Money magic: attracting money. Balloon Spell. blessed rain spell

Happiness is not in money, many say, but they are in no hurry to give their hard-earned money, because everyone dreams of financial well-being. Moreover, in the flow modern world It's impossible to live without money. Therefore, the issue of resolving financial problems is more relevant than ever. Let's see what the magic of money is capable of and how to attract money at home? Another funny fact is that some, working tirelessly, barely live up to their salary, and to someone they seem to stick to themselves. But do not get hung up on money, just as you should not underestimate it.

Money magic: attract money into your life on your own at home

Financial stability magic belongs to the category of white magic. The reason for this is that due to the continuous cash flow, a person becomes more confident, more successful, prosperous and happier. Money has a huge power that owns the world, and so that you have this power, there are several effective ways.

A selection of magical money rituals

What is the money matrix and how will it help in financial well-being? The answer is pretty simple. The matrix consists of a combination of symbols saturated and charged with an energy flow in which certain knowledge is hidden. To recognize this knowledge, we will be helped by 16 magic symbols, which are compiled for each day of the week sequentially.

For the ritual, it is necessary to cut out sixteen squares, four by four in size. Then draw a symbol on each square. It is desirable to apply the image with black ink or a black pen. Each character has its own number. This will help you make magic ritual. The rite of the money matrix is ​​performed at the beginning of each season (December, March, June, September) after sunset. Place four white candles around you, then do the same with the symbols. There should be four cards next to each candle. Now you must concentrate and imagine a cosmic tube from which coins, banknotes, bank checks, stocks and other personifications of money are pouring down on you like a waterfall. When such a picture clearly appears before your eyes, say the following:

Money magic: the money matrix helps to attract money

I'm on the road at the beginning and at the end of the road,

Past and future between me

four legions higher powers I call to you

You are witnesses and participants in my secret action,

To enter four outer space

And through four subordinate subspaces I will find a way out

Before arriving at the Four Roads Energy Center, where

Created and passed that the holder of the keys of power

Will remain in the center of additions and multiplications forever

From this time until the end of time.

To consolidate the ritual, carry cards in your wallet. The magic of money and the money matrix will help you attract money at home . And one more thing, to maintain strength, do not forget to perform the ritual in one of the seasons.

Option 2: "Magic of numbers - Magic of money"

The magic of numbers and numbers is a single organism that complements each other. Therefore, they often turn to the magic of numbers to attract money. Among sorcerers and witches, there is even a science - the numerology of money, which explains how to attract money based on their numerical characteristics. According to this esoteric science, each number has individual qualities. Look at each number individually to see magic power.

Use the magic of numbers to attract money

  1. The number 1 is used to give stability to your business and also to the rushing cash flow, which concentrates on one of the things that is important to you.
  2. In magic, the number two is used to attract useful contacts, the right connections and create profitable partnerships.
  3. But the number three, on the contrary, is used to expand cash flows and eliminate financial obstacles.
  4. The power of the number four is used for a constant and stable cash flow.
  5. The number five, pleasant to the ear since childhood, helps to reveal their capabilities.
  6. In order for money to help you, and not hinder you, use the magic of the number six.
  7. The number seven, which brings good luck and increased cash flow, reveals intuition and favors luck.
  8. Eight is a sign of infinity, the number eight is fraught with great power and opportunity. It will give you universal harmony, balance and give stability to your financial situation.
  9. In money magic, the nine is used to triple and expand cash flow. The ritual performed with the number nine will help you use your finances more prudently.

Advice:In order for the unit to begin to accompany you in your endeavors, you need to make a charmed ruble. To do this, wait for the mark on the calendar with the number one or eleven, and the clock will strike one in the morning or eleven in the afternoon. Place the coin on the open palm of your left hand, contemplate it, without taking your eyes off for about a minute and say: “One sister, lure money and call wealth! You are lying in my wallet - you are growing profit for me!

After that, place the coin for one day in a bowl with bay leaves. Then you have a powerful money talisman that you need to keep with you in your left pocket.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Option 3: "Black Magic of Money"

black magic to attract money

Not only white magic helps in acquiring financial well-being. The difference is that black magic is designed mainly for personal gain. To perform a ritual of black magic, namely a spell for money, you will need 10 coins of a large denomination and 2 black candles. After sunset, light the candles and place a bowl between them. Pour holy water into it, saying:

Let my pockets be filled

Let the money come to my house as soon as

Like a jug I fill with water.

