How to ensure waste-free production in the manufacture. The use of low-waste and waste-free technologies in agricultural production. How is the wastelessness of production assessed?

Application of low- and zero-waste technologies in agricultural production

The concept of "Wasteless and low-waste technologies and production"

Waste-free and low-waste technologies in the agro-industrial complex

Biogas plants

Biogas plant device

Energy-saving waste-free technology for the complex: open ground, livestock farm, protected ground


Farming with a closed cycle of sustainable production

Production of pectin and pectin products from secondary raw materials

hydrocyclone technology waste-free processing potatoes

Integrated agricultural production in an artificial ecosystem

Obtaining dyes from pumpkin waste

Waste-free grape processing technology

Used literature, sources

The concept of "Wasteless and low-waste technologies and production"

Natural ecosystems, in contrast to artificial ones (production), are characterized, as is known, by a closed circulation of matter. Moreover, the waste associated with the existence of a separate population is the source material that ensures the existence of another or more often several other populations included in this biogeocenosis.

Biogeochemical cycles of biogenic elements involved in natural cycles have been worked out evolutionarily and do not lead to waste accumulation. Man, on the other hand, uses the substance of the planet extremely inefficiently; this creates a huge amount of waste.

The vast majority of existing technologies of man-made productions are open systems in which natural resources are irrationally used and significant volumes of waste are generated. It is legitimate, based on the biophysically deep analogy between "biological" and "industrial" production in terms of the mechanism of the circulation of matter and energy, to talk about the formation of waste-free and low-waste technologies in anthropogenic production systems.

Undoubtedly, the creation non-waste production- a rather complex and lengthy process that requires a system of interrelated technological, economic, organizational. Psychological and other tasks. Its intermediate stage is low-waste production.

Low-waste refers to a method of production in which harmful effect on the environment does not exceed the level allowed by sanitary and hygienic standards.

Waste-free and low-waste technologies in the agro-industrial complex

Modern multifunctional agro-industrial production has a significant potential base for the introduction of waste-free and low-waste technological processes that ensure the integrated use of secondary raw materials.

The simplest example of a rational approach to non-waste and low-waste technologies in agriculture is the well-thought-out manure disposal practiced at a number of large livestock complexes. The resulting manure was used as a fertilizer in the cultivation of fodder crops, which were then fed to the kept livestock.

Biogas plants

Biogas is the general name for a combustible gas mixture obtained by the decomposition of organic substances as a result of an anaerobic microbiological process (methane fermentation).

For efficient production biogas from organic raw materials creates comfortable conditions for the life of several types of bacteria in the absence of oxygen. A schematic diagram of the biogas generation process is shown below:

Depending on the type of organic raw material, the composition of biogas may vary, but, in general, it contains methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), a small amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen (H2).

Since biogas consists of 2/3 of methane - a combustible gas that forms the basis natural gas, its energy value ( specific heat combustion) is 60-70% of the energy value of natural gas, or about 7000 kcal per m3. 1m3 of biogas is also equivalent to 0.7 kg of fuel oil and 1.5 kg of firewood.

Biogas is widely used as a combustible fuel in Germany, Denmark, China, the USA and other developed countries. It is supplied to gas distribution networks, used for domestic purposes and in public transport. Today, the widespread introduction of biogas technologies in the CIS and Baltic markets begins.

Biogas plant device

The biogas plant processes organic waste into biogas, heat and electricity, solid organic and liquid mineral fertilizers, carbon dioxide.

Process description

1. Daily, the substrate is collected in a pit and, if necessary, crushed and mixed with water until it is pumpable before being fed into the bioreactor.

The substrate enters the anaerobic bioreactor. The bioreactor works on the flow principle. This means that with the help of a pump, without air access, a fresh portion of the prepared substrate enters (6-12 times a day). The same amount of processed substrate is displaced from the bioreactor into the storage tank.

The bioreactor operates in the mesophilic temperature range of 38-40C. The heating system provides the temperature necessary for the process and is controlled automatically.

The contents of the bioreactor are regularly agitated using the built-in homogenizer.

The resulting biogas after drying enters a block cogeneration plant that produces heat and electricity. Approximately 10% of electricity and 30% of heat energy (in winter) are required for the operation of the plant itself.

The processed substrate after the biogas plant is fed to the separator. The mechanical separation system separates the fermentation residues into solid and liquid fractions. Solid fractions make up 3-3.5% of the substrate and represent biohumus.

