Conspiracies for the love of a man - white magic. A spell that works immediately. When You Can and When You Shouldn't

Man was created for happiness, and even if evil fate puts obstacles, prevents reunion loving hearts there's always a way to replay life scenario. For love magic there are no unsolvable problems, for a strong master there are no dead ends. I am a white magician Elena and my magical salon in Moscow is always at your service.

Throw away doubts, do not expect concessions from fate. This is your life and only you can decide what is more important: Mutual love, family, children, or - Hateful loneliness, sorrows and despair.

I am the magician Elena, and I offer you magical help:


But I can only help if:

You will be determined to be happy.

Reject your prejudices and trust God's providence and my magic!

My magical services for you may be the only hope for a successful outcome. love twists and turns. And even if geographically we are far away from you, all the same, the help of a magician at a distance will not become weaker. Contact me online, give me a call. Together we are a force that can change the world!

What mage services can I offer you?

LOVE MAGIC! This is a powerful esoteric discipline, which includes not just a few love spells, but the whole range of possibilities for controlling feelings and desires.

  • Restoring relationships. Soft correction with an impact on the recipient's energy chakras. Absolutely does not side effects, unless it enhances libido!
  • Love spells of all kinds, with the exception of the cemetery
  • Egillet - the strongest sexual binding
  • Prisushki
  • Lapels, cooling
  • Conspiracies for a meeting
  • Rituals aimed at enhancing female charm in the eyes of the opposite sex
  • Removing the crown of celibacy
  • Removing the crown of loneliness
  • Cleansing of negativity that interferes with building normal relationships
  • Third party protection

And, of course, clairvoyance and divination of all stripes: Tarot, Lenormand, Slavic blasphemers. etc. All this will help us choose the right way to influence on desired object. It depends only on you whether to live in love and harmony with the one and only person for you or to vegetate in longing and sadness for unfulfilled dreams.

Sadly, almost every family on certain stage its existence is in crisis. It often happens that a man's love fades away, and habit takes its place. In the case when all the attempts of a woman to improve relations do not give a result, love magic comes to the rescue. Having correctly chosen a conspiracy to love her husband, a desperate spouse will be able to fall in love with him again and, thereby, give a “new life” to family relationships.

How to rekindle your husband's love

Thousands of women around the world face the problem of "cooling" from their "soulmate". With anguish in their hearts, they recall the passion that their beloved experienced for them on initial stage family life. What went wrong? Everyone has an answer to this question married couple mine.

For some, relationship problems appeared after the birth of a child, while the love of others was “eaten by life”. It often happens that another woman bursts into the cloudless life of the family, who draws the attention of a man. Whatever it was, but the result is the same: the husband becomes indifferent and inattentive, the relationship between the spouses goes wrong and over the once happy family there is a threat of divorce. There comes a time when it's time to "roll up your sleeves" and fight for family happiness.

If a woman is ready to fight for her husband with the help of love magic, she has a huge choice. These can be the author's conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova and Vanga, old grandmother's whispers and spells, runic and Muslim love spells. However, when deciding to apply this or that magical ritual, it is necessary to take into account some circumstances:

  1. As a rule, a conspiracy is accompanied certain actions using various additional ingredients. To get a positive result from the ritual and in order not to harm yourself and your “soulmate”, you should not do anything “on your own” if you are not one hundred percent sure that it will benefit.
  2. If no other period is indicated in the explanations for the ritual, then conspiracies for the husband's love are read on the waxing moon.
  3. The time for casting the spell can be any - it all depends on the ritual.
  4. Before you get down to business, you need to fast for several days and read prayers.

Conspiracies for food and drink

The simplest, most effective and time-tested impact that a woman can do at home is a conspiracy to eat and drink. To help your "blessed" "be faithful" you can speak his drink. To do this, before serving the drink, secretly from your husband, drink three sips from his glass. In this case, after each sip, you need to pronounce a conspiracy:

“I’m the first to drink - you finish drinking after me, since then you haven’t been with a single woman. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading, you need to make sure that your spouse must drink the charmed drink.

Here is another drinking conspiracy that you can read at home. To carry out the ritual, you will need, oddly enough, your "drool". Before serving your husband a drink, spit into his glass three times and say three times:

“Just as a person dries up without saliva and does not know life, so let the Servant of God (husband's name) by the Servant of God (wife's name) dry. Let him neither eat without me, nor sleep, nor day by day, nor spend the night at night.

Then, as if nothing had happened, give your husband a drink.

If you feel that your spouse has fallen out of love with you, and you are gradually turning into an "unloved wife", try doing a ceremony with nails. On the growing moon, a woman needs to cut her nails and grind them well. Then, in the process of cooking for a loved one, add the resulting mass to the dish. Mixing nails, you need to read the following spell:

“I fry, I steam, I stir, I mix my flesh into sweet food. In your heart I launch my claws, I conjure you only to desire me alone. My food in your body is love for me in your soul.

After such a "treat" the husband will love only his wife. You will immediately feel a change for the better in his behavior and achieve not only the revival of former love, but also self-respect. "Spellbed nails" can also be added to tea or other drinks. The only thing to remember when conducting such a ritual is that all effects that use any human biological materials can have unpredictable effects. Negative consequences, often such love spells are simply impossible to remove. The consequences can affect both the woman and the man who is affected.

Rite of the Annunciation

If you want your spouse to love you again, not "walk" and always want to be with you, you can make one strong working love spell. They do it in the Annunciation. To perform the ritual, you need to collect a small package, which should contain two candles of red or white color, a small bottle of spring water and a photo of your loved one. On a holiday, take this package and go with it to worship at the church.

During the church service, hold the bundle in your hands. To increase the impact, you can say prayers for the "success of your enterprise." Upon returning to the house, before going to bed, light candles and place them on the table. Next to the lit candles, place a small deepened saucer and pour spring water into it. Then pick up a picture of a loved one and mentally imagine your happy family and how much you love and respect each other.

