White discharge before period for how many days. White discharge before menstruation: norm and pathology. Pink highlights

Rosehip oil has a number of beneficial properties, including it has a positive effect on the skin, allowing it to maintain elasticity and tone. The composition of the product includes a large number of useful substances, one of which is ascorbic acid. It is thanks to her that the oil has a rejuvenating effect.

The beneficial properties of rosehip oil are due to its rich composition. It contains a number of micro and macro elements, saturated fatty acids, vitamins of groups B, C, E and K. Thanks to this composition, the oil has the following effect on the skin:

  • moisturizes the skin, prevents moisture loss;
  • eliminates acne;
  • protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • stimulates the production of collagen;
  • helps protect the skin from harmful radicals;
  • allows you to maintain elasticity;
  • eliminates peeling;
  • relieves pigmentation;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • improves complexion.

Rosehip oil, unlike many other remedies, can also be used around the eyes, as it does not irritate even thin skin.

Indications for use

Rosehip oil is used for different types of skin, depending on the task. The product is truly versatile. Thanks to the zinc included in the composition, the oil does not clog pores, but, on the contrary, eliminates the formation of comedones. The tool can be used for normal skin, as well as for oily and dry skin. The only thing to remember is not to use pure oil too often. This rule applies to oily and combination skin. Enough 1-2 times a week.

Rosehip oil is an excellent remedy that relieves dark circles under the eyes.

How to use wrinkle oil

To eliminate wrinkles, the product can be used both in pure form and in combination with other useful ingredients. Creams can be enriched with this tool by adding to 1 tsp. composition 4 drops of oil. It is more convenient to apply the product in its pure form with a cotton pad. You can do this regularly at bedtime for 30 days. Then it is better to take a break for a few weeks and continue the application.

Effective recipes with rosehip oil:

  1. Skin firming mask. You will need 2 chicken yolks. They must be beaten with a mixer and add 1 tsp. rosehip oil. Mix both components and apply to the skin with a cotton pad. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with water and moisturize your face with a cream suitable for your skin type. Repeat the procedure once a week for several months.
  2. Nourishing anti-wrinkle mask. You need oatmeal. It is recommended to grind them in a coffee grinder until flour is obtained. Then boil half a glass of milk. Pour 2 tbsp. l. flour. Let stand until the mixture is slightly warm. Then apply on the face. Wash off with cool water after 20 minutes. This mask should be done at least 1 time per week. Course - 1-2 months.
  3. A mixture of wrinkles around the eyes. Additionally, you will need capsules of vitamins E and A, as well as rosehip oil. All ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions. Capsules before use are recommended to be carefully pierced with a needle. After mixing, apply the composition to the skin around the eyes. Leave for 30 minutes. You may not rinse. It is recommended to blot the remains of the product with a paper towel. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for 2 months.
  4. Anti-aging composition. It is necessary to mix 1 tbsp. l. rosehip oil and wheat germ. Add 2 drops each of patchouli and geranium esters. Mix everything and apply on the face. Leave for 20 minutes. Then either rinse with water or blot with a damp cloth. Repeat once a week for a month.
  5. Rejuvenating mask. It is necessary to mix 1 tsp. honey and one yolk. Then add 1 tsp. rosehip oil. Apply to face with massage movements. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Then moisturize the skin with cream. This recipe is not suitable for people with allergies to bee products. Repeat the procedure 1 time in 10 days. Course - 2 months.

It is advisable to store rosehip oil in the refrigerator. It is recommended to purchase a cold-pressed product. It retains the maximum useful properties of the plant.

Ingredients for rosehip oil recipes - gallery

Chicken yolk improves skin condition Milk is better to take medium fat Oatmeal improves complexion
Vitamin E Capsules Provide Antioxidant Effects Vitamin A Capsules Rejuvenate Skin Wheat Germ Oil Helps Reduce Wrinkles Patchouli Oil Nourishes Skin
Geranium oil allows you to maintain elasticity. It is better to take liquid honey, as it is easier to mix.

Healing decoctions and miraculous tinctures based on wild rose do not need advertising, and rosehip oil for the face and its enormous potential as a cosmetic preparation for skin care are not known to everyone.

