Dreaming of laughing at me. To see the laughing of the dead. To dream about how much, from the heart, you laugh out loud

Dreaming of Laughing (interpretation of the Old Russian Dream Book)

Laughing in a dream means crying in reality.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Laughter, what does it mean?

Laugh - Laugh yourself - Immediate plans will come true. Do not delay the decision to see those laughing - Troubles, sadness, separation are possible. You will have to muster up the courage to get through this time.

Laughter - Laughter to see is a symbol of joy. (If this is not a mockery of others.) Laugh, rejoice - to good luck and happiness. Laughing hysterically - to tears and sadness.

Explanatory dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen Laugh

Seeing a dream Laughing - Violation of the peace.

The meaning of the dream of Joyful tears (Muslim dream book)

Crying in a dream - to joy, and laughing in a dream - to heavy thoughts and sadness.

Esoteric dream book

See Laugh in a dream

Laugh or see others laugh - Laughing at you strangers in the eyes of others, you gain a lot of weight, despite the seemingly unfavorable situation. You laugh at someone's mistakes, a negative situation will do you good. "There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped." You laugh at the situation (especially if you wake up from your own laughter and continue to laugh in reality) unexpectedly fortunate circumstances, unexpected joy in spite of enemies. Hearing the sound of laughter will be all right, your fears are in vain.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of laughing

Dreamed of laughter - Having fun and laughing in a dream is a harbinger of success in entrepreneurship, the appearance of brilliant companions. Hearing happy children's laughter in a dream - to a joyful and healthy period of life. Laughing at the failures of others is a sign that you are ready to harm your friends in order to satisfy your selfish desires. Hearing ridicule in a dream is a harbinger of illness and disappointment in business. Reckless laughter at the omens of fate portends disappointment and damaged relationships in your environment.

Laugh at the Small Velesov dream book

Laughter - Cry, trouble, sadness; quiet laughter - cunning; scoff - shame, trouble.

Freud's dream book

Analysis of the dream in which I dreamed of Laughing

Laughter - In a dream, hearing someone laugh - to gossip, and depending on whether this laughter seemed pleasant to you, you can understand what kind of conversations are being held behind your back. If the laughter was pleasant, then you arouse sympathy and kind, healthy envy in someone; Well, if laughter caused you discomfort, it means that someone would like to harm you.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why dream in a dream Laughter

Laughter - Laughing in a dream - you will cry.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Laughter - Laughing in a dream is a big trouble in the next two days. Laughing with your friends is a quarrel. Laugh uncontrollably - to sadness. If in a dream you are mocked - to conflict, if you are mocked - a dream warns you against committing an evil deed. Children's laughter is a sign of good health and joy.

Miller's dream book

Why dream Laugh in a dream

Laughter - To see that you are cheerful and laughing means success in entrepreneurship in a society of brilliant companions. Unrestrained laughter at the omens of fate - portends you disappointment and lack of harmony in your environment. A happy children's laughter heard in a dream promises you joy and health. Laughing at the failures of others is a sign that you are deliberately harming your friends in order to satisfy your selfish desires. Hearing ridicule portends illness and disappointment in business.

Dream Handbook by David Loff

Psychological analysis of sleep, where Laughter dreamed

Laughter - In a dream, as in reality, we experience feelings and emotions. Emotions are especially pronounced in funny or sad situations. Laughter in sleep sometimes has deeper roots than in the waking state, because sleep frees us from all restrictions and we react to events more openly and directly. In a dream, laughter is inappropriate. Because we see ourselves as archetypal caricatures, we can burst into devilish laughter. While, in fact, the situation is more likely to provoke ANGRY - this is the feeling that would be more natural for such an occasion. Such uncontrollable laughter is the tricks of It. If you laugh, do others laugh with you? Did you laugh at something out of place? Did you feel guilty, or, on the contrary, did laughter inspire you?

Slavic dream book

Laugh in a dream why the dreamer dreams

Laughter in a dream - you are too self-confident and you will fail in your chosen business. Aquarius.

Dream interpretation for the whole family / E. Danilova

Dreaming of laughing in a dream

Laughter is a release from tension. Hearing happy children's laughter is joy and health; hear ridicule - painful pride; business disappointment.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why dream of laughing in a dream on the days of the week

You had a Laughter - A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - that ridiculous rumors will be spread about you. seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday - he is to tears.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Meet Laughter in a dream

Laughter is a good sign. A calm life and joyful meetings await you. Imagine that you are not laughing alone, but together with all your friends and family.

Big modern dream book

Laugh in a dream - interpretation according to Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Laughter in a dream - You seem to be laughing about some kind of joke - the success that awaits you is well-deserved. It is as if you are laughing at someone, you are mocking evilly - your selfishness will greatly weaken your friendships. Someone laughs at you - you will be disappointed in your business; it will seem worthless to you; you will think that by doing something else, you could be more useful.

Phoebe's big dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed of Laughing

Laughter - to a calm, prosperous life, joyful meetings with friends, relaxation and fun. Imagine a company of cheerful laughing people. Their laughter is kind, sincere, open. You come closer and see that they are your friends or just nice people for you. You join in their fun and laugh with them.

Dream Interpretation of Calvin Hall

If you see Laugh, what is it for?

Laughter for what it is 1. If in a dream they laugh at us, one should be wary of ridicule and ridicule in everyday life. Or we did something that we don't think is entirely appropriate. We may be confused. It is also a sign of failure. 2. If we ourselves laugh, we release tension. Often the object of our ridicule gives us the key to understanding something in everyday life. Hearing the crowd laugh suggests general merriment.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with laughter mean, taking into account the date of birth

Spring birthdays, why dream of laughter - the fun will be overshadowed.

Summer birthdays, why they dreamed of hearing laughter in a dream - someone is laughing at you - this is the meaning of what this dream is about.

Autumn birthdays, why did you dream that you are laughing in a dream - you will start a new business

For winter birthdays, why dream of laughing means pure joy.

