Ecology starts with the family. Ecology Working with the family on environmental education is an important and complex area of ​​the pedagogical process that determines the education of the child - presentation Ecology begins with the family

"Speech at the parent meeting" - Parent meeting. Parents. Invite parents and other meeting participants. Collection forms. Parent meeting rules. Word. Student success. What to talk about. Bad mood. Use of game situations. Psychologist's advice. Basic elements of meeting preparation.

"Parents meeting" - The last meeting is final and is held in the month of May. Parent meeting. But, as A.S. Makarenko “families are good and families are bad. Unconventional! Approximate topics for parent-teacher meetings. Organization of a parent meeting. Parents need to be involved in various activities.

"Parent meetings in grade 4" - Topics for class parent meetings: MEETING No. 3. Meetings should not be reduced to the teacher's monologue. Issues for discussion: Forms of interaction between teachers and parents: Meeting No. 2. Topic: Learning abilities of the child. Section 1. Objectives: Student responses. It discusses the problems of the life of the class and parent teams.

"Meeting for parents" - Communication between school and home educators is a step towards mutual understanding, mastering the pedagogical experience that the teacher and parents pass on to each other. Methods. Stage 2. Preparation of the script and holding the meeting. Stage 3. Comprehension of the results of the parent meeting. Types of parent meetings. As one of the forms of work with parents.

"Parent meeting in grade 1" - Development of fine motor skills. Album. The school has medical and psychological services. About reading. Volitional readiness. Communicative readiness. Folder for notebooks. The habit of saying hello or goodbye. In the 1st grade there is an unmarked system of education. Physical training and development. Exercises with objects.

"Elementary School Parent Meetings" - Design, come up with interesting, intriguing invitations to class meetings and events. As an educator As a teacher of your child As an ally and partner. Give letters of thanks from time to time. New forms of communication with parents. Usually, at the organizational parent meeting, the time of the interview is agreed.

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Ecology starts with the family

A family is an association of people based on marriage or blood-related relations, connected by an economic community and mutual responsibility.

Ecology (from other Greek οἶκος - dwelling, dwelling, house, property and λόγος - concept, doctrine, science) is the science of the relationship of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment.

Starting with a family, a small group of people, we move on to the big concept of "ecology". It is not so difficult to discern the general in these words. The family is the same dwelling, house and even the world, and ecology is a group of objects, organisms, interconnected by everything that is possible.

Why does ecology start with the family? According to Alexander Ivanovich Herzen, "the family begins with children." In childhood, everyone was taught not to break branches of trees, not to litter on the street. And everyone remembers these rules, just like “wash your hands before eating”.

We also remember...

In the 2011 academic year, we participated in the city competition of a handwritten book: "Nature is a priceless gift, one for all." yard.

This is how we see the facade of our school in the future. Chamomile fountain of our Murom

Practical implementation of the project A start has been made. Flowerbed to be!

Well done boys! The lilac will definitely bloom!

Work ennobles real guys

Mom's master class

The first flowers are a reward for work

From school essays “... Nature is our second home, and the house should be environmentally friendly. We will take care of this and plant indoor plants in the apartment, and trees and shrubs under the windows. This is the first step towards making the world a better place for us. If each of us does this, then everything can change before our eyes, and life will be much more pleasant » Olga Volkova, 13 years old « Today, the issue of protecting the environment is very serious. Thoughtless human activity over the centuries has destroyed the habitat. Why are people so careless? Why don't they cherish what nature has given to man as a gift? I do not find answers to these questions, but I am absolutely sure that ecology begins in the family. After all, it is the parents who "engender" in the child love, respect and reverent respect for nature. Belova Arina 13 years old “Before “carelessly” crushing a small bug or insect, think that this bug could save hundreds of trees, and now it is gone and ... Always think about the consequences, set a good example for friends and relatives, because the life of the planet depends on you » Panichkin Daniil 13 years old

Ecology starts in the family

Education only develops the moral strength of a person,

but does not give them: nature gives them to man.

V.G. Belinsky

Hello, dear colleagues! Each of us knows that if two trainers-teachers meet, then the method will definitely begin. Advice. Our meeting today is no exception. The topic of my speech is “Ecology begins in the family”.

January 5, 2016 President of Russia V.V. Putin signed a Decree on holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation in 2017. The purpose of this decision is to draw attention to the problematic issues that exist in the environmental sphere and improve the state of environmental safety

What is ecology? For some, this is a huge collection of animals and birds, and for others, trees and grasses. But we can call ecology in one word - it is our whole nature.

