Who carries out social protection of the population. Structure of social protection

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Chapter 1. Theoretical basis social protection systems

1.1 The concept, principles and essence of the social protection system

1.2 Organizational and legal forms, directions and functions of social protection of the population

Chapter 2. State policy in the field of social protection of the population of the Russian Federation

2.1 State policy of organizing social protection of the population of the Russian Federation

2.2 State bodies of social protection of the population and sources of its financing

Chapter 3. Social protection of the population in the Chechen Republic

3.1 Systems of social protection and social services for citizens in the Czech Republic

3.2 Quality standards for the provision of services in the field of social protection provided to the population of the CR


List of used literature


The relevance of the topic of work It follows from the fact that the political and socio-economic processes of the 1990s were accompanied not only by an increase in the scale of negative social phenomena, but also by the appearance of phenomena - mass poverty and outright unemployment. All this means a sharp increase in the number of people in need of social support. As a result of these processes, the importance of the state's activities in the field of social protection of the population has sharply increased. In response to this “challenge”, social legislation began to be intensively improved.

One of the main tasks of the state is the activity of social protection of the population. The current socio-economic, moral, psychological and spiritual situation in Russia is extremely contradictory and multifaceted. The number of people with incomes below the subsistence minimum is practically not decreasing, the differentiation of the population by income is increasing, tension in the labor market is increasing, and arrears in paying wages, pensions and social benefits, tendencies of trouble, including social deviations, are acutely manifested. The current situation requires the adoption of adequate measures, primarily in the field of developing the system of social protection of the population and ensuring social security, which can only be achieved through a competent and effective social policy of the state.

Russia has adopted laws and other regulations, both at the federal and regional level providing for an increase in the number of categories of the population recognized as socially vulnerable, expanding the list of social payments, benefits, compensations, and services provided to them.

A system of bodies, institutions and enterprises emerged and began to expand, spending for these purposes from the budgets of all levels, extra-budgetary social funds, designed to ensure the provision of social payments to the population in cash, as well as the provision of various kinds of social services in kind.

Social protection and decent employment are essential components of a market economy to ensure income security for all. Social protection also has an important positive impact on society as a whole by promoting social cohesion and providing a general sense of security among members of society.

Social protection of the population is one of the most important components of the social policy of the state and social and labor relations. Its subject field covers the basic conditions of people's life: the material support of the population and the organization of social and medical assistance to disabled members of society.

Today, the social protection of the population should play not only the role of social compensation for the poor, but also serve as a certain counterbalance to the rapidly growing wealth inequality. An important problem is the protection of the entire population from progressive impoverishment.

In the current economic and socio-political conditions, the role and importance of the system of social protection of the population has increased significantly. Often, the bodies and institutions of social services are the only structures, the appeal to which leaves a person with hope of receiving support and assistance in resolving his life problems.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation (RF) is proclaimed welfare state. His most character traits reflected in the ongoing social policy, which, according to Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person.

Social policy is carried out on different levels management: micro level, macro level, integration level, world level.

At present, four main areas of social protection of the population are distinguished in the Russian Federation: 1) social protection of children, childhood and adolescence; 2) social protection of the able-bodied population; 3) social protection of disabled citizens; 4) social protection of the family.

State bodies carrying out social protection of the population: the Ministry of Labor and social development RF; executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; district (city) bodies of social protection of the population.

In the Chechen Republic, there is an extensive structure of social service institutions, adapted to the conditions of market relations, consisting of stationary and non-stationary social protection institutions, institutions providing rehabilitation services.

The benchmark for the development of the system of social services in the Chechen Republic is to improve the quality of life of the population. This indicator is an integral characteristic of the physical, psychological, emotional and social functioning of a person and generally determines the effectiveness of actions in this direction.

The degree of scientific development. In an effort to take part in improving the system of protecting the rights of citizens in the context of radical changes social sphere, specialists in the field of philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology and other sciences, focused on topical issues of social protection. Such researchers as V.G. Bocharova, S.I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, N.S. Danakin, V.I. Zhukov, I.G. , P.D. Pavlenok, A.M. Panov, A.S. Sorvina, M.V. Firsov, E.I. Kholostova, E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova and others tried to comprehend the essence of social protection.

Object of study this work - the system of social protection of the population.

Subject of study- the role of the state, its social policy in the system of social protection of the population.

Target thesis - study of social protection of the population and analysis of the social policy of the state in its sphere.

In the process of achieving the goal, the following tasks:

· identify the concept, principles and essence of the social protection system;

· to consider organizational and legal forms, directions and functions of social protection of the population;

· to study the state policy of the organization of social protection of the population of the Russian Federation;

consider government bodies social protection of the population and sources of its financing;

· to study the system of social protection and social services for citizens of the Chechen Republic;

· to determine the quality standards for the provision of services in the field of social protection provided to the population of the Chechen Republic.

The structure and scope of the qualifying study. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, which include two paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references. The total volume of work is 74 pages.

Chapter1 . Theoretical foundations of the system of social protection of the population

1.1 The concept, principles and essence of the social protection system

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation (RF) is proclaimed a social state. Its most characteristic features are reflected in the ongoing social policy, which, according to Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person. Constitution of the Russian Federation

Social policy is carried out at different levels of management:

· the micro-level conducts social policy of individual economic entities of the economy (firms, enterprises, organizations);

· the macro-level implements national and regional social policy;

· at the integration level, it is supposed to implement a coordinated social policy of two or more countries;

· global level - social policy is aimed at solving global social problems. The implementation of social policy requires the allocation of appropriate economic resources, the creation of social infrastructure.

Social protection of the population of any state is part of the general policy of the state, which concerns relations between social groups, between society as a whole and its members, associated with changes in the social structure, the growth of the welfare of citizens, aimed at ensuring social, economic, political and other rights and guarantees of a person regardless of his gender, nationality, age, place of residence and other circumstances.

There are basically two models of social protection in the world:

· social-democratic orientation with a high role of the state in the socialization of incomes and the essential importance of nationwide social control mechanisms;

· neoliberal - with a lesser degree of state intervention in socio-economic processes.

Depending on the approaches chosen, the following social protection systems are distinguished:

· state, based on the principle of state social care for socially vulnerable members of society and social charity (it provides for a differentiated approach to the definition of low-income groups of the population according to the degree of need and preferential provision of social assistance to them);

private, based on the principle of responsibility of each member of society for their own destiny and the destiny of their family, using their own labor and entrepreneurial activity income, income from property, as well as personal savings (this system is oriented towards distribution according to work and includes private social insurance).

