The effect of cocaine on the physical and psychological state of a person. Cocaine without snot. An unbiased study of white powder

According to the Ministry of Health, “only” 58 people in Russia use cocaine - a hundredth of the number of registered drug addicts. And in society, "coke" is sometimes perceived as something frivolous, a kind of "fun for the elite." However, this "non-serious" drug has the same effect on the brain as Alzheimer's disease. What is the harm of cocaine and how to find out if he uses it close person or not?

Text: Galina Diomidova

What is cocaine today

Cocaine is a drug in the form of a white powder or small crystals (aka crack). Most often, cocaine is inhaled through the nose, but inveterate drug addicts dissolve the powder and inject it through a vein into the bloodstream. Cocaine is one of the most dangerous drugs, as it acts directly on the receptors of the brain and very quickly causes an addictive effect. It is because of this that it is necessary to constantly increase the frequency of administration and dose. Cocaine use leads to death from respiratory failure, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage and heart attack.

Voted the best bass player of all time John Entwistle from legendary band The Who, died of a heart attack caused by taking cocaine ... Famous German director Rainer Werner Fassbinder died of a cocaine overdose when he was not even 40 years old .... Singer Whitney Houston, suffering from heart failure, accidentally drowned in the bathroom in 2012, as pathologists later established ....

But this is the final. And in the interval between the first dose and the sad outcome, there is a time of suffering for the relatives of the addict and his own ordeals.

In slang, cocaine is called: coke, coconut, Aunt Nora, ball, frost, refined sugar, coke, si, Charlie, coca, dust, loose powder, plague, snuff, paradise, sneeze, sniff, snow, fun, white.

cocaine and teenagers

The drug trade brings huge profits. According to statistics from the State Drug Control Service, Russians annually spend about $10 billion on the purchase of cocaine and other psychostimulants. Therefore, it can be assumed that there are many more cocaine addicts than are registered with the Ministry of Health.

Teenagers are the most "fertile" audience for the distribution of forbidden powder. The desire to “become cool”, “to be no worse than others”, “to try what it is” are the main reasons that encourage children to get involved in drugs. But teenagers also have internal problems growth, their sorrows and sorrows, their insoluble problems in their opinion ... And the drug dealers are already right there. They will "help" and "cheer up", and "turn your life into an endless party."

According to experts from the "City Without Drugs", the most vulnerable to drug traffickers are:

1. Boys 10-16 years old, whose parents divorced, and their mother has a new man.

2. Girls who are in love with drug addicts or drug dealers, who get them hooked on drugs.

Why do people take drugs

To keep up with others

To relax and unwind

To deal with boredom

To look older

As a protest

To try

People think that drugs will alleviate, if not solve, all problems. But over time, the drug itself becomes a problem, and much more serious.

What should alert family and friends

Lie. In order to get money for a dose, the addict is forced to lie and get out all the time, piling up mountains of the most fantastic lies. Life forces him to be a good psychologist, and he knows that the bolder the lie and the more naive the expression on his face, the greater the chance that they will believe him and give him money.

Circle of friends. The addict makes new friends who experience chronic lack of money. Things start to disappear from the house.

What does a beginner drug addict experience?

1. Euphoria, he has no apparent reason mood improves dramatically. He becomes overly sociable and talkative. Talkativeness leads to the fact that a person voluntarily tells others about what in his right mind he would prefer to remain silent.

2. A surge of energy. A stoned addict has the feeling that he is about to take off. I don't want to sleep at all. Physical possibilities seem limitless to him. However, experiments have shown that under the influence of cocaine, coordination of movements is sharply reduced. Hence falls and other life-threatening troubles.

3. Increasing mental activity. It seems to a person that all his abilities have been revealed, memory has improved, the ability to make decisions has sharpened. When the intoxication passes, it turns out that the supposedly learned knowledge has disappeared somewhere, and in general the person has done a lot of stupid things.

