When the girl demanded that the guy get rid of the dog, he posted this ad. Conceptual-Analytