Scenario of the New Year's performance for students “The night before Christmas. Christmas Eve

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H. V. Gogol

Christmas Eve

Staged by T. P. Andreeva

Misha, his younger brother.
Vakula, blacksmith.
1st Cossack,
2nd Cossack.

Before the curtain

Sasha sits and reads a thick book. Enter Misha.

Misha. Sasha, what are you reading?
Sasha (reading). Leave me alone! Gogol.
Misha. Interesting?
Sasha. Highly. Don't interfere.
Misha. And about what?
Sasha. "Christmas Eve".
Misha. Story?
Sasha. Well, yes. Story. Get off!
Misha. What about in the fairy tale?
Sasha (sighs). Here's the irresistible one! About the blacksmith Vakula. How he flew on the line from Ukraine to St. Petersburg.
Misha. Read to me. Oh please!
Sasha. Okay. Listen and shut up.

Misha sits down on a bench at Sasha's feet.

(Reads.) “The last day before Christmas has passed. Winter night came: the stars looked, the month majestically rose to the sky to shine kind people and around the world. It was freezing colder than in the morning, but it was so quiet that the creak of frost under a boot could be heard half a verst away. Not a single crowd of lads has yet appeared under the windows of the huts, the moon alone has only peered into them furtively, as if calling dressed-up girls to run out more quickly into the creaky snow ... "
Behind the tulle curtain on the stage, the yellow light, like from a kerosene lamp, illuminates Oksana, dressing herself in front of a hand mirror.
Oksana. Why do people want to praise that I'm good? People lie, I'm not good at all! Are my black eyebrows and my eyes so good that they have no equal in the world? What good is there in the mouth of the nose, and in the cheeks, and in the lips? Like my black braids look good? Wow, you can be scared of them in the evening: they are like long snakes twisted and coiled around my head. I see now that I'm not good at all! (Pushes the mirror a little away from him, exclaims.) No, I'm good! Ah, how good! Miracle!

Vakula enters quietly.

Vakula. Wonderful girl! And she doesn't have much to brag about! He stands for an hour, looking in the mirror, and does not look enough and still praises himself aloud.
Oksana (turning around, saw the blacksmith and screamed). Why did you come here? Do you want to be kicked out the door with a shovel?
Vakula. Do not be mad at me! Let me at least talk, at least look at you!
Oksana. Who forbids you? Speak and look. (Sits down on the bench.)
Vakula. Let me sit next to you?
Oksana (pushing him away). Go away! You smell like smoke. I think he has smeared me all over with his soot. (Leaves him and preens again in front of the mirror.) Is it true that your mother is a witch?
Vakula. What do I care about my mother? You are my mother and father, and everything that is dear in the world!
Oksana. You see what you are!.. However, the girls don't come... What would that mean? I'm getting bored!
Vakula. So do you have fun with them?
Oksana. Yes, it's more fun than with you. BUT! Someone knocked. That's right, girls. (Gone.)

Vakula (one). What can I expect more? She mocks me. I am as dear to her as a rusty horseshoe.

Oksana and Odarka enter.

Oksana. Odarka! You have new boots. Ah, how good! And with gold! It’s good for you, Odarka, you have such a person who buys everything for you, but I have no one to get such nice little slippers.
Vakula. Do not grieve, my beloved Oksana! I'll get you such slippers as a rare lady wears.
Oksana. You? I'll see where you can get such slippers that I could put on my leg! Are they the ones the queen wears?
Odarka (laughs).. See what you want!
Oksana. Yes! Be a witness: if the blacksmith Vakula brings those very slippers that the queen wears, then here is my word that I will marry him immediately!
Vakula. Farewell, Oksana! Fool whoever you want, but you won't see me again in this world!
Odarka. Where, Vakula?
Vakula. Farewell! God willing, I'll see you in the next world, but in this we can no longer walk together. Do not remember dashingly!

The light behind the tulle goes out.

Sasha (reading). “Here, through the chimney of Vakulova’s hut, smoke poured out in clubs and went in a cloud across the sky, and together with the smoke, a witch mounted on a broom rose up. It was Solokha, Vakula's mother. She rose so high that only one black speck flickered above. Suddenly, from the opposite side, another speck appeared, increased, began to stretch, and there was no longer a speck, but simply - hell.
The frost was increasing, and it became so cold upstairs that the devil jumped from one hoof to another and blew into his fist, wanting to somehow warm his freezing hands. The witch herself felt that it was cold, despite the fact that she was warmly dressed, and therefore, raising her hands up, put her foot aside and, bringing herself into such a position as a man flying on skates, without moving a single joint, descended through the air, as if along the icy sloping mountain, and straight into the pipe.

Behind the tulle, a red and blue light is lit. Solokha jumps out from behind the curtains on a broomstick and stumbles upon the bags standing on the floor. Behind her, the Devil jumps onto the stage.

Solokha. Vakula brought the sacks, let him carry them out himself!
Damn (jumped towards Solokha). Please, a pen.
Solokha (holding out her hand to him). Nate!
Damn (kisses the hand). Oh!
Vakula (offstage). Open up!
Heck. Is someone knocking?
Vakula (even stronger). Open up!
Heck. It's a blacksmith! Do you hear, Solokha? Wherever you want take me.
Solokha. Get into the bag. (Exits.)

The devil is in the bag. The light behind the tulle goes out and immediately lights up again.
The line is no more. Vakula enters.

Vakula. Will this worthless Oksana not get out of my mind? I don’t want to think about her, but everything is thought. And, as if on purpose, about her alone. Why is it so that a thought creeps into one's head against one's will? (Thinking. I saw the sacks.) Why are these sacks lying here? It's time to get them out of here! Tomorrow is a holiday, and there is still all sorts of rubbish in the hut. Take them to the forge. (Tries to pick up the sack.) What the hell! The bags seemed to be heavier than before. There must be something else here besides coal. I'm a fool! I forgot that now I feel more and more difficult. Soon I will fall from the wind. What kind of a woman am I! Don't let anyone laugh at you! At least ten of these bags - I will lift everything. What, really? It's like everything is gone. I'll try one more remedy: I'll go to the paunchy Cossack Patsyuk. He, they say, knows all the devils and will do whatever he wants. (Pulls up the bag.)

The light behind the tulle goes out.

Sasha. “The devil jumped in the sack for joy, but the blacksmith, thinking that he had somehow hooked the sack and made this movement himself, hit the sack with his fist and, shaking it on his shoulders, went to pot-bellied Patsyuk. This pot-bellied Patsyuk was once a Cossack, but they kicked him out or he himself fled from Zaporozhye, Nobody knew this.

Behind the tulle, a yellow light lights up. Patsyuk sits and eats dumplings from a bowl standing on a tub. Behind him appears V a k u l a with a bag
over your shoulders.

Vakula (bowing). I came to your mercy, Patsyuk!

You, they say, don't say it out of anger ... - I'm not talking about this in order to inflict any offense on you - you are a little like the devil.

Patsyuk raised his head and began to eat dumplings again.

Came to you, Patsyuk. God grant you everything, all good things in contentment, bread in the pleportia. I have to perish, a sinner! Nothing will help me in the world. What will be will be. You have to ask the devil for help.

Patsyuk raised his head and began to eat dumplings again.

Well, Patsyuk, what should I do?
Patsyuk. When you need the devil, then go to hell. (Continues to eat dumplings.)
Vakula (bowing). That's why he came to you: apart from you, I think no one knows the way to him.

Patsyuk is silent and finishes the dumplings.

Do me a favor, good man, do not refuse. Tell me at least how, roughly speaking, to get on the road to him.
Patsyuk. The one who has the devil behind him does not need to go far.
Vakula. What? (Lowers the sack.) What does he say?

The light goes out, and when the blue light comes on again, neither Patsyuk nor the tub is gone, and the Devil is sitting on Vakul.

Heck. It's me, your friend, I'll do everything for a comrade and friend! (Into the left ear.) I'll give you as much money as you want. (Into the right ear.) Oksana will be ours today.
Vakula. Please! For this price, I'm ready to be yours.
Damn (laughs). Well, Vakula, you know that nothing is done without a contract.
Vakula. I'm ready! You, I heard, sign with blood; wait, I'll get a nail in my pocket. (Putting his hand behind his back, grabs the Devil by the tail.)
Damn (laughing). Wow, what a joker! Well, that's enough, Vakula, pampered and that's enough.
Vakula. Stop, dove! (Pulls the Devil off his back by the tail.) You will know from me how to teach good people about the sins! (Sits on Devil's back.)
Damn (groaning piteously). Have mercy, Vakula, I will do everything that is necessary for you, only let your soul go to repentance!
Vakula. And, what a voice he sang! Now I know what to do. Take me this very hour on yourself! Do you hear? Yes, fly like a bird!
Heck. Where?
Vakula. Petersburg, straight to the queen!