Then send a coin into the water, saying:

I wish you health. I wish you happiness.

I wish you success. I wish you wealth.

I want gold. I want silver.

I want abundance. I want help.

I want money to come into my life.

I want it, so be it.

Leave everything in its place and go to bed, no need to blow out the candles. In the morning, when you wake up from sleep, sprinkle water with coins in all corners of the house. After laying out the coins along the window. At the next pay, holding the money in your hands, whisper:

In my purse - your money, your treasury - my treasury, so be it!

Option 4: "White Money Magic"

how money magic can change our destiny? It turns out that the influence of magic spells on a person's life is quite large. All magical means give a positive result, the magician is only required to believe in own forces and the effectiveness of the actions taken.

Another important point– never turn into a money slave. No amount of gold and silver can replace the personal freedom of everyone. Dependence on wealth can cause many problems in the future.

Money magic: how to attract money with the help of magic?

If you are tormented by the question of how to attract money, magic will help you deal with this problem.

Before using magical tools, make sure that it is necessary. Magic helps only those who take it seriously. Those who decide to just indulge in charms will not do well - the Universe will definitely punish the “merry fellows”.

Magic to attract money only works under certain conditions:

  • read the plots clearly and without hesitation;
  • follow natural phenomena that enhance magic (moon phases, eclipses);
  • do not forget to thank the Higher Forces;
  • do not brag about your achievements in the field of magic.

White magic for money

How does magic affect money? What white rituals will help change the financial situation for the better? These questions often come up in our minds.

white magic based on goodness and light, it works only for the good and cannot harm anyone. If you turn to her for help during financial crisis you will definitely get support.

Related article:

Light rituals help to achieve significant success and prosperity.

Rituals of money magic

All rituals related to finances are aimed at improving the financial situation.

If you encounter similar problems, try one of them.

Ritual to attract money on the new moon

The magic of money and good luck is especially strong during the period new moon. At this time, everyone works with maximum strength.

The following rite will help forever say goodbye to poverty and poverty. It is held exactly at twelve o'clock at night - not a minute earlier, not a minute later. Prepare a green candle, banknotes of various denominations and a plate in advance.

When the clock strikes midnight, sit down at the table. Place a burning candle nearby. Take banknotes in your hands and mentally imagine how they rise into the air, form a cloud and surround you. You feel happier and more successful.

When a little time passes and you enjoy the feeling of peace and tranquility, put the money on a plate and burn it. Do not throw away all the ashes that remain - blow it out the window with the words:

"Aki the ashes of burned money will scatter, scatter,

So the money will fall on me!

A month will grow for a long time, so much will my wealth increase.

And with the moon, and with the monthly new moon!

To activate the spell, repeat its text three times.

Usually the result appears within a month. If nothing happened in thirty days, something went wrong. But do not be discouraged: repeat the ritual to money magic started to work.

The magic of attracting money and wealth

To quickly attract money and wealth, you need to do the following rite: you should take a new sieve and a lot of little things. Then, on the full moon, you need to go to the garden or field and sow money through a sieve. In this case, you need to say the following words of the conspiracy:

“Mother Earth, accept my seeds, let them sprout, let them cover all my expenses, servants of God (name). Let my money sprout soon, but come to my wallet. May what has been said come true. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen". After that, the sifted money is buried in the ground and watered. clean water.

The magic of the new year for good luck and money and prayers, rites of white magic

In order for money to be found in the house in the New Year, you need to take the coins that will come out of the change on the first New Year's days and hide them in clay pot. They will lie there until the beginning of the phase of the growing moon. As soon as such a time comes, it will be necessary to read the words of the conspiracy to this pot every night until the full moon:

“As the moon grows in the night sky, so will my money grow. As the moon arrives in the night sky, so will the money in my pockets arrive. Amen". As soon as the full moon comes, the charmed pot of coins must be hidden where no one can find it.

To conduct a ritual for good luck in the New Year, you should take a church candle on the night of December 31 and, secluded in a secluded place, read the words of the prayer:

“My merciful God, be in the year that comes with me.
Send health and prosperity to me, me and my family.
Send me gold and silver, and more good things.
Bless me for peace, bless for peace
So that I never leave you.
Holy archangels, yes good angels, all heavenly servants
Do not let me, servant of God (name),
And my family will suffer in the new year.
Protect us from trouble, protect anyone from ailments, from fire and from water.
In the whole new year, be with me, God be with me.
Save me, save me, and protect me from evil and adversity.
Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen"

After that, put out the candle and hide it so that no one finds it, and do not touch it throughout the year.