Since ancient times, the fruits of wild roses have been used as the most effective remedy for colds and viral diseases. It is believed that wild rose (as the berries of a wild rose are called in the common people) improves immunity better than any other remedy. But what opportunities do rose hips open up if you use it for skin care at home?

Have you noticed that small wrinkles began to appear on the skin? Is she flabby and inelastic? Is it dry and flaky? Are there damaged areas on the skin (burns from sunburn, age spots, bruises and peeling)? If the answers are yes, then you should start using rosehip essential oil for your skin.

Properties and chemical composition of oil

The production of oil from the berries of wild roses began not so long ago. In the production process, the extraction method and organic solvents are used. Essential oil is extracted from rosehip seeds using an extractant (a solvent that does not mix with the solution). Extraction is a method that allows you to maximize the original beneficial properties of the original substances, causing their available healing capabilities.

Rosehip oil is a liquid that has an orange color, sometimes with a brown or golden hue. It is bitter in taste and has a specific smell.

The chemical composition is unique: it includes a variety of substances that easily penetrate the cells of the epidermis, saturating them with nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

  • organic acids(fatty saturated and unsaturated acids, such as linoleic and linolenic acids).

Fatty acids act as a defense against the negative influence of various factors on living skin cells. They retain moisture in the cells, making the skin soft and supple.

  • Tocopherols.
  • Carotenoids.
  • Vitamins. The vitamin complex restores damaged tissues, regenerates frozen cells in their development, nourishes, moisturizes and saturates them with vitality. Some vitamins have strong antioxidant properties that slow down the aging and aging of the skin, on the contrary, increasing the amount of moisture in the cells. So, vitamin C in oil acts as a stimulator for the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity. Vitamin E is a source of oxygen, which means it saturates the skin with moisture, freshness and, as a result, youth.
  • Numerous trace elements: iron, phosphorus, calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium.

The presence of microelements in the composition of the oil contributes to the improvement of metabolic intracellular processes.

This composition helps the cells to fully live and function, enriches them with the necessary amount of oxygen.

Based on this, it can be argued that rosehip oil for the face is a leader in cosmetology, if the goal is to rejuvenate, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Despite the colossal cosmetic possibilities, it is important to know and understand that any remedy requires proper use, which is based on a specific purpose, individual indication and typical skin predisposition.

The effect of the application

The use of the tool guarantees the following effects:

  • slow down the aging process;
  • the level of skin elasticity increases;
  • microcracks and wounds heal;
  • softens the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • indicators of intracellular metabolism improve;
  • the protective barrier of the skin is strengthened;
  • moisture is effectively retained;
  • protection against UV and IR radiation.

Rosehip oil is not recommended for young skin.

Contraindications: what should be feared?

The use of rosehip oil is prohibited in the following cases.

  1. The skin is young. The optimal age period when rosehip extract has an active effect on the skin of the face is the age of 40+. The use of oil suggests that the skin has a dry and aging condition.
  2. The skin is oily or problem type.
  3. There are rashes on the face (irritation, acne, pimples) or a boil.
  4. There is an individual intolerance to one of the components of the composition of the product.

To exclude an undesirable appearance on the skin of the face of an allergic reaction to one of the components of the composition of the essential oil, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary test of the rosehip extract and check its interaction with the epidermis. Apply a couple of drops on the wrist (it is believed that this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is most susceptible to reagents) and make sure that there is no individual intolerance. If the result is negative, limit the use of oil.

Rosehip oil: how to apply?

The skin around the eyes and lips is the most suitable area on the face, where the product "demonstrates" its healing and cosmetic properties as much as possible. After all, it is in these places that the skin is the most delicate, thin, and, therefore, the most vulnerable to the appearance of wrinkles, the manifestation of dryness. This area on the face needs delicate care, which is able to provide an oily liquid.

The application and use of rosehip oil provides two options.

  1. Application in its purest form
  2. Use as a base for various facial masks and compresses.

Rosehip oil as a compress

As a compress, oil is used if there are scars, scars, acne marks, dermatitis and eczema on the face.

If a clean oily liquid is regularly applied to damaged areas, then after a while you can observe the result - the skin is renewed, its cells are regenerated. The healing effect is achieved due to metabolic processes, which are stimulated by the active components of the product. The effect is impressive: scars and abrasions become much smaller, acne marks become less noticeable, microscars become unexpressed.