The light behind the tulle goes out.

Sasha. “And the blacksmith was stunned with fear, feeling himself rising into the air. First, he rose from the ground to such a height that he could not see anything below, and flew like a fly under the very moon, so that if he had not leaned a little, he would have hooked him with his hat. However, a little later he took courage and began to play a joke on the devil. Everything was bright above. The air was transparent in a light silver mist. And suddenly Petersburg shone in front of him, all in lights.

The green light behind the tulle illuminates the Devil and Vakula on his back.

Heck. Should I go straight to the queen?
Vakula. No, it's scary. Here somewhere, I don’t know, the Cossacks landed, who passed through Dikanka in the fall. They were traveling from the Sich with papers to the queen; anyway, consult with them. Hey Satan! Get into my pocket and take me to the Cossacks!

Darkness. The yellow light comes on. Two Cossacks are sitting.

Vakula (bowing to the ground). Hello sir! God help you, that's where we met!
1st Cossack. What kind of person is there?
Vakula. Didn't you recognize? It's me, Vakula, the blacksmith. When we drove through Dikanka in the fall, we stayed for a while, God grant you all health and longevity, I have almost two days. I then put a new tire on the front wheel of your wagon.
2nd Cossack. BUT! This is the same blacksmith who paints importantly.
1st Cossack. Hello, countryman. After we talk with you, fellow countryman, more.
2nd Cossack. Now we are going to the queen.
Vakula. To the queen? And be gentle, gentlemen, take and
me with you!
1st Cossack. You? What will you do there? No, you can't!
2nd Cossack. We, brother, will talk with the queen about our own.
Vakula. Take it! (Bending down to his pocket.) Damn, ask! (He strikes his pocket.)

The devil squeaked.

2nd Cossack. Let's take it, shall we?
1st Cossack. Maybe we'll take it!

The light behind the tulle goes out.

Sasha. “It seemed wonderful to the blacksmith again when he raced in a huge carriage, swinging on springs, when four-story houses ran past him on both sides and the pavement, rattling, seemed to roll under the horses' feet. The carriage stopped in front of the palace. The Cossacks went out, stepped into the splendid vestibule, and began to ascend the brilliantly lit staircase. The blacksmith followed them timidly, fearful of slipping on the parquet at every step. Three rooms passed. Suddenly the Cossacks fell to the ground and shouted with one voice. The blacksmith, not seeing anything, stretched out himself with all zeal on the floor.

The Cossacks and the queen standing in front of them are illuminated by a bright light behind the tulle.

Cossacks and Vakula. Have mercy, mom! Have mercy! Queen. Get up.
Cossacks and Vakula. Let's not get up, mom! Let's not get up! We die, we don't get up!
Queen. Get up - I command!

The Cossacks and Vakula get up.

His Serene Highness promised to introduce me to my people, whom I have not yet seen. What do you want?
Vakula (to himself). Now it's time! The queen asks what you want! (To her.) Your royal majesty, do not order to be executed, order to pardon! From what, not in anger, be it said to your royal grace, are the slippers made that are on your feet? I think that not a single Swedish citizen in any state in the world will be able to do this! My God, what if my wife put on such slippers!
Queen. If you really want to have such shoes, then it is not difficult to do. (Turning backstage.) Bring him now the shoes, the most expensive, with gold. (To the Cossacks.) Are you well kept here?
1st Cossack. Thank you, mom! Provision is good...

Hands in white gloves are stretched out from behind the curtains, with a pillow on which the queen's shoes lie.

Queen (Vakule). Take my slippers, good man.
Vakula. Thank you mom! (He bows and walks away with his shoes towards the curtain.)
Queen (to the Cossacks). Does that mean they provide good food?
2nd Cossack. Good, although local sheep are not at all what we have in Zaporozhye.
Vakula (at the very curtain he bent down to his pocket and struck it with his fist). Heck! Get me out of here soon!

The light behind the tulle goes out.

Sasha. “Even faster during the rest of the night, the devil and the blacksmith rushed back, and in an instant Vakula found himself near his hut. Here, seizing a twig, he gave the devil three strokes, and the poor devil began to run. After this, Vakula entered the vestibule, buried himself in the hay and slept until the morning.

Golden light behind the tulle illuminates Oksana.

Oksana. What if he really left and never returned to the village? What if he really decided on something terrible? What good! He loved me so...
Vakula (appearing). Look what slippers I brought you!
Oksana (screams happily). Ay!
Vakula. The ones the queen wears.
Oksana. No no! I don't need cherries! I love you even without laces!

The light behind the tulle goes out.

The curtain.

Tips for performers

The staging is designed for such a circle of school amateur performances, in which there are few children, and, perhaps, there are no costumes, scenery, or an equipped stage. Even if it were necessary to put on a performance simply in a classroom or at home in a room, then even then it would be possible to stage it.
What does it take to stage a performance?
A few steps back from the back wall of the stage or room, hang a white curtain (you can use sewn sheets). Behind this curtain, the performers will change and wait for their appearance on the stage. The things necessary in the course of the action will also be hidden there: benches, bags, a barrel and a bowl.
Instead of a curtain, you can hang blankets or other suitable material. The curtain should be hung at such a distance from the back white curtain that there is a playground between them - the stage.
In front of the curtain on the right or left (as is more convenient in this room), you need to put an armchair for Sasha, and at his feet - a small bench for Misha.
The lighting needs to be arranged so that Sasha has a special light bulb with its own switch, and the stage lights turn on separately from it. When Sasha speaks, he lights his light bulb, when the action on the stage begins, he extinguishes it. If you can not arrange a separate switch, you can use a flashlight, a portable electric night light - which will be easier to get.
While Sasha is reading and the curtain is closed, the stage lights up. Things are installed there and performers take their places. Then the light is extinguished, the curtain parted in the darkness, and when the light is turned on again, the characters are already standing and sitting in their places.
When the action is over, the light is extinguished, the curtain closes in the dark. Sasha lights the lamp and continues to read. As soon as he spoke, the lights are turned on on the stage behind the closed curtain and they begin rearranging the scenery for the next picture.
Sasha and Misha at the beginning of the performance go to their places not from behind the curtain, but from the auditorium. When the performance is over, Sasha puts out his lamp and goes with Misha behind the curtain onto the stage.
The auditorium is illuminated, and the audience sees an empty chair in front of a closed curtain. The play is over.
In order to avoid any confusion during the performance, it is necessary to accurately distribute all the responsibilities for rearranging the scenery. These permutations need to be rehearsed several times, achieving a clear and silent operation. There should not be a single stranger on the stage: the performers themselves do everything. When you achieve complete coherence in the permutations, you can consider the technical side of the performance ready: before the eyes of the audience, everything, “like in a fairy tale”, suddenly appears from the darkness, scene after scene is replaced without the slightest delay.
If it is possible to get gauze (instead of tulle), then immediately behind the curtain a second curtain is pulled across the entire stage (in our dramatization this is called a “tulle curtain”). When the light is extinguished behind the gauze curtain, and Sasha and Misha sitting in front of the gauze are illuminated by their light bulb, then from the auditorium it will not be visible what is happening on the stage behind the gauze. There will also be enough light from Sasha's light bulb in order to rearrange for the next picture. When Sasha turns off his light bulb and the light is on on the stage, the audience will see everything that happens there through the gauze. The gauze curtain opens only once - after Sasha's words: " if calling dressed-up girls to run out more quickly into the creaky snow."
The curtain closes only when Sasha and Misha leave the stage in the dark.
The spectacle through gauze, as if in a fog, creates the impression of a fairy tale happening. If you change the color of the lighting on the stage, the spectacle will become even more fantastic.
This can best be achieved by illuminating the stage with a projection lamp and changing the colored cellophane filters in front of its lens. A projection lamp is placed behind the curtain, in front of which Sasha sits, so that the lamp is not visible to the audience. With the help of such a lantern, one can achieve the impression of Vakula flying on the line. It is done like this. The devil is on all fours on a bench. Vakula, saddling him, also puts his feet on the bench. They carry on their conversation without moving: the circle of light from the lantern illuminates only Vakula on the line through blue or green cellophane, leaving the bench in the dark. If at the same time the spotlight is given rotary motion, then the wobbling of the shadows on the illuminated white backdrop will give the impression of flying.
To make permutations easier and faster, you need to get by with as few things as possible.