Collection of dream books

Why dream of Laughter in a dream according to 35 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Laughter symbol from 35 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Laugh yourself - the nearest plans will come true. Don't delay making a decision

see laughing- Troubles, sadness, separation are possible. You will have to muster up the courage to get through this time.

American dream book

Laughter is a great healer. Don't take life too seriously.

English dream book

Laugh a lot and have fun in a dream- to troubles and disappointments, unfulfilled hopes. For a lover, this is a sign that his love will not be reciprocated. The feelings of his beloved are unstable, she fluctuates between you and someone else. Be careful what you do. Restrain your passion so as not to be deceived.

Laughter in a dream is often a sign of impending crying and sadness.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Laughter is a harbinger of sorrows and sorrows.

Loud laughter is a sign that your troubles, alas, will multiply.

Quiet laughter - to reduce problems and troubles. In special cases, this dream can also portend the birth of a child.

Imperial dream book

Laughter in a dream also means- lack of control over the real situation, which portends a defeat in business due to excessive gullibility or unreasonable conceit.

Laughter in a dream is always an unfavorable peak of the manifestation of the emotion of joy; there are no soft forms of laughter that bring a good mood in reality in a dream.

Small Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Laughter in a dream?

Laughter to see - chagrin; hear - trouble; laugh - start a new business.

Miller's dream book

To dream that you are cheerful and laughing- means success in entrepreneurship in a society of brilliant companions.

Unrestrained laughter at the omens of fate- portends you disappointment and lack of harmony in your environment.

Happy children's laughter heard in a dream- promises you joy and health.

A sign that you are deliberately harming your friends in order to satisfy your selfish desires.

Hear ridicule- portends illness and disappointment in business.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Laughter in a dream?

Seeing laughing people in a dream- portends that in reality you will experience distressing moments. A dream in which they laugh maliciously in your face- means that you will soon be placed in a hopeless situation. If in a dream friends laugh mildly, poking fun at your weaknesses and shortcomings- it means that in real life you will have a fun conversation with them.

If in a dream you laugh at yourself- a difficult event awaits you, from which you will experience a strong shock. Laugh at your family- a harbinger of loss and loneliness, over enemies - strangers will help you, but by no means disinterestedly, but demanding an exorbitant fee for the service.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Have fun and laugh in your sleep- a harbinger of success in entrepreneurship, the emergence of brilliant companions.

Hear happy children's laughter in a dream- to a joyful and healthy period of life.

Laugh at the failures of others- a sign that you are ready to harm your friends in order to satisfy your selfish desires.

Hear ridicule in a dream- a harbinger of illness and disappointment in business.

Reckless laughter at the omens of fate portends disappointment and damaged relationships in your environment.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Laughter from a dream book?

Laughter - to trouble, trouble, spending; children's - to joy.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Laughing in a dream - to the sad news.

In a dream, you watched one of your relatives laugh- one of your loved ones will receive sad news.

If you dreamed that you watched one of your friends laugh- some of your acquaintances or friends are waiting for sad news.

You dreamed that you watched one of your acquaintances or colleagues laugh- do not expect anything good from life.

In a dream, you made someone laugh Get ready to get an undeserved reprimand at work.

A dream in which someone made you laugh- an ill-wisher is next to you.

Freud's dream book

In a dream, hear someone laugh- to gossip, and depending on whether this laughter seemed pleasant to you, you can understand what kind of conversations are being held behind your back.

If laughter was pleasant- it means that you arouse sympathy and kind, healthy envy in someone; Well, if laughter caused you discomfort, it means that someone would like to harm you.

Medieval dream book

Laugh in a dream or see laughing- to mourning or to wealth.

Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Laughing is a violation of peace.

Ukrainian dream book

Laughing in a dream - you will cry.

Universal dream book

Dream in which you laugh- a wonderful dream, as you wake up in a carefree and high spirits, unless, of course, they laugh at you in a dream!

First of all, determine how you feel about laughter in your sleep. In a dream, are you laughing or is another person laughing at you? If you laugh in a dream- sleep reflects a relaxed state. What has lit the way for you in life? Perhaps you try not to take life seriously and consider laughter to be the best medicine.

In a dream, you see another person laughing What is he laughing at? Maybe something that doesn't seem funny to you. What in your life is not taken as seriously by others as you would like? Of course, such a dream can also indicate that success is close and you laugh well, because you laugh last.

Esoteric dream book

The meaning of sleep: Laughter from a dream book?

Strangers laugh at you- in the eyes of others, you gain a lot of weight, despite the seemingly unfavorable situation.

you laugh at someone- someone's mistakes, a negative situation will benefit you. "There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped."

You laugh at the situation- unexpectedly successful circumstances, unexpected joy to spite the enemies.

Hear the sound of laughter- everything will be fine, your fears are in vain.

Video: Why dream of Laughter

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I dreamed of Laughter, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    Hello. About a month ago, a stepfather relative dreamed, we had not seen each other for a long time, and we practically did not communicate. I dreamed that we were sitting somewhere on the street opposite each other, he was looking and laughing all the time ...

    I’m talking to someone and laughing in my sleep sometimes I wake up to someone’s word behind me what does it mean I’ve been hurt by this for several years when I wake up I cry for some reason I can’t stop

    I’m sitting on a bench near the cemetery, my son is next to me, I calm him down so that he’s not afraid, they take out the coffin and put it in a hearse, the children run out and frolic, one of them jumps into the hearse and the hearse leaves me in the fog under a loud and cheerful children’s laugh.

    I was in class. There was a dictation in Russian. A classmate wrote: I planted 10 thermometers. And he started laughing at that. And I started laughing at that too. I woke up and laughed for a while.

    Winter. Snow lies calmly everywhere. .I know this site, it is located around the corner of my house. Rare trees grow there. In a dream, they were covered with snow and immersed in snowdrifts. Suddenly, we either saw something, or something pulled us to go into the snowdrifts in the middle this place where the trees stood. Suddenly someone pushed me from behind, I got down on all fours and put a cross on my lower back, it was white. I turned around to see who it was. It was a boy, 7-8 years old, in all dark and, like, with curly black hair. He laughed viciously. I met my friend’s gaze and mentally put the word “Run” into my gaze.