4. Overconfidence. A weak-willed person thinks that everything he does is right. Fortunately, the work started in a state of drug intoxication is never brought to an end. And, thank God, because it is rarely reasonable. Excessive self-confidence in this case is like a delusion of one's own grandeur and does not allow a critical attitude to one's own actions.

5. Strengthening sensory perception. The world is full of colors, sounds, smells. Like any psychostimulant, cocaine sensitizes the skin. Therefore, the drug addict very often experiences skin hallucinations - goosebumps and "worms crawling under the skin." At some stage, under the influence of the drug, a person may scratch himself until he bleeds in order to get rid of this “swarming and tickling”. The same happens with the rest of the senses. At first, a person sees not what is, accepting, for example, toothbrush for a knife, a stranger for close relative. And then it comes to hallucinations, when knives and killers seem to be everywhere

6. Excitability and imbalance. Having taken "coke", the addict is in an elevated and blissful state, which can instantly be replaced by irritation and aggression. The addicts themselves say that it is better not to touch the cocaine addict "high". He can give a completely inadequate aggressive reaction.

7. The need to repeat the experience of intoxication. First, one dose, then another, then another and another ... But it is important to understand that a person can get the full range of pleasure only with the first use of cocaine. The desire to repeat it leads to an increase in the dose and frequency of taking the drug. This is one of the main mechanisms for the emergence of mental dependence.

sign of cocaine addiction

It is possible that one or two uses of cocaine will not lead to addiction. Some consumers even claim that "coke" can be consumed all your life and not be addicted. However, according to narcologists, addiction occurs much earlier the stage when the cocaine addict begins to skip work and, for the sake of money for a dose, sell things from home and steal. When cocaine begins to occupy the main place in a person's thoughts, when he builds all his plans (for the evening or for rest) around the drug, and is the main sign of addiction.

Why is cocaine dangerous?

Cocaine and other drugs are essentially poisons. The effect of a drug is determined by its quantity. A tiny dose accelerates the processes occurring in the body, stimulates them. Dose a little more - slows down, soothes. A little more - and the dose can kill.

But there is another problem. Cocaine directly affects the mind, distorting the perception of the world around. As a result, human actions become inadequate, irrational, meaningless and even destructive.

As it turned out, the structure of the brain of drug addicts addicted to cocaine is different from the brain ordinary people, in particular, the reduced size of the cerebellar tonsil. This "miniaturity" affects their ability to analyze possible consequences their actions. By the way, scientists have also found similar deviations in people suffering from manic depression and Alzheimer's disease.

Consequences of using cocaine

Loss of appetite

Increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, temperature

Narrowing of the blood vessels

dilated pupils

restless sleep



Strange, erratic, sometimes dangerous behavior

Hallucinations, overexcitation, irritability

Tactile hallucinations (worms crawl under the skin)

Euphoria (extremely cheerful attitude to the world around)

Painful anxiety, suspicion, fear


The strongest need for a new dose of the drug

panic, psychosis

An overdose, even a single dose, can lead to convulsions, respiratory arrest, and unexpected death.

Side effects and long-term effects

Irreversible damage to the blood vessels of the heart and brain

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Rehabilitation of drug addicts / Narcological clinics

Signs of coke use - how to identify?

Many try the drug out of curiosity, in pursuit of interesting sensations. Entertainment show stars use cocaine to boost their performance.

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Top 10: Drugs and their effects.

Cocaine, cocaine use and consequences.

He lived for his own pleasure and never worried about anything until he tried cocaine, yes, yes, that very real coke. At first I liked it, there were such unreal feelings, but unfortunately then trouble happened. The result is achieved without any unpleasant side effects characteristic of alcohol exposure. The consequences of methamphetamine use include: Treatment of alcoholism in a hospital Withdrawal from binge Coding for alcoholism Rehabilitation of alcoholics Compulsory treatment for alcoholism. At first I liked it, there were such unreal feelings, but unfortunately then trouble happened. The effects of cocaine are much worse, they cause great damage to the health of the user.

