Independent rituals to bring damage to the enemy. Ways to heal from damage done to health Black magic damage to the disease of the enemy

Damage to madness is one of the most cruel and dangerous magical methods of punishment or revenge. Practicing magicians doubt which damage is more terrible in terms of its consequences - death or inducing insanity, which turns a person into a miserable creature, devoid of reason.

This technique of black magic is used to destroy an opponent, a competitor, an enemy. Many people, for the purpose of retribution, stop at the method of spoiling for insanity, so as not to take on the sin for causing the death of the victim, and thus condemn her to insanity for the rest of her life.

Consequences of damage to insanity

Such damage is even worse than physical pain or quick death. If you are going to punish your enemy in this way, think again, as there is no turning back.

Now let's look at the consequences of damage to madness. After all, it is very easy to confuse the difference between just a disease by physical indicators and induced madness.

The first signs after the ceremony:

  • persistent headache;
  • causeless anxiety;
  • confusion of thoughts;
  • problems in expressing thoughts;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • fear for no reason.

These signs worsen over time, attacks of insanity become more frequent, aggression towards people, seizures, seizures are manifested. Since the effect of corruption on insanity manifests itself gradually, the result will not be noticeable immediately after the ceremony. However, every day the madness will gain strength, and the victim will behave more inappropriately.

Treatment will not work, especially when it is not clear what happened to the person: insanity or damage. It is very difficult to understand that madness has been brought to a person, since at first the effect of damage is similar to overwork. Conventional medicine will only help to numb the symptoms for a short time, and only in the initial stage.

Even an experienced magician is able to remove damage to madness only at the initial stages. When violations in the energy plan are already entering the phase of a permanent state of inadequacy, not a single rite will help.

Ritual for the madness of the enemy

If you nevertheless made a deliberate decision to induce dementia on your enemy, then it should be borne in mind that the longer the period it affects a person, the more power it acquires. The described ritual contains elements of Voodoo magic.


To bring the enemy to madness, you need to use the following tools:

  • a photo showing the victim without strangers;
  • black thread made of natural material;
  • water (thawed water, from a river, a spring);
  • a thing belonging to the victim (you need to know for sure that the thing does not belong to someone else).

The order of the ritual

Having found the necessary items, proceed to the implementation of the ceremony.

Stages of preparation:

  • within 3 days before the ritual, avoid visiting the church and any holy places;
  • avoid any communication with the victim of corruption;
  • keep the planned ritual in strict confidence;
  • do not communicate with children directly on the day of damage;
  • on this day, discard all extraneous thoughts, and concentrate on your negative feelings towards the victim, remember all the evil that this person has done to you, and wish retribution with all your heart.

When the preparation is completed and all the rules are followed, you can proceed to the step-by-step execution of the ceremony:

  1. In the evening, take off all your jewelry and take a bath.
  2. When it gets dark, put a photo, black thread, a glass of water on the table.
  3. Taking a spool of thread, rewind it on your hand, casting a spell.
  4. Wind the thread around the photo while reading the plot.
  5. Put the photo in a glass of water, turning it upside down.
  6. Swipe your fingers over the photo in the water, counterclockwise, pronouncing the plot.
  7. Crumple the photo and throw it into a river or stream.
  8. Throw away the glass that contained the water and the photo, as these items become religiously sinful.


Rewinding the thread, and focusing entirely on this process, sentence the plot:

“I do not rewind the threads, but weave and twist the nets in order to confuse the mind and cause confusion.”

“In an empty black field there is a church burned,

It has no priests, it has 13 devils

All stripes

Death minions, you go

To the servant of God (name), take his mind,

Servants of the Devil, drink his blood,

Eat his brain

Do not give him rest, deprive him of reason,

Don't let him die.

Devil brothers from the burned church,

Take peace from his soul forever.

I'm closing this case. Amen".

When the photo is in the water, try to convey all your resentment and hatred for the victim with every spoken word:

“I wash and rinse, I lower your deeds and thoughts into the abyss. Mind-reason I take away from you forever.

Damage to madness in the cemetery

The black ritual in the cemetery is very strong, and therefore it should be borne in mind that the stronger the effect the victim feels, the stronger the back blow will be, which will reach you. This damage is not so easy to perform, but sometimes it is suitable for the situation.


To bring damage to madness, you will need magical tools:

  • clay pot;
  • ash from 3 houses;
  • black candle;
  • matches;
  • a piece of black cloth.

The order of the ritual

Having prepared and tuned inwardly to perform magical actions, follow these steps:

  1. Take ashes from 3 different houses. When answering the questions of the astonished owners, in no case do not say, even in hints, what the ash is intended for.
  2. Put the ashes in the pot.
  3. Around midnight, go to the cemetery, make sure no one sees you.
  4. Find a grave with the name of the person you are corrupting.
  5. Put a candle on the grave, light it.
  6. Break the pot on the grave while casting the spell. Leave the cemetery without looking back.
  7. The next morning, come back to the cemetery, to the same grave.
  8. Take 3 handfuls of earth from the grave, with your left hand.
  9. Place the grave soil in the cloth and wrap it up.