As for the social protection of the population of the Russian Federation, at the present stage it is the most important and priority direction of the social policy of the Russian state, being a system of principles, methods, legally established by the state social guarantees, measures and institutions that ensure the provision of optimal living conditions, satisfaction of needs, maintenance of life support and active existence of the individual, various social categories and groups; a set of measures, actions, means of the state and society directed against risk situations in the normal life of citizens. Panteleeva T.S., Chervyakova G.A. Economic foundations of social work: A textbook for university students - M .: Humanitarian publishing center "VLADOS", 2005. Social protection of the population is a set of measures to ensure a state-guaranteed minimum level of material support for socially vulnerable segments of the population during economic transformations. Dictionary-reference book on social work / Ed. E.I. Single. - M.: Lawyer, 2000.

Characteristic of the current stage is the rapid development of the methodology and methods of social protection of the population, which is of great practical and theoretical importance. It should be noted that the methodology of social protection is understood as a system of principles and methods for organizing and building theoretical and practical activities aimed at risk situations in the normal life of citizens, such as illness, unemployment, old age, disability, death of the breadwinner, and others, and under the methodology - a set of techniques, methods of research and operations of practical and theoretical development of the social protection of the population as a system. Dictionary-reference book on social work / Ed. E.I. Single. - M.: Lawyer, 2000.

The legal basis for social protection of certain categories of the population is made up of the following laws of the Russian Federation - "On forced migrants", "On employment in the Russian Federation", "On social protection of the disabled", "On social services for the elderly and disabled", "On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation”, “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”, etc.

Social protection of citizens is carried out at the expense of the federal, regional and local budgets, specially created funds for social support of the population, non-state funds.

The main principles of social protection of the population are formulated in the conventions international organization labor (ILO), which aim each state to provide social guarantees to the entire population under various circumstances that threaten health or material well-being. At the same time, the ILO conventions provide the main types of social protection, regulate their minimum level and categories of the population to which they should apply. National systems of social protection are formed on the basis of ILO conventions, taking into account the specifics of the economic, social and cultural development of a particular country.

The current system of social protection in Russia is based on the following principles:

Encouragement - in order to create a socio-political resonance for certain socially significant events that have received public assessment, or to support important state deeds, decisions are made that are focused on social support for individual social groups, segments of the population, and in some cases - individuals;

Applicability - social assistance is provided to a needy citizen as soon as a written request is made by the applicant or a person representing his interests;

paternalism, meaning state guardianship(“fatherly care”) in relation to less socially and economically protected strata and groups of the population, as well as humanity, social justice, targeting, complexity, ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual.

The objects of social protection are social institutions represented by specific social organizations, institutions, systems (education, healthcare, social protection, employment, labor, culture, sports and recreation complex).

The central subject of social protection is the state. A person in need of social protection is both a subject and an object of social protection.

The criteria for identifying priority objects of social protection are the size of the average monthly income per family member (in comparison with the subsistence minimum budget), the availability of a source of livelihood (unemployed, disabled - in whole or in part), environmental and social ill-being (victims of social and interethnic conflicts, refugees and displaced persons, victims and residents of ecologically unfavorable territories), the need for assistance (pregnant women, war veterans and blockade survivors, persons after punishment in correctional labor institutions). For each category of socially vulnerable segments of the population, its own social protection program is being developed.

The specificity of the social protection of the population is expressed in the fact that this is a form of distribution of material wealth not in exchange for the efforts expended in the process of labor activity, but in order to meet the physical, social and other needs of the elderly, the sick, the unemployed, persons with minimal incomes, in a word, - those who are not able to independently provide a decent life for themselves and their families, as well as all members of society in order to protect the health and normal reproduction of the working family.

Based on this specificity, the following signs of social protection of the population are distinguished:

· objective grounds that necessitate the use of appropriate mechanisms aimed at maintaining or ensuring a certain standard of living;

any means of providing a livelihood;

· consolidation of the rules for the provision of social protection in social, including legal norms.

The essence of the social protection of the population is most clearly manifested in its functions: economic, political, demographic and social rehabilitation.

The economic function is to replace earnings (income or maintenance) lost due to age, disability or loss of a breadwinner; partial reimbursement of additional expenses upon the occurrence of certain life circumstances; providing minimal monetary or in-kind assistance to poor citizens.

The political function contributes to the maintenance of social stability in a society in which there are significant differences in the standard of living of various segments of the population.

The demographic function is designed to stimulate the reproduction of the population, which is necessary for the normal development of the country.

The social rehabilitation function is aimed at restoring the social status of disabled citizens and other socially weak groups of the population, allowing them to feel like full members of society.

Social protection of the population is a system that includes several subsystems. It should be noted that the components of social protection of the population are not always possible to clearly distinguish. In addition, there are differences in their understanding in different countries.

"Social security is a system of providing and serving the elderly and disabled citizens, as well as families with children." Yurieva T.V. Social economy. - Publishing house "Drofa", 2003

The social security system typically includes:

· pensions;

benefits for workers (for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth, etc.);

allowances for families with children;

unemployment benefits, etc.

“Pensions are regular cash payments provided to citizens upon reaching a certain age, disability, in case of loss of a breadwinner, as well as for long service and special merits to the state. Distinguish between labor and social pensions.

Labor pensions include pensions for old age, disability, in case of loss of a breadwinner, as well as for years of service. Yurieva T.V. Social economy. - Publishing house "Drofa", 2003

Men who have reached the age of 60 and have at least 25 years of work experience, and women who have reached 55 years of age with at least 20 years of work experience, are entitled to an old-age pension in Russia. Some categories of citizens receive pensions on preferential terms. This applies to citizens working in heavy, unhealthy industries, as well as mothers of many children, parents of people with disabilities since childhood.

Disability pension is established in connection with a long-term or permanent actual loss of ability to work (disability). The conditions and norms of pension provision depend on the nature of labor relations, the causes of disability, etc. In case of disability due to an industrial injury, occupational disease, a pension is assigned regardless of the length of service. If disability is the result common disease, then when calculating the pension, a certain total length of service is taken into account.

A survivor's pension is granted to disabled family members of the deceased who were previously dependent on him (children, brothers, sisters, etc.).

A retirement pension is established for those categories of citizens who are employed in jobs leading to disability or fitness before the age that gives the right to an old-age pension (aviation workers, miners, geologists, sailors, etc.).

Social pension is assigned to non-working citizens in the absence of the right to a labor pension.

Social security also includes the payment of benefits to working citizens. These include: benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth. Special attention in the social market economy is given to families with children. The state pays them benefits that help to ensure normal living conditions for the younger generation.

Social services for the elderly and disabled are an important part of social security.