Powdered cocaine - commonly known on the street as "coke" or "hit" - dissolves in water. What's good about cocaine "high"? People who use cocaine often describe the feeling of euphoria as. Smoking or injecting cocaine results in an almost instantaneous effect. Stimulating this area of ​​the brain with cocaine feels good. The sooner the awareness of the problem and the desire to be treated comes, the higher the likelihood of a return to normal life. For receiving detailed information click on the banner Coca, Cocaine and Crack Cocaine is a purified extract from the leaves of the coca bush Erythroxylum. It manifests itself as a withdrawal syndrome, which we will talk about a little later. This term first appeared among drug addicts, but then it became almost medical term. The world is full of different delightful colors. Smoking crack cocaine irritates the lungs and, in some people, causes permanent lung damage. Chronic use of cocaine can lead to impaired sexual function in both men and women. A person may try to find the next dose when this is not possible, the addict is seriously thinking about suicide. Drug use significantly affects the behavior of an addicted person. It begins to seem to him that he has new, previously unknown abilities.

What effect do people get from using cocaine. Cocaine is a powerful psychogenic stimulant, providing a temporary euphoric sensation and a feeling of amazing mental clarity. The withdrawal from cocaine can last for several days. It has never been more accessible. And low price made caffeine more accessible than ever. Experienced drug addicts have a neglected look - they stop following. At first I liked it, there were such unreal feelings, but unfortunately then trouble happened. Opium Opium is a resinous drug obtained from latex by incising the immature seed pods of the opium poppy Papaver somniferum. Demian evaluates his stocks. But they are denied access to the club and must go home.

We offer a comprehensive treatment "a complete product for getting rid of cocaine addiction" - contacting a drug treatment clinic with a guarantee of anonymity and the choice of any treatment program!!!

An integrated approach to the treatment of cocaine addiction

Every cocaine lover sooner or later comes cocaine waste - cocaine withdrawal. When you lift your spirits artificially, where the effect is primarily noticeable in the form of a strong emotional upsurge, the reverse state also occurs, which is characterized as a cocaine withdrawal or a deep emotional hangover: withdrawal from cocaine.

At first, the withdrawal from cocaine is nothing more than a little apathy, fatigue and a lack of interest in what is happening in life, but as soon as it forms psychological dependence from cocaine, then write wasted !!!

Getting rid of cocaine waste

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Cocaine waste: stages of manifestation and symptoms

If the first use of cocaine does not cause serious changes in the psyche and practically does not affect the physical level, then this does not at all indicate the safety of taking cocaine from time to time. Such thoughts have ruined a huge number of people who treated drugs lightly, and did not see anything wrong with cocaine, naively believing that cocaine is for the elite, and a pure drug has no side effects at all. Single use of cocaine causes:





Of course, who can be afraid of such a state? The usual hangover, no one thinks what it is initial stage cocaine waste. Everyone chalks it up to sleepless night in a club or for an additional source of pleasure - alcohol. If it’s bad, then you don’t want to think about cocaine waste at all, but it’s better to write off this state as a waste from alcohol, which was plenty mixed with cocaine.

Having tried to get rid of cocaine waste with cocaine or a new dose of alcohol, you will experience a new upsurge in mood, and the physical state will get better, but you must remember that this is a temporary phenomenon, and with each time this withdrawal of cocaine waste will get worse and worse. The body will no longer cope on its own, and the doping agent will turn into a medicine and become a way of life.

Remember how alcoholics get drunk, because they were not going to become them, but .... At first glance, a harmless prank, well, who didn’t fool around in their youth, and I want to try the forbidden fruit at least once. By the way, not everyone agrees with such thoughts. It may also be a genetic predisposition to addiction, and if you are prone to addiction, then you yourself will not notice how tightly you get addicted to cocaine, but regular dropper with cocaine waste, it will no longer be an assistant for you.

  1. depression

    Tired of life



  2. Psychological attraction to new doses

    Destruction of the nasal septum

    Sleep disturbance

    Probability of a heart attack

It's not even the main complete list signs of cocaine withdrawal, with each new day of cocaine addiction will become worse. Cocaine wastes will push you to new doses and soon you won't be able to deal with coke wastes on your own.