    I dreamed that it started to rain and I hid under some kind of canopy, but my hands were outstretched under the raindrops. It was raining more and more and it was so warm. I was so surprised by this that I began to laugh with joy. I laughed harder and harder. I felt so good from this warm rain that I continued to laugh and everyone was surprised that the rain was so warm.

    I laughed at my trailer. from the motorcycle ... then two guys ... with a syringe for injections. with big needles ... there were two of us running after us, I and my friend don’t remember who he is .... and so I laughed at these guys ... they couldn’t ... find fewer needles ... probably greedy. stingy guys…..Jews..I named them….

    Good day!
    I dreamed of my parents' house (dad lives there now). All windows were covered with black curtains. It's day outside. but the house is dim because the windows are closed. I’m with friends (I don’t remember exactly with whom), but I’m definitely with those with whom I haven’t communicated for a very long time, in my opinion my daughter was still with me, 5 years old, we sit in the hallway on the floor and laugh very hard at something. Then they started knocking on the door, we quieted down, did not want to open it, but through the crack of the door, it was somehow very old, they saw me. At that time, I showed everyone sitting with me - quietly_finger at the mouth - they say do not make noise, and this is what the girl who knocked on the door saw, we have not been communicating for a long time. And even when I woke up, I still seemed to be laughing.

    We fled from a friend of our friend, for some reason he was chasing us. We hid at the same friend’s house. In the kitchen, at the request of a friend, she poured water, and a friend, taking a glass, asked if I was thirsty, while she made a reservation and I started laughing to tears. On this I woke up.

    Prime Minister Yatsenyuk was visiting me, we talked and he said something and I didn’t laugh much. and I asked him if you were tired of all this. and he took a piece of paper on the table on it, a calendar day, a number and a place for notes and reminders, and showing me said. and you didn't get bored. and it's all over.

    I dreamed that I wake up in the middle of the night and see in front of me a little girl who stood at my feet and did something, then turned around and looked at me. After she turned in a quiet voice, she warned about something, and when she was about to turn around, she said my name and ran away. Then I fell asleep and woke up again in a dream, but it was already morning, and my brother came up to me and began to tell me that he had heard someone running around the house at night. And then I looked at him and asked in surprise, “Olya?”, But after thinking, I said that I had not heard anything. But the dream did not end there. Then in the evening I was sitting at the table with my brother, and my mother and sister were standing in front of us, suddenly the same girl appeared at their feet and began to smile at me, and when I got up, saying that she was here, the girl ran into the next room, but when we went there, she was not there. Frightened, I said that I would not sleep alone, but would lie down with my mother. When I lay down on the bed, a girl appeared in the center of the room, and as soon as I saw her, she began to scream that she was here and asked her to clean up. Seeing that I was screaming, she began to laugh at me and run in circles around the room. After that, I woke up and couldn’t sleep anymore.

    Good afternoon, today in a dream I saw a dead good friend who died on 09/09/2014, that I ran to him from the dark and he was sitting in the car waist-deep naked (the skin was very white) in the light of a lantern, I really wanted to look at his face, he told me smiled then began to turn away, tried to joke, and I went up to him and began to tickle him, he laughed out loud, turning his head to the side. then I began to leave, to the stop to get on the bus, and he followed me with his eyes. after which, after driving a little at the bus, the wheel caught fire, I calmly got off it and found myself on a beautiful lawn that was all in the lawn, the sun was shining, and next to it stood a large beautiful house, a tall glass one. Since the person was very dear to me, I would very much like to know what such a dream was about! Thanks a lot in advance

    I dreamed that I was planting seedlings of young (small) trees with some people (friends) in the yard with my grandmother (who is no longer there, but my grandfather lives in the house). The trees are at least young, small, but juicy, strong leaves. Each has its own seedling. Some aged man helps me plant my tree. Very sunny weather, green grass, a nice sunny summer day. My heart is so calm and pleasant, joyful. Someone tells some stories and everyone laughs right up to tears. Please tell me what it is.

    my friend - much younger than me in life - rode a bicycle and dragged some very funny net behind him - I laughed so much that I woke up and laughed even more in reality - then I forgot the small details

    laughed in a dream with a man she really liked at some kind of joke. we laughed so naturally and for a long time that I woke up from the fact that I was laughing in reality. then I dreamed of a beautiful seashore - white clean sand and bright blue expanse of water, I enjoyed this view, realizing that I was on vacation in another country.

    I dreamed that I was going home late at night, I was passing by a store and there were a lot of different men, two men walked from a tight one in my direction, one threw bags and started coming up to me, I started to run away, ran out into the field and ran as fast as I could, I saw my shadow on the ground and looked around on this man, in the end, I ran out over the fence and hid behind the cars

    A boy and a girl entered the bus. They laughed, talking about something, and then began to spin, but all the seats and the interior of the bus in general blurred and disappeared. They fell and lay on their backs, smiling. I looked at them from the side, but still could not see their faces. They were not familiar to me.

    I dreamed that I was watching a show of wedding dresses and laughing. Dresses are all white with red. Beautiful. Some I liked and some I didn't.
    I dreamed that I was looking at photographs in black and white, they were men in jackets and trousers. In one photo, my young man, also in a suit. Moreover, it is clear that the jackets are great for everyone in the shoulders.

    hello, I was with the children - boys, we climbed somewhere with them, and then one of them hid in some big teapot-samovar, I knew about it, but the others did not, and then suddenly he crawled out of there covered in soot , hair upright in different directions, so we laughed at him kindly, of course! It was just really funny

    I dreamed about my dad who died in 2002. And he spat down on his niece's lips. He hung over her, and she was half-sitting upside down, but under him. But she was still alive. And I watched it from the side and laughed. I woke up laughing.

    Good evening! Mom had a dream. I dreamed of my ex-husband and an unknown girl with him. he lay in bed in the room. First, my mother came into the room and greeted him. he didn't answer. she shamed him. then I went in and became beautifully dressed, cheerful, in a good mood. began to have fun talking with this girl, laughing.

    from Friday to Saturday I dreamed that we were in the hall of the house where we previously lived and the whole work team laughs at me that I want to do it a little, but I don’t know where to do it and therefore I close myself from everyone.

