Where and why are wood processing enterprises located. Timber industry complex Utilization of trees, stumps and wood

20.05.2016 12:18


The Russian Federation is the world leader in terms of forest reserves, it owns twenty-two percent of the world's forest reserves. Wood reserves in our country amount to more than eighty billion cubic meters, more than forty billion cubic meters are suitable for use.

Timber industry of the Russian Federation

The industrial sector, whose enterprises are engaged in the harvesting and processing of wood, is called the forest industry or the forestry complex. It is one of the oldest industrial branches and has a complex structure. Each part of this structure is responsible for one of the stages of processing raw materials from wood.

The structure of the timber industry is as follows:

  1. The logging industry, which includes logging, cutting wood (extracting resin and harvesting stump resin), rafting logs, transferring wood from one type of transport to another, using non-valuable tree species and waste (sawmill, sawing sleepers, making wood chips, boards for containers). It is the largest timber industry in the world.
  2. Woodworking industry.
  3. The pulp and paper industry mechanically and chemically processes wood raw materials.
  4. The wood chemical industry processes raw materials from wood in a dry way, is engaged in charcoal burning, the creation of rosin and turpentine. This industry includes the manufacture of varnish, ether, plastic, non-natural fibers, hydrolysis (creation of ethyl, tar, turpentine from waste in the manufacture of pulp and paper products).

The forestry and woodworking industry in Russia is conditionally divided into the following groups:

  1. creation of lumber and furniture items (machining);
  2. wood chemical industry and the creation of pulp and paper products (chemical processing).

Industrial enterprises related to the forestry and woodworking industry are engaged in:

  1. harvesting wood material;
  2. processing of wood material;
  3. wood-chemical industrial processing of forest raw materials;
  4. production of pulp and paper products.

These factories and factories produce roundwood, boards, various wooden items, wood chemicals and paper.

Conditions for the distribution of enterprises that belong to the forest industry

To locate businesses related to the timber industry, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  1. so that the raw material base is located close;
  2. there must be sources of energy supply and water sources near the enterprise;
  3. availability of transport and transport roads is necessary;
  4. it is better to create forest products in close proximity to its consumer;
  5. create jobs.

On the territory of our state, coniferous trees predominate; they are more valuable for industry than trees with leaves. Our forests grow unevenly geographically. Most of the forests are in several regions: in the Northern, Ural, Volga-Vyatka, Far Eastern and Siberian regions.

This industry consumes a lot of wood raw materials and a large amount of waste remains. Twenty percent of the waste comes from the wood harvesting stage, and from forty percent to seventy percent of the waste remains as a result of the processing of raw wood.

The most important condition for the location of industrial enterprises for the processing of wood is the availability of raw materials from wood. Therefore, all processes for the harvesting and subsequent processing of "business" wood are carried out in those regions of Russia where there are many natural forests. The northern, Siberian, Ural and Far Eastern territories of the country provide four-fifths of all industrial wood.

Sawmills and other wood processing (production of parts for construction needs, plywood, matches, furniture) can be located both in those places where timber is harvested, and in places where there are no forests (already cut trees are brought there). Basically, enterprises for sawing wood and its processing are located near rivers (lower reaches and mouths) and places where rivers, along which logs are rafted, cross railroads.

Most lumber is produced in Siberia (its eastern and western parts, namely: in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region, the Tomsk Region and the Tyumen Region), the North (in the Komi Republic and the Arkhangelsk Region), the Urals (in the Udmurt Republic, the Sverdlovsk Region, Perm Region), the Far East (Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory), in the Kirov Region, in the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Woodworking industry of the Russian Federation

This industry performs mechanical, chemical-mechanical processing of wood.

It includes several industries:

  1. sawmill (creation of sleepers and lumber);
  2. making houses from wood;
  3. production of wooden parts for construction;
  4. production of wood-based boards (blocks for doors and windows, parquet boards, wood fiber boards, wood chip boards, carpentry products);
  5. production of containers from wood;
  6. production of plywood, including parts that are glued and bent, as well as veneer;
  7. making matches;
  8. furniture manufacturing;
  9. production of other wood products (wood flour, skis, greenhouse frames).

