As the director likes. How to please a man of a certain zodiac sign, an adult, married, his boss? How to Deal with a Boss You Like

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

It is clear that you do not want to please! It is much calmer just to work in good conscience, and to be appreciated for it, which would be expressed both in attitude and in salary. But there is never too much happiness, and if you are not very lucky with your bosses at a good job, well, you will have to learn to adapt. But as? Let's try to figure it out!

It sometimes seems to us that, according to common sense, professionalism, punctuality, and reliability, which you have plenty of, should be enough for the bosses to carry you in their arms! But this is a theory, and, in fact, bosses are people too, and, accordingly, each of them has his own set of whims, predilections and ideas about what is good and what they don’t like! Therefore, in order to please your particular boss, you must first understand what type he belongs to, understand his character and views.

If you are lucky and you got to a competent leader with a high professional level, then for him the main criterion for assessing your professional suitability will be specific deeds, non-standard solutions, good reaction, high efficiency and the ability to constantly learn. For a set of such qualities, you will be forgiven a lot - both some willfulness and minor errors.

A pedantic boss is not bad at all for business, because punctuality and accuracy do not harm anyone. But for creative people, these requirements will become truly disastrous, because many can work day and night and at the same time are not able to bring themselves to come to work exactly at the specified time. Here you have to choose - either put up with military discipline, or look for another job, or rather, another boss.

If your boss is a tyrant and despot, then, in order to please him, you need to demonstrate complete submission and obedience. If you resignedly listen to the reprimands, then you will be forgiven for all sorts of minor errors - and delays, and shortcomings in the work, and even the lack of creativity and fresh ideas. But if you show obstinacy, then all your talents will no longer be saved - dismissal is just around the corner!

For a boss who suffers from excessive democracy and wants to constantly be in the "thick of the people", your pedantry is completely useless, moreover, in general slight disregard for conventions, it will look like a challenge to everyone, including the boss. Yes, and your desire to work overtime, to the bitter end, no one will understand either.

If the main thing for your boss is to make a close-knit and friendly family out of the team, then you will have to work hard to demonstrate a rare livability, sociability, and friendliness. You will not be forgiven for causticity, a tendency to conflict, aggressiveness, intemperance in statements or intrigues.

A careerist boss who is constantly striving to rise somewhere, and where he himself does not always imagine, although he drags the whole team behind him - this is a heavy burden. You will have to forget about your plans and personal time, about your interests and your own opinion. All your time and energy will be devoted to achieving the highest goal. True, it is possible that the boss himself has a poor idea of ​​where he is leading. So, if you do not want to sacrifice yourself for tasks that are incomprehensible and unnecessary to you, draw your own conclusions.

Worst of all is the option of an incompetent boss with a bunch of inferiority complexes. Constant fear for his position pushes him to the dismissal and survival of all those who may be dangerous. And, of course, first of all, these are competent, proactive and self-confident employees. Want to keep your job? Be quiet, respectful, and completely inconspicuous in the workplace. Yes, do not forget to admire the business qualities and talents of your boss from time to time. He will definitely be informed, and you will have a certain margin of safety.

And what about those who cannot understand what type of boss they are? From the very first day of work, clearly define the scope of your duties and strictly fulfill them. This setting will make your positions invulnerable to any type of leader. And do not forget that you will need to observe polite subordination with superiors and be constantly correct and friendly in the team. At the same time, you should neither stay away nor get too close. And then - time will tell!

The boss is also a man. And what else! Yes exactly. Despite the fact that the boss (boss, owner) is a given from above, he consists of the same material as a mere mortal.

Everyone, of course, knows that any male boss is better than a female boss. Why? Yes, because a male boss will definitely notice a new hairstyle, a successful make-up, a fashionable blouse, and he will notice it differently than a female boss. He will notice this in your favor, noting to himself: “Hmm, but she’s nothing,” and the boss-grandmother said in two. But the most important advantage of a male boss is that he is a Man. Of course, because no matter how cool he is, he is a man, and you are a woman. But of all the possible options, it is flirting (an affair, romance, love forever and ever) with the boss, perhaps the most unpredictable and dangerous option. And if you lack adrenaline in your life to such an extent that you are ready to seriously take care of your boss, then ... I will not dissuade you, dear! This is one of the most proven ways to add spice and extreme to your life. Where are the survival races and mountaineering! Is it a danger compared to taming the boss boss! However, I must warn you that of all the types of men discussed in this book, it is the boss who is the most difficult to achieve and from this such a desired fruit. No, if it's just a light fling, a fantastic night out, and then an easy patronage of you in your service as a fee, then that's fine. By the way, easy protegezhenie service - this is an ideal payback for the night, no matter how fantastic it may be. Unfortunately, it often happens that after such a night you have to look for another job. Yes, such a reckoning is not uncommon. So I urge you again: think. Even a light fling with the boss is, let me tell you, playing with fire. And if you want a long, lasting relationship, marriage, I’m not afraid of this word, then this is one case from ... it’s better for you not to know this. But, actually, why can't this one case of... can happen to you?

What you need to know before...