    I had a dream - I don’t remember the beginning, but yes, the end. A little girl is dreaming (feeling as if I know her), she played with me and we had fun. I laughed out loud and even woke up at night from my laughter.

    I dreamed that I was not like myself and was at school in the evening, it was dark, I seemed to be doing drugs and drinking with the whole class or something, and after that I laughed hysterically, then we left there and went to another place. There I walked with a friend and also laughed and I also cursed obscene words with her

    I dreamed that I came to pick up some things from a young man whom I sometimes meet. having arrived in a dream to him, he was not alone, in general, we started talking and began to laugh next to the sitting girl, looking in our direction, analyzed our behavior, after that, I didn’t understand where the friend came from and started laughing with us, then the girl stopped being gloomy and began to laugh with us, we were laughing, whispering something to each other or showing our parts of the body and also continued to laugh at it! then I woke up

    Hello, Tatyana. The thing is that there was no sleep as such. I just wake up from my own laughter, joyful and loud. I fall asleep again. Mood is good. The thought flashes: did I wake someone up. This happened several times.

    I was walking with a friend when we suddenly saw a big man in an executioner mask, a friend said look and this man took off his mask and it turned out that it was a woman with short hair, we began to laugh at her and she also laughed in her dreams

    In general, we sit in the car with a friend, and the children surrounded the car, and many of them are familiar to me. And we laugh at them. as they stand and smile sweetly. and it seems like they don’t obsessively want to get into the car, but we don’t let them in. And I’m sitting and mocking, shouting to them “guys who wants to get into the car?” They smile and pull their hands up (like at school) and then I say “there is no place for the guys.”

    It happened in the old school, One guy took me in his arms and carried me to the school yard, offering to skip classes, when we were on the street they ran into this guy and started beating, I ran at them, shouting for him to move away from him. The crowd was on me turned around and started laughing. And the guy who was beaten got up and asked, “Did you believe it?”

    Good afternoon! Today I dreamed about the girlfriend of my ex-husband, she laughed all the time. Then the ex-husband himself, all the time called me on the phone and told me something. At the end of the dream, he brought his one-year-old nephew to me, and he himself ran to the store. Can you help why such a dream.

    hello! i dreamed that I went into the corridor of my apartment and heard the conversation and laughter of several men outside the front door, but not a word was clear. then I went into the bath and began to shake out the green rug, then I woke up. why this dream?

    I was lying on my sofa, in my room, and could not move, I felt the coming of death. I raised my head with difficulty and looked into the large mirror on my closet. In the reflection, I saw a blurry outline of a skeleton above me. I was horrified by what I saw. I struggled to get up (there was a wild feeling of stiffness and heaviness), and fell to the floor with a crash. A grandmother from another room ran up to the noise, and I squeezed out a request for help, in response she only laughed at me.

    hello, I dreamed that there was water around my yard and I couldn’t get out of the yard (there is a way out of the entrance) I left the entrance and see my friend’s father, he makes a bridge to pass and says that Nurbek called (Nurbek my friend now serves in the army) his father says that Nurbek called and asked to be told about the impending danger

    my friends and I were a collector in some unfamiliar building and had fun there, I often drank apple juice, every time I took a glass of juice on delivery, I saw paper money in a napkin holder. One of my friends often stumbled, fell, we laughed.

    There were other people in the dream that I don't know in real life, but it felt like they were my old friends. We laughed at a joke that one of those present told, and I supplemented it. And in general, people often dream of whom I don’t know in real life, but in a dream it’s as if I’ve known them for a hundred years .... is this normal?

    the day before yesterday I had a dream that my friend and I were in the city and walked along the road and laughed very hard yesterday I dreamed that I was walking around school and also laughed very hard, and today that I was walking down the street with one friend and everything was bright and we approached a stranger the boy and also laughed very hard

    I was sitting in the company of some people, we were talking about something, there was a boy of 4 or 5 years old and he said some word (I don’t remember which one), it’s not right for a child, and we began to laugh together, we became very fun, we laughed and laughed and couldn't stop until I woke up.

    Hello, honestly, I don’t remember, I remember that the dream is stupid, supposedly my beloved man, but in someone else’s image he cheats on me all the time, and I just have fun from this, before that I always had heavy, bad, black dreams, mostly fears and tears, and here today for you

    I climbed into the lair of the wolf in search of a man, or rather his remains, and the wolf ran after me growling. And behind the fence, while laughing, I shouted to the wolf face, remember the old days and laughed, and the wolf jumped over the fence to the second one, I started howling towards the first one, and I laughed, knocked me to the ground and began to lick my lips and we laughed. I woke up, it turns out I laughed out loud.

    I do not remember the dream itself, I remember only a fragment of it. it was raining, I was walking with a friend and suddenly I felt happy, I began to jump forward through the puddles and laugh, very loudly, at the top of my lungs, from which I woke up abruptly, as it turned out, I was laughing in reality.

    Good afternoon! In a dream, I was walking around the store, where I met friends, then I started joking about the product - a huge bottle of expensive booze, they laughed at the prices - it was very expensive ... and friends and I laughed heartily ... Then I woke up rested and in a good mood.)

    i dreamed that a former friend of mine mocked me with his friends, I got tired of it and I put him out the door, and then he said that, like, “life is not life you will soon have”

    Hello! I had a dream about how I was fooling around with a guy (just an acquaintance, of course, I show sympathy for him, but I haven’t seen him for about a month). They tickled each other and laughed, I was pleased with the dream.

    I had a dream in which my sister and I laughed a lot ... and sincerely still like that ... and it was me who constantly encouraged her with some words ... we were not alone in the room, there were four more people, but they did not take any part in this and constantly tried to offend with words. But we ignored them and continued to laugh. I remember my sister laughing until she turned red! But I don’t remember my reaction exactly ... but I was flooded with almost no less than her.