Over the next 3 days, you must come to the victim's house and pour out this earth (under the bed, under the carpet).


“Not the Father, not the Son, not the Holy Spirit.

I'll get up and go to the dark side

Where people don't live

Where fierce animals walk.

I'll call, I'll call the devils,

forty brothers,

I will ask them to go to the servant of God (name).

Take away his mind, eat him and break him.

So that he howled like a beast,

To famously drank in full. Amen"

Usually the result of magical influence is manifested immediately, as soon as the grave land is in the victim's house. A person loses his peace, he is tormented by nightmares, strange and ominous visions, he begins to have a mental disorder, and in the end he loses his mind.

Damage to madness in the photo

Damage to madness using a photograph is a fairly simple rite of black magic to perform. This method causes the onset of a mental disorder in a person, and over time leads to his complete insanity.

Witchcraft ritual should be performed on the growing moon, carefully prepared. If the magician does not have enough strength, he will not put protection on himself, and the rollback can harm the master himself.


  • photograph of the enemy;
  • 2 gypsy needles;
  • black candle;
  • matches;
  • valuable item to buy.

The order of the ritual

When the moon is in the first quarter, you can start magical manipulations:

  1. At midnight, light a candle, put a photo of the victim next to it.
  2. Heat the needles on the flame.
  3. Stick the needles into the photo, into the eyes of the victim, saying the plot in a low voice.

    Magic words should be pronounced, concentrating as much as possible on your goal, and splashing out all the negative energy in a conspiracy:

    “As I deprive you of your eyes, the servant of God (name), I also deprive you of both mind and memory. Let it be so!".

    Damage to dementia does not begin to act immediately, but after 2 weeks or a month. It is very difficult to remove such influence.


    From all of the above, we can conclude that the type of damage in question has an extremely destructive effect, and the result will be irreversible. Only an experienced magician can cope with the damage to insanity, it can be removed only at the initial stage. Think before you spoil.

Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you how you can use magical rituals to inflict severe damage on the enemy. If you have a strong enemy who offended you terribly or interferes with your life, then you can punish him with a magical ritual at a distance - make black damage to the enemy so that he calms down and leaves you alone. The powerful quick-acting curses that practicing magicians in their own all work. But how strong it will turn out to be, and how long the effect will last on the victim, depends, as always, on who will send the curse with the help of black magic conspiracies.

Here is an example of an independent rite that a person who has not been engaged in witchcraft for a short time, but who has some experience and ideas about the use of black magic, can do. Here's how to do damage to the enemy at home, spoil his health through his photo.

Damage to the enemy at home - send diseases by photo

In order to speak the enemy of illness and doom him to a difficult life, this black ritual must be done on a waning moon.

And in order to send damage to your offender, take:

  • photograph of the victim
  • ritual knife

This strong damage is done on the photo of the enemy. To do at night, for illumination, you can light a candle. Holding the photo in your left hand, and in your right - a ritual knife, draw crosses on it with a knife from corner to corner. Those. move the knife across the image from the upper right corner to the lower left, and from the upper left to the lower right. At the same time, you need to read the text yourself 9 times conspiracy of damage to the photo of the enemy. Cross out the photo with a knife all the time while you read the words of the conspiracy, and how many times you succeed, it doesn’t matter.

“In the middle of the dark forest stands a mossy stump. I’ll go up to that mossy stump, find a snake hole, take out a viper ball. Oh, you creeping bastards, stinging snakes, you don’t sit in the twilight of the forest, but go to the slave (name) in his flesh and vein, brain and stomach. Drink its juices so that it can neither live, nor be, nor eat, nor drink, but only dry not by the day, but by the hour, from century to century and now and forever. Ir, Erech, Azod, Avrakalan, Satan, Immanuel. Nima. Nima. Nima.

When pronouncing the lock, the knife must be thrust into the photo of the offender with force. Do not take out the knife, and leave it until the morning. Extinguish the candle. In the ceremony, she does not play a key role, but is taken simply for illumination. If it is possible to do without it, the candle can not be lit at all. The next morning (early in the morning, as soon as it starts to get light), burn the photograph of the enemy. There are 2 options for how to deal with the ashes.

You can take it to a pedestrian intersection, and dispel it there. If the wind blows towards the victim's house, this will increase the damage. Redemption is not needed when inducing magical damage to the name of the enemy at home, since the work is carried out on the personal strength of the magician - the performer, and the last words of the conspiracy: "Ir, Erech, Azod, Avrakalan, Satan, Immanuel" - this is still not a call, and the usual black lock. Words of Power. Independent conspiracies of white magic also have their own types of fasteners: “In the name of the father and son and the holy spirit”, or “I believe in Christ and the holy army”, etc. So, there is no need to look for difficulties where they are not.
If you have experience with graves, you can complete severe damage to your offender, take the ashes from the burned photo to the cemetery and pour it on the nominal grave. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will remind you to do everything at the grave according to the rules of cemetery witchcraft, to remember the memory of the dead assistant and the gifts to the Master of the cemetery to remember sacredly. Don't forget about visualization. The result of the work depends on the quality.