“Taming” the boss is a responsible matter. And, like every responsible business, it requires serious preliminary preparation. "Who owns the information, he owns the world." Who is your boss? What do you need to know about it?

1. Banality, but you can't get away. Is he married? How long ago and how well? Long and hopeless? Recent and secure? Divorced? Never been married?

2. You need to look very carefully at your colleagues. It may well be that his relatives, friends, people who enter the house and so on work with you (and with him). Detractors need to be known by sight.

3. Very carefully, over a cup of coffee and a cigarette, ask a nice woman who has been working at the company since the day it was founded about the past “weaknesses” of the boss. Just be careful, because this long-standing "weakness" may be exactly that.

4. If you figured out all this, it's time to take a closer look at it.

5. This item is for especially advanced and serious people. It turns out that a person's blood type can tell a lot about a person. I am not kidding. Find out his blood type and become the owner of the most valuable information. So, blood group. There is no doubt that such techniques have a serious scientific basis, developed by professional psychologists and sexologists after a lot of research.

The first blood group usually occurs in people who, even if unconsciously, strive to literally seize leadership positions in everything, even in sexual partnership. At the same time, they are rather impractical, often able to “not see” what is happening with people close to them. They are more self-absorbed, often withdraw into their "shell" and cherish their own impressions and experiences. Nevertheless, among them you can find many sexually bright lovers who are ready to remain faithful to their chosen partner.

The second group, as a rule, is inherent in people of a completely different warehouse. Most often at heart they are pronounced conservatives, but no less often they carefully and skillfully hide it. This provision also applies to sexual relations, where they prefer to strictly adhere to traditional orientations and do not approve of innovations. Unless they bring these innovations to sex with a partner themselves.

These people are usually distinguished by a fine nervous organization and a highly developed intuition: they are able to sense in advance the betrayal of a partner that has not yet happened, when he is just thinking about it. But they themselves can change simply masterfully, deftly lulling the partner's vigilance. At the same time, they absolutely sincerely love and admire everyone with whom they have partnerships in sex, regardless of the duration of these relationships in time. Such people are always open to love and are often polygamous by nature, especially men.

The third group, according to researchers, is predominantly observed in eccentric personalities, or at least prone to shocking. They are able to go ahead to their goal, believing that its achievement justifies any means. In sexual relations, they are extremely selfish, capable, without looking at anything, to strive to get the object of their desire and often try to impress their partner with an unprecedented sophistication of sexual technology. They are great specialists in "sexual intuition of pleasure": passionate, extravagant, often on the verge of masochism or sadism, but invariably leading a partner to a violent orgasm and causing a desire to experience everything again. In the apt expression of one of the researchers, it is a "sex drug". Having got used to it, then it is already difficult to break away, but you can easily die as a person, becoming a pitiful toy in the hands of a sexual dictator or dictator.

The fourth group is not as common as the first three. Its representatives are usually distinguished by a gloomy, concentrated look, they are not too inclined to communicate, it is difficult to get along with people, but if you managed to win their trust and they bestow their friendship, you will get a very sincere partner in all respects.

Such people are often compared to a workhorse. They pull any cart, never experience feelings of shame in sex and are able to remain faithful for a long time. However, as they say, it can be extremely difficult to “rock” them, but if it can be done, then it will not seem enough later.

Compatibility of people by blood group

It is curious that in sexual terms, and in purely human qualities, people of different blood groups do not always blend well with each other. Studies of married couples have shown that the best combination is the first group with the second or third. In this case, complete harmony is easily achieved both in purely human and sexual relations.

Naturally, there are various deviations and exceptions from the general rule, but in principle they only confirm the general provisions.

Scientists consider the partnership of people with the second and third blood groups to be absolutely incompatible - here an explosive, explosive mixture is obtained, threatening a bloody drama. However, short-term sexual relations can significantly enrich both parties and bring them many joyful moments. You just need not to get too carried away and try to find the strength in yourself to stop in time, wishing each other all the best.

The fourth group is incompatible with the first - these people will simply "eat" each other, but with representatives of the second and third blood groups, people with the fourth group will be able to find complete understanding. "Workhorse" and "sexual drug" perfectly complement each other both in everyday life and in sexual partnerships, and the sociability and easy disposition of the second group help dispel the gloom of the fourth and are able to understand and appreciate its sincere sincerity.

Take an interest in the blood type of your chosen one - perhaps this will save you from many disappointments, including in bed.

Here I must make a digression. Chiefs are different. The smart ones and the not-so-smart ones, the dictators and those who think they're democrats, the workaholic nerds and darlings. In order to "hook" it, it is necessary to know what type it belongs to. It is simply necessary to choose the right strategy and competent tactics, which should ultimately lead you to triumph. Let's do it again: "Any man can be mine if I really want to"! Every morning, ten times, standing in front of the mirror, with confidence, and down with all doubts!

