Holding holidays, events and festivals. Organization of mass events Forms of cultural events and their definitions

Event Agency "Pogostite" has been successfully holding the position of a leader in the field of organizing and holding events. Recently, this service has become more and more popular, which inevitably leads to increased competition in the market, but thanks to our impeccable reputation and many enthusiastic reviews from our customers, we are confident in our position, we continue to develop rapidly and improve the level of services provided.

Over the years of our work, we have gained invaluable experience that helps us avoid possible mistakes, be prepared for unexpected situations, take into account all the smallest nuances before starting work on the organization and holding public events.

Winning the trust of customers and surprising the most unflappable is not an easy task, but the creativity and professionalism of our employees, their responsibility and integrity, efficiency and competent approach to business can help us with this. We strive to understand and fulfill the desires of each of our clients, feel their mood and appreciate the importance of the event being organized. For this, grateful customers recommend our company to their friends and colleagues, which, of course, serves as a guarantee of the high quality of the services we provide!

Our advantages

We provide high quality event management services thanks to a number of undeniable advantages:

  • original approach to business: no matter how many events you visit before or after cooperation with us, you will not find a similar approach or similar features anywhere, as we develop an individual the procedure for organizing cultural events;
  • timeliness: respecting the time of our customers, we quickly and within the agreed time frame organizing and holding public events;
  • integrated approach: developing plan for organizing a mass event, we rely on our own resources and extensive partner support (including abroad), which allows us to use modern technologies for organizing mass events;
  • a huge number of successful works: during our work we did not have a single dissatisfied client;
  • a wide range of services: knowing everything features of the organization of mass events, we hold exhibitions, congresses, forums, conferences, master classes, briefings, seminars, business receptions, sports competitions and holidays with high quality, which correspond to the current regulations on the organization of mass events.

Know and apply all modern technologies for organizing mass events- this is a colossal expenditure of labor and time, because even the most insignificant trifles cannot be overlooked, and this requires a considerable amount of knowledge. Finding contractors, holding meetings and negotiations, coordinating a lot of organizational issues and solving a number of different tasks - all this can only be done by true professionals, such as those who work in the company "Gostayte".

Our close-knit team will not let you be disappointed in our work, as everyone works towards a common goal - to give people positive emotions!

Organization and holding of cultural events most often associated with events of social significance in the life of the country, city or region. To cultural events include various festivals, fairs, folk festivals, all-Russian or city calendar holidays.

Often for effective organization of mass cultural events attract famous artists, movie stars and pop stars. Such a large scale cultural-mass the holiday will surely arouse the interest of the population, and the dynamics, the correct information message and showiness guarantee the success of its holding.

If any company acts as a sponsor of such a holiday, then this can be a very effective advertising move that can increase demand for products, promote and form a positive image of this organization.

Basic rules for organizing and staging cultural events

Organization of cultural events usually carried out outdoors. Usually these are crowded places - central squares, park alleys or squares, etc.

Before starting work on the holiday, it is important to obtain appropriate permission from the city administration, as well as coordinate all the main points of the event with the services that are responsible for security, as well as with government agencies.

Holding cultural events requires a special approach and skill, because in addition to fun and interest, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the population - for this, the scenario agreed with the authorities should be strictly observed.

The procedure for organizing cultural events consists of the following stages:

  • development of an individual scenario;
  • administration;
  • accommodation of guests;
  • site selection and design;
  • technical support;
  • pyrotechnics, light, laser or fire show;
  • outdoor kitchen, etc.

Organization of a sports event

To organizations of sports events include all kinds of competitions, championships and tournaments, as well as health days, tourist gatherings and trips. Organization of mass sports events

  • preparation: first of all, it is necessary to draw up an action plan taking into account the budget of the customer, then agree on the main points and sign the contract;
  • organization: now it is necessary to select a referee team, installers to install the necessary equipment, prepare a sports ground, etc.;
  • holding: a crucial stage at which it is important to ensure the safety and the right direction of the event itself;
  • conclusion: announcement of results and rewarding.

In order to improve communication in the team and unite employees, we also hold corporate sports events, where different departments can clash in an exciting competition (volleyball, table tennis, checkers, billiards, darts, etc.). In an informal atmosphere, a wonderful atmosphere and a working mood are created among a multi-level society.

Organization of mass recreational events

There is a certain organization of public events, the correct observance of which is 50% of the success of the future event. But in terms of recreational activities, order is especially important, because the most valuable thing that a person has is at stake - his health!

in the plan for organization of mass recreational events may be included :

  • holding sports and recreational and sports events, reviews, sports days, competitions and contests;
  • creation or activation of sports and recreation groups, sports sections, clubs for sports interests, health schools;
  • promotion of a healthy lifestyle, various flash mobs, etc.

Organization of holidays and events

Event Agency "Pogostite" deals with organization of festive events of various kinds. We have everything to make your holiday really fun and memorable, so that all those present get maximum pleasure, and you do not have to worry about the timely delivery of the cake, the arrival of artists and the seating of guests.

Using our service organization of holidays and events, you will not have to:

  • select and decorate a hall or a summer playground;
  • look for musicians, negotiate with them, worry about the quality of musical accompaniment;
  • worry about whether the amount of cooked food is calculated correctly for the number of guests, whether the menu is correctly compiled, there is no need to organize an exit kitchen;
  • select leading photographers, videographers and artists;
  • order fireworks and much more.