“On a bright holiday, I don’t simple words I say I strong conspiracy I create. Above a burning candle, in the darkness of the night, my dear (husband's name) I call to me. Strong sadness, mortal longing in my soul I instill in him. Without me, he cannot see happiness, joy, without me he eats, but does not seize, without me he sleeps, but does not fall asleep. Only I am forever your destiny. I am dearer to you than everyone, I am more desirable to you than everyone. When you drink my water, you will become mine forever. My thoughts are pure, but the words are true.

After reading the spell, go to bed, but do not extinguish the candles, and leave everything on the table as it is. In the morning, take the candle wax out of the house, pour the water into a bottle, and hide the photo securely. Then everything is simple - you will need to slowly add the charmed water to your husband's food and drink, that living with him "under the same roof" will not be difficult. Adding enchanted water more than once a day is not worth it.

You can bewitch a man by his hair even at a distance. The main thing you should have is a few hairs from his head. Make a love spell during the period of lunar growth after midnight. When doing "preparatory work", buy a white or red candle.

Left alone in a room, light a candle and hold your loved one's hair in your hands. Hold them in your hands for a while and imagine the image of who they belong to. Then tear off the same amount of hair from your head and mix it with your husband's hair. Next, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“You are in me, I am in you. Together forever".

After the hairs are mixed, burn them on a candle fire with the words:

“Body to body, ashes to ashes. No one else can separate us, no one can destroy our union.

Then we do not extinguish the candle, but in the morning we take it out of the house. This simple ritual will help bring back the "spree husband" and get rid of the rival. If a wife wants to return her husband's love, then being with him in bed and lightly stroking his hair, she should whisper:

“I am out of breath. You are inhale. I want you to dry on me."

It is better to do this when your loved one is sleeping.

Effective magical prayers that will help return the love and passion of a husband

All couples dream of an idyll in the family. Every woman tries to strengthen the marriage, restore relations if there is a quarrel, or the spouse has cooled off. Often among effective methods, which help to return harmony and love to the family, turns out to be light magic. Conspiracies and prayers, which you need to read only guided good intentions, can help at the very beginning of discord. And this article contains the most popular and effective conspiracies for a husband, from which you can choose the most suitable for your situation.

Spells that helped strengthen the relationship between wife and husband were also known by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. They resorted to their help in order to save the formed family and restore happiness.

To achieve a positive result and make the goal a reality, you should sincerely believe in success. In addition, you should strictly follow the recommendations and perform the ritual with high quality. Contribute to the achievement maximum effect maybe dark side month. Rites performed on the new moon have a strong, lasting effect.

A spell to restore feelings

It happens that over the long years the feelings of the spouses cool slightly. And if you are faced with a similar situation, if the husband has cooled off, does not have a strong passion, which is why sexual life suffers, apply this conspiracy. Having carried out the ceremony, for which only salt is needed, it is quite possible to restore love and quivering feelings.

To conduct a ritual for the return of love and passion, buy salt on the new moon. Make a purchase on this day if you want a lasting effect. The main thing is to buy seasoning without change. Having brought salt home, speak it with the words of the following prayer:

“The salt of the earth was given by the Lord God, and by me, the servant of God (my name), spoken. So that my husband (his name) loves, wants and wants only me. Let be more life I will need him, but he won’t even think about betrayal and leaving. Amen".

Now the charmed seasoning can be removed away by regularly sprinkling it into her husband's dishes. The conspiracy will work as long as the spouse uses this salt. This conspiracy is quite strong, but it will not help if the husband has already cheated. In this case, you will need to use other prayers.

An effective method to save a family

Unlike the previous spell, this spell is more powerful. By applying it, you can save the marriage from disintegration, return the love and passion of the wedding night to the spouses.

If you decide to apply this conspiracy to your husband, you will need to prepare to perform the ceremony in advance. This ritual should be performed only on the night of the feast of Ivan Kupala. Prepare the following items in the morning:

  • glass bottle with cap;
  • spring water;
  • some honey.

Dilute honey with water to make sweet water. Pour it into a glass vessel. Go with a bottle filled with honey composition to the forest. Find an anthill there and place a vessel near it, directing the neck towards the ant pile.

Now go home.

Late in the evening you should return to the anthill. Close the bottle, which will contain honey water with ants, with a cap. Next, it is worth stepping over the vessel. Taking a step forward and then back, say the words of the prayer:

“As goosebumps run to honey, so let the husband / wife (name of the spouse) reach out to me. As the ants in this bottle be, so be the husband / wife with me. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

After you read the plot so that your husband loves only you, immediately go home. On the way, do not look back, do not talk to anyone, and do not tell anyone about what you have done. This ritual for the love of a spouse is very strong, you won’t have to repeat it.

Rite to return the chilled feelings of the spouse

Another conspiracy will help you return your husband's love and his passionate feelings for you. To enhance the effect, the rite must be performed on the new moon. It is desirable that it coincides with the Sabbath day. On the evening of the planned day, sit by the window. Do not turn on the light. When it appears in the sky new month, say the magic words seven times in a row:

“As the moon walks in the sky along with the stars, so I, the servant of God (my name), with the servant of God (husband’s name) will be together in happiness and love. Amen".

If you don’t want the conspiracy to love your husband read on the new moon to not lose its power, repeat the ceremony twice. Exactly one week later, say the same conspiracy so that your husband loves and wants to be only with you. Sitting at the window at night, wait for the growing moon to appear in the sky. Looking at her, read the words of the prayer written above.

The third time the rite should be done with the waning moon. This time at night, you need to pronounce another conspiracy. His words look like this:

“As the moon wanes, so with its power it feeds my conspiracy. May my wishes come true, may my husband's love be with me forever. Amen".

After the said prayer, you can go to bed peacefully. This conspiracy will work in the near future. And even if the spouse has cooled off, or the marriage was on the verge of breaking up, you will notice a strong effect and improvement in relations in the very first weeks.

