Frequent white discharge. White discharge in women - causes and treatment. Why does a girl have white discharge and sour smell

At different periods of the monthly cycle, a woman may experience discharge that differs in consistency and quantity. Depending on the general condition of the body, their smell and color may also change. But if in the middle of the cycle, mucus is actively secreted from the vagina, or there are more unusual discharges, this often makes a woman worry. After all, it is always important to know whether such a condition is normal, and whether these manifestations are a sign of a developing disease. Below we will talk about why stretching discharges appear in the form of mucus, and also when white stretching discharge in women can be evidence of pathology.

Why does mucous secretion appear?

Why do abundant mucous discharges appear in women, what is it, and is it normal - such questions at certain periods of life become relevant for almost every woman. Normally, slightly white mucous discharge in women appears in small quantities. They are opaque, as there are epithelial cells in the vagina, which gradually acquire a yellow-white tint on linen throughout the day. Before menstruation, mucous discharge may be more abundant, after menstruation for several days they have a pinkish tint.

When is mucous discharge normal?

During the monthly cycle, the secretion of mucus in women in different periods occurs in different ways. Therefore, it is important to know in which cases the discharge is related to physiology and indicates a normal state of health.

The volume and consistency of secretions may vary due to such factors:

  • period of the monthly cycle. During the entire cycle, there are changes in the consistency and volume of mucus. In its first half, the discharge is colorless and liquid, in the second it is more viscous, “snotty”. Just before menstruation, they become creamy and acquire a sour smell. After menstruation, the amount of mucus is reduced, the smell disappears.
  • Age. In girls, up to about ten years of age, separation from the vagina does not appear at all, since her eggs have not yet matured, and there are no cyclical changes yet. But if a little girl has discharge in the form of white clots, mixed with pus or blood, you need to urgently consult a doctor - a pediatric gynecologist.
  • . With menopause, women are often worried about vaginal dryness, which manifests itself due to a sharp reduction in mucus separation due to a decrease in the amount of the hormone. Therefore, during menopause, very little mucus is released.
  • Treatment with hormones and taking oral contraceptives. When using such drugs, mucus in some women is excreted in smaller quantities than usual.
  • Strong stress . With constant fatigue and stress, or after experienced stress, vaginal dryness is often noted. Therefore, the volume of transparent mucus decreases.
  • Sexual intercourse. Before sexual contact, the amount of discharge increases dramatically.
  • . Watery discharge after conception becomes more abundant. During pregnancy, the nature of the discharge changes.
  • Consequences of childbirth. Lochia - of blood and mucus are gradually replaced by clear mucus.
  • . During lactation, it is actively produced. Mucus during this period is less.

More details about the discharge in different periods of a woman's life will be discussed below.

Discharge during ovulation

In the first phase of the monthly cycle, very abundant discharge of a transparent color, as a rule, does not appear. But then, at the ovulatory stage, the mucus in the cervical canal liquefies. It becomes viscous and viscous to make it easier for sperm to enter the uterine cavity.

Therefore, during the period when a woman ovulates - approximately on the 12-16th day of the cycle, light transparent discharges are replaced by viscous, stretching and thicker ones. During ovulation, more transparent mucous secretions are noted in women, like egg white, sometimes jelly-like. The fact that there are many such whites, the woman notes for several days. In addition, sometimes during ovulation there is pain or a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen. These feelings go away after a few days.

During ovulation, pink discharge may appear. This is due to a slight release of blood, as a result of rupture of the follicle. Such manifestations should not be frightening and alarming, provided that they pass in a day or two.

After ovulation, the clear mucous discharge from the vagina becomes sticky and sticky again. After ovulation, the functioning of the female reproductive system determines the hormone, therefore, at this time, the discharge is less abundant. But at the same time, the mucus becomes thicker. Sometimes in the second half of the cycle, the discharge from the vagina is so meager that the woman may think that she has no discharge.

But if white discharge appears after ovulation, and at the same time discomfort is felt in the genital area, development can be suspected. In this case, it is better to ask a specialist about why women have white mucus.