As an option, the LANDCO module is offered, which processes the liquid fraction into liquid fertilizers and pure (distilled) water. Pure water is 85% of the volume of the liquid fraction.

The remaining 15% is occupied by liquid fertilizers:

Further use of liquid fertilizers depends on the availability of the local market and the amount of "free" heat energy for the crystallization of the solid fraction, which is 2%. As one of the options, it is possible to evaporate water on a vacuum evaporator or in natural conditions. Even in liquid form, fertilizers are odorless and require little storage space.

The work of BSU is continuous. Those. fresh substrate constantly enters the reactor, the fermented substrate is drained, immediately separating into water, bio- and mineral fertilizers. The cycle of biogas formation, depending on the type of fermenter and the type of substrate, ranges from several hours to a month.

The equipment includes quality control of biogas, and, if necessary, equipment for bringing biogas to pure methane can be included in the composition. The cost of such equipment is at the level of 1-5% of the cost of biogas plant.

The operation of the entire installation is regulated by automation. The number of people employed at medium-scale biogas plants does not exceed 2 people.

The capacity of biogas plants varies from 1 to several tens of million cubic meters. per year, electric power - from 200 kW to several tens of MW. According to experts' calculations, in Russian conditions, the most profitable are medium and high power plants, over 1 MW.

Most effective work biogas plant can be achieved under the following conditions:

Uninterrupted and free supply of raw materials for plant operation

Full use of the products of the biogas plant, primarily electricity at the enterprise.

Energy-saving waste-free technology for the complex: open ground, livestock farm, protected ground

Agricultural crops are grown in open ground. Grain is used as feed in livestock and poultry enterprises. The resulting manure and litter are sent to a biogas plant. The accumulated biogas is used to heat the greenhouses, and the remaining products are used as fertilizer in the greenhouse.


Waste - in income. Today, the Khlevensky district has become a place where scientists, politicians and farmers discussed how to make agriculture economically profitable and environmentally friendly. Participants of the EcoRegion forum came to the conclusion: without state support, enterprises will not take up the environment. Waste recycling Agriculture- It's very costly. At the same time, the farmers themselves admit: the Lipetsk experience, when fertilizers are obtained from waste High Quality, needs to be implemented. Including at the legislative level.

Manure turns into useful fertilizer - compost - not in a year, but in just 3-4 months. Aerobic bacteria try. They process manure simply by eating it. The miracle machine also helps. It was invented by the American Urbanzyuk. An American inventor called her "Scarab", that is, a dung beetle.

Such seemingly mundane matters require capital investments. "Scarab" costs almost 15 million rubles. At an impromptu exhibition, the forum participants were shown samples of equipment that works in the fields of the Lipetsk region. The geography of producers - from North America to Australia.

Farming with a closed cycle of sustainable production

The activity of the farm is the production of a multi-purpose agricultural crop - Jerusalem artichoke and its processing into food products, in particular into fructose syrup.

For the disposal of waste and by-products of Jerusalem artichoke, additional production facilities are provided: a pig farm for 300 animals for feeding the pulp obtained in the production of fructose syrup, the production of biohumus using vermiculture (500 tons per year) based on processing pig manure, as well as biofeed (1000 tons per year) based on the processing of Jerusalem artichoke green mass with the help of oyster mushroom. The nutritional value of biofeed is equivalent to the nutritional value of feed grains.

Production of pectin and pectin products from secondary raw materials

One of major areas improve efficiency modern production is the creation of low-waste and non-waste technologies, wider involvement in the economic turnover of secondary raw materials. To the greatest extent these requirements are met by the production of pectin and pectin products from secondary raw materials (beet pulp, apple, grape and citrus pomace, cotton flap, etc.).

There is no own pectin production in Russia. Long-term focus on imports of high-esterified pectin has had a negative impact on its development in Russia. Technique and technology of production, scientific research developed insufficiently.

The current situation indicates the need to organize a flexible pectin production in Russia with the obligatory consideration of the economic conditions of the region, the domestic market conditions, the range of pectin-containing food and medical and preventive products.

Specialists of the Research Institute of Biotechnology and Certification of Food Products of KubGAU under the scientific and technical guidance of Professor L.V. Donchenko developed and introduced in Hungary a new technology of pectin and pectin products, which provides for the production of pectin extract and concentrate. This makes it possible to increase the range of pectin-containing canning, confectionery, bakery, pasta and dairy products, soft drinks, balms, medicinal teas.