Leaders are primarily men. What are they

Any, even the most strict boss, first of all, is still a man. What does it mean? This means that you should approach him (or rather, to tame him) first of all as a man, and only then correct your actions. Male bosses are a diverse category. This type of men is divided into many subspecies. Just like all men, they are Supermen, Don Juan, Family Men, Companions. Since the Chief (boss, owner) is primarily power, then all the qualities inherent in men of this psychosexual warehouse are hypertrophied among the bosses. Read carefully the description of these subspecies and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Subspecies first. Superman.

Superman is a heroic man. This type is easily recognizable by the “pumped up” biceps and triceps, loud, confident voice, direct, frank look and the habit of shamelessly looking at the interlocutor. He is absolutely confident in himself and his own irresistibility. A woman, in his personal opinion, plays an insignificant role in his life. However, Superman is attracted by the bright female beauty, the inviting forms and the sexual appeal of a woman. Be refined and elegant, but try to make Superman feel especially irresistible in your presence. It is very important to stand the line - to show him that you are interested in him, that you are simply amazed by the brilliance and attractiveness of this man, but at the same time, it is not necessary that because of this he creates the illusion of your availability. You are still a nut, let him not doubt.

Superman's weak point is flattery, which he succumbs to easily and willingly, he simply craves it. Flatter him properly, in the way that he needs - subtly, but boldly, so that at first he is surprised at how correctly you see and understand him, and then melted away, and consider that a start has been made. Superman draws attention to bright, but always stylish clothes, bold, but not vulgar make-up, strong fragrances, and, of course, admiration for himself, his beloved. Give him everything he needs, and then ... have a light romance with one of your colleagues. Nothing serious, it's just that a woman like you can't help but be liked by men. Most likely your Superman will start to get nervous. This is what you need. Be equal with him, friendly, do not forget to periodically remind him of his attractiveness and irresistibility, but leave work with the “bait”. There is nothing more terrible for Superman than the realization that this beautiful woman, who so recently was completely in his power (ha-ha-ha!), is no longer his. He will start to act. With proper behavior, achieving the final result is a matter of time. And he will definitely stop his confident look at you.

Second subspecies. Don Juan.

Don Juan is a noble womanizer, forever in love with some woman, which does not interfere with the performance of his official duties at all. Be that woman. How to get his attention? Don Juan are convinced that they are doing honor to another chosen one, seeking her favor. They are confident in their victory. Therefore, dear, do not notice him. Be cheerful, sociable, but even with everyone. Don’t single him out with anything, well, if you just give a little credit to his ability to lead (yes, nothing human, so to speak ...). A man of this type lives from one hobby to another, is used to constant interest in his person from the opposite sex, and the fact that his charms go unnoticed by a woman (you, of course!), Will intrigue him. Pauses in his hobbies are minor, so it is necessary to "be at the right time in the right place" when he is looking for a new, more attractive or just a different type of woman. Constancy is unnatural for a man of this type. He can only be taken with his own weapon.

Since the womanizer has a solid experience of communicating with women, it is necessary to act quickly, with all determination, not to give him time to think, comprehend what is happening. The strength and speed of the onslaught that falls on the handsome man, making it impossible to resist.

Don Juan is attracted by the romantic picture and is put to flight by the presentation of any demands AND claims against him. Softer, dear, you, of course, respect his right to freedom, but you also value yours. Most likely, he will start by challenging your rights, drag him into a lawsuit, the claw is bogged down - the whole bird is abyss. And he will definitely stop his admiring glance on you.

Subspecies third. The Conqueror.

For him, the whole point of a relationship is to seek the love of a woman. No romance, I came, I saw, I conquered. Do not try to surrender to the Conqueror without a fight, he will immediately lose interest in you. This type can be easily recognized by his endless use of the word "I". He is prone to boasting, constantly demonstrates his advantages, excels in wit, loves to shine with his erudition, intellect, his extensive connections (which sometimes really happens). If he remembers something from his childhood, then about the fact that his mother loved, of course, more than anyone else in the world, that he was the smartest, or the most obedient, or the most hooligan, but the most, Give him the opportunity to show all your virtues, admire him, marvel at his abilities and knowledge.

In order to please the Conqueror, you must also emphasize your own achievements - whether in the professional field, in public recognition, unobtrusively hint (it’s better, after all, that friends or colleagues do it for you) about your victories and broken hearts that pave your way . Showing some interest in the Conqueror, you must immediately pretend that he is very interesting to you as a person, but, in general, almost indifferent as a man. Or not indifferent? You haven't figured it out yet.

If a woman loves to play herself, if she is attracted to the thrill of risk in a relationship, if she does not get tired of the stormy variety every day, the Conqueror is the man she needs. Are you just such a woman? Then go ahead! And he will definitely stop his demanding gaze on you.

Subspecies fourth. Tradition Keeper.

Such a man is not necessarily quiet and calm. But it always feels a certain stability and conservatism. Let him tell everything about himself: what order was established in his own family, tell about his mother, about what dishes she cooked on weekdays and holidays. It is advisable for you to listen to him with great attention and emphasize that you are a wonderful hostess, a very economical and comfortable woman, that for you your family is the main value in life. Tell your chosen one that you, without hesitation, will quit any prestigious job for the sake of peace and tranquility in the house. It will blow him to pieces. But don't let that scare you. The Keeper of Traditions is not so much interested in your refusal of career aspirations as your consent to do so. In the struggle for the heart of the chef-keeper of traditions, the brought pies baked by you personally are very effective. Treat everyone, and he will definitely stop his thoughtful look at you.

