What signs indicate imminent marriage? "I can't bear to get married." Conspiracy for a quick marriage of a guy

Usually, a marriage conspiracy is in demand among the fair sex, who are in active search the second half, that is, they are looking for their only man. It should be said right away that a conspiracy for a quick marriage and a love spell are not the same thing. If the first is used as a magic magnet for a man, then the second acts aimingly and depresses the will and mind of the guy, it is not so easy to remove it. Today we will talk about marriage conspiracies that you can do yourself at home, which can be easily removed, we will start with a description of the rules and recommendations for conspiracies.

Rules for reading conspiracies for marriage

Conspiracies for a successful marriage have been read for a long time, because personal happiness is important for any woman or girl at any time. Such magic belongs to the category of white, has no negative impact on the performer of the ritual. However, this applies only to those cases where the magical influence is not married man, that is, the girl does not have the goal of destroying someone else's family and taking someone else's husband away. If you have such intentions, it is better to refuse them, because such a marriage will not be long and happy, most likely, he will return to his first family by married woman especially if there are children there. It is also worth abandoning such a conspiracy in the event that a man has a clear antipathy towards you, as they say, you will not be forcefully sweet, do not forget about a long-standing belief.

At the same time, the result will be positive if a man, just like you, is in an active search for a permanent life partner, that is, he is looking for a wife and mother for future children. In order for the plot to be as successful as possible, you need to fast the day before, that is, refuse food of animal origin, eat only rye bread and drink pure spring water. It is also worth saying that the most successful and powerful conspiracies to get married are obtained on the night during the growing moon, because it marks the beginning of something new. It is recommended to choose the time of dawn, which will attract maximum magic to your side.

Strong conspiracy for a speedy marriage

This conspiracy is imminent marriage you need to read at home, looking at the icon of St. Martha, because it accompanies the fact that personal life develops as successfully as possible. The words of this prayer must be read exactly three times, and it is necessary to increase the volume of reading each repetition, this accompanies attracting more energy. Take a transparent container into which you will need to pour holy water, which will become a conductor between you and magic. Looking at the water, say following words prayers:

“Miraculous Martha, I ask for your help, I wish you happiness and love, show your miracle and grant me a faithful, kind and rich husband. Be supportive of me and protect my white marriage from envy and separation, may we be together for a hundred years in love and harmony, live soul to soul until death separates us, it is impossible otherwise. Amen".

It is important to pronounce all the words as clearly as possible, not to stumble and firmly believe in the success of what is happening. It’s good if you manage to imagine the image of your loved one in your head, so the wish will come true faster.

We read a conspiracy to marry on a panicle

Often, in the strongest rites and conspiracies for a quick marriage, auxiliary items are used, and conspiracies for love are no exception, this conspiracy on successful marriage- not an exception. Since ancient times, a broom was used for such rituals, since this item is needed in order to restore order in a house or apartment, as well as in family and personal life, that is, to attract additional strength. Often the purchase of a new panicle promised to help meet the betrothed in the house, at least that's what the saying promises. Based on this information, conspiracies for marriage with a broom appeared, which were used for a speedy marriage.

In order for everything to succeed, you need to purchase a new broom, and you need to pay for it in such a way as not to take change from the seller, this condition is strictly necessary. As you walk home with a new broom, you need to mentally think about how good this broom is, how important it is to you, and what its hidden function is.

Now you need to wait for the new moon and sweep the bedroom with this broom, in which the girl or woman sleeps. The cleaning procedure should be carried out periodically, that is, every day throughout the week. While cleaning, you need to whisper the following words in a whisper:

“I’m calling the groom for me to the red manger, the canopy is clean, come in, you’ll be a nice guest until April - the drops are ringing.”

These words must be said seven times, and the number 7 will traditionally symbolize the concept of the family.

Conspiracy on tarot cards

Attracting tarot cards is an indispensable attribute in divination. However, often magicians and sorcerers use cards to help a girl or woman get married as soon as possible. Moreover, this conspiracy can be used even by a widow for marriage. It is worth saying that this strong marriage conspiracy is not too complicated, but at the same time quite effective, based on reviews, its author is Natalya Stepanova. main feature The ritual on the tarot cards lies in the fact that its result is aimed not so much at finding a loved one, as at accelerating the development of existing relationships.

  • popess
  • Justice card
  • Page who symbolizes the groom
  • Seven

“I kindle the flame of love for me and you, let it not go out in our hearts, let it burn forever, whoever is with me, with that I am.”

After that, make a circle with each candle in turn, which will symbolize the two rings on the finger of the husband and wife, then say the following:

"Forever and ever, happiness and love, to you and me."

Now it's time to turn to the cards. You need to lay them out from top to bottom, starting from the most senior lasso, that is, first the popess, then the page, after the card of justice, and at the very bottom - the seven. The wax of each of the candles should be dripped onto each card, while this is happening, imagine in your imagination what the wedding will look like, what dress you will wear, what the groom will be like, and so on. At the end of the ritual, you need to say the final words:

"Water, fire, earth and air, be there, help me."

Cards must be kept until the most cherished thing happens, you receive a marriage proposal.

We ask for marriage with a church candle

This method is suitable for those who have a boyfriend or a man in mind, but his thoughts, unfortunately, are too far from translating your relationship into something more meaningful. So, in order to achieve a speedy marriage, you will need to observe the strictest fast for at least three days, and also wait for the right time, namely dawn after the full moon on Thursday, this day can be easily calculated using the lunar calendar.

Place a glass filled with clean water, dissolve natural bee honey in it, then take three church candles. Bring the fire as close to your lips as possible and read these words:

“Virgin Mary, my angel, give me female happiness, help create your family, give children. Give me the strength and wisdom to be a good wife and mother, and he (the name of the beloved) become for me a good husband and a great father. Amen".

After it's been said the last word, you need to extinguish all three candles by dipping in a glass of water, the ritual is considered over.

Rite for Easter

All the rituals performed on Easter are considered one of the purest and very strong, because God himself helps you, who on this day is on the promised land among mere mortals. The same applies to marriage conspiracies on Intercession, Annunciation, Baptism, Palm Sunday, Pure Thursday and so on, even Vanga said that these days are the most powerful. To help a woman successfully marry, you need to comply with all Easter traditions, namely, fast the day before, cook Easter cake and paint eggs. As for eggs, they need to be decorated with pictures on a wedding theme, and you can decorate them yourself or purchase ready-made stickers, it doesn’t matter. While you are decorating the eggs, read the following words aloud:

“God, God Almighty, I love you and appreciate your care. Let everything get better in my life, and I will have my own family, let my husband love and respect, Amen.

After that, put the eggs on a beautiful dish and leave to lie on the table all night. On Easter Day, when the Orthodox festive church service takes place, eat the most beautiful egg, and distribute the rest to male people, and these do not have to be potential grooms.

To get my daughter married soon

Any mother wants happiness and well-being for her daughter, therefore, she often actively participates in the selection and criticism of suitors. However, such activity is often not to the liking of the younger generation, so you need to act more carefully. Since ancient times, mothers have used rites and rituals that are designed to speed up their daughter's wedding, as well as make her marriage successful and happy.