    Hello, Tatyana!
    In the hands of a distant relative was a thick new book, on the cover of which there was a drawing of two masks, when I asked what the book was about, they began to laugh at me. All this happened in the dark.

    Hello! I dreamed about my ex-husband (we are divorced), we laughed, indulged, counted each other as if we live together and everything is fine. What is it for?

    I was driving in the back seat in a car, a bald man was sitting in front of me, someone else was sitting next to me (I don’t remember who exactly). I needed to adjust the side mirrors, and the relay for their adjustment was on the back of the seat in front of me. I turned this relay and had fun about how stupid the design of this car is. And it seems that without being behind the wheel, I felt in a dream that the success of the movement of the car depends on me (as on the navigator). And then suddenly the road took a sharp turn ahead, there was a mountain to the right of the road lane, and between them something like a ditch, or a cliff. And at that moment, when the car was supposed to make a sharp turn, I jumped out of it and grabbed the person sitting next to me, and the bald man remained in the car. We fell onto the road and watched the car take off the road and roll down, stones pouring behind it. And I'm lying on the road, watching this and laughing loudly with joy, no regret, no fear, only joy. At that moment I woke up.

    I don’t remember anything in a dream, but this is not the first time. This is the second time this has happened in 2 months. I woke up from the fact that dad was asking why I was laughing, but I couldn’t answer him anything and continued to laugh, laugh even more, then he started screaming, asking why I was laughing? I laughed a little more because I couldn’t stop and then said dad I don’t even know why I’m laughing.

    Hello! I describe the dream: We were sitting at the table with friends, in a warm and pleasant atmosphere, it was already late at night, I don’t remember exactly what was discussed, but everyone laughed very hard, especially I, and how joyful and pleasant this laughter would be .... what could it be? And why? Thanks in advance.

    After visiting the healer from Friday to Saturday, I had a dream. At 1 am I woke up. The healer was sitting in the kitchen and winding a small ball of thread from a large ball lying on the floor. On the roof of the kitchen, a neighbor ("witch"), half-man, half-spider, was crawling, but she could not get inside. Dumplings were cooked in borscht and I laughed very hard at the dumplings. Mom calmed me down, but I continued to laugh excitedly.
    There was a third person who also laughed at the dumpling, but I don't remember.

    Today I had a dream, I look at the sunset in the winter in the forest, it can be seen behind the snowy hill, the sunset is purple, I take the phone to take a picture of Zach, but 3 people interfere on the hill, one of them is my stepfather, the other uncle and I try to focus the phone camera faster, in order to have time to take a picture and I have time, the dream ended there.

    In a dream, dad had a dream, or rather his laughter, although this cannot be true since dad went to rest in the village. That same night, a girl dreamed as if she came up to me when I was sleeping and just stood, and suddenly I said that I know that she is standing next to me and looking at me. Another dream that same night, I had a cat on one side, neat on the other, decrepit, she still had 3 eyes on one side and 2 on the other, and from this I began to tear with multi-colored paint . What does it mean?

    I sat on the back of a friend and saw myself from the side as we both laughed and were very joyful and happy, but there was no sound in the dream. There were warm tones and then we quarreled with this friend.

    Good afternoon! It’s not the first time I’m dreaming that I sincerely smile and laugh at something kind and cheerful from this, I really wake up with a smile on my face in a positive state, realizing that I really laughed, but not hysterically and not with laughter, just fun with a big smile, I can’t remember what I laughed at here I fall asleep further.

    Hello. In a dream, I saw myself driving a car, then I saw an ex-boyfriend with a big belly, he was pregnant, I also saw the baby moving (moving the handle, like he waved), then the two of us laughed a lot together over some kind of situation.

    i took people on a bike like a minibus stopped at every stop descended from the mountain we laughed it all was route number 333 did not know my route and asked the passengers if I was driving correctly

    Hello! From the beginning, I stood on the street in front of my house there, they made me coca, these were marshmallows on the wall, then we went into the house with friends. One and the boys were angry with me, ran from me around the house, but then we made up and everyone started laughing with friends
    then at that time I was left alone at home and the thought occurred to me to see what it means to laugh together with friends, but this is all in a dream
    and then I woke up and got on the Internet to see what it really means

    Hello. The second time I already dream that they make fun of me or laugh at me (people change, it makes a little sense, but the mockery is not pleasant). In the first dream: my husband’s brother (with his wife) ridiculed our life and us, they say: “How do you live, studied at the institute and work from morning to night, teach children, are still in poverty, but we are just fine and there is a jeep, the table is full of food, and Tanya (wife) did not have to study!!! Well, who was right in life? You, with your correctness, or we? ha-ha-ha.” They leave laughing at us. Today was a dream. that I got a job at a new school (I studied there as a child), they accepted me, I’m looking for my class teacher and I meet a friend who works there, and she tells me, what kind of teacher are you, laughs, how did they take you, for the whole school is laughing with their backs above you.” I woke up.

    Good afternoon! today I had a strange dream ... as if I myself were in a hospital ward and our family friends came for me to take me to some kind of gorgeous concert performance. I catch up with them in a dark hospital corridor .. A friend has a huge bouquet of maroon roses .... And immediately we find ourselves in a huge concert hall ... The hall is also darkly lit, there are not even seats for spectators ... some kind of circle or ring is placed in the middle of the hall ... among the crowd I find my very close friend, she looks at me, she is so joyful, she looks at me from afar and laughing .... this is where the dream ends ... in fact, that very friend has very elderly parents, both are very ill and are about to leave for another world ... What would this dream mean?

    I was in the toilet. It was very dirty. I've seen pads with blood from other people's periods. I didn’t see my blood even though I went to the toilet to change my pad.
    Then I dreamed that I laughed very joyfully because it was very funny from something like a joke.

    Hello, Tatyana! I am very worried about today's dream, in which my classmates laugh at me ... This is very unpleasant for me, I am very afraid that it will come true ... Please tell me, is this a prophetic dream or portends something ... I am 15 years old .. Great in advance Thanks..)