Subspecies fifth. Companion.

For this type of men, personal life is a continuation of work. Most likely, he will tell you all the time about his profession, emphasizing not so much his achievements as his constant, daily work. Such a man needs, first of all, an assistant, a comrade-in-arms, a fighting girlfriend. It is for such men that the wives often become house secretaries, perform auxiliary work in the Big business that the man is busy with. Offer the Companion something to reprint, rewrite, make extracts from books or pick up literature on a subject of interest to him. But not just like that, but constantly emphasizing that you, of course, will never be able to compete with him in the profession and business qualities. Become necessary and useful to him.

You will have to completely abandon the makings of a leader and accept the eternal role of an assistant. If you are ready to forget your own professional ambitions and fully devote yourself to his passion, family happiness with the Companion is guaranteed to you. And he will definitely stop his smart look at you.

Subspecies six. Free Bird.

A free bird can be recognized by the barbs and remarks that such a man, without much thought, distributes to others, diligently trying to maintain his own independence. More than anything, a man of this type is afraid of losing personal freedom. Try to constantly emphasize that not only his work is important to you, that he is interesting to you in itself as a person; never say the words "family", "children", "registry office" in front of him. In dealing with the Free Bird, you will have to strictly dose your emotions - he can perceive any manifestations of love on your part as an attempt to bind him to himself, as an encroachment on his freedom. Repeat to him all the time that you are ready for the relationship to end at any moment, that you will always be grateful to him for being with you for at least some time, that you understand that your destiny is to be there with him as much as he (ha-ha-ha!!!) sees fit. And he will definitely stop his, at first wary, and then more and more favorable look on you.

How to please your boss

Sense of proportion - above all! Especially when it comes to your favorite boss. He certainly will not leave unnoticed anything defiant, superfluous and too bold. And nothing "too much" at all. Try not to look deliberately sexy and accessible. The more accessible a woman is, the less interesting she is for a strong man who is used to overcoming difficulties, which, of course, is your own boss. It is better to focus on the details that attract in the first place.

Conventionally, all men are divided into males of "two floors": lower and upper. Representatives of the "lower floor" first of all pay attention to the woman's ass and legs. For such a boss, you can (and should) wear a short skirt. Or a very long skirt. Narrow. Or a very long and very wide skirt. But! A slit is required for a skirt of any length. Here you can adjust it however you like. From "very bold" to "school cut". If your boss is a "downstairs" man, he will definitely notice. The slit at the back, which, when walking, either opens or covers the legs, especially affects men. That's it in this skirt, but a few steps up the stairs! Mmm, I think that, following you up to the fourth floor, he will be ready to continue the relationship. By the way, for information, the incision in front does not have such a magical effect, everything is too open and clear. I want riddles.

Men of the "upper floor" look at the shoulders, neck and bust. For them, you need to stock up on low-cut blouses, tops, modest (but always stylish) shirts, unbuttoned with a few extra buttons, transparent blouses, and so on. Do not try to kill two birds with one stone and open up to the maximum. It is not right. It is possible and necessary to expose only one “floor”, otherwise, using an erroneous technique, you will become deliberately “open”. And further. All these bold outfits are not suitable for everyday wear. Here is a corporate party, birthday, New Year - these are just the days when you can shine without fear of seeming too tempting. By the way, you can use the technique of contrast. That's what one of my friends did. Having got a job, for six months, she constantly went to work in strict business suits, which completely disguised her super-sexy figure. But she came to the New Year's party in such an outfit carefully thought out to the smallest detail that her boss, who she really liked, could not recover for a long time when he met her in the corridor. Contrast is great!

And one more very important detail. Pomade. Makeup generally plays an important role in seducing the desired man, but you must admit that if you go too far with mascara, it will not be a disaster. And you are unlikely to use eye shadow in bright green or radical black. But lipstick is a special article. It can become both a lure trap (if chosen correctly), and a signal of danger and alarm for a man (if chosen incorrectly). Lipstick is the alpha and omega of our female sex appeal. For example, a blood-red mouth is rather vulgar, but very attractive for a man, however, most likely only at the first meeting (the second meeting is unlikely to happen). Then it becomes frustrating and annoying, because a normal man does not dare to kiss a woman in "active color" lipstick. Firstly, men are aware that such lipsticks eat into the skin so that they are not so easy to remove even with soap, and secondly, no man will endure the feeling of discomfort for a long time, which, undoubtedly, will bring him the color of the applicant's lipstick . It has also been noticed that dry lipstick for men is more attractive than oily. They like warm shades much more than cold ones, and from blue-violet they fall into a state of depression.