Before sexual contact

The causes of clear mucous discharge in women and girls can also be associated with strong arousal. Immediately before sexual contact, when aroused, their number increases, as well as after sexual contact. In most cases, clear, odorless vaginal mucus irritates the genitals without causing itching or burning. Such manifestations are completely normal.

In the second half of the cycle

During this period, after ovulation , the discharge is normally more meager, they have a creamy consistency. Often, clear discharge before menstruation becomes more abundant again - this happens 2-3 days before menstruation. A woman needs to worry only if whites with a smell appear, pronounced white or yellow-green. This may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process or other pathological conditions. Therefore, if you are concerned about leucorrhea with a smell, a strange consistency and color, it is better to immediately contact a doctor.

Thus, throughout the cycle, the nature of the discharge changes. Immediately after menstruation, transparent mucus from the uterus practically does not appear, that is, immediately after menstruation, the so-called “dry” period begins. During ovulation, the mucus becomes like egg white. In the second period of the cycle, the discharge again becomes sticky and sticky. And just before menstruation, clear liquid discharge appears in women, like water.

If there is a delay in menstruation, then instead of menstruation, mucous discharge also appears. After all, during pregnancy, there is also discharge.

During pregnancy

Often, when a pregnant woman secretes mucus from the vagina in the form of snot, a woman begins to seriously worry about whether her process of bearing a baby is proceeding normally. To do this, it is important to know the features of such manifestations at each stage of pregnancy.

Up to 12 weeks, the work of the reproductive system determines progesterone , under the influence of which mucous secretions appear - like "snot" from the vagina. Such, transparent as snot, discharges are considered as a sign of the onset of pregnancy.

But already from the 13th week, transparent discharges, like snot, odorless, become more liquid and plentiful, as the hormone activity phase begins. Normally, mucous discharges like snot in women do not cause discomfort, they are odorless. If slightly stretchy, egg white-like, slightly whitish, but still uniform, this is normal.

Provided that the mucus is secreted too intensively, it is worth using daily pads. It is better not to use tampons during pregnancy.

Pregnant women often develop candidiasis , .

Too strong leucorrhoea, in which lumps, flakes, clots are determined, as well as very intense white discharge, like snot, with curdled inclusions and an unpleasant odor, and also if the lower abdomen hurts, this is a reason to contact your gynecologist. He will determine why this is happening and prescribe the correct treatment. After all, this condition can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Mucous discharge instead of menstruation

Often a woman has abundant discharge before menstruation. But, despite the fact that the answer to the question of whether white discharge before menstruation can be normal is positive, it is important not to miss the onset of a developing disease. If the departments have acquired an unpleasant odor or any symptoms develop that alarm the woman, you should not delay contacting a doctor.

It happens that even on the days when menstruation is supposed to begin, a woman has white discharge instead of menstruation. If at the same time there are no unpleasant sensations, then it is quite possible that we are talking about a slight delay, and menstruation will soon begin. But if the compartments are curdled, white-yellow, causing itching and burning, then, most likely, candidiasis or an infectious disease develops.

Sometimes abundant white discharge before menstruation is evidence of pregnancy. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body - mucus should protect the uterus from infections.

Also, this is possible with hormonal and endocrine disorders, after severe stress or after too intense physical exertion. But in this case, it is still better to consult a doctor and make sure that everything is fine with your health.

The development of pathological processes should be suspected if the smell of mucus becomes sharp, sour and unpleasant. It can also smell like rotten fish. Such manifestations are typical for bacterial vaginitis or other sexually transmitted diseases. With sexual infections, transparent stretching mucous discharge in men can also appear, so the representatives of the stronger sex in this case will also need an urgent doctor's consultation.

If the abundant discharge changes color and becomes yellowish-green or saturated yellow, sometimes the lower abdomen hurts, this also indicates the development of unpleasant diseases. Even if the pain in the lower abdomen rarely appears, but the color of the mucus has changed dramatically, it is better to consult a doctor.

If a woman after forty years of age develops very abundant watery compartments or mucus, like jelly, this should also alert. The doctor will be able to determine whether the discharge is like jelly, whether it is a pathology or a norm, after examination and analysis.