If you have taken up the practice of removing coke on the principle of "a wedge with a wedge", then be prepared for the fact that serious changes in the psyche will soon come, as the central nervous system suffers and will begin:

  1. Nervous breakdowns

    Accompanying illnesses

Slowly but surely, you become a strong psychological and physical addiction, and the initial withdrawal from cocaine will be baby talk before what you get in the end. In addition to this, a concomitant addiction to alcohol may develop, and for a particularly addicted category to high and heroin addiction, since “the soul requires the continuation of the banquet”

If you are not ready for what cocaine waste will be for you " faithful companion life” and a new dose of an antidepressant and a psychophysical drug, then you will have to undergo drug treatment or prevention.

How to move away from cocaine - cocaine withdrawal

Today there are many safe ways to restore the condition and get rid of cocaine withdrawal.

Cocaine withdrawal is a poisoning of the body, in which the normal functioning of the body is disrupted. Anonymous drug treatment clinic solve this issue at the very a short time and the help of a psychologist will help restore emotional condition. You should not move away from cocaine by using new doses or alcohol, as in this way you will aggravate the situation and further treatment will become problematic.

You can move away from cocaine with a 100% guarantee of anonymity and it is not necessary to go to a clinic to relieve withdrawal from cocaine, because this can be done on an outpatient basis and clean the blood without a hospital stay in narcology.

We will professionally remove all the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal, get rid of cocaine withdrawal and return you to normal health, but then everything will depend on you, it is you who will have to make a choice in favor of changing your life and habits or return to drugs and again experience the painful state of cocaine withdrawal.

Cocaine withdrawal?

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Withdrawal from cocaine: symptoms and signs

Breaking from cocaine - can last up to three weeks and manifest itself not only in physical pain, but in psychological oppression, thoughts of a suicidal nature and a terrible depressive state can occur. Do not fight cocaine withdrawal on your own - use anonymous and professional help.

Cocaine, what is it? It is a white powder that looks like snow. Essentially, cocaine is an alkaloid that is extracted from the leaves of the coccus plant, or Eryhoxylum coca. This plant is the most ancient remedy known to mankind with a potent stimulating effect on the psyche.

The strongest effect of cocaine in the form of a specific intoxication occurs when cocaine is inhaled through the nose. The most interesting thing is that when cocaine is inhaled, fatal overdoses, specific psychoses with delusions of persecution and aggression do not occur. It is necessary to cleanse the body after using cocaine or cleansing after cocaine.

Cocaine is an expensive drug, so it is more often available to rich people. In Russia, everything happens exactly like this, but in the States cocaine is more common, so most often there is no pure cocaine, and on the "black markets" you can find a drug with impurities.

Cocaine has become so beloved by the artistic and athletic elite for its tonic and narcotic effects. And the mechanism of action is due to the effect on neurotransmitters: dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin. As a result, the passage of the impulse is accelerated, but the amount of the neurotransmitter decreases. Euphoria and mental dependence are due to the blocking of dopamine transport in the central nervous system. In addition to mental arousal, tachycardia, shortness of breath, increased pressure, sweating, and dilated pupils are noted. With prolonged use: sleep disturbances, insomnia, nausea and headache, frequent runny nose and nosebleeds, irritability, tremor, psychosis and depression, there may be hallucinations, suicidal tendencies and the development of arrhythmias.

Cleansing from cocaine

In the treatment of cocaine hyperexcitation, a detoxification procedure is used (cleansing the body after using cocaine) with the use of concomitant reparations, as well as symptomatic treatment in the form of stopping a hypertensive crisis and arrhythmia attacks. And in the treatment of cocaine addiction - psychoanalysis with a simultaneous complete cessation of drug use. The detoxification procedure can be carried out both in the hospital and at home.

