The best rituals, prayers and conspiracies to win the lottery: rules and possible consequences

One of the most simple ways getting rich is considered winning the lottery. However, luck smiles at someone from the first ticket, and someone, in excitement, buys up half of the circulation, but is left with nothing. Every avid gamer has their own separate system, which allows using calculations and observations to determine auspicious days and time.

One of the ancient ways to attract easy money are conspiracies and prayers. And if you take part in the lottery not for fun, but with the clear goal of getting rich or becoming the owner of the main prize, an apartment or a car, then it will not be out of place to call on magic and supreme powers for help.

Conspiracies turn luck in the direction of the performer, give him success and luck in all games of chance

Simple Rules and Cautions

To determine that very lucky combination of numbers or to pull out a winning one from hundreds of identical coupons, one sixth sense will not be enough. In addition to casting a spell, before performing the ceremony, pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Take advantage lunar calendar. The phase of the moon is of no small importance if you want the ritual to be effective. Most often, rituals to attract wealth are performed for a growing month (the first week after the new moon). However, there are still exceptions to the rules, usually they are indicated in the recommendations for the plot;
  2. by the most auspicious days weeks for such procedures are considered Thursday and Wednesday;
  3. The most successful will be tickets purchased from 12 to 13 hours;
  4. If you do not believe in the power of magical rites, then it is better to immediately abandon this undertaking;
  5. Visualize your dream. Imagine the situation, how you get a lottery coupon, how you rejoice and manage your winnings;
  6. Keep your mouth shut and don't tell anyone that you used magic, even after you have the winnings in your hands.

Correct work magical influence and the final result in favor of its performer ensures its correct implementation

It would not be superfluous to know about the existence of a warning that you may have to pay off otherworldly forces for easy prey and that, often, the payment is many times more valuable than the profit itself. Therefore, everyone must decide for himself whether he is ready to sacrifice not material values(life, health, happiness) to their own and relatives for the sake of a big jackpot.

5 rituals for big money winnings

Below are the strongest known conspiracies and rituals to attract big wins.

The power of 12 coins and the full moon

On the full moon, take 12 coins of different denominations, the total amount of money should be equal to the number of your full years. After leaving the house, spread the coins in the palm of your hand, so that moonlight falls on them and say:

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Just as in the world everything lives, grows and develops from the sun, so money from the moon feeds, multiplies and multiplies. To me (your name), let them also bring and enrich wealth. Let it be so. Amen.

Then clench the pennies in your fist and go home. Use these charmed coppers and purchase a lottery ticket or use them to gamble in money machines.

All conspiracies and rituals are best done on Thursday - the day of Jupiter, which governs financial flows.

Conspiracy from Vanga on a green candle

The ceremony should be performed on the new moon over an already purchased ticket. Light a green candle and, holding a lottery form in your hands, read the prayer seven times:

I am talking about a lottery ticket, I am attracting the greatest monetary benefit. I ask that I, (your name) always win and do not know grief. I turn to the heavenly Matron Intercessor and repent of all my sins. I attract wealth, prosperity, any coins and prizes. Amen.

Then you need to put out the candle and hide it with the coupon in a secret place.

Before the ceremony, do not tell anyone about your intention

The conspiracy of the modern witch Natalia Stepanova

A ritual for a profitable casino game and successful participation in the lottery. This spell has powerful energy and will attract not only cash prizes, but also valuable prizes. Before you go to a gambling establishment or buy a lottery form, read this spell:

The moon grows every day, the waters in the rivers spill onto the banks. So let my luck be great and profitable. Amen.

Perform the ceremony on the growing moon in the early morning of Thursday or Wednesday, hiding from prying eyes.

Magic ritual for checks from the subway, bus, train

This is one of the modern, but at the same time the strongest rituals for successful participation in the lottery, for which you will need: 7 numbered tickets of checks or coupons, a mirror, a brown or orange candle, your photo, a piece of green paper measuring 7 * 7 cm, white envelope. Put your photo on the green paper, and place seven checks on top of the photo.

It is widely believed that the rituals of light witchcraft are as dangerous and harmless as possible.