Mucous compartments gradually change their character with thrush - they become white, curdled. At the same time, discomfort, itching, and periodic burning develop. In this case, the use of antifungal drugs will be required. It is possible that the sexual partner will have to undergo such therapy as well.

In any period, except for menstruation, a woman should be alarmed by why there are discharges with blood impurities. This may be evidence of dangerous diseases.

Thus, if for a long time the daily amount of mucus exceeds the volume of one teaspoon, if the color of the compartments changes to yellow, green, brown or red and a bad smell appears, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Symptoms that should alert are also pain in the lower abdomen, itching and redness of the genitals, fever. If at least some of these symptoms bother a woman, it is important to get an examination. After all, we can talk about inflammatory diseases, genital infections, cysts , erosion and etc.


Mucous discharge from the vagina in a woman is a physiological and absolutely normal phenomenon. But at the same time, it is very important to carefully monitor whether their character changes and whether symptoms appear that are alarming. It should be understood that the sooner a woman, in the presence of alarming signs, turns to a gynecologist, the sooner the treatment prescribed by the doctor will work.

If there are certain doubts about whether everything is normal with the discharge from the vagina, or if previously uncharacteristic phenomena, for example, mucus during menstruation, are periodically disturbed, it is worth taking a smear test. Provided that the amount is not more than the norm and the flora is dominated by sticks, you can not worry about inflammation.

Every woman must follow the rules of intimate hygiene. Mom needs to teach girls this in a timely manner. Indeed, with the wrong approach to hygiene, mucus will accumulate on the genitals, and pathogenic microorganisms will multiply in it.

Almost every woman is interested in the issue of intimate secretions, and many are wondering if this is normal or considered a pathology. Perhaps they indicate the onset of some kind of disease? For a woman or girl, it is considered a natural condition when the mucous membrane of the vagina provokes discharge. Thanks to them, the internal genital organs eliminate bacteria, remove the remnants of menstrual blood, dead cells and mucus. It is considered correct if the discharge has no color. When white discharge occurs in women, many questions often arise.

What do these highlights indicate?

Depending on age, the amount of white discharge from the vagina varies. This is due to the difference in the hormonal background: in young girls, it is just beginning to form, and therefore the discharge is more abundant. In women of older reproductive age, as well as during menopause, hormonal changes have already stopped, and therefore there is less discharge. When a girl's or woman's vagina has an environment of weak acidity, where lactic acid is formed with lactobacilli. This is considered the norm. Such an environment prevents the development and reproduction of pathogens.

But information about which discharges are considered normal should be known to every representative of the fair sex.

  • The normal amount of discharge should not exceed the volume of a teaspoon.
  • The discharge should be odorless.
  • An increase in secretions can be observed during sexual arousal, during sex, or before menstruation.
  • The discharge should not be thick, thin or watery, but at the time of ovulation.
  • It is normal for the discharge to be creamy, white, or slightly yellowish and not particularly noticeable.

The cause of white discharge with a smell in girls

During the process of cell renewal that covers the vagina, a waste product is released, which in medicine is called whites. The discharge is transparent and white in color, while women or girls should not feel any burning, itching or pain in the vagina. Dead cells mixed with mucus and discharge from the cervix, especially enlarged during ovulation, are a natural product of the body. It is considered normal for the discharge to be more stretchy and mucous during the period of ovulation.

Very often with malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, when taking hormonal drugs, violation of hygiene or with the abuse of antibacterial gels for intimate hygiene or flavored hygiene products, during stressful situations, with climate change, frequent douching (see) and even with nutritional errors (diet, abuse of sweets), as well as during pregnancy, white discharge appears in women. At the same time, they may be accompanied by discomfort and itching in the genital area. Feelings can be significant, or vice versa, they can disturb only periodically. All these are symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, or, as it is also called, thrush, which causes copious white discharge with a sour smell (see).

How to determine the disease by secretions?