In general, any ritual is associated with visualization. The better the magician-executor worked out this moment, the better the result. If we talk about this, a specific ritual, to independently damage the enemy, then the photo is obtained as a binding to a specific person. However, the end result of independently carrying out the ritual of a strong curse on the death of the enemy, he obeys the totality of many points. It is best to work in a complex, if necessary, black damage in the name of the enemy can be repeated, purposefully finishing off a person so that he suffers and suffers. It is imperative to have magical protection on yourself. Before the ceremony, it is useful to diagnose and strengthen energy protection on yourself.

Severe damage to the disease through the pectoral cross

There is damage in black magic to send a disease to a person. And you can do it yourself through a pectoral cross, giving it to your enemy to punish for evil. Black damage to the cross has long been known, and has been practiced by magicians for a long time to send illness. That's just, believing Christians have a belief that they don't give crosses and don't take them as a gift. So, it is difficult to give a cross and be sure that the one to whom severe damage through the cross was intended, he would not run to church to scold the cross, and that he would wear it at all.

You can apply this ritual if the mortal enemy is a close relative. But, it’s hard to hide from relatives what you do, I mean, the magician Sergey Artgrom, if you follow the path of the magician consciously, and do not conjure from time to time when you feel the urge. You can change the enemy's pectoral cross, for example, in a bathhouse. Here, see for yourself, and act according to the circumstances. How black damage will fall through the cross, look. And first of all, check the protection of your offender. Not all people have magical protections, but many have them, even if they themselves do not realize it. Some have strong generic defenses. Tarot cards will tell you everything.
But, let's get back to the independent ritual of inducing damage through the pectoral cross of your enemy. In the church, buy a pectoral cross with a crucifix. As soon as the waning moon is, go to the cemetery, and dig it in the nominal grave, turning it upside down. Leave for 13 nights. It is clear that the deceased must be commemorated, you can light a candle. And the owner of the cemetery also gifts. Without the knowledge of the Master, no magical rituals are performed on the graves. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, warn you, even if a handful of grave earth needs to be taken for the ritual, then the Host must be welcomed, and something must be left for the dead for worry. When the allotted time passes, go and dig up the cross.

At the same time, read a conspiracy to damage the enemy:

“For the death of the slave (name), I take ailment on him soot, this cross will hang on her chest, and his chest will wither. If he takes it off, but gives it to someone, then he will not pass on the disease, he will leave it to himself, but only give the cross, he will betray the ghoul, and the ghoul will yell at him, but his chest will go with cones, will be exhausted. Cursed."

If everything is done correctly, then a consequence of damage to the cross should become a disease of the chest, heart, and lungs. A magical ritual must be done comprehensively, because just with one intention and a couple of visits to the cemetery, a severe illness cannot be sent. The victim needs to be weakened well. To protect yourself from the return flow, of course, to set up protection. But protection for one's work, confusion and impenetrability will not be superfluous either. This is in case the victim goes, so that the magician had to work hard to remove the damage through the cross you made.

Magic damage to 13 grave crosses - quickly kill the enemy

Before you independently make a deadly curse on your enemy, you must keep a bloodless fast for 13 days. Do a strong magical rite on the waning moon. You need to get hold of something from the clothes of the enemy, a shirt, for example. Break it into 13 strips, and bury 1 flap at 13 active nominal graves. Buried at the foot of each cross.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Reading the words of the conspiracy to inflict mortal damage on the offender:

“They gave birth to one person, and baptized him with the name (name), and escorted him to life with the cross of the church. Taco, I also conjure him now, but for life (name) I cry out to those who are laid in the grave, and crowned with a cross, even seeded with one cross, and endowed with thirteen powers. So from my lips with a word, but from under each cross by force, but that mortal, pernicious, but restless power, like a cross by a cross, and a word by force. Yes, I open the grave for distant days, and I remove the cross from each. So go ahead, move the crosses, but whatever the heavens are on you, then the dead are thrown over (name). So if they baptized him with a cross, they destroyed him with a cross at this hour. So not one cross, but converge in a circle, but that circle with thirteen crosses, but with dead bodies it is complicated, but one is imposed on (name). That body is alive, but into a dead body, the cross is the beginning, and the cross is the end, even the cross is baptized, so the cross (name) is reduced to the grave. Such is this curse, a hefty curse for thirteen crosses. Amen".

These words strong curse on the death of the enemy read on every cross. At each grave, leave a piece of raw meat with blood. From each grave, you need to take a handful of earth. Having done everything, the earth collected is carried to the cemetery crossroads. There, this earth must be poured out in the form of an equilateral cross, and the text of the conspiracy to kill the enemy should be read:

“Thirteen and one converge, and one cross, and one destiny, but now everything is put on (name) with a cross, but it’s allowed on all roads, even thirteen restless (name) will now look for. It is written, it is said, it is marked with a cross. Amen".