Pack the whole stack in an envelope. Now light a candle and drip wax onto the envelope, sealing it like sealing wax, while reading this text:

Happiness comes and brings luck by the hand. The numbers on the lucky tickets converge, and the lottery brings me income. I kindle with a flame, seal with wax. Amen.

The envelope with all the contents should be in the pocket of the clothes in which you will be dressed when buying a lottery ticket. Tickets and checks for the ritual are used only with “lucky” numbering, that is, the sum of the first three digits must be identical to the sum of the last three digits.

Fragrant spices will help you get rich. You need to take black pepper and cinnamon in equal proportions, thoroughly grind and stir them. Then, with this mixture, you need to sprinkle the corners of the apartment, the floor at the head of the bed and pour a little into the wallet, while saying three times:

Wealth, come to me!

Little secret for a big win

When you make a lottery purchase, give money with your right hand, and take the ticket with your left. Leave the change to the cashier and immediately go home, mentally say a conspiracy: “I give - I don’t count, I’ll get more - I know for sure!” Remain silent until you cross the threshold of your apartment. While waiting for the day of the draw, read this spell over the form every day.

You need to constantly repeat affirmations to yourself to win, which will gradually change the energy vibrations of a person and attract money

A simple but effective plot

A minimum of magical equipment and a maximum of benefit is the main advantage of this ritual.

Above a handful of coins of different denominations, read the following text:

Copperheads pull silver towards themselves.

Silverfish large goldfish dragging.

And I don’t expect that money, but I’ll get it anyway.

How much I distribute - a hundred times more will return,

Good luck with me, victory before me,

Losses behind, they are not on the way with me!

After that, small money should be hidden at home, medium ones should be distributed to those in need near the church, and large coins should be used to buy the same lucky ticket.

cash flow talisman

Amulets will help not only to win the lottery, but also to realize any dream associated with material values, for example, to receive an expensive gift.

In order to minimize Negative consequences, which may result in a win large sum you need to donate some of it to charity

For the base, you need to take a rounded stone with a smooth and even surface. This is easiest to find on the river bank or in the forest. When you return home with the find, light a candle and draw a pattern in the form of a monetary unit (for example, a dollar or ruble sign) on the surface of the stone. It is best to write the symbol in yellow or golden paint. While drawing, read the prayer:

Money to money, like streams of water to the banks. I will arrive and no one will lose.

Keep the talisman in a visible place, and when buying a ticket, take it with you. Such an amulet will attract luck and cash flows like a magnet.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter how great your desire to win and no matter how strong ritual you have not used it to fulfill your cherished dream, the main thing is that your thoughts are pure and do not harm others. Any conspiracy to win should be read in a good mood and in a calm state. You should not raise your voice and shout while reading the plot.

Most importantly, think carefully before resorting to the help of otherworldly forces, because at the first words of the spell, the beginning of the rite will be laid and there will be no turning back. Remember, not everyone who was able to win the lottery found happiness and prosperity.

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The choice of ritual must be taken seriously. We must not forget that rituals, conspiracies, ceremonies are cultural heritage our ancestors.

To win the lottery, choose money rituals. For a magical action, we carefully study the conditions and circumstances of the sacrament:

  • The action of the rite is enhanced by the waning moon;
  • Conspiracy for a lottery ticket pronounce during this period of time;
  • To enhance the effect, we plant a money tree in this phase of the night star;
  • The middle of the week (Wednesday) is considered a magic day, when energy is accumulated in the surrounding nature.

Rite loves mystery

Like any magical act, the rite requires observance of mystery. Do not rush to devote all your relatives and friends to your plans. Be reasonable and silent. Keeping your actions to perform money rituals is especially important after winning the lottery. This will definitely happen if all the rules are not tricky. Don't forget that silence is golden. Do not frighten off your luck and do not block the cash flow.

To get the result, you must believe and respect the power of rituals

At any life situation, faith in success is already half the success. It is especially important to comply this rule if you plan to use magic to attract a winning lottery ticket. Doubt, uncertainty, can ruin any undertaking in the bud. Do not allow indulgence and ridicule to the rites. Respect for conspiracy serious attitude results will lead you to earn money.