Well, have you already several times, sitting at meetings, caught his attentive gaze on yourself? Then let's talk about

How to Succeed and Consolidate It

1. Any man (including the boss) will definitely remember the woman whom he helped in a difficult situation for her. It's so nice to be a savior knight! "Accidentally" broken glasses in his presence? Very well. Especially if this incident happens after the end of the working day, when you are late to carry out his order. Firstly, he can fix them ("Thank you. What would I do without you?") can take you home, because it's already late, and without your usual glasses you are absolutely helpless! Reception, tested by my classmate on herself. She and the boss looked at each other with sympathy for a long time, but things did not go any further. Then she acted out the situation described above. He left the cab, confident that there was no one in the office but him, and suddenly ... Yana was sitting at her desk, and her whole appearance indicated that something terrible had happened. She continued to cry (Crying? No, that's what he thought. Or did she make him think?).

- Yanochka, why are you still at work? What's wrong with you?

“I’ve worked hard… And then… here…” And she sniffled.

- Yes, what happened?

- Glasses ... The temple broke. I do not know what to do. Without glasses, I can hardly even get to the subway ...

- Well, that's not a problem. Let me take a look. Huck ... The glasses did not break, just the screw was lost, which held the bow. Haven't you seen such a small, shiny one?

- I think something fell on the floor, but I can’t find it, I already tried ...

Don't worry, I'll look myself.

Needless to say, that Yana put on an elegant hairpin and the thinnest tights on her legs that day, emphasizing her tan. And the skirt, of a completely ordinary length, which slightly opened Yanina's rounded and appetizing knees, completed the job. Oh, what those knees were! Soft, feminine, slightly plump, not knees, but a dream! It was impossible to part with such knees. Vintik Vasily Pavlovich did not find, but he searched for a long time and persistently. All the while searching, Yana sighed quietly and tried to get through to someone who drove her home at such a late hour. When, completely discouraged, Vasily Pavlovich crawled out from under the table without a screw (of course, because he was in Yana's purse!), He, embarrassedly looking away, offered to take her home. And drove. And brought! And he escorted her to the apartment, because it’s dark in the entrance, and it will be problematic for her to open the door! And he didn't even mind dropping in for a cup of tea. But Yana acted competently and did not force events. However, her eyes, when parting with Vasily Pavlovich, shone with such sincere gratitude that he remembered this look for a long time, along with Yana's rounded knees.

When I was invited to celebrate a decade of their married life, I was not at all surprised that the first toast that Vasily Pavlovich, a happy husband and father, proclaimed, was “for a small screw that has become the main detail in our family car!”. “And for a sharp mind and rounded knees!” - Yana and I thought, probably at the same time.

2. Any man, and the chief in the first place, is greedy for flattery. Even rough. And even more so for skillful and thoughtful. Next to Marina's desk was a filing cabinet. So what? And the fact that, sitting with her back to the entrance to the office, Marina could see anyone entering. Or an office passing by, if it was summer, when the doors were thrown wide open to somehow soften the sweltering heat. Marina's boss was a tyrant dictator. Everyone in the office thought so, except for Marina. Marina considered him a man with a strong character and unquestioned authority. "I need you just like that!" After consulting with me and having received the “blessing” of a specialist psychologist, she decided to let him know that not everyone considers him a dictator and petty tyrant.

There was a lunch break. The office is empty. Everyone went outside to freshen up a little, sitting in the shade on a cozy bench. Marina stayed (the balance in the accounting department is a very busy time!). And so, when the door to the chief's office opened slightly, she, realizing that he would now pass by her office, began to speak loudly on the phone (and who should be embarrassed, because there is no one around, everyone is on the street!). I will quote this telephone conversation almost in full. He's worth it.

- No, Len, (“she called”, of course, to me) Cyril (a little familiarity does not hurt, because she “talks” with a friend!) Absolutely phenomenal intuition! I'm just amazed sometimes how a person who does not have a financial education can feel the situation so accurately. Many, of course, consider him an amateur, and even a dictator, but I, analyzing his orders, eventually realized that everything he says is completely logical and justified by the situation. How can this not be understood? How many times he saved the company from ruin, you have no idea. How does he conduct meetings? Confidently, firmly, without lisping and unnecessary flirting. You can use any of his meetings in your books about business qualities that every boss should have. Not a man, but a dream! It is a pity that he does not know that I am his 100% comrade-in-arms and admirer, and not just a subordinate. What are you, I can’t even hint to him about this, he lives only by work. And how I would like to take care of him, because he works so hard! Unfortunately, he will never have to find out that he is the man of my dreams!

And she sighed doomedly, “listening” to what Elena “answers” ​​to her and carefully watching how the door to Kirill Sergeyevich’s office quietly closed. He never left the office! Went to digest the information.

From that day on, Kirill Sergeevich's attitude towards Marina, who had previously been one of many for him, changed dramatically. He began to listen to her opinion, which, of course, always coincided with his, several times entrusted her with very important analytical reports, which were always ready on time and absolutely suited him - Marina was a good economist. And, of course, he constantly remembered that he was not only her boss. However, Marina neither word nor half-word "did not dare" to open up to him. And then he took control of the situation. He had no doubts: a woman who understands him this way, and is in love with him, what else is needed? A year later, Marina had to quit. Cyril was firmly convinced that a husband and wife should not work in the same company. And in general, his wife should not work. Well, Marina has been absolutely satisfied with this for five years now! By the way, Cyril treats me very well, despite not having an easy character, because, as he believes, I am the guardian angel of their family!