    I knew a lot of people and I was in the moon like a lake, we walked by the water, there were different situations, I don’t remember them, for them it was funny to me to tears. I was on my own, and everyone stood in companies. Earlier, I already had a dream

    It was a dream that my friend and I decided to overcome 800 km on a three-wheeled bicycle. a company of guys approached us and we started talking, when they asked what we were doing, I told them and we laughed.

    I laughed very hard at some joke, and even woke up laughing, but I didn’t remember the joke, I was still lying on ice cream, but it wasn’t cold, and I dreamed of a man, he often dreams of me, who does all sorts of tricky things to me, I used to met him, and after such dreams with him, I quarrel with my boyfriend

    laughed hard with a friend surrounded by her colleagues working in a children's clothing store, they also supported us. then we ended up in an institution where artists in beautiful costumes danced very beautifully.

    Good afternoon. I had a dream in which I laughed. Not over someone, but most likely over herself, or over what she did herself. And there were people next to me who also laughed. I woke up and realized that I was laughing. Felt like a good dream. And then when I fell asleep again, I had a nightmare. I cried because I ended up in prison, they treated me well there, talked to me, but I cried a lot

    Hello! I dreamed a lot of things, but I’m interested in 2 plots! 1- we laughed a lot with friends in a dream - well, it felt nice! I would like to know what does this mean? 2- I had some kind of strange dream where in some kind of Jewish temple I crawl along with other pilgrims at some height along the wall where it’s very narrow and terribly afraid to fall, but I understand that everyone is crawling and through fear, too, must, and now it’s coming the moment where you need to move from one height to another and I understand that this is, to put it mildly, not very possible and that I will definitely fall. and the person who follows me from behind says, believe in God, everything will work out, well, I closed my eyes and climbed, but in As a result, I remember I fell down and that And there I meet Jesus Christ, where he welcomes us all with joy, then he resurrects me and a couple of comrades, and he himself is also born with us and I was very happy at that moment!? What do these 2 mean sleep? They are the only ones to remember! I was born on October 31 if that helps!

    At first (in a dream) I wanted to come up with a nickname for my friend, she said “Plump”, then some grandmother said:
    - No, chubby doesn't fit. Rotten-chubby! Then my friend and I laughed at this (in a dream).

    i dreamed that I was in the building, but not in an empty one, to be more precise, in the office, and that person approached me with whom I once met and his wife was right there, and I came to get a job, he recognized me, even though I hid my face , and asked for some photos with us together, but I refused and then he used force and I cried, and when he decided to come up a second time at that moment people came who were looking for lovers, more precisely, they revealed a lie, and so they took me and put a sleeping pill injection and I lost my sight, then something happened and everyone went out into the street, and there were two catchers, a guy and a girl, I really liked the guy and he took my hand because I was losing my sight and we went outside before going out, he hugged some the girl holding my hand, he really liked her, but looking at me we went further and decided to run away from everyone, we ran past the swing on which a very large crow was sitting, but the beak was dark yellow and big she was sitting on the swing, and when I went to the swing she stole and the puddle began to drink from it, the puddle was dirty, and the guy and I ran on ... .. "Then they woke me up, in fact, I'm not married, I live with a child, and the guy with whom we wanted to run away is my daughter's father, but he doesn't lives with us and I don’t understand how to interpret this dream!

That you deliberately harm your friends to satisfy your selfish desires.

Hear ridicule- portends illness and disappointment in business.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Laugh- a symbol of joy.

Laugh, rejoice- to good luck and happiness.

laugh hysterically- to tears and sadness.

Laugh yourself- upcoming plans will be fulfilled. Don't delay making a decision

see laughing- Troubles, sadness, separation are possible. You will have to muster up the courage to get through this time.

Freud's dream book

In a dream, hear someone laugh- to gossip, and depending on whether this laughter seemed pleasant to you, you can understand what kind of conversations are being held behind your back.

If laughter was pleasant- it means that you arouse sympathy and kind, healthy envy in someone; Well, if laughter caused you discomfort, it means that someone would like to harm you.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dream that you are laughing merrily at something- this dream portends you the joy and love of the chosen one.

However, unrestrained laughter at serious things- promises a lack of harmony in family relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Laugh in your sleep- This is a spontaneous discharge of accumulated nervous tension.

If in your dream you laugh for no reason with a happy and joyful laugh, after which you feel rested, such a dream means that some problems that bothered you will soon be resolved or simply stop bothering you.

At the same time, if in a dream you laugh at some kind of absurdity, at an anecdote or a joke, then be careful- a dream suggests that in reality you risk making a stupid mistake or getting into an absurd situation.

Laugh in a dream at someone else's trouble is a bad sign. Such dreams indicate many unresolved problems in your life and portend various complications.

Hear in a dream ridicule in your address is a clear sign of your insecurity. Try to treat yourself with humor, otherwise your insecurity will surely lead you to failure in business.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

In a dream, laughter- may be inappropriate, since we see ourselves as archetypal caricatures, we can burst into a devilish burst of laughter. While, in fact, the situation is more likely to provoke anger - this is the feeling that would be more natural for such an occasion. Such uncontrollable laughter is the tricks of It. If you laugh in your sleep, do others laugh with you? Did you laugh at something out of place? Did you feel guilty, or, on the contrary, did laughter inspire you?

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Laugh yourself- success and profitable business cooperation.

Hear someone else's laughter- disappointment, interference in business.

Children's cheerful laughter- joy, good health.

New family dream book

If in a dream you saw yourself cheerful and cheerful- ahead of you is success in business and cooperation with brilliant partners.

Allowing in a dream laughter over the omens of fate- you will face frustration and lack of harmony in your environment.

Happy children's laughter heard in a dream- promises you joy and health.

The ridicule he heard in his address- portend illness and disappointment in business.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you laugh or feel cheerful- predicts success in endeavors and pleasant cheerful companions.

immoderate laughter- portends disappointment and insufficiently harmonious environment.

If in a dream you hear happy children's laughter- in reality your life will be full of joy, and you will forget about illnesses.

Laugh at other people's failures- a sign that your selfishness hurts your true friends.

Hear ridicule- predicts illness and disappointment in business.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Hear laughter in a dream- someone is laughing at you.