First, a woman needs to find a suitable place for the ritual, for this she needs to leave the territory of the house or apartment and find a place where there are no people, for example, a forest. On the way, it is strictly forbidden to talk to someone, the same applies to the way back.

Stand so that you can clearly see the sun, and say these words:

“I know that somewhere beyond the seven oceans there is you, who is looking for my daughter. Come to us quickly, find her, give her happiness and love. May there be happiness in the parental home, may your children go, and love will never fade away.

After reading, immediately go home. The speedy meeting with your daughter will enhance the effect. If it happens that you meet her on the way home, be sure to kiss and say that you love, the consequences of such a meeting are positive.

Maternal conspiracy for honey

This marriage plot is quickly used by mothers who wish to marry their daughters to respectable wealthy millionaires. This version of the ceremony at home involves the use of honey, also, unlike the previous one, it is pronounced strictly for the young month. You will need a small jar or barrel of honey and a knife. With a knife, you need to draw an imaginary heart pattern on the surface of the honey, as well as the name of your daughter. Often women draw two more rings symbolizing marriage, judging by the reviews, this has a positive effect on the result, that is, they manage to get married in the near future. Whisper the following as you draw:

“The bees worked, they collected honey, they predicted my daughter’s wedding.”

These words of prayer must be pronounced exactly ten times, and each time it should sound equally expressive and clear. If your daughter already has a boyfriend and he suits you as a potential son-in-law, be sure to let him taste the charmed honey.

For a guy to get married faster

It is a mistake to think that only women crave weddings, this is not so. It is also important for men after a certain age to have a family, children, because this means that he has achieved something, that someone needs him, and he is loved. For men, a simple version of the marriage ceremony is offered, which involves a little housework. To be more precise, he will have to independently plant a flower or a flowering plant on the territory of the house. And for this you need to choose the right time - Thursday, the growing moon and the appearance of the first rays of the sun in the sky. And, of course, no one should know what you are planning to do and why, otherwise the whole point of what is happening will disappear. After all the work in the garden is finished, sit near the planted flower and say the following:

“I, your servant of God, called you, my God, and I thank you for giving me life, that I am healthy. Show me a miracle, Lord, may this house be filled with happiness and joy, may the emptiness in my heart be filled with love, may I find a family. Amen".

Now you know what types of marriage ceremonies and conspiracies to marry a guy exist, what will be required to carry them out and how to read them correctly. Remember that for the success of the ritual, it is important not only to do everything strictly according to the instructions, but also your attitude and faith in what you are doing. Even if the conceived dream does not come true, as the ritual promises, you can try to carry out the ritual action again after a while, or use another option.

Although women in modern world have become quite emancipated and independent, they still strive to find their soul mate and create a happy and harmonious relationship. For this, both traditional methods and non-traditional ones are used, which include conspiracies and various magical rituals. In this article, we will reveal to you an effective marriage conspiracy that will help you quickly go down the aisle.

Everyone knows that words have great power today. Sometimes there is no need to use some kind of weapon, it is enough to carelessly drop a word and it falls like a heavy stone on the heart, taking away positive energy from a person and filling it with negative.

Or maybe the opposite situation - with the help of a single word you will inspire a person, charge him with optimism, push him to new achievements.

All these are ordinary words, but what a great significance they have in our life! Now imagine for a moment that there is a special category of words, the power of which is many times greater than ordinary ones. We are now talking about conspiracy words that have an impact on human destiny.

Why do conspiracy words have such power? The answer to this question is both simple and difficult at the same time. When a person pronounces a conspiracy, then the power of nature (which is huge in itself) is added to the power of nature (it is to it that we most often turn when we want to get help, get rid of misfortune, misfortune, and so on).

Previously, in the time of our ancestors, people were inextricably linked with nature, they coexisted with it face to face and were completely dependent on it. Therefore, it was from her that they asked for help, be sure to receive it. And even now, when people hid from nature behind the stone walls of megacities, mired in information networks, we still continue to depend on natural forces, which are inexplicable, ancient, great, but generous enough.

Conspiracy pronunciation rules

For any conspiracy to work, it is important to adhere to certain pronunciation rules, namely:

  1. It is necessary to pronounce each spoken word as clearly and clearly as possible, errors and reservations are not allowed. Repeat the rituals exactly the number of repetitions indicated by the terms of the ceremony.
  2. Many people think that it is imperative to memorize the text of the conspiracy, but it should be noted that this rule is not mandatory. It is allowed to read the text from a piece of paper, besides, many conspiracies are quite long, replete with incomprehensible obsolete words and expressions, which are quite problematic to remember. Just read the plot to yourself a couple of times beforehand, so that it would be easier for you to pronounce it during the ceremony.
  3. Control that you do not pause when reading texts, but also do not read them too quickly.
  4. As a rule, it is necessary to quietly pronounce conspiracy words. They act as secret, to some extent even intimate rituals, so it is not at all necessary that others (your household or neighbors) know about them. However, you don't have to worry - Higher power they will hear even the quietest whisper, because they are always around you.
  1. Conspiracy words, even if they are not written by you, should come from the depths of your soul, do not forget about this rule while reading. You must always keep in mind the image of what you want, which will become your inspiration and support. It is this point (that is, visualization) that makes the plot work more actively.
  2. Read the instructions for the ritual and always follow everything that is indicated in it. It is impossible to carry out rituals in another place or at another time, it is also necessary to stock up on the necessary magical arsenal. Of course, in the modern world it is sometimes difficult to adhere to all the points indicated in the conspiracy, so instead of going out into the open field, you often have to go out onto the balcony. But if a conspiracy is proposed with unchanged conditions, then nothing can be done, you will have to do everything as indicated in the instructions.
  3. Stock up on patience! This is a very important condition. Many people make a mistake when they start waiting for the result immediately after the completion of the ceremony. Of course, this can also happen. But often you will have to work long and painstakingly, even repeating the same ceremony several times. It's okay, because you may encounter enough challenging tasks(for example, removing the crown of celibacy, spoilage, and so on). Therefore, do not worry and wait until the magic "ripens" and in no case lose faith in it. In extreme cases, it is better to repeat the ceremony again and you will definitely achieve the desired effect!

Examples of effective rituals for home use

Now let's move on to the most interesting - to examples of strong conspiracies that will help a girl get married as soon as possible.

For a quick marriage

If you are already at the age when it is time to get married, but so far no one has made you a marriage proposal, then you will need to wait until the last Friday of the month, go to the field in which burdock grows, while saying the following magic words :

“As a burdock clings to the underground, so the suitors would cling to me, fall in love with me and not lag behind, they called me to marry. Amen".

The ritual must be performed in complete solitude. When you get home, pick up the thorns that have stuck to your dress, tie them in a rag with your menstrual blood, and send them to a secret place, away from prying eyes. When you receive a long-awaited proposal and get married, on the third day after the wedding, you need to wash the rag, go to the same field again and scatter thorns there with words of gratitude to the burdock.

To get rid of loneliness

  • Ring;
  • Candle white color(it is best to purchase it in the church);
  • A small amount of holy water, which is poured into a glass.