Social services for the elderly and disabled in a market economy are assigned both to state social service centers and to the non-state sector. The non-state sector of social services includes public associations, including professional associations, charitable and religious organizations, whose activities are related to social services for the elderly and disabled.

The payment of unemployment benefits is another line of activity for social security. The amount of unemployment benefit in different countries calculated differently. In Russia, the amount of unemployment benefit is set as a percentage of the average earnings calculated for the last 3 months at the last place of work, if the employee had at least 26 calendar weeks of paid work during the 12 months preceding the onset of unemployment.

If the unemployed person has dependents, then he is paid an additional 10% of the one-time allowance for each dependent.

In the Russian Federation, the duration of the period for the payment of unemployment benefits cannot exceed 12 calendar months in total terms within 18 calendar months. If an unemployed person has not obtained a suitable paid job during this period, he is entitled to a second period of unemployment benefit in the amount of the minimum wage.

Unemployment benefits are paid at least twice a month, subject to the re-registration of the unemployed within the terms established by the employment service. Longer terms for the payment of unemployment benefits may be established by regional and local authorities state authorities, subject to their payment at the expense of the relevant budgets.

The payment of unemployment benefits may be suspended for up to three months in cases of employment of an unemployed person in a temporary job or part-time job without notifying the employment center, violation of registration rules by the unemployed person.

Social guarantees are the implementation by the state of the constitutional rights of citizens to improve the most important social benefits and services. Social guarantees provided by the state to the population in the Russian Federation include:

the right of citizens to choose a place of work, to professional activity;

the minimum wage;

The minimum pension

a one-time allowance for the birth of each child;

monthly allowance for children of single mothers, military personnel passing military service by conscription, for children whose parents evade paying alimony, etc.;

· ritual allowance;

the minimum amount of unemployment benefits;

the minimum amount of the scholarship;

The right to housing

the right to health protection and medical care;

the right to education.

Social assistance is care for citizens in need of support, assistance due to age, health, social status, insufficient personal income based on a means test. In Russia, social assistance is provided to pensioners, the disabled, refugees and internally displaced persons, citizens exposed to radiation as a result of catastrophes at nuclear power plants and other accidents, etc. Social assistance is provided in the form of cash and (or) in-kind payments (free meals, housing, clothing, services).

Social insurance is a system of material support in case of temporary disability, old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner, as well as recreational activities (sanatoriums, rest homes, medical nutrition, pioneer camps, etc.). Social insurance considers social types of risk: disability due to illness, old age, accident, job loss, etc. This risk is massive, social, i.e. social character, since it is largely determined by social conditions and does not depend (depends little) on each individual person.

Unlike other types of social protection of the population, social risk is taken into account in advance. Possible financial costs associated with this risk are also distributed in advance among all participants in the organization. Insurance for each type of social risk may be voluntary or mandatory.

From the point of view of the range of impact and scope, social insurance is divided into state, regional, municipal (local), professional (according to professional and sectoral characteristics), and international. State (universal) insurance covers significant masses of the population in the country. Municipal insurance covers only a certain part of the country. Occupational insurance is organized for certain categories of workers (pilots, miners). International insurance is valid for the population of several countries.

Social insurance includes not only cash payments, compensations, but also certain services for treatment, rehabilitation and prevention. With the socialization of the economy, services for treatment, rehabilitation and prevention are constantly growing and determine the effectiveness of social insurance in general.

Financing of social insurance is carried out at the expense of employers, employees with possible participation of the state. Payments are made from special funds formed on the basis of contributions (pension funds, health insurance funds, etc.).

AT modern Russia the social insurance system as a whole has lost the main features of insurance relations and has actually become part of the state tax system. In most cases, insurance premiums are charged without taking into account the assessment of social risks.

Summarizing the above, it should be emphasized that most types of social protection are provided free of charge at the expense of centralized non-budgetary bodies of social purpose or part of budget funds. At the same time, in conditions of limited financial and material resources, all types of social protection within the framework of social assistance and social support must have a character and be provided taking into account the need.

1.2 Organizational and legal forms, directions and functions of social protection of the population

AT modern conditions social protection becomes the most important function of society, all its state bodies and social institutions. There are also forms of social protection of a private nature - pensions, health insurance, social services. This indicates that in our country there is a multi-layered organizational structure a system of social protection of the population, which uses almost all organizational and legal forms that exist in countries with a market economy, although they do not function fully due to the unresolved number of theoretical and organizational problems.

The leading organizational and legal forms of SZN are currently pensions, social benefits, benefits for especially needy categories of the population, state social insurance, and social services.

Pension provision is a state regular cash payment (calculated per month), a pension that is paid in accordance with the established procedure to certain categories of persons from social funds and other sources intended for these purposes. Social Policy: Textbook / Ed. ON THE. Volgin. Moscow. 2002.

Pension relations in Russia are regulated by the laws “On State Pensions”, “On Amendments to the Law of the RSFSR “On State Pensions in the RSFSR” (in the title and text of the Law, the abbreviation “RSFSR” is replaced by the words “Russian Federation”), “On Pensions for Persons serving in the internal affairs bodies, and their families” and others.

Pensions are paid upon reaching a certain age; the onset of disability; death of the breadwinner; long-term performance of a certain professional activity- length of service.

The main types of pensions are labor and social. The labor pension includes old-age pension (by age); disability pension; survivor's pension; retirement pension.

If citizens for some reason do not have the right to a labor pension, a social pension is established for them.

Women are entitled to a pension on a general basis upon reaching the age of 55 with a total length of service of at least 20 years, and men upon reaching 69 years of age with a length of service of at least 25 years.

Financing the payment of pensions is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the expense of insurance premiums of employers and citizens, as well as at the expense of the federal budget of Russia.

All pensions are indexed in accordance with the established procedure in connection with the increase in the cost of living. With an increase in the minimum size of pensions, all pensions increase in proportion to the increase in their minimum size.

The development of pension provision is carried out on the basis of the concept of the reform of the pension provision system in Russia, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The concept assumes a smooth transition to a new funded principle of pension provision with the preservation of pension rights enshrined in the current pension system. The reform is provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 1997 No. 222 “On the Program of Social Reforms in the Russian Federation”. :

· introduction of a system of individual (personalized) accounting of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

Ensuring the stability of the real value of the pension, achieving a fair differentiation of the size of the pension based on the labor contribution, establishing a permanent mechanism for indexing pensions through the application of the individual coefficient of the pensioner, based on the growth of the average wage in national economy countries;

· strengthening the financial stability of the budget of the Pension Fund of Russia to ensure timely financing of pension payments.

The reform of pension provision will make it possible to turn it into an effective element of the system of social protection of the population.