Organization of international events

Organization and staging of cultural events international level one of the professional areas of our company. Organizing an event of an international scale is a very big responsibility, so we approach the matter with all seriousness. Organization of international events can be divided into the following steps:

  • development of basic business processes;
  • budgeting;
  • preparation of transport logistics;
  • preparation of hotel rooms;
  • technical support complex;
  • production of presentation packages for participants;
  • development of social security;
  • involvement of leading media;
  • final report.

Organization of business events

In addition to the above services, we also provide organization of business events, which speaks of success, development and competitiveness. Each event organized by us adds status and weight in the eyes of partners, inspiring their trust and desire to cooperate.

We organize the following business events:

  • conferences;
  • seminars;
  • trainings;
  • presentations;
  • opening of branches;
  • Exhibitions;
  • meetings with domestic or foreign partners;
  • negotiation.

It depends on how well everything is organized, whether the desired result will be achieved or not.

It is not at all easy to organize a business event where all guests would feel confident, calm and comfortable, but for us this is a minimum program. We guarantee that each of the many present will feel as if this event was organized personally for him and he was the most welcome guest here, whose preferences were treated more than attentively.

In the organization of business events, we include:

  • selection of venue;
  • installation of technical equipment;
  • delivery of guests, their accommodation and meals;
  • involvement of leading media;
  • release distribution.

Our services

The company "Pogostite" is engaged in organization of public events that leave guests or participants with a lot of positive emotions and pleasant memories. Of course, our work is sometimes very stressful and difficult, sometimes we have to make incredible efforts to fulfill the wishes of the customer, but the pleasure from work is not lost for a moment.

We have developed organization and holding of mass events, which we adhere to. It helps us not to lose sight of a single detail and competently distribute responsibilities among employees.

We have and event plan, which we develop individually for each individual client, taking into account his wishes, budget and our fresh original ideas.

Organization of entertainment events is our highlight. Not every company can boast of permission to hold such events. In addition to organizing the event itself, when working on entertainment events, it is important to preliminarily organize an advertising campaign and attract the attention of the future public, and then competently cover this event with the help of the media.

Our main activity is organization of mass sports and cultural events, which we work out to the smallest detail so that everything goes flawlessly, because a poorly spent holiday is a stain on our reputation.

We will create a single concept for your holiday, and you will never visit a similar event - our scenarios and plans are developed by leading experts, whose ideas simply do not dry out. We also use the most modern forms of organization of mass events.

If you need quality organization and holding of public events in Moscow, just contact us and you will find out that joy can be bought.

A mass event is a gathering of people planned in advance and determined by place, time, number of participants and reasons, which has the character of a holiday, cultural or promotional event, or business meeting.

Depending on the goals and objectives, mass events can be divided into the following types:

1. Cultural, sports and entertainment: concerts, sports competitions, festive performances.

3. Business meetings and receptions of business partners (meetings of shareholders, as well as other meetings and receptions held in the form of a buffet, buffet or cocktail).

4. Other mass events: these include weddings, banquets and meetings on the occasion of various anniversaries, celebrations.

Organization of an exhibition exposition of several dozen firms with samples of their products and advertising of their services;

Carrying out a presentation of companies during the fair, which consists in presenting a company or its new product;

Short speeches by the heads of firms and their leading specialists, in which the guests of the exhibition or presentation are offered the results and plans for the activities of the company and its products;

Carrying out the sale of fair samples and a certain number of products and products of the company;

Supplementing the business part of the fair and the presentation with an entertainment program, concert performances and treats for guests.

Business meetings, as a rule, are organized outside the office of the institution and the company [Holding a business meeting in an administrative building or in the office of a company is associated with a whole range of inconveniences. First of all, this is the unsuitability of the premises, its small area, official furnishings, the inconvenience of preparing and delivering meals and snacks.].

Business people can meet their partners in a restaurant for a business lunch, and a company can organize a business reception in the form of a buffet, buffet or cocktail.

The buffet is sometimes referred to as the buffet table. In the room where the reception takes place, a long table is placed. There are plates, cutlery and napkins on the table. All snacks and various treats are along the table. The guest, coming up to the table, puts a plate with cutlery on his hand. After that, moving along the table, he puts a little bit of everything from snacks and other dishes. Then the guest with his plate goes to his table.

An invitee can come to the buffet table twice. It is not customary to approach the buffet table for the third time. If a man and a woman came to a business reception held in the form of a buffet, then the man brings all the snacks first for his companion, and then for himself. Table payment is usually made by the host.

A business meeting or a business buffet reception lasts approximately two hours. The invitation always indicates the time of reception. Invited to a business reception-buffet can come at any time, but he must leave no later than the end of the reception specified in the invitation.

The organizers of the event, as well as the person in whose honor the business meeting (reception) is arranged, are always among the invited guests. All guests eat standing up. Cutlery is not served during the buffet reception. If plates are served, then large ones so that the guest can put his glass and the proposed snacks on such a plate. Snacks can be pinned on small hairpins. The portions are very small, they are taken by hand. Drinks and treats are served by waiters who walk around the hall with trays.

A business reception-cocktail is somewhat similar to a buffet. Cocktail is arranged in the afternoon, between 17 and 18 hours. The cocktail lasts about two hours. Guests are greeted by the host of the evening, welcoming those who came to the reception. It is possible to arrive for a cocktail later than the deadline indicated in the invitation, but you must leave no later than the time that is defined as the deadline for the reception.