Before continuing my presentation, I suggest you test your knowledge of nature and environmental education:

  1. Which bird has the longest tongue? (at the woodpecker)
  2. What is the thinnest thread in nature? (web)
  3. Which pet has teeth that grow throughout its life? (in rabbits)
  4. Which animal's footprint is similar to the human footprint? (bear)
  5. What does the term "ecology" mean? (The term "ecology" was introduced by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel in 1886, comes from the Greek word "ekois", "ecus" - house, habitation, dwelling and is understood as the science of the environment, or the science of the relationship between organisms and the environment)

6. List the main environmental problems in the world, country, city? (high pollution of air, water, soil from industry, transport, energy, both in the world and in the country and our city)

7. What is environmental education? (Environmental education is a system aimed at the formation of the principles of ecological culture and the development of ecological culture in children and adults. The system of ecological education is the creation of conditions, certain content, methods and forms of work with students and parents. Ecological knowledge is ideas about plants and animals, their relationship, about the seasons, about inanimate nature, ideas about the relationship between living beings and their environment, etc. The goal of environmental education: the formation of a new type of person with new environmental thinking, environment and able to live in relative harmony with nature (T.M. Bondarenko)

8. Why should environmental education start in the family? (Most of a person’s life passes in the family. For each of its members, this is a certain living space, a whole ecological microsystem in which everyone seeks to satisfy their needs, develop, realize themselves and at the same time is in close connection with all family members. Ecological education in the family - this is, first of all, an example set by adults. Adults themselves should take care of nature and more often draw the attention of children to this)

That's right. A.V. Lunacharsky wrote: “You can sculpt a small child, you have to bend an older one, break an adult.” Love for nature, a conscious, careful and interested attitude towards it of each person should be brought up from early childhood in the family. The attitude of children to nature is influenced by gender, individual characteristics, place of residence, profession and education of parents. It is in the family that the foundations of the spiritual and cultural image of a person are formed, his tastes and habits are laid. Parents make excursions with their children, hikes, walks, watch TV shows, read books, take care of pets.

Currently, unforgivably little attention is paid to family environmental education. In the educational system of Russia, this function is traditionally “trusted” to educational institutions. But it is the parents who can and should be engaged in the environmental education of the child, and the school serves as the organizing beginning of mass daily activities in the field of continuous education of environmental culture, the formation of environmental literacy and environmental values ​​of families and society. ecological culture of the family, rather than "academic" ecology.

The effectiveness of environmental education in the family directly depends on the support of the family, the coincidence of the values ​​of the family and the school. The family is the soil, a fertile environment on which the seeds of environmental education and upbringing fall. The whole life of a person: his character, love for nature, sense of responsibility, good and bad habits, ability to overcome difficulties, conscientiousness, diligence - are largely due to his upbringing in childhood. If parents confine themselves to physical nutrition and neglect the spiritual, then a person grows up as a soulless slave of his carnal desires. Education of ecological feeling is the most important among all human feelings. This is one of the main characteristics of a holistic human personality.

Formation of a responsible attitude to nature is a complex process, the success of which largely depends on the mutual activities of the family, school, institutions of additional education, to which our sports school belongs. Interest in nature, attitude to it will largely be determined by the psychological climate of the family, in particular - the attitude of the child's closest relatives to nature. Everyone knows that “a child learns everything that he sees in his home.” Working with parents on environmental education is one of the components of the work of the Youth Sports School No. 1. Only by relying on the family, only by joint efforts can we solve our main task - raising a person with capital letter, an environmentally literate person.

In working with parents on the environmental education of students, it is necessary to use all available forms of interaction with the family. But all these forms must be based on the pedagogy of cooperation. Work should be carried out in the following areas:

- trainer-teacher-parent;

- trainer-teacher-student-parent.

There are traditional and non-traditional forms of communication between the trainer-teacher and parents, the essence of which is to enrich them with environmental knowledge. Traditional forms are divided into collective, individual and visual-informational.

to collective forms include parent meetings, conferences, round tables, etc. Group parent meetings are an effective form of working with parents, a form of organized familiarization with the tasks, content and methods of raising children of a certain age in a school and family.

Individual forms include pedagogical conversations with parents. The conversation can be used in working with parents as an independent form and in combination with other forms: a conversation when visiting a family, at a parent meeting, consultations. timely help.