Observing the rules, strictly following the explanation to the rituals, you will definitely solve material difficulties. Buying a lottery ticket, after performing magical actions, will bring you the desired money.

Use the right rituals for different situations:

To achieve good luck

For any game and lottery game, there is a simple ritual:

Take the zest of one lemon. Three coins yellow color any merit. Three cherries. You will need a non-transparent jar.

Coins, cherry pits and lemon zest are alternately lowered into the container. Before pronouncing the plot, cover the jar with a lid.

We repeat the words three times in a calm tone:

“The girl went for the berries to collect a whole basket. She walked along the path and found coins, looks around and sees coins everywhere. She bakes pies, they turn out delicious and ruddy! Let me be as lucky as that girl. Let happiness and luck come to me and come into my house!

After reading the plot, remove the jar away from prying eyes, in an inaccessible place. Luck will not take long. To check this, you need to perform the main action. Three days later, hurry up to buy a lottery ticket. There is no doubt that you will definitely be lucky. A correctly and confidently pronounced conspiracy begins to act immediately, after the ritual is performed.

To receive money

Wednesday is the most magical day. Remember this. Plan to buy a lottery ticket, after performing magical actions, on this very day.

The ceremony for attracting and receiving money is divided into three stages:

Stage 1- take banknote average denomination;

2 - stage- spend the charmed money on the purchase of a lottery ticket;

3 - stage- say a plot for a lottery ticket by the light of a greenish candle.

The text of the conspiracy on a bill to buy a lottery ticket:

“I give one money, but I get a lot. So it will be!”

Repeat seven times and quickly go for a lottery ticket. Important! It is necessary to pay with a charmed bill. You don't choose a ticket. For which ticket, the hand reaches out, you take it (if you need to choose numbers, choose arbitrary ones without thinking). Go home immediately to complete the ritual.

At home, postponing all affairs, continue the ritual. Light a candle, and looking at the ticket, read the plot.

Conspiracy text:

“I hold the magic ticket, I attract a big win. To be with me prosperity and wealth, I attract all the victories and coins to myself "

You repeat the secret words seven times and remove the ticket to a place known only to you. Important! When performing the ritual, there should not be family members and other grateful spectators at home. Keep your secret before and after the lottery results are announced. Without a doubt, good luck will enter your home.

For Success When Buying a Lottery Ticket

Not complex actions will definitely lead you to success. Buy a lottery ticket go on Monday. Everything new begins on this day! When buying a ticket, entrust the choice to the seller (or put random selection) and at this moment quietly say the words:

“Makes a choice, helps money, my money to money”

Go home immediately, without being distracted by extraneous matters and conversations. Remove the ticket until Wednesday to your secret place.

With the onset of the morning of the middle of the week, taking a ticket, go to a nearby lake, river or other body of water. Having tuned in to a magical mood, you read the plot:

“A ticket is a ticket, you were bought with my luck and constant luck. Help raise big money, help me win. Attract prosperity to my house, drive away the need - failure. Money - money hurry to me, bring wealth. I hold a lottery ticket in my hand, I receive a win, I charge it with success. I attract good luck, wealth, joy to myself!

After reading the plot, turn to the sun and take a bath with water from the lake. Finish the ritual by splashing on lottery ticket water from a reservoir, saying three times a spell:

"So - so, so be it, as I say!"

After completing the ritual, take a deep breath, enjoy nature and calmly wait for the lottery win. You can be sure that luck will not keep you waiting! Belief in victory enhances the effect of magical conspiracies.

Rituals fulfill wishes in modern life

Times and people change. Faith in a miracle, unexpected luck, in a lottery win remains unchanged.

Rites and other magical rituals can fulfill the dream of. To anyone important business should be taken seriously and carefully. Compliance with the rules, recommendations when reading the conspiracy will certainly lead to success. In our case, success is a long-awaited lottery win. The main condition is to cast aside doubts and believe in victory.

Despite the fact that in modern world magic is not as popular as it was a hundred years ago, for example, there are many areas where its help remains relevant in our time. In this article, we will consider one of the varieties of money magic as prayers and magic conspiracies to win the lottery.