The magic of money and good luck how to attract money on the full moon

The ritual to attract money and good luck should be performed at midnight on the full moon. For such a ceremony, you need to prepare a mirror, three gold-colored coins, a new wallet and a thin chip of wood that would fit in the wallet. All cooked things must be put in a large crystal vessel and say the following words:

“Just as the foliage on a tree multiplies every year, so do my coins, servants of God (name), multiply in reflection. I, the servant of God (name), earnestly pray to the Lord God, I pray for financial prosperity, I pray for unheard-of luck. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, all items should be put in a wallet and hidden in a safe place. The wallet will become a talisman to attract good luck and money.

Money Magic Essential Oils for Wealth and Success

To perform a rite to attract wealth and success, you need to take essential oil and grease a green candle completely with it, then light it at sunset and sprinkle a banknote of any denomination with melted wax. During this ceremony, you need to say the following words of the conspiracy:

“As the king begins to give expensive gifts, so the servant of God (his name) will get from those gifts. I will not refuse, I will take a gift, I will say words of gratitude. The round ball will spin, the damask sword will shine, and gold will ring forever in my pockets. I will go to the king-king barefoot, naked, I will bring a human cup, a simple cup. I won’t wipe my feet in blood, I won’t work my hands in calluses. The king will give gifts, so I will be the first. I will say the word of God's servant, I will do the deed. I will accept wealth, but I will not refuse.

At the end of the ritual, the banknote covered with wax must be folded and put into a wallet so that it is constantly next to its owner.

Money magic amulet for the well-being of your home and family

To carry out a ritual to amulet money and prosperity in the house, it is necessary to create a certain symbol of protection, which will be in the house and protect it from troubles and troubles. This symbol often becomes a doll.

Such an amulet must be made in this way: first, a base of sticks folded in a cruciform manner, then they must be wrapped with a white cloth, and coins and grain should be put in the head, which has long been considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Such a doll should be placed in a conspicuous place, however, before it takes its niche, the owner of the house must speak it by reading the words three times:

"Help, doll, attract money, attract good luck, and well-being."
Since the doll will be in a prominent place, you need to make sure that no one touched it with their hands, much less played with it.

Money magic money matrix

The money matrix is ​​16 symbols that carry magical meaning and energy force, for each specific day of the week. To make the matrix yourself and perform the ritual at home, you need to cut out 16 four-by-four squares and draw a corresponding sign in black ink on each.

Each character has its own number. The ritual with the use of the money matrix should be performed at the beginning of each season: December, March, June and September. Be sure to perform the ceremony after sunset. You need to light 4 white candles and lay out 4 cards around each. Mentally concentrate on what you want, imagine a lot of money and life in absolute abundance.

As soon as thoughts completely envelop the mind, you need to say the following words:
"I'm on the road at the beginning and at the end of the road,
Past and future between me
Four legions of higher powers, I call to you,
You are witnesses and participants in my secret action,
To enter the four cosmic spaces
And through four subordinate subspaces I will find a way out,
Before arriving at the Four Ways Energy Center,
Where created and passed that the holder of the keys of power
Will remain in the center of additions and multiplications forever
From this time until the end of time."

Cards must be carried with you in your wallet and the ritual should be performed once upon the onset new age of the year.

Magic money numbers on banknotes

A lucky bill is a guide to the world of good luck and wealth, however, in order to calculate such a bill, you need to look at the serial number. So, for many people, a banknote becomes such a bill, in the serial number of which there is a combination of 777.

Luck smiles at someone if the numbers on the banknote symbolize the date of birth, however, finding such banknotes is quite problematic. Therefore, to simplify the search for a lucky bill, you need to calculate your numbers and look for their presence on the money. To do this, in accordance with each letter in the full name, add the numbers that denote them, and display three numbers that will become happy.

Correspondence of letters and numbers:
1 - A, I, C, b
2 - B, Y, T, Y
3 - V, K, U, b
4 - G, L, F, E
5 - D, M, X, Yu
6 - E, N, C, I
7 - Yo, O, H
8 - W, P, W

Those numbers that are obtained after calculations will be happy for the fortuneteller. They should be found on a banknote that you will need to carry with you, like a talisman to attract money and material wealth.