Then you need to wait until night falls, light a candle, put the ring in the prepared water and read the plot three times:

“I throw a ring in the water, I repeat magic speeches. So that my betrothed finds me, so that happiness and love can be found with me. So that we have a wedding and kids. Be that. Amen"

Upon completion of the procedure, you need to get the ring, stand with it in the central part of the room, put it on ring finger on the right hand. The water that remains must be poured all over your hair. After that, go to sleep. And when you wake up, take off the ring and hide it in a secluded place. The next time it is allowed to wear it only when you have already met your future spouse.

We also bring to your attention a ritual that will help you quickly put on Wedding Dress

Turning to conspiracies for a speedy marriage, you need to strictly adhere to all their rules, sincerely believe in their strength, and also really want to meet the person with whom you will connect your future fate

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:


Every mother wants to see her child in the family he created. But not everyone succeeds and it happens on time, for some it drags on for many years. Help to find their own family for a daughter or son can be simple conspiracies for a successful marriage or marriage. Read prayers for an early marriage.

Conspiracies are best carried out on the growing moon: for a girl in women's days, for the son in men's.

Today there are a lot of unmarried girls and no less young people who do not want or cannot get married in any way. How can this be explained? Lots of explanations:

  1. This is the time, the difficulties of life, the problems of being, prolong the period of childhood and adolescence for our children. People often start thinking about marriage after 25 or even after 30 years.
  2. It is difficult to find a couple, by itself, by its nature, since the orientation of most young people is shifted towards the material.
  3. The reluctance of young people to shoulder the heavy burden of family life.
  4. “Civil marriages”, in which there is no strict responsibility for the fate of the person living next to you. It is no coincidence that the man in them considers himself single and free, and the girl thinks that she is married.
  5. Absence , necessary funds for joint housing, for organizing a wedding, the process of creating a family is delayed. Although it is always easier to survive together.
  6. All sorts of mental and psychological reasons.

And the girl remains to wait for a marriage proposal.

Conspiracies for successful marriage and marriage

Strong conspiracy for a successful marriage

This conspiracy, though simple, is powerful.

Having visited Orthodox church, buy 13 candles. Leaving the temple, leaving its walls, turn around and say these words to yourself:

As my mother's heart aches, my daughter will calm me down by marriage. Amen.

Upon your return, all alone, light all the candles. And standing in front of the flame, imagine the happy marriage of your daughter in a family with a bright, kind loved one and say these words, first copying them on a piece of paper and reading from it:

With a respectful bow to the call of the power of the day, may the Gods of the Universe hear me. I want my daughter not to languish in trouble, not to struggle alone in grief. Oh, the forces of fire, prophesy fate, so that the daughter will be married this year to her beloved and close person, happy and content. The word is stucco, the deed is strong! Amen! Amen! Amen!

If you assume that the crown of celibacy lies on your daughter, read these words:

As a mother, I ask the fire for my daughter, let her husband be wiser than me. If this is a crown that stands as an obstacle, let him fly back to hell. Since enemies sent damage to my daughter, fire, I ask her and help me. May it be done! Amen! Amen! Amen!

We extinguish the candles. If they didn’t have time to burn out, it’s better to bury them or let them burn out completely. Remove the sheet from prying eyes.

Conspiracy for a happy marriage of a daughter

This ritual is performed on a moonless night, preferably on the first or second growing day. You need to pour water into a cup, light an ordinary candle next to it, if not a church one is also suitable, throw a ring into the water, cross yourself three times with the words:

“I throw the ring into the water, I voice the cherished words: God's servant (name) on me, the servant of God (name), marry immediately! My word is strong, as I said, so be it. Amen".

After these words, you need to get up and pour water on your head, put the ring on your ring finger right hand and get into bed.

Conspiracy for a successful marriage of a daughter

The plot is made by the mother. Early in the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to go into the field, you can in the city to an open place in the park. Stand facing in rising sun and read these words three times:

“Over the sea, whether by the ocean, whether in a distant city, or in his tower, a fine fellow sits.

He is chained in ten chains, closed behind ten locks. Only my word, the word of his mother (say your name) will set him free. I speak a good fellow to love a red maiden. Without (daughter's name) he does not have fun, without (daughter's name again) he does not walk, without (name) he does not live in the parental shelter.

Let her appear to him at noon and at midnight. Let him run to her. The word of the parent is the end, and the love of the red maiden and the good fellow is the beginning. Amen".

After reading the words, go home and don't say anything to anyone, not even your daughter. Wait!

Prayer for a girl dreaming of marriage

On the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on October 14, you need to go to the service in the church and read the words there:

Holy Mother Mother of God, cover my head with a red kokoshnik, a golden cuff. Amen

A conspiracy to create a family for a girl with a physical disability

It is difficult for healthy people to find a mate in our mortal world, and even with physical disabilities it is even harder. This is understandable, despite the humanity of society and mercy, while physical imperfection still has a defect in the mind of a person. Although there are many examples of how big the heart and soul of such people are.

Let's help this girl with joy.

Take holy baptismal water and divide it into three parts with the words: "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

On the received three parts of water, read the following words:

The trouble is dashing, give the bridegroom to the servant of God (name) for marriage, for marriage, for a soft pillow, for the marriage bed. Turn on the eyes of the suitors so that they look at the slave (name), do not look enough, look - do not see enough, get bored - do not get bored. And there would be a slave (name) for them more beautiful than the red sun, sweeter than May honey. Amen

After that, drink one part of the water, wash the other, pour the third at the entrance to the house.

All wait for the result and the main thing is to believe in the power of conspiracies!

Rite for a girl to attract suitors

And sometimes this happens: the girl is good to everyone, and smart and good, and meek in character, and the suitors bypass the house. Sometimes the reason lies in the fact that everyone thinks very well: "a hat is not for Fenka." And in vain.

You can do the following.

Have your daughter take a clean chemise and left hand raw egg before going to the river or lake to swim. Undress on the shore and quickly dive into the water with the egg three times with the words:

And quickly throw the egg and run to the shore as soon as possible without looking back. When dressing, repeat the same words:

"Christ is risen, and suitors come to me"

Tie the shirt that you brought ashore with you into three knots, saying:

"Christ is risen, and suitors come to me"

Bring the shirt home and give it to the mother to wash, saying:

"Christ is risen, and in our suitors"

Let the shirt dry in the house for three days, then put it away from human eyes. You will see how suitors often come to your house.

Conspiracy for a speedy marriage of a son

So that your son meets his love as soon as possible, wants to start a family with her, the following conspiracy will help. Speak to food or water before giving it to your son with these words:

Little mermaids-firemen, throw yourself, throw yourself in a dream to a slave (name) on a white chest, kindle in a dream and in reality zealously the heart of a good fellow, a slave (name), so that you miss the girls, your affectionate wife, baby diaper, wet vest, girlish chest, sugar lips. Maryushka-dawn, dawn-dawn, red maiden, tie the marriage bond of a servant of God (name). Amen.

Remember that the conspiracy works where they believe in its strength and effectiveness! You will succeed and your children will be happy in family ties. For people of faith, you can read which will only speed up the fulfillment of your desire and lead to your cherished goal.