In the vagina there are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that are not capable of harming the body. But when they multiply, with a decrease in local and general immunity, hormonal disruptions and after taking antibiotics, they can cause an inflammatory process. With symptoms of any diseases and disorders that manifested in a girl after characteristic discharge, a mandatory visit to a gynecologist with a thorough examination is required:

  • The discharge changed color, became pronounced yellow, green and other noticeable shades, or acquired a brown color (see).
  • The white discharge became thick, profuse (more than one teaspoon) and frothy.
  • When worried, pain during or after sexual intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen on one or both sides, as well as below the navel. Redness of the skin on the vulva, dryness and discomfort during intercourse, or any unusual discharge, especially if combined with itching.
  • A striking symptom of thrush in a girl who may not even live sexually can be thick, copious, white discharge, reminiscent of cottage cheese. At the same time, the girl can feel, especially when she sits in a “leg to foot” position.

Read more about the treatment of thrush in the article: "" "

Allocations from different parts of the reproductive system are different. To identify the cause and pathological changes in leucorrhoea, a comprehensive diagnosis should be carried out, especially if the discharge has changed color, smell, quantity, and at the same time discomfort is felt in the genital area.

Discharges are classified according to their origin:

  • Uterine leucorrhea. Occur when inflammatory exudate drains and mixes with vaginal mucus as it exits through the cervical canal.
  • Tube whites. When the tubes become inflamed, fluid accumulates in the uterus and is released into the vagina.
  • Cervical leucorrhoea. The cause may be gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis. Appear in the presence of an inflammatory process in the cervix (cervicitis).
  • Vaginal leucorrhea. With inflammation of the vagina, discharge of different colors appears: white, yellow, most often with an unpleasant odor. They can be caused by trichomoniasis, thrush, gardnerellosis, although these are one of the most harmless secretions.

Is it possible to determine the disease by the color of the discharge?

No gynecologist without laboratory tests can determine the diagnosis based on the external description of the discharge, since there are more than a hundred reasons for their occurrence, color change or character. Only by a theoretical method in girls and women, abundant, white, curdled discharge can unmistakably indicate vaginal candidiasis (see). Only laboratory tests such as a smear, a bacterial culture from the vagina and tests for sexually transmitted infections will help determine the cause of changes in the discharge, since thrush is often combined with sexual infections. In which direction to choose the research method, the doctor is prompted by the color of the discharge:

  • Allocations white, odorless may indicate a disease, but this can be considered the norm. Therefore, you should pay attention to the fact that a mild degree of candidiasis does not cause severe itching or burning. These signs may appear occasionally and insignificantly, it would be necessary to visit a gynecologist when abundant discharge appears, which has become whiter, thicker and curd-like in appearance.
  • Transparent foamy discharge can serve as one of.
  • With gardnerellosis and discharge most often acquire a characteristic and gray hue.
  • trichomoniasis disease. With it, inflammation is most often in the vagina. There is a concentration of leukocytes, which causes yellow leucorrhoea.
  • If the discharge is greenish, this indicates a purulent process, because a large accumulation of leukocytes leads to a purulent process, and the greater the inflammatory process, the greener the color.

Only laboratory tests can serve as a diagnosis for pathological changes in discharge in women.

Should I visit a doctor with white discharge?

If the intimate discharge of a woman is not more than one teaspoon and is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, then the woman should not worry about this. If your discharge has changed character, become profuse, white and with an unpleasant odor, or very frothy, like cottage cheese, thick and turned yellow, greenish or brown in the middle of the cycle and is complemented by itching, burning and pain in the lower abdomen (see), and these symptoms have also joined, this is the first sign that you need to see a doctor:

  • To begin with, the gynecologist will collect an anamnesis.
  • Perform an examination on a gynecological chair, in which the walls of the vagina and the cervix are visible in the mirrors. He will pay attention to pathological discharge, the condition of the cervix and the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • In addition to the usual sampling of material for a smear and bacteriological examination, the doctor may prescribe a PCR smear if a sexually transmitted disease is suspected.
  • The doctor may also conduct when indicated or to rule out cervical erosion and dysplasia.
  • If the patient complains of pain, failure of the menstrual cycle and in the presence of inflammation of the uterine appendages and the uterus itself, it is recommended to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound, which will help to correctly establish the clinical picture of changes in the woman's discharge.