How to prepare a compress?

  1. Moisten gauze, bandage or cosmetic sponge with rosehip oil.
  2. Apply a compress to problem skin areas.
  3. Hold for 30 minutes.

On a note

In order for the effectiveness of the use of the compress to be greater, this procedure should be carried out at intervals of 2 times a day.

Enhanced hydration and saturation of the skin with natural fat is what the epidermis lacks so much. The problem is solved if you use the product as an additive to your cream, day or night.

  • Add a drop of oil to the portion of the cream that you plan to apply on your face afterwards.
  • Apply the cream to the skin around the eyelids.
  • The process of applying the cream should be accompanied by light massage movements.

Instead of cream - rose hips

Try replacing cosmetic face cream with a natural remedy - rosehip oil. The effect will be better for several reasons.

  1. The oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes.
  2. It does not contain harmful substances and additives, which means it does not cause allergic reactions.
  3. Much cheaper than face cream.

How to use

  1. Clear your skin.
  2. Apply the liquid to the skin with massaging "pats".

You will be able to watch how it is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy sheen. It is thanks to this feature that the product can be used as a base for makeup.

If your goal is to moisturize combination skin types, then it is advisable to use oil only in those areas that are the most dehydrated and dry. Of course, these are cheeks and lips, as well as the area around the eyes.

Cream fortified

If your skin has entered the active phase of aging and wilting, we recommend preparing a vitamin face cream.

  1. Take an ordinary baby cream (40 grams will be enough).
  2. Add freshly squeezed aloe juice in a volume of 5 milliliters to the cream.
  3. 10 drops of liquid vitamin B2, bought at a pharmacy, and 20 drops of olive oil, also add to the cream.
  4. Add 10 drops of rosehip oily liquid to the resulting mixture.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly.

Rosehip and face mask options

Rosehip oil mask for dry skin

  1. Place 10 ml of oil (1 tablespoon) in a separate container.
  2. Separate two egg yolks.
  3. Combine the yolks with the butter, mixing thoroughly.
  4. Apply the mixture on your face.
  5. Carry out the procedure for 10 minutes.
  6. Wash your face.

Milky oatmeal mask

  1. Boil milk.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with boiling milk.
  3. Cool the resulting solution.
  4. Add 5 milliliters of rosehip oil.
  5. Treat your face with the resulting mixture.

Do you want your skin to be well-groomed and healthy? Rosehip oil is both a cosmetic and a medicine that will help keep your face in perfect condition, effectively caring for it.

In secret

A younger face in just 11 days!

Even at 40, you can look 21 if you smear your face at night ...

For every woman, healthy and beautiful facial skin is of great importance, as it is considered the main indicator of grooming. In addition, the face is a visiting card of a person. Over time, under the influence of many negative factors, the skin can lose its original appearance, becomes dry and flabby. To avoid all this, it is necessary to practice daily cosmetic care, it will help eliminate the first wrinkles, and make the skin supple and toned. Natural preparations are especially popular in cosmetology, among which rosehip oil deserves special attention. Rosehip oil is good for all skin types.

It moisturizes, enriches with useful trace elements, nourishes dry skin, relieves irritation and redness. Most often, this drug is also used for care in the areas around the eyes and lips, the cover in these places is delicate, and therefore requires special care.

The use of rosehip oil for the face in this situation is the right decision, as it moisturizes cells well and protects against the appearance of mimic wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise using the product both in its pure form and combine it with various creams or masks.


In the manufacture of rosehip oil, a low temperature extraction method or a cold pressing method is used. Thanks to these types of processing, all useful and medicinal properties are preserved in the product, which makes it indispensable in cosmetology. The benefits of a natural preparation are explained by its unique composition, which is represented by monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated acids. The product also contains linoleic, oleic and linolenic acids, providing a nourishing and moisturizing effect. All trace elements that are part of the main composition of natural oil are actively involved in the processes of skin regeneration at the cellular level.