Universal conspiracy for married

This plot is universal and at the same time very powerful. It can be carried out by married ladies on the new moon. The text of this prayer will be especially relevant for those who want to keep their husband’s love and make family life happy, long and joyful.

If you want your spouse to love only you, and this love never cools down, do the following. Take your underwear and your husband's underwear, tear off a shred from him. Tie the two resulting pieces of fabric into a strong knot. It will symbolize love. And with this bundle, go to the new moon forest. Hang the knitted patches from a branch of a forked tree. At the same time read the words of the prayer:

“As in this place there are shreds of the bride and groom, so we (our names) will always be together. Amen".

Please note that this conspiracy, which can return love and passion to relationships, may lose its power. This is possible if someone removes the patches and unties the knot that connected them. Therefore, try to carry and hang the knot as far as possible in the forest.

Strong magical effect

It is possible that love will grow cold over the years. As a result, betrayal and even divorce can take place. To prevent such consequences, you can use this strong conspiracy.

Having determined when the new moon comes, prepare for the ceremony. During the day, go to church and light candles for the saints, read prayers. In the evening, perform a ritual to return the feelings of the spouse. Take his unwashed shirt (preferably pure white), set fire to its collar and read the words:

“As people have mercy in the mirror, so let my husband look at me, not stop admiring. So that he loved me, wished and did not know joy without me.

To improve the idyll, put out the fire on the collar, and put the shirt in the farthest corner.

Magical conspiracies for strong, devoted love

A strong love spell can act with the same force as a love spell. There are rituals with which you can achieve the effect of light love, euphoria, ease of communication, sympathy. Love spells can be done independently.

If you are going to read a conspiracy to love a man, then you should first read the prayer "Our Father". Words are pronounced in a low voice, each is clearly pronounced. It is advisable to look at the photo of the chosen one. It is impossible to stray or confuse words. If the ritual belongs to white magic, it cannot be used to harm another person.

A very strong conspiracy

This ritual helps to attract into your life pure, sincere and strong feelings. It helps to start new relationships and life from scratch.

“I will go out, the servant of God, (name), in the canopy, then in the open field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and look in all four directions, and pray to the Lord himself: Lord, Lord! Lord and Mother Holy Mother of God! And I ask: pull the violent winds, and scatter my anguish-grit with white body, with a zealous heart and clear eyes. Apply my sadness to the sweetheart (name of the chosen one) in his clear eyes, black eyebrows and white face, on a zealous heart. So that for daytime sadness and night longing, and so that he could neither eat nor sleep, and would think about the servant of God, (his name), and so that everyone would walk and fank like a white swan, and think of me, about the servant of God, (your name). Be, my words, strong as iron, and expensive as gold. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for love and fidelity

A conspiracy to love a man helps to protect yourself and your loved one from people who envy someone else, true love. There are such envious people who are trying in every possible way to interfere.

To perform the ritual, do the following:

  • Buy a new tablecloth, only white.
  • Three are put on it church candles.
  • The words of the conspiracy are read three times in a row. After each reading, one candle is extinguished.

“O Eternal Lord, I implore You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, impenetrable fence, insurmountable longing. Depth - three fathoms of earth, height - immeasurable height, and melancholy of immeasurable depth. Lock, Lord, and block so that the servant of God (name) does not leave me, he does not find another girlfriend for himself. Lock it with a key and take it for yourself, help, Lord, God's servant(name). Until this lock is opened, until then the servant of God (name) will not stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

  • When the text is read, all candles are extinguished, they are tied together.
  • Then they light it again and let it burn to the very end.

Conspiracy "bewitched heart"

Love conspiracies with elements of a love spell are considered quite effective and strong. For the ritual, you need to stock up on a red candle. She symbolizes love. Do the following:

  1. Spread a white handkerchief on the table.
  2. A heart shape is dripped onto it with wax from a lit candle. First, the contour is marked, and then the figure is completely filled.
  3. On the finished heart, write the name of a loved one with a pen or pencil.
  4. A needle is stuck into the wax heart, and left.
  5. The figurine with the needle is hidden in the safest place where no one can find it.
  6. From the moment the candle is lit and until the heart is pierced with a needle, the words of the conspiracy are read:

“I don’t kindle a flame, but I call on the soul of a loved one, I don’t pour out wax, but I ask the body, I don’t pierce my heart, but I call love into my life. Let the soul and body unite and turn into a servant (s) of God (s) (name). His (her) heart is filled with love, he addresses me as a servant (s) of God (s).

Men or guys can use this conspiracy to love a girl if they are sure that this is their soulmate. Special attention one aspect needs to be addressed. You can not sit and wait for the object of desire to find you and come to you. After the ritual, it is necessary to catch his eye as often as possible. A person should feel and recognize your energy and strength as much as possible. His heart must know and see the one about whom he begins to dream.

A simple love spell

For a simple rite just say the following words:

“A person cannot live without water and food, and my beloved (name) cannot live day or night without me (name) - his other half.”

You can do a simple ritual on the hair. To do this, you need five of your own hairs and three hairs of the object of love. They are connected together, thrown into a fiery flame, saying:

“Lord, burn with the fire of the Holy Spirit our kidneys and our heart. Amen!".

After the ritual, peace and harmony will surely come in the relationship. You can use this conspiracy to love a girl.

Ritual for bad weather

Together with conspiracies to attract love, you can use Orthodox prayers. It is not for nothing that the Bible says that you need to read prayers, ask and ask for what you want, and it will definitely come into your life. True, if we talk about a loved one, then he should be free, his heart should not be occupied by another.

Bad weather, heavy rain can help attract love. The ceremony is performed only during rain, thunderstorms, snowfall, or during a very strong faith. You need to read the text only in a whisper. No one should hear the spoken words.