Hear in a dream friendly laughter, laughter- for fun.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing laughing people in a dream- portends that in reality you will experience distressing moments. A dream in which they laugh maliciously in your face- means that you will soon be placed in a hopeless situation. If in a dream friends laugh mildly, poking fun at your weaknesses and shortcomings- it means that in real life you will have a fun conversation with them.

If in a dream you laugh at yourself- a difficult event awaits you, from which you will experience a strong shock. Laugh at your family- a harbinger of loss and loneliness, over enemies- strangers will help you, but not disinterestedly, but demanding an exorbitant fee for the service.

Women's dream book

Have fun and laugh in your sleep- a harbinger of success in entrepreneurship, the emergence of brilliant companions.

Hear happy children's laughter in a dream- to a joyful and healthy period of life.

Laugh at the failures of others- a sign that you are ready to harm your friends in order to satisfy your selfish desires.

Hear ridicule in a dream- a harbinger of illness and disappointment in business.

Reckless laughter at the omens of fate portends disappointment and damaged relationships in your environment.

General dream book

Laugh in your sleep- to the sad news.

In a dream, you watched one of your relatives laugh- one of your loved ones will receive sad news.

If you dreamed that you watched one of your friends laugh- some of your acquaintances or friends are waiting for sad news.

You dreamed that you watched one of your acquaintances or colleagues laugh- do not expect anything good from life.

In a dream, you made someone laugh Get ready to get an undeserved reprimand at work.

A dream in which someone made you laugh- an ill-wisher is next to you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

sincere laughter- great healer. Don't take life too seriously. Laugh at yourself, life is not an eternal struggle at all.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Laugh in your sleep- to the big troubles in the next two days.

Laugh with your friends- to a quarrel.

Laugh uncontrollably- to sadness.

If in a dream they mock you- to conflict if you laugh- it means that the dream warns you against committing a bad deed.

Children's laughter- a sign of good health and joy.

In a dream, as in real life, we experience feelings and emotions. Emotions are especially pronounced in funny or sad situations.

Laughter in a dream- sometimes has deeper roots than in the waking state, because sleep frees us from all restrictions and we react to events more openly and directly.

English dream book

Laugh a lot and have fun in a dream- to troubles and disappointments, unfulfilled hopes. For a lover, this is a sign that his love will not be reciprocated. The feelings of his beloved are unstable, she fluctuates between you and someone else. Be careful what you do. Restrain your passion so as not to be deceived.

Laugh in your sleep- often a sign of impending weeping and sadness.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Laugh- to trouble, trouble, spending; children's- to joy.

Modern universal dream book

Dream in which you laugh- a wonderful dream, as you wake up in a carefree and high spirits, unless, of course, they laugh at you in a dream!

First of all, determine how you feel about laughter in your sleep. In a dream, are you laughing or is another person laughing at you? If you laugh in a dream, the dream reflects a relaxed state. What has lit the way for you in life? Perhaps you try not to take life seriously and consider laughter to be the best medicine.

In a dream, you see another person laughing What is he laughing at? Maybe something that doesn't seem funny to you. What in your life is not taken as seriously by others as you would like? Of course, such a dream can also indicate that success is close and you laugh well, because you laugh last.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Laugh- cry, trouble, sadness; quiet laughter- cunning; mock- shame, trouble.

Laugh- disturbance of peace.

Esoteric dream book

Strangers laugh at you- in the eyes of others, you gain a lot of weight, despite the seemingly unfavorable situation.

you laugh at someone- someone's mistakes, a negative situation will benefit you. "There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped."

You laugh at the situation- unexpectedly successful circumstances, unexpected joy to spite the enemies.

Hear the sound of laughter- everything will be fine, your fears are in vain.

Ukrainian dream book

Laughing in your sleep- you will cry.

Collection of dream books

Laugh- great healer. Don't take life too seriously.

Laugh in your sleep- to be sad in reality.

Laughter to hear - to soon disappointment.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Laughter is a person's ability to express their positive emotions. Laughter has many shades. It can be sincere, from the heart or mockingly. You can just laugh with joy, and sometimes “laughter through tears”. It will not work to unequivocally interpret a dream in which a person laughs - you need to know what caused it. There may be different signs when a dispute with a guy is resolved in 5 minutes or when you dream of laughing out loud with the deceased and seeing him, laughing at a cat, a joke, for no reason, with a girl, or just being happy.

What is the meaning of such a dream and in reality and its interpretation, this article and psychology will tell you, because it is normal if you dream of this from Thursday to Friday, like on other days. The article also discusses what it means if they laugh (laughed) at me (you), in a dream to see laughter, female laughter and wake up from laughter, to hear the laughter of a child (my own) in a dream, or I laughed.

In a dream, laugh out loud, loudly, to tears, to colic (abdominal pain)

This dream predicts a happy and joyful turn of events. You will have fun in life too.

The only thing worth paying attention to is that in reality you are no longer bothered by colic in the stomach, otherwise it will not be a laughing matter. Laugh hysterically in a dream, and this is a lot to the fact that in reality you can expect a moral shock at home or at work.

In a dream, laugh and cry, wake up from laughter

This dream symbolizes cardinal changes in your life, although they say that from sad to funny is one step. It is a good sign that the awakening was caused by laughter, not tears. This indicates the successful completion of your ordeals.

Why dream of laughing in a dream at yourself, at a joke, from being tickled

Laugh at yourself in a dream - in reality, you have to go through an event that will cause a strong mental shock.

Laughing in a dream at someone's joke - in reality your enemy will want to put you in a ridiculous position.

If you had a dream in which you laugh because someone is tickling you, in real life you will need a lot of courage not to burst into tears.

Artificial laughter - to trouble and disturb the peace.

In a dream, laugh with a loved one, a dead person, a girlfriend, an ex

A dream in which you laugh happily with your loved one means that in real life your envious people will start talking about you.

A dream in which you laugh with the deceased means that all the anxieties that bother you in real life will soon no longer bother you and will remain in the past.