To expand the range and further improve the technology for obtaining pectin substances from various plant materials and as part of the implementation of an innovative educational program at the UNIK "Technologist" - structural unit Research Institute of Biotechnology and Certification of Food Products - the only line in the country for the production of pectin extract and concentrate has been installed, where employees of the research institute and graduate students are working to expand the range of drinks containing pectin. More than 20 new recipes have already been created. To put them into production, it is necessary to develop technical and technological documentation not only in accordance with the requirements of the Russian consumer market but also European.

Hydrocyclone technology for non-waste processing of potatoes

In the 80s of the last century, NPO “Krakhmaloprodukt” developed a hydrocyclone technology for non-waste processing of potatoes at starch plants, which found application, in particular, in the Bryansk region (Klimovsky plant), in Chuvashia (Yalchinsky plant), etc.

In the traditional method of obtaining starch for fodder purposes, only pulp (fiber with starch residues) is used - the least nutritionally valuable part of the tuber. Potato juice, containing proteins, trace elements, vitamins, usually goes with water into reservoirs, polluting them.

With the hydrocyclone method, after the hydrocyclone, the pulp with juice is boiled and saccharified with the help of enzymes, and the protein is partially coagulated. Then the mass passes through a centrifuge, a dryer, and the remaining protein hydrolyzate is boiled down. The result is a dry, protein-enriched pulp - a valuable feed.

It is noteworthy that with traditional technology, about 15 tons of water is spent on processing 1 ton of potatoes, and with hydrocyclone technology, 0.5 tons of water is consumed per 1 ton. The traditional one provides processing of 200 tons of raw materials per day, the hydrocyclone is designed for 500 tons.

In Bashkiria, a non-waste technology of cheese making has found application. For example, at the Dovlekanovsky cheese-making plant, 180 tons of milk are used daily to make cheese, but only a twelfth of this mass (15 tons) is converted into the final product, the rest (165 tons) is whey. Separating it before drying dates per year 60 tons of additionally recoverable butter. Further operations on the vacuum evaporator turn the cloudy liquid into White powder(out of 22 kg of liquid, 1 kg of dry powder is obtained), which is then fed to various food purposes (production processed cheese, ice cream, confectionery).

Integrated agricultural production in an artificial ecosystem

The possibility of stabilizing and improving the quality of the environment through a more rational use of the entire complex natural resources associated with the creation and development of non-waste production. Resource saving is a decisive source of meeting growing needs National economy.

It is important to ensure that the increase in demand for fuel, energy, raw materials and materials by 75-80% is satisfied as a result of their savings, that is, the maximum elimination of losses and irrational expenses. It is important to widely involve in economic circulation secondary resources and related products.

Wasteless technology is understood as such a principle of organization of production, in which the cycle "primary raw materials - production - consumption - secondary raw materials" is built with the rational use of all components of raw materials, all types of energy and without violating the ecological balance.

Waste-free production can be created within the framework of the plant, industry, region, and ultimately for the entire national economy.

An example of a natural “non-waste production” is natural ecosystems - stable combinations of cohabiting organisms and their conditions of existence, closely related to each other. In these systems, a complete cycle of substances is carried out. Of course, ecosystems are not eternal and develop over time, but they are usually so stable that they are able to overcome even some changes in external conditions.

The definition of non-waste production takes into account the stage of consumption, which imposes restrictions on the properties of manufactured consumer products and affects their quality. The main requirements are reliability, durability, the possibility of returning to the cycle for processing or turning into an environmentally friendly form.

the most important integral part concepts of non-waste production are also the concepts of the normal functioning of the environment and the damage caused to it by negative anthropogenic impact. The concept of non-waste production is based on the fact that production, inevitably affecting the environment, does not disturb its normal functioning.

The creation of waste-free production is a long and gradual process that requires the solution of a number of interrelated technological, economic, organizational and other tasks. The basis for creating waste-free industrial production In practice, fundamentally new technological processes and equipment should be laid down in the first place.

1.2 Non-waste criteria

In accordance with the legislation in force in Russia, enterprises that violate sanitary and environmental standards do not have the right to exist and must be reconstructed or closed, i.e. all modern enterprises should be low-waste and waste-free.

However, the question arises, what is the permissible part of raw materials and materials in low-waste production can be sent for long-term storage or disposal? In this regard, in a number of industries in Russia there are already quantitative indicators for assessing wastelessness. So, in non-ferrous metallurgy, the complexity factor is widely used, determined by the share useful substances(in%), extracted from the processed raw materials in relation to its total quantity. In some cases it already exceeds 80%.