“Went to the church pop. The wheel rolls, spins, rolls under the feet of the ass, clings to the skirts of his clothes. Let the servant of God (name of the guy) rush to me like that, rush at me, spin around me in circles, like a pop on an icon, let him pray for me. Help all the saints, subdue the servant of God (name of the guy) to me. Amen".

Ritual at dawn

Many love plots read in the morning, at dawn, using its energy. She is able, like the sun, to illuminate your feelings for the object of love. The ritual can be compared with prayers to the forces of nature that came from antiquity. These conspiracies are still used today. They are very effective and quickly make the object of desire pay attention to you.

In the morning, they get up facing the east and read the spoken words to themselves 7 times in a row:

“A person does not live without water and food, and a servant of God (the name of a man or woman) cannot live and be without God’s servant (his name), day or night, without his half - me.”

A conspiracy to love from a photo

A photograph in magic is a special object that reflects the aura of another person. When exposed to it, you can change the behavior of another in the right direction. The photo helps smooth out disagreements in your personal life and eliminate a possible rival. Before the ceremony, it is advisable to read the prayer "Our Father".

In magic, there are several rules by which an image is selected for the ritual:

  1. The pupils of the eyes should be clearly visible on it.
  2. The age on the photo must match the real age of the object of desire. (It is acceptable to use a picture from three years ago).
  3. The chosen one must be alone in the photo. Otherwise, magic can affect another person.

The words of the conspiracy in the photo are read three times a day: at dawn, evening and at sunset. You need to look directly into the eyes of the chosen one in the picture for the magic to work and say:

“Just as a servant of God (pronounce the name) cannot live and be without his shadow, so the servant of God (pronounce the name) cannot without longing for me, God's servant (pronounce the name). Walk, stumble, suffocate from longing. As the Sun goes across the sky, you still go along every road to me, God's servant (pronounce the name). My word is strong and stucco. Amen".

After the ceremony, the photos are kept closer to themselves. But outsiders should not see it. You can't bury photos in the ground. The ritual belongs to white magic and carries a positive.

Love spells are powerful. Their effectiveness lies in the power of the words and the faith with which they are spoken. If it is impossible to live without love, and there is a person with whom you want to be close, you need to mentally set yourself up for this. Before the ritual, in your thoughts you need to imagine the chosen one or look at his photo.

Strong faith in the actions performed can work wonders. And conspiracies for love will help set the desired object in the right way. They will push him to the right path. In rituals, it is allowed to invent words on your own. In the texts, you can express the desired attitude towards yourself. But it is better to use words that have been tested for centuries and use the help of the forces of light, nature and magic.

You can enhance the effect of spoken words using prayers. They help change existing reality at the energy level. Prayers and conspiracies contribute to the emergence of positive events in life.

Visitor reviews


And what moon to do?


Therefore, before pronouncing a conspiracy to love, one must think about whether it is really worth seeking love in this way and is it necessary to bind someone who does not reciprocate?

And in the first plot, can I take a photo from my phone?

Can I view photos on my phone?

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A conspiracy to return the love of a husband

Mutual understanding, support, love, passionate sex, respect - all these are the main components of a happy marriage.

It happens that even in strong alliance over time, feelings fade and even new sexy lingerie and a gourmet dish cooked for dinner do not give their results. In this case, next to her beloved, a woman feels like a stranger, lonely and abandoned.

This is a reason to think that something went wrong. If the husband has become cold, does not pay attention to you, is not interested in your successes and problems and lives only his own life, urgent measures must be taken. What can be done in this case? For many, they remain the last option for saving the family - conspiracies for the love of a husband that will help with new force rekindle old feelings.

Sincere feelings of the wife will return the love of the husband

The main condition for these conspiracies is really sincere love and the desire to return the location of a loved one.

A conspiracy to love a husband helps to regain lost passion and glue the family together even in the most seemingly hopeless situations.

But it must be remembered that they will only work when the spouse still has warm feelings. If you have turned into strangers - do not deceive yourself: not a single conspiracy will help.

Love will return after reading these lines

A very strong conspiracy to return love and fidelity of a husband to his wife is pronounced on tree branches. First you need to break seven branches from a female tree, for example, from a willow and from a birch, you will also need seven branches from a male tree, for example, oak, ash.

Breaking the branches, you need to pronounce the plot, and if everything is done correctly, the old feelings will return again.

Every woman wants to see an obedient husband, an exemplary father and a family man nearby, but not everything can always be as perfect as in romantic films. To get closer to the image ideal family and avoid everyday problems, use this conspiracy, it will return the former bright feelings.

A strong conspiracy to revive feelings is read on an ordinary pin. You should buy a new pin and wear it without removing it for 3 days. Attach it preferably with the head down under the clothes. After the expiration of 3 days, you need to read the text of the conspiracy on it, and after the ceremony, you should attach the pin in the same way (head down from the wrong side) to your husband’s clothes.

If this is not enough for you, you can use the most strong love spell- a photograph of her husband. But be very careful with him: karmic retribution may be too serious.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 18 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy on strong love wife to husband

Lord, Your will.

And may my wife, God's servant (name),

Loves me forever and ever.

How a baby cries without milk

So would my wife cry

Without me, God's servant (name).

I would suffer, miss

I didn't know the white light

Kissed scarlet lips

She hugged my shoulders.