3. Any man attaches great importance to the little things. After all, it is the little things that determine the ultimate success of any business.

Olga came to the firm as a secretary. Before that, there was a chemical-technological institute and work in the specialty. Six years later, she was forced to quit, as the work was associated with harmful working conditions (chemistry is chemistry!). After thinking, Olga decided to complete the courses of assistant secretaries at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She studied seriously and with pleasure and, having received a diploma with honors at the end, she immediately got a job as a secretary in a large advertising holding. Olga's boss was only eight years older than her. From young, yes early. He was demanding, but not boring, and was very fond of playing Democrat. Olga became a secretary, which one could only dream of. All documentation was always in perfect order, the workplace was in perfect order. Olga always knew where the paper the boss needed was, remembered all the scheduled meetings, negotiations and meetings, came earlier and left later than the boss. Having arranged the work properly, she drew attention to the boss as a man. Dmitry (only Dmitry, and nothing else!) Was the favorite of the entire female part of the team. What tricks did the beauties take to get him into their networks! However, Dmitry was equally kind to everyone, not singling out anyone from the general mass. And now a new employee has appeared in the office. Anna was beautiful and knew it very well. Long legs (or maybe too short skirts) haunted men. Dmitri looked at them too. Noticing that Anna came into the boss's office too often, Olga felt uneasy. Something had to be done urgently. Carefully making inquiries, Olga found out that Anna was not distinguished by special accuracy and diligence. She could put an important document somewhere and spend half the working day looking for it, she could not complete the instructions of her superiors on time, be late for work, and so on. It was what was needed. Calling Dmitry one morning, she said that she was not feeling well, apparently she had caught a cold the day before, and asked to lie down for a day or two. The chief was puzzled. How could it be without her?

Well, there are no irreplaceable people. Ask one of the employees to sit for me for a couple of days.

- Yes, I have no idea who to ask.

“Anyone, there's a new employee in the marketing department. Anna seems...

“Yes, yes, I remember,” the naive chief said happily.

"No doubt!" Olga thought gloomily. And she began to wait. The calls started about an hour later. Anna could not find the documents Dmitry needed, did not care how to register incoming and outgoing mail, forgot to remind him of an important meeting, as a result of which the company lost a lucrative contract, and instant coffee brought him! Of course, how was she to know that he only drinks ground, which Olga carefully bought herself. In the evening Dmitry came to visit her. He brought flowers, sweets and a pleading look with him.

- Olenka, do whatever you want, just please be at your workplace tomorrow! I am without you, as without hands!

I don't do anything special...

“Maybe, but today without you seemed like a nightmare to me.

“But I'm not quite well yet.

“I promise to pick you up in the morning and take you home after work until you get well, okay?”

Olga agreed. The illness was not as easy as it seemed to her at the beginning, and he had to drive her to and from work for two weeks. However, he did it with pleasure. Their romance is now in full swing. And Anna had to quit. Like this!

Men and how to twist ropes from them Antonova Irina

How to please your boss

Sense of proportion - above all! Especially when it comes to your favorite boss. He certainly will not leave unnoticed anything defiant, superfluous and too bold. And nothing "too much" at all. Try not to look deliberately sexy and accessible. The more accessible a woman is, the less interesting she is for a strong man who is used to overcoming difficulties, which, of course, is your own boss. It is better to focus on the details that attract in the first place.

Conventionally, all men are divided into males of "two floors": lower and upper. Representatives of the "lower floor" first of all pay attention to the woman's ass and legs. For such a boss, you can (and should) wear a short skirt. Or a very long skirt. Narrow. Or a very long and very wide skirt. But! A slit is required for a skirt of any length. Here you can adjust it however you like. From "very bold" to "school cut". If your boss is a "downstairs" man, he will definitely notice. The slit at the back, which, when walking, either opens or covers the legs, especially affects men. That's it in this skirt, but a few steps up the stairs! Mmm, I think that, following you up to the fourth floor, he will be ready to continue the relationship. By the way, for information, the incision in front does not have such a magical effect, everything is too open and clear. I want riddles.

Men of the "upper floor" look at the shoulders, neck and bust. For them, you need to stock up on low-cut blouses, tops, modest (but always stylish) shirts, unbuttoned with a few extra buttons, transparent blouses, and so on. Do not try to kill two birds with one stone and open up to the maximum. It is not right. It is possible and necessary to expose only one “floor”, otherwise, using an erroneous technique, you will become deliberately “open”. And further. All these bold outfits are not suitable for everyday wear. Here is a corporate party, birthday, New Year - these are just the days when you can shine without fear of seeming too tempting. By the way, you can use the technique of contrast. That's what one of my friends did. Having got a job, for six months, she constantly went to work in strict business suits, which completely disguised her super-sexy figure. But she came to the New Year's party in such an outfit carefully thought out to the smallest detail that her boss, who she really liked, could not recover for a long time when he met her in the corridor. Contrast is great!