Problems of the forest industry

Today there is a crisis in the timber industry. Although Russia is the first in the world in terms of forest resources, the woodworking, timber and pulp and paper industries account for only a little more than three percent of the total production. This is due to a decrease in demand for such products in the domestic market of Russia. The market of the Commonwealth of Independent States is also in decline, due to which the purchases of forest materials and pulp and paper products in the Russian Federation have decreased. This branch of industry in Russia has become dependent on the external market. But in recent years, we have begun to export more "business" wood, cardboard, paper, and plywood to other countries. Seventy-one percent of the forest products of the Russian Federation are exported.

Forest reserves are affected by excessive human activities and emergency situations (fires). Unauthorized felling of trees is the main problem for the development of the forest industry in our country. There is currently no clear forest policy. To prevent such cuttings, it is necessary to eliminate the social disorder of the inhabitants of the regions where they are engaged in harvesting and processing wood (increasing the number of jobs, opening new enterprises, using alternative energy sources).

Another problem was to reduce the loss of raw materials during the harvesting and processing of wood. Wood raw materials should be used rationally (reduce wood waste and losses due to untimely or improper transportation, effectively use wood waste).

It should be remembered that woodworking plants and factories pollute the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to protect the environment (use treatment facilities, improve production technologies and upgrade equipment).

Directions in which it is necessary to develop the timber industry

In order to save raw materials from wood and increase forest reserves, the forest industry must develop in several directions:

  1. apply non-waste technologies;
  2. reduce the loss of raw materials from wood during its harvesting and alloying;
  3. reduce the consumption of wood for the manufacture of sleepers by replacing them with reinforced concrete sleepers and increasing the service life of wood sleepers;
  4. change wooden containers to plastic containers;
  5. use coniferous raw materials exclusively for their intended purpose;
  6. restore forest land;
  7. protect the forest from fires and unauthorized felling;
  8. to develop an optimal model of wood resource management;
  9. improve legislation for the protection of forest lands.

Thus, we can conclude that in the Russian Federation, the forestry and woodworking industries are mainly concentrated in Siberia, the Urals, the North and the Far East. We provide ourselves with sawmill materials, cardboard, paper and plywood. And in order to continue to meet our needs in products made from wood raw materials, we need to restore forest areas and minimize environmental pollution during the processing of wood.

1. Can wood be replaced with other materials?

Most wood products can be made from other materials, and in some cases substitute products can be even better. For example, plastic skis have now almost completely replaced wooden skis.

However, wood is still widely used in everyday life and industry, both for economic (as a material it is often cheaper than substitutes) and for environmental reasons. For example, in a wooden house, surrounded by pure wood furniture, a person feels much better.

Synthetic materials cause allergic reactions in many people. It is estimated that a person spends an average of 100 m 3 of wood in his life. There are products in which the replacement of wood with another material radically changes their properties (for example, wooden musical instruments).

2. Where and why are large timber and paper industries located? Match the figure with the population density map.

Large forestry complexes are located in the zone of the European North (Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar), in the south of Western and Central Siberia (Asino, Lesosibirsk, Bratsk, etc.), which is associated with the presence of forest resources.

The main enterprises of the pulp and paper industry are located in forest surplus areas near rivers, because this industry is characterized by a significant material, water and energy intensity. The leading paper-producing regions (for 2004) are shown in Table 9.

3. Wood is a versatile raw material. How did the use of wood change as the economy developed?

The use of wood began with the manufacture of the simplest tools and the kindling of fires for heating and cooking. Gradually, this raw material penetrated into many branches of the economy. In the XVIII century. wood was actively used in metallurgy: for the smelting of 1 pood (16.4 kg) of cast iron, 3-5 poods of charcoal were required, and 8 poods of charcoal were used to produce 1 pood of iron. By analogy with oil (“black gold”) and natural gas (“blue gold”), the forest is called “green gold”, emphasizing the exceptional value of this resource.