Bless, Lord, her love for me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

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A wife's conspiracy for her husband's mistress The conspiracy quickly neutralizes the competitive side. It works only on the stated topic, that is, to neutralize your husband's mistress. The plot is read for salt with a lit candle and incense. Salt is thrown on the ground I speak

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A conspiracy (for a young wife) to purchase their own housing On Friday morning, you need to reach the nearest church, go around it three times clockwise, saying: God's house, strong house, may he be glorious forever. God lives in that house, and us, the servant of God (names),

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A conspiracy for a deceived wife (for her husband to return home) Kneel in the corner, facing the wall, and, bowing, read such a love spell: On the sea, on the ocean, on Buyan Island, A white-flammable stone lies, White, like a wife’s chest . The name of the stone is Alatyr, Alatyr, unknown to anyone. I will get up

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A conspiracy for a wife who is cheating on her husband If the husband knows that his wife is unfaithful to him, and he loves her with all his heart and does not want to part with her, then he can reason with his wife and improve family life with the help of a special conspiracy. Read it over food or drink, which

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The conspiracy of a young wife from any trouble After the wedding, the young wife needs to read such a conspiracy-amulet: I go out into the new oak canopy, The fenced yard is wide, I look along all roads, crossroads, I see clear stars from earth to sky. You, paths and crossroads,

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A plot for strong love Place three candles on a new white tablecloth. Then read a special plot three times in a row, extinguish one candle after each time. When all three candles are extinguished, tie them together, light them again and let them burn out to the end, putting them at

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 21 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A spell for strong love Put three candles on a new white tablecloth. The spell is read three times and after each time one candle is extinguished. When all three candles are extinguished, tie them together and light them again so that nothing remains of the candles. Chad, let the smoke out

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 34 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to remove a wife's hatred for her husband From a letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna. Writes to you an old man, mother of a 44-year-old son. I have one, and I love him madly and pity him. But he got a wife who literally words eat it. Everything is not like that for her. Eye on him

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of the Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy for a deceived wife to return her husband to the house Kneel in the corner with your face, read with a bow a plot for a love spell: At the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan lies a white combustible stone, white as the wife’s chest, the name of the stone is Alatyr, Alatyr , unknown to anyone. I will rise, the servant of God (name),

From the book Golden Manual of the Folk Healer. Book 2 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

On the strong love of a wife for her husband, Lord, Thy will. And may my wife, God's servant (name), love me forever and endlessly. As a baby cries without milk, so would my wife cry without me, God's servant (name). I would suffer, be bored, I didn’t know the white light, I would kiss scarlet lips, wash

From the author's book

How to remove a wife's hatred for her husband From a letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna. An old man is writing to you, the mother of a 44-year-old son. I have one, and I love him madly and pity him. But he got a wife who literally eats him. Everything is not like that for her. Eye on him

From the author's book

A plot for strong love Read on an even day on the new moon: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. On the sea, on the ocean, On the island in Buyan There are seventy-seven stumps, Those stumps have seventy-seven roots. Under the roots lies an old board, And under that board lies an evil melancholy. You,

From the author's book

From the author's book

To kindle the love of a wife for her husband Women are much less likely to leave their family than men, but nevertheless, there are not so few such cases when they leave their children and husband. According to these pullets (and sometimes mature ladies), they do this because of the loss of love for their husband. And many of them

From the author's book

Return the wife's love for her husband The sorceress must take the man out into the field at dawn and, putting her right hand on his shoulder, read this plot. You can do this without the man himself, it does not affect the result. They read in even numbers: I will become blessed. I'll go from home

From the author's book

On the love and fidelity of my wife I will stand without blessing, I will go without crossing myself, From the hut not by doors, From the yard not by gates. I'll go to the open field, wide expanse. In an open field stands And three, and two, and one demon: Bes Sava, demon-sorcerer, demon Asaul. I'll get closer, I'll go down. Do you hear

Love is a magical bright feeling, but it is it that often delivers the greatest pain and suffering. Everyone wants to feel the closeness of the second half, to be desired and loved, to be safe. But this is not so easy, because sometimes feelings arise for a person who simply does not notice this, thereby hurting them.

Does the guy not even look at you or is he dating someone else? It’s not so easy to just forget him, because you can’t tell your heart who to love and who not. What to do so that fate does not doom to hated loneliness?

Here love spells and conspiracies come to the rescue, which will give the desired effect when serious attitude and proper preparation. We will give the most popular and effective rituals that will save you in case of any difficulties of a personal nature.

In this article

When and how to make a love spell

Magic, along with faith, are good tools to achieve goals in love. supernatural powers change our existence and contribute to self-realization, because we are a symbiosis of the spiritual and mystical principles.

A conspiracy to attract love is a magical ritual that will kindle passion in the heart of a lover. Cause both a slight sympathy for you, and a strong all-encompassing love. It depends on how correctly you follow the rules when conducting a love plot.

To attract a man into your life and create a relationship with him means to create a psychic connection that is several times stronger than physical intimacy. It's very hard to destroy it. Even after parting with a person, you will remember him and constantly think about him. This will prevent the creation of new long-term relationships - it is incredibly difficult to leave love in the past. Do you feel something similar? Then it will be useful for you to go through the ritual of purification, and only by completely destroying the connection with former lover, start a new relationship and apply a conspiracy to attract men.

Need to know

Love is a great force, so do not forget about the dangers. Love conspiracies require knowledge and experience in order for everything to work out correctly, otherwise such manipulations will turn out to be worse for you. You should strive to awaken the feelings of your target, and not force you to love. It is fundamentally immoral to force a person to worship you.

You may be able to completely fall in love with a man with magic - a rich, kind handsome man, conduct a strong conspiracy to love a man, but this will not turn into a sincere and sincere relationship. Leave him the freedom of choice and you will be happy about it. He will probably be able to overcome the spell and fall in love with another girl, because real feelings are always stronger than fake ones. White magic is forbidden to be used to harm a person.

When starting the ritual, think again about the consequences. Do you really want to see this man next to you all your life? After all, if your feelings fade after a while or you fall in love with another, this person can ruin the whole own life unrequited pursuit of you. Under the influence of a strong conspiracy to love, a guy may develop aggression, he will not be able to understand and cope with his feelings.

In this video, Leah Nadel will teach you how to write a love plot on your own:

Give a chance to leave

Manipulating the happiness of another is one of the most unpleasant consequences of the misuse of white magic. Maybe it's better to let go of the person who absolutely doesn't love you and doesn't want to living together? This is especially true when your lover has already found his happiness and is immersed in the love and embrace of another woman. Be careful, otherwise it will look like a denial of the real reasons for the breakup.