Every girl with early childhood imagines her wedding day in great detail: what kind of dress, what flowers, music, etc. And, of course, the groom, who is impatiently waiting at the altar. But time goes by, and a meeting with a man of a lifetime does not occur. They are on the move various ways bring the long-awaited day closer: dating sites, visiting cultural events, help from friends and relatives, turning to fortune-tellers. After several failures, many recall the signs for unmarried girls that their mother / grandmother told about in childhood. Then they seemed just a fiction, but now with their help the girls hope to finally find their happiness.

Believe or not believe: types of signs

In our technological age, it seems inappropriate for many to believe in such things as omens. But it was not in vain that our ancestors collected them, studied them and passed them down from generation to generation. Signs are a product of centuries of wisdom, so you should not dismiss them as relics of the past. Some girls, after listening to the stories of their mother or grandmother about superstitions, will say: “It just happened.” But there are many stories on the internet. different people who found their happiness thanks to such coincidences. Perhaps you should heed the advice of your ancestors, and then, you see, you will have to run to look for a wedding dress.

Signs for unmarried girls are household, wedding, dreams, signs and superstitions associated with the months of the year. Below, we'll look at which ones will really bring you closer to your wedding, and which ones you should avoid.

wedding omens

The most common wedding omen, known to almost everyone, is associated with the bride's bouquet, which must be caught. On the Internet, you can find many funny videos that show how girls strive to get a bouquet that promises a quick marriage.

Hemming the hem of the bride's wedding dress is another sure way to bring the long-awaited day closer. You can also clean your wedding shoes. This option is suitable if you do not have the ability to sew.

To get married, you must receive something from the wedding. It can be a hairpin that held a veil, or a needle with which a wedding dress was sewn. Our ancestors believed that these things had a miraculous power that could attract a betrothed.

It is believed that a girl will soon get married if she was invited to be a witness at the wedding. This sign does not work if you have been in this role too often. In this case, you become the eternal bridesmaid, who never manages to get the place of the main character of the evening.

You are about to get married if:

  • a wedding guest accidentally doused you with wine or champagne;
  • you danced with the groom;
  • you are sitting at festive table between brothers or sisters;
  • you will be able to touch the bride's dress when she goes around the lectern at the wedding in the church.

household signs

The following are signs that, according to our grandmothers, will help you get married sooner or tell you the character of your future husband:

  • The floor should be swept towards the window from front door. So you invite the groom to come to you.
  • A wet hem after doing household chores predicts a drunkard husband.
  • According to the sign, if you brush crumbs off the table with your hand, then your husband will be far from ideal in appearance.
  • Forget about braids for the Annunciation. Grandmothers say: "You deprive yourself of health and marital happiness."
  • If you are not very good cook and your dishes tend to burn, don't worry. This means that a brunette will become your chosen one.
  • Marriage is also predicted by the found bouquet. True, it is not worth taking it home. People believe that among the things that are spoiled are flowers.
  • Unreasonable hair loss brings you closer to the cherished altar.
  • It is considered bad luck if the bride marries in a blue dress. According to our ancestors, this promises the husband's indifference to the desires and opinions of his wife. It is good that a blue wedding dress is chosen extremely rarely. Perhaps it is thanks to the sign.
  • There is a sign concerning wedding shoes. So, you can’t get married in sandals, otherwise expect a divorce soon. So that happiness does not go away, opt for closed shoes.
  • If you hurt your finger on New Year's Eve, get ready to meet your chosen one soon.
  • The tricks of the brownie (suffocation, rattling dishes, etc.) bring the wedding closer. He survives from your house to your husband's house.
  • Girls are not recommended to sit / stand on the threshold or pass anything through it. Our ancestors believed that this postpones the meeting with the beloved.
  • If, by virtue of your profession, you have to get to know and communicate with new people a lot, pay attention to those men who you met recently. Specifically, Thursday. It may happen that one of them is your destiny.
  • Do not comb your hair in the presence of strangers, it scares away suitors.
  • If you want to see yourself in a wedding dress, go to the store and try it on there. In no case do not use the dress of one of your friends.
  • Participation in wedding competitions delays your own celebration.
  • If the man of your dreams met and the wedding is just around the corner, appoint her to the Veil. This sign promises a happy marriage and the protection of the Virgin.


Scientists say that dreams are unprecedented combinations of experienced impressions. Everything that happens to us is postponed in them, and they can also help solve any problem. Dreams can predict marriage, you just need to know their meaning. So:

  • Before marriage, you can see in a dream a conversation with deceased relatives.
  • Trying on, buying shoes in a dream means that you will soon have to look for a wedding dress.
  • Great love is predicted by eating strawberries in a dream.
  • A rich husband is promised dreams with many gifts or ripe tomatoes.

Choose the month of the wedding

To all of the above, you can add signs that will tell you when to get married.

  • Forget January if you don't want to be a young widow.
  • A successful February promises a trusting union.
  • Having chosen March as your wedding month, be prepared for life in a foreign land.
  • A wedding in April predicts short-lived happiness, followed by instability and anxiety.
  • The month of May is an ambiguous choice. Most people think that "you have to toil." Modern statistics refute this, promising a successful marriage.
  • If you want a honeymoon of a lifetime, get married in June.
  • July is a strong average, including both happiness and adversity.
  • Happy August will give obedient children and a good friend in the person of her husband.
  • September, like a safe harbor, promises a quiet life.
  • But the conflict October will be generous with constant quarrels and conflicts.
  • If you want prosperity, then November is your month for a wedding. Prosperity, care and attention will always surround you.
  • A marriage entered into in December will become stronger over the years. Spouses will put each other's feelings first, and therefore you can forget about all the disagreements and showdown.

Following signs, of course, does not give an absolute guarantee of a happy marriage. The choice is always yours. But they can motivate you to notice something or someone that wasn't there before. Do not get hung up on the desire to get married as soon as possible. The main thing is to find a loved one, and there the stars will converge.

Love spell to get a loved one to marry and propose. A good plot to create a family

Marry me, God's servant (name)

In husbands (here name two names for whom you would like to marry)

If your husband likes to walk away from you or you have doubts about his fidelity, develop them with the help of magic. Every time a loved one leaves the house, tell him a whisper about her husband's fidelity that will allow him to speak of betrayal: Go where you went, you will return anyway. From me you go like a gelding, In my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so be it. Amen.

Today I will tell you about some of the most severe dryness which can be used without harm to both of you. Prisukhi (prisushki - whispers of love) about which we will tell the Magin have been tested by me more than once and have always allowed me to quickly dry a guy or an unmarried man to me. Only here is a proven whisper - dry on a beloved man or a guy you like will allow you to dry

A good way to bring a loved one home after a quarrel and awaken a feeling of love in him will help this strong conspiracy - a prayer for return. This conspiracy is also customary to read if your husband left you, or the guy left you. I read this conspiracy several times - a prayer for the return of love and feelings from the one who left me young man while studying at the institute and always

This is the most strong love spell a conspiracy to remove which is impossible and it is done in a cemetery and is called a black wedding love spell. Having decided to perform a black magic rite for love and read a love spell in a cemetery, you know that you forever bewitch a person to yourself. This should be done only if you yourself are ready to live the rest of your life with him and accept him with all his

This conspiracy to meet your love and meet your betrothed will help speed up the meeting with your future husband. This is a rite of white magic and is completely safe, it will only help you speed up the time of meeting with your soul mate, and it’s up to you two to get married right away or wait a little. This rite is a love spell for a meeting true love already helped my friend meet a guy and

Magini has a black conspiracy for longing, after reading which you can quickly bring longing about yourself to any person. The conspiracy will make a person bored and longing and could not fall asleep until he calls or writes. In general, to force a person with a conspiracy black magic remember yourself and yearn for having lost all peace until the first one gets in touch with you. This strong and

New Year's rites in Russia and love conspiracies that need to be read in the new year are the most popular New Year's Eve rituals that are used by both old and young. Today, Maginey has collected a complete and most interesting selection of conspiracies of rituals and rites for love that need to be done on New Year's Eve, namely in new year's eve. There is a belief that if for the new year on your own

Spell to get married

Many young girls wish to get married successfully. This desire is quite understandable, because every woman is created for the birth of children, household and marriage. This is its essence and natural purpose.