A wide bench without a back (or two benches made up). Vakula and Oksana sit on it in the first and last scenes, and the Cossacks when Vakula comes to them.
The tub. It can be made from an inverted stool, upholstered with plywood, cardboard or newspapers pasted in several layers. Patsyuk has a bowl of dumplings on it, and before that, wrapped in cloth, it depicts one of the bags that Vakula drags out of the hut; the same tub can serve as a seat for the queen, if she covers it with her skirts and mantle.

Devil bag. In an empty bag you need to put bristling things; for example, branches of a bush. The bag should be heavy enough to lie on the B shark's back without slipping when moving.

Tsarina's slippers. On ordinary shoes, you can make cases from "gold" or "silver" paper (for example, from tea wrappers). They are served to Vakule tied in a bright silk scarf. When he puts them on the bench in front of Oksana and unties them, shine a light on them to make them shine.

The situation is more complicated with costumes.

Oksana costume. White blouse with Ukrainian embroidery. If there is none, sew on the chest and sleeves of a white blouse quadrangular pieces of white fabric, painted (screened) to look like Ukrainian embroidery. Put beads on your neck. Wrap the braids around the head and tie at the back with multi-colored ribbons falling down the back and across the shoulders to the chest. A black or blue skirt must be girded with a red or green scarf - a sash.

Solokha's costume. Solokha is dressed in the same way as Oksana, but on her head is a scarf tied at the back, at the back of her head.

Odarki costume. Brown coat with a red sash. The head is tied with a light or colorful scarf. On the feet are shiny (rubber) boots.

Queen costume. A dress (silk if possible) with a figure-hugging bodice and a very wide, fluffy skirt to the floor. Over shoulder blue ribbon, and on her chest is a "diamond" star. On the neck is a "precious" necklace. Hairstyle with a high comb over the forehead and with curls at the temples, hair heavily powdered, a small crown on the hair (Christmas decorations can serve as jewelry). There may be a fan in the hands. A bright long cloak is thrown over one shoulder (you can take a tablecloth), creeping along the floor.

Patsyuk costume. A white shirt with Ukrainian embroidery, or just a flap painted under Ukrainian embroidery is sewn onto the chest of a white shirt. The shirt is tucked into blue wide trousers, belted with a wide bright-colored cloth sash. On the feet are boots.

Vakula costume. Brown (or gray) ladies' coat, belted with a wide red cloth sash. In the hands of a gray lamb hat. Trousers. Boots.

Cossack costume. They are dressed in the same way as Patsyuk, but a ladies' bright coat (green, red) is thrown over one shoulder, so that it is impossible to see the style.

Devil's suit. Racing skating or training black suit. Cardboard horns are tied to the forehead, a tail is sewn on the back - a twine sheathed in black cloth.

In order to play each of the roles correctly, you need to remember well everything that Gogol says about this character, both from the author and on behalf of other characters. Focus not on resemblance, but on the correct transfer of the character of the acting person.
The roles of Sasha and Misha are very responsible. So that the audience does not get bored, Sasha should vividly imagine (imagine) the whole Gogol story and try to read it so that the listeners, in turn, vividly imagine all the events that take place, and Misha should try to listen carefully to Sasha.
To listen to the interlocutor (partner) means to imagine what he is talking about. Then it becomes easier to answer him with the words of your role.
It would be good to use Ukrainian songs in the staging.
So, for example, Oksana, dressing up in front of a mirror, can sing a cheerful song.
When Vakula says: “You are my mother and father, and everything that is dear in the world,” a choral song will be heard from the street, from behind the stage, which continues until Oksana’s words: “Here is my word that I will go out marry him immediately!"
The Cossacks, before Vakula enters them, can sing a long song.
In the last picture, after Oksana's words: "He loved me so much ..." - Vakula's song is heard from afar. Gradually she approaches, and Vakula enters with a song, puts the knot on the bench, unties it. Having untied it, he stops singing and says: “Look what slippers I brought you! ..”
After the words of Oksana: “I love you even without the boots!” - a dance song suddenly burst out from behind the stage. Oksana and Vakula picked up the song and started dancing.

From the artist

To facilitate the design of the performance, we suggest that you use the method of conveying the whole through a detail, through a symbol, which is common in the theater.
A very typical decoration of a Ukrainian hut is an embroidered towel, a towel. Such a towel can become a symbol of the whole hut. In the same way, baroque stucco ornamentation is a symbol of the queen's palace.
Paint a piece of canvas with paints for Ukrainian embroidery and fasten it in front of the “ornament” made in the same way.
During the break, with the curtain closed, the towel is removed, revealing the ornament, but when the action is transferred back to the hut, the towel is hung again.

Scenario "The Night Before Christmas"

(based on the novel by N. Gogol, in 8 scenes)


  1. Heck
  2. Solokha
  3. Oksana
  4. Blacksmith Vakula
  5. Sverbyguz
  6. Osip Nikiforovich
  7. Sverbyguz's wife
  8. Girlfriends
  9. empress
  10. Potemkin

Picture 1.


H . Well, night! As per order! Quiet, clear, the moon sparkles in the sky - just like a Christmas fairy tale! If only now they could invent some dirty trick, spoil the holidays for little people! And in hell they would have noted: a medal on the chest, or pants with stripes. Here it’s natural, little shirt, then the general’s pants and went to write out ... “Madame Solokha!” - Ah, mister diavolissimo... Just think of such a thing (looks around) Is it possible to steal a month. Well, that's a good idea. Again, a gift for the dearest Solokha ... (steals the month)

Picture 2.

Chub and Sverbyguz

Ch. So you, godfather, have not yet been to the deacon's new hut? There will now be a good drinking party, so as not to be late.

WITH. What is the devil? Look!

Ch. What?

With . Like what!, There is no month!

Ch. What an abyss! In fact, there is no month.

WITH. It was necessary for some devil to intervene so that he, the dog, would not have a chance to drink a glass of vodka in the morning! Right, as if laughing! On purpose, sitting in the hut. looked out the window: the night is a miracle! It is light, the snow shines during the month. Everything was visible as day! I didn’t have time to go out the door - and now, at least gouge out your eye!

Ch. Well, if it's dark, why don't we just stay at home?

With . No, godfather, you can't, let's go. Have to go.

Picture 3.

Oksana, then Kuznets. Then girlfriends.

O . (looking out the door) Well, is your father gone? (Flirting in front of a mirror)

What is it that people took it into their heads to praise, as if I were good? People lie, I'm not good at all! Are my black eyebrows and my eyes so good that they have no equal in the world? What's good about that nose? And in the cheeks? And in the lips? As if my braids were good, as if black snakes were wrapped around my head ... No! I'm good, how good! Miracle!

To . (appears at the door) Wonderful girl! and she has little to boast about! He stands for an hour, looks at himself in the mirror and does not look enough! Yes, and praise yourself out loud!

O . Yes, dudes! Do I match you!. Yes, look at me! How smoothly I step! what kind of ribbons do I have on my head. My father bought all this for me, so that the best fellow in the world would marry me (notices Kuznets) Ah! Why did you come here? Do you want to be kicked out the door with a shovel? You are all masters to drive up to us. Instantly sniff out when the fathers are not at home! I know you! What, is my chest ready?

To . Ready, my heart! Will be ready after the holiday! If only you knew how much you've been fussing around him! “I didn’t leave the forge at night! But not a single priest will have such a thing! Do not be mad at me! Let me look at you.

O . Who is forbidding you? Look!

TO. Let me sit next to you.

O . Sit down.

To . Wonderful, beloved Oksana, let me kiss you.

O , (pushing away) What else! He needs both honey and a spoon! Go away, your hands are harder than iron and you yourself smell of smoke. I think he smeared soot all over me.

(outside the window there is noise, laughter: “Shchedrik-vedrik, give me a dumpling!”). Oh, here are the girls, now let's go caroling

to. Do you have fun with them?

O. Yes, it’s more fun than with you! (Girlfriends enter: Oksana, let’s go caroling!)

O. (gets dressed) Eh, Odarka, you have new slippers! Oh, what good ones, with gold! Good for you, Odarka! You have a man who buys everything for you, and I have no one to get such nice slippers.

TO. Don't worry, my Oksana. I'll get you such slippers that a rare lady wears.

O. You? I'll see where you get the slippers. that I could put on my foot. Can you bring the very ones that the queen wears.

Dev . Look what you wanted!