On tables covered with tablecloths, wine glasses, glasses, glasses are set in groups. By the beginning of the reception, simple cocktails should be prepared. Drinks in tall dishes are placed in the center of the table, in low ones - at the edges of the table. Drinks should be enough for the whole evening. Refreshments are offered for drinks - cookies, nuts, cheese, diced cucumbers, small pies, small sandwiches. All food must be taken by hand. At the cocktail party, everyone communicates while standing.

The main purpose of business receptions is meetings, conversations, communication with different people. Guests, as a rule, do not sit at tables, even if there are chairs, move freely around the hall and have ample opportunity to communicate with all those invited. All this in a certain way affects the specifics of the protection of such events.

When guarding business receptions and meetings, the probability of passing without invitation cards is minimal. Meeting the host of the evening with his guests reduces this possibility to almost zero. To prevent conflicts, the invited party must discuss with their guests the issue of the presence of bodyguards of invited persons in the hall. If this does not significantly affect the number of guests, then the bodyguard may be with his client in the hall. If only persons well known to each other are present at the reception, then it makes sense to strengthen the external security of the building or premises with the help of bodyguards of invited persons.

Control over the behavior of persons at a business reception or meeting is significantly difficult. Guests do not sit still, but constantly move around the hall, approaching each other or to the table with drinks and refreshments. This imposes certain difficulties on the work of the security (security) staff of the host, since it is they who have to control the safety of drinks and treats, identify foreign objects in the hall, fix invitees who unexpectedly leave a reception or meeting, prevent minor conflicts that are ready to arise between tipsy guests.

1. Control of visitors to the fair, presentation, sale at the entrance by visual observation of incoming persons and checking their entrance tickets, as well as by selective verification of documents.

2. Suppression of the facts of violation of public order in the adjacent territory and at the venue of advertising and commercial events.

3. Prevention of targeted damage to exhibition stands, exhibits on them, as well as existing layouts, company advertising.

4. Prevention of theft of exhibition samples of products and goods prepared by participating firms for sale.

5. Suppression of provocative and defamatory statements of various persons during the speeches of the heads of firms and their leading specialists at the presentation.

6. Protection of clothes, belongings and vehicles of participants, guests and visitors of an advertising and commercial event.

7. Prevention and suppression of the facts of extortion during the fair and sale.

8. Carrying out measures against listening to the conversations of participants and guests in the premises and by telephone.

9. Prevention of theft or copying of technical documentation from firms participating in the fair or presentation.

An important feature of this mass event is that it is expedient to solve some of the specified security tasks in cooperation with the security officers of those companies that participate in the advertising and commercial event.

Security for business meetings and receptions

1. Meeting with the chef of guests arriving for a business reception or meeting.

2. Coordination of the actions of the main guards and bodyguards of invited persons. The choice of the scheme according to which the bodyguards of the guests will be used (either the bodyguard is next to the guarded during the reception, or joins the main guard of this event before it ends) events, perhaps even at the stage of distribution of invitations.].

3. Protection of clothes, belongings of guests and their cars in the adjacent territory.

4. Prevention of incidents between guests at a business reception or meeting.

5. Monitoring the status of drinks, snacks and other treats prepared for guests, identifying participants in the event who linger longer than usual near the table, behave unusually.

6. Fixation and observation of persons:

a) those who come to a business reception or meeting with bundles, with briefcases, with packages;

6) bringing audio or video equipment to the event;

c) who come to a business reception or meeting for a short time or leave the event unexpectedly.

7. Identification of objects in the reception hall and adjacent premises that may be a source of danger for people present at the event.

8. Holding events against listening to the conversations of the organizers of the event and guests in the premises and on the phone.

The list of security tasks in relation to various public events is not exhaustive. It can be significantly expanded and specified depending on the features of the object, the nature of the event and the specific conditions for its implementation.

Among the common tasks that are solved during the conduct of all the above mass events are:

Familiarization with the object of protection, its preliminary and main cleaning before the start of the event;

Establishing contact with the police and an agreement on interaction and support, if necessary, on the transfer of offenders to the police;

Prevention of carrying weapons, explosives, combustible substances and poisonous substances, drugs, heavy objects and stones to the protected object;

Prevention of the passage to the protected area or to the protected premises of persons with dogs;

Control and maintenance of order in the adjacent territory and in adjacent premises (for example, controlling the actions of persons in a neighboring banquet hall).

One and a half to two hours before the start of the event, employees of a security company (or security service) arrive at the facility to clean it up. In some cases, the cleaning of the object can be carried out in advance (for example, a day before the start of the event), but in this case, after the cleaning is completed, the guards must remain at the object. In the process of cleaning the object, they are first of all looking for:

explosive devices;

Explosive, flammable substances and liquids;

Chemical poisonous substances, strongly smelling substances and liquids;

Various kinds of materials and items that can compromise the company in front of the guests;

Unauthorized persons hiding at the facility.

Places where all of the above can be found are:

Wells, pits and other recesses located in the ground, on the floor;

Niches, recesses and various voids in the walls;

Furnishings, furniture, rubbish bins, various boxes, electrical network shields;

Vehicles located in the protected area;

Items of clothing hanging in full view of all those present;

Gifts received by the organizers before the start of the event.

The cleaning of the object may be associated with the use of various search instruments and dogs.

In conclusion, the alignment of security forces is made before the start of work, the coherence of actions is checked by giving simple introductory tasks.

