What are non-waste technologies. Waste-free and low-waste production. Basic principles of creating non-waste production

Scientists from the National Research Technological University "MISiS" and the enterprise "Vtoraluminproduct" put into operation in the city of Mtsensk a unique pilot plant for the production of cast iron and non-ferrous metal concentrate from industrial waste.

This development aroused the interest of domestic power engineers and producers of ferrous metals. The fact is that more than 95% of the cast iron produced in the world is still produced in blast furnaces. These are powerful units that produce thousands of tons of metal per day. But ordinary blast furnaces require prepared high-quality raw materials, it is technologically and economically impractical or even impossible to process waste in them. But only on Russian enterprises more than 5 million (!) tons of secondary raw materials are produced annually.

The innovative furnace is built on the bubbling principle, which is based on the rise of gas bubbles in the melt. The ultimate goal of the process is to reduce the mixed composition melt to pure cast iron. First, in a furnace at a temperature of 1400-1500°C, the iron ore concentrate is converted into a melt, which is then blown with gaseous carbon monoxide with impurities of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The resulting bubbles significantly accelerate the chemical processes in the bath and intensively mix the ferruginous melt and slag (waste from metal production).

According to the developers, they improved the Romelt technology, created in the USSR on the basis of MISiS back in the 1980s, and divided the reactor into two zones: melting and reduction. Iron-containing materials, thermal coal, fluxing additives are fed onto the surface of the melt bath. In this case, coal is drawn by slag flows into the lower zones of the bath, where, due to the oxygen flow, it burns with the release of carbon dioxide and water vapor. Next, the melt flows into the reduction zone, where it is finally reduced to cast iron.

At the request of the customer, the composition of the slag can be selected for subsequent processing into slag stone products, heat-insulating slag wool, and the production of intermediate products in the production of cement. Another advantage of the new plant is the reduced specific energy consumption. Due to the unit's unique design, energy consumption can be increased to 500 kilograms of coal and 500 Nm³ of oxygen per ton of pig iron produced. As a result, waste man-made waste is processed, and pig iron, commercial slag and non-ferrous metal concentrate are obtained. There is no waste in the new Russian technology. The pilot sample is also intended for testing the technology of non-waste gasification of numerous carbon-containing wastes, including municipal solid waste.

Problems of the harmful influence of industry on environment environmentalists have long been concerned. Along with modern means organizations effective ways recycling hazardous waste options are also being developed to minimize the initial damage to the environment. In this regard, the reduction of waste emissions allows not only to reduce damage to nearby infrastructure facilities, but also to increase the economic efficiency of enterprises. Truth, non-waste technologies also require significant contributions in the course of implementation. The introduction of such programs often affects the production stages, forcing managers to reconsider approaches to ensuring technological processes.

What are non-waste and low-waste technologies?

In a broad view, wastelessness does not at all imply a complete rejection of the development of secondary products that remain after the main one. That is, the definition of a wasteless technology may imply such an organization of an enterprise’s work in which the most rational consumption is carried out. natural resources and energy. But it's still a general definition. this concept. If we take a strict approach to the consideration of the issue, then waste-free technologies should be presented as a general production process, according to which raw materials are used completely in a closed cycle.

Low-waste technology deserves special attention. In essence, this intermediate, which allows, with minimal costs, to transfer the enterprise to a full-cycle production mode. At the facilities where the low-waste concept was implemented, there is a level of harmful impact on the environmental background that does not exceed the permissible sanitary standards. However, if non-waste technologies involve the complete processing of secondary raw materials, then in this case, long-term storage or disposal of materials is also allowed.

How is wastelessness of production assessed?

To begin with, it should be noted that the full implementation is completely waste-free production is not always possible. There are entire industries in which enterprises and combines, by virtue of different reasons cannot leave the low-waste status. In this regard, the estimates of non-waste deserve attention. In particular, experts use coefficients that allow determining what percentage of waste an enterprise cannot recycle and sends for recycling or storage.

For example, low-waste and waste-free technologies in the coal industry are more difficult to implement than in other industries. In this case, the waste-free ratio varies from 75 to 95%. You should also remember the very essence of the introduction of technologies that reduce the impact of harmful substances on the environment. Given this aspect, we can talk about the need to define and share useful substances contained in the waste. Sometimes this figure reaches 80%.