Many people are interested in the issue of attracting money to the house and, of course, solving material difficulties.

One of the fairly simple ways to solve this problem is money magic and certain ceremonies and rituals to attract financial well-being.

Some magical rites help repay the debt, while others improve the general financial position person. However, there are also magical rituals that allow you to win money lotteries. One of the varieties of money magic are prayers and conspiracies to win the lottery. They can help in the implementation of one of the most cherished desires of each of us - to win money.

It remains only to choose the right rite and follow exactly all the instructions.

Features and rules of rituals

Before carrying out magical rite to win the lottery, you need to familiarize yourself with general requirements to rituals of this type:

the time of the ceremony
The best day of the week to complete a plot to win the lottery is Wednesday. All rituals performed on this day are much more effective and efficient than rituals performed on other days.
the sacrament of the rite.

secret magic ritual
No one should know that you have decided to make a ceremony to attract money or to win the lottery. And even when the ritual has worked, in no case do not tell anyone about the performed magical actions. Otherwise, failures and bad luck in material terms.
faith in the power of magic and confidence in the result.

100% faith in magic
If you are conspiring to win the lottery, and do not believe in the success of this event, then nothing will work. Only complete confidence in the result will help to get the long-awaited money.

By following these simple rules, you can solve almost any material problems by winning the lottery. Now it remains to choose the appropriate ceremony and buy a lottery ticket.

Conspiracy for good luck in the lottery

To try to attract good luck in the lottery game, you can use a fairly simple plot for good luck in the lottery.

To complete it, you will need the zest of one lemon, three coins of any yellow value, three cherry pits and an opaque jar. As a jar, a container for tea or coffee is suitable.

In the jar, you need to alternately lower the lemon zest, pits from cherries and coins.

The jar is covered with a lid, after which the words of the conspiracy are repeated three times:

“The woman went to the berries - she gathered a basket.
I went along the road and found three coins.
Wherever you look, coins are everywhere.
I started baking pies - they turned out ruddy and tasty.
So let me be as lucky as that woman.
Let happiness and luck keep pace with me!

After reading the magic words, the jar should be removed to a place inaccessible to prying eyes. From now on, luck will be with you. And to make sure of this, after three days, buy a lottery ticket.

You will definitely be lucky, because conspiracies to win the lottery begin to act immediately after they are completed. If you strongly believe in the result, then it will not take long.

Conspiracies to win the lottery will work much more efficiently if carried out on Wednesday.

Indeed, as long-term practice has shown, it is on this day of the week that money magic works most productively.

Particular attention in such rituals should be given to the choice of a lottery ticket. Indeed, as a rule, in order to participate in the most common lotteries, you first need to purchase a lottery ticket.

Decide on the lottery in which you are going to participate and purchase a lottery ticket. You can buy several tickets, in this case, for each ticket you will need to read a separate plot. Wait until the middle of the week and you can begin to perform the ceremony.

Conspiracy on a banknote

This ceremony is performed in three stages:

  1. for the first stage you will need a banknote of medium denomination;
  2. at the second stage - a lottery ticket bought for the charmed money;
  3. at the third stage, you will need to speak the ticket by the light of a green candle.

At the very beginning of the ceremony, take a banknote, which is enough to buy a lottery ticket. On it, read the following conspiracy to win the lottery:

"I'll give you one money, I'll get a lot!"

Repeat these words seven times. And immediately go for a lottery ticket, for which you will need to pay with a charmed bill. Take the first ticket that catches your eye. After the purchase - go home to complete the ritual.

Conspiracy for a lottery ticket and a green candle

When you get home, light a green wax candle and, looking at the ticket, read the plot for the lottery ticket:

“I hold the charmed ticket, I attract money and winnings to myself.
Wealth and prosperity to be with me, I call for all the coins and victories!

Repeat magic words you need seven times, after which the ticket should be removed to a secret place until the results are announced. Luck will definitely smile at you!

To complete this plot to win the lottery, you will need one ticket.

It is best to buy a ticket on Monday, and perform the ceremony on Wednesday. When you buy a ticket, ask the seller to choose, and while the person chooses it for you, say the phrase to yourself:

"Money to money, the choice will help!".