The success and effectiveness of security actions largely depends on the quality of preparation for the event. So, the lack of special means for the guards can lead to the impossibility of solving the tasks at stake, to injuries to personnel. Lack of thought in providing a reserve can also affect the ability to quickly respond to the emerging situation. For example, when the car of one of the guests who was present at a banquet in a cafe was stolen, the security, due to the lack of a reserve, could not organize the pursuit of the hijackers, since all the guards were involved in resolving the conflict between the guests and strangers who broke into the banquet hall.

The most important preventive measure designed to ensure a conflict-free course of a mass event is the provision of access control. Before the start of the event, it is advisable to weed out both those who do not have invitation and entrance tickets, and those who came to the event in a state of intoxication or with a dog. Particular attention should be paid to those persons who are trying to carry with them various objects and substances that could be a source of danger to those present at the mass event. In this regard, the guards should pay close attention to persons with briefcases and bulky (capacious) bags, to those who are dressed in such outerwear, under which you can hide weapons, explosives and flammable substances and everything that can be used to cause harm health of people or disruption of the event.

As part of the provision of access control, special attention should be paid to food, various items and gifts coming from outside. Neglect of this work can lead to the fact that the event can be overshadowed, for example, by the explosion of an electric razor presented to the hero of the day or the poisoning of several guests at a wedding.

Cars entering and leaving the protected area should be subjected to special inspection, at least visually. This is especially important in order to prevent strangers from entering a protected object, for example, in the trunk of a car, which the car owner leaves open. Control of the passenger compartment and trunk of exiting vehicles can prevent the kidnapping of persons who have arrived at a mass event, for example, with the aim of extorting from its organizers. In this regard, it makes sense to organize a temporary guarded parking for guests' cars outside the protected area before the start of the event.

During the event, the security personnel of the enterprise or the security service must accurately fulfill their duties specified at the preparation stage. They must promptly respond to the emerging situation, prevent and suppress emerging conflicts. The correct measure is to take control of the most restless and aggressive groups of participants, escort them around the facility, and, if necessary, isolate the initiators from the rest of the group until the end of the event.

Security guards should be specially instructed regarding the content of security measures at the end of a concert, wedding, banquet, election meeting, holiday, etc. Professionals are well aware that the sharpness and intensity of work at the end of a mass event is no less than at its beginning. At this stage, there is a high risk of crushing in the aisles when guests and spectators leave the hall, etc. There may be cases of tangling or theft of outerwear in the wardrobe, which also leads to conflicts. It is during this period that interested parties try to organize a panic among the participants, spread rumors that will turn an organized event into an unorganized crowd (for example, a rumor about a fire). All this requires special attention, vigilance and the correct reaction to the current situation from the guards.

Along with the search for dangerous devices, objects, liquids and materials, the guards search for persons who could remain in the premises or on the territory after the end of the event. These can be both intruders who, having remained at the facility, plan to commit a crime on it after the guards leave, as well as persons injured during the event and in need of assistance.

Close attention should be paid to items and things that guests may forget. For everything discovered during the final sweep, an inventory should be drawn up in two copies. Everything found is subject to transfer to the client or the administration of the protected object along with one copy of the inventory. The second copy of the inventory of objects, things and documents discovered during the cleaning, with the mark of the person who accepted the things, is stored in the security company or the company's security service.

Competitions, festivals, concerts, flash mobs, conferences, tourist rallies, parades and processions contain a certain content component and, at the same time, these are mass events, during which certain requirements must be adhered to.

What is a mass event

A mass event is a gathering of a significant number of people in order to participate in any event that is in the nature of a patriotic appeal, holiday, advertising, spectacle, business meeting or leisure pastime.
The venues for mass events are different:

  • squares and parks;
  • squares and city streets;
  • public buildings;
  • theater halls;
  • concert venues;
  • Sport halls.

The organization of cultural events contributes to the realization of the needs of residents of a political, cultural, economic and religious nature.

Forms of mass events

There are various groups and forms of public events:

  • State and political: meetings of shareholders, scientific and practical conferences, congresses, parades, processions.
  • Cultural events: a citywide evening for graduates, theatrical performances, folk festivals, fairs and exhibitions, carnival processions, festival performances, concert programs, show programs.
  • Sports and entertainment: sports matches, sports days, auto racing and rallies, track and field crosses, Olympic Games.
  • Events of a religious nature: holidays, ceremonial processions.
  • Private: banquets, weddings, anniversaries.

All events can take place at the municipal, regional, national or international level. The method of occurrence of such actions is divided into two large groups:

  • Spontaneous.
  • Organized.

They can be held one-time or periodically, ensuring the participation of a limited number of people or public access.

How to hold a mass event

A number of structures are engaged in the preparation and holding of events:

  • Local self-government bodies.
  • Institutions belonging to various departments and forms of ownership.
  • Heads of institutions in whose territory it is carried out.

A mass event is a strict observance of the main conditions, procedures and requirements for its holding, maintaining the personal safety of each person present.
The holding of cultural events provides for the undeniable role of health care, motor transport and trade enterprises, consumer service institutions, information and Internet resources.

If large-scale events are being prepared, the municipal administration can form coordinating councils and headquarters to coordinate and control all participants. Such committees are responsible for developing appropriate plans, maintaining law and order, urgent evacuation of spectators and participants if there is a threat to their life and health.

What to Consider

When discussing the procedure for holding a mass event, you need to take into account the conditions for its holding:

  • Schedule of public municipal transport (all those present must be able to use public transport at the end).
  • Weather and climatic conditions.
  • Parking lots for vehicles.
  • Convenience of approach to the main place, taking into account the restriction of access to vehicles.
  • Availability of storage rooms.
  • Ability to provide primary health care.
  • The work of food outlets and the sale of soft drinks (in hot weather - refreshing, in cold - warming).
  • Availability of bathrooms.