A conspiracy from poverty and lack of money and how to remove it at home

The ritual, which removes the conspiracy to lack of money and poverty, should be performed on the waning moon at midnight. To do this, light a candle and take the smallest banknote. Bringing the banknote to your lips, you should speak it with these words:

"Hello, dark night I am your adopted daughter.
The moon will leave, it will take lack of money with it.
The moon in the sky will be renewed - my poverty will end.
I'll take the spoiled money, I'll take it to church in the morning.
Who took my luck, who took my wealth,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Through candles I will give back, I will give the poor.
Amen. Amen. Amen"

At the end of the ritual, you should go to bed, and the next morning go to church and buy candles for the whole bill. These candles must be placed for the repose of relatives who have departed to another world. And for yourself and for the health of your relatives who are alive, you should order a magpie. This is the end of the rite for a comfortable life and getting rid of damage to poverty.

According to the advice of Alena Kurilova, in order to attract money and a comfortable life, you need to carry out the following ritual using the following attributes: sugar, a high denomination banknote, a green bottle, a cork and a green candle. The ceremony should be performed on the growing moon. To do this, light a candle, take a bottle and pour sugar into it.

Then shove the bill and close the bottle with a cork. Top it with wax. During this process, it is necessary to say the words of the conspiracy three times: "How much dirt is in the swamp, fish in the water, so much money goes to me."

After everything is done, the bottle should be placed on the windowsill so that the light of the moon falls on it. There she must stand for three nights. After that, the money can be spent, but you must always carry at least one bill in your wallet, which will remain after the exchange.

Conspiracy to attract customers

To conduct a ritual to attract customers, you need to buy a new, beautiful bell and on the new moon at midnight you need to speak it following words: "The bell is ringing loudly, loudly! Wakes up the bear in the den! The client will come to me! It scares a squirrel in the forest - the penniless one runs away ”The ringing is heard all over the world - people are going to the idol! The ringing is flying on the planet - both adults and children are coming! Let it be so!"

Who from modern people does not want to be rich happy to freely pursue their dreams. Travel the world without worrying about expenses. Many will say that this is only available to wealthy millionaires who have a thriving business. The magic of attracting money is one of the most powerful forces, it is often the last resort to fulfill a dream.

A lot depends on the attitude, without faith in one's own strengths and the fulfillment of desires, the result will never be achieved. In addition, otherworldly forces can become your help.

There are people who work hard and hard, but the result is not achieved. Doing your own business also does not guarantee rapid prosperity.

But wealth floats into the hands of the lucky, but how to attract good luck. Some are born under lucky star, others can turn their luck around by using magic spells and conspiracies.

But you should always be careful in using magical power and be wary of charlatans, of which there are a great many among psychics and magicians. Any magical action has a fee and consequences, you must remember about them.

The magic of money and luck or how to attract money and become rich

The magical attraction of wealth is in demand in recent times. Not only experienced magicians who have been practicing for many years resort to the help of otherworldly forces, but also ordinary people, and not without success.

AT money conspiracy the most important thing is the strict observance of all conditions and your sincere faith in what you will get as a result.

You can choose a suitable ritual or conspiracy on the Internet, now many resources are offered viable options conspiracies to attract wealth.

Various valuable things are used to conduct a money ceremony.

  • coins
  • Banknotes.
  • Precious metals or natural stones.

Such items are filled with monetary energy, so they are ideal for amulets in attracting prosperity.

But not only the choice of materials plays a significant role in attracting money, but also the rite itself, which includes a number of actions aimed at attracting good luck in financial matters:

Collection of all related funds for the ritual

Cleanse the body, spirit and thoughts of the one who performs the ritual. This also applies to the thing on which the conspiracy is being made.

Coloring or decoration for a charmed thing with special auxiliary means to distinguish it from the general background, thereby attracting money to it.

The magic lies not so much in the words of the conspiracy, but in the belief in the spells cast. The larger it is, the higher the chance of quickly obtaining the necessary monetary condition.

Magic to attract wealth

Magic has a multifaceted effect, this applies not only to the duration of the ritual, but also to the place where it is performed.

You can choose the location magical actions own house. This will help to fix the monetary energy in a specific place, thereby tying it.