Despite the wide variety of areas of application, even now about a third of the wood received is used for fuel. The use of wood depends on the properties of a particular tree species. Table 10 shows the scope of various breeds, supplement it with your own examples.

Breed wood properties Application Your examples
Pine Soft, not rotting Production of artificial wool; construction Furniture
Spruce Durable and soft Raw materials for the production of paper; artificial silk production
Cedar Durable and soft. antiseptic Construction; pharmaceuticals
Fir rots quickly Paper; from needles - aromatic substances
Aspen Soft, light Matches; container
Linden Easily processed, dyed and does not warp when dried Crockery; plywood; boards
Birch Elastic, durable Furniture; plywood; skis
Beech, oak Strong and solid Furniture; parquet; barrels

4. Which industries are most closely related to the forest industry and why?

The timber industry is now a powerful and diverse field of activity, closely connected with suppliers and consumers of products. The timber industry employs about 1.4 million people in Russia. And it is more correct to speak not about industry, but about the forest complex. By analogy with the agro-industrial complex (p. 35, fig. 18), draw up a diagram of the forestry complex, including transport (transportation of products), the chemical industry (production of plant protection products and means of chemical processing of wood), mechanical engineering (forest harvesting equipment: saws, tractors, skidders), light industry (textile enterprises - consumers of artificial silk and wool), as well as science and education (scientific development and training of personnel).

Further development of intersectoral relations will allow Russia to overcome the main problems of the forest complex. For example, irrational use of resources. Russia loses from 25 to 75% of the harvested timber, i.e. from 0.5 to 1.5 million hectares is cut down in vain, and it takes a considerable time to restore the forest fund. The most valuable tree species are slow growing. Almost all young trees grow rapidly at first, then growth slows down, and the ripeness of the tree, that is, the state in which felling can be done, is achieved in birch and aspen after 50-70 years, in conifers in the north - after 150 years, in the central and southern taiga - in 80-100 years.

5. Show on the map the largest timber industry complexes. Evaluate their placement in terms of economic feasibility, ecology.

Timber industry complexes are located on large rivers in forest surplus areas. The main ones are located in the cities of Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar, Asino, Lesosibirsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Bratsk, Amursk.

Such an arrangement is economically justified - the CRC combines all stages of production: harvesting, processing and chemical processing of raw materials.

However, the active use of forest resources inevitably entails their depletion. Therefore, one should not forget about the need to increase the productivity of forests, improve the methods of their restoration. If the production technology is not observed, rivers also suffer.

6. Why do you think products made from solid natural wood are especially valued now?

Their manufacturers will eloquently tell you about the advantages of wooden products over their analogues. For example, manufacturers of windows and wooden houses.

Among the main points, we highlight the following:

a) Wood breathes.

In the field of construction, wood is of great value. Compared to other building materials, it does not interfere with air circulation, since a constant air exchange takes place in the internal structure of wood. Wood also provides an optimal level of humidity in the house without the use of any air conditioners. The absence of drafts in combination with the special freshness of living wood creates a unique microclimate of a log house.

b) Wood retains heat.

Despite providing free

air exchange, a log house is a warm and durable structure. Due to the ability to accumulate and retain heat at an optimal level for life, log walls provide the best heat retention compared to brick and concrete walls of the same thickness. Even in conditions of extremely severe frosts, a log house effectively retains heat and, at the same time, thanks to

with its remarkable properties, it maintains a favorable temperature on hot summer days.

c) Wood keeps healthy.

In modern construction, artificial materials are often used that prevent the necessary air exchange inside the house. The air is sometimes too dry and oversaturated with carbon dioxide. Excessive concentration of carbon dioxide can cause headaches and other unpleasant sensations. In a log house, there are no problems of this kind, since wood breathes and is a pure natural product that meets all environmental standards for building materials.

d) Ease of disposal.