In the coal industry, the coefficient of non-waste production is calculated by the formula:

K b p \u003d 0.33 * (K b t + K b f + K b g),

where K b t, K b w, K b g are the coefficients of use, respectively, of the rock formed during mining, associated water intake during coal (shale) mining and the use of dust and gas waste.

As you know, coal mining is one of the most material-intensive and environmentally complex processes in the national economy. For this industry, it has been established that production is non-waste (more correctly, low-waste) if the waste-free ratio exceeds 75%. In the case of using, along with the newly formed rock, dumps of past years, the waste-free ratio can be more than 100%.

Probably, in the first approximation for practical purposes, the value of the coefficient of non-waste (or the coefficient of complexity), equal to 75% and higher, can be taken as quantitative criterion low-waste, and 95% - non-waste production and in a number of other material-intensive sectors of the national economy. In this case, of course, the toxicity of waste should be taken into account.

Zero-waste technology is an ideal production model, which in most cases is currently not fully implemented, but only partially (hence the term "low-waste technology" becomes clear). However, there are already examples of completely waste-free production. Thus, for many years, the Volkhov and Pikalevsky alumina refineries have been processing nepheline into alumina, soda, potash and cement according to practically waste-free technological schemes. Moreover, the operating costs for the production of alumina, soda, potash and cement, obtained from nepheline raw materials, are 10-15% lower than the costs for obtaining these products by other industrial methods.

Waste-free and low-waste production (technologies)

With the development of modern production, along with its scale and growth rates, the problems of developing and implementing low-waste and waste-free technologies are becoming increasingly important. The relevance of this problem is due to the following circumstances.

The biosphere functions according to the principle of built-in systems: each form is constructed at the expense of the destruction of other forms, constituting a link in the general circulation of matter in nature. Production activity until very recently, it was built on a different principle - the maximum exploitation of natural resources and ignoring the problem of destruction of production and consumption waste. This path was possible only as long as the scale of waste did not exceed the limits of the ability of ecological systems to self-repair.

Between industry and environment is still dominated by open type connections. Agricultural production is also an open system. The production process begins with the use of natural resources and ends with their transformation into means of production, consumer goods. The production process is followed by the consumption process, after which the used products are discarded. Thus, an open system is based on the principle of one-time use of the substance of nature.

Production activity begins with the use of some new natural resources, and consumption ends with the release of waste into the environment. As shown above, not very most of natural resources are converted into end products, most of them end up in waste.

Based on this, we can say that there are two conditional types(models) of a society: one-time consumption (wasteful society), which creates waste and where production is of a high-waste nature, and environmentally-saving, where production is organized on waste-free and low-waste technologies (Fig. 6.10).

Thus, objectively, there is a need for a transition to a fundamentally new form connections - to closed systems of production, suggesting, perhaps, greater autonomy of production, the exclusion of the integration of production processes into the general circulation of matter in nature.

With a closed system, production is built based on the following fundamental provisions:

  • maximum use of the original natural substance;
  • maximum use of waste (waste recovery and their transformation into feedstock for subsequent production steps);
  • creation of end products of production with such properties that the used production and consumption wastes can be assimilated by natural ecological systems;
  • reducing the amount of consumer waste by releasing products with a lower weight, in biodegradable packaging, with their complete disposal even before they enter the environment.

The principle of non-waste in the generally accepted concept is that when developing and designing a new production:

Apply a systematic approach;

Rice. 6.10. Structural diagram of a disposable society (a) and environmental (b) respectively

  • comprehensive use of resources;
  • take into account the cyclical nature of material flows;
  • limit the impact on the environment;
  • rationally organize the production process.

In accordance with the principle of consistency, each individual process or production is considered as an element of a dynamic system of all industrial production in the region and for more high level- as an element of the ecological and economic system as a whole, including, in addition to material production and other economic and economic activities of man, the natural environment (populations of living organisms, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biogeocenoses, landscapes), as well as man and his environment. Thus, the principle of consistency underlying the creation of non-waste industries should take into account the existing and growing interconnection and interdependence of production, social and natural processes.

The principle of the integrated economical use of raw materials in Russia has been elevated to the rank of a state task and is clearly formulated in a number of resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Specific forms of its implementation will primarily depend on the level of organization of non-waste production at the stages of the process, individual production, production complex and ecological-economic system.