Another place for the ceremony may be a cemetery, this is from the category of black witchcraft. Its advantage is in a clear direction, obtaining results by a specific person. Of the minuses, retribution, which will surely overtake the beneficiary.

When performing magical rites on a specific item, you must always carry the amulet with you. It binds money energy and human together, helping to get the result.

There are rituals that help a person to receive money all his life. After conspiring once on an amulet, it works all the time if you carry a money talisman with you.

You won’t be able to get rich quickly, because magic needs time to gain strength. Therefore, it is better to immediately prepare for the expectation, the specific dates depend on a number of reasons:

Your mood during the money ritual.

Concentration precisely on obtaining the ultimate goal, without extraneous thoughts.

Strict observance of all the conditions of the rite, this also applies to the pronunciation of the words of the conspiracy.

Witchcraft is a serious matter, and having decided to let it into your life, you must understand that sooner or later retribution will come. By attracting luck and wealth to yourself, you take it from someone else.

The universe always keeps a balance, so balance the risks by resorting to the help of white or black magic.

The moon, or rather its phase. Most rituals to attract money are performed on the growing moon or full moon. This is the time of birth, which means that it is most successful to attract wealth just then.

Important: Nothing in this life comes immediately, you need to work and strive for the goal, only in this case you will get the result.

It is worth expecting a positive result a few months after the ceremony and provided that you do not sit in one place.

Feature energy cash flows

Mind modern man more and more occupied with thoughts of how to get rich quickly and without much effort. Today, few people care about such lofty things as faith, hope, love and friendship.

Now there is a suggestion that everything can be bought for money, and whoever does not agree with this is an absolute fool.

Whether it's bad or not, humanity will find out in the near future. So how to attract the energy of money to yourself, in what main secret? The main thing that everyone who wants to get rich needs to understand is an understanding of the essence of energy cash flows.

A collection of moments

Psychological mood.

Emotional condition.

Attracting energy through various actions and means.

Any of the above symptoms are affected various factors internal and external.

From the point of view of psychology, it is worth knowing the simple secret of solving many problems, not only financial, but also personal. Luck is not just a word, only the right attitude and action can attract it. Remember that every day millions of money revolve around a person, creating a continuous energy flow.

Task smart person correctly program yourself to get results, and properly manage money. Many of the beliefs and experiences that you or your family have gained can both positively and negatively influence your results.

The emotional mood is also one of the secrets to manage cash flows by attracting them to your side. It is necessary to recognize the fact that money is an integral part of the life of any person. Therefore, it is emotions that prevent many from earning a lot.

Constantly thinking that there is no money or that everything around is too expensive, you set yourself up to reduce your wealth. Change the way you think, and you will always have plenty of money.

Do you need to sell anything in order to grow your wealth? Not at all, sometimes your favorite activity gives a much greater effect, thanks to the mood and emotions that accompany you during your favorite activity.

Magic, effective remedy to receive money, but subject to certain nuances during the ritual, which will direct the cash flow to you.

Conspiracy of nine knots for money

Varieties money rituals weight. One of them is a nine-knot money ritual. To create a talisman that attracts wealth to you, you will need a green silk thread 30 cm long.

For the ritual to work successfully, it is important to conduct it on full moon. The full moon has always been magical. Therefore, many sorcerers and shamans performed most of the rites at this particular time.

But the ceremony can be performed on the new moon. The reason for this is the growth of the night heavenly body, than larger size moon, the more abundant your cash flow. During the ceremony, you need to stand under the moonlight, so that it will certainly fall on the thread being spoken, and pronounce the words. At the same time, tie a knot.

“The first knot the magic begins.

With the second node, the work is done.

With the third knot, the money goes to me.

With the fourth node, new opportunities are knocking at my door.

With the fifth node, my business is booming.

The sixth knot fixes the magic.

With the seventh node I am given success.

With the eighth node my income is multiplied.

With the ninth knot, it's all mine now!"

Tie each knot slowly.

After performing this ritual, your career will go uphill, and work in business guarantees high profits.

Ritual for wealth with an apple

A ritual with apples is considered a strong ritual to attract wealth. It will take 20 apples to complete it. Choose only the most beautiful and juicy fruits. If possible, collect them yourself, but you can also buy.

When buying fruit, pay the seller without taking change from him, you can prepare the necessary amount in advance or use small bills so as not to lose a lot of money. The ceremony is held for three days.