Switch your attention to another man and cast a spell on him. New life with a new person - the right choice.

It happens that parting came due to your offensive mistake, and ex-boyfriend cannot forgive you. Then feel free to turn to white charms and apply a conspiracy to love.

Effective and easy conspiracy

The simplest of the rituals aimed at making a guy fall in love has the following specifics:

  • read at home during sunrise;
  • before starting, you need to read the prayer "Our Father";
  • have any new beautiful thing with you (jewelry, wallet or scarf);
  • holding in hand new thing, say the magic words.

God! As people wait, they wait for spring,
How red the sun is touched,
So it would be for me, God's servant (name),
The men, young and old, rejoiced.
They looked, admired, followed me
Old men, mature men,
Young fellows and beardless youths.
Accepted with honor, respected with honor,
Everyone got on their feet with me,
In conversations, the word was given,
They would come to have mercy on me.
The dream was kept kissing.
All words are keys.
All cases - locks.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Within a month you will meet a wonderful representative of the stronger sex. He will want to spend the rest of his life with you and will become a support in all endeavors.

A very strong conspiracy

From the most simple and harmless rituals, we gradually move on to more complex ones. This powerful conspiracy, which is almost impossible to remove, is based on an appeal to energy forces love. And whether or not to answer your requests, they decide on their own, and you cannot influence it. This rite also protects a woman, preventing her from being with a guy who will bring her misfortune in the future. If a higher power predetermine their happy family life, then the meeting will be.

No matter how you live on earth without light,
how not to wander in the void without legs,
so that the Servant of God (target name)
without the Servant of God (proper name) could not.
Be my soul mate
burn with teary eyes,
burn in soul and body,
and together we will rise above the heavens!

Safe white conspiracy at home

White magic is comparable to a push that is aimed at the thoughts and feelings of a person of interest to you. After the magical action the object will think about you and want to meet, and this is a good chance for the guy to confess his love.

During your daily morning routine, look at the water, smile at your reflection in the mirror, read the following words:

true owner,
slave (your lover's name)
cannot live without its shadow,
longing for me
your slave (your name) will not overcome.
Walk, stumble
suffocate from longing.
Like the sun in the sky
so are you with me
slave of the master (name of your beloved).

If you want to bring back the old passion in your relationship with your husband, take his shirt or t-shirt. It is important that he already has it, you can use the old or unnecessary one. Cut off the collar from her and burn it to the ground, while repeating these words three times:

What was the shirt on the body
such was the husband to his wife.

After reading the spell and getting rid of the collar, you seem to burn all the troubles and negative moments of life together. Peace and love will reign in your home again. The rest of the used clothes should be thrown away.

White conspiracy to love a beloved man

This text also serves to restore the relationship with the beloved. Perhaps life is killing you, or is he interested in another? Then do the following:

  • get up early in the morning, before dawn;
  • remove all your jewelry, including elastic bands and hairpins;
  • Open the window;
  • right hand take a brand new needle;
  • read the text.

I will stand at dawn
let me go out into a clean field
and I look into the clear sky -
and a sharp arrow flies through the sky.
So fly, you sharp arrow
in a zealous heart, in hot blood,
in the clear eyes of a servant of God (name).
So that he is a servant of God for me (name)
sox yes yearned always yes everywhere.
My will is firm
my word will be fulfilled.

After that, hide the needle where it will not be found by an outsider.

Conspiracy by photo

This rite, when performed correctly, performs three tasks:

  • piques interest;
  • then sexual attraction;
  • and finally, longing and desire to be with you.

The photograph must be recent, no older than two years. A love spell must be read three times a day - in the morning, at lunchtime, before going to bed. Holding a photo with your right hand, you need to fill up positive emotions and read:

Like a servant of God (name)
cannot live and be without his shadow,
so the servant of God (name) cannot
and without longing for me, God's servant (name).
Walk, stumble, suffocate from longing.
As the sun moves across the sky
so you go along every road to me,
God's servant (name).
My word is strong and stucco.

In this video, Magician Astarte will tell you about all the intricacies of a conspiracy from a photograph:

Gypsy conspiracy on bay leaf

The supernatural power of the bay leaf will help to conspire for mutual love:

  1. Write a wish on a piece of paper.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Imagine what you have planned - you are together, walking by the hand, kissing, etc.
  4. ignite Bay leaf by speaking the text.

By the power of the gods and the power of heaven,
the power of the universe and the power of miracles.
My wish came true.
As I ordered, so it happened!

Love spell for a drink

A powerful plot to find love is based on magical power saliva. Prepare a drink for your purpose, spit there, and he will definitely love you. Say the following words:

My saliva is strong.
Sweet is my saliva.
(name) you drink her sip,
even a sip.
She gets in the stomach
your belly.
And you will love me forever!
Forever and ever!
(name) you can’t live without me for a single day!
You are not a day!

Conspiracy for a thing

Conspiracies on clothes are effective, as you see it and can influence it energetically. She acts as a conductor between the performer and the object of desire. A conspiracy on a loved one's thing can be of three varieties:

  • the thing will be returned to him after the end of the ritual;
  • the thing will be destroyed;
  • new clothes will be a gift.

Choose clothes that will be worn regularly and are a favorite part of the wardrobe. Before giving a new thing, put the thing on the table, light three candles around, and say:

You take things from me
You give me your peace.
Between the light of day and the darkness of night
You won't be without me (name)
Happiness and urine. Amen.

Ancient spell for eternal love

Conspiracy on eternal love- one of the old love conspiracies created for people who are confident in their feelings. Usually used in relation to love for a husband / wife. To implement it, you need to stand knee-deep in water and read the text nine times:

In the world there is an entrance,
who will go through it
he will find my water.
I'll put it in my palm
servant of God (name of the beloved) right hand,
I bring on him eternal love for me
and longing, he will not wash away from himself,
will not dissuade, will not stop loving me,
will not forget (bow). Amen.