The doctor will carry out a procedure for cleansing the body of cocaine (detoxification), if necessary * apply sedatives and sleeping pills, diagnose the work of the heart and the body as a whole. After the necessary procedures and the use of medical preparations, you will feel the long-awaited relief and calmness, your heart rate and blood pressure will return to normal, if necessary * You will slowly fall into sleep. The service of a narcologist for cleansing the body after using cocaine is completely anonymous, professional doctors certified and licensed, which confirms the professionalism of our actions in providing the first medical care.

* Additional use of sedatives and sleeping pills discussed with the attending physician during the detoxification procedure.

cocaine overdose

An overdose of such strong drugs as cocaine causes not only delusional states with hallucinations, but also often causes severe cardiac arrhythmias, up to complete cardiac arrest. In this case, respiratory arrest does not occur gradually, which is less dangerous, but suddenly. If you find a complete absence of breathing in a person who has used cocaine, the first thing to do is check his pulse. It is best felt on the carotid artery, which is located on the side of the neck, just below the tonsils, but first determine its location in your home, so it will be easier for you to navigate. If you are convinced that there is no pulse or breathing, urgently call an ambulance, and while it is on the way, without wasting time, start doing artificial respiration and closed heart massage. It is necessary to cleanse the body after using cocaine or cleansing after cocaine.

Closed heart massage:

You should put a person who has used cocaine on a flat and hard surface, in order for the head to fall back and the mouth to open, be sure to place any fabric tightly rolled into a roller under the shoulders. Next, with a full swing, apply two strong blows fist on the chest just above the solar plexus, approximately at the level of the fourth intercostal space. If this does not help, continue massaging the impact site in the following way: fold your palms one on top of the other and with sharp jerks with the bases of the hands, applying the weight of your body for this, continue the massage. At the same time, the shocks should be not only strong, but also frequent, about one push per second, and also alternate heart massage with artificial respiration in this way, two breaths, then 15 pushes. Even if your attempts at resuscitation fail, continue to massage until the ambulance arrives, in no case stop and slow down, so you can keep a person with a cocaine overdose alive for more than half an hour.

Today, cocaine is one of the most widespread and dangerous drugs. The use of this substance leads to serious addiction, degradation, and also destroys all the functions and systems of the human body. Death from a heart attack as a result of an “overdose” of a drug or a suicide attempt is what cocaine smells like.

How does cocaine work? How to recognize an addict who uses this substance, and what are the health consequences of using cocaine? We will talk about all this in detail below.

Cocaine is a fast-acting drug, but cocaine's effect is short-lived

The drug cocaine has vegetable origin. It is obtained from the leaves of the coccus plant, scientific name which is Erythroxylum. coccus grows in tropical forests southern part of America. The plant is a powerful alkaloid and, penetrating into the body, has powerful impact on human mental activity.

Aboriginal people who inhabited the area South America, used erythroxylum as early as the 3rd century AD. e. The leaves of the plant were chewed by men going on military campaigns and messengers who needed to overcome a long distance, coccus gave them endurance and endowed them with strength and dulled the feeling of hunger. Servants of the sacred cult used the leaves for rituals, and also brewed decoctions to raise the mood of the people.

But despite all this, the use of erythroxylum was not widespread. The widespread use of cocci as a narcotic substance arose thanks to the Spaniards, who captured the territory of present-day Peru. Slave owners encouraged slave laborers on plantations with the leaves of the plant. They kept full control over the cultivation and sale of cocci. By the end of the sixteenth century, the drug trade brought in huge amounts of money. At least eighty percent of the people who inhabited Peru were related to the drug trade.

The plant was brought to Europe by the traveler and explorer Amerigo Vespucci. The leaves were used as a narcotic until the nineteenth century. At the same time, a pure substance was obtained from the leaves, which was called cocaine.

Initially, cocaine was widely used for medical purposes. As a local anesthetic, a powder was used, which was applied externally, but soon other substances appeared that did not have such frightening consequences. Orally, the substance was used to improve mood, increase vigor and reduce fatigue.