O. Yes, be all the witnesses, if the blacksmith Vakula brings me the very slippers that the queen wears, I will marry him at the same hour. (Leave)

To Laugh, laugh, I'm laughing at myself. I think, and I cannot think of where my mind has gone! She does not love me! (leaves)

Picture 4.

Solokha, then Devil, then Osip Nikiforovich

(Solokha sets the table)

Ch. I kiss your hands, virtuous Solokha! Here, flew into the light.

WITH. Oh, little rascal, would you like something to eat, Beelzebub Ivanovich?

Ch. This is potm. (Spinning near Solokha) And what is it with you, magnificent Solokha?

WITH. Like what, Ruka, Beelzebub Ivanovich.

Ch. Um, hand, hehe. And what is it with you, dearest Solokha?

WITH. As if you don’t see, Beelzebub Ivanovich, the neck, but on the neck is monisto.

Ch. Hmm, neck, monisto. And I, dear Solokha, have a gift in store for you - an ornament (takes out a month)

WITH. Ah, Beelzebub Ivanovich!

Ch. For you, dearest Solokha, the moon, so to speak, from the sky ... Oh no, at least 1 kiss

There is a knock

IS HE . Open, Solokha!

(The devil and Solokha begin to rush about. Finally, Solokha hides the devil in a bag. He opens the door with a bow.)

IS HE . Hello Soloha. Maybe you weren't expecting me?

WITH. Oh, what are you, Osip Nikiforovich!

O .N. No, did you really wait? And on purpose, as one of the guests, I decided to drop in here to wish you a Merry Christmas.

With . Sit down, Osip Nikiforovich.

O. N. Well, give me a glass of vodka now, Solokha, I think my throat is frozen from the damned frost.

WITH. Here, please, snacks.

(Osip Nikiforovich and Solokha clink “Merry Christmas”, drink “Good devil!” and kiss 3 times. There is a knock - this is the Blacksmith).

Katrina 5.

Solokha, Blacksmith,

TO. Mom, open up! Vanity, Solokha hides O.N. into another bag, puts away the bottle and refreshments, preens himself. Covers.

With . Oh, son, is that you? Are you hungry? I now. (leaves).

To . Hungry? Yeah, I haven't had any food for a long time. Through this foolish love, I have gone completely silly. Why are these bags here? It's time to remove them. Tomorrow is a holiday, and there is still all sorts of rubbish in the hut. Take them to the forge. (Drags away the bags)

Picture 6.

Blacksmith, then Damn.

Blacksmith No, I can’t, I don’t have the strength anymore (throws the bag.) Through this stupid love, I’ve become completely a rag!. But God, how good is she! No, you can't overpower yourself! It's time to put an end to this. Lose my soul, I'll go drown myself in the hole. Now the bag is on his head and ... He shakes the devil out of the bag)

TO. Ah, the strength of the cross is with us!

Ch. Oh, do not remember God, shut up! And he won't help you either. And I will help. I'll give you as much money as you want. Oksana will be ours today! (jumps on the Blacksmith's neck) Just need to sign the contract. You give me your soul, and I give you..

TO. Come on, I'm ready. Yes, only I heard you sign with blood. Wait, now I'll get a nail out of my pocket .. (pulls off the devil) Don't you want Akrest? (the devil baptizes, he is tamed)

Ch. Have mercy, Vakula, I’ll do everything you need, just don’t put a terrible cross on me. K. And in, that's the voice with which he sang, damned! Now I know what to do Take me this very hour on yourself, listen, carry me like a bird!

Ch. Where?

To . To Petersburg, to the queen!

Picture 7.

Chub, Sverbyguz, then Wife of Sverbyguz.

With . And the deacon's liqueur is good! Oh, look, godfather, see what kind of bags someone threw on the road (he drags out 2 bags from behind the stage).

Ch. Yes, lucky someone to carol so much! What terrible bags!

WITH. Let's suppose, even if there are only buckwheat pies here, and that's good: a Jewess gives a glass of vodka for each!

H . Kum, why not drag him away as soon as possible before anyone sees him?

With . Where are we going to take him? In a shinok?

H . Yes, but the damned shinkar from the bottom won’t believe it, she’ll say that we stole

WITH. Then we'll take it to my house. No one will bother us there, Zhinka is just not at home ..

I think, until the morning he will drag himself with the women.

Ch. Is it really not at home?

With . Thank God I'm not completely crazy yet, the devil take me to where she is!

Wife C . Who are you talking about, dude? Well, isn't it about me?

WITH . Here are those on!

Wife. (seeing the bag) It's good that they caroled so much! Show me your bag now.

WITH. The bald devil will show you, not us!

Ch. Do you care? We caroled, not you!

Wife . No, you will show me, you worthless drunkard! (they fight, the wife grabs the bag, the Cossacks retreat)

F Oh, yes, there must be a whole boar!

S and H . Boar, and it's all your fault! Ch. What to do?

With . Like what, what are we worth, we'll take away the bag. Go away, damn woman! (Fight again)

They open the bag and Osip Nikiforovich crawls out. Everyone runs away screaming.

IS HE . Well, Solokha!, Ay yes Solokha! (Leaves)

Picture 7.

Petersburg, throne room. Blacksmith, Devil, Then the Empress and Potemkin.

Ch. Well, Vakula, how do you like Petemburg?

TO. Prominent province! There is nothing to say, the houses are great Pictures hang across the board, important to the extreme. Nothing to say, wonderful proportion! But how can I get to the queen?

Ch. Yes, I already arranged everything, that's why I'm the devil! Well, look, now the queen herself will come! (Hides)

Potemkin and the Empress appear. Potemkin introduces the queen, seats her on the throne .. becomes close.

H . (looks out) Bow down, dummy!

To .(falls to his knees) Have mercy, mom, have mercy!

C . Get up. His Serene Highness Prince Potemkin promised to introduce me today to my people, whom I have not yet seen. I was told you have business with me? What do you want?

To . Your Royal Majesty, do not order the execution. From what, not in anger be it said,

little laces were made that are on your feet. I think that not a single Swedish man in the world will be able to do this. My God, if my wife put on such slippers!

C. (laughs) Right I like this innocence. Get up, if you so want to have such shoes, then it is not difficult to arrange it. Bring him shoes this very hour, the most expensive, with gold!. (Potemkin gives the shoes to the queen, the queen to the Blacksmith.)

To . (bows) God, what an ornament! Your Majesty, for such shoes, what should the legs themselves be made of? At least pure sugar!

C. (laughs) Oh, bear, what compliments! (leaves with Potemkin)

To . Well, now get me out of here! (fly away with the devil)

Scene 8

Girls, Oksana, then Kuznets, wife of Sverbyguz, Sverbyguz, Chub.

D . Girls, have you heard the news? Blacksmith Drowned!

Other girls and Oksana. How did you drown?

D. Absolutely, in the hole!

O Ah, what is it? Is it really true? What if so? What am I to do now? And how he loved me! He endured my whims the longest. Yes, to tell the truth, it is unlikely that in another place there is such a fine fellow as a blacksmith. Vakula, my Vakula (cries, the girls console her).

TO. (appears with the devil. The devil wants to run away..)

TO. Where, I haven't thanked you yet, buddy. (gives the devil a kick, he runs away)

Oksana, my beloved look at what I got you slippers, the very ones that the queen wears.

O. (seeing, screams and rushes to the blacksmith) I don’t need slippers, I’m without slippers ...

D. Well. The blacksmith! Daring lad! Chereviki something, chereviki, indeed royal. Well be now the wedding!

Sverbyguz's wife . Wedding? Where is the wedding?

Sverbyguz Chuba. Kum, yes, there is a wedding here, well, let's party!

(everyone goes on stage, bowing.)

Scenario "The Night Before Christmas"

Her son Vakula

Screen adaptation of the story by N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas".

Action I

Dance of the Witch (Solokha) with the Devil. Abduction of the month.

Chub and Panas appear.
CHUB: So you, godfather, why don’t you go to the deacon’s house in a new hut? There will be a good party there! Sho tse take? Breathe, Panas, miss nema!

PANAS: How so nema?

CHUB: So nema! Missed a month.

PANAS: Well, good, they screwed up! Better wake up. They beat you to hell!

Oksana's room. The girl is sitting in front of a mirror.

OKSANA: Shaw, tell me, am I a garna maiden or what? Oh, garna, hefty garna!