But it happens that time passes, and the family does not form. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a rite of conspiracy for marriage. The rituals are not at all complicated, the main thing is to carefully consider the very choice of the conspiracy.

It is necessary that the marriage conspiracy wears positive character. His goal is family happiness for each of the fair sex and the appearance of a daughter and son. But remember, in no case should you pronounce a conspiracy with the exact name of the one you want to marry. So you risk dooming your future life for an unhappy marriage. During the conspiracy, focus on the girl herself so that she becomes desirable and attractive to the groom. Even if you are on this moment dating a guy you plan to marry in the future, do not mention his name.

What should you pay attention to?

A conspiracy to quickly marry is a rite of white magic, but if a girl wants to get married and take her beloved man away from her already existing family- this will be a rite of black magic and it will lead to divorce. Such a marriage will not bring happiness to the girl, since the man obtained through the conspiracy will still strive with all his heart to return to his former life in his real family, and the new wife will cause one irritation.

Forcing someone to make him love you against his will and come to a divorce is impossible, and those who have repeatedly tried to do this have remained unhappy.

Of course, you can conjure fate, but only to attract a loved one, the one who is destined to become your husband. Before performing the ceremony, fast for three days. These days, eat only bread and water. Perform the ceremony on the growing moon in the first week after the full moon at a pink dawn.

Cover the table with a new white tablecloth, then place a lit candle and a cup of honey water on top. It is necessary to read a conspiracy to marry smoothly, without stopping for a moment. You should wait for the candle to burn out and go out on its own. After that, you should wash yourself with charmed water and apply this water to all the doors of the house.

The people associated the marriage of daughters with the fertility of Mother Earth and with the cycle of agricultural work. Songs were composed about imminent marriage, and the growth of plants symbolized the speedy achievement of the desired. If you want to successfully marry your loved one and feel the joys of motherhood, you will need to use dill and parsley seeds.

It is necessary to sow a bed with them on the growing moon and at the same time read the plot.

When performing such a ceremony, let your hair down, put on a skirt or dress, but take off your underwear. When the herbs you have planted grow, eat them and treat your loved one, the one you would like to marry soon.

From time immemorial, many daughters of Eve honor Holy Paraskeva Friday. They went to church on Paraskeva Pyatnitsa to pray to her for an early marriage.

Paraskeva Pyatnitsa had her own prayer for a speedy marriage.

On the day of Paraskeva Friday, stay at three weddings in the church from beginning to end, put a handkerchief in your bosom. Say your name and the name of the betrothed when the priest pronounces the words: "The servant of God (name) is getting married to the servant of God (name)." After that, wipe the shoes of the future groom with a handkerchief and put it in a container with apples. This burden should be put on the memorial table for the repose and read the plot for a successful marriage.

Within three months, wait for the performance of the ritual.

If you want to get married as soon as possible, on Maundy Thursday or Christmas, rise as high as possible from the ground and before sunrise, read at the top of your voice: “Guys, guys, look at me and love me!”

Another conspiracy for an early marriage on Christmas can be done as follows. Stand with your feet on the threshold so that your face is facing into the room. After that, rest your hands on the door frame and read the plot three times.

By carrying out a conspiracy, you unconsciously influence psychological condition men, which can lead to the fact that the psyche is disturbed. At first, it is almost impossible to notice, but in the future, a loved one will change even more.

Witchcraft greatly affects the male mind, contributing to the formation of holes. The only thing that fills these gaps is family and thoughts about you. This turn of events greatly affects the mind of a man, violating natural processes organism.

After the spoken conspiracy, a man may begin to experience inexplicable aggression towards you, drink alcohol and drugs, and get carried away with gambling. Therefore, a conspiracy to marry certain man cannot give you a guarantee for a happy family life, but it is quite capable of leading to an early divorce.

Spell to get married

Every girl dreams of creating a strong, reliable family, but marriage does not bring long-awaited happiness to everyone. Sometimes we have to look for a soul mate for half our lives, and then wait for a marriage proposal. Conspiracies for marriage have long been considered effective way attract the attention of the opposite sex and push to take a decisive step.

In order for prayers to give the desired result as quickly as possible, a number of rules must be observed:

How to get married successfully: conspiracies and prayers

There are many ancient rites with which it is easy to influence a person’s decision to marry, how effective they are is up to you. Below are some of the more interesting ones.

On a silver ring

You need to read the marriage plot in the kitchen in dark night when the moon is not visible in the sky. In preparation for prayer, light a candle, put a silver ring in an opaque glass and fill it with water. After crossing yourself three times, say out loud:

“I throw the ring into the water, I whisper the cherished word: the servant of God (Name), on me, the servant of God (Name), marry, but do not hesitate! As she said, so be it. Amen"

At the end, pour some water on the top of your head and put the ring on the ring finger of your right hand.

A simple conspiracy on a broom

For girls who want to attract to the house not one, but several applicants for a hand and heart, we recommend using such a conspiracy. On the night of the full moon, sweep the floor with a new, unused broom, collect garbage with a dustpan yellow color into a cloth bag. When sweeping, do not forget to pronounce the words:

“I drive the good fellows to my house. Not idlers, not greedy, not thieves. Hurry, come, my grooms. From their own or even other people's yards. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The collected rubbish should be hidden in a dark and distant corner, and at least once a day, the Our Father prayer should be read over it.

A conspiracy pronounced at the Baptism of the Lord, on Easter or on Kupala night. Here are some examples of prayers.

on wheat

Going to church for Easter, young unmarried girl you should take a handful of grain (preferably wheat) with you and hide it in your bosom. Returning home, do not talk to anyone, but scatter wheat at the threshold with the words: “How many in the temple I saw burning lights, so many, God grant me, suitors. How much wheat was in a handful, let so many dear ones knock on my house. Amen".

Prayer for Baptism

In the afternoon, January 19, the girl braids her braid, tying it with a scarlet ribbon. Before going to bed, you need to loosen your hair, burn the ribbon, and bury the ashes, saying the words of the prayer:

I light a candle, I throw a girl’s ribbon into the fire, I order the servant of God (name) to marry the servant of God (name), to call her my dear wife. Forever and ever. Amen.