Another organizational and legal form of social protection of the population is the provision of social benefits, benefits to especially needy categories of the population.

In modern conditions in the country, the number of social payments and benefits is over 1000, they are established for more than 200 categories of citizens, the number of persons applying for them reaches almost 100 million people (disabled people, veterans, children, unemployed and others). With the help of social benefits and privileges, the implementation of social guarantees for citizens is ensured, individual situations and the presence of such circumstances as poverty, orphanhood, unprotected motherhood, unemployment are taken into account more fully. prolonged illness and others.

However, the current practice of paying social benefits is not perfect. It was not possible to ensure the fair use of funds allocated for these purposes, to provide them targetedly, to better use the capabilities of the regions in strengthening the financial base for providing social guarantees. Therefore, these issues are currently the focus of attention of state and other bodies, social service institutions.

Compulsory state social insurance is a means of compensating for social risk and a means of social redistribution, taking into account the principle of social justice. State social insurance is a state-established and regulated the rights of the system of material support for workers in old age, in the event of temporary or permanent disability of members of the families of workers (in the event of loss of a breadwinner), as well as the protection of the health of workers and members of their families. Yakushev L.P. Social protection: Textbook. Moscow. 1998.

State social insurance is carried out at the expense of special funds formed from mandatory contributions from employers and (in some cases) employees, as well as subsidies from the federal budget for the material support of employees and their families.

Contributions intended for state social insurance are paid by enterprises, organizations, individual citizens who use the labor of hired workers in their personal households, as well as workers from their earnings.

Provision for state social insurance is divided into cash payments, material benefits and services. In modern conditions, the need to reform the entire social insurance system, more complete use of proven in various countries the world of principles: the guarantee of assistance to the insured and the mandatory nature of the conditions and norms; payment; solidarity; automation of financing based on the accumulation of insurance premiums; strictly targeted nature of funds and their repayment; definition of insurance space combined with delimitation various kinds insurance and more. Improving social insurance provides for:

· exemption of state social off-budget funds from payments unusual for them, separation of insurance payments from taxes;

· the introduction of differentiated amounts of insurance premiums for state social insurance, depending on the degree of danger, harmfulness, severity of work and the state of working conditions;

· Strengthening the personal participation of citizens in the financing and management of the social insurance system;

· development of voluntary forms of social insurance at the expense of citizens and incomes of enterprises, and more.

This will turn social insurance into the most important reliable constituent part systems of social protection of the population. Social service is a wide range of socio-economic, medical-social, psychological-pedagogical, social-legal, social-domestic and other social services and material assistance, adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Functions are relatively independent, but closely related types of activities for the social protection of a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation.

In the process of developing the system of social protection of the population, the functions change, are filled with new content due to innovative technological methods, the complexity of the services provided and the expansion of their scope, and the improvement of the professionalism of specialists.

This reflects the process of mastering the new content of social protection activities, its increasingly clear orientation towards providing multilateral support to a person in need, ensuring his personal participation in resolving problems and difficulties that have arisen, and improving relations between people within the framework of various systems of assistance to the population.

The social protection system is a complex of legislative acts, measures, as well as institutions that ensure the implementation of social protection measures for the population, support for socially vulnerable segments of the population. It includes, first of all, social security, which, in turn, performs a number of functions. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 1997 No. 222 "On the Program of Social Reforms in the Russian Federation".

Classification of social protection functions:

· economic functions social protection. Its essence lies in the fact that the state uses social protection as one of the ways to distribute part of the gross domestic product, thereby exerting a certain impact on equalizing the personal incomes of citizens by providing material benefits instead of lost earnings;

· the production function is expressed in the fact that the right to many types of social protection is conditioned by labor activity, and the level of protection often depends on its nature and the amount of remuneration for work;

· the social (social rehabilitation) function of social protection helps to maintain the social status of citizens in the event of various social risks by providing various types of material support. With the help of the social function, the rehabilitation direction of social protection is also carried out, the purpose of which is to restore the full life of a person;

· the political function allows the state to implement the main directions of social policy by means specific to social protection. The state of social peace in society depends on how effectively social protection performs its political function. Social tension in society at the present stage indicates that the state of Russian social protection does not meet the needs of the population.

· The demographic function is implemented through the impact of social protection on many demographic processes - on the life expectancy of the population, stimulation of the birth rate, etc.

Along with the above functions of social protection, there is also a spiritual and ideological function, which includes: ideological, moral and socio-psychological subfunctions.

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other loss of livelihood due to circumstances beyond his control.

Social protection of the population and the mechanism for its implementation are based on the relevant constitutional and legal guidelines. At present, there are four main areas of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation:

1. Social protection of children, childhood and adolescence, which is focused on creating conditions for the life and development of children, allowing all children, regardless of which family they were born and live in, to have the best opportunities for maintaining health, material well-being, free accessible education, preschool and school education, harmonious spiritual and moral development, realization of one's abilities. social protection population legal

State policy in the interests of children is based on the principles of legislative provision of the rights of the child; state support of the family in order to ensure the full-fledged upbringing of children, protect their rights, prepare them for a full life in society; establishment and observance of state minimum social standards of the main indicators of the quality of life of children, taking into account regional differences in these indicators; responsibility of officials, citizens for violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, causing harm to him; state support of local governments, public associations and other organizations engaged in activities to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child.

Social protection of children and adolescents at the present stage is consistent with public policy in the field of childhood, which recognizes this period of a person's life as the most important stage, and therefore undertakes to do everything to prepare them for a full life. Social protection of children and adolescents is multidirectional, affecting the most various areas their livelihoods, however, the priority direction of work is work with children and adolescents suffering from one degree or another of social maladjustment, which leads them to the street, to drugs, prostitution, etc.

2. Social protection of the able-bodied population, designed "to provide for the creation of conditions that ensure a balance of rights, duties and interests of citizens, when a person can fully realize the ability to be economically independent, while not infringing on the interests of fellow citizens and participating in social assistance to those in need." Social protection of the able-bodied population, the protection of their labor are based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation", adopted on July 17, 1999, and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation .

Thus, we can conclude that the social protection of the able-bodied population should include mechanisms that provide citizens of the Russian Federation with protection from social risks that prevent:

effective employment of a person;

providing, in accordance with the law, additional employment guarantees to categories of the population in need of special social protection and experiencing difficulties,

· payment and receipt of wages and all types of social benefits in the amounts and terms stipulated by the legislation;

protection of workers' health and prevention adverse conditions their labor;

providing and receiving material and other assistance to persons in crisis material and social situations;

· implementation by young people of their potential in scientific, cultural and sports plans;

Equality of rights for men and women in all matters of social life (first of all, we are talking about full actual equality in wages, promotion, access to education, scientific activity, culture and sports).