Are my black eyebrows and my eyes so good that they have no equal in the world? What's so good about that upturned nose? and cheeks? and in the lips? Like my black braids look good? Wow! one can be frightened of them in the evening: they, like long snakes, intertwined and coiled around my head. I see now that I'm not good at all! - and, pushing the mirror a little further away from her, she cried out: - No, I'm good! Ah, how good! Miracle! What joy I will bring to the one whom I will be the wife! How my husband will admire me! He won't remember himself. He will kiss me to death. And what tapes on the head! You never see a richer galloon! My father bought all this for me so that the best fellow in the world would marry me!

VAKULA (appears on the threshold): Oksana, my heart, marvel, I've got presents for you!

OKSANA: Well, sho tse take? Tse OK irons!

VAKULA: We know it, irons! I'm a blacksmith, not a jeweler!

OKSANA (pouting her lip): It would be better if he gave me some kind of pebble ... Why am I, a horse, walking in iron?

VAKULA: Well, then tell me what you're saying...

OKSANA: Why do the zhinki bazhayut?

VACULA: Do not grieve, my beloved Oksana! I'll get you such slippers as a rare lady wears. (Hurry up)

OKSANA: Where did you go? Meni treba special little slippers on their feet to carry.The ones the queen wears.

VAKULA: Oh, dear mother! Where can I get this queen?

OKSANA: Don't sway me!

OKSANA'S SONG: « Oh, is it my fault?


Upper room in Solokha's hut. Solokha accepts the Devil.

DAMN (dancing around Solokha):

You said on Wednesday

Let's go to the neighbor.

I came - you are dumb ...


Crazy crazy!

Knock on the door. The devil gets into the bag, Solokha opens the door.

Head enters.


You said on Saturday

Let's go to work together!

I came - you are dumb ...


You are mene, you are mene pidmanula,

You are mene, you are mene pidvela,

You are mene, you are mene, young,

Crazy crazy!

Knock on the door. Solokha hides the Head in a bag, opens the door.

Diak enters.

DYAK: You said on Monday...

DIRECTOR: Stop stop!! No it's not that! Out of date, irrelevant! Who cares about the life of the Ukrainian village now? What about Ukrainian folklore? No, let's move the scene to Paris! All actors will be French; love a la france! – ah! So, get out of the bags, the same scene again.

Action II. French variant.


Boudoir famous actress Solange. The DEVIL enters.



You entered my sick soul.


I will break your peace today.


The unbridled beast lives in me again.

Solange, old woman, I'm tired of wanting you.

Even without a cross, but I'm a guy anywhere -

Hellfire is like cool water to me,


I am a former angel, even with a curse on my forehead,

I have the right to be happy on Earth!

In your arms I will find peace

And I'll give my soul to myself - it's not the first time for me!

DAMN: Solange, ma belle fille, tu m'ais compri, you know...

Knock on the door.

Mayor enters.

MAYOR: Oh, Solange! Ma contesse, ma petit Blanchenaige! Cette chansone est pour toi!

MAYOR'S SONG ("Belle"):


Here in Paris, everyone is afraid of me,


I have an hour to enjoy life!

May -

Let flowers bloom in a rough heart!

You will be rewarded for everything!

On rainbow wings I will return to the mayor's office,

I will plunge into the affairs of life with a sigh.

It's a pity,

That all week it’s advice, and then a banquet,

I've been sick of the smell of cutlets for a long time.

But once a week I find peace

When I meet you backstage.

MAYOR: Solange, quel bon surprise!

Knock on the door.

SOLANGE: Silense! Tu vas dans ce sac, vite!

The PRIEST enters.

SOLANGE: Bonjour, padre!

PADRE: Vonjour, ma fille! Comment ca va?

Bags toss and turn, Solange tries to cover them. Drowning out the sounds coming from inside, sneezes loudly, blows his nose, etc.

PADRE: Comment? Tu est malade?

SOLANGE: Yes…. oui… produlo…

PADRE SONG ("Belle"):


You are like a magical and sinful dream,


My church incense will scatter -

Ringing -

Buzzing in the ears and again the heart beats the alarm:

The poor old abbot fell in love with a witch!

Holy maiden, you can't help me

Forbidden love I can not overcome.


Don't leave me, lovely Solange,

Let me once, well, at least once, take revenge!

And even in the church I can not find peace,

Probably, I was born like this in my dad ...

Knock on the door.

PADRE: Oh, mon dieux!

SOLANGE: Silense! Tu vas dans ce sac, vite!

Taxi driver Vaculio enters.

SOLANGE (singing in French – In Grid “Tu es Foutu”): Tu m’ais promis…. etc.

VACULIO: Bonjour, maman! How are you?

SOLANGE: Ah, Vaculito baby! Sa wa bien, everything is like in a super show!

VACULIO: Rehearsing?

SOLANGE: Of course, tomorrow is the premiere. Well, hold on, snotty Kidman, I'll show you the real Moulin Rouge! .. What about you, have lunch?

VACULIO: No, I was just passing by... There are few customers today, everyone has already bought presents and is getting ready for Christmas. (saw the bags) Are these also gifts?

SOLANGE: No, it's rien - nothing, garbage ... I did the cleaning ... Throw them away.

All three bags begin to sing in French in a discordant chorus.

J'ai pose mes yeux sous sa robe de gitane

A quoi me sert encore de priee Notre-Dame.


Est celui qui jettera la premiere pierre

Celui-la ne merite pas d'etre sur terre.

O Lucifer!

Oh! Laisse-moi periodiquement avec courage

Glisser mes doigts dans les cheveux de belle Solange…

VACULIO: Kes kese?

SOLANGE: I threw away the tape recorders... the old cassettes.

Vaculio drags the bags out the door one by one.

SOLANGE: Well, now it's really time to rehearse! Girls, encore une fois!

Dance number (Solange and variety show).

Vakula, puffing, drags one of the bags.

VAKULA: Oh, maman! What did she throw out? Furniture, right? Now I’ll bring this one to the car, and then the rest ...

DAMN: (from bag): Hey, listen!

VAKULA: Who is this?

DAMN: Think of it as your inner voice.

VAKULA: Why outside?

DAMN: Surround effect: surround sound. Heard?

VAKULA: Ah… Well, what do you want, inner voice?

Devil: Do you want me to voice your innermost desire?

VAKULA: What, do you want to give vodka?

DAMN: Fi, what a prose... I want to remind you about the beautiful Oksana...

DAMN: Hehe! Untie the bag!

VAKULA (unzips the package): Damn it!

HECK: You know they don't do anything without a contract.

VAKULA: I'm ready! - said the blacksmith. - You, I heard, sign with blood; wait, I'll get a nail in my pocket!(Here he put his hand back - and grab the devil by the tail.)

HECK: Well, Vakula! Wow, what a joker!(shouted, laughing, damn .) Well, that's enough, enough of being naughty!

VAKULA: Wait, my dear! ( shouted the blacksmith) But how does it look to you? ( At this word, he made a cross, and the devil became as quiet as a lamb.) Wait, you will know from me to teach good people and honest Christians about the sins!

(Then the blacksmith, not letting go of his tail, jumped on him and raised his hand for the sign of the cross.)

DAMN: Have mercy, Vakula! (the devil groaned piteously), All that is necessary for you, I will do everything, let go only your soul to repentance: do not put a terrible cross on me!

DAMN: Where? (said a sad devil).

VAKULA: To Petemburg, straight to the queen!

Action III. Latin American version.


Noisy and colorful carnival. General songs and dances (“The Ketchup Song”, “Bomba Latino”, “Baila Casanova”, etc.)

DIABOLO and VACULDO land in the middle of the crowd.

DIABOLO: That's life! Girls, music, ocean! Vakuldo, why do you need your Oksanella, or whatever it is ... Let's stay here! Kon mucho thick! Ablo me del mar, marinero! Oh…

WACULDO: No, I came here for imported shoes.

DIABOLO: How boring you are, amigo! Just el papagayo calvo! Well, let's sing for a while!

SONG DIABOLO AND VACULDO ("Ivanushki" "Chukchi in Brazil"):

J. Lopez appears surrounded by fans.

DIABOLO: Here, amigo, your movie star in high heels.

WACULDO: Oh madonna mia! Bella signorita, would you give the poor macho your amazing shoes? For a long memoir...

LOPEZ: No! These are my shoes! maybe change?

WACULDO (bewildered): Chench? (takes out painted soft boots from a backpack).

LOPEZ: Oh-ow!! Chobots? Very good! (takes off his hairpins, joyfully pulls on his boots).

FANS: Believe good! Trebel! Belissimo!

Diabolo whispers something in Lopez's ear, takes her arm...


WACULDO: Hey, devilry, where are you going? Return me to Ridna Ukraine!

DIABOLO: No problem!

Action IV. Again the Ukrainian version.