Instructions for organizing and conducting

  • The councils of voluntary sports organizations and the sports committee are obliged to coordinate the conduct of the necessary examinations with the municipal administration, engineering structures, the sanitary epidemiological station, law enforcement agencies, civil defense and emergency departments. The result of the surveys should be the relevant acts.
  • The organizers ensure the process of holding the event (compliance with the rules of the fire department and the appointment of responsible persons), duly notify the municipal administration of where, when and at what time the event will be held, indicate the name, format, data on the number of participants, contact details.
  • The leaders in whose department the buildings and structures are located are obliged to ensure the reliability of the stands and other structures used, the possibility of general evacuation if there is a danger to the life and health of others.

Characteristic features of a mass event

The format of a public event determines its characteristic features. Conventionally, any public mass event can be attributed to one of the main types at the venue:

  • Closed. In this case, a narrow circle of specific invitees gather in a separate room, the access of guests is limited by invitation cards, the social level and interests of the participants are approximately the same.
  • Open. This format provides anyone with the opportunity to take part in the planned events. This significantly increases the risk of creating dangerous situations.

Most clearly, the heterogeneity of the composition of those present is manifested during sports and entertainment events:

  • Fans belong to rival sports clubs, their contingent is clearly marked.
  • Bright, fanatical addictions to their club or team are manifested in cries, slogans, chanting certain phrases.
  • The age and social composition, the level of education and culture, the value orientations of those present can vary greatly, this can lead to conflict situations.

Potential Threats

A mass event is the most affordable opportunity to meet the needs of a large group of people. At the same time, it is also a potential threat to the life and health of all participants, fans, spectators. This is due to several factors:

  • A closed space increases the risk of violation of law and order by a group of people, formed spontaneously or in an organized manner.
  • A change in the usual rhythm, the dynamics of events can provoke cases of conflicts between individual citizens or certain groups of them. This is especially facilitated by the specific formats of informal events.
  • With a significant accumulation of people, it becomes possible to commit theft, damage to property.
  • A collective gathering of a certain contingent of people (radical fans, rival parties, rock fans) can accumulate the manifestation of negative emotions.
  • Even a short-term non-standard situation can contribute to the manifestation of panic, leading to a large number of victims.
  • There is a real threat of a terrorist act as a result of the implementation of criminal or antisocial plans.

Security measures by the organizers

The organizer is primarily responsible for the safety of those present. If the security system is not formed properly, then even the brightest, spectacular, interesting and important event will lose its significance and can lead to sad consequences.

Ensuring the safety of mass events is carried out by equipping points where participants, spectators, security services, as well as fire extinguishing equipment will be accommodated.

In proper condition, it is necessary to maintain a sanitary and hygienic regime throughout the territory. For official vehicles, free access to facilities and sources of water supply should be organized in case of a fire hazard. Evacuation plans and signs of evacuation exits should be placed in central places.

Ensuring security by law enforcement officers

Public events provide for the observance of public safety, which is carried out by law enforcement agencies. What exactly should they pay attention to?

  • Employees of the internal affairs bodies are obliged to prevent citizens in a state of narcotic, toxic or alcoholic intoxication.
  • Particular attention should be paid to persons wishing to carry any type of weapon with them.
  • If the occupancy rate of the premises becomes the maximum permissible, then law enforcement officers must present a demand to the organizers to stop the admission of visitors (spectators, fans) to the territory where the event will be held.
  • If a perceived threat appears, all those present must be evacuated from the auditorium, from the stands.
  • In the process of suppressing violations of law and order, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of panic.

Rules of conduct for those present

The rules of conduct during sports and entertainment and cultural events are determined by standard rules and prohibit:

  1. Bring weapons, explosives, drugs, alcoholic beverages, large bags with you.
  2. Run out onto the field or stage, be in the aisles or on the stairs.
  3. Violate order: drink alcohol, insult and humiliate those present, show signs of extremism.

A mass event is that unique situation when a person can feel himself in a circle of like-minded people, be involved in important state, religious or other events, spend his leisure time with interest and benefit.

To bring any idea to life, you need to be able to present it beautifully. And this is possible only with a quality organization. If you learn how to organize presentations, business events, etc., as well as raise funds for your activities through fundraising, then your idea will be successfully implemented.

Event - these are actions of the organizer planned in advance and determined by topic, place and time, carried out for participants in their own interests.

Events differ in their focus, goals, functions and frequency.

Events are divided into the following main groups: regular, irregular, mass and corporate.

A regular event is understood as a form of management activity, the content of which is joint work under the guidance of the organizer of a regulated number of participants at a predetermined time and place to discuss and make a decision on an issue determined by the agenda.

An occasional event is understood as the actions of the organizer in a certain area, if necessary, to promote their interests.

A mass event is the actions of the organizer, which are carried out for a large number of participants according to a predetermined plan and scenario in order to realize their interests.

Organization of events is an exciting, but very complex, responsible process that requires temporary, ideological, human resources. And the grander the organization of events, the more these resources are required.