Rosehip oil has also found its place in the production of anti-wrinkle cream, it has not only a rejuvenating effect, but is also rich in vitamin A. In addition, the cosmetic cleanses the skin well from impurities and hard water, enriches it with the necessary moisture and oxygen, and helps protect cover from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. The composition of rosehip oil also includes such a natural antioxidant as vitamin C and vitamin "eternal youth" E. This natural product in cosmetology is valued because it significantly improves all metabolic processes in the cells of the skin of the face, helps replenish the deficiency of such important trace elements as calcium, magnesium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, strontium.


Distinguish between cosmetic and essential rosehip oil. Cosmetic product is often used in daily care for the delicate skin of the eyelids and lips. To prevent the formation of the first wrinkles it is recommended to mix it with basic creams, masks, or just apply it on the face. The drug is characterized by an excellent cleansing property, therefore it can be used to remove makeup including eyelids. In addition to all this, cosmetic m rosehip oil is a good emollient for aging and dry skin, For maximum results, this product should be used daily in place of a traditional lotion.

A preparation made from rosehip seeds is often used as to fight scars on the face, as it is characterized by the function of cell regeneration. Therefore, rosehip oil is indispensable for various skin lesions, facial burns. Oil applications based on it, allow you to eliminate old scars, smooth skin areas and reduce bright coloring.

Not inferior in its properties and rosehip essential oil, it has successfully established itself as an active supplement for everyday skin care. The natural product not only saturates the cells with minerals and important vitamins, but also activates all metabolic processes at the micro level. Therefore, it is considered the main moisturizing base and protective barrier for the face. The essential oil promotes cell regeneration, tightens the face well, smoothes wrinkles and renews the complexion. If you use the product daily, then in a short time you will notice significant results - the aging process will slow down, the structure and tone of the skin will be updated, stretch marks, age spots and sagging will disappear.

Rosehip essential oil is characterized by sun protection functions, and this allows it to be used as a reliable protective agent against the harmful effects of the sun. To do this, it is enough to add a few drops of the product to the finished day or night cream. You can also apply the essential component directly to the face.


Due to its unique characteristics and versatility, rosehip oil occupies a leading position in the cosmetology market, in particular, it concerns rejuvenation procedures. It is recommended to use the drug for any type of skin, taking into account certain rules and indications.

So, for example, it is forbidden to perform such anti-aging therapy for young young skin.

A natural remedy will have a positive result in the following cases:

  • Tightness, dryness;
  • Inflammatory processes of the skin, wounds, scars on the face, microcracks;
  • wrinkles;
  • severe burns;
  • Flabbiness;
  • Consequences of sunburn;
  • Dark spots;
  • Circles under the eyes.

It is advisable to use the oil strictly according to the instructions, this applies to the care of sensitive facial skin, in the presence of acne and furunculosis, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the elements that make up the drug.

This herbal product is well suited for home cosmetic procedures, healing masks can be easily made from it, there are many different recipes for this. The oil is suitable for daily wiping the face, for a better effect, it is added to regular lotions and creams. For one teaspoon of the product, 4 drops of oil are taken.

In addition to all this, rosehip oil is the basis of most aromatic mixtures that are indispensable for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for skin care. It is not bad to combine the product with the esters of other plants. To get a universal composition, it is enough to take one spoonful of germinated wheat germ, mix them with a spoonful of rosehip ether and add geranium oil.

This composition is great for massage procedures, for this, the fingers are soaked with oil and "driven" into the skin of the face with light movements.

In the event that there are wounds, cracks, special applications are used. Small pieces of napkins are moistened in oil, then applied to damaged areas for 15 minutes. It is advisable to repeat this procedure several times daily. In cosmetology, masks prepared on the basis of rosehip esters are also in great demand. The simplest and most affordable yolk mask, it is obtained by mixing two egg yolks with one teaspoon of the drug, it must be kept for at least 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water. A mask with oatmeal has proven itself well, 2 tablespoons of flakes are poured with boiling milk, then cooled and thoroughly mixed with one teaspoon of the remedy.

We prepare a face mask with you in the video.

A frequent problem of the face is aging skin, in order to prevent this, it is recommended to regularly use self-made creams.

The simplest cream is taken as their basis, then 20 drops of olive oil, 10 drops of rosehip ether, a teaspoon of aloe juice, 10 drops of vitamin B2 are added. It is also good to perform this procedure for the eyelid area; in addition, vitamins E and A can also be added to the cream.