Oksana's room. Oksana sits sadly in front of the mirror.

OKSANA: Why hurt me? Comb your hair? Walk to the next house? Pisnyu fall asleep? .. I don’t like anything, I don’t like anything ... Where is that Vakula? Why the hell did I send him for little laces?

OKSANA'S SONG VIA Gra "Oh, Pure Water Spoke"

Vakula appears.

VAKULA: Here, my darling, I brought you little slippers from Jennifer Lopez herself!

OKSANA: Yaks are tall! Yes, one hassle in them!

VAKULA (excitedly): Well, babe, don't you like me?

OKSANA: I don’t like overseas slippers, but I like you a lot! You are a chikavy, motor-driven lad - in one year you drove to such a distance!

VAKULA: Tse need to wash, go for a walk and fall asleep !!

final song

You are tired of worries - everything will pass!

Dramatization of an excerpt from the story can be both a fragment of the lesson and an independent event. Children are happy to prepare costumes, learn Christmas carols, draw posters, create decorations. The script was written a long time ago, it was used more than once in the work.


The last day before Christmas has passed. The clear winter night has come. The stars came out. The moon rose majestically into the sky to shine for good people and the whole world...

Fun music sounds. All the characters (except the Devil and the Dyak) go on stage, sing carols. Girls say generous.

The generous one was generous,

fell to the end:

“What are you, aunt, baked,

bring us to vikna!

Sho cold, fuck you

but warmly bring us.

While my aunt brought

took care of the arms and legs.

Girl 1:

Shchedryk, bucket!

Give me a dumpling

porridge breast,

kilce kowbaski!

Girl 2:

Carol, carol, carol!

Goodness with honey meadow,

but without honey, ne taka,

give me, auntie, a fiver!

I sow, I sow, I sow, I congratulate you on the New Year! Hello, Happy New Year!

I sow, I sow, I sow

Happy New Year!

I shower you with grain,

so that your house is rich!

Odarka (sings and dances):

Oh, my shoes, my socks are lined.

Didn't want to dance, jumped out!

Oh, Odarka, what pretty slippers you have! And with gold! It’s good for you, you have a person who buys everything for you, but I don’t have anyone to get such slippers!

Do not grieve, my beloved Oksana! I'll get you such slippers that a rare lady wears!

Oksana (haughtily):

You? I'll see where you can get slippers that I could put on my feet! Are they the ones the queen wears?

Girls (laughing):

Look what you want!

Oksana (proudly):

Yes! Be all of you witnesses! If the blacksmith Vakula brings the very little slippers that the queen herself wears, then here is my word: I will marry him right away!

Dance music plays. Solokha enters the circle. Dancing, showing off.

Head (stroking mustache):

Well, Solokha!

Damn it! Good grandmother!

Girl 1:

Witch! She is a witch! She has a tail too!

Girl 2:

Yes, with a woman's spindle!

They are lying, women are lying!

Everyone except Solokha leaves the stage to the music. Solokha lays a tablecloth on the table, cleans the hut, sings:

I was tipsy

And flew on a broom

Even though I don't believe myself

These superstitions!

Walked along the forest side

The devil followed me.

Thought it was a man

What the hell is this!

The window opens, the Devil jumps into the hut.

Solokha (happily):

Oh, how you scared me, tailed one!

Fast music is playing. The Devil and Solokha are dancing, they are having fun.

Solokha, if you do not love me, I will throw myself into the water, and send my soul to the very hell! Love me! Or are you waiting for someone?

Well, what are you, tailed! Today, all eminent Cossacks are called to kutya to Dyak, and Vakul's son is somewhere toiling about his Oksana, looking for her little shoes.

Salokha, open up! It's me!

The Devil and Solokha fuss, The Devil nimbly climbs into the sack.

Includes Head:

Good evening, dear Solokha!

Come on Head! Hello, Gavrila Petrovich!

Well, and a blizzard ... God sent such a night before Christmas! How it seized ... ek, my hands ossified: I won’t unfasten my jacket!

Solokha helps to remove the kuzhuh.

The Head takes out a handkerchief and throws it over Solokha's shoulders:

Happy holiday, dear Solokha! Accept a gift!

Oh, thank you, Gavrila Petrovich! Sit at the table!

I will not refuse, otherwise my throat is frozen from the damned frost.

Pours and drinks a glass.

I’ll buy a toby hut, that other blue harvester, and a milky, and stakes, and a cherry garden.

You don’t need a hut, a harvester’s tai, a mill, a barn, a cherry orchard!

Diak (playfully):

Soloshechka! It's me! Open!

Head (scared):

Ouch! Hide me somewhere! I don't want to meet Deak!

Solokha hides it in a bag. Diak enters, grunts and rubs his hands.

Hello, incomparable Solokha! In such a frost, the Cossacks did not come to me: the blizzards were frightened. And I'm glad! I think I'll go for a walk. (Tries to hug her.)

Solokha coquettishly dodges. The clerk takes out beads, holds them over Solokha's outstretched hand and says...

And what is it with you, magnificent Solokha? (He touches his hand.)

Like what? Hand, Osip Nikiforovich!

Hm, hand! He, he, he! (Puts on beads and touches the neck).

And what is it with you, trembling Solokha?

As if you don't see, Osip Nikiforovich! Neck, and on the neck monisto!

And what is this for you? (He lowers his hands to the hips of Solokha).

There is a knock on the door.

Oh my god! Outside face! What will happen if a person of my rank is found here?! (He is baptized) Lord, save and have mercy! (Gets into bag.)

The Cossack Chub enters.

Chub (fun):

Hello Solokha! Maybe you weren't expecting me?

Hello, dear one! Hello long-awaited!

Maybe I interfered? Maybe you were having fun with someone? Maybe you've already hidden someone, huh?

Solokha (kindly and affectionately, closing the sacks with a hem):

Well, what are you, dear Chub! You are one with me, disconnected!

Head, Dyak groan in bags. Chub sits down at the table, pours himself a cup in a businesslike way, takes a cucumber, is very pleased with himself.

Solokha revolves around him and sings:

Honey, I forgot everything

I even opened the door

And I was at home all evening.

Honey, I was very sad

And I loved you

And I was waiting for you.

The Head, the Devil and the Deacon in the sacks grunt at these words. Solokha kicks them slowly.

Chub gets up and sings along with Solokha:

Oh, maiden, make noise guy,

Whom do you love, forget, forget!

Oh girl, my heart

What are you going for me?

Stop making noise, high buzz

Whom I love, my will be!

There is a scream.

Chub (angrily):

And who is this?

Open soon! Mamo!

It's Vakula! The son has arrived!

Solokha! Hide me wherever you want! I don't want to show myself to him. (Hides in a bag).

Vakula enters.

What are you not opening? And what a mess you have here! Tomorrow is a holiday, and there is still all sorts of rubbish in the hut. I'll throw it all out on the street!

Solokha (rushing about):

Oh no, son! Oh, yes high cost!

Vakula (angrily):

I'll throw it away anyway!

Vakula approaches the bag with the Devil, opens it. At this time, Solokha backs away with the words ...

Ouch! Be right back! Ouch! What will happen! (Leaves the room and looks out the window.)

Vakula (pulling out the Devil by the ear):

O! and how did you get here?

Oh oh! Let go! Ouch! Hurt! Ask for any ransom! Let go!

Ransom? This works for me. Get out such slippers that the queen herself wears, or I’ll tell you ...

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Now! Now!

He climbs into the bag, searches for and takes out the slippers. Gives it to Vakula and jumps out the window.

Enter Solokha.

Oh, yaki beautiful cherevichki! And for whom?

Well done son!

At this time, there is a knock on the door.

Girl 1:

Let go caroling!

Come in, come in, girls!

The girls come in, Oksana is ahead.

Oksana! I kept my word! (Gives her slips.)

Oksana (shy, satisfied):

Ouch! Vakula, yes, you love me even without little laces!

The girls approach the bags.

Ouch! Vakula, how much you caroled, give me this bag!

Girl 2:

And this one for me! There is probably a whole wild boar here, and if not a wild boar, then some kind of living creature, for sure!

Girl 1 (opens bag and squeals):

Ouch! Yes, it's the head! Hello! Happy New Year!

Head (displeased, with a feeling of awkwardness):

Happy New, Happy New! Yes, gray hair in the head, and a demon in the rib!




The script of the musical based on the work of N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas"

Prepared by:

literature teacher,

head of literary

theatrical circle


Nechiporuk N.S.