Technology principles

Wasteless technology is based on several principles, the main ones being the following:

  • It assumes that it is necessary to consider the production facility from the point of view of waste minimization without separation from the regional industrial infrastructure.
  • Cyclic flow. According to this principle, there must be some kind of circulation of the raw materials used, as well as the energy that ensures its processing.
  • Complex application of resources. This principle provides for the maximum consumption of raw materials and energy potential. Since any raw material can be considered as complex, all its components must be extracted during production cycles.
  • Limitation of environmental impacts. You can say this main idea, in accordance with which low-waste and waste-free production technologies are being developed in various industries.
  • Rationality of the organization of production. In this case, it is supposed to optimize technological processes in order to save material resources, energy costs and financial investments as much as possible.

The process of introducing non-waste technologies

Any action aimed at changing the production process involves the development of a project. In this case, it may be assumed to create drainless technological systems and water circulation cycles on the platform effective methods filtration. Such schemes, for example, are used in industries One of the most effective tools processing of the secondary raw material base is the introduction of waste-free technologies that exclude the formation of secondary products in principle. For this, additional stages of processing and purification are introduced into the production processes. It is also practiced to create separate industrial complexes that purposefully implement closed systems with processing material flows.

Zero waste in metallurgy

In the process of designing plants that will process non-ferrous and ferrous metals, the widest range of means to ensure non-waste is used. For example, liquid, gaseous and solid waste. Cleaning agents are also used as a basic tool for minimizing processed products. In addition, low-waste and waste-free technologies can operate not only within the framework of the metallurgical enterprise itself. Mining and processing plants, where large-tonnage dump waste is developed, are engaged in the production of ready-made building materials. In particular, bookmarks for mines are made from waste, wall blocks are formed and road surfaces are laid.

Wastelessness in agriculture

This area economic activity the most flexible in terms of the use of means that ensure the recycling of resources. This is due to the fact that most of the waste Agriculture contain products of organic origin. For example, zero-waste technologies may appear in the form reuse compost, manure, sawdust, foliage and other materials. Further, a raw material base for fertilizer is formed from these wastes, which saves costs.

Wastelessness in the energy sector

In modern energy, specialists are guided by wide application technological methods of fuel combustion. This may be the use of a fluidized bed, which helps to minimize contaminants in the exhaust gases. Also, waste-free production technology in the energy sector is manifested in the development of developments aimed at cleaning gas emissions from nitrogen and sulfur oxides. The approaches to technical equipment enterprises. Dust-cleaning equipment, for example, is operated with high efficiency, and the resulting ash subsequently enters the construction industry as an ingredient in concrete solutions.

Problems of non-waste and low-waste industries

The main part of the problems that arise in the process of transition to waste-free production is due to the contradiction between the desire to minimize processed products and maintain the efficiency of enterprises. The inclusion of new stages in production processes with the utilization of secondary raw materials, for example, reduces the economic performance of industrial facilities. Also, the problems of non-waste technology are associated with the impossibility of processing a number of waste products. This mainly applies to the branches of the chemical industry, in which the volumes of hazardous gaseous wastes are increasing. However, there is also reverse examples when the introduction of waste-free production projects contributed to an increase in economic efficiency. In the same mining industry, enterprises sell rocks with characteristics that meet the requirements of construction plants as secondary raw materials.

Zero waste management

The integration of systems that allow optimizing production capacities in terms of minimizing the formation of hazardous waste also implies the improvement of management processes. Enterprises are required to organize a whole range of functions that allow them to regulate the formation, use and placement of processed products. At the same time, it is important to take into account that non-waste technologies at enterprises affect not only the direct sources of secondary raw materials production, but also further consumers. Raw material storage and disposal systems are being improved to improve the efficiency of subsequent waste management.


Despite the decline in production during the crisis, harmful effect industrial enterprises on the environment remains at the same level (at best). This is explained by the fact that managers seek to save, including on environmental costs. Nevertheless, non-waste allow solving problems of this kind, offering a means of more rational consumption of the original raw material base. In other words, measures to reduce waste come into effect already at the first stages of the technological process. This makes it possible not only to optimize the volume of the final output of the secondary product, but also to save on initial costs associated with the purchase of resources for production.