A separate group is made up of visual and information methods. These include presentations, photographs, stands, sliding folders. Currently, non-traditional forms of communication with parents are especially popular. They are built according to the type of television and entertainment programs, games and are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents.

Ecologically literate parents will explain the basics of ecological culture, reinforcing their words with actions. You cannot teach a child what the parents themselves do not observe. The family has its own characteristics and, due to its social nature, develops evaluative attitudes that manifest themselves in subsequent years. Parents can contribute to the development of cognitive interest in nature, understanding its value as an object of knowledge in a variety of ways. For example: when indoor plants are grown at home, one should not only give instructions on how to care for them, but also teach children to observe their growth and development. In addition, it is necessary to give the opportunity to experiment with the plant, to identify the optimal conditions for its growth and development, to discuss the results in the family and with friends. In the process of ecological education of a child in a family, it is advisable to introduce him to the technologies of keeping pets: cats, dogs, aquarium fish, songbirds. As a result of such activities, children develop a variety of cognitive interests that will form the basis of their understanding of nature. In getting acquainted with the animal world, it is difficult to overestimate the role of excursions to the zoo, where the boundaries of the child's knowledge of the environment are expanding, realizing its uniqueness and fragility. Family trips are educational. Here, parents will show how to rationally, skillfully use the gifts of nature, take care of forest resources. Children need to explain the rules of behavior in nature, the rules for picking mushrooms and berries.

Together with children, you can organize bird feeding, equip artificial nests, collect fruits and seeds. Ecological education is also facilitated by joint activities in household plots and subsidiary plots. Here the child realizes his knowledge, skills in keeping pets, breeding and caring for plants.

Children are very receptive to the beauty of nature, and the family plays a huge role in the child's awareness of the aesthetic value of his environment. Parents need to use visual arts in the environmental education of their children. Children are happy to draw objects of nature, landscapes. A special joy for children is the task of drawing their pet (plant or animal). Together with their children, parents can take part in environmental art competitions. Children can be invited to draw sounds, smells, create objects of nature from plasticine.

A huge role in the formation of cognitive interests and a caring attitude towards nature belongs to family reading. Joint reading aloud of works about nature, the life of animals and plants makes it possible to discuss what has been read, involve the child in a conversation, exchange opinions and experiences. For family reading, you can recommend the works of I.S. Turgenev, N.S. Leskov, I.A. Bunin, F.I. Tyutchev and others.

The formation of respect for the environment is facilitated by joint games in nature, the compilation of fairy tales and stories about the life of animals and plants, collecting stamps, postcards depicting natural phenomena and objects.

Love and respect for nature distinguish a truly cultured person. Man belongs to nature. He must understand this, learn how to rationally use her wealth and protect her incomparable beauty not only for himself, but also for posterity. To educate students in the need to protect nature is a responsible task not only for teachers, but also for parents.

It's interesting to know.

  1. Paper left in the forest decomposes within 5 years, a plastic bottle over 15 years, a tire after 150 years.
  2. It takes at least 7–8 years for a flowering plant to grow from a lily of the valley seed.
  3. More than 10 years pass from the emergence of blueberry seedlings to the formation of the first fruits.
  4. One ant family destroys up to 2 million insects per year, most of which are forest pests.
  5. Astronomers consider the beginning of spring the day of the vernal equinox - March 21, when night and day divide the day in half.
  6. The most common vegetable in the world is the onion. Its remains were found even in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. The Egyptians considered onions to be a great delicacy and ate them only on holidays.
  7. Did you know that an old legend says that the medicinal properties of plantain were discovered by snakes. One day two snakes were basking in the sun in the middle of the road. Suddenly, a cart appeared. One snake gaped, and the wheel ran over it. The second snake went in search of healing herbs. The people riding in the wagon saw that she soon returned with a plantain leaf. This led people to the idea of ​​using the plant for medicinal purposes.
  8. The German scientist, Nobel Prize winner (1908) P. Ehrlich formulated five laws of nature conservation:
  • One cannot live on Earth and not take, but one must take rationally.
  • Everything that is on Earth is necessary for its development and human development.
  • Man is not the master of nature: destroying it, he destroys himself.
  • By protecting nature, we protect the population of the Earth.
  • Nature conservation is part of the struggle for peace. Nature and war are incompatible.

The project "The purity of nature begins with me" was developed on the basis of the Environmental Education Program in Private Educational Institutions of Russian Railways. As a result of environmental work on this Project, the Program was drawn up: "The purity of nature begins with me" and the work of the school environmental association "Rodnik" was organized with students in grades 5-11.