The drug gained great popularity thanks to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. He himself was a cocaine addict and recommended it to patients and acquaintances. With the help of cocaine, he tried to cure depression, nervous and mental disorders, as well as problems with potency. Thus, by the end of the nineteenth century, this substance was used quite widely.

It is worth mentioning that the composition of the now popular Coca-Cola drink contained cocaine until 1906, hence its name.

Cocaine stimulates the cells of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system

A few decades later, reports of recorded cases began to appear. lethal outcome in connection with the use and overdose of cocaine. Scientific documents have appeared confirming the emergence of addiction, degradation of the personality and harm to the body. In one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, this drug was officially included in the list of prohibited drugs.

The next wave of popularity came in 1970. At this time, cocaine use became a sign high status. stars and public figures openly promoted drug use, creating a myth of a luxurious life with their behavior.

Today, about seventy percent of all cocaine produced is consumed in the Americas. This is characteristic in that the plantations with the plant are in close proximity. About 750 tons of cocaine are used annually around the world. In Russia, the drug has also become quite popular. During the last 5 years, the turnover and consumption of the substance has increased at least 10 times.

Cocaine is an elite drug that only the upper strata of the population can afford, but in reality the situation is different. Dealers sell the first doses at a small price, until the moment when a person becomes addicted, then the cost of the product increases many times over.

The effect of the drug

After the first use of cocaine, a person feels a strong pleasure, euphoria, he has energy and a surge of strength. It begins to seem to him that he has new, previously unknown abilities. But the properties of the drug are such that in order to experience the same sensations, the dose will have to be increased.

cocaine has high tolerance and very quickly ceases to be so pleasant

What does the addict experience?

When using a substance, the addict experiences the following symptoms:

  1. Euphoria. After taking a dose, the addict experiences a rush positive emotions, the mood improves significantly, he laughs a lot. The person becomes sociable, open. A cocaine addict, under the influence of a substance, can reveal those details from his personal life that it is reasonable to keep secret.
  2. brain activity. Under the influence of a drug, it seems to a person that his mental abilities have significantly increased, his memory has improved, any task can be solved in a matter of moments, superpowers have appeared. But after the effect of cocaine wears off, all activity disappears without a trace.
  3. A surge of strength and energy. In a cocaine addict, after the next dose, he feels an incredible surge of strength, his need for sleep disappears, his physical capabilities seem inexhaustible. From the outside, it looks different. The user loses coordination in space, he loses his balance, falls. Attempts to do something are futile.
  4. Determination. The cocaine addict becomes extremely self-confident and all his actions are correct. They do not take criticism from others. But in a state of intoxication, drug addicts cannot finish what they started, otherwise actions and deeds, supplemented by megalomania, could lead to extremely unpleasant consequences.

What's Really Happening

The effects of cocaine are much worse, they cause great damage to the health of the user. Consider the effect of cocaine on the body of an addict:

  1. Vessels begin to actively contract.
  2. The body temperature rises, the pulse, heart rate and breathing become more frequent.
  3. Gag reflexes are blocked.
  4. With an increase in dosage, convulsions, trembling in the limbs are observed.
  5. Overdose is characterized by respiratory depression, which can lead to death.
  6. Prolonged use leads to changes in the structures of the brain, seizures similar to epilepsy can be observed.
  7. There is a loss of appetite, as a result, the addict is rapidly losing weight, the body is depleted, a lack of vitamins and essential elements begins.
  8. Regular use of the substance leads to the emergence of psychosis, depression, persecution mania, visual and auditory hallucinations appear, paranoia develops, the addict loses motivation and interest in life. The result of all this is a suicide attempt.
  9. Inhalation of cocaine leads to damage to the nasal mucosa, ulcers and bleeding occur.
  10. The combination of the substance and alcohol can lead to cardiac arrest.

When the substance is inhaled, signs of cocaine use appear after a few minutes and last for thirty minutes, in rare cases, the duration can be up to a couple of hours. The duration of the symptoms depends on the quality of the substance and the length of time the addict has been in. Over time, the addict develops cocaine addiction, the doses increase, and the duration of the “high” decreases.