Rosehip oil for facial skin

Photo Shutterstock

Beneficial features

This oil contains vitamins A, C and E, tocopherols, phosphorus, calcium, copper, linoleic and linolenic acids, beta-carotene and other valuable substances. With such a rich composition, this cosmetic product has an antimicrobial, vitaminizing, softening, regenerating, toning and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin of the face.

The use of rosehip oil for skin care

For dry or aging skin, it is recommended to apply pure oil instead of cream. Apply this product with light patting movements: this increases the flow of blood to the surface layers of the skin, which means it increases the efficiency of using the oil.

If the skin is oily and prone to rashes, it is not recommended to use rosehip oil in its pure form to care for it.

Rosehip oil pairs well with aromatic oils of orange, patchouli, rose, ylang-ylang, neroli, chamomile, bergamot and lavender. For example, you can mix 1 tbsp. rosehip oil with 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oil and 2 drops of patchouli essential oil. This cosmetic mixture stimulates the process of skin cell renewal, increases its elasticity and smoothes wrinkles.

To prepare a refreshing and cleansing mask based on this oil, take the following components:

  • 10 g yeast
  • ½ tsp rosehip oil
  • 1 st. l. milk

Yeast is diluted in milk, after which oil is added and the mixture is applied to the face. After 7-10 minutes, the product is washed off with cool boiled water.

In 1 st. l. rosehip oil, add 3 drops of vitamins A and E: this remedy is applied to the delicate skin of the eyelids in the morning and evening

To increase the elasticity of the skin, a cosmetic product is prepared from:

  • chicken egg yolk
  • 1 tsp rosehip oil
  • 1 tsp natural honey

The components are thoroughly mixed, after which the mass is applied to the face for 13-15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Based on it, a cosmetic mixture is prepared, which is distinguished by anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects.

To do this, take the following ingredients:

  • 1 st. l. bran
  • 1 st. l. nettle infusion
  • 1 tsp rosehip oil

These components are mixed, after which the product is applied to the face and left for 10-13 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Withering facial skin will become more elastic and acquire a beautiful color if you use a vitamin cream to care for it, consisting of:

  • 1 tsp aloe juice
  • 10 drops liquid vitamin B2
  • 20 drops of olive oil
  • 10 drops of rosehip oil
  • 40 ml regular baby cream

Various cosmetics, which everyone constantly uses, have a lot of herbal ingredients in their composition. Rosehips are often included in many creams and masks, but to use it more effectively, you can prepare cosmetics at home on your own. Masks, creams, lotions with the addition of rose hips nourish and rejuvenate the skin, and using such products is easy and pleasant.

Rosehip benefits for skin

Using rosehip for the skin on an ongoing basis, you can get rid of dry skin, fine wrinkles, inflammatory rashes, improve its appearance and perfectly saturate it with vitamins. The healing properties of rose hips have been known for a long time, because it contains vitamins of groups C, E, A - they help make the skin of the face almost perfect, beautiful, even, give it a uniform tone. The trace elements contained in the fruits contribute to the rapid regeneration of the skin and the normalization of metabolic processes inside the cells. In addition, under the influence of substances that make up its composition, the protective functions of the skin are enhanced several times.

Useful properties of rose hips for the skin:

  1. Saturate the skin with all the necessary vitamins;
  2. Prevent excessive dryness or oiliness;
  3. Eliminate inflammatory processes;
  4. Protect the skin of the face from rapid aging;
  5. Increase the protective function of the skin.

To soften the skin of the face and get rid of signs of aging, it is necessary to use rosehip oil for the face, and if you need to prepare a mask, then fresh fruits. For the preparation of various kinds of tonics and lotions, dried fruits of the plant are suitable.

The use of rose hips for the face

Facial care is a very important and rather time-consuming process. In order for the skin to always look great, it is worth using several products that include rosehip or its essential oil.

Rosehip oil for face

For quite a long period of time, rosehip oil for the skin has been very actively used in home practice. Oil is used to quickly and easily remove eye makeup, get rid of wrinkles or prevent their appearance. Skin that suffers from excessive dryness and looks withered also needs to be treated with this miracle remedy. It is quite possible to use the essential oil of the fruit instead of a night cream.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Decoction of wild rose for the face

Brewing rosehip broth for the face at home is so simple that everyone can do it on their own.