The relevance of the project.

Man is an element of an ecological system called the biosphere. All vital resources - air, food, water and a significant part of energy and building resources - it receives from the biosphere. In the ecological system, a person dumps waste - household and industrial. For a long time this type of human activity did not upset the balance of the biosphere. However, in the last two centuries, expanding industrial activity, humanity has actively invaded the living world of the Earth.

Man affects the biosphere locally - in hundreds of millions of places, pollutants are emitted into rivers and air, the fertile soil layer is demolished, forests are cut down, habitats of plants and animals are destroyed. However, the biosphere is a single system covered by the cycles of substances, and millions of local impacts are not dangerous at first glance, such as, for example, the use of freon sprays, chemical detergents, waste incineration in production and everyday life, merging and reinforcing each other, cause global changes in all components of the biosphere. Rivers flow into the seas and oceans and bring there pollution dumped by industry and agriculture along the entire path of the watercourses. Deforestation and soil degradation are leading to climate change, loss of soil fertility and destruction of natural ecosystems throughout the planet. Pollution released into the air at one point immediately spreads over thousands of kilometers.

How fast atmospheric transfers are, we know from personal experience. In our region in the city of Bratsk, there are enterprises "Bratsk Timber Processing Complex" - BLPK, "Bratsk Aluminum Plant" - BRAZ, which periodically emit waste into the atmosphere. Emissions, within an hour easily overcoming tens of kilometers of treeless territories, descend in a poisonous haze into the "bowl" of our small town Vikhorevka. For a day, or even more in calm weather, depriving residents of breathing freely.

The situation is aggravated by the barbaric attitude of the inhabitants to the nature of their area: in pursuit of a better life, saving money, people violate the laws of the Russian Federation and city regulations. It is terrible that the younger generation becomes a witness, and sometimes an accomplice of these actions. Illegal deforestation in adjacent forest areas, spontaneous dumps in forest, suburban and even urban areas near organized garbage sites. The burning of MSW (solid household waste) in barrels, littered streets, recreation areas on the rivers and the Bratsk reservoir testify to the indifference and low culture of environmental education of some residents.

The deteriorating ecological situation causes great anxiety and concern for all mankind and for us in particular. An educational institution can play an important role in improving the environmental situation, the students of which can actively participate in environmental activities, study the state of the environment, and organize environmental monitoring. Increasing the ecological culture and literacy of residents and the entire population is one of the ways out of the current environmental crisis.
School ecological upbringing and education has the possibility of purposeful, coordinated and systematic transfer of knowledge.

To teach children to understand and love nature means to educate them as moral people, for whom labor and production activities will be associated with responsibility for its environmental consequences. The formation of ecological consciousness, respect for all living things is one of the most urgent tasks of modern education, and our project proposes to solve it by involving children and adolescents in practical environmental activities.

The project is aimed at the child's understanding of himself as a particle of the surrounding world, awareness of civic responsibility for his actions, understanding the value of human life as the greatest gift of nature. The project is aimed at making a person want to make his house, plot, yard, street, city clean, well-groomed and, if possible, environmentally friendly, so that a person is convinced that he and his family deserve a clean, beautiful and healthy life.

Thus the project « The purity of nature starts with me » relevant for our time and our city.

Recently there has been problem: how to make environmental work, including research and exploration, more interesting and attractive for a modern teenager. Therefore, the use of modern equipment and computer technologies in this direction becomes relevant.

Today, schools do not teach a separate subject of ecology, the knowledge system is formed in the lessons of biology, chemistry, physics and geography and in extracurricular activities. The lack of modern training equipment for the environmental field workshop does not allow monitoring on the ground. In our association "Rodnik" there is no color copier - printer, digital camera - video camera and a comprehensive environmental laboratory for field work. All this creates difficulties in field work on ecology.

It is important to form not only knowledge, but also ecological practical skills of the modern generation. Recently, the profession of "ecologist" is becoming more and more in demand and necessary in modern society.

Objective of the project: Environmental education and the formation of an ecological culture of behavior of students on the basis of labor, spiritual and moral development of the individual through the joint activities of students, teachers and residents of the city.

Project objectives:

  • To form an active civic position in the younger generation.
  • To promote moral-ecological, aesthetic and labor education.
  • Study of the environmental situation in the world in the country and our city.
  • Coordination of the practical activities of children in the study and assessment of the state of the environment on the example of our city and nearby surroundings.
  • Raising a sense of personal responsibility for the state of the environment.
  • Development of initiative and creativity of students through the organization of socially significant activities.
  • Disseminate environmental knowledge not only among the pupils of the boarding school, but also among the local population, using various activities and forms of work.
  • Growing seedlings and landscaping the school grounds.
  • To identify gifted children who are prone to research work, to provide them with opportunities to realize their abilities.