And one more very important detail. Pomade. Makeup generally plays an important role in seducing the desired man, but you must admit that if you go too far with mascara, it will not be a disaster. And you are unlikely to use eye shadow in bright green or radical black. But lipstick is a special article. It can become both a lure trap (if chosen correctly), and a signal of danger and alarm for a man (if chosen incorrectly). Lipstick is the alpha and omega of our female sex appeal. For example, a blood-red mouth is rather vulgar, but very attractive for a man, however, most likely only at the first meeting (the second meeting is unlikely to happen). Then it becomes frustrating and annoying, because a normal man does not dare to kiss a woman in "active color" lipstick. Firstly, men are aware that such lipsticks eat into the skin so that they are not so easy to remove even with soap, and secondly, no man will endure the feeling of discomfort for a long time, which, undoubtedly, will bring him the color of the applicant's lipstick . It has also been noticed that dry lipstick for men is more attractive than oily. They like warm shades much more than cold ones, and from blue-violet they fall into a state of depression.

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Watch the behavior of your boss, otherwise someone's career may be in jeopardy.

Is your boss complimenting you more often? Texting on the weekend? Laughs at all your jokes, even the most unfortunate ones? If yes, then maybe he is not indifferent to you.

Sometimes it’s not clear whether the person is really into you or just trying to be friendly, so it’s best to be careful in such a sensitive situation. Otherwise, you risk getting into an awkward position, and in the worst case, someone's career will be in jeopardy. So, here are 17 signs of a boss in love.

1. An inner voice whispers

Usually people tend to brush aside suspicions about leadership, but sometimes feelings are worth trusting.

Intuition is not nonsense. This is the voice of our subconscious. This is an unconscious analysis of many factors, which results in emotions or physical sensations - in this case, discomfort and irritation. And, if you are unhappy or angry about this situation, you are right.

2. Flirt

Before drawing any conclusions, take a close look at how the boss communicates with other colleagues. Perhaps he behaves this way with everyone - he just likes to please others. And, even if your boss flirts with you from time to time, if he communicates with other colleagues in the same way, this may be harmless flirting.

It is also worth analyzing your own actions. Maybe he flirts with you because you flirt with him? Trying to understand what intentions are behind other people's actions, you should be very careful.

But, if it becomes clear that he is only flirting with you, and that this is not happening in response to your behavior, this is a serious sign.

3. Meetings in private or in the evenings

If you are occasionally asked to stay after the end of the day to finish something, and there is an understandable reason for this in the form of a joint project, this can be quite harmless.

But, if you feel like you're being singled out and that the meetings are regularly scheduled for the evening (or the number of meetings is obviously excessive), your boss may be trying to go beyond professional boundaries.

It is worth bearing in mind that if you, in spite of your own discomfort, go forward, the situation will only get worse.

4. Calls or SMS without a specific reason

Most executives are overwhelmed with work, so if a person takes the time to call you and chat, it looks like you occupy his thoughts a little more than it should be.

5. Playful or Sensual Body Language

Pay attention to body language and gaze. If he looks at you a lot or tries to maintain eye contact for longer than necessary, this could be one of the signs.

6. Indulgences

Perhaps, of course, this is just a sign of respect and trust, but if you begin to feel like a favorite - for example, you are offered opportunities that, to be honest, you did not deserve, - perhaps he likes you.

7. Trust

Does your boss sometimes share work or personal information with you that he doesn't share with anyone else in the company?

It is possible that you are simply trusted as a person and specialist. But it is possible that this is just a way to deepen the relationship.

8. Exaggerated promises

If your boss is romantically interested in you, he may promise you some exaggerated role in the company.

If the leader is ready to cheer and support everyone, this is one thing. But, if the prospects begin to seem suspiciously bright, it is worth paying attention to other signs and understanding the motivation of the authorities.

9. Spending time outside of work

Maybe nothing is behind an invitation to coffee after work, but in combination with other signs, this is an alarming signal.

10. Sudden change of image

11. Your opinion is valued above others.

12. Compliments that are not related to work

If you're getting compliments all the time, and if they're not work related or over the top, there's obviously something to it.

Compliments on your appearance, dressing ability, or excellent personal qualities can be especially telling. If he says something like: "That's because your chosen one will be lucky," this is hardly a purely working relationship.

If this type of comment makes you feel uncomfortable, it's best to talk to Human Resources right away.

13. Gifts

They can be a form of flirting.

Humor is essential in the workplace, but there are some limits, and perhaps the boss jokes mostly with you - this should be alarming.

A bullying boss who teases you and makes unwanted advances is a serious matter, and it may be worthwhile to take drastic steps immediately to stop such behavior.

17. Blush in your presence

Does his face change the moment you enter the room? Is he blushing, or is there sweat on his forehead? Perhaps this is a sign of physical attraction.

So, you came to a new job and met him. No, not just him, but HIM with a capital letter, the man of his dreams.