Then soak one of the beloved's things in this water, dry thoroughly in the sun and let the betrothed vilify.

Rite to find love from Stepanova

Natalia Stepanova's love plot to find a reliable man is done on Easter. It is necessary to decorate nine eggs, kiss everything in turn, and say the cherished words:

People love Easter
remember and appreciate maternal affection,
let men love me so much,
appreciate, follow me,
for the servant of God (name).
Christ is risen,
and the groom will come to me,
will marry me.
Let it be so.

A conspiracy for strong love without betrayal in the future

To avoid the betrayal of a beloved man and ensure a measured life without scandals and worries, you can use a conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova.

Pour into the basin cold water, bare your legs and stand in it. Read the text of the conspiracy and rinse your husband's thing in water, preferably a T-shirt or shirt. Dry and let it wear for one week.

There is an entrance on earth
whoever enters it
there he will find my water.
I will take the servant of God (name)
by the right hand
I will bring eternal love to me
boredom on him.
Won't wash away
don't answer him
don't stop loving me
and never forget (bow).
No matter how he eats
do not drink
in separation will be bored,
do not know peace, suffer.
I will become to him like bread and water,
clear sky and earth
I'll be sweeter than freedom
and relatives of the red blood.
(Name), give me your heart,
take my heart instead.
Mother earth, shut up
sister-water, help (bow).
You will follow me, (name).
The power of water below the foot (bow),
four stars above (bow).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Husband love spell

Do you feel that your relationship with your husband has cooled off, and he no longer looks at you the way he used to? Is love slowly but surely fading away? Are you afraid of his betrayal? Then return your relationship and add a spark to it with the help of a conspiracy that can be easily done at home.

If you had a wedding ceremony in a church, the effect will be incredibly powerful. If not, it's okay, you'll still be happy with the result. At midnight, open the window in your room and, looking at the moon, read three times in a half whisper:

I will stand on the threshold of the church
Yes, I will create a guardian for my family.
My dear husband (name),
give me your peace.
I'm standing in front of you
and behind my back is a holy protective icon.
I will bow to her and stand at the altar.
I gave to the slave (name)
your heart, your soul.
So now he would be jealous of me,
did not let go of himself.
Would love me, shore and caress.
As a mother suffers for her children,
so you will suffer for me,
love me and wait
and never change.
My word is strong, true.

Conspiracy to love a married man

Before conducting such a conspiracy, it is better to think five times if you want to take on sin and destroy someone's family. If you are sure that the chosen one is unhappy and the relationship with you will only benefit him, then feel free to proceed.

The text of the conspiracy must be memorized, light a black candle, and read late at night:

Falcon clear, (name),
flies around the world
Yes, I did not find happiness!
Fly, falcon,
set the table
become a true friend
Let's be happy for each other!
I crown Slave (name)
Slave (name) not for a day,
but for a century!
Black to black
light - to me!
Get the Slave (name) to me,
not the wife! Amen!

Attract one and only

The purpose of the ritual is to return the one who left you with a broken heart. The power of the conspiracy will increase even more when carried out in the early morning without prying eyes. Get up before dawn, pick a place in advance with large quantity flowers, for example, the garden behind the house. Ideal if there is no city bustle around. Stand in the direction of the sun so that it illuminates you from your face. Run your right hand across the grass and read the text.

Like dew from the sun
ascending evaporates,
yes it is destroyed
like dew from the first rays of the sun
starts to dry
so is the servant of God (name of the man) for me,
the servant of God (name) will begin to dry.
Let him know no more peace
neither at night nor during the day,
let there be no joy in his life,
not in work, not in walks, not in leisure.
May the servant of God (man's name)
always thinks of me
let me remember every minute.
I conjure you (man's name)
Lord God
Yes, all Orthodox saints.
I conjure you (man's name)
the day of the creation of the world.
happy birthday
I conjure you (man's name).
In the afternoon, when I finish my earthly path,
I will reject the joys and sufferings of the earth,
I conjure you (man's name).
With all the powers of heaven and earth
I conjure you (man's name),
all the spirits of light and darkness.
You be mine.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

In this video, Marina Sugrobova will share the Energy of Love exercise, which will help attract a loved one:

Conspiracy to attract a guy

A simple love spell is as follows:

  1. Take a piece of scarlet cloth and a ring with a ruby ​​stone (it does not have to be yours).
  2. Buy three church candles.
  3. In the middle of the night, with a new moon, place candles by the window and light them.
  4. Read the text of the plot, holding the ruby ​​ring.

Let them gather
good fellows for the bright holiday,
for the feast of Christ,
let from all sides
they are drawn to my house.
How they look at the Great holiday
on sacred crosses
yes, the poppies are beautiful,
Yes, the face of the Virgin is bright,
so on the servant of God ( given name) will look,
yeah, they can't get away.
I will seem to them more beautiful than the red sun,
purer than white silver.
Let it be so. Amen.

At the end of the ritual, wrap the ring in a cloth and hide it in a secret place.

For the love of a handsome guy

If you are in love with young man, communicate with him, but are afraid to confess your own feelings because he is incredibly handsome, then turn to white magic. Early in the morning, cast the spell and repeat the ritual for three days in a row:

I conjure, all the Higher powers,
to the Servant of God (name of the beloved)
forever united
with the Servant of God (proper name)
like that
how natural elements are connected
Fire, Air and Water with Mother Earth.
May the thoughts of my beloved
will always be directed to me,
like that
as always, the rays of the sun tend to the earth.
Let in his imagination
scenes are always present
our life together.
May every memory of me
fills his soul with joy and peace.

A strong conspiracy - for a guy to confess his love

Are your efforts to attract a guy going in vain? Does he not reciprocate? The solution will be to perform two actions - self-care and reading the conspiracy. First of all, try to take time for yourself and dedicate a day to cosmetic procedures. Get your hair and makeup done, or completely update your look. If the change of image does not impress him, then he will have to turn to a love ritual.