N.V. Gogol



Vika, her younger sister
1st Cossack
2nd Cossack


2nd woman

Before the curtain
Lisa sits and reads a thick book. Enter Vika

Vika. Lisa, what are you reading?
Lisa (is reading). Leave me alone! Gogol.
Vika. Interesting?
Lisa. Highly. Don't interfere.
Vika. And about what?
Lisa."Christmas Eve".
Vika. Story?
Lisa. Well, yes. Story. Get off!
Vika. What about in the fairy tale?
Lisa (sighs)
Vika. Read to me. Oh please!

Vika sits down on a bench at the feet of Lisa

(Is reading).

like from a kerosene lamp, the light illuminates Oksana,
dressed up in front of a hand mirror.


Vakula enters quietly.

Oksana sings a song

Oksana. (Sits down on the bench).
Oksana (pushing him away).
Vakula. So do you have fun with them?
Oksana. (Gone).
Vakula (one).

Enter Oksana and Odarka.

Odarka. (laughs). See what you want!
Odarka. Where, Vakula?

Vakula leaves

Lisa (is reading). Then, through the chimney of Vakulova's hut, smoke poured out in clubs and went in a cloud across the sky, and together with the smoke a witch mounted on a broom rose up. It was Solokha, Vakula's mother. She rose so high that only a black speck flickered above. Suddenly, another speck appeared from the opposite side, increased, began to stretch, and at the top there was not a speck, but simply - hell.

Solokha jumps out from behind the curtains on a broomstick and stumbles upon the bags standing on the floor.
Behind her, the Devil jumps onto the stage.

Heck (jumped to Solokha). Please, a pen.
Heck (kisses hand). Oh!
Vakula (behind the scenes). Open up!
Heck. Is someone knocking?
Vakula (even stronger). Open up!
Solokha. Get into the bag. (Leaves).

The devil gets into the bag.
Black is no more. Vakula enters.

Vakula. (I thought. I saw the bags.) (Tries to pick up the bag.) (Pulls up the bag.)

Vakula leaves


Patsyuk sits and eats dumplings from a bowl standing on a tub.
Behind him, Vakula appears with a bag on his weeping.


Patsyuk raised his head and began to eat dumplings again.

Patsyuk raised his head and began to eat dumplings again.

Well, Patsyuk, what should I do?
Patsyuk. (Continues to eat dumplings).
Vakula (bowing).

Vakula. What? (Puts down bag.) What he says?

The devil is sitting on Vakula.

Heck. (In the left ear). I'll give you as much money as you want. (In the right ear).
Vakula. Please! For this price, I'm ready to be yours.
Heck (laughs).
Heck (laughing).
Vakula. Stop, dove! (Sits on the Devil's back.)
Heck (groaning piteously).
Vakula. And, what a voice he sang! Now I know what to do. Take me this very hour on yourself! Do you hear? Yes, fly like a bird!
Heck. Where?
Vakula. Petersburg, straight to the queen!

Went to the queen

Lisa.“And the blacksmith was stunned with fear, feeling himself rising into the air. First, he rose from the ground to such a height that he could not see anything below and flew like a fly under the very moon, so that if he had not leaned a little, he would have hooked him with his hat. However, a little later he cheered up and began to play a joke on the devil. And suddenly Petersburg shone in front of him, all in lights.

The Devil and Vakula are on his back.

Heck. Should I go straight to the queen?

Vakula (bow down to the ground).
1st Cossack. What kind of person is there?
2nd Cossack.
1st Cossack.
2nd Cossack.
1st Cossack.
2nd Cossack.
Vakula. Take it! . Damn, please! (Strikes pocket).

The devil squeaked.

2nd Cossack. Let's take it, shall we?
1st Cossack. Maybe we'll take it!

Royal Palace


Cossacks and the queen standing in front of them

Cossacks and Vakula. Have mercy, mom! Have mercy!
Queen. Get up.
Cossacks and Vakula.
Queen. Get up - I command!

The Cossacks and Vakula get up.

Vakula (About myself). (Her.)
Queen. (Turning backstage.) (To the Cossacks.) Are you well kept here?
1st Cossack.

From behind the curtains, hands are stretched out in white gloves, with a pillow,
on which the queen's shoes lie.

Queen (Vakule).
Vakula. Thank you mom!
Queen (to the Cossacks).
2nd Cossack.


The street. Crowd. Dads are arguing. Oksana hears everything


2 grandmother.


2 grandmother.

Weaver (flashed).


Oksana (screams happily). Ay!


The curtain.


Scene with Oksana

Vakula. Wonderful girl! And she doesn't have much to brag about! He stands for an hour, looking in the mirror, and does not look enough, and still praises himself aloud.

Vakula. Do not be mad at me! Let me at least talk, at least look at you!

Vakula. Let me sit next to you?

Vakula. What do I care about my mother? You are my mother and father, and everything that is dear in the world!

Vakula. So do you have fun with them?

Vakula (one). What can I expect more? She mocks me. I'm not as dear to her as a rusty horseshoe.

Vakula. Do not grieve, my beloved Oksana! I'll get you such slippers as a rare lady wears.

Vakula. Farewell, Oksana! Fool whoever you want, but you won't see me again in this world!

Vakula. Farewell! God willing, I'll see you in the next world, but in this we can no longer walk together. Do not remember dashingly!

scene with the devil

Vakula (behind the scenes). Open up!

Vakula (even stronger). Open up!

Vakula. Isn't this worthless Oksana going to get out of my mind? I don't want to think about her, but I think about everything. And, as if on purpose, about her alone. Why is it so that a thought creeps into one's head against one's will? (I thought. I saw the bags.) Why are these bags here? It's time to get them out of here! Tomorrow is a holiday, and there is still all sorts of rubbish in the hut. Take them to the forge. (Tries to pick up the bag.) Who the hell! The bags seemed to be heavier than before. There must be something else here besides coal. I'm a fool! I forgot that now I feel more and more difficult. Soon I will fall from the wind. What kind of a woman am I! Don't let anyone laugh at you! At least ten of these bags - I'll lift everything. What, really? It's like it's all gone. I'll try one more remedy: I'll go to the paunchy Cossack Patsyuk. He, they say, knows all the devils and will do whatever he wants. (Pulls up the bag.)

Scene with Patsyuk

Vakula(bowing). I came to your mercy, Patsyuk!

Patsyuk raised his head and began to eat dumplings again.

You, they say, don’t say it out of anger ... - I’m not talking about this in order to inflict any offense on you - you are a little like the devil.

Patsyuk raised his head and began to eat dumplings again.

Came to you, Patsyuk. God grant you everything, all good things in allowance, bread in the pleportia. I have to perish, a sinner! Nothing will help me in the world. What will be will be. You have to ask the devil himself for help.

Patsyuk raised his head and began to eat dumplings again.

Well, Patsyuk, what should I do?

Vakula (bowing). That's why he came to you: apart from you, I think no one knows the way to him.

Patsyuk is silent and finishes the dumplings.

Do me a favor, good man, do not refuse. Tell me at least how, roughly speaking, to get on the road to him.

Vakula. What? (Puts down bag.) What he says?

scene with the devil

Vakula. Please! For this price I'm ready to be yours

Vakula. I'm ready! You, I heard, sign with blood; wait, I'll get a nail in my pocket. (Putting his hand behind his back, grabs the Devil by the tail).

Vakula. Stop, dove! (Pulls the Devil off his back by his tail). You will know from me how to teach good people about the sins! (Sits on the Devil's back.)

Vakula. Petersburg, straight to the queen!

Vakula. No, it's scary. Here somewhere, I don’t know, the Cossacks landed, who passed through the autumn
Dikanka. They were traveling from the Sich with papers to the queen; everything would be to consult with them. Hey Satan! Get into my pocket and take me to the Cossacks!

Darkness. Two Cossacks are sitting.

Vakula (bow down to the ground). Hello sir! God help you, that's where we met!

Vakula. Didn't you recognize? It's me, Vakula, the blacksmith. When we drove through Dikanka in the fall, we stayed for a while, God grant you all health and longevity, I have almost two days. I then put a new tire on the front wheel of your wagon.

Vakula. To the queen? And be gentle, gentlemen, take me with you!

Vakula. Take it! (leaning towards his pocket). Damn, please! (Strikes pocket).

Cossacks and Vakula. Have mercy, mom! Have mercy!

Cossacks and Vakula. Let's not get up, mom! Let's not get up! We die, we don't get up!

Vakula (About myself). Now it's time! The queen asks what you want! (Her.) Your Royal Majesty, do not order to be executed, order to pardon! From what, not in anger be it said to your royal grace, are the little laces made that are on your feet? I think that not a single Swedish citizen in any state in the world will be able to do this! My God, what if my wife put on such little boots!