Russia ranks 106th in the world in terms of ecology and 7th among the largest sources of garbage in the world. In our country, only 4% of the total volume of garbage is recycled, which covers an area of ​​​​4 million hectares - an area comparable to the area of ​​Holland or Switzerland, and every year it increases by 10%. At the same time, about 15 thousand official landfills, and the number of illegal, according to various sources, ranges from 200 to 1000, most of them are located in the Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Leningrad regions.

One time this question solved by creating waste incinerators. There are only seven such factories in the country: in Moscow, Sochi, Vladivostok, Murmansk and Pyatigorsk. But burning garbage turned out to be dangerous from an environmental point of view. The smoke emitted during combustion contains many carcinogens, which adversely affects the environment and human health.

The best solution to the problem is the creation of waste-free production technologies. Of course, this model is ideal, but it cannot yet be fully implemented. Although the creation of industries that will process waste and use it as a raw material for new products is considered promising direction. AT last years such recycling plants have already appeared in Russia.

Andrey Nikolaev

"Meaning recycling huge. It is worth considering that the resources of many materials on Earth are limited. Getting into the environment, many materials become toxic and disrupt the ecological system. Besides, recycling materials are often more profitable than their primary processing.”

Waste sorting is a whole science; in Europe, lessons at school are devoted to it. The teacher brings a lot of different garbage to the class, and the students have to distribute the waste into different piles. It is also important that children in these lessons discuss how to properly sort garbage, how such garbage will affect the environment if left in a landfill, and what benefits it can bring after recycling. So Europeans have been accustomed to sorting waste since childhood. And for a mistake in choosing a container, you can even get a fine. Today, waste paper, glass, chemicals, scrap metal, wood, plastic, and more can be used as secondary raw materials.

Paper and plastic

It would seem that it is easier than collecting waste paper? Scientists have determined that 1 ton of waste paper saves 12 mature trees, saves 32 liters of water and saves 4100 kWh of electricity. AT Soviet time there was a whole system of collecting waste paper in exchange for books. Today, mainly printing production waste is recycled, although any paper is suitable for the role of useful secondary raw materials, with rare exceptions. Burning organics releases methane and greenhouse gases, so paper, newspapers and cardboard should not be sent to landfills.

Waste-free production technologies in the field of waste paper make it possible to obtain not only white paper, but also new building materials. Among the main areas of processing is the production of environmentally friendly goods: cotton wool, toilet paper, sanitary and hygienic materials, heat-insulating material. Few people think that ecowool, fiber boards for interior decoration can be made from waste paper, and it can be used to produce a whole range of roofing materials. More often, however, recycled waste paper is used only for the production of containers and egg carriers, packing sheets, liners for food packaging or furniture. For comparison: in Europe, 60% of waste paper is reused, in Russia - 12%.

Recycling plastic is just as beneficial. Every year, a person throws out about 300 kg of garbage, a third of which is plastic bottles. In the process of plastic recycling, a flex is obtained, which, in turn, is suitable for the manufacture of new containers. Therefore, the recycling of plastic bottles is also one of the options for waste-free production. And its possibilities are not limited to flex.

Arkady Semenov

Process Engineer

“Burning PET containers is a way to generate thermal energy used to heat water in centralized heating systems or to heat a building. You can also get automotive fuel from it. It is true that obtaining fuel from plastic is somewhat more difficult and costly than from rubber products, however, this is one of the real ways to recycle waste.”

In the world, about 70% of plastic goes to the production of threads and fibers, from which the well-known polyester is obtained, 30% of recycled plastic is used to re-manufacture bottles. In Russia, statistics show the opposite figures. In our country, recycled plastic is used mainly for the manufacture of plastic containers.

Derived from plastic, polyester is a comfortable fabric that is easy to wash, dries quickly, and does not fade or change shape. This material has been adopted by many eco-friendly designers. Not so long ago, the sports giant Nike joined their movement. Nike's chief brand manager Charles Denson stated: "The production of football uniforms uses 13 million plastic bottles that would otherwise sit in landfills for centuries."

Clothing based on recycled plastic is represented by brands such as Asies, Levi's, Topshop, MaxMara, H&M and many others. Eco-designer and musician Pharrell Williams unveiled a recycled plastic collection at New York Fashion Week in 2014. Jeans, bomber jackets, trench coats, T-shirts for men and women were made from bottles that once lay on the bottom of the ocean.