Regular use of cocaine can lead the addict to lose the sense of reality

Signs of use

Cocaine addict can be calculated by outward signs. Addicts change behavior appearance becomes unkempt, they are overconfident, etc.

external symptoms

The following signs may indicate that a person is "sitting" on cocaine:

  • dilated pupils;
  • pale skin;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • increased heart rate and faster breathing;
  • chills;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • persistent viral and infectious diseases;
  • constant runny nose;
  • tremor of the upper and lower extremities;
  • hyperactivity;
  • wandering glance;
  • frequent nosebleeds.

Long-term use leads to the fact that the addict has convulsions and seizures, he rapidly loses weight, and his appearance becomes sloppy. The whites of the eyes are often red due to constant lack of sleep and insomnia. The cocaine addict feels like insects are crawling over him and biting him, because of this he combs the areas skin till blood.

Psychological symptoms

Drug use significantly affects the behavior of an addicted person. The following signs are especially dangerous:

  1. Unreasonable laughter, elevated mood, a feeling of happiness and euphoria.
  2. A person believes that everything is permitted to him, he is narcissistic, proud, talks a lot.
  3. going on abrupt change moods: carefree laughter can be replaced by bouts of aggression.
  4. The addict may talk to objects that do not exist or hear things that do not exist.
  5. Appetite almost completely disappears, chronic insomnia appears.
  6. After the effect of cocaine disappears, the person becomes irritated, lethargic.
  7. There are problems in the financial sector, a person can borrow money under various pretexts, and subsequently begins to sell things from home.
  8. The addict becomes secretive, lies a lot. When trying to find out something from him, he may break into a cry or in every possible way avoid the conversation.

Cocaine addicts need help narcologist doctor. Competent rehabilitation can give a chance for a full and healthy life.

The action of cocaine causes such side effects like hemoptysis, brochospasm, itching, fever, chest pain, lung

drug withdrawal

If the addict decides to stop taking the narcotic substance, he begins to be tormented by "withdrawal" or, more simply, "waste". The physical symptoms of withdrawal are: nausea, vomiting, severe headaches, fever, tachycardia, and pain in the muscles of the body. But the main torment to the addict is brought by psychological factors.

Psychological suffering is expressed in depression, depression, lethargy, the desire to protect oneself from everyone, to remain alone with oneself. A person may try to find the next dose when this is not possible, the addict is seriously thinking about suicide. Most of the cocaine addicts die precisely when they attempt suicide, during the drug withdrawal period. Only a competent psychonarcologist can get rid of withdrawal symptoms.

cocaine overdose

Despite the opinion of the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who assured that the fatal dose of cocaine is so high that it is not advisable to consider this issue, modern doctors and scientists do not question the harm of cocaine. In the course of research, it was found that the lethal dose of a pure substance is about one gram. And for the strongest cocaine poisoning, sometimes half a gram of powder is enough, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the duration of use. You can understand that a drug addict has overdosed on a substance by the following symptoms:

  1. The skin first turns pale, then cyanosis (cyanosis) appears.
  2. The body may shake with small tremors, convulsions and seizures as in epilepsy.
  3. Consciousness is confused, fainting may occur, a person is not able to answer even the simplest questions.
  4. The mucous membranes dry up, the addict appears intense thirst and dehydration.
  5. Body temperature rises up to 41 degrees.
  6. Chills or fever appears, all parts of the body are covered with cold sweat.

In the event of a drug overdose, the first thing that happens to the body is a sharp contraction of blood vessels, the heart muscle undergoes changes, a coronary spasm appears, which is characterized by acute pain near chest. Pressure surges are accompanied by ruptures of blood vessels in the body, which causes internal bleeding. Addicts often experience ischemia and stroke.

If you notice at least one of the above signs, you should immediately call an ambulance. Only emergency treatment can save the life of an addict. After all, an overdose of cocaine is very dangerous and often leads to the death of an addicted person.

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