One of general principles creation of non-waste production is the cyclical nature of material flows. The simplest examples of cyclic material flows include closed water and gas circulation cycles. Ultimately, the consistent application of this principle should lead to the formation, first in individual regions, and subsequently in the entire technosphere, of a consciously organized and regulated technogenic circulation of matter and the energy transformations associated with it. Combination and cooperation of industries, creation of TIC, as well as the development and production of new types of products, taking into account the requirements of its reuse, can be called as effective ways to form cyclic material flows and rational use of energy.

No less important principles of creating waste-free production include the requirement to limit the impact of production on the natural and social environment taking into account the systematic and purposeful growth of its volumes and environmental excellence. This principle is primarily associated with the conservation of such natural and social resources as atmospheric air, water, land surface, recreational resources, and public health. It should be emphasized that the implementation of this principle is feasible only in combination with effective monitoring, developed environmental regulation and multi-level nature management.

The general principle of creating non-waste production is also the rationality of its organization. The determining factors here are the requirement for the reasonable use of all components of raw materials, the maximum reduction of energy, material and labor intensity of production and the search for new environmentally sound raw materials and energy technologies, which is largely due to the reduction of the negative impact on the environment and damage to it, including related sectors of the national economy. The ultimate goal in this case should be considered the optimization of production simultaneously in terms of energy technology, economic and environmental parameters. The main thing in achieving this goal is the development of new and improvement of existing technological processes and industries.

From this we can conclude that waste-free technology is a method of production in which all raw materials and energy are used most rationally and comprehensively in the cycle: raw materials - production - consumption - secondary resources, and any impact on the environment does not disrupt its normal functioning.

The non-waste technology strategy proceeds from the fact that unused waste is both an underutilized natural resource and a source of environmental pollution. Reducing the specific yield of unused waste per commercial product of technology will make it possible to produce more products from the same amount of raw materials and, at the same time, will become an effective measure for protecting the environment. The biosphere provides us with natural resources, from which end products are obtained in the sphere of production, while waste is generated. Products are used either in production or in consumption, and again waste is generated. Almost always, if necessary, after appropriate processing, they can be used as secondary raw materials (secondary material resources) or as secondary energy carriers (secondary energy resources). If for technical or technological reasons it is impossible or economically unprofitable to process waste, then they must be introduced into the biosphere in such a way as not to harm the natural environment.

It is possible to draw up the following balance for the spheres of production and consumption based on the law of conservation of matter:

where BUT - mass of generated waste in the spheres of production and consumption, kg/s; R- consumption of natural resources, kg/s; S- the mass of substances accumulating in the spheres of production and consumption due to the constant growth of production, kg/s; f t - average waste utilization rate, kg/kg.

decline specific quantity unused production waste and thus the specific consumption of natural resources is possible due to:

  • reducing the specific output of waste;
  • increasing the waste utilization rate;
  • recycling, i.e. disposal of consumption waste in production.

The choice of one of the paths depends both on technological possibilities,

as well as economic conditions. On the one hand, the primary goal of waste-free technology is to reduce the amount of unused waste released into the biosphere per unit time, in which the natural balance of the biosphere will be maintained and the main natural resources will be preserved. On the other hand, non-waste technologies are urgently needed, which use consumer waste as raw materials. Such technologies have a double ecological efficiency.

To date, when creating waste-free technologies, the following main approaches have been identified:

  • drainless development technological schemes and water circulation cycles based on effective methods of treatment and re-sequential use of standardly treated wastewater;
  • development of technological cycles with closed air circulation;
  • replacement of water in technology with easily recyclable media;
  • replacing air with oxygen and other gases;
  • development and implementation of fundamentally new technological processes that exclude the formation of any type of waste;
  • creation of territorial-industrial complexes, i.e. economic regions in which a closed system of material flows of raw materials and wastes within the complex is implemented;
  • waste disposal as secondary material and energy resources;
  • use of waste for processing other waste;
  • reducing the mass of waste by reducing the material consumption of technologies.

The wording of the concept of non-waste technology should not be taken absolutely, i.e. one should not think that production without waste is possible, but waste should not disturb the normal functioning of natural systems. In real conditions, a completely waste-free technology cannot be created either practically or theoretically (similar to the fact that, in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, it is impossible both to completely convert energy into useful mechanical work, and raw materials cannot be completely converted into a useful environmentally friendly product). In other words, completely zero-waste technology is ideal system, to which any real technological cycle should strive, and the greater the degree of approximation, the lower environmental hazard will represent this production.

The creation of non-waste industries is a very complex and lengthy process, the intermediate stage of which is low-waste production. Low-waste production should be understood as such production, the results of which, when exposed to the environment, do not exceed the level permissible by sanitary and hygienic standards, i.e. MPC. At the same time, for technical, economic, organizational or other reasons, part of the raw materials and materials may turn into waste and be sent for long-term storage or disposal.