First day: Take 14 apples from the fruits you bought and give them to street beggars.

Second day: Of the remaining, half is needed, i.e. 3 apples, distribute again to the poor.

Third day: you should have three apples left, take them and go to church, leave the fruits on the memorial table while reading the next plot.

“Remember my poverty, servants of God (name), for peace.

Let wealth flow to me like a river from this day on.

Let wealth stay with me forever.

May what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Ritual for money in the New Year for wealth

New Year's Eve has special magical properties, therefore, a sincere desire made at this time will surely come true. What does a person want the most? Any modern inhabitant the planet will say wealth and fame.

Therefore, for those who want to get rich, there are several rituals that are held in New Year.

Lining of gold coins festive dishes on the table. Everyone, setting the table on New Year's Eve, cooks only the best and most expensive, therefore the energy on this day is especially saturated with wealth. It does not matter what the denomination of the golden coin is, the main thing is the color of gold.

Swipe before New Year holidays general cleaning and get rid of excess old rubbish, it is better to buy something new, this will help bring good luck and prosperity to the house along with wealth.

Another ritual to attract money

AT new year's eve take a bright red piece of paper, glue a golden coin to it and draw around money of different denominations and types, banknotes, coins.

Then roll it into a scroll and tie it with two ribbons of gold and bright scarlet, and then just before the battle at midnight, hang it on the Christmas tree.

In the morning, the scroll must be removed and hidden where it will not be found.

Another ritual for the New Year

Buy a wallet before the New Year, try not to be stingy. Also buy a decorative snake and a gold ribbon. You need to put in your wallet large bill and tie the wallet with a snake, fixing the latter with a gold ribbon.

And read the next slander

“An unchangeable banknote will lure money to itself, multiply in a year, add up, multiply, follow its own path, make me rich. My word is strong!

You cannot use this wallet during the year, put it away and regularly report small denomination bills from your salary or other source into it. You can spend the accumulated amount at the end of the year on whatever you want.

Money bath in the New Year

He can still take a "money bath" in the morning on January 1. To do this, type warm water bath, pour a glass of milk into it, a couple of drops of aromatic bergamot oil and throw 7 golden coins.

After that, plunge into it, you need to lie down for at least 10 minutes, it is also important to completely plunge headlong into the water three times. While relaxing, imagine how money flows to you. When you leave the bathroom, do not dry yourself, let the water on the body dry itself.

The Ritual of Creating a Money Bank

The rite with the "Money Bank" is suitable for those who decide to buy something specific. The cash flow attracted with the help of it is designed to give the owner what he wants, whether it be a car or a piece of furniture and so on.

For the ceremony, perform the following manipulations

Choose an ordinary transparent jar, preferably with a screw cap.

Decorate it beautifully as you wish.

If you decide to paint, it is advisable to use colors: green, red and gold. They have money power.

Glue various tickers or pictures symbolizing wealth, even miniature banknotes.

Tie the neck with a red ribbon.

Then write on the stickers the items you want to have.

To begin with, come up with 10 material desires that you wish to have. Can start small. The main thing to remember is that you should wish only for yourself.

Desires like, "peace in the world", or "let Petya find Good work' won't fit.

Then put the stickers in the jar. Then you need to drop five coins yellow color inside.

Now the bank should be filled with funds to raise money:

Mint leaves =.

Fuck its root.

Green tea.

Pine needles.

Heather branch.

Then you need to mix everything and hide the jar in a safe place. Six months later, when you open a money bank, you will see that most of your wishes have come true.

Talisman of money for money

Most rites to attract money are done using money. As you know, money is the best way to attract money.

One of the most common is a fiat coin or banknote. The face value of the future talisman is not important here, but it is noticed that the larger the bill, the larger the capital it attracts.

The most important rule of an irreplaceable talisman is not to spend the charmed money under any circumstances. It can be a special coin, for example, given with a purse or received from big deal. Keep your talisman away from other money and always carry it with you.

Keeping the talisman coin separately programs it to attract large funds to your wallet and increase existing ones.

Money Matrix

This is special kind attracting wealth in the form of money with the help of special symbols cut out and drawn up in exact sequence by the days of the week. To do this, you will need 16 squares of thick cardboard, measuring 5 cm in length and width. Then on the cards you need to draw special characters in black ink.

Be careful each square has its own number and symbol. During the beginning of the new season: zama - December 1, spring - March 1, summer - June 1, autumn - September 1, you need to perform the following ritual.