3. Social protection of disabled citizens, which should be aimed at the humanization of all spheres of life of these people. It is unacceptable that any of them feel like an extra person, burdening loved ones, society. Everyone should, as long as possible, retain the desire and ability to live in a family, actively participate in the economic, political, cultural development society, enjoy all its benefits and, if possible, increase them.

Social services for the elderly and disabled is an activity to meet their needs for social services. It includes a set of social services (care, catering, assistance in obtaining medical, legal, socio-psychological and natural types of assistance. "Social Encyclopedia". Ed. Col. A.P. Gorkin, G.N. Karelova, E .D., Katulsky and others - M: Bolyi, Ros Enz-ya, 2000

4. Social protection of the family, which should ensure effective prevention of social risks.

The social protection of the family at the present stage is the most developing area of ​​social protection, since it is in the family that all social problems characteristic of modern Russian society, and these problems are always specific, as they are directly related to the type of family.

The organization of the implementation of these areas of social protection of the population is determined by the legal framework for the social protection of the population in the Russian Federation.

Chapter2 . State policy in the field of social protection of the population of the Russian Federation

2.1 State policy of organizing social protection of the population of the Russian Federation

AT recent times due to the increase in the number of vulnerable categories of the population, the burden on the system of social protection of the population has increased, this circumstance justifies the need to develop a state policy to improve the organization of the social protection system.

The organization of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation is carried out at the federal, regional and local levels.

The federal executive body of the Russian Federation in the field of social protection of the population is the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, which is managed by the Government of the Russian Federation. Part central office The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, in order to resolve issues related to the social protection of the population, includes the Department for the Organization of Social Protection of the Population and the Department for the Affairs of the Disabled.

The Department of Organization of Social Protection of the Population ensures the activities of the Ministry for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of social protection of the population, including social protection of the family, women and children, veterans and other vulnerable groups of the population, guardianship and guardianship of adults who are incapacitated or not fully capable citizens, as well as the provision of public services in the field of social protection, including social services for the elderly, families, women, children and the disabled. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2010 No. 339 “On Approval of the Regulations on the Department for Organization of Social Protection of the Population of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation”. The department has the following structure: family policy department; department of organization of social protection of families with children; department for the development of social services for the population; department of policy in the field of social protection of the population; department for providing social guarantees and measures of social support for veterans; department for interaction with regional bodies of social protection of the population and public organizations. Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia: official website [ Electronic resource]. - Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, 2008 - 2011. - Access mode: http://www.minzdravsoc.ru

The Department for the Affairs of the Disabled has been functioning since 2010 and ensures the activities of the Ministry for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of social rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2010 No. on Affairs of the Disabled of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. . This subdivision includes: the Department of Methodology for the Development and Implementation of Social Protection Programs for the Disabled; Rehabilitation Industry Development Department; department for the development of medical and social expertise; department of policy in the field of social protection of persons with disabilities; department of social guarantees of citizens affected by emergency situations; department for interaction with public associations disabled people.

In addition to the above departments, the Ministry includes Federal Service for supervision in the field of healthcare and social development, which directly and through its territorial bodies exercises control and supervision in the field of healthcare and social development.

The Ministry coordinates the activities of state non-budgetary funds (the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund), whose budgets are formed autonomously from the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the expense of insurance premiums.

There are advisory and coordinating bodies under the Ministry, All-Russian meetings are organized on topical issues of social protection of the population.

In each subject of the Russian Federation, in the field of social protection of the population, there are executive authorities of the subjects, for example, the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population (Labor and Social Development), the Departments of Social Development (for labor and social protection of the population), the Main Departments of Social Protection of the Population. Together with the federal executive authorities, they form single system executive power in the Russian Federation on issues of social protection.

Local self-government bodies in accordance with Article 20, paragraph 5 of the Federal Law "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation” dated 06.10.2003 No. 131-FZ has the right to establish at its own expense “additional measures of social support and social assistance for certain categories of citizens”, implementation and financing additional measures social protection "is not the responsibility of the municipality" and "carried out when possible." Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” (with subsequent amendments and additions).

To date, not all municipalities of the Russian Federation carry out additional social protection measures at their own expense. Accordingly, these municipalities do not have municipal institutions for social protection of the population, and the powers to provide measures of social support and social services are exercised at the regional level.

The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, from 2005 to the present, provides for the disabled technical means rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment of privileged categories of citizens. This function is enshrined in Article 4 of the federal law dated December 29, 2004 No. 202-FZ “On the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 2005”, although when the Fund is organized this species activity was not envisaged.

Article 5, paragraph 3, 4 of the federal law of December 8, 2010 No. 334-FZ « On the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 2011 and for the planning period of 2012 and 2013” ​​regulates the activities of the Fund for financing technical means of rehabilitation for disabled people and the cost of vouchers to sanatorium and resort institutions for 2011. According to the above legal act, in 2011, 435,673,131.3 thousand rubles are allocated for social security and social assistance from the Social Insurance Fund; in 2012, it is planned to allocate 472,808,135.6 thousand rubles for this item; year - 519,617,412.2 thousand rubles. At the same time, the amount allocated for the provision of disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation for 2011 and for the planned period of 2012 and 2013 remains unchanged and amounts to 6,972,430.2 thousand rubles. Federal Law of 08.12.2010 No. 334-FZ « On the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for 2011 and for the planning period of 2012 and 2013”. Against the background of the trend of an annual increase in the number of disabled people, this circumstance indicates a discrepancy financial support ongoing activities to the real needs of people with limited mobility (disabled people). While the economic burden on the working population has increased: from 01.01.2010 the unified social tax was abolished, the contributions of organizations to off-budget funds increased and from 01.01.2011 they amount to 34% (the unified social tax was 26%).


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    Basic goals

    Forms of social protection

    Principles of social protection

    Social Security

    Social insurance

    Social help

Social protection- this is the policy of the state to ensure constitutional rights and minimum guarantees to a person, regardless of his place of residence, nationality, gender, age. In Russia, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia is responsible for social protection.

Social protection- appropriate state policy to ensure rights and guarantees in the field of living standards, satisfaction of human needs: the right to minimally sufficient means of subsistence, to work and rest, protection from unemployment, health and housing, social security for old age, illness and in case of loss breadwinner, for raising children, etc. Professional social workers who have been working in the field of social protection of the population for at least 15 years are awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation".