In some cases, the concept of “clean technology” is used, meaning by this a method of production in which raw materials and energy are used so rationally that the volumes of pollutants and waste released into the environment are minimized.

Since the degree of environmental cleanliness will be determined by the degree of approximation of low-waste technology to the ideal model, it is necessary to introduce appropriate coefficients that evaluate the approximation of low-waste technology to waste-free.

There are a number of approaches to the definition of waste-free production: experimental assessment, assessment by raw material and energy balances, by the general optimization parameter obtained using the desirability function or technological profile, as well as by economic means when comparing production costs.

The overall balance of the relative toxicity of the mass of harmful substances is determined by the following expression:

where M c + M c - the amount of waste entering the environment from sewage and gas emissions; ?M H is the mass of neutralized waste, XM p is the mass of dispersed waste.

The relative environmental friendliness of a typical process, production line, shop can be determined by the expression

If a A -> 0, the process tends to a waste-free state.

To quantify the non-waste™ of production, it is recommended to use the non-waste ratio, which takes into account various factors depending on the sector of the economy.

So, for the coal industry, the waste-free ratio K C) it is proposed to determine by the expression

where K p - coefficient of use of the rock as a result of mining operations; K to - coefficient of use of associated water taken from coal mining; K pg - coefficient of utilization of gas-oil wastes. For the chemical industry, the waste-free ratio

where K m - utilization factor material resources; TO:) - coefficient of completeness of use of energy resources; K ET - coefficient of compliance with environmental requirements. The values ​​of the first two coefficients are found taking into account the data on the material and energy balances.

Coefficient value K et is determined by the expression

where D) r, r| a, d| l - coefficients of compliance with environmental requirements for the hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere, respectively.

Coefficient rv defined but expression

where P - the number of pollutants contained in liquid waste discharged into water bodies (hydrosphere); AT ( - actual discharge of the z-th ingredient (substance) per unit of time, VAT, - - maximum allowable discharge of the z-th ingredient per unit of time; MPC, - the maximum allowable concentration of the i-th ingredient for a reservoir of a given type of water use.

If a AT,

If there is no VAT data, then the calculation is carried out according to the expression

where C j- concentration of the i-th ingredient.

When discharged into a water body of several pollutants with the same limiting indicator of harmfulness, the following condition must be met:

Method for calculating the coefficient G| but similar to the above. Coefficient r| l is currently taken equal to one. If the coefficient value K et K et unit calculate the coefficients K m and K e or just one coefficient To m. For the target product, the coefficient K m is determined by the expression

where M op - materials of the main production; M vp - materials of auxiliary production; 0 op - waste of the main production; FROM op - waste of the main production; P op - loss of the main production.

If K m lies in the range of 0.9-1.0, then the production is considered waste-free, when K m in the range of 0.8-0.9 - low-waste, with a value K m

In general, to assess the degree of perfection technological process taking into account the interaction with the environment, the criterion of non-waste ™ is the coefficient of environmental action:

where B t is the theoretical impact required for production; Vf - actual impact; B n is the impact determined by a specific production.

If Wf K sh -> 0, i.e. this production does not take into account the requirements of environmental safety, which leads to the so-called environmental miscalculation. The higher the value of the K ed coefficient, the more perfect the production is, taking into account the impact on the environment, and the more it approaches the waste-free technology.

The socio-economic effect (SEE) of non-waste industries can be assessed by a complex criterion:

where? E, - the sum of all the effects achieved by the introduction of non-waste production; Y - damage from environmental pollution by production and consumption waste; З n - total costs for the creation of non-waste production.

If there are several options, the option with the highest SEE at the minimum values ​​of Z p should be selected.

Thus, the combination of progressive technologies with modern methods of purification and control of gas and dust emissions, reuse waste management allows you to reconstruct existing and design new production facilities that meet the requirements of low-waste™ and environmental safety.

The widespread use of non-waste and low-waste technologies is an important direction in protecting the environment from negative impact industrial waste. The use of treatment devices and facilities does not completely contain toxic emissions, and the use of more advanced treatment systems is always accompanied by an exponential increase in the cost of treatment processes, even when it is technically possible.

According to the decision. EEC. UN and. Declaration on low-waste and waste-free technologies, as well as on the use of waste, the following wording was adopted: "Waste-free technology is the practical use of knowledge, methods and means in order to provide, within the framework of human needs, the most rational use natural resources and energy and protect the environment".