Today, many successful companies use well-organized bright events to promote their brand or product. Contact with the audience on an emotional level, which is established during the event, allows you to influence the target audience more efficiently and effectively. They achieve the following goals:

  • building and promoting a successful brand
  • creation of a news occasion for a PR campaign of a product or service
  • bright, dynamic product launch to the market
  • brand positioning, brand image management
  • brand promotion by promoting an event
  • formation of a loyal attitude to the product among target consumer groups
  • effective promotion of products characterized by impulse demand

Event preparation steps:

  1. Determine the topic and age of the audience
  2. Determine the goals of the event
  3. Define event structure
  4. Create an event organizing committee
  • Development of the original concept and writing the script of the event
  • Selection of a site corresponding to the chosen concept and your wishes
  • Event management (preparation, conducting, organizational part)
  • Selection of the host of the event
  • Organization of performances by artists, musicians, hosts, animators
  • Artistic decoration of the event: design development and production of scenery, rental and production of costumes, floral arrangements, decoration with balloons
  • Technical design of the event: lighting and sound equipment, fireworks and fireworks, laser show
  • Catering (a branch of public catering associated with the provision of services at remote points, including all enterprises and services that provide contract services for catering for employees of companies and individuals in the premises and on-site service, as well as serving events for various purposes and retailing ready-made culinary In practice, catering includes not only food preparation and delivery, but also service, serving, decoration, and similar services.)
  • Raise funds for the event
  • There are the following types of events:

    Image and PR events : scientific and technical conferences, congresses, congresses, symposiums dedicated to achievements and developments in a particular field

    This type of event refers, of course, to business events. Reception for business partners, presentation of new products or services, celebrity autograph session, press breakfasts - these are all events aimed at the exchange of information, promotion, establishing contacts and maintaining reputation, improving the image both among the direct participants of the event itself and among a wider range those who know about it.

    Presentations, press conferences, exhibitions, forums

    A presentation is a modern business event, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the company as a whole, to its achievements, individual products or services. This is an effective and comfortable way of interacting with representatives, partners or clients of the company, which helps to conduct effective positioning and personal contact with the audience. The organization of a presentation, as well as the organization of any event, implies the selection of a site and writing a script, the selection of an entertainment program, if it is planned. The success of the presentation also depends on the guests invited to it - these can be not only business partners or clients, but also journalists and well-known media personalities, whose appearance will increase interest in the event as a whole, and, therefore, in the presented goods or services. Conferences, exhibitions and forums, as well as presentations, are also types of business events, whose success directly depends on the experience of coordinating and effective event management, on the ability to keep all the elements of the event and see the big picture. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of site selection for these events, as in many respects they are image.

    Educational trainings and seminars

    They may focus on different topics.

    Sports events

    A sports competition is a competition (rivalry) of people in a playful way in order to find out the advantages in the degree of physical fitness, in the development of certain aspects of consciousness.

    Public events

    Carnival. What is a carnival in the understanding of any of us? This is the European holiday of February, during which the laws of ancient, pagan holidays come into force. Since ancient times, on this day, all people, rich and poor, old and young, lonely and in love, have allowed themselves all the pranks that can only come into their heads! At the end of the holiday, the king of the carnival was chosen, "acting" until the next holiday. And today at this time in any exciting part of the world like Portugal, Italy, Spain or colonized India, the streets are filled with picturesque noisy processions on platforms.

    A meeting is the joint presence of a group of citizens in a certain place to discuss various topics or solve certain problems.

    Procession - one of the forms of public events, mass solemn passage of people in connection with any significant event or according to custom, ritual, or protest passage with any requirement; procession.

    Monstration (from the word demonstration) is a mass artistic action in the form of a demonstration with slogans and banners that participants use as the main means of communication with the audience, with each other, as a means of self-expression, as an artistic technique with which they comprehend the surrounding reality. For the most part, the content of the banners looks extremely absurd and apolitical, but they have ambiguity. This action is not according to the script, the date is known in advance (May 1 of each year), the author indicates only the place and the exact start time, the rest is the improvisation of the participants in the action. In this regard, the organizers classify the Monstration not as a flash mob or performance, but as a happening. ((eng. performance - performance, performance, game, performance) - a form of modern art, one of the varieties of actionism included in the conceptualism of the 1960s. Performance - a short performance performed by one or more participants in front of the public of an art gallery or museum. Performance actions are planned in advance and proceed according to a certain program.It is possible to organize and conduct such actions in the open air - a landscape performance. Moreover, in contrast to happening with its improvisation and spontaneity, performance is carried out by a group of persons by prior agreement, and its main meaning is again not in itself, but in the space of deeply individual, aesthetic and event experiences of eyewitnesses and accomplices.)

    A picket is a small group of people who have gathered to express some kind of protest.

    Parade - a solemn passage (ceremonial march) of troops or military equipment. It is held, as a rule, on official holidays, celebrations of state and military significance, as well as after the completion of major military exercises (historical maneuvers). Less commonly, parades are called the solemn passage of various groups, organizations, movements or parties.

    Modern city events are not just mass celebrations or just a solemn part. Today, the organization of urban events includes a successful combination of the interests of the public and organizers, adults and children, the theme of events and general attractiveness.

    Charity event. In our country, they, as well as such a method of raising funds as a charity telethon or lottery, were speculated a lot. Therefore, the public's confidence in this method of seeking help has fallen sharply. Charity is the provision of disinterested (gratuitous or on preferential terms) assistance to those who need it. The main feature of charity is the free and unconstrained choice of the type, time and place, as well as the content of assistance.

    A secular event or a secular party is an event or a ball with the participation of secular people, politicians, movie stars and pop stars.

    Corporate events and teambuilding

    For any company, internal celebrations and events are no less important for successful activities than organizing receptions for customers and partners. These events can be aimed at maintaining the image of the company among its employees, at encouraging and strengthening the internal corporate spirit. is also an effective marketing tool that allows not only to please employees, but also to mark significant dates or events in the life of the company, use it as an information occasion for various publications and messages, remind about the company, or support its image and social orientation.