Project participants:

  • Students, parents, teaching staff and school administration;
  • Employees of the school and Russian Railways;
  • Employees of the House of Culture
  • Employees of the Bratsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;
  • Employees of the Ecological and Biological Center of Bratsk
  • Employees of the water intake of the city of Vikhorevka;
  • Employees of treatment plants in Vikhorevka and Bratsk
  • Forestry workers of the city and district;
  • Employees of the "Bratsk timber processing complex" BLPC, "Bratsk aluminum plant" - BrAZ JSC "RUSAL BRATSK"
  • Employees of the House of the Fisherman;
  • Residents of the city of Vikhorevka and the Bratsk district.

Project implementation mechanism.

  • Collection of information on the topic of the project.
  • Search for partners for the joint implementation of the project.
  • Development of directions of the action plan with institutions and organizations of the city, involving them in the work on environmental education.
  • Search for addresses of positive experience on the topic of project activities.
  • Development of a project management model.
  • Preparation of methodological material for consultations, events within the framework of the project.
  • Program development.
  • Conducting research in accordance with the program.
  • General work (The project is implemented through planned activities by topic.)
  • Carrying out ecological landings on the territory of the school, city and spring.
  • Conducting master classes on indoor and decorative floriculture.
  • Growing seedlings, landscaping the school grounds.
  • Preparation of students for participation in the Baikal International School and All-Russian Olympiads in Ecology.
  • Preparation of analytical material based on the results of the research work.
  • Presentation of final results

Terms of project implementation

There are the following conditions for the implementation of this project:

  • schoolwide plan of educational workBoarding school №25
  • The program of environmental education and upbringing of students "The purity of nature begins with me" has been developed and is being implemented;
  • The work program of the elective course was developed and implemented: "Fundamentals of Ecological Culture" Grade 10 based on the author's program "Fundamentals of Ecological Culture" for grades 10-11 L.N. Kharchenko, Bustard 2012
  • Regulations on the "Environmental squad" dated September 15, 2014 of JSC "Russian Railways"
  • The work of the environmental association "Rodnik"
  • Research work of students of grade 11 winners of the IV Summer Interregional Tour of the Conference of the All-Russian Competition for Youth Research Works. IN AND. Vernadsky: “By raising the level of ecological culture, we are solving the problem of municipal solid waste in the city of Vikhorevka.”

Performance Tracking Mechanism carried out:

By comparing the activity of students during the year. Knowledge testing is carried out in the form of games, quizzes, contests;

  • through observations;
  • by means of a survey;
  • interest in research work;
  • activity in the activities of the environmental team "Rodnik";
  • demand for consultations and elective courses in ecology and biology.

Principles of organization of ecological upbringing and education:

  • The principle of the integrity of the environment, which forms in students an understanding of the unity of the surrounding world.
  • The principle of interdisciplinary connections, revealing the unity and interconnection of the surrounding world.
  • The principle of continuity, which makes it possible to use each age period.
  • The principle of interconnection of regional and global approaches, which contributes to the involvement of students in practical activities.
  • The principle of orientation, contributing to the development of harmonious relations with the environment.

The project is being implemented in the main areas:

  • Organization of activities of the school environmental association "Rodnik"
  • Research work in the following areas:
    • climate and people
    • Chemistry and environment
    • Field ecology
    • Forest monitoring
    • Environment and man
    • Comprehensive monitoring of natural and anthropogenic systems
  • Environmental education activities:
    • Conducting environmental lessons, class hours, events at school (exhibitions, competitions).
    • Organization and holding of city actions
    • Creation of: information boards, newspapers, booklets
    • Development and implementation of school environmental projects.
  • Ecological and practical activities:
    • Landscaping of the school and city
    • Ecological landing
    • Environmental monitoring
    • Excursions to enterprises
    • Bird care.
  • Organization of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle
    • School tourist rally
    • Themed class hours.