After the wedding

If you witnessed the wedding of a young happy couple, this can help you get married as soon as possible. To do this, say a prayer:

“Just as these newlyweds got married in the church, they exchanged gold rings before the Lord, so I, God’s servant (name), will soon get married with God’s servant (name) and exchange gold rings. Amen"

What can not be done so as not to bring the "crown of celibacy"?

Sometimes, trying to help yourself or your girlfriends in an effort to speed up marriage, there is a chance of attracting misfortune. Therefore, when conspiring for a successful marriage, remember the rules that should not be violated:

  1. It is impossible to carry out conspiracies on people who are married. After all, it is known that “you cannot build happiness on someone else’s misfortune”;
  2. After the ceremony, it is not recommended to talk to anyone;
  3. You should not read the marriage conspiracy as an experiment, remember that every spoken word has great power and should only be used for serious intentions;
  4. Do not use church candles when reading a plot to get married.

But, the most important thing in any ritual is faith, because the more you believe, the more likely it is that prayers will be heard and efforts will be effective.

conspiracy for marriage

These two strong love spells to get married - for a quick and successful marriage with a loved one that you need to read on your own top the list of rituals of the Russian people for an early marriage and help to meet the groom in a very short time. You want to get married but you haven’t met someone with whom you would like to connect your life or there is such a person, but for some reason this guy or man doesn’t make a marriage proposal and doesn’t offer you to become his wife - it doesn’t matter, a marriage conspiracy will help you get married very fast. To conduct a love spell on your own, buy a new broom on Wednesday or Friday, do not take change when buying. On the way home, rejoice in the purchase and think about how your new folding broom is, okay, how great it will be for you to sweep the house and put things in order. Wait for the new moon to come, and sweep the whole yard with this broom (or the entrance if you live in apartment building), while all the dust must be collected in a scoop.

In the meantime, you will revenge the rubbish, sentence this old and very strong conspiracy for a successful marriage, which will come very quickly:

Not lazy, not misers, not thieves.

Come to me, grooms.

From their own and other people's yards.

Stone. Scissors. Paper.

Best time to get married gold autumn, but the preparation for the wedding must begin in advance. If you want to get married successfully, do not waste time in vain and quickly proceed to a love spell that helps you get married and gain the status of marriage in a very short term- by autumn. To do this, you need to plant flower seedlings near your home. Landing should be done on a full moon, early in the morning, while everyone is still sleeping. While you are planting, say the words of the marriage conspiracy:

I will look at the blue sky, I will look at the red sun.

So would my fiance smile at me, hurry up with me to the crown.

As my flowers bloom, so suitors will come to me.

A conspiracy for money will help attract a lot of money into your life. magical rituals every detail is of great importance, and in money magic to gain wealth in order to attract money into your life, it is very important when reading a special plot for money to use only yellow and red colors. This color symbolism came from ancient times when gold and copper had

A love spell on an apple as a strong way to bewitch a girl or a guy love spell for love made on an apple. Before starting the spell

Protection and removal of the evil eye and damage on your own, how to make protection from the evil eye and damage at home, how to remove the evil eye and damage on your own. The curses and envy of people induce the evil eye and damage from which you need to be able to defend yourself precisely for this, and protection from the evil eye and damage is done, but we will tell you how to do it today. In our time of envious people

CONSPIRACIES FOR A MEETING WITH THE RIGHT PERSON This conspiracy is valid for a quick meeting with the right person who avoids meetings and calls, but it is very necessary to meet him. You can use a defiant plot at any time of the day or night. The best thing about a conspiracy to meet is that you can do it yourself and there is no need to use the services of hereditary magicians

LAPEL FROM AN RIVAL HOW TO MAKE A LAPEL YOURSELF To remove a love spell, you need to make a lapel from a rival. If you have bewitched your beloved boyfriend or something worse than husband and the family is collapsing, an urgent need to turn away from a rival. Love spells and conspiracies will tell everyone how to conduct a lapel ritual on their own, but keep in mind that the magical ritual below

LOVE AT A DISTANCE WITHOUT A PHOTO We will teach you how to bewitch a man whom you love, but he does not want to marry, and a strong love spell at a distance without a photo that you will do on your own will help in this. The magic of love will help to bewitch a loved one, and he will not even know about it, but his feelings for you will wake up and will increase every day. This old love

HOW TO REMOVE A SPELL With a love spell cast on a person in our time, you will not surprise anyone, but how to remove a love spell from a loved one and save relationships and family. The best way to save a husband or son from a love spell cast on him is not telling him to make a lapel, since the presence of a bewitched person is not necessary, so removing the love spell on your own is not difficult.

OLD MONEY-ATTRACTING CONSPIRACY TO ALWAYS HAVE MONEY Which of the people does not want him to always have money and never run out. money magic reveals the secrets of getting rich quick only to the elite, but you can also try your hand by performing this ancient rite and reading the oldest money-attracting conspiracy that exists in our time. If you

A conspiracy for money and wealth so that money always flows, a ritual for multiplying and attracting money into your life Strong and quick conspiracies for money and wealth that help attract and increase the financial condition of the one who spent this magical ancient ritual attracting money has long been hidden from ordinary people. Ancient magicians knew how to attract money

Conspiracies to make peace with a loved one friend or girlfriend This very old conspiracy to reconcile was used by court magicians to restore peace and friendship after a quarrel between the rulers and helped to reconcile entire states during the war. Times are changing, but conspiracies and love spells that help make peace after a quarrel are still popular and successful.

LOVE ON CANDLES, HOW TO DO A LOVE ON CANDLES OWN Those who did a love spell on candles on their own know about its consequences, which come very soon. Of course, the most powerful love spell made on candles is considered to be a black love spell on a candle, but the one that is made independently in front of the holy icon will be no less effective, it is white

plot to marry read on a loved one

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A conspiracy to marry is done at moonless midnight in the kitchen. It is necessary to pour water into a bowl, light a non-church white candle nearby, throw your ring into the water, cross yourself three times and pronounce a conspiracy. After that, stand in the middle of the kitchen, pour yourself water from the bowl on the top of your head, put the ring on the ring finger of your right hand and go to sleep.

"I throw the ring into the water, I whisper the cherished word: the servant of God (name), on me, the servant of God (name), marry, but do not hesitate! As I said, so everything will be. Amen."

A conspiracy to marry is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conspiracies. On the table you need to put a photo of a loved one or any of his little things.

Father Peter, Mother Fevronia of Murom, as you were not alone, lived together all your life, so I, the servant of God (name), would not live alone, but with a dear spouse, a servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done on the evening of the week before Epiphany (January 19). During the day, you need to braid the braid, weaving a red ribbon into it. In the evening, undo your hair, remove the ribbon, burn it in a special bowl, while speaking, and bury the ashes under a tree in the yard. I light a candle, I throw a girl’s ribbon into the fire, I order the servant of God (name) to marry the servant of God (name), to call her my dear wife. Forever and ever. Amen.

Read special conspiracy words over millet, which then pour out at the crossroads. The conspiracy is as follows:

Fathers, matchmakers, do not walk sideways,

Go to my house

Gather suitors to me.