After sunset, place 4 white candles around you. Arrange cards around each candle in a certain sequence, and then set fire to the candles. Sit facing the square with cards 1 to 4.

Focus on what you are going to do. When you feel concentration, start reading the words of the conspiracy:

"I am at the beginning and I am at the end,

I'm between the past and the future

I call forth the four legions of supreme power

As witnesses of my secret action,

To enter the four main spaces

And exit through four subordinate subspaces.

To arrive at the center of the convergence of four roads,

Where created and determined that the holder of the keys of power

Will always remain in the center of multiplications

From this time until the end of time."

After a while, extinguish the candles. This completes the first part of the ritual, but your magical work needs to be continued. You need to make these squares every evening in a special sequence for 7 days.

Sunday: 4, 11, 6, 1, 15, 8, 5, 16, 10, 2, 12, 7, 13, 3, 9, 14

Monday: 9, 7, 13, 2, 16, 8, 3, 11, 4, 10, 6, 14, 1, 15, 12, 5

Tuesday: 14, 3, 11, 4, 10, 12, 1, 7, 9, 13, 5, 6, 15, 8, 16, 2

Wednesday: 7, 15, 10, 5, 16, 11, 14, 2, 8, 6, 9, 12, 1, 3, 4, 13

Thursday: 5, 10, 3, 11, 4, 16, 9, 6, 7, 13, 8, 14, 1, 12, 2, 15

Friday: 11, 14, 1, 13, 7, 8, 3, 15, 4, 9, 6, 12, 2, 16, 10, 5

Saturday: 8, 2, 11, 4, 13, 7, 15, 9, 16, 5, 14, 10, 3, 12, 1, 6

Do this chart in the morning or the night before. For convenience, you can reverse side each card to write its serial number in pencil.

After the end of the 2nd part of the ritual, i.e. after 7 days, wrap the cards in banknotes and put them in your wallet until the next season.

If on some day you cannot collect the matrix of money, do not worry. The process has already been launched and the matrix will still work, but not at full capacity. The main thing is not to forget to perform this ritual every new season of the year. You will be surprised how much your life will change thanks to the work done.

An example of how to make an envelope from a banknote for cards

Black magic to attract money - the secrets of the wealth of dark magicians

A special difference between black magic in efficiency. You will always get what you want if the performed ceremony is performed according to the rules. You yourself can see this for yourself, because black magicians never experience financial need, though they pay for it with other benefits.

Even the slightest mistake in pronouncing the words of a spell or observing a condition can turn into a disaster for an unprepared or inexperienced person. Care must be taken when performing a magical rite, because the dark forces do not forgive mistakes and disrespect for themselves.

Most black rituals are carried out in cemeteries at night, so effective protection is required. But on the other hand, they do not know their equal in power, especially when it comes to sacrifices to dark forces.

Ritual with Tarot cards to attract wealth

Thanks to the guaranteed receipt of the desired black magic and has such a demand. For the ritual, sorcerers use various means. The effectiveness and strength of the ritual largely depends on this.

Tarot cards are in the arsenal of every sorcerer. But not only for divination, you can use cards, but also to attract money.

The ceremony is held at 3 am before sunrise, using only candles as a source of light. You can even turn off the electricity if possible.

Usually, in the conditions of the ritual, a specific number of candles is used, but if it is not there, then take 6 pieces. The color of the candles is black.

The following cards are selected from the deck

Six of Pentacles.

Ace of Pentacles.

Major Arcana Devil

They lay out in front of them in the form of a triangle. In the center of the triangle, place a piece of green fabric without a pattern. Prick the finger on your left hand until it bleeds and draw a Star of David on the fabric.

Star of David

Cast a spell

"Amidas prenas delas khramos tebieros Magnum treos!"

Pay attention to the stress, it falls on the first syllable of each word. Then put the cards without mixing and together with the fabric under the pillow and sleep like this until the morning. Therefore, put the cards in the box, and carry the fabric in your wallet.

black magic spells for money

To avoid problems with dark forces, it is important to know at what time the ritual can be performed:

It is impossible to perform a ceremony at Christmas time or any other religious holiday, dark forces will not work.

Friday and Sunday are not suitable days, they block dark energy. If you perform a ritual on these days, you can not only scare away luck from yourself, but also bring problems.