White discharge from the vagina without additional pathological signs is considered the norm. Their main function is to cleanse the vagina of particles of dead cells and bacteria that can disrupt the microflora and cause inflammation. Intermenstrual white discharge in women is normally formed in the vagina in a moderate amount. They moisturize the mucous membrane, create favorable conditions for fertilization and conception. If a woman has white discharge, but there are no complaints of itching, burning and swelling, do not worry. With an increase in the amount of mucus, a change in color and the appearance of other symptoms, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

White discharge is normal

Normally, natural vaginal discharge is light, clear or slightly yellowish, not abundant and without an unpleasant odor. The main cause of white discharge in women is the secretion of glands that are located in the vulva and uterus. By the middle of the menstrual cycle, the discharge becomes as transparent as possible, they stretch noticeably and can leave marks on the linen. Also, an increase in whiteness is observed shortly before menstruation. Before her, the discharge in women of white color becomes more liquid. It is recommended to use daily, which instantly absorb the discharge and prevent the appearance of odor. Thin dailies are also suitable for use at the end of menstruation, when many women have a small amount of blood.

White discharge for women's health disorders

Not always liquid white discharge from the vagina is a normal variant. With an increase in their number, the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor and other pathological symptoms, a woman should consult a doctor and undergo an additional examination.

Indications for consultation with a specialist:

  • copious frothy discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • itching and burning in the intimate area;
  • swelling of the external genital organs;
  • redness of the vulva;
  • painful urination and pain during intimate contact.

Abundant foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor and associated symptoms may indicate the development of diseases of the genitourinary organs.

Discharge of different colors, from white to yellow and brown, is one of the frequent reasons for girls and young girls to visit a gynecologist and an equally popular topic for discussion on medical websites and women's forums. The lack of knowledge about the causes of white discharge on shorts leads to the fact that we begin to intensively use intimate hygiene products, self-medicate at home, having read "useful tips" on the Internet or having heard a lot of friends. As a result, the number of daily pads used is gradually increasing, the discharge goes on and does not decrease or even increases ...

Hoping to solve the problem in this way is at least naive. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that discharge and smell do not necessarily mean a problem in the intimate area and are a sign of a serious illness. To begin with, you should understand which of them are the norm, and which ones may indicate a problem with the genitals.

Why does a girl have discharge?

Is this good or bad? The fact is that their education at childbearing age is the norm. They are a normal physiological phenomenon for the body. The amount and nature of the secretions and their traces in the girl's panties and, accordingly, their colors and smells depend on the composition of the vaginal microflora, which is largely determined and regulated by the hormonal background. Therefore, for different girls, the discharge goes and smells differently.

What discharge is normal

  • quantity - from 1 to 4 ml per day (spot diameter on a daily pad is from 1 to 5 cm);
  • consistency - thick;
  • color - from transparent to whitish;
  • structure - homogeneous (like not very thick sour cream) and / or small lumps;
  • smell - from complete absence to slightly sour;
  • itching, irritation - absent.

In this case, these discharges from a girl are considered the norm. Sometimes the amount of vaginal discharge may increase. This usually occurs in the following cases - during the period of ovulation, before the onset of menstruation, during pregnancy, while taking hormonal drugs, with an IUD in the uterus, with sexual arousal.

Thus, normal discharges are usually not felt by girls and they should not cause discomfort in the vulva, have an unpleasant odor and uncharacteristic color on the pad or underwear.

Discharge from virgins

Can there be discharge from virgins (brown, white-yellow, mucous with bloody inclusions), with a smell from the vagina and itching on the outside? The answer to this question is positive. The question is different - what is the nature of the discharge, its type - physiological, i.e. which is normal or pathological. What do certain discharges mean in teenage virgins at 14-16-18 years old, we described above. But if we talk about the possible reasons why vaginal discharge occurs in virgins, for example, at 20 - 25 or 30 years old, then the options may be different. This may be a violation of the vaginal microflora, hormonal failure and dysfunctional bloody secretion from the uterus. But it can also be a manifestation of a sexual infection that has got into an intimate place in one way or another (an attempt at sexual intercourse, masturbation or petting with dirty hands, the use of unclean dildos, etc.). Learn more about discharge in teenage girls at the following link, their causes and what to do if they are present.