Like millet, God's birds will peck,

So to me God's servant(name),

Key to my speeches, lock to my words

For now, for centuries

For all good times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy for quick marriage

Buy a new broom on Wednesday or Friday. When paying with the seller, do not take change. Bring the broom home. On the way, think about what your new folding broom is, okay, how great it will be for you to sweep the house with it, putting things in order. When the new moon comes, with this broom you need to sweep all the rubbish in the yard (or at the entrance), while all the dust must be collected in a yellow scoop. It can be plastic or wood painted yellow. While you are taking revenge, say:

I drive the good fellows to my house. Not lazy, not misers, not thieves. Come to me, grooms. From their own and other people's yards. Stone. Scissors. Paper. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This conspiracy must be spoken odd number once. The cleaner you sweep the yard (entrance), the more suitors you will have. When you have collected all the rubbish, take it to your home, carefully pour it into a small canvas bag, put it in a far corner and keep it there until new moon. Be sure to read over it nine times "Our Father". Wait for the suitors soon, they will appear, and you will choose from them. And as soon as possible, take the rubbish away from the house and bury it in a hole so that no one can see.

If a girl has crossed the age when they get married without receiving a single offer, on the last Friday of the month you should walk through the field where burdock grows, saying:

"As the burdock clings to the underground, so the suitors would cling to me, fall in love with me and not lag behind, they called me to marry. Amen."

You have to go into the field alone, without girlfriends.

After a walk at home, they collect thorns from the dress, tie them in a rag with menstrual blood and store them somewhere far away so that no one sees until the girl gets married.

After the wedding, about three days later, you need to wash the rag and take the burdock to the field where it used to grow.

To do this, you need to go to the crossroads in the dead of midnight, throw thirteen kopecks there,

cross yourself and say three times:

Lord God, bless.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

There is a dead field

Grief lives in that field.

It lives in the field, is doing well, does not know loneliness.

I speak myself (name),

To never be alone,

Don't suffer alone.

Go, my loneliness, to the field,

There, where evil grief lives,

There you live, there you visit,

And leave me (name) forever.

Key to my words, lock to my deeds.

For now, forever, forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take her and your photo and write these words on each:

Be always mine

Be always with me

Let's live in marriage

Live and not grieve"

Put the photo facing each other, tie it with a red ribbon or thread crosswise, tie 9 knots and read the same plot for each knot.

Put these photos in a secluded place, and when you play a wedding, then in the first 9 days after the wedding, cut these knots and say:

After that, these photos will need to be burned on a candle and while they are burning, say the same words.

If a woman cannot marry

If your girlfriends have long been married and have children, and you "stay too long in the girls," then you need to hem someone's wedding dress, but a new one.

After that, you will definitely get married soon.

It's also nice to have a pin from the bride after the wedding. This will not harm the bride, and will help you get married faster.

It is very good to wash the shoes of the bride, this is also for an imminent marriage.

Take two unsewn needles, say on one:

"Well done merchant, bring me a wedding crown.

How they call you, the matchmakers know about it.

And for me, a young woman, a ring on my hand, and bread and salt on the table "

Say the second needle like this:

"I am a beautiful girl, blush and pretty.

She played with a spindle, called the groom.

Goy, well done, al boyar, al merchant, al visiting fellow.

come in for bread and salt."

Stick the needles in a cross into a loaf sprinkled with salt, and put in the canopy on the threshold until the morning. Do on the "red hill". Bread

pick it up in the morning and put it in the upper room on the highest place, let it lie there for a year.

Even an ugly woman will certainly get married if you speak foamy beer or mash and pour it on a pedestrian crossroads.

"How men love to drink beer and praise,

So the servant of God (name) would be loved and praised.

How many roosters are on this beer,

So many servants of God (name) suitors.

And how people trampled this road,

So it would have been for the slave of grooms a lot.

On Paraskeva Friday - November 10, get up at 5 in the morning, do not wash, do not comb their hair, do not eat, do not talk to anyone. Kneeling, barefoot, read 3 times.

Friday is mine, I am your sister.

Plant a bindweed - bindweed, so that that bindweed twisted, wriggled.

Before me creeping, I would have grabbed.

He did not part with me.

Like your loach, Pyatnitsa Paraskeva.

Without a zhordochka, without a support, he could not even live.

My words cannot be interrupted by anyone, cannot be washed away with holy water.

In the bathhouse, do not overwhelm with a broom, the masters would not whisper.

My word is strong, my deed is tenacious.

Chah would be exhausted about me, God's servant (name), slave (name). Amen"

"To please you, help me to please yourself"

When the service read the words

Glory to you, Glory.

Gotta say it

- "God eternal glory. Glory to the Virgin Mary,

and I would use the Slave (name), the groom (the name of the bewitched).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

In the morning, before dawn, fill the container. Place it in the middle of the room. Light three white candles, cover your head with a white handkerchief. Read on the water, periodically blowing on it: "Most Holy Mother of God, cover my head with a red kokoshnik - a golden slap. Amen."

Drink half a glass at once, half a glass in the evening before going to bed. Sprinkle your bed with hexed water.

A very strong conspiracy to cover.

October 14. You need to go out onto the balcony, raise your hands to the sky and say: "Bride Bride Queen of Heaven, take me out of the brides, take off the heavy cross from me, bless me for the crown. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Basically, rituals are given mostly for women. I want to give a ritual for a man.

To quickly find future wife, on the waning moon, perform such a ritual. Stand at the crossroads (on foot so that there are no people on it at that moment, it is better to do it late in the evening) and, turning alternately in each direction of the world, starting from the west side clockwise, imagine that you are shooting from a bow, while saying: "You fly, my tempered arrow, to the girl's tower, you lead my frisky legs to the one that is marked by fate, married to me by heaven."

After that, pour a bottle of red wine at the crossroads with the words: "I could keep it for myself, but I give it to you. You have hops and sweetness, my wife is in harmony and joy. So be it!"

After that, leave the intersection without looking back, and don't talk to anyone along the way.

To do on the growing moon at dawn. Put on white clothes (you can at least a blouse, but without any pattern). If your hair is long, braid it. Wash yourself with silent water, go to the street where two roads converge into one, stop there and say:

"Zorenka-dawn, my sister,

covered in white clouds,

shrouded in red sun

blown by warm winds,

washed with rain water.

So am I, servant of God (name),

I'll go down the aisle

hand in hand with the bright falcon,

with my chosen one (name).

Like two roads converge into one

so two hearts will beat together.

My words are fenced with a stone fence,

iron skies, deep seas.

Keys on a pine, pine on a mountain,

Then walk along this road at least a few steps, do not take off your clothes until night, do not unravel your braid until morning.

Silent water is called water, which is taken in secret from prying eyes silently. If you cannot get water from a spring or a well, then use tap water. Keep water in a closed container.

It is made only for kvass. Get the person drunk with spoken kvass.

East to west, north to south.

Turn the servant of God (name) to the altar.

You tamed the evil snake in the cave

So tame the heart of the servant of God (name).

So that he grabs his heart,

The hands of the servant of God (name) sought,

Pulled her to the altar to get married

From this time, from my order.

My word is strong.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Love spell to get your loved one married

it current love spell, you can only do it once. A love spell guarantees that your loved one will not only love you back, but also make him marry you.

To perform this love spell, you will need: Two pieces of linen fabric, a wax candle, 3 of your hair, 3 of your loved one's hair, fresh apple, sprig of lovage with leaves.