Black magic has consequences, so follow the terms of the ceremony carefully and consistently.

Attracting money with a magical rite with church candles

There is a special strong ritual for wealth using a church candle.

Buy candles 40 pieces in the church.

It is necessary to light a candle every day for 40 days.

Also in the church you need to order a magpie prayer for your own health.

“In the east there is Mount Athos,

With the holy church of the Lord.

There is the throne of Christ.

Since the throne stands in front of the altar, evenly and not staggering,

Forever holy and rich, so is my house, a servant of God (name),

In the middle of the world stands strong and becomes holy and comfortable.

All failures away, my house is a stronghold. Amen".

Each time after reading, let the candle burn out to the end.

Money ritual at the cemetery

When conducting rituals in a cemetery, a number of conditions must be observed so as not to bring problems and the wrath of dark forces. Therefore, if you want to attract money to yourself, then come to the cemetery at midnight, find a grave with the same name as yours.

Then put a coin on the grave and say the following spell:

Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Astaroth. Open the gates of darkness, give me gold and wealth. Gold, pour at my feet, gold stick to my hands. Let it be so!"

Do not forget to leave a ransom on the grave and return home without looking back and without talking to anyone. They usually pay off with coins and vodka. The bottle must be opened and left like that.

Conspiracy to attract customers

To attract customers for the prosperity of your business, you can perform the following ritual:

Take walnuts and drill through holes in them.

Then string the nuts on a green strong thread and tie them with a triple knot, pronouncing the following plot:

“As I tie threads, I bind clients to me.

As long as my amulet hangs over the threshold,

Buyers will come to me and carry their money.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Hang this amulet over your front door in your office inside.

Tips for attracting money

Signs used to play a big role in the lives of ancestors. Now much knowledge is forgotten.

But for those who wish to attract wealth to their home, here are some signs

  • You can not sweep the garbage towards the threshold, it sweeps all the well-being out of the house. It's better to start cleaning from front door to the house.
  • Throwing keys at night on the table is also a loss of money.
  • Leave on the table empty bottles to poverty. It is better to immediately take them to the trash or lower them at least to the floor.
  • Shaking out the tablecloth after the guests leave is best on the street, this attracts money into the house, do not shake everything on the floor even during cleaning.
  • Take out the trash at sunset to a robbery or loss of money.
  • Clean only in daylight.
  • To see a spider at home for money.

You can get rich at any age financial position, the main thing is to do everything possible for this.

What are the types of conspiracies for money? Where to get them, how to pronounce and compose them correctly? What should be in a good and effective plot? In this article, we will tell you about one of the oldest ways to attract money into your life: verbal magic, conspiracies.


Through sleep, some can also attract money. A dream is a product of mental activity, as well as a parallel reality. Just as we take something into a dream, something can also be taken from there.

When you had a dream in which a person makes a big profit, upon waking up, he needs to start “reformatting” money from sleep into real life. To do this, you need to imagine that the magic of money is happening - the money supply is “transferred” from some bank account specifically to yours.

You need to try to materialize the sensations of dreaming money in order to transfer the bills to the world of reality. Soon these bills or coins will actually appear in the form of a transfer or an unexpected bonus, financial benefit or paycheck.

An equally popular way to attract finance is the use of "undercover" money. For a magic spell you need banknote the highest denomination, and green.

This method is suitable for those who have a door at the entrance to the house or apartment that opens outwards and has high threshold with a rug. It is under it that you need to put a bill, which must always be there. Such a ritual will not make you wait long for a positive result, as evidenced by numerous video clips about the magic of money.

In each house there are special zones that are responsible for financial well-being. They are usually located on the southeast side. If this sector is activated, then in this way it is possible to attract a monetary "invasion".

Decorate this corner in blue or green tones, and then decorate with talismans. Aquariums with goldfish, a vessel with clean water, a babbling fountain are ideal. If all this is not there, then you can hang a canvas on the wall with a view of the lake, a small waterfall, sea surface. It is also good to put a succulent in this area or Money Tree, which perfectly attracts finance.

lucky number

There is a special section in such a concept as the magic of money - the numerology of banknotes. You can find a lucky money with the help of a certain calculation. It is enough to write your first name, last name and patronymic, and then assign the letters their numerical values:

It remains to determine the three codes by adding the numbers until a prime number is obtained. The resulting values ​​are "lucky" - collect banknotes with such numbers!

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