The term "wasteless technology" was first formulated by our chemists N.N. Semenov and I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov in 1956. It was widely used not only in our country, but also abroad. Below is the official definition of this term, fixed in 1984 in Tashkent by the decision of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

Waste-free technology is such a method of production (process, enterprise, territorial production complex), in which all raw materials and energy are used most rationally and comprehensively in the cycle: primary raw materials-production-consumption-secondary resources, and any impact on natural environment do not interfere with its normal operation.

An example of a natural "non-waste production" is natural ecosystems - stable combinations of cohabiting organisms and their conditions of existence, closely related to each other. In these systems, a complete cycle of substances is carried out. Of course, ecosystems are not eternal and develop over time, but they are usually so stable that they are able to overcome even some changes in external conditions.

The definition of non-waste production takes into account the stage of consumption, which imposes restrictions on the properties of manufactured consumer products and affects their quality. The main requirements are reliability, durability, the possibility of returning to the cycle for processing or turning into an environmentally friendly form.

Wasteless technology includes the following processes:

  • Ø complex processing of raw materials using all its components and obtaining products with the absence or the least amount of waste;
  • Ш creation and release of new products, taking into account its reuse;
  • Ø processing of emissions, effluents, production wastes to obtain useful products;
  • Ш drainless technological systems and closed systems of gas and water supply using advanced methods of cleaning polluted air and wastewater;
  • Ø Creation of territorial-industrial complexes (TPC) with a closed technology of material flows of raw materials and waste within the complex.

Low-waste technology is an intermediate step in creating waste-free production, when a small part of raw materials and materials goes to waste, and the harmful impact on nature does not exceed sanitary standards.

However, the transfer of existing technologies to low-waste and non-waste production requires the solution of a large complex of very complex technological, design and organizational tasks based on the use of the latest scientific and technological achievements. In doing so, the following principles must be followed.

The principle of system. In accordance with it, processes or production are elements of the system industrial production in the region (TPK) and further - elements of the entire ecological and economic system, which includes, in addition to material production and other human activities, the natural environment (populations of living organisms, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biogeocenoses), as well as man and his habitat. Therefore, when creating non-waste industries, it is necessary to take into account the existing and growing interconnection and interdependence of production, social and natural processes.

The complexity of the use of resources. This principle of creating waste-free production requires the maximum use of all components of raw materials and the potential of energy resources. As you know, almost all raw materials are complex in composition. On average, more than a third of its amount is made up of related elements that can be extracted only through the complex processing of raw materials. So, complex processing polymetallic ores makes it possible to obtain about 40 elements in the form of high-purity metals and their compounds. At present, almost all silver, bismuth, platinum and platinum metals, as well as more than 20% of gold, are obtained as a by-product during the complex processing of polymetallic ores.

Specific forms of implementation of this principle will primarily depend on the level of organization of non-waste production at the stages of a separate process, production, production complex and ecological-economic system.

Cyclicity of material flows. it general principle creation of waste-free production. Examples of cyclic material flows are closed water and gas circulation cycles. The consistent application of this principle should eventually lead to the formation, first in individual regions, and subsequently in the entire technosphere, of an organized and regulated technogenic circulation of matter and the energy transformations associated with it.

wasteless production technology

With all the huge arsenal of modern gas cleaning equipment, the creation of technological processes based on complex use raw materials that do not give any waste that can pollute the environment.

The possibility of stabilizing and improving the quality of the environment through a more rational use of the entire range of natural resources is associated with the creation and development of non-waste production. Resource saving is a decisive source of meeting the growing needs of the national economy. It is important to ensure that the increase in demand for fuel, energy, raw materials and materials by 75-80% is satisfied as a result of their savings, that is, the maximum elimination of losses and irrational expenses. It is important to widely involve secondary resources, as well as by-products, in economic circulation.

Wasteless technology is understood as such a principle of organization of production, in which the cycle "primary raw materials - production - consumption - secondary raw materials" is built with rational use all components of raw materials, all types of energy and without disturbing the ecological balance. Waste-free production can be created within the framework of the plant, industry, region, and ultimately for the entire national economy.