The main task is to quietly get a few hairs from the head of the betrothed. Then you need to do the following: light a fire (for example, in an old unnecessary plate), throw in some of your hair and his, and read the words three times:

fire of the Holy Spirit
set fire to our hearts.

Wait for the fire to burn out. Spread the ashes on the street and soon you will see the result.

Love plot for the betrothed

Probably every young girl thought about who she would fall in love with. If you can’t wait to find out his name, you can conduct a simple and effective conspiracy on your betrothed. To do this, write a text on a piece of paper. Then take two church candles, tie them up and light them. Set fire to the leaf and wait for the ash to form. Rub it in your hands and read aloud:

I'll get up before sunrise
I will leave the house
and go to the dark forests,
yes to rotten swamps.
And in those swamps there is a black bath,
Yes, the grandmother-brother lives in it.
And she has a stone stove,
and in that stove there is a copper bowl,
and in the bowl everything boils and burns,
burns and dries up.
So would the servant of God (name)
heart about me
seething in body and soul,
burned and dried up.
My word is strong
yes solid. Amen.

Soon you will find out his name or meet him in person.

In this video, the healer and psychic Vitaly Rozhkov will teach you a beautiful ritual for love “Two Candles”:

Conspiracy "bewitched heart"

This love plot involves the presence of a red candle, which is a symbol of feelings and love.

Spread out a white handkerchief and drip a heart shape on it with a lit candle. Fill the middle of the mold with wax. When it dries, write the name of your lover with a marker and stick the needle in the middle. Leave it there and hide the handkerchief from prying eyes. Throughout the process, read the text:

I'm not kindling the flame
and I call the soul of the beloved,
I'm not pouring wax
and I ask the body
I don't pierce my heart
I invite love into my life.
Let the soul and body unite
and they turn to the servant (s) of God (s) (name).
His (her) heart is filled with love,
the servant (s) of God (s) addresses me.

For affection and true love

The conspiracy guarantees love and freshness of relationships for those who have lost a loved one and want to return him. When attracting an ex to you with the help of magic, so that he falls in love with you without memory, consider a few rules:

  1. Faith in the power of magic.
  2. The object must remember you.
  3. Confidence in the end result.
  4. Reading a prayer in the early morning.

Your soul will fly like a bird
when you fall asleep.
She will fly to me
and sit on my pillow.
She will peck bread from my palms,
and drink water from my lips.
Your soul, (name),
knows me and is not afraid of me.
She is handmade for me.
So become you, (name),
when you wake up,
manual and not shy.
Lay your head on my shoulder
and smile at that happiness
which came.
Everything will be like this.
Everything will be fulfilled according to my word.

A conspiracy so that a loved one loves even more

When you have a strong and sensual relationship with a man, various obsessive thoughts always arise: what if he falls in love with another, who is this girl from work, why does his ex write to him?

Go to church and get six candles. Put three of them right there for health, take the rest home. And also buy a new needle. Holding it in your hands, read the text of the plot. Extinguish one candle after each reading.

O Almighty Lord,
I beg You for a deep request.
Make a high wall
make a deep hole
and a thorny fence
longing viscous
create mortal.
Close there Lord servant (name),
so that he doesn't leave me
and found no other woman.
Lock it with a key
take the key for yourself.
Help me Lord
God's faithful servant (name).
And until that lock is opened,
the slave (name) cannot stop loving me.

Ritual for bad weather

You can use the above love conspiracies, or you can use well-known Orthodox prayers. The Bible says that if you ask, you will surely receive.

In this case, your chosen one must be exclusively single and not think about another woman, otherwise the prayer will be meaningless. The ceremony must be performed during rain, snowfall or heavy thunderstorm. You must be alone in the room and cast the spell in a whisper:

Went to the church pop.
The wheel is rolling, spinning
under the feet of the ass rolls,
clings to the skirts of his clothes.
Let it rush to me
servant of God (name),
throws itself at me
spinning around me in circles
like pop on an icon,
let him pray for me.
All saints help
Subdue the servant of God (name) to me.

With this video, the magician Anastasia will complement the theme of love rituals for bad weather:

Ritual at dawn

One of the conspiracies for a loved one, which will help you easily conquer your goal, requires the following conditions:

  • be on the street or stand at an open window;
  • the time of the young Moon;
  • early morning, dawn;
  • repeat twelve times daily.

I conjure
to (name of lover)
became one with (proper name) in the same way,
how the four elements of the earth are united,
to thoughts (name of the beloved)
were only about (proper name),
how the rays of the sun rule
The light of the world and its virtues.
Make it so that (name of lover) cannot
eat, drink, enjoy life
without (proper name).

The object of your magic ritual will feel the desire to be near you after the twelfth day of reading.

ritual for love

To conduct a ceremony to help attract love, you will need to do:

  • take one large pink candle and three small ones;
  • write affectionate nickname for the future guy;
  • relax and isolate yourself from worries and problems;
  • write the name of the Gebo rune on the largest candle;
  • focus on imagining your ideal partner;
  • light one of the smaller candles and wait for it to burn out;
  • repeat this two more times;
  • after the ritual, put a large candle on the windowsill.

From this video you will learn how to perform a love ritual using tarot cards:

Amulet for a dream

Your love rituals will be more effective if you make an amulet. It will be designed to attract not a specific young man, but an ideal option for you. For the correct manufacture of the amulet, you must:

  • red, white and green ribbons;
  • a small branch of an apple or pear tree;
  • candle (red or pink shades);
  • red sheet of paper, pen.

Come up with a name or affectionate name for your future partner. Write it on the candles with a marker and light it. Write your own name on a piece of paper. Imagine the desired image of your lover and braid all the ribbons into one braid. Tie a leaf with it, glue a twig with wax. Hang the finished amulet in a visible place, preferably above the bed, and expect good luck in your relationship.

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