero, all the time took care of being warmly dressed, drinking only warm water, eating only healthy food little by little, obeying his parents in everything, and at the same time he constantly had problems with his health. No matter what the parents did, no matter what doctors they turned to, all to no avail. And then one day, late in the evening, a man knocked at their house. He was very poorly dressed, in his hands he had a small knapsack, from which bags of herbs could be seen. The father immediately guessed that it was an old herbalist, and gladly let him in for the night. The hosts fed and watered the old man and offered him the best place in the house for the night. The elder, in gratitude, offered to work with Mero, since he was a clairvoyant, and even before entering the house he already knew that they needed his help there. The parents happily agreed. The next morning, when everyone woke up, neither the elder nor Mero was in the house. Going out into the yard, the parents saw them not far from the house, in the shade of a large tree, the old man was talking about something with the boy. In this conversation, they spent three days and three nights without food, and the only thing they did was drink some water directly from the spring, which was next to where they sat. Three days later, the elder and Mero returned to the house.

- treatment completed- said the old man.

“Yes, but you didn’t give our boy any medicine, the father was surprised.

- There is no need for this, just follow a few simple rules, and your son will be healthy.

He handed his father a piece of paper. While the father unfolded the sheet and read it, the elder disappeared. The father, in bewilderment, took the sheet to the boy's mother, and this is what she read:

What not to do Mero:

  1. It is not necessary to set an example of a healthy brother Zhivo.
  2. Do not eat apples, plums, potatoes, fish and drink milk. Everything else can be eaten.
  3. No need to work in the garden, any other housework can be done.
  4. There is no need to teach the family craft, any other craft can be taught.
  5. You don't have to be friends with the boy next door.

This is the end of the list of bans. The parents did not understand what the essence of the treatment was, but they began to strictly follow the recommendations of the elder. From that day on, Mero suddenly stopped being sick. A year passed, and one day an old acquaintance again knocked on their house. Seeing the elder, the parents rushed to him with gratitude and asked him to explain the essence of the treatment. " The essence of the treatment is very simple.- answered the old man, - “While talking with your son, I realized that he feels flawed when he cannot be like his brother, does not like apples, plums, potatoes, fish and milk, but eats these foods because everyone considers them healthy. He does not like work in the garden, but does it because he believes that he should help his parents in everything.He does not like to do family craft, but he considers it inappropriate to tell you about it.He does not like the neighbor's boy, but in order not to offend him, he is forced to communicate with him. So, in dislike for his actions, diseases were born. And only in love could health be born. "

Since that time, the family itself began to live by these rules and told about them to everyone who was interested. And where people began to live according to these rules, Happiness and Health reigned.

Rules for a happy and healthy life:

  1. Love yourself the way you are.
  2. Love the food you eat.
  3. Love the help you give to others.
  4. Love the work you are doing.
  5. Love your circle of friends.
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