Low-waste technology is an intermediate stage in the creation of waste-free production. With low-waste production, the harmful impact on the environment does not exceed permissible levels, but due to technical, economic and organizational reasons, part of the raw materials and materials turns into waste and is sent for long-term storage.

The basis of non-waste production is integrated processing raw materials using all its components, since production waste is the unused part of the raw materials. Great importance at the same time, the development of resource-saving technologies acquires.

The feasibility of using waste has been proven practical work many enterprises various industries industry

The main tasks of low-waste and waste-free technologies include:

Integrated processing of raw materials and materials using all their components based on the creation of new waste-free processes;

Creation and release of new types of products using requirements reuse waste;

Processing of production and consumption waste to obtain marketable products or any effective use of them without violating the ecological balance;

Usage closed systems industrial water supply;

Creation of non-waste territorial production complexes and economic regions

In the machine-building industry, the development of low-waste technological processes is primarily associated with the need to increase the metal utilization factor (KIM), in woodworking - an increase in the wood utilization index coefficients (KID) toshch.

In the foundry industry, fast-hardening molding sands are used. This process, in which the chemical hardening of forms and rods takes place, is progressive not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of technology. Sanitation of packaging and hygienic inspection due to a significant reduction in dust emission. The utilization rate of metal in such casting increased to 95-98%.

A new technology for the manufacture of one-time casting molds was proposed by the British firm Booth, which generally abandoned the use of molding sands with organic binders. Moistened with water, sand is formed and then quickly frozen with liquid nitrogen. Cast iron and non-ferrous alloy castings obtained in such molds have a proper structure and a smooth surface.

In the heat treatment of metals, new production methods based on carrying out processes in closed volumes with a minimum consumption of raw materials and without isolation of products are of considerable interest. chemical reaction into the environment, the circulation method of saturation of metals and alloys using special installations(Fig. 63), in which the workspace a hermetic flow is created by reversible fans.

Figure 63 . Scheme of circulation plants: a - chamber muffle;

would - mine muffle; c - chamber muffleless d - mine muffleless

Unlike the direct-flow gas method, in which harmful substances are emitted into the atmosphere, the circulation method reduces the harmfulness of the technological process of chemical-thermal treatment of metals.

Now the progressive method of ion nitriding (Fig. 64) is widely used, which is much more economical than the furnace method, increases the energy efficiency, is non-toxic and meets the requirements of environmental protection.

Figure 64 . Scheme of an electric furnace for ion nitriding: 1,2 - heating chambers 3 - part suspension 4 - thermocouple b - workpieces, 6, 7 - disconnector, 8 - tristorane power supply, 9 - temperature measurement and control unit, 10 - gas industry heating installation, 11 - vacuum pump

In order to improve ecological state widely used in the rolling industry new technology steel rolling - screw rolling of metal (Fig. 65) to obtain a hollow spiral drilling steel. This technology of metal rolling made it possible to abandon further metalworking, not only save metal by 10-35%, but also improve the working conditions of workers and the economic situation by reducing air dust in mines, noise and vibration at workplaces.

A huge amount of industrial waste today accumulates in the logging and woodworking industries. Branches and branches of trees in cutting areas, pieces of wood, bark, sawdust, with hardened residues of synthetic resins, paints and varnishes, etc. are waste here. critical tasks facing the enterprises of this industry.

Figure 65 . Rolling Methods for Hollow Drill Steel: a - firmware; b - reduction; c - formation

Degree of use wood waste with waste-free or low-waste technologies can be characterized by the coefficient of its use, determined by the formula

where. Voyem ~ the volume of the main products made from wood;. Hoopoe - the volume of additional products that are produced from the waste of the main products (croaker, technological chips, technological sawdust, glued blanks, consumer goods, fuel, etc.), m8;. Us - the volume of raw materials supplied to production, m3.

An example of a waste-free technology in logging production can be the complete processing of cut wood for the main product (sawlog, plywood logs, mine riser, etc.) and all waste from the main product (wood cutting, branches, rhizomes, hairpin leaves, etc.) for the production of additional products (technological chips, firewood, softwood flour, food products, organic fertilizers etc.).

Aggregate sawmilling can be considered as an example of a waste-free technology in the woodworking industry, when technological chips are formed together with sawn timber, which later becomes a raw material for the production of chipboard trees, fibreboard, cellulose lean.