An example of a natural “non-waste production” is some natural ecosystems - stable collections of cohabiting organisms and their conditions of existence, closely related to each other. In these systems, a complete cycle of substances is carried out. Of course, ecosystems are not eternal and develop over time, but they are usually so stable that they are able to overcome even some changes in external conditions.

Waste-free production can only be conceived theoretically, since the laws of nature do not allow the complete transformation of energy into work. And, the loss of matter cannot be zero. To bring them to zero, sadness, even at the cost of huge costs, is impossible already because; capturing systems after a certain limit, they themselves will begin to “produce” new waste in larger quantities than for which they were created. Moreover, without exception, all industrial chemical reagents are not absolutely pure and contain one or another amount of impurities. References to the law of conservation of matter, which allegedly implies the possibility of creating ideal waste-free industries, seem simply naive. Yes, and ecosystems during normal existence do not involve all substances in the cycle: after the death of animals, birds and fish, skeletons, shell mollusks remain. But the goal - to get as close as possible to the theoretical limit - also determines the means of achieving it. In this case, this is the complex processing of raw materials, the creation of gaseous systems, reasonable cooperation, a combination of industries within the framework of combines and territorial production complexes. The concept of non-waste production allows us to formulate requirements for new technologies and new devices.

The definition of non-waste production takes into account the stage of consumption, which imposes restrictions on the properties of manufactured consumer products and affects their quality. The main requirements are reliability, durability, the possibility of returning to the recycling cycle or turning into an environmentally friendly form.

the most important integral part concepts of non-waste production are also the concepts of the normal functioning of the environment and the damage caused to it by negative anthropogenic impact. The concept of non-waste production is based on the fact that production, inevitably affecting the environment, does not disrupt its normal functioning.

The creation of waste-free production is a long and gradual process that requires the solution of a number of interrelated technological, economic, organizational, psychological and other tasks. In practice, fundamentally new technological processes and equipment should form the basis for the creation of waste-free industrial production in practice.

Novosibirsk scientists have proposed original idea- creation of a non-waste industrial center based on the controlled interaction of emissions from many enterprises. In other words, you need a gas analogue of conventional sewage.

How can this be done practically? Without stopping the production processes at the enterprises, lay a system of underground pipes for transporting gas emissions to the switchgear. Knowing the composition of emissions, this device can be used to combine them into groups and send them to the simplest reactors of the first stage, where they, interacting with each other, form liquid and solid substances. Those emissions that are not included in any of the groups are sent to bypass the first stage reactors.

Gaseous products from the reactors of the last stage are supplied to the gas collector, from where they enter the underground gas main, which diverts gas out of the city to a single specialized enterprise. It must be equipped with apparatus and special reactors so that the incoming gases are utilized or neutralized and released into the atmosphere.

Connecting enterprises to the gas sewer can be done in a very a short time without violation existing systems emissions.

The authors believe that our country has accumulated vast experience in the construction and operation of transcontinental gas pipelines equipped with pumping stations and working under pressure of tens of atmospheres. Compared with them, the creation of a system that provides for the transportation of gas emissions outside the city limits at a pressure slightly higher than atmospheric pressure over a distance of several kilometers is a very simple task.

Gas recovery products can be used in national economy, the heat coming from hot gases from the chimneys of enterprises could be used for the industrial and domestic needs of the city, including energy supply the proposed system.

Waste-free production requires recirculation of gas streams. An example of such an organization of the technological process is the system for using suction air after cleaning on bag filters in housings. enrichment plants asbestos factories. Such a system allows not only to purify the air to the required standards, but also to obtain additional products and maintain the required temperature inside the buildings in winter period without additional heat input.

Waste-free production involves the cooperation of production with large quantity waste (production of phosphate fertilizers, thermal power plants, metallurgical, mining and processing industries) with the production - consumer of these wastes, for example, enterprises building materials. In this case, the waste fully meets the definition of D. I. Mendeleev, who called them "neglected products of chemical transformations, which eventually become the starting point of a new production."

The most favorable opportunities for combining and cooperating various industries are formed in the conditions of territorial production complexes.