Basic goals

    eradication of absolute poverty

    providing material assistance to the population in extreme conditions,

    promoting the adaptation of socially vulnerable groups of the population to the conditions of a market economy

Social protection consists of: social security; social insurance;

social assistance (support)

Forms of social protection - legally defined social guarantees and their satisfaction on the basis of basic standards and programs; regulation of incomes and expenses of the population; social insurance; social assistance; social services; target social programs. State forms of social protection - benefits.

A benefit is a discount, providing benefits to someone, full or partial exemption from the implementation of established rules, duties, or facilitating the conditions for their implementation.

A tax benefit is a full or partial tax exemption for legal entities (less often individuals).

Main directions and forms of social protection :

    pension provision

    pensions and benefits

    natural renditions


      incentives - for the purpose of social and political resonance for certain socially significant events that have received public assessment, or to support state important acts, decisions are made that are focused on social support for certain social groups, sections of the population;

      application- social assistance is provided to a needy citizen upon written request of the applicant or a person representing his interests;

      paternalism denoting state guardianship ("fatherly care") in relation to less socially and economically protected strata and groups of the population.

The main function of social protection

        maintaining the real preservation of the monetary unit in terms of inflation,

        an operational mechanism for protecting individual segments of the population from innovations that lead to a decrease in their standard of living.

Legal Support

        pensions for children in case of loss of a breadwinner;

        maternity leave with the payment of an allowance that fully compensates for lost earnings;

        free drug care for young children;

        additional measures of social protection of large families;

        providing families with children with other social services.

    maternity allowance;

    allowance for women registered with early dates pregnancy;

    a one-time allowance at the birth of a child;

    monthly allowance for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years;

    monthly allowance for a child;

    lump-sum allowances for citizens from among orphans.

Social Security - state program for the full or partial maintenance of disabled people a system of socio-economic measures that guarantee:

    material support of citizens in old age, during a period of temporary

    disability, with the loss of a breadwinner in the family;

    provision of benefits and benefits to mothers,

    families with relatively low per capita incomes, etc.

healthcare- This is a branch of state activity, the purpose of which is the organization and provision of affordable medical care for the population.

Principles state system health care - free and


Social insurance - a system of relations for the distribution and redistribution of national income, which consists in the formation of special insurance funds for the maintenance of persons not participating in social work.

– an established, state-controlled and guaranteed by the state system of providing, supporting the elderly, disabled citizens at the expense of the state special-purpose non-budgetary Social Insurance Fund, as well as other collective and private insurance funds

Social insurance - a form of social protection of the economically active population from various risks associated with the loss of work, disability and income, based on the collective solidarity of compensation for damage.

    a feature is its financing from special off-budget funds formed from earmarked contributions from employers and employees with state support.

    is built on the principle of non-rigid equivalence: there is a certain dependence of insurance payments on the amount of labor contribution and insurance experience.

Types of social insurance

    Voluntary social insurance.

    Compulsory social insurance is a special kind of state social guarantees provided through special purpose non-budgetary (state or public) funds (principle of incomplete self-financing).

In the event of a shortage of these funds, the state provides them with assistance from the state budget.

a) compulsory general insurance

b) compulsory professional insurance

Social insurance

    The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation is the second

in size (after the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) social off-budget fund.

    The purpose of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation is to finance the payment of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child, care for a child up to one and a half years old, financing the organization of sanatorium treatment and recreation, etc. The sources of formation of funds of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation are insurance premiums enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership as part of the Unified Social Tax, appropriations from the federal budget, voluntary contributions from legal and individuals and etc.

          • The activity of the Social Insurance Fund belongs to the sphere of state (public) finance.

Social insurance is a tool for the implementation of state social policy

Social help - introduced in Russia federal law“On State Social Assistance”, adopted on July 17, 1999

The purpose of providing state social assistance is to maintain the standard of living of low-income families, as well as low-income citizens living alone, whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level established in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

This assistance is targeted, it ensures the use of funds for the elimination of extreme poverty (the federal budget, funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets).

Forms of state social assistance

    cash payments- social benefits, subsidies, compensations and other payments;

    natural aid(fuel, food, clothing, shoes, medicines and other types of in-kind assistance).

State social assistance (regardless of its type) provided at the place of residence or at the place of stay of a low-income family or a low-income single citizen.

The decision to appoint her accepted by the body of social protection of the population.

Program of Social Reforms in Russia

The main directions and forms of social protection:

    protection of labor rights and labor protection

    social support for the unemployed

    pension provision

    development of social services

    social support for retired citizens

    social support for women, children and youth, etc.

    social security of the disabled population

    pensions and benefits

    natural renditions

    public services, etc.

    optimization of the structure of the monetary form of provision for pensioners and the disabled

    strengthening insurance principles in the practice of social security

    forms and methods of social support for the unemployed

    regulation of employment in the direction of balancing supply and demand work force and prevention of mass unemployment

    public employment service

Social protection

    The care of the state, society for citizens in need of assistance, assistance due to age, health, social status, lack of means of subsistence.

    Social assistance is manifested in the form of pensions, allowances, the provision of material assistance, care for the sick and the elderly, and care for children.

    Social assistance is the provision of benefits and benefits, provision in cash or in kind, in the form of services or benefits.

    A firmly guaranteed system of material support for the disabled is called social insurance.

In a broad sense, social protection is the policy of the state to ensure constitutional rights and minimum guarantees to a person, regardless of his place of residence, nationality, gender, age. A narrower concept of social protection is that it is an appropriate state policy to ensure rights and guarantees in the field of living standards, satisfaction of human needs: the right to minimally sufficient means of subsistence, to work and rest, protection from unemployment, health and housing, for social security in old age, illness and in case of loss of a breadwinner, for raising children, etc.

The main goals are to get rid of absolute poverty, to provide material assistance to the population in extreme conditions, to promote the adaptation of socially vulnerable groups of the population to market economy conditions.

In Russia, the right of citizens to social protection is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The central subject of social protection is the state. A person in need of social protection is both a subject and an object of social protection.

Basic forms of social protection:

    legally defined social guarantees and their satisfaction on the basis of basic standards and programs;

    regulation of incomes and expenses of the population;

    social insurance;

    social assistance;

    social services;

    targeted social programs .

The system of social protection of the population performs the function of maintaining the real preservation of the monetary unit in the face of inflation, an operational mechanism for protecting certain segments of the population from innovations that lead to a decrease in their standard of living.

Social protection of the population- this is one of the most important directions of the social policy of the state, which consists in establishing and maintaining the socially necessary material and social status of all members of society. This is a system of principles, methods, legally established by the state social guarantees, measures and institutions that ensure the provision of optimal living conditions, satisfaction of needs, maintenance of life support and existence of the individual, various social categories and groups.