But, unfortunately, he turned out to be your boss, and besides, he is also a written handsome man, whom all women look at without exception. Feelings swept over your head, and all you can think about is how to make your boss fall in love with you.

Psychologists recommend not to immediately rush into the pool with your head, but to carefully observe the object of passion in order to understand how to please the boss. Look at his inner circle, evaluate with whom and how he communicates, whether he likes flattery, whether you have a rival.

According to many experienced seductresses, there are prohibitions that should not be violated if you want to attract the attention of an accomplished man:

  • Never pester your superiors with silly flirtations. It is unlikely that he will be carried away by you if he realizes that you are not very smart.
  • If a handsome, young boss notices you, be prepared for envious colleagues to chat about you.
  • Not always in love with the boss begins to flirt with the object of desire, much more often he has doubts about the sincerity of intentions, and therefore ignores courtship. It is worth acting with more restraint until you gain his trust.
  • If the boss falls in love with a subordinate, this does not mean at all that she can be treated carelessly. If you're flirting with your boss just to mess around, it's unlikely to be received favorably.
  • You don't need to wear a supermini or a dress with a deep neckline if the office adheres to strict dress code. Of course, you will be noticed, but not at all because you have slender legs or magnificent breasts.

Do not forget that the boss is an ordinary man who likes the attention of the weaker sex, so it is quite possible to achieve his favor. So, if you fell in love with your boss, what should you do?

The main thing - never doubt your strength and female charm, men perfectly feel any uncertainty. Watch the film "The Most Charming and Attractive", where a psychologist friend gives the main character very practical advice.

Watch your appearance: he must understand that you are femininity and charm itself. Do not get carried away with flirting, watch his reaction: modest smiles, small signs of attention, unobtrusive compliments - all these are the first signs of a man in love. Make it a rule to learn something new about him every day, learn his schedule. Try to find at least 10 minutes during working hours to be alone with him.

How to tell if your boss is in love with you

We examined in detail how to please a male boss, now let's talk about how to understand if he likes you.

First, listen to your inner voice: if he whispers that the boss is not indifferent, then it is so. This can be confirmed by passionate glances, laughter at any of your jokes, even unsuccessful ones, harmless attempts to make love or invitations to a business lunch under the pretext of discussing a very important issue only with you.

The second sign of how a lover behaves is flirting. If the boss feels in love, then he will definitely communicate with you differently than with other subordinates. For example, he will be interested not only in the plans of the company, but also in whether you like roses.

Evening meetings and endless SMS "with or without" is a great way to determine if the boss has begun to fall in love with you. Especially pay attention to how he communicates with you during overtime, is he trying to show care, attention, or only demanding results? Try to find out from colleagues whether the boss sends messages to everyone; if only you - it means that he is in love, but has not yet decided on more.

When a male boss begins to feel in love, he will definitely try to establish a trusting relationship with you - for example, he will tell you some secret of the company or offer indulgences that you clearly do not deserve.

Sometimes the boss, realizing that you are in love with him, can promise dizzying career heights and a solid salary, but here you should be careful. Think about it, because the boss, in order to achieve your favor, can promise something that he cannot fulfill.

The surest sign of a boss in love is if one day he drastically changes his image, especially if the day before you discussed for a long time that he could go out of clothes, which haircut would better emphasize the dignity of his face. An important sign is how the boss behaved during this conversation: whether he touched your hand, tried to hug you, or looked languidly into your eyes. Frequent and long laughter, feigned gaiety also signal his indifference to you.

How to win the love of the boss

If all the tricks did not give the desired result, it is worth considering: maybe your boss basically does not want to start a romantic relationship even with a very pretty subordinate? In this case, you should not openly confess your feelings to him, because you can be left without a job.

Psychologists suggest going for a little trick - try to start a relationship in a place not related to work. To do this, you have to show your spy skills and dig deep into his personal life, find out what he likes, whether he has hobbies or hobbies - for example, whether he plays sports.

How to find out where he spends his free time? In fact, everything is very simple: try to ask male colleagues, because they know exactly about all the weaknesses of the authorities.

Use any excuse to pay attention to him - in this case, a birthday or February 23rd is ideal. Try to prepare a special gift for him: if your boss loves football, solemnly present him with the symbol of your favorite team - it can be a scarf or a T-shirt with sports symbols.

Try to show the authorities that you are an independent and self-confident lady, but do not overdo it, because men are afraid of too independent girls. Having achieved the first results, you should not think: “Oh, he likes me, he adores me, now everything will be as I want!”

This is the main reason why many office romances end before they start, because excessive self-confidence causes women to make fatal mistakes. The boss understands that you are trying to use him for personal purposes, and therefore will try to distance himself from you as much as possible.

If, nevertheless, you were able to achieve the favor of the boss, try to keep your mouth shut and not tell any of your colleagues about it - envious people will definitely be found and will try to belittle you in the eyes of your loved one. You should not appoint romantic dates to the boss yourself - it is better if all the initiative comes from him. Before starting courtship, it won’t hurt you to make sure that the boss is free and you are not threatened with the role of an eternal lover, and a broken family is not the best basis for a new relationship. Author: Natalia Ivanova

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