Hitachi Zossen, an engineering firm near Osaka, commissioned the first plant in Japan to produce sulfuric acid from off-gas sulfur dioxide of such a low concentration, which can be processed traditional ways impossible. The installation was manufactured by a Japanese company in accordance with a license it acquired in our country for the production of fundamentally new industrial devices operating on the basis of the so-called non-stationary catalytic process, or, as US chemists called it, the “Russian process”, developed and implemented for the first time in the world at the Institute catalysis of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

By producing useful product, this installation simultaneously performs an environmental protection role, as it cleans the industrial emissions of the plant from their harmful contents. Its manufacture requires several times less metal than the traditional one. It is autothermal, i.e., not only does it not require the usual heat costs to maintain chemical reaction, but also generates high-temperature heat suitable for heating or for technological purposes.

At the Pecheneganikel, Mednogorsk Copper and Sulfur, Krasnouralsk Mining and Metallurgical and some other plants, there are installations for the production of sulfuric acid from low concentration exhaust gases. Here, about 500,000 tons of sulfuric acid are annually obtained from air emissions, thereby taking the first steps in defusing a complex environmental situation. Only one installation on the Kola Peninsula reduced the total emissions of sulfur dioxide in this region by 15%.

Time has highlighted ecological role low-waste technology. Today, like no other method with the most minimal capital investments and energy costs, it is able to neutralize gaseous industrial emissions (except for sulfur dioxide) from various organic matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide. Despite the tense environmental situation in the country, there are about a dozen industrial installations of non-traditional catalysis for the neutralization of air emissions; three - at the Novosibirsk Metallurgical Plant, one - at the Biysk Oleum Plant, several - in Kemerovo and Omsk, one - in Moscow. However, a fine for air pollution is many times cheaper for enterprises than the installation of a cheap neutralizing installation. Only the introduction of payment by enterprises according to a sufficiently high scale for the amount of harmful emissions can change the situation. Then it will become clear that the installation will save millions of rubles and there is no other way out how to quickly mount it.

Metsä-Serla is the first paper company in the Scandinavian countries to receive the Nordic Ecolabel for its products. In accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Nordic countries, since 1990, they have been marking those types of industrial products that are produced with the maximum consideration of environmental protection requirements. From now on, three grades of paper produced by the concern have received the right to be marked with the image of a swan.

In 1990, the plant in Kaskinen (Finland), owned by Metsä-Botnia, which is part of the concern, produced the first large industrial batch of chlorine-free pulp. The event is more than remarkable, considering that it is bleaching with chlorine and its compounds that leads to the formation of many harmful substances (including dioxins), which, getting into the environment with industrial waste, cause the greatest harm to it. Instead of aggressive chlorine compounds, Finnish wallets have successfully used oxygen, enzymes and hydrogen peroxide in bleaching. From cellulose derived from new technology, paper is produced that corresponds in whiteness to magazine grades.

In 2000, the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise in Severodvinsk, specializing in the construction of nuclear submarines, manufactured a unique plant for chlorine-free pulp bleaching by order of the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill. Such domestic equipment, excluding environmentally hazardous chlorine from the technological process of pulping, has not yet been. The design of the installation, in which oxygen is used instead of chlorine, was developed by Sevmash designers. The basis of the oxygen station is a chemical reactor in the form of a tower, 40 m high and 4 m in diameter, made of extra strong steel. The Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill highly appreciated the work of the Severodvinsk shipbuilders.

In Russia, quite a few enterprises have already been organized in this way technological process, which have practically no faults. These include the Voskresensk Minudobreniya association, the Nizhnekamskneftekhim production association, the Belgorod-Dnestrovsky plant of medical products made of polymers.

Among the huge variety of building materials that exist today in the "World", the dominant position is still occupied by cement. At the same time, the technology of obtaining

cement in industrial scale has remained virtually unchanged until recently: the cement industry operates on scientific concepts created in the 19th century. The main disadvantage of technologies based on these concepts is high temperatures. Today, the cement industry consumes over 200 kg of fuel per 1 ton of products. Russian scientists have created scientific base obtaining cement on a new mineralogical basis. Such cement, called alinite cement, can be obtained with significant fuel savings by radically lowering the firing temperature of clinker, a semi-product of cement. Fundamentally new opportunities have also appeared in the field of creating equipment for the production of alinite cement. Bulky rotary kilns will be replaced by compact conveyor technologies. All this will reduce emissions into the atmosphere.

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