    As a special type of corporate events, teambuilding stands out - an event aimed at rallying the team of the entire organization or one of the divisions, if the organizational structure is quite extensive.

    Ceremonies and concerts

    Ceremonies are large-scale events of a representative level. The peculiarities of this type of event are the need not only for careful preparation, but also for a special scenario and program development algorithm associated with the need to comply with protocol requirements. Both famous people and the first persons of the states are frequent guests and laureates at the ceremonies.

    Concerts are a special type of event that can exist both as a separate project and as part of any other type of event.

    social events

    A social event is a subtle diplomatic event that requires a special approach to organization, style, a sense of proportion and impeccable observance of etiquette. There can be no trifles in planning a secular reception. Everything is important - from the color of the napkins on the tables and the uniform of the attendants to the venue and the start time of the event. As in the organization of any event, in planning a social reception it is important to clearly define the goals and objectives in advance. Decide what exactly you expect from this reception, whom you want to invite and how many guests you are ready to accept.

    Private Events

    In our life there are many significant events for us that we want to celebrate with special splendor and awe, in the circle of family and people close to us. The scale of the event can be very different - from a romantic dinner to a grand celebration

    Theatrical performances

    Theatrical performances and holidays give people a similar, festive mood, creating a festive situation. The festive situation, in turn, is realized in a mass holiday, which is part of the cultural and educational work. A mass holiday is an unusual phenomenon, synthesizing reality and art, artistically shaping this or that real life event.

    The art of a mass holiday, performance, spectacle is the art of high ideas, purposefulness and civic pathos, which at the same time requires vivid imagery, associativity, original, bold creative design. And in order to better organize and develop theatrical performances of all types and genres, it is absolutely necessary to understand the basic laws of this kind of art that really exist, since folk theatrical culture has been created and developed over the millennia.

    As for the mass theatrical festival, it certainly has well-established types of holidays and at the same time a voluminous, synthesizing form of theatrical performance. This is the crown of creativity of the people for the people. Comprehension of the essential features of the dramaturgy of such a festival can be fruitful only after a detailed study of other types of theatrical performances.

    It is known that the basis of all types and genres of theatrical performances and festivities is the script, which, according to the unanimous recognition of theorists, has common features with the dramatic works of the theater, cinema, television and radio. The main unifying moment here is the dramatic conflict, because the conflict is the basis of drama as a kind of art.


    Fundraising, sometimes fundraising(From English Fundraising) - the process of raising funds and other resources (human, material, informational, etc.) that the organization cannot provide on its own and which are necessary for the implementation of a particular project or its activities in general.

    Fundraising (Fundraising) (from the English "fund" - reserve, fund, capital, cash and "raise" - to raise, raise) - an organized search and collection of financial and other funds, in particular, for the implementation of charitable support for socially significant projects, programs and actions, public institutions.

    Often this concept is understood very literally - as a search for money. In fact, fundraising involves the collection of resources of various kinds. This can be money, gifts, barter, rent of premises, volunteer work, etc.

    In fundraising, the main thing is not money, but GOALS, the achievement of which requires support.

    So, we came directly to the very process of carrying out activities to raise funds in the organization. Below is a sample step-by-step action plan for working in the field of fundraising.

    Stage 1. Select the problem that needs to be solved with the help of the received resources. Set time frames.

    Stage 2. Collect complete information and think through the arguments in your favor.

    Stage 3. Analyze the possible motives of potential sponsors: which of them can be encouraged.

    Stage 4. Analyze past fundraising experiences, identify your supporters who can be contacted first. Determine who else to contact.

    Stage 5 Prepare and reproduce materials for presentation to sponsors (applications, press releases, etc.).

    Stage 6 Agree within the organization on fundraising methods.

    Stage 7. Organize the work of assistants (those who will directly collect donations). It is necessary to make sure that they have the necessary information and materials for their work.

    Stage 8. Establish a procedure for monitoring the receipt of funds.

    Fundraising methods:

    • Telefundraising (telefundraising) - appeal to potential donors and philanthropists by phone and fax.
    • Mail fundraising is an appeal to potential donors and philanthropists by mail.
    • Individual fundraising (individual fundraising) - a personal appeal to donors and philanthropists in a personal conversation.
    • Solo fundraising is the acquisition of support.
    • Event fundraising (events fundraising) - holding various events (auctions, exhibitions, lotteries, presentations, dinners, etc.)

    Important aspects of a fundraising strategy are as follows:

    1. Writing a business plan for the project.
    2. Writing a sponsorship proposal.
    3. A clear definition of the target audience of the project to further identify potential sponsors.
    4. Establishing relationships with partners that satisfy the interests of both parties.
    5. Proper closing of the project (includes working with partners after the end of the project to create the possibility of further long-term cooperation).

    Fundraising is widely practiced for the preparation and holding of special events such as balls, parties, competitions, marathons, auctions, presentations, conferences, dinners. During their preparation and implementation, the attention of potential donors is attracted and the necessary funds are collected at the same time. During such an event, it is important to mark each of the guests who arrived, if necessary, to distinguish a specific guest from the rest of the public.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that fundraising is not begging for money, but a planned work that is aimed at obtaining donations made consciously. The essence of fundraising is the establishment of partnerships, the transition to a strategy of cooperation with people and organizations that can provide material support.