The basic rights of citizens in the field of social protection are enshrined in Art. 18 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Normative legal acts on the social protection of the population have the form of federal and regional laws, which establish the rights of citizens in this area and measures to implement the regulations in the sphere of the protective functions of the state. Other legal acts regulating social protection procedures include Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation; other normative acts of ministries and federal departments, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as local governments and organizations.

The system of social protection of the population includes: social security, social insurance and social support (assistance). It is carried out at the expense of the federal, local budgets, specially created funds for social support of the population, non-state funds.

The purpose of the system of social protection of the population is to provide support and assistance to needy groups of the population and individual citizens with the help of regulatory, economic, socio-psychological, organizational and technical means and levers.

Principles of social protection: humanity, social justice, targeting, comprehensiveness, ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual.

The goals of social protection of the population are to get rid of absolute poverty (when the average per capita total family income is below the subsistence level), to provide material assistance to the population in extreme conditions, to promote the adaptation of socially vulnerable groups of the population to the conditions of a market economy.

The main functions of the bodies of social protection of the population at the federal level: the organization of pension services and the provision of benefits; social service; medical and social expertise, rehabilitation of the disabled and the provision of prosthetic and orthopedic care; social assistance to families and children; preparation of legislation on social protection of the population; foreign economic and the international cooperation, as well as the development of provisions on the basics of social policy, the analysis and forecast of the standard of living of various categories of the population, the preparation of recommendations for the development of regional social programs, the development of social standards, etc.

The functions of the bodies of social protection of the population at the regional (local) level are regulated by higher bodies, with a certain independence, include: ensuring and solving production and economic problems, planned and financial and economic activities, creating various social assistance funds, solving economic problems and etc.

Certain functions perform different charity organisations and funds for social assistance to the population: social and medical assistance to the lonely, the elderly, the infirm; social rehabilitation of the disabled; legal assistance to socially needy categories of the population, etc.

The main requirements for the implementation of social protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population are as follows:

The primary and prevailing role of the state in the implementation of this protection;

Transferring the center of gravity in work from material protection to social care for people; the need to organize social protection, primarily through family assistance;

Increasing the role of social and national communities, religious communities, collectives in the organization of social protection;

Strengthening the contribution of entrepreneurs to the social protection of needy citizens, the elimination of poverty, the creation of jobs, etc.;

Security various forms social protection and the development of precisely targeted assistance measures designed for a specific contingent of those in need;

Maximum consideration of the principle of social justice, etc.

Social security system- this is a set of legislative acts, measures, as well as organizations that ensure the implementation of measures of social protection of the population, support for socially vulnerable segments of the population.

It includes:

1. Social Security- arose in Russia in the 20s of the twentieth century. and meant the creation of a state system of material support and services for the elderly and disabled citizens, as well as families with children at the expense of the so-called public consumption funds. In addition to pensions (for old age, disability, etc.), social security included all types of benefits and payments provided today.

2. Social guarantees- provision of social benefits and services to citizens without taking into account the labor contribution and means testing based on the principle of distributing the available public resources of these benefits according to needs. In our country, social guarantees include: guaranteed free medical service, general accessibility and free education, minimum wage, minimum pension, scholarships, social pensions (disabled since childhood; children with disabilities; disabled people without work experience; children who have lost one or both parents; persons over 65 (men) and 60 (women) years old, without work experience), childbirth allowance, for the period of caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, funeral allowance and some others.

A variety of social guarantees are social benefits. They represent a system of public guarantees provided to certain groups of the population (disabled people, war veterans, labor veterans, etc.).

3.Social insurance- protection of the economically active population from social risks on the basis of collective solidarity in compensation for damage. The main social risks associated with the loss of ability to work, work and, accordingly, income, are illness, old age, unemployment, motherhood, accident, work injury, occupational disease, death of the breadwinner. The social insurance system is financed from special extra-budgetary funds formed at the expense of contributions from employers and employees, as well as state subsidies. There are two forms of social insurance - compulsory (supported by the state of its funds) and voluntary (in the absence of state assistance). Citizens are supported, first of all, through cash payments (pensions and benefits for sickness, old age, unemployment, loss of a breadwinner, etc.), as well as by financing the services of healthcare organizations, vocational training and others related to rehabilitation.

4. Social support(assistance) is provided to socially vulnerable groups of the population who, for one reason or another, are unable to secure an income for themselves. Assistance is provided through both cash and in-kind payments (free meals, clothing) and is funded by general tax revenues. Means testing is usually required to receive social assistance. Assistance is provided to those people whose incomes are below the minimum living standards, and is an essential element of the anti-poverty policy, ensuring a minimum guaranteed income, as a realization of the right to life.

Social support is not limited to material assistance. It also includes measures in the form of assistance and services provided to individuals or groups of the population by social services to overcome life's difficulties, maintain social status, and adapt in society.

The activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, medical, pedagogical, legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations was formed in separate industry social sphere - social services.

The object of social work are people in need of outside help: the elderly, pensioners, the disabled, the seriously ill, children; people who are in trouble life situation: unemployed, drug addicts, teenagers who fell into bad company, single-parent families, convicted and served sentences, refugees and migrants, etc.

Subjects of social work- those organizations and people who carry out this work. This is the state as a whole, carrying out social policy through state bodies of social protection. These are public organizations: the Russian Association of Social Services, the Association of Social Educators and Social Workers, etc. These are charitable organizations and charity societies such as the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

The main subject of social work are people engaged in it professionally or on a voluntary basis. There are about half a million professional social workers (that is, people with the appropriate education and diploma) all over the world (in Russia there are several tens of thousands). The main part of social work is performed by non-professionals, either as a result of circumstances or because of convictions and a sense of duty.

The system of measures carried out by the state. and public organizations to ensure guaranteed minimum sufficient living conditions, support life and active existence of a person. Sometimes social protection is interpreted more narrowly: as providing a certain level of income for those segments of the population who, for whatever reason, cannot independently provide for their existence: the unemployed, the disabled, the sick, orphans, the elderly, single mothers, families with many children. The basic principles of social protection: humanity; targeting; complexity; ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual.

Types of social protection. State. forms: affordable healthcare; privileges; accessible education; pension; system of social service and provision of social services; measures of social support. Non-state forms: voluntary social insurance; charity; private healthcare systems, etc.

The system of social protection is a set of legislative acts, measures, as well as organizations that ensure the implementation of social measures. protection of the population, support of socially vulnerable segments of the population.