Do not forget about generous gifts to the Master. Leave the cemetery silently, without turning around. In addition to the fact that health will be spoiled so that the enemy goes bankrupt, you can additionally damage the enemy’s name at work - ruin trade, fire him from work, block it, and generally take away good luck and luck outright. But, you can go the other way. If your enemy is a woman, you can inflict damage on the house of the enemy, or witchcraft to deprive her of simple female happiness, making damage to eternal loneliness. And here is an example of how to bring damage to eternal loneliness through a doll from the grave earth.

Read a plot to spoil the enemy:

“Devil, my helpers, gather, hunchbacked, shaggy, flock from high mountains, from rotten swamps, from dense forests, fly to my call, serve me faithfully.”

Having said this, take the doll and start wrapping it with threads, while reading the conspiracy of damage in the name of the enemy:

“Step on the slave (name), torment her, torment her, send misfortunes and ailments on her, take beauty and strength from her. She was white and black, became black and rotten, covered with toad mucus, turned into a dead woman. She was healthy and cheerful, she became sad and sick, she was sick with all ailments, but no one needed her. Devils, my helpers, serve me, surround the slave (name). You should stand near her, drive the boys and men away from her. Whoever approaches her, as if from the plague, will carry her legs. She will not be with a freak, or with a handsome, or with a hard-working, or with a lazy, or with a fat, or with a thin, or with an old, or with a young. Everyone will bypass her side, as if they would run away from a leper. Damn, you stand near the slave (name), follow my decree. Amen".

This doll, spelled for damage through female illnesses and complete loneliness, is taken out of the house that same night, and thrown into the trash or drowned in the sewer. And take the candle stub with a good payoff to the demons at the crossroads.

Black magic: damage to an opponent or blood enemy

Life is full of unpredictable surprises and sometimes people who were dear to us yesterday become the most hated enemies. The same thing happens with strangers - a certain person pretty much spoils your business, interferes with happiness, or directly threatens family well-being. What to do when the very existence of a source of troubles unbalances? What to do if the person does not compromise and continues to destroy all the good around you? Even the most reasonable and calm person will involuntarily wish the enemy all kinds of hardships, and one who is not used to throwing words to the wind can even turn to otherworldly forces.

Damage to the enemy: how far can witchcraft go?

In the arsenal of black magic, there are many ways to harm a particular person. The most popular and effective of them is spoilage. An experienced sorcerer concentrates all negative energy into an invisible ball and sends it to the victim of the rite. Achieving her goal, she acts slowly, but mercilessly. It all starts with sleep disturbances, tormenting nightmares and real visions drive you crazy. Further - health problems, their origin cannot be explained by medicine. A snowball of troubles at work and at home finishes off a person, most often the result is serious mental disorders and death.

There are a lot of varieties of spells, an experienced sorcerer for an order is able to impose damage on:

- Health - magic is subject to any disease from anxious apathy to oncology;
- Loneliness - a person will never meet a soul mate;
- Impotence - the so-called tie acts on the intimate side of life;
- Death - the ritual is capable of inciting suicide or incurring an incurable disease;
- Infertility - life without children is like the most serious trials for many, especially for women;
- Discord in the family - two hearts that once loved each other will be torn to shreds by a series of tragedies and failures;
- Offspring - aimed at children and grandchildren who will suffer all their lives and pay for the sins of their parents;
- Money - the enemy will never know what wealth is, rather, on the contrary, he will be mired in debt.

Corruption: Magic can strike back

Magic has its own laws, and they say that any negative impact on a person's life will have to be paid in full. It does not really matter who is engaged in witchcraft: a professional or self-taught. The only difference is that a specialist knows how to avert trouble from himself, but a simple performer does not. Gross intervention in fate will certainly entail:

- Psychological problems - insomnia, irritability, aggression and even suicidal tendencies;
- The occurrence of diseases of the limbs up to paralysis, malfunctions of the heart and nervous system;
- Troubles in the family and professional plan;
- Violations of the reproductive function, or even worse - a curse on offspring.

But how is it? - you ask. After all, I wished misfortune to the enemy, and not to myself? It's simple, it's called "rollback". If the damage takes effect within 1-3 weeks, then the consequences of the ritual will take you by surprise: tomorrow or in 10 years.

Think about it, maybe there is a way to solve the situation by other means? Magic is subject to any metamorphosis. Contact a professional, and he will definitely select a more loyal method to help you fix the problem, or at least ward off trouble from your person.

If the warnings did not cause doubts in your soul, then carefully study the recommendations and find a ritual of inducing damage based on your goals.

Damage to the enemy and his entire family

Sometimes not one person, but a whole clan of relatives can cross the road. To conjure each of them is a rather lengthy process, so magicians invented the following method a long time ago. Please note that you must be completely sure that you are right, and the victims of the rite should be equally guilty of your sorrows and sufferings. If so, then start preparing.

For the ritual, you will need a ransom for the spirits. In this case, you will need a black rooster, killed with your own hands. The blood from the bird must be lowered, and the carcass taken to the nearest intersection. Just leave a gift there.