Vakula. Thank you mom! (He bows and steps aside to the curtain.)

Vakula(near the curtain, he bent down to his pocket and hit it with his fist). Heck! Get me out of here soon!

Vakula(appearing). Look what little slippers I brought you!

Vakula. The ones the queen wears.


Oksana. Why do people want to praise that I'm good? People lie, I'm not good at all! Are my black eyebrows and my eyes so good that they have no equal in the world? What's good about that nose and cheeks and lips? Like my black braids look good? Wow, you can be frightened of them in the evening: they are like long snakes, intertwined and coiled around my head. I see now that I'm not good at all! (Pushes the mirror a little away from him, exclaims.) No, I'm good! Ah, how good! Miracle!

Oksana (turning around, she saw the blacksmith and screamed). Why did you come here? Do you want to be kicked out the door with a shovel?

Oksana. Who forbids you? Speak and look. (Sits down on the bench).

Oksana (pushing him away). Go away! You smell like smoke. I think he has smeared me all over with his soot. (Moves away from him and again preens before the mirror.) Is it true that your mother is a witch?

Oksana. You see what you are!.. However, the girls don't come... What would that mean? I'm getting bored!

Oksana. Yes, it's more fun than with you. BUT! Someone knocked. That's right, girls. (Gone).

Oksana. Hey Odarka! You have new boots. Ah, how good! With gold! It’s good for you, Odarka, you have such a person who buys everything for you, but I have no one to get such nice little slippers.

Oksana. You? I'll see where you can get some boots that I could put on my leg! Are they the ones the queen wears?

Oksana. Yes! Be a witness: if the blacksmith Vakula brings those very little slippers that the queen wears, then here is my word that I will marry him immediately!

Oksana. What if he really left and never returned to the village? What if he really decided on something terrible? What good! He loved me so...

Oksana (screams happily). Ay!

Oksana. No no! I don't need laces! I love you even without laces!

Sasha and Misha

Misha. Sasha, what are you reading?
Sasha (is reading). Leave me alone! Gogol.
Misha. Interesting?
Sasha. Highly. Don't interfere.
Misha. And about what?
Sasha."Christmas Eve".
Misha. Story?
Sasha. Well, yes. Story. Get off!
Misha. What about in the fairy tale?
Sasha (sighs). Here's the irresistible one! About the blacksmith Vakula. How he flew on the line from Ukraine to St. Petersburg.
Misha. Read to me. Oh please!
Sasha. Okay. Listen and shut up.

(Is reading).“The last day before Christmas is over. The winter night has come: the stars have looked, the moon has majestically risen to the sky to shine for good people and the whole world. It was freezing colder than in the morning, but it was so quiet that the creak of frost under a boot could be heard half a verst away. Not a single crowd of lads has yet appeared under the windows of the huts, the month alone has only peered into them furtively, as if calling dressed-up girls to run out in a pack behind the creaky snow ... "

Sasha (is reading). “Here, through the chimney of Vakulova’s hut, smoke poured out in clubs and went in a cloud across the sky, and together with the smoke, a witch mounted on a broom rose up. It was Solokha, Vakula's mother. She rose so high that only a black speck flickered above. Suddenly, another speck appeared from the opposite side, increased, began to stretch, and at the top there was not a speck, but simply - hell.
The frost was increasing, and it became so cold at the top that the devil jumped from one hoof to another and blew into his fist, wanting to somehow warm his freezing hands. The witch herself felt that it was cold, despite the fact that she was warmly dressed, and therefore, raising her hands up, put her foot aside and, bringing herself into such a position as a man flying on skates, without moving a single joint, descended through the air, as if along the icy sloping mountain, and straight into the pipe.

Sasha.“The devil jumped in the sack for joy, but the blacksmith, thinking that he somehow hooked the sack and made this movement himself, hit the sack with his fist and, shaking it on his shoulders, went to pot-bellied Patsyuk. This pot-bellied Patsyuk was definitely once a Cossack, but they kicked him out or he himself fled from Zaporozhye, no one knew this.

Sasha.“And the blacksmith was stunned with fear, feeling himself rising into the air. First, he rose from the ground to such a height that he could not see anything below and flew like a fly, under the very moon, so that if he had not leaned a little, he would have hooked him with his hat. However, a little later he cheered up and began to play a joke on the devil. Everything was bright above. The air was transparent in a light silver mist. And suddenly Petersburg shone in front of him, all in lights.

Sasha.“It seemed wonderful again to the blacksmith when he raced in a huge carriage, swinging on springs, when four-story houses ran past him on both sides and the pavement, rattling, seemed to roll under the horses' feet. The carriage stopped in front of the palace. The Cossacks went out, stepped into the splendid vestibule, and began to ascend the brilliantly lit staircase. The blacksmith followed them timidly, fearful of slipping on the parquet at every step. Three rooms passed. Suddenly the Cossacks fell to the ground and shouted with one voice. The blacksmith, not seeing anything, stretched out himself with all zeal on the floor.

Sasha.“Even faster during the rest of the night, the devil rushed back with the blacksmith, and in an instant Vakula found himself near his hut. Here, seizing a twig, he gave the devil three blows, and the poor devil began to run. After this, Vakula entered the vestibule, buried himself in the hay and slept until the morning.

Sasha.“Oksana was embarrassed when such news reached her. She had little faith in the eyes of Pereperchikha and the talk of the women, she knew that the blacksmith was quite devout to decide to destroy his soul "...


Solokha. Vakula brought the sacks, let him carry them out himself!

Solokha(holds out her hand to him). Nate!

Solokha. Get into the bag. (Leaves).


Patsyuk. When you need the devil, then go to hell. (Continues to eat dumplings).

Patsyuk. The one who has the devil behind him does not need to go far.


Odarka. (laughs). See what you want!

Odarka. Where, Vakula?


1st Cossack. What kind of person is there?

1st Cossack. Hello, countryman. After we talk with you, fellow countryman, more.

1st Cossack. You? What will you do there? No, you can't!

1st Cossack. Maybe we'll take it!

1st Cossack. Thank you, mom! Provisions are good…

Cossacks and Vakula. Have mercy, mom! Have mercy!

Cossacks and Vakula. Let's not get up, mom! Let's not get up! We die, we don't get up!

2nd Cossack. BUT! This is the same blacksmith who paints importantly.

2nd Cossack. And now we are going to the queen.

2nd Cossack. We, brother, will talk with the queen about our own.

2nd Cossack. Let's take it, shall we?

2nd Cossack. Good, although local sheep are not at all what we have in Zaporozhye.


Queen. Get up.

Queen. Get up - I command!

The Cossacks and Vakula get up.

His Serene Highness promised to introduce me to my people, whom I have not yet seen. What do you want?

Queen. If you really want to have such shoes, then it is not difficult to do. (Turning backstage.) Bring him now the shoes, the most expensive, with gold. (To the Cossacks.) Are you well kept here?

Queen (Vakule). Take my slippers, good man.
Queen (to the Cossacks). Does that mean they provide good food?


Heck (jumped to Solokha). Please, a pen.

Heck (kisses hand). Oh!

Heck. Is someone knocking?

Heck. It's a blacksmith! Do you hear, Solokha? Wherever you want take me.

Heck. It's me, your friend, I'll do everything for a comrade and friend! (In the left ear). I'll give you as much money as you want. (In the right ear). Oksana will be ours today.

Heck (laughs). Well, Vakula, you know that nothing is done without a contract.

Heck (laughing). Look, what a joker you are! Well, that's enough, Vakula, pampered and that's enough.

Heck (groaning piteously). Have mercy, Vakula, I will do everything that is necessary for you, let go only your soul to repentance!

Heck. Where?

Heck. Should I go straight to the queen?


Weaver. Drowned! oh my god, drowned! here: so that I do not leave this place if I do not drown!

Weaver. Tell me better, so that you do not want to drink vodka, you old drunkard! you have to be crazy like you to hang yourself! he drowned! drowned in the hole! I know this as well as the fact that you were now at the tavern.

Weaver (flashed). What is a devil? to whom the devil? what are you lying?

2 women

2 grandmother. What am I, a liar? did I steal a cow from someone? Have I jinxed anyone that they do not have faith in me? Here, so that I would not want to drink water, if the old Pereperchiha did not see with her own eyes how the blacksmith hanged himself!

2 grandmother. Stramnitsa! look what began to reproach! Shut up, you bastard! Don't I know that the clerk comes to you every evening

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