It includes:

1. Social security- creation of state systems of material support and services for the elderly and disabled citizens, as well as families with children at the expense of the so-called public consumption funds. In addition to pensions (for old age, disability, etc.) to social. benefits include benefits for temporary disability and childbirth, for caring for a child under the age of 3 years, assistance to families in the maintenance and upbringing of children, family benefits, maintenance of the disabled in special organizations(nursing homes, etc.), free or subsidized prosthetic care, provision of means of transportation for the disabled, vocational training for the disabled, and various benefits for the families of the disabled.

2. Social guarantees - providing social goods and services to citizens without taking into account the labor contribution and means test on the basis of the principle of distribution of these benefits according to the needs of the available public resources. In our country, to the social guarantees include: guaranteed free honey. service; general accessibility and free education; the minimum wage; the minimum amount of pensions, scholarships; social pensions (disabled since childhood; children with disabilities; disabled people who do not have work experience; etc.); childbirth benefits; ritual allowance for burial and some others.

A variety of social guarantees are social. privileges. They represent a system of public guarantees provided to certain groups of the population (disabled people, war veterans, labor veterans, etc.).

Social insurance - protection of the economically active population from social. risks based on collective solidarity in redress. The main social risks associated with loss of ability to work, work and, accordingly, income, are illness, old age, unemployment, motherhood, accident, work injury, prof. illness, death of the breadwinner. There are 2 forms of social insurance - mandatory (with the support of the state of its funds) and voluntary (in the absence of state assistance). Citizens are supported primarily through cash payments (pensions and benefits for sickness, old age, unemployment, loss of a breadwinner, etc.), as well as through financing of health services, vocational training, etc. related to the restoration of working capacity.

Social support(assistance) is provided to socially vulnerable groups of the population who, for one reason or another, are unable to secure an income for themselves. Assistance is provided through both cash and in-kind payments (free meals, clothing) and is funded by general tax revenues. Assistance is provided to those people whose incomes are below the minimum living standards, and is an essential element of the anti-poverty policy. Social support is not limited to material assistance. It also includes measures in the form of assistance and services provided to individuals or groups of the population of social. services to overcome life's difficulties, maintain social. status, adaptation in society.

The activities of the social services for social support, the provision of social, medical, pedagogical, legal services and material assistance, the conduct of social. adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations has formed into a separate branch of social. spheres - social. service. Work aimed at helping, supporting and protecting people, and, above all, socially weak sections of society, is called social work. The object of social work are people in need of outside help: the elderly, pensioners, the disabled, the seriously ill, children; people who find themselves in a difficult life situation: the unemployed, drug addicts, teenagers who have fallen into bad company, single-parent families, convicted and served their sentences, refugees and migrants, etc. Subjects of social work- those organizations and people who carry out this work. This is the state as a whole, carrying out social. politics through the state social authorities. protection.

The rules and regulations of social protection of the population directly depend on the regulated law and the direction of this type of support to the population.

The basis of the state social guarantee is a minimalized social standard, which determines the living conditions of people.

For example, for the mother of a newborn child, some rules for support are established, for an elderly person (pensioner) others.

The protection of the population is designed to determine the necessary minimum standard of living so that citizens of the Russian Federation do not fall below the poverty line, establish benefits that are important for certain social groups, and allow some to use certain services for free.

The essence of social protection

Social protection itself is a system for distributing resources among vulnerable segments of the population. Insecurity is classified and defined according to some principles.

Public funds are based on a source of funding from the budget.

Thus, the funds directed to the social are formed at the expense of taxation. Social Security is:

  • care of the Russian Federation about people who have lost their ability to work;
  • implementation of guarantees for the population;
  • a framework to ensure that a minimum standard of living is maintained.

Principles of social protection

Social protection of the population is designed in such a way that it can be based on the following basic principles:

  • partnership. The state undertakes to fulfill its obligations to people for social protection, but partnership is an integral part of this. Therefore, close cooperation between the state and private organizations is observed everywhere;
  • economic justice. The very structure of the state is largely based on economic relations. Without the possession of certain resources, which are obtained through the ability to work, the life of citizens cannot be supported. The state must equalize the opportunities of people, determining, on the basis of the principle of economic justice, the priorities for the distribution of funds, and each of the categories of citizens must satisfy their own established individual needs in order to maintain a comfortable life;
  • adaptability. Social protection should work in such a way that it gradually improves itself, for which different links of the entire system of social relationships functioning in the state are responsible;
  • priority of state principles. The main task of the Russian Federation in the social direction is the need to help achieve a certain standard of living, which will be acceptable, to people who, for objective reasons, cannot do this on their own;
  • preventive social protection measures. Identification of risk factors associated with social direction. As a rule, it works at the regional level, has its own links of managerial priority, the main task of which is considered to be the most flexible combination of the provision of services on a paid or free basis to maintain normal living conditions.

Bodies of social protection in the Russian Federation

The structure of the bodies responsible for social status citizens consists of:

  • state bodies (provide the legal framework, strategy and tactics of social policy);
  • civil communities (associations, organizations, firms and enterprises);
  • charitable and voluntary.

Management of social protection at the federal level in Russia is handled by the Ministry of Labor.

Pension, social insurance and medical insurance funds are in charge.

In the regions, the executive bodies of social protection in the Russian Federation are the Department. For questions in the districts of Moscow, you can contact the district administration.

Objects of social protection

  • pensioners, including singles;
  • disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War, families of fallen soldiers;
  • unemployed;
  • Chernobyl people;
  • disabled people;
  • orphans;
  • large families and low-income families;
  • single mothers;
  • citizens who do not have a place of residence;
  • infected with HIV.

Another measure to protect the social protection of citizens is social insurance, but this area is usually considered auxiliary on a national scale.

It covers persons who have lost their ability to work, and also applies to those who support disabled citizens.

Means of social protection

The means of the state for the creation of social protection include:

  • regulatory restrictions. They were created so that through the use of certain tools it would not be possible to influence the condition of the unprotected segments of the population. For this, minimum wages, levels of benefits are set, there is free medicine and free education;
  • social stimulants in the form of subsidies, preferential forms of assistance partially paid from the budget of services;
  • analysis of the results of the work carried out to maintain the average standard of living. Within the framework of these programs are being developed;
  • the existence of non-state pension systems, which allows people to invest funds allocated to the budget for the subsequent receipt of pensions, to contribute them to private funds on other conditions;
  • creation of a set of actions for the service and social protection of disabled citizens. For example, medical supplies or materials for patients may be distributed;
  • organization of charitable foundations that direct funds to support more high level life of different social groups.

Participants in insuring people from life's difficulties that prevent them from maintaining a minimum standard of living are the state, insurance non-state funds and commercial, as well as charitable organizations.

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