Do not pour out the liquid that has been glassed from the rooster. You need to put needles in it (pre-calcine them) according to the number of personalities that have annoyed you. The next morning, take out your sewing supplies and wrap them in black cloth. Go to the house of ill-wishers and throw, or better yet, bury the bundle under the threshold. While doing so, say:

“Not in the name of the father, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the holy spirit. Don't amen. Oh, you demon brothers, come here to this threshold, send illness and anxiety here, set up your nets, weave, harm the slaves (names) through the threshold. From this hour, from this time, there will be no slaves (names) of life, health, peace. Neither day nor night. Not at midnight, not during the day. Word. Bess business. Key. Language. Lock!".

Leave the yard and don't look back.

Damage to death by Voodoo magic

Shamanic rituals of ancient Africans are still in demand due to their power. It is almost impossible to reverse their rites. This is mainly due to the fact that the energy message is transmitted through a specially made doll - Volta. If the performer of the ceremony keeps the figurine with him and does not show it to anyone, then the magic will finish its dark work - do not hesitate.

To induce damage, you will need to buy 3 candles. You should not buy them in the church, because your goals are far from good, do not anger the spirits. Melt the wax in any convenient way and remove the wicks. From the resulting material, blind the volt. He will personify your offender, so pay attention to the details. The result will be faster if you get the nails or hair of the enemy - weave them into the figure. Instead of a face, you can attach a photo of the victim, so dark energy will definitely find its "owner".

From the three wicks, twist the rope, make a loop on it and wrap the doll's neck. Now carefully look at the finished product and concentrate your hatred on it as much as possible. Say:

“Heaven, do you hear? God, do you hear? I am sending (name) to execution. Let it happen! Wax from the fire melts. And you (name) will melt. As wax melts, so will your flesh melt! Let it be so!".

Then go around the altar (the table on which there are traces of your witchcraft) and say:

“One day - Monday, the second day - Tuesday, the third day - Wednesday, on Thursday you will be in trouble, on Friday - you suffer, on the shestak - you melt, in a week - pray, on Monday - goodbye! Seven signs of the Earth! The land that I give, take! Truly!"

To complete the ceremony, you need to go to the churchyard before sunset. Choose the grave where the namesake of your offender is buried, and stand at the head of the bed. Melt the wax in a tin can and pour it onto the graveyard ground. Leave and do not communicate with anyone on the way home, turning around is also not recommended.

How to damage a photo?

Far from always, the performer of the rite has the opportunity to leave a magical attribute at the threshold of the offender's house. Even more futile seems to be an idea to impose damage through the personal belongings of the enemy or with their use. The next option will suit you, even if the enemy is thousands of kilometers away.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

- A clear photograph of the victim, taken no more than six months ago, without strangers and animals;
- A pinch of salt and ground pepper;
– Rusty nails or needles;
- A pot of water.

The liquid should be brought to a boil and thrown into it with the left hand - pepper, with the right hand - salt. Then put a picture there and watch how the image loses color, say.

In this article, I will tell you the magician Sergey Artgrom how to treat a person from damage to illness. Any negative can be removed. The question is to what extent your actions will be correct, qualified and, accordingly, effective. Healing from corruption is possible only in close cooperation with the magician. Of course, you can independently try to perform a ceremony for the sake of healing from damage and the evil eye, no one can forbid you to do this. However, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise you to think about the result. I am sure you understand that the task of healing from the evil eye is unequal in its complexity with the problem of getting rid of, say, such a powerful effect as black damage to cancer. Too different level of threat.

How to remove damage to pain - is it possible to get rid of negativity on your own

For any really practicing magician, the result is always a priority. From article to article, from conversation to conversation, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, repeat the same phrase: in real magic, and the ways in which you come to it, and your efforts are secondary. That is, the result and evaluation of all your conspiracies and rituals is only one thing: you succeeded remove damage done to a serious illness, or over the client (or over yourself) the sword of Damocles continues to hang, you saved the person, or let him perish under the weight of the rituals of black magic.

Each damage done, if the impact concerns the physical health of a person, has its own symptoms.

There are common signs of negativity directed at a person, they are:

  • a series of troubles that can be associated with any or all areas of a person’s life at once
  • a sharp change in mood from euphoria to tearfulness and self-pity
  • recurring headache with evil eye and spoilage
  • the patient may exhibit aggression
  • a sharp weight loss is possible, or vice versa, a very rapid weight gain up to obesity
  • injuries, ranging from minor household injuries to serious bodily injuries, accidents, accidents
  • often there is a high temperature during spoilage, when there are no objective medical indications for this

These are common symptoms of the presence of magical negativity in a person's energy field, and the list goes on. But there are still signs of damage, so to speak, specific. It is they who, upon close examination, can point out to the practicing magician the sphere of life that was under attack, and which was affected by witchcraft.

Say, if as a result of the impact of a strong neck hurts, it can be assumed that done on back pain. And if the spine hurts along with the neck, this can be considered as the first signs of damage to paralysis, which can result in disability and complete immobilization of a person.

It is not uncommon for patients to experience a severe headache when the damage to madness is made.

However, it could be:

  • and banal evil eye,
  • negative feeling,
  • or vampire bindings, through which an outflow of energy and vitality flows from you.