From the point of view of ecology, an important advantage of wooden products is the ease of its disposal after the end of its service life. Disposal of similar products made of steel or concrete is more expensive. This property of wood becomes especially relevant with the development of such a direction as the ecology of industry, and the adoption of laws, according to which the manufacturer is obliged to take care that after the product becomes unusable, it can be processed into harmless substances. material from the site

7. What folk crafts related to the use of wood do you know? In what regions of Russia do they develop?

Woodcarving has always occupied an honorable place in the work of folk craftsmen in Russia. The Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya carving and products of the masters of Talashkino, the complex of wooden buildings "Kizhi" became especially famous. In many ancient Russian cities there are museums of wooden architecture, where you can get acquainted with the best examples of folk art, for example, Small Karely near Arkhangelsk.

At the end of the XIX century. in the vicinity of the Abramtsevo estate near Moscow, on the initiative of I.D. Polenova, a carpentry and carving workshop arose in the estate of S.I. The products of the masters of this school (ladles, caskets, salt shakers, decorative dishes and vases covered with rhythmic floral ornaments) are distinguished by a variety of toning, emphasizing the natural beauty of wood. The floral ornament is based not only on samples of carved peasant products and house decor, but also on the ornamental screensavers of old printed books.

At present, the center of the trade is located in the city of Khotkovo, Sergiev Posad district, where a factory of carved art products operates. Abramtsevo-Kudrinsk carving masters are trained by the Abramtsevo Art and Industrial College named after V.I. V. M. Vasnetsova.

Another center of peasant artistic crafts was the former estate of Princess M. K. Tenisheva, located 18 km from Smolensk - Talashkino. Educational and art-industrial workshops of ceramics, carving and painting on wood, carpentry, embroideries, etc. were organized on the estate. Artists S. V. Malyutin, M. A. Vrubel, N. K. Roerich worked in Talashkino, A. N. Benois, M. V. Nesterov, K. A. Korovin, I. E. Repin, sculptor P. P. Trubetskoy. Now it is a historical and artistic reserve, in which a park, the building of the art workshop of M. K. Tenisheva, and wooden buildings in the Russian style have been preserved.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • show on the map the largest complexes
  • large LPKs are located in
  • why natural wood products are valued
  • why solid wood products are valued
  • where and why are the enterprises of the complex associated with the processing of wood

Recycling wood waste is something every person has done at least once in their life. In the spring, for example, all Russians clean the territory of an enterprise or a residential building from last year's foliage, broken branches, dead trees and shrubs. Cleaned up, sent with a garbage truck to a landfill and forgotten. A wise owner would not do that.

Since ancient times, people have been using the most accessible natural resource in their household - wood. A stick for digging, protection, searching for food, making fire, an unpretentious couch on the flexible branches of a bush - minor scratches on the body of nature of a primitive man.

In our time, the intensive use of forest resources, primarily in Siberia and Brazil, is a deep bleeding wound. People living in the Amazon Valley, like all living things in this region, are already suffocating from lack of oxygen. A legitimate question arises: "Is it really necessary to use the gifts of the forest on such a scale?" Modern man uses wood as fuel, and woodworking products for housing construction, sleepers, telegraph poles, to produce bast, paper, fiber, and about 1,500 more products. In any case, approximately 40% of the waste remains after sawmilling in the cutting area. These are needles, leaves, green shoots, bark, branches, twigs, sawdust. Waste is also generated during the processing of wood: slats, short lengths, shavings, sawdust, wood dust. Maybe these wastes, after their processing and disposal, will replace woodworking products? Then the forest will be clean and the trees will remain alive!

Law on Compulsory Disposal of Wood Waste

The State Duma amended the law on the mandatory processing of wood waste. It was previously assumed that this law would come into force in 2018, but this date was postponed to 2022. By law, it will not be possible to throw away or obtained at a sawmill.

Wood processing plant specialists have four years to think about their production and how to benefit from what is now littering nature.

Wood waste disposal methods

It is impossible to produce lumber without sawdust, chopped branches, branches and bark. Even the prudent Chinese, who recycle what others throw away, lose 20 to 30 percent of their wood in waste. The term "waste wood" suggests that the part of the tree that is not used should be thrown away. There is also the concept of wooden waste, for example, old furniture, used packaging. Let's figure out how you can dispose of such garbage.