The project is implemented through various forms of activity:

  • Conversations and observations.
  • Quizzes of ecological and biological content.
  • Competitions of drawings, posters, presentations, booklets.
  • Competitions of poems, compositions, stories, fairy tales on an ecological theme.
  • Exhibitions of handicrafts from waste material, feeders, gifts of autumn.
  • Thematic days: Earth Day (April 22), Environment Day (June 5), World Animal Day (October 4), World Water Day (March 22), Bird Day (April 1), etc.
  • Issue of ecological leaflets, newspapers, booklets.
  • Acquaintance with video materials about the life of plants and animals.
  • Ecological tournaments, KVN, brain-rings, intellectual games of ecological and biological content.
  • Visiting the ecological and hydrometeorological centers Bratsk.
  • Ecological trips to study the flora, fauna, natural features of the region, the ecological state of reservoirs, their banks, coastal vegetation.
  • Operation Spring
    • The study of the ecological situation in the city and the search for ways to improve the environmental situation.
    • Excursions to the enterprises of Bratsk and Vikhorevka in order to study the impact of human activity on nature.
    • Cooperation on the improvement of the city with the city administration.
    • Landscaping and improvement of the school and the city.

Social partners:

In order to implement the project and successfully implement the project of boarding school No. 25, Vikhorevka will continue to work closely with the following organizations:

  • Bratsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;
  • Children's Ecological Center in Bratsk;
  • With the Baikal International School in Tankhoy;
  • Administration of the Vikhorevsky urban settlement;
  • general education schools;
  • Industrial enterprises BLPK, BrAZ OJSC RUSAL BRATSK, Bratsk.
  • With organizations housing and communal services in Vikhorevka: treatment, water intake;
  • City radio center;
  • Media and school website;
  • Educational institutions: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Bratsk State University” (Project Factory)

Information support includes:

  • library resources
  • Internet resources,
  • information resources of the environmental center, Bratsk center for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring
  • company tours
  • meetings with employees of enterprises, housing and communal services, residents of the city.

Technical equipment:

  • Cabinet
  • Black and white printer - xerox
  • A computer
  • TV plasma
    Internet connection.

Project implementation timeline: 2016-2017

Results of the project implementation:

As a result of the implementation of the “Cleanliness Starts with Me” project, a comprehensive targeted program for environmental education of the younger generation was created, which will allow:

  • To preserve the ecological direction as one of the directions in the educational work of the school and to raise the level of ecological culture of students, school staff and residents of our city.
  • Solve the tasks of state policy in the field of environmental education of youth.
  • Raise the level of ecological culture.
  • Develop creative and organizational skills.
  • To increase the interest of students in the study of ecology, district, city, country, through a system of creative, practical participation in planned environmental events, promotions:
    • Improvement of the forest spring
    • Growing seedlings
    • Landscaping of the school territory, etc.
  • To form a consciousness of personal responsibility and active citizenship in the protection and preservation of the natural environment.
  • To increase the efficiency of the work of the environmental team "Rodnik" through the use of innovative forms and practical methods for solving educational problems.
  • To increase the cognitive activity of students through the introduction of scientific research and practical activities into the educational process.
  • To provide an increase in motivation to study not only ecology, but also subjects of the natural science cycle.
  • To form the social experience of the student, which will allow him to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard and new situations.


  • Bianchi V.V. Forest newspaper. L .: Children's literature, 1983.
  • Red Book of the Irkutsk region. Irkutsk: "Wandering Time", 2010 - 453s
  • Kriksunov E.A., Pasechnik V.V. Ecology. 10 (11) class: Proc. for general education Educational institutions. M.: Bustard, 2001
  • Litvinova L.S., Zhirenko O.E. Moral and ecological education of schoolchildren in grades 5-11. Moscow: "5 for knowledge", 2007. - 204p.
  • Scientific and methodical journal "Class teacher". No. 3.-Moscow 2008
  • Guide to the determinant of water quality indicators by the field method. Muravyov A.G. St. Petersburg 2004
  • Photo determinant. Rare plant species of the Southern Baikal region. Ulan-Ude, 2011 -72s.
  • Ecological workshop. Muravyov A.G. St. Petersburg 2003
  • Ecological dictionary. Litvinov N.I. Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy 2003
  • Funds of the ecological and hydrometeorological center of Bratsk.
  • Internet resources containing:
    • Decrees: of the President of the Russian Federation "On the state strategy of the Russian Federation for environmental protection and sustainable development" (1996), "On the concept of the transition of the Russian Federation to sustainable development" (1996);
    • Ecological Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2002);
    • Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" (10.01.2002);
    • National Security Strategies of the Russian Federation (2009);
    • Concepts of General Environmental Education for Sustainable Development (2010);
    • Educational portal ( in open access for wide discussion.
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