In any case, for the categorical detection of black negativity and determining its direction, signs alone are not enough, a complete and qualified diagnosis of the aura is required.

After a real magician has established the type of energy negativity and its nature, work begins on its elimination. To relieve damage to a constant headache, or any other destructive influence, the magician chooses the purges that are most suitable for solving a particular problem. It is not necessary, as you understand, to use only cleaning. The magical shifts of corruption in the complex work very, very well.

What is the treatment of the evil eye on health

Is it possible to cure the evil eye at home? And won't the removed black energy come back? As you know, the evil eye is one of the varieties of energy damage. In contrast to the rite of corruption, deliberately induced, often with the invocation of the Forces and the subsistence of entities, the evil eye is an energy or mental blow. Therefore, when there is such damage, the throat hurts, and very often, with energy damage, teeth hurt.

Over time, this charge of negative energy will be used up and erased from the aura of the affected person. But, before this happens, the evil eye (which is often called unintentional spoilage) will produce in the life of the sick and disasters.

Therefore, you need to get rid of the black energy of negativity.

And the sooner this is done, the better. Try to treat the evil eye at home. For this purpose, water washes are used. This is an emergency magical aid. To understand whether the negative was filmed, whether it was possible cure evil eye at home, you can feel yourself. And, of course, diagnostics will give answers to all questions.

And how to prevent a repetition of the situation of inducing black energy of negativity?

Just as in the case of closing from a deliberate magical curse - by establishing a good defense. Magical protection should not be formal, like, for example, a red thread, which is given too much importance, but effective and working.

As for the red thread, it, as a magical defense, should go in combination with the main defense. This is more of a signal thread, and not a powerful protection against the influence of black magic and witchcraft. If, for example, your back hurts and damage is diagnosed, the red thread should signal a negative program that has arrived. If you have nothing else to do and you try to practice real magic, you put yourself in a very dangerous position.

There is a variety of health corruption rituals that cause elusive wandering pains. This brings great physical discomfort to a person's life, not to mention a tense psychological state. Try to remove damage to pain using a flush for 3 magic potions, which I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, give below.

Relieve the pain of damage to health - flushing for three witchcraft potions

This is a good flush. It can be used as an independent ritual as a means to heal the evil eye. But it can also be used as an addition to other cleansing, removing a more serious negative, such as severe damage to the heart. You can apply for yourself. With appropriate amendments to the text of the conspiracy, of course.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

In order to independently conduct this rite and relieve damage to heart disease, or independently remove magical strong damage to your hands, i.e. for hand diseases, you will need:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of wormwood
  • 1 st. John's wort spoon
  • 1 st. thistle spoon
  • ladle
  • spring water
  • 3 candles: gray, green, blue

To do the rite of washing away diseases on the waning moon. Repeat as many times as necessary until you feel better, until you wash off the damage on your back or another plan, depending on what was diagnosed. Washouts are universal cleanings. They can be used for damage to the stomach, to remove damage from the hands, etc.
During the day, the ceremony should be performed from 12.00 to 14.00 hours, at night - from 24.00 to 3.00 hours. Before the ritual, the magician must endure a bloodless fast for 3 days. The client must do the same. Do not drink liquids 3 hours before flushing. Conjure in the bathroom or bath. An hour before the ceremony of removing spoilage on the fingers, you need to prepare an infusion of 3 herbs. Prepare it like this:

1 st. a spoonful of wormwood is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted, filtered. St. John's wort and thistle infusion are prepared in the same way.

Pour infusions in turn into a basin, reading the words of a conspiracy to remove heavy negativity, or to independently cure the evil eye at home:

“I interfere with the potion, I mix it, I give birth to a mad force, against this force there will be no one and no one, the whole potion will be pulled out, drained and killed. Strengthen the words, the potion is an iron chain. And there is. Amen".

Read the text of the plot when pouring each herbal infusion, a total of 3 times. Add warm spring water to this potion, and read the words 3 times conspiracy to remove damage to the legs, or black energy of negativity. At the same time, rotate the water with two fingers clockwise:

“Triselle steel whip, hit on (name) everywhere, here and there, cut the flesh, enter into the inside, everything is bad, but don’t rinse it out, emasculate it, let it go down and take it away. Let the filthy and the other with the potion go away, into the ground, there this is the place. Amen".

In the bathroom, light candles: gray, green and blue. There should be no other lighting. A patient suffering from damage to pressure should be watered from a ladle, reading a whisper:

Where there is water, there is trouble.

If you wash off the energy negativity from yourself, do everything the same, changing the text of the conspiracy for yourself. After casting, when removing the damage, your head hurts, you may have a fever, you may start to feel a fever or you will feel a pleasant warmth. These are good signs, it means that things have gone well.

Angina pectoris and other damage to human health

Any kind of negative can be induced by a real sorcerer. Let's say damage to the neck, if there is, it is necessary to spoil a person's health. The so-called angina pectoris is also common - damage to disorders of the cardiovascular system. A lot of people die from heart disease every year, so the damned one can and where exactly the source of his disease lies. Black magic knows how to disguise itself. That is why vigilance is needed.