Medical advice.

With the advent of menstruation, the general recommendations for a teenage girl are the same as for an adult woman: a mandatory, once every six months, visit to a gynecologist, strict adherence to the rules of intimate and personal hygiene, and, if necessary, timely diagnosis and treatment. Allocations from virgins are also an occasion to visit a female specialist.

Bad discharge

Vaginal discharge, which causes various unpleasant sensations in a girl and is not the norm, is called "leucorrhoea".

Beli (abnormal white discharge in girls)- Excessive or unusual discharge from the genitals, causing itching, burning and a feeling of wetness. They constantly leave yellow, white-cream, brown and/or dark spots on panties or panty liners, with a specific, unpleasant odor, sometimes perceptible even at a distance. By nature they are:

  • abundant whites;
  • Brown;
  • yellow, thick;
  • purulent and profuse;
  • greenish;
  • with an unpleasant odor, etc.

Brown discharge in girls from the vagina mean the following. Since they have such a color due to the admixture of coagulated blood, their appearance at the wrong time is almost always a symptom of some gynecological pathology. At the age of 15-16-17-18 years, they can talk about the failure of menstrual function. Dark or light brown discharge before and after menstruation can cause erosion, rupture of the ovarian capsule during ovulation, an interrupted ectopic pregnancy, a foreign body in the vagina, etc.

Yellow discharge (with or without odor) most often go to those girls and young women who have caught some kind of infection. They are the main symptom of colpitis - inflammation of the vagina. The reason is the entry of microbes into the genital tract, for example, trichomonads, gonococci, pathogenic mycoplasmas in association with opportunistic agents, candida. Moreover, the infection can get both sexually, including during sexual games without penetration into the vagina, and in some cases by contact-household. And the appearance of copious yellow discharge in a virgin girl does not mean that it is impossible for her to have an infectious agent!

Vaginal discharge may be the only complaint, but is often accompanied by other symptoms of distress (pain in the lower abdomen, slight burning sensation when urinating, menstrual irregularities, pain during intimacy, etc.).

What to do, how and what to treat

Given the variety of causes that cause such symptoms, it is highly undesirable to self-medicate at home and postpone a visit to a good gynecologist. After all, for example, constant brown spotting in girls, especially outside the period of menstruation, can be a sign of inflammation in the appendages, endometriosis, or the presence of a polyp in the uterus. White cheesy with the smell of sour milk, a crumbly coating on the external genitalia - talk about thrush. White discharge on underpants and an odor in an intimate place that resembles the smell of "stale fish" - often vaginal dysbacteriosis. Green, yellow discharge mixed with mucus and blood streaks - the presence of genital infections ...

What should be done in this case? If you have similar complaints of foul-smelling, strong discharge, discomfort in the intimate area, pain in the lower abdomen and / or when urinating, please contact our clinic. After a comprehensive study of complaints, an analysis of the possible causes of their occurrence, a full comprehensive diagnosis, our gynecologist will make the correct diagnosis, prescribe effective treatment and monitor its result. To determine exactly how to treat discharge and how to get rid of their marks on underpants, testing will help, which we will discuss later.

Excretion tests

What kind of examination should be done if you are concerned about "bad" discharge and smell in the intimate area? Analyzes and examination by a gynecologist in our clinic will help to identify the cause of these unpleasant phenomena and find the best way to get rid of them. To diagnose possible causative agents of inflammation, girls need to be tested for infections, namely:

  1. Smears for flora and purity;
  2. PCR analysis for "hidden" infections;
  3. Bacteriological culture of the vaginal flora with the selection of antibiotics;
  4. Florocenosis (useful analysis, given according to indications);
  5. Blood tests (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis - according to indications);
  6. And, of course, the inspection on the chair.