If you dreamed that you were laughing at something with your girlfriend, it portends disappointment in others.

Laughing with a former friend or former lover in a dream is to get rid of the pain of separation in reality.

Laugh in a dream Muslim dream book

You should not laugh in a dream when you do not control your mind, because this laughter will bring sadness and disappointment into your life - this is how the dream in which you laugh is interpreted, according to the Muslim dream book.

What does it mean to laugh in a dream Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself cheerful and laughing in a dream or listening to children's laughter in a dream is a sign that predicts good luck and luck in real life.

A bad sign will be a dream in which you laugh at others, or someone makes fun of you. Then you should expect lies and deceit to creep into your relationships with others. A dream promises discord in real life.

Laugh in a dream according to Freud

Sigmund Freud interpreted a dream in which you are shaking with laughter as a sign that you are overwhelmed with sex steroids, which you cannot find use in real life.

Islamic dream book laughter in a dream

In this case, it is said that big troubles will await you in the next 2 days.

Whatever plots our dreams are filled with, they always somehow carry their own certain emotional load.

There are disturbing, tense, scary dreams, there are romantic and fabulous, pleasant, there are funny and light. No matter how fantastic and strange events the world of dreams is filled with, emotions and feelings always arise quite real, vital and well known.

Many dreams can be interpreted only by one feeling that remains after waking up - if you wake up with anxiety, then you should prepare for trouble, and if you wake up and feel light and joyful, then any dream promises a good future. But this is not always the case.

Everyone knows, for example, that crying in a dream is always something good. What about laughter? In real life, it is so pleasant to laugh heartily, laughter relieves anxiety and improves mood. But why dream of laughter, because in a dream everything can have the opposite meaning?

Does joyful and fervent laughter in a dream promise tears and sorrows, as some assure? Do not rush to conclusions, and before you find out what what you see means, remember all the details. "Funny" dreams in the dream book are divided into several main types:

  • Laugh yourself.
  • To be cheerful, cheerful in dreams.
  • Hear someone's laughing voice.
  • Hear a child's laughing voice in a dream.
  • They laughed at you in a dream, hear rude ridicule.
  • Laugh to tears, uncontrollably and loudly.
  • Laugh in a dream for no reason, to tears.
  • Hear someone or your quiet, restrained chuckle, or laugh silently in a dream.
  • Hold back your laughter with all your might.
  • Laugh and have fun in a pleasant company.
  • Laugh in a dream all alone.

What does all this mean, our own or someone else's laughter, what laughter is dreaming of and what surprises to expect in reality - we will learn from wise dream books.

Laughter for no reason...

Sign of what? Especially - if laughter is in a dream, and not in reality? Remember the details of the dream, who laughed, where, how and what you felt at the same time - and find out what it means.

1. As the dream book indicates, laughter most often indicates your overly serious, harsh attitude to life. Many dream books say that laughing in a dream portends sadness in reality.

But most likely this is due to the fact that you take all problems, even minor ones, to heart and worry too seriously. This, of course, attracts new difficulties into life, and all everyday life seems dark and hopeless.

Do not do it this way! Try to be more comfortable with your own reality. And she will sparkle with new colors.

2. Being cheerful and joyful in a dream is a good sign. This means that you will have success in current affairs, difficulties will go away, it will become easier and more pleasant to live and work. Laugh at problems, solve them jokingly, without undue stress - and everything will be great in business and everyday life.

3. It's great if in your dreams you happened to hear someone's cheerful laughter. Of course, if he was good-natured, cheerful and pleasant, it is pleasant to hear such sounds even in a dream, and this means imminent happiness in reality. If he was sinister - this means difficulties or dangers, be careful.

4. Hearing sonorous and joyful children's laughter in a dream means only the best. In reality, you will recover and get rid of anxieties, harmony, happiness, and only good news and changes. Light band, in a word!

5. To hear mockery of oneself in dreams means to experience disappointment in people in reality. Be careful - do not trust everyone around, be more careful in communication, look closely and listen to others. Do not place high hopes on people - then there will be no disappointment.

6. Such a dream, where you happened to laugh very hard, uncontrollably, right to tears - does not bode well, but try to restrain your ardor a little in reality. Your excessive displays of emotions can lead to unstable relationships with people close to you and those around you, and lead either to disappointment or to some other negative consequences.

Be more restrained, weigh your feelings, but do not close yourself completely - no need to go to extremes, this will not lead to good. Just try to be sincere, listen to your inner voice, don't get overly emotional, but don't get callous either.

7. Laughing out loud for no reason, to tears, and not being able to stop is a sign that some difficulties await you that you cannot overcome at first. It will seem to you that circumstances are stronger than yourself, and the situation is getting out of your volitional control, but in reality this is not so.

You yourself will always be able to take any difficult situation into your own hands, you just need to calm down and calmly, without unnecessary emotions, look at the problems. Then it will be possible to solve them - calmly, carefully and confidently.

8. Quiet, restrained laughter, calm and pleasant - your own or heard in a dream - this is a good sign. Your affairs, even the most difficult ones, will soon be on the mend, life will begin to improve, problems will go away. A bright and pleasant life streak is coming, without difficulties and problems.

9. If in dreams you struggled to hold back your laughter, which burst out, it means that in waking life you often hold back emotions. It is worth learning to let them out!

Show your feelings, do not keep them inside - you will see how your life and relationships with people around you will change. This is not an easy job, but emotions are given to us in order to show them, and not hide them in the soul - try to start small, and everything will work out!

10. If you laughed cheerfully, literally to tears, in some company, then in reality expect pleasant leisure time with new acquaintances. Do not be afraid of new acquaintances - now is a favorable period for them. Do not close yourself from people, go forward - you will find the joy of communication.

11. Laughing alone is a symbol of the fact that the business that you start or conceive will not be easy, but will end with great success. Only for this you will have to work hard, not be afraid of difficulties and it is easier to relate to problems.

Laughing heartily - what could be more pleasant? May your dream bring you only positive, joyful changes in reality, difficulties pass easily, and in everyday life there are more real reasons for joy and delight! Author: Vasilina Serova

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