Angina pectoris is called angina pectoris, a disease known since ancient times. Angina leads to serious ailments of the cardiovascular system and the most important organ of the human body. In the vast majority of cases, angina pectoris is a chronic disease, and complications can lead to myocardial infarction, cardiosclerosis, and heart failure.
One of the causes of angina pectoris is the lack of oxygen for the heart, the so-called. oxygen starvation. However, the cause of such an ailment may also be magical damage to the heart. So, one must understand that black spoilage angina pectoris can show itself as a disease familiar to us, people of our time. Be attentive to all the changes taking place in your body. Usually, with severe damage, it presses on the chest, and if similar symptoms are observed, but nothing like this has ever been observed before, it is worth making a diagnosis to identify the energy of negativity in the aura.

With induced damage, it can stab the chest.

This is also worth paying attention to. In general, everything related to the physical health of a person is a wide field of activity for sorcerers. They can do damage to the ears, and a person, if he does not get rid of the negative, will go deaf. Often the stomach hurts when exposed to the gastrointestinal tract. It is not difficult for an experienced magician to identify rituals of this nature, especially if there are no protections in witchcraft work. They also do quite powerful damage to cancer, rituals for oncology belong to the category of deadly damage, and therefore healing from them becomes a matter of vital necessity.

They can make damage to leg diseases or even paralysis, completely immobilizing a person, deleting him from life. You can define a curse on your feet in the same way as a magical negative of a different nature is revealed. For this purpose, such serious mantic systems as Runes and Tarot cards are used. Diagnostic egg rolling and wax castings also give accurate answers to questions, clarify the situation well.

If, say, black is made damage to teeth, then the teeth of such a sick person will collapse very quickly; Dentists will definitely not cope with this problem. If a person is in the power of witchcraft, you can help him by contacting a competent magician, and I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, do not see any other options. Next, I want to offer you, one of which makes it possible to remove damage to the heart. Another cleansing, when used independently, can also bring a person healing from damage and the evil eye on leg diseases.

Transferring damage from a human heart to a pig's heart

As a rule, cleansing is done on a waning moon, but we are not dealing with a classic cleansing, which makes it possible to remove angina pectoris (angina pectoris) induced by damage from a person. This is a black translation, and therefore it can be done on any moon. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to say right away that the number of readings of the conspiracy on relieving pain from induced damage to health and liberation from induced witchcraft, depending on the strength of the magician who removes the damage, and the strength of the negative, can vary from 7 to 13 times. However, if you are careful, you will find the exact answer about how many times to read the witchcraft plot in the text:

“Then I will lock it with seven locks.”

It is impossible to replace the aspen with any other tree, since here the work is with those who "live in the aspen", forest devils, from whom the spoiled sorcerer buys back.
And here is a magical rite that allows you to get rid of black damage to the heart with the help of a translation. If a sorcerer has brought death into the heart of the victim, then everything can be reduced to another heart.

The list of what you need to take for the ceremony of removing damage to health:

  • fresh pork heart
  • Corrupted Patient's Shirt

On Thursday, buy a pig's heart, then put it in the shirt of the damned heart, and tie it in a knot.

As done, it is necessary to read the conspiracy in order to remove the damage to the pain in the heart:

“If it’s badly tied to (name) with a word, then now it’s untied with this knot, if the brush lived in the body, now it’s moved to the pig’s heart. I’ll lock it with seven locks, then I’ll turn it with one key, but I’ll lock it with my word. Amen".

On the same day, the knot was taken to the forest and buried under an aspen. At the same time, say:

“I’m burying, yes (name) I’ll buy it back. Amen".

Leave a payoff under that aspen, or you can put it at a forest crossroads. Then the department is complete.

At home, remove damage to the legs - black tap on meat

This home ritual works well if done for yourself, if your legs hurt as a result of the damage or the evil eye. And this is not just a rejection of negativity, it is also a shield. The sorcerer will cover himself from blows and attacks to whom he feeds a piece of meat. Under the terms of the ceremony, the meat is fed to the dog. But, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, would not do this.

  1. First, pity the innocent animal.
  2. Secondly, it will be better for the enemy - and black damage, and with a shield, if anything, it will rise, from the return line, for example, it will close.
  • black wax candle
  • piece of meat (sausages)

So, they light a black candle, take a piece of raw meat, spit on it 3 times, drip their blood and smear it on the surface of the piece.

After that, 3 times they read a conspiracy to remove severe damage to the legs:

“Three times I say yes to the devil black as a witness to order. Then if the dog devours the meat, then instead of me from damage, curses and all the reverse blows, he will die, he will take everything upon himself. It was done by a black deed, then it was done with a shield on me. Amen".

Do not touch the meat until the candle burns out completely when treating the evil eye at home. Go outside and feed meat to a stray dog. And then at the crossroads with a ransom. I repeat, I chose the magician Sergei Artgrom as a withdrawal of the enemy. In this case, the word “dog” should be removed from the plot and read “my enemy (name)”.

In life, we often face injustice. This, you see, is insulting and painful. But it is even more bitter that the enemy is victorious.