White discharge in women can be the norm, or it can be a symptom of the disease. In some cases, they do not bring discomfort, in others they are accompanied by itching and really spoil life. Why do whites appear?

Ovulation, second half of the menstrual cycle

Surely, many of you have noticed that the discharge increases significantly from about 12-14 days of the cycle. And this is a normal, physiological phenomenon, it is associated with ovulation. An experienced gynecologist can diagnose her only by the nature of the vaginal discharge: they become stretchy, plentiful, the color is transparent, maybe a little whitish. The increased secretion of whites in women continues, usually 1-3 days.

sexual intercourse

During intercourse and for several hours after it, a woman's amount of discharge from the vagina increases significantly. As a rule, this is an odorless white discharge that does not cause discomfort in women, does not require treatment and goes away on its own. You should not try to get rid of these physiological secretions by douching with various decoctions or medicines. Douching for a healthy woman is not recommended at all, as they can lead to disruption of the vaginal microflora and provoke candidiasis or vaginosis, we will talk about them later in the article.


White discharge in women increases in the first weeks of pregnancy. It often happens that a girl does not yet know about her pregnancy and is waiting for her period, instead of them, only this kind of discharge comes, very similar to those that occur during ovulation. And the reasons for their appearance are also associated with changes in the hormonal background.

Please note that the discharge should not be brown or bloody, have an unpleasant odor or cause itching. If any of the above is present, it is necessary to go to the doctor for an examination and pass a smear on the flora from the vagina.


The 2 diseases described below are typical for most women. But they cannot be called absolutely independent diseases; rather, they are also symptoms of trouble in the body, signs of various latent sexually transmitted infections.

Candidiasis or as it is often called - thrush. This is perhaps the most common female ailment, which can manifest itself in women who do not live sexually, and even in virgins. Its main symptoms are: white discharge in women and itching, and the discharge from the vagina can have not only a mucous consistency, but also look like cottage cheese. The smell is usually not pronounced or sour. The vulva is hyperemic, cracked, painful. An accurate diagnosis is made on the basis of a smear on the flora, in which the number of leukocytes is increased and Candida fungi (causative agents of thrush) are found. Treatment is carried out with special preparations focused on the fight against this particular pathogen, complex ones are less effective. The doctor may prescribe both vaginal suppositories and tablets.

Various diseases leading to suppression of immunity can provoke thrush. First of all, these include HIV and various sexual infections, diabetes mellitus. In addition, women taking oral contraceptives and antibiotics are at risk. Often, thrush worsens after intercourse and menstruation. You should also know that men also suffer from thrush, though often without pronounced symptoms.

Another common disease when white discharge appears in women with an odor is gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis. Its symptoms are quite similar to those of thrush (with the exception of the "curdled nature" of the discharge, and the smell of gardnerellez discharge is rotten fish, not sour; in men, only burning during urination is usually the only symptom), but treatment differs. Therefore, the doctor must take a smear on the flora before appointments. With gardnerellosis, a large number of leukocytes (a sign of inflammation) and pathogenic microorganisms of the same name are found in a smear.

Risk factors in terms of the likely occurrence of the disease:

  • douching (especially with preparations containing chlorine);
  • the use of lubricants and contraceptives (candles, tablets) containing 9-nonoxynol;
  • change of sexual partner;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • treatment with broad-spectrum suppositories (for example, Polygynax, Terzhinan).

Once again, I would like to remind you that white discharge in women requires treatment only if all 3 signs are present:

  • there are symptoms of the disease;
  • in the smear a large number of leukocytes;
  • a microorganism pathogen was found in the smear.

It is ineffective to carry out preventive treatment, and in the case of men it is completely useless, the number of relapses in a woman will not decrease only thanks to the preventive treatment of her partner. Men are even recommended to be examined for thrush or gardnerellosis only if they have the corresponding symptoms.

It should also be noted that neither the first nor the second disease is a sexually transmitted sexually transmitted disease, however, they serve as a reason for examination for more serious infections that can hide behind relatively harmless candidiasis and gardnerellosis.

Be healthy!

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