On small shreds of linen fabric, you need to write your name and the name of your beloved man, soak the shreds with names on both sides with wax from a melted candle. You can just drip wax on the fabric. After, connect the patches with written names facing each other, putting your hair and his hair between the patches, and roll the patches into a roll. Pour the roll again with wax, wrap it in a lovage leaf on top. Then, take a fresh apple and put a bundle into its core (do not cut the apple with a knife! The apple must be whole). After, bury the apple under the largest and most lush tree.

The only drawback of this love spell is that it can only be done in the summer.

You will need two dolls dressed as newlyweds. Write the names of the man and woman who are to be married on the backs of the dolls. Write their names on a long white ribbon as well. Tie three knots on the ribbon, as you call on the help of the Holy Trinity. Then use this ribbon to tie both dolls face to face at the waist. Make a herbal tea with valerian and cinnamon, add some frankincense and a few drops of myrrh oil. Dip the dolls in the liquid with the words:

– Three times for the Holy Virgin, three times for our Father.

Dry the dolls and put them in a shoe box. Spray them with holy water. Wash the magnet in holy water with honey and put it in a box with the dolls. Put a long run there vine or hops. Keep the box in a hidden place.

This conspiracy is read if your loved one is in no hurry to marry you. Friday morning, buy two at church wedding candles. Bring them home. Tie them with red thread and put them on a saucer. Light candles from one match. Read the plot:

- All the saints take the slave (the name of the beloved) by the hands, lead to the altar. At the crown of the slave (your name) stands looking at the saints. Lord, King of Heaven, crown your slave (the name of the beloved) with the slave (your name) for all eternity, do not separate until death. Amen.

Let the candles burn out.

On a piece of paper, write the name of the person you want to marry. Say a spell:

- On a thorny bush in green foliage, a dove with a dove sits, not like a guy with a girl, but like a young husband with a lawful wife, they sit cooing, having mercy on each other. And let me and the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) get married, we would all coo, together for centuries. Stone, tongue, castle. My word is strong. Amen.

Prick a leaf with a name on a hawthorn thorn. Top the spike with wax or sealing wax, or seal it with a piece of bread crumb, saying: I am sealing, no one can remove it, neither man, nor beast, nor bird, but only me!

In the spring, when sap is collected from birches, go to the forest, collect some birch sap in a jar, speak it and drink it:

- I milk a birch cow, I slander for birch milk. Birch, milk, share the milk, according to that milk to me, the servant of God (name), so that the groom flows smart-wise, noble-rich, single-unmarried. And I, a beautiful girl, a servant of God (name), would be waiting for him, trying on a wedding crown. Forever and ever and ever. Amen.

Any of these stones are programmed to achieve a specific goal in a relationship, that is, marriage. You can program ritually, you can energetically.

You buy men's slippers of the desired size and quality. You need to understand: if you buy checkered slippers on the market, you will attract the corresponding man into your life. If you buy branded, fashionable slippers, you will attract such a man.

You bring slippers home, put them in the hallway with their noses inside the apartment, saying: “My betrothed, mummers, without bad habits, come!” You can pronounce your text by putting into it the most important thing that you want to see in your man.

Do not give these slippers to guests! And - relax, enjoy life without worrying about the result.

My light, scarlet dawn,

My request to you is a big one.

Rite and bring me a young man for a crown.

Lead his soul, lead his heart, lead his eyes.

Put us with him under the image.

Let him appreciate and love me so much

And will never forget forever and ever.

Be you my words

Strong, sculpting, heavy,

Like sea stones, dry sands,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Buy a new wooden framed mirror.

Go to the full moon with this mirror to the crossroads. Stand so that if you look at yourself in the mirror, then in the mirror you would see full moon over your right shoulder.

Looking in the mirror at the moon, say this:

There is a dark stormy river in the city of Amatael,

That turbulent dark river has yellow banks.

To this stormy river all the waters,

All streams flow

They grow together with a stormy river, merge.

So, as to that river,

Men flocked to me

They grew together with my house, with my yard and body,

To me, slave (name),

Forever and ever stuck.

Not a single stream leaves the turbulent dark river.

So would never from me

Slaves (name), the men did not leave,

And how my legs are strong and tight

To be just as tight and strong

The suitors came to me as a slave (name).

Mother Moon, as I look at you in the mirror,

So that the grooms would look and admire me.

Looked did not look enough

Looked not seen enough.

Under the crown next to put and one never

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

If a girl wants to attract into her life new love and find the perfect partner.

Then she can carry out a love spell "love knot".

In order to tie a love knot, she will need: church candle Pink colour, a willow branch, a ribbon (one red and one white and one green), a toothpick and a strip of paper.

Imagine your ideal man and give him the name you like. On the candle (using a toothpick) write the name you have given your imaginary ideal, and on the paper strip write your name. Weave a paper strip with multi-colored ribbons and place around the candle.

Light a candle, and, watching how the name of your ideal melts, imagine it next to you. Next, attach each end of the ribbon to a willow branch with melted wax and place this branch under your bed at night.

The next day, take out the willow ribbons and untwist them to release the spell and bring new love into your destiny.

The most important thing in this love spell is your imagination and desire. How you imagine your new lover, so he will be.

I recommended this ritual to my clients, friends - everyone found their soul mate. The only point is that you must really want to find love - the "test" ritual will not work for you.

Rainwater or snow can be collected in advance, on any day, but the ritual itself should be done strictly on Friday during the moon's arrival (if you collect water in advance, you can put it in the refrigerator for safety).

Wait for rain or snow, put something (a cup, a glass) in the rain so that water drips from above.

Afterwards, bring a vessel of water into the house.

If you collected snow in this way, then give it time to melt.

On Friday, during the waxing of the moon (it is advisable to choose a Friday between the 2nd and 14th lunar day - not to be confused with the solar calendar) Splash a few drops of water on each corner of your bed. Take the rest of the water in the vessel and sit with it in the center of the bed. Say 3 times:

"I ask You through this fresh, sweet rain to give me a loved one who will ease my pain of loneliness."

Leave a cup of water in open form so that the water can evaporate freely until it evaporates completely.

It is forbidden to check every hour whether it has evaporated or not. We must forget and stop thinking about all this.

Put the cup on a high place in the house (so that it does not catch the eye).

After - it is desirable to sleep. You can do the ritual at any time of the day. The main thing is then sleep.

Welcome to my website!

I am the Witch, Clairvoyant, Psychic. Area of ​​specialization - white and black magic. I have psychic abilities, I can act at a distance and, thereby, influence the situation.

I am very pleased to welcome you to my personal website.

Where I will try my best to help you: to provide necessary information and give you all the help you need!

My services are paid, because every work must be paid, and every service must be bought. If you need my help, then get ready for the fact that I will conduct a diagnosis that will determine the extent of the problem and the possibility of solving it. My practice consists in rituals, some of which have become author's methods. When developing my personal rituals, I carefully study and test them, based on ancient scriptures.

My proprietary methods are the strongest conspiracies and rituals that will help everyone get rid of ailments, become closer with loved ones, and also help in family matters. If you need my help, please let me know.

I know exactly what hopeless situations can not be! Help on the same day!

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