    Irina Prokofieva, Operations Manager of the EU and Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Program, spoke about the key points that the organizer of the event should pay attention to.

    When I was preparing my first event, I was told about the funny duck face rule ( The Duck Face Rule ). This means that outwardly you should be calm and peaceful. In fact, you are actively paddling underwater to keep yourself afloat, but no one should know about it. Until now, I consider this the most valuable rule.

    Organizing an event is not an easy task, but I can highlight 10 key points that you should pay attention to in order for everything to be successful.

    1. Define goals and format.

    It seems obvious, but this question should be approached critically. Formulate the goal as specifically as possible: do you want to convey knowledge to the participants, thank partners, raise money for a project, or bring aesthetic pleasure to guests? The format of the event will depend on the answer: concept, time and duration, roles in the team, hall decoration, food and sound.

    Try not to get hung up on traditional formats. Pay attention to the “(non)conference”, the “pecha-heap” format, TED -format, themed breakfasts, online events, outdoor events. The main thing is that the format contributes to the achievement of the goal of the event.

    2. Pay attention to planning.

    In the plan, think over the logistics, content and promotion of the event. Create a document that is accessible to the whole team, where everyone can see each other's tasks and the big picture. First, prepare a list of the main tasks, and then detail as much as possible in the form of specific steps that need to be done. It is important to specify in the plan the time required to complete the task. It is often underestimated and the preparation is slower than you would expect.

    For planning, you can usetemplates Google , programs, for example,asana, Trello, Podio, GanttPro, teamweek. A regular document won't let you down either. Excel.

    3. Budget for contingencies.

    Look at the list of your tasks and reflect them in the budget. It is also worth thinking about a reserve in case of unforeseen situations. For example, in my practice there was a case when on the day of an outdoor event it suddenly began to rain. I had to urgently change the location and transport all the equipment and furniture. It is better to think over such situations in advance and prepare for them financially.

    Alternatively, you can usesuch a patternbudget, but you can adapt it or come up with your own.

    4. The devil is in the details.

    If you want to pleasantly surprise your guests, think over everything to the smallest detail: how the registration goes, who meets the participants and in what form, what kind of music plays, whether you have an interesting photo corner, how your presentations are designed and the team is dressed, what breaks are filled with.

    For example, during registration, you can provide participants with the opportunity to attend a short workshop, play games or watch informative videos.

    Try to surprise people and create wow -effect, exceed their expectations in the most mundane things. This is what creates the atmosphere of the event.

    5. Check the location and think of a plan "B".

    Always check the location personally at the stage of its selection. At the most unexpected moment, it may turn out that the air conditioner does not work well in the hall, there is no toilet for people with special needs, or the width of the doorway does not allow bringing equipment inside. Therefore, test such moments in advance.

    Once I was hosting a conference for 50 participants, and an hour after the start, the owner of the room asked us to leave without explanation. As a result, we spent an hour training with participants in a nearby park until we found a new facility. It seems that this situation will not happen to you, but it is better to always have a plan "B".

    6. Distribute areas of responsibility.

    It is very important to distribute tasks between team members not only at the preparation stage, but also during the event. Divide the responsibility of people into zones. For example, someone is responsible for the registration area, someone for meeting speakers, someone for equipment, someone for catering, someone for interaction with the media, etc. Everyone should have their own zone, which must be controlled throughout the event.

    Distribute a document with the distribution of responsibilities to the whole team so that everyone knows who to contact with what question.

    7. Tell your audience about the event.

    Don't underestimate the time it takes to successfully promote an event. The type of event, its target audience, internal resources and budget will determine your marketing approach. When choosing information partners, focus on those who communicate specifically with your audience. It is better to have few partners, but targeted ones, than to tell absolutely everyone about the event.

    It is also important to create one key message that will be broadcast across all channels. Make sure it concisely and accurately conveys the idea of ​​the event to your audience.

    8. Pay attention to the service.

    Make sure your team follows the Duck Face rule. Be friendly to all participants, speakers and partners. Try to solve their problem or question and meet their expectations, even if you feel tired and everything is not going according to plan. Ultimately, people will remember exactly how they were treated and what kind of atmosphere they created, and not what the speaker said from the stage.

    9. Make a final check the day before the event.

    Make sure you tell participants how to get to the location, invite all important guests, prepare printed materials, audio and video content. Check whether everyone correctly understands their tasks and areas of responsibility, whether the premises are ready. To do this, make a checklist, for example,such.

    Similar checklists can also be drawn up to check readiness on the day of the event: is everything in place, is everything working, is everything going according to schedule.

    Be sure to print out the program of the event, let it be with all team members and volunteers. Also give everyone the main contact numbers to contact each other or in case of emergency.

    10. Ask for feedback.

    Most likely, after the event you will be tired and satisfied, but it will be difficult for you to objectively assess how everything went. Therefore, ask attendees to complete the printed scorecards at the end of the event or the online form when they return home. Let them evaluate different aspects: logistics, speakers, venue and the work of the organizers. This information will help you avoid mistakes in the future and improve the quality of your events. If possible, collect feedback through social media or record video feedback at the end of the event. This will come in handy if your event is organized again.

    Whatever event you organize, be optimistic and don't be afraid of surprises, and then your event will be successful!


    Irina Prokofieva, Operational Manager of the EU and Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Program, certified project manager ( IPMA level C ), co-author of the project Start2 Go . Worked at the global and national levels of an international organization AIESEC . We have experience in holding events of various formats: from one-day trainings to international conferences and festivals.

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