Today, there are various effective methods for the disposal of wood waste and wood residues:

  1. Incineration of waste in special furnaces in order to obtain energy. This procedure allows the use of tree branches and sawdust, which not only improves the environmental situation, but also saves on the purchase of briquettes.
  2. Getting charcoal is a priority method for the disposal of waste generated in the cutting area. In this case, pyrolysis is used - the decomposition of wood raw materials in the absence of oxygen.
  3. The production of charcoal briquettes is the mixing of crushed wood waste with coal using binding materials, such as oil refinery waste, wood and coal tar, etc.
  4. Production of technological and fuel granules (pellets) without binding components. This method is good not only because the territory of the plant is cleared of garbage, but also because toxic sulfur oxides are not formed during the subsequent burning of pellets.
  5. Gasification is the transformation of wood into gas when it is heated with partial access to oxygen. The resulting mixture of gases is a fuel for cars that can be used instead of gasoline.

You can see how it is made into flour at one of the Russian enterprises in the following video:

From this list of methods, it can be seen that forestry and woodworking wastes are mainly burned to generate thermal energy. In addition, building materials, toys, furniture, and various crafts can be made from waste.

Wood burning stoves

So, the most cost-effective method at the moment is the destruction of wood waste in kilns. At the same time, workers do not complicate their work by pressing, briquetting and other troubles. For direct combustion, mainly cone-shaped furnaces are used, equipped with a horizontal movable or inclined grate (grate). The released heat can be used for heating or water heating, etc.

The photographs show different types of fireboxes for burning wood waste:

Do I need a license to burn wood waste?

There is a regulation “On Licensing Activities for the Collection, Transportation, Processing, Disposal, Neutralization, Disposal of Hazard Class I-IV Waste”, established by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 3, 2015, which explains the conditions for obtaining a license for waste processing. A waste disposal company must be licensed. An enterprise must also have a license if it does not specialize in recycling, but burns wood waste, for example, to generate thermal energy.

Disposal of trees, stumps and wood

Do unnecessary trees interfere with you on the site, or their overgrown crowns, stumps, waste from previously cut down trees? This problem is completely solvable. Here are some ways to get out of this situation:

  1. Uprooting trees.
  2. Tree cutting is cutting down a tree and leaving a stump. If you cut down a tree flush with the ground, then the remaining stump will decompose itself within 5-8 years. Note! If it is necessary to dispose of, for example, a fallen tree in a territory accountable to an enterprise, institution, organization, then two documents must be prepared: “Act on the write-off of a fixed asset (tree)” and “Act on the disposal of a fallen tree”.
  3. Stump uprooting. Methods:
    • with wedges and a sledgehammer, you should split the dug-in stump into pieces and pull out each part separately;
    • pulling out a stump with a winch;
    • the use of a crusher, which goes deep into the ground by 30 cm and crushes the stump into chips that mix with the soil;
    • the use of saltpeter or gasoline, which are placed in drilled holes in the stump and burn it from the inside.
  4. Tree trimming is the partial removal of branches and limbs from a tree.
  5. Tree crowning is the removal of a part of the crown in order to rejuvenate the plant or reduce the static and wind load on the tree. There are types of reservations:
    • thinning;
    • down kronirovanie - removal of the upper branches;
    • increasing kronirovanie - removal of the lower branches;
    • topping - removal of tree tops to a level of 4-9 m from the ground.

Disposal of wooden pallets

During transportation and storage of products at the enterprise, pallets are used as containers. Over time, they wear out, litter the territory, create a threat of fire. The part of the pallets that cannot be repaired can be recycled. To do this, they are placed in a rotary shredder for the purpose of grinding, and then the resulting chips are passed through a magnet to “pull out” the metal inclusions. Briquettes can be made from the peeled wood chips and further receive heat when they are burned.

So, the intensive use of wood may well be combined with the efficient disposal of sawmill and woodworking waste. Today, in our country, the most economically profitable is the use of production waste as fuel.