After that, go straight home, where until Wednesday, leave the ticket in an inaccessible place. On Wednesday at dawn, you should go along with a ticket to the nearest lake, river or pond, where you will need to read the plot.

Looking at the ticket, read this prayer for a lottery ticket:

“Ticket-ticket for good luck, for luck.
Help me win, attract money to me.
So that there was prosperity, there was plenty of everything,
Yes, there is no need to be in the house.
Money-money come to me, hurry to me,
I hold a winning lottery ticket in my hand,
I call for good luck and luck with wealth!

After reading this plot, sprinkle water from a river or lake on a ticket, saying the words three times:

"Let it be so!".

After completing the ritual, all that remains is to wait for the win. The rite begins to act immediately after its execution, therefore, the effect of magic can only be strengthened by faith in victory.

How to win the lottery

Prayers and conspiracies to win the lottery help to fulfill one of the most popular desires modern man. Performed in accordance with all the rules and in accordance with all the recommendations, money rituals guarantee the desired result.

Besides, important factor success - faith in victory. Without it, it is better not to take the rite. A positive attitude, self-confidence and the help of magic - and everything will certainly work out!

In this article:

If you want to win a tidy sum in the lottery, then you can try to strengthen your desire with the help of magic by reading a plot for good luck and winning the lottery, making an amulet or performing a ritual.

Rituals for winning the lottery

The main rule when conducting rituals for money is keeping time, having faith in your own luck, visualizing future wealth. Money rituals are held only on the growing moon, in the first week of the new moon, preferably on Thursday - the day of Jupiter, which controls cash flows.

simple money ritual

This ritual will help attract cash flows to your home. Go to the forest or field and find a streamlined stone (without sharp corners). At home, secluded with a stone, light a candle and draw any monetary symbol on the stone, for example, coins, a dollar sign. Then mentally imagine how this stone becomes a magnet for money, attracting money to your house.

Keep the stone in a conspicuous place so that it can catch your eye, and you imagine it as the center of cash flow every time.

Money ritual "Money - to money"

This is a simple ritual, but it must be repeated daily.

Even in the old days, it was noticed that people who have money in their pockets always have them, while the wealth of a person only increases.

To win the lottery or raise money, you need to read the plot and follow simple steps.

Take an odd number of coins (3 or 5) and put them in the pockets of the clothes you wear daily. As you place the coins in your pockets, say:

"As water rushes to the shore, so money seeks money."

Conspired coins work great according to the law of attraction

Conspired money should be carried in pockets and in no case should be spent. Every day you need to touch the coins, repeating the plot. Even after washing clothes, coins should be put back. The longer you carry coins with you, the more wealth they will attract to you.

Lunar ritual

Any plot for good luck in the lottery will be effective if it is done on the growing moon. There are a great many such conspiracies and rituals. Here is one of them.

On the first day of the new moon, at night, take 12 coins of various denominations, while the total amount of money should correspond to the age of the author of the ritual.

Get outside. Choose a secluded spot. Then say seven times:

“Everything that grows and lives in this world multiplies from the light of the Sun, and money - from the moonlight, grow, multiply, be fruitful. Enrich me (name), come to me. Let it be so!"

Carry out money rituals only for the growth of the moon

After completing the reading of the conspiracy, squeeze the coins into a fist, take them home and put them in your wallet, which should contain other money, which will allow the conspiracy to begin to act immediately, multiplying and attracting wealth.

Ritual for winning the lottery

The ritual is performed on a cloudy, gray and inconspicuous day on a waning moon. It is on such a day that other people will not look for luck, which means that the likelihood that she will smile just for you increases significantly. Buy a lottery ticket that day, and the next morning at 8:00 put on inconspicuous gray clothes and hit the road. But before you cross the threshold of your house, say the following words:

"Wealth, come to me!"

After that, take a five-kopeck coin and put it in the left pocket of your clothes. Go to the nearest body of standing water - to a pond or lake, without talking to anyone along the way. Having reached the goal, choose a secluded place on the right bank of the reservoir, stand facing north, take a coin in right hand and throw it into the water. But before you toss a coin, say a plot for good luck in the lottery:

“Money into the water - I win!”