Figure 66 shows a diagram of the industrial use of waste from lumber and woodworking industries

Similar examples of non-waste technologies can be given in the production of veneer, plywood, containers, parquet, furniture and joinery, etc.

For the purpose of rational integrated use of all wood in timber industry complex it is important to identify all waste from the main production, for which it is advisable to draw up a balance of ancient

Table 64, 65 shows the balance of wood in the lumber industry

One of the most important factors influencing the transition to waste-free technology at timber processing enterprises is an imperfect method for determining the volume of timber only by the diameter of the assortment and its length based on tables of volumes. Therefore, it is necessary for timber processing enterprises to move to an artificial determination of the volumes of round timber, sawn products and waste with the help of measuring equipment, which is widely used in countries. Western. Europe and. America. This would make better use of all wood waste.

Vibratory cutting and hollow milling of wood, which are not accompanied by the formation of sawdust and dust, is promising for environmental protection.

Figure 66 . Scheme of industrial use of waste from sawmill and woodworking industries

Table 64 . The balance of wood in the lumber mill production at complex use sawlog

Table 65 . Wood balance when cutting lumber into blanks

Any owner of a business associated with any production process faces the problem of waste disposal. This issue is especially relevant for those manufacturers whose waste production process fall under the category of environmentally harmful, and therefore in this case it is very important point in the development of an investment project is to take into account the costs of recycling or waste disposal.

In essence, as such, production without waste does not exist in principle, production waste is always in the form of energy, liquid and solid, and therefore the term "" should be understood as "low-waste production". Therefore, it is very important for any production recycling waste, which will help reduce costs.

Types of production and the waste they create

Production, as a result of which waste is obtained, can be conditionally divided into two types. The first type is production, where mechanical restoration raw materials without compromising its integrity internal structure. This type includes metalworking, timber and woodworking industries. This production results in finished products and waste. The second type includes production complex systems processing of raw materials, which as a result of physical and chemical influences in the processing process, by-products and waste are obtained. This type of production includes the petrochemical industry and oil refining, the chemical and coke industry, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy.

Thus, it turns out that waste is a raw material unsuitable for the production of this type of product. Wastes of the production process are the remains of materials that are obtained during the manufacturing process, and which have partially or completely lost their characteristics.

For example, in the mining, coal or woodworking industries, waste does not change its structure. In the chemical industry, oil refining, metallurgy, wastes are subject to physical and chemical influence and, as a result, create new products.

Consumption waste is machinery, equipment, products that have lost their performance due to wear and tear.

In turn, waste can be divided into: recyclable, that is, those that can be used without finishing as raw materials, mandatory technological losses: drying, evaporation, fumes, spraying, and waste - this is a material that cannot or is not economically profitable to use in the economy or production.

What is low waste production?

Zero waste production or, more correctly, low-waste, is a process when the raw materials that are obtained as a result of production are recycled, and bad influence on the external environment is reduced to a minimum. At its core, low-waste production is a set of measures that can ensure the use of raw materials without harming the environment. The use of low-waste technologies will help to significantly reduce the cost of installing cleaning systems and equipment; in some cases, waste recycling can serve as sources of additional income.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that waste recycling may not always be cost-effective. For example, it is simply not economically profitable to recycle a lot of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy waste. However, this does not apply to those emissions that pose a danger to the environment. If the production produces hazardous or toxic waste, then, according to environmental legislation, the company must take care of purchasing a special treatment and processing equipment. Such hazardous compounds include various emissions of sulfur, tellurium, selenium, zinc and copper.

Features of the organization of non-waste production

Zero waste production has its own characteristics and for effective organization they must be taken into account. In order to organize low-waste technologies in the most optimal way, it is necessary that close ties be established between the companies that make up a single system of a low-waste complex, especially in the case when the waste of one enterprise is a raw material for another.

If the complex of such enterprises is also compactly located, then they can be combined into a combine. For example, it can be a full-cycle metallurgical plant that produces cast iron, steel and rolled ferrous metals and can simultaneously include a coking plant for processing coal into raw materials for blast furnace production. Gases that have nitrogen in their composition will serve as a source of raw materials for the production of nitrogen fertilizers, synthetic rubber, plastics, synthetic resins, rubber products. After the remelting of cast iron, slag remains, which in turn is a raw material for the construction and cement industries; during metal processing, gases are released - raw materials for the chemical industry.

Thus, the most effective form organizations low-waste production- this is a combination of related industries into a single system in which different industries will work. With such an organization of production, costs are significantly reduced, production efficiency increases and optimal conditions are created for the functioning of low-waste production.

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