1. Wood is a versatile raw material. How was wood used in the economy in different historical periods?

In our northern country, wood has long been used not only for buildings, but also for heating, and in everyday life, and as a material for folk art. Later, wood began to be used in many industries, primarily as a raw material for the chemical industry. In modern times, the chemical processing of wood makes it possible to dispose of sawdust and woodworking waste: sawdust, shavings, chips. Ethyl alcohol, glycerin, turpentine, tar and other products can be obtained from this cheap raw material.

2. Choose the correct answer. The structure of the timber industry complex includes: a) wood chemistry and metallurgy; b) woodworking and wood chemistry; c) woodworking and mining industry.

The correct answer is b) woodworking and wood chemistry.

3. Where and why are wood processing enterprises located?

Mechanical processing of wood is carried out both in the areas of logging and in areas of consumption.

The pulp and paper industry is characterized by high material consumption, large water capacity and significant energy intensity. This industry is most developed in the European North, which produces more than half of all pulp. The Arkhangelsk region stands out in particular, where three huge pulp and paper mills operate. In second place is the Irkutsk region, in the third place is the Republic of Komi.

Thus, timber processing is mainly concentrated in the same place as its harvesting. An additional location factor is water resources, so the largest pulp and paper mills are located on large rivers.

4. Name the main centers of the pulp and paper industry. Explain the features of their placement.

There are three huge pulp and paper mills in the Arkhangelsk region: in Arkhangelsk itself, in its suburb of Novodvinsk, and near Kotlas (Koryazhma). In the Irkutsk region, factories are located in Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk and Baikalsk. In the Komi Republic, factories are in Syktyvkar, in Karelia - in Segezha and Kondopoga. All settlements are provided with the necessary amount of raw materials and water resources.

5. What industries are most closely related to the forest industry? Why?

The timber industry complex consists of industries - logging (felling, skidding), woodworking (sawmill, plywood, furniture, house building), wood chemical (rosin, hydrolysis), pulp and paper (cellulose, paper production), where the chemical processing of wood is combined with mechanical processing . The names of these industries reflect the three stages of production: timber harvesting, its mechanical processing and chemical processing.

6. What are the problems facing the timber industry? What do you think are possible ways to solve them?

Lumberjacks are far from managing forest resources in a prudent manner. In some forests, closer to the centers and highways, - "overcut", they are exhausted, and in others, in remote areas, the wood rots on the vine. A lot of wood deteriorates during the logging process. A lot of waste remains in the cutting areas, and along the timber transportation routes, and during sawmilling.

Another problem is the incomplete processing of wood raw materials. Russian exports are dominated by either just roundwood or a semi-finished product - pulp. Developed countries also export finished products several times higher in value.

In addition, the protection of forests from fires, pests and poachers remains a very acute problem.

7. Why do you think products made from solid natural wood are especially valued now?

Nowadays, they are valued due to the fact that they are durable, environmentally friendly and very beautiful.

8. What folk crafts related to the use of wood do you know? What areas are they in?

The village of Bogorodskoye (Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district). Sculptural carving. Specialization: wooden toy.

Villages: Abramtsevo, Kudrino, Akhtyrka and pos. Khotkovo. (Sergiev Posad district) Flat-relief carving. It originated at the end of the 19th century. Subject: plants and birds. Main product: box.

The city of Kirov is the main center. The industry originated in the early 19th century. Also in the city of Ufa (Bashkiria) Specialization: art products from burl and kapokorn, (growths on the trunks and roots of birch, walnut and elm. Main products: caskets, boxes, cigarette cases, watch cases

Veliky Ustyug (Vologda region), Semenov (Nizhny Novgorod region), Arkhangelsk, Tomsk regions and Yakutia: products from birch bark. Main products: baskets, caskets, tuesas, boxes, vessels for storing honey and sour cream. Birch bark is harvested at the turn of spring and summer.

Sergiev Posad. Painting on wood with burning. It originated in the late 19th century, early 20th century. Products: caskets and boxes depicting the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the cities of the "Golden Ring" of Russia.

Kirov, Sergiev Posad, Semenov, the village of Polkhov-Maidan: matryoshka.

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