For this you need:

  1. Take 6 tsp. dried rose hips;
  2. Pour 500 ml of clean water;
  3. Boil over medium heat for 10 minutes;
  4. Wrap the container with a decoction with a blanket or pour it into a thermos and let it brew for 6 hours.

A decoction is used to wipe the face, make ice to improve skin color and get rid of inflammatory processes. With the constant use of the product for problematic facial skin, the positive effect very quickly makes itself felt. But it is worth remembering that such natural cosmetics are not stored for long, and if the decoction is stored for a very long time, instead of benefit, it can only bring harm.

The best recipes for homemade rosehip face masks

Homemade face masks using rose hips are simply very popular. You can make such a tool with your own hands in a few minutes and it’s easy to apply, because the main thing is to know how to do it right.

Mask with rosehip oil

Result: in the course of constant use, the rosehip oil mask perfectly helps to smooth out wrinkles, prevent the appearance of new ones, saturate the skin with vitamins and make it more elastic.


  • 10 drops of rosehip oil;
  • 20 drops of olive oil;
  • 10 drops of liquid B2 vitamin;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of aloe juice;
  • 4 grams of absolutely any baby cream.

Preparation and method of application: place the indicated amount of baby cream in a non-metallic container, add all the oils and aloe juice in turn. Mix everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and apply to the face with light massage movements. Wash off with lukewarm water after 20 minutes.

Video recipe: Homemade facial rejuvenation cream with rosehip oil

Anti-wrinkle mask

Result: Rosehip anti-wrinkle mask helps to completely get rid of small depressions in the skin and significantly reduce deep wrinkles. The skin becomes more elastic and elastic.


  • 2 teaspoons of fresh rosehip broth;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of natural honey.

Preparation and method of application: mix honey with a decoction until smooth, apply on the skin of the face, slightly pressing the mixture. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. (Recommended - the best honey face masks)

Recipe for dry skin

Result: in cosmetology, a rosehip mask for dry skin is considered the most effective, because it eliminates excessive tightening of the skin, relieves peeling and irritability, nourishes with vitamins and improves color.


  • 1 teaspoon of freshly prepared rosehip broth;
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • 1 chicken yolk.

Preparation and method of application: lightly beat the yolk, add rosehip infusion, olive oil and beat until smooth. Apply with light movements on the face and leave for a third of an hour. Wash off with warm water.

Recipe for oily skin

Result: the mask eliminates oily sheen and makes the skin more matte, and also narrows enlarged pores and get rid of acne.


  • 1 egg white, chilled;
  • 4 teaspoons of rosehip extract.

Preparation and method of application: beat the protein well, gradually adding the decoction, apply on the face with light movements and rinse after 20 minutes, first with warm and then with cold water.

Rosehip and aloe mask

Result: the skin is saturated with vitamins, its color improves, pores narrow and inflammatory processes are eliminated. Skin tone becomes even, oily sheen disappears.


  • 3 teaspoons of rosehip oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice;
  • 1 teaspoon of natural honey;
  • 3 drops of liquid vitamins A and E (if possible).

Preparation and method of application: first, displace honey, rosehip and jojoba oil, add aloe juice, vitamins A and E, bring the mass to uniformity. Apply with light movements, wash off after a third of an hour, using warm and cold water alternately.

Video recipe for facial skin with rosehip oil, oatmeal and vitamin E

Rosehip Nourishing Mask

Result: saturation of the skin with vitamins and its softening, even tone.


  • 2 tablespoons of fresh rose hips;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of bee honey;
  • 10 drops of olive oil.

Preparation and method of application: knead the fruits well and remove the seeds, add honey and olive oil to them, mix well. Apply with light movements, rinse with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.

Rosehip Purifying Mask

Result: Perfect for people with combination skin, this cleansing mask effectively fights pore impurities.


  • 1 st. a spoonful of fat sour cream;
  • 1 st. rosehip broth;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice.

Preparation and method of application: mix all the ingredients and apply with light massage movements. Wash off with cool water after 20 minutes.

Folk recipes at home work great and this has already been tested by many people.

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