Now go home without stopping, without turning around, and without talking to anyone. Arriving home, ask household members to leave the house for a while. At this time, arrange yourself in each corner of the house on a plate with a large rock salt, and place forty blue candles around the perimeter of the main room. Light candles at midnight, moving counterclockwise to each next candle. Wait until all the candles are completely burned out, collect the cinders, sprinkle with salt, take them to the reservoir into which the coin was thrown and throw it as far as possible into the water.

This ritual takes time and order of actions, but it justifies itself.

Conspiracy for a lottery ticket

This plot was made by the Bulgarian healer and fortuneteller Vanga.

Before you read it, take a small coin and your favorite piece of clothing that you wear most often - the top is better, as it is worn daily (jeans, coat, jacket, skirt).

Sew the coin into the hem of a dress or skirt, into the lining of a coat or jacket.

While sewing on a coin, say:

“Like a thread with a needle all the time together, so let money be inseparable with me. As the thread for the needle stretches, so wealth will reach out to me. I sew the hem - I sew wealth to myself. Come to me different money, big and small, copper and silver, gold and paper, for my joy and God's grace.

When the coin is sewn up, hang the thing in the closet and leave it there overnight. Put on your happy clothes the next morning and wear them for several days in a row.
Good luck!

Fortune is a capricious and unpredictable lady. Who doesn't dream of big wins as an opportunity to get rich quick and live happily ever after? But not everyone is lucky enough to be.

When buying a lottery ticket, a person understands how negligible the chance of winning is. But he tempts fate again and again, because excitement is akin to a disease. A conspiracy to win the lottery is the most harmless thing that a gamer is ready to believe in. The desire to attract good luck has given rise among the people to many rites and rituals aimed at solving money problems.

Conspiracies to win the lottery, which are part of the group of rituals to attract money, are popular and easy to use. But magicians warn that any mystical intervention in fate can lead to a chain of irreversible events. For example, if a person quickly gained wealth, he may soon lose love or a close relative. Therefore, any conspiracy and ritual must be selected and implemented carefully, providing for all possible side effects.

Rituals for winning: how to conduct it correctly?

Conspiracy to win money rite subject to certain terms and conditions. They are simple, but each of them is extremely important.

Rules for a successful conspiracy:

  • Wednesday is recognized as the best day for the ritual (some call Thursday and Sunday). By combining the information, we can call the first week of the new moon (for the new month) the best for conspiracy.
  • You should not tell anyone about the ceremony, and even after receiving what you want, you can’t talk about the method of attracting fortune.
  • You cannot use magic without faith in the result. Any doubts harm the implementation of the plan.
  • The lottery in which you want to win must be chosen in advance, since the visualization method used in conspiracies involves a clear representation of the unfolding events if a result is achieved.

Magic rituals for quick wealth

This conspiracy to win is carried out on the new moon, which coincided with Thursday. For the ritual, two candles are needed - white and green. White symbolizes the leader of the ritual, green - money. Candles are installed at a small distance from one another (20-25 cm). Both candles are lit with one torch (white - the first, green - the second). Let them burn for a while, thinking about future gains. Extinguish then and remove the candles from your eyes. You need to take out candles and light them in this way every day, gradually bringing them closer to each other. When the candles come together (in about a decade), tie them with gold braid or ribbon and keep them as a talisman.

A strong conspiracy big win the lottery requires several steps: for the ritual you will need one banknote, a lottery ticket and a green candle.

Stage 1. Take the bill that you pay for when buying a lottery ticket and speak:

Conspiracy "To win the lottery" on a bill

“I’ll give you one money, I’ll get a lot in return!”

After repeating the recitation seven times, go for a lottery ticket. The ticket is taken first, which will catch your eye. Then return home to complete the ceremony.

Stage 2. Light a green, previously purchased, candle and, looking at the ticket, speak it.

Conspiracy "To win the lottery" on a ticket

“I hold the ticket that I have spoken in my hands, I ask for a cash prize for myself. I attract wealth, prosperity to myself, I call for coins and victories!”

We repeat the recitation again seven times, then remove the ticket until the announcement of the result of the lottery.

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