This shameless person does not want to understand his own mistakes. He revels in his own well-being, mocking his downtrodden victims.

Few are capable of reconciling with the situation, accepting it as it is. People are looking for ways to change circumstances in their favor.

They will be helped by information on how to punish the enemy with the help of magic.

There are a number of rituals and rituals that restore justice. However, one should understand who the enemy is.

There are people who hate a neighbor or colleague for talent or well-being. And he doesn't do anything bad to others. He lives for his own pleasure and wants the same.

Such a person can also be called an "enemy", but will this be justice? He does not intrigue against the magician, does not try to harm him.

By the way, you can punish any enemy with magic. Depends on perception. But if you attack a harmless person, make him a victim, then you will have to pay later.

Actually it is a sin. Only evil witches do that.

They take away fates and forces not for certain reasons, but by definition.

An ordinary person who wants to punish the enemy with the help of magic is recommended to think carefully and analyze the situation.

Proceed to the ceremony when you are completely sure that the victim intentionally harms you.

Punish the enemy with magic

This ritual will help return the black thoughts and intentions from which you have suffered to their author.

It is good because it works like a mirror. If there is no dark ray, it exists only in your imagination, then nothing will be reflected. Do you understand?

The probability of offending an innocent, thereby turning into a monster, is reduced to a minimum. It is recommended to start revenge with this rite.

On Tuesday, buy two without taking change. Prepare a photo of the enemy. You will also need two small mirrors and a black woolen thread.

  1. After midnight, turn off all electrical appliances in the room in which you will conjure.
  2. Light the candles, fixing them on the table, at a small distance from each other.
  3. Lean mirrors against candles so that they reflect the interior space.
  4. And in the center of the magical structure, place a photo.
  5. Read this conspiracy:

“I protect the Devil by force, with a damp grave, with the seal of Judas of the Lord the servant (name), I lock it in a network of mirrors. What you sowed in the wind, what filled the people and the planet, collect into fate, rub into your heart. Let your eyes cry day and night. Let the soul ache from the pain that you (name) arranged for others! Amen!"

Wait for the candles to burn out.

In the dark, place the photo between the mirrors and tie it tightly with threads.

Immediately go to the street and bury this magical attribute under a dry tree. If possible, then closer to the dwelling of the enemy.

Black magic

When your ill-wisher is such that many people suffer from him, then perform another ritual.

It will also require a photo. It must be burned on the night of the full moon. Collect the ashes and wrap them in paper.

Go to the churchyard the next day. You need to wait for the funeral. But not an ordinary person, but one that died from illness or prematurely.

  1. Walk with the procession, and slowly pour the ashes into your hand.
  2. As everyone begins to throw a handful of earth into the grave, you follow them.
  3. Do the same, but pick up the soil in the hand in which the ashes from the photo ended up.
  4. Drop it and whisper like this:

“To the deceased - rest in peace, the Lord's servant (name) of his deceased is fate! Amen!"

Wash your hands before leaving the cemetery. Only after that you can go beyond the fence!

At home

Buy a red apple. Try to pick up a fruit that is not processed from decay, natural.

If possible, get the enemy's hair. No, his photo will do.

You need to open a window at night, cut an apple, put hair in it or, bandage it with a white ribbon and read a plot over it.

After placing it in the eastern corner, preferably in the sun or in heat. It will rot, and the person will suffer.

The conspiracy is this:

“Our Lord Jesus said that everyone is equal before the Gods, you can’t throw a stone and cross the road. Whoever does this, invites trouble. He ruins his own life and complicates it. The Lord's servant (name) let evil on people, he did not know pity and compassion. He does not go with Jesus, but with Judas. Blacks are open to the underworld path. As Paradise lost from the apple of Zmiev Adam, so the Lord’s slave (name) did not know happiness, get sick, weep and suffer! As the apple rots, its happiness will be gone forever! Amen!"

white magic

As a rule, light forces are not attracted to revenge. They are asked to restore justice.

If the Universe agrees with your arguments, it will punish the ill-wisher. It might turn out the other way around. It all depends on the correctness of the worldview and assessment of the individual.

And you need to do so.

  1. Go to Temple.
  2. Put a candle at the Icon of St. Elijah. Pray to him.
  3. And then in your own words, ask to judge you with the enemy.
  4. At the end, say this:

“You, Elijah, are a famous Prophet. You have helped many people. Just judge the Lord of servants (names of your own and of the enemy). Whom to reward, whom to punish! I humbly accept your decision. In the Lord's servant (name of the enemy), my forgiveness! Amen!"

By photo

A photo, like an image, is a very powerful energy image of any person. Through it, you can transfer any program.

If you want to punish the enemy, then you can’t think of a better one. You just have to get to know each other.

Buy a deck. Think about what you want to take away from the ill-wisher? Then choose two cards from the deck: the Tower and the one that characterizes the punishment.

For example, if you want discord in his family, take the Empress or a Broken Heart. When you want to damage things, the Wheel of Fortune will do.

We lay out all the pictures in this way:

Prick your finger and criss-cross each image with blood.

Stack them in the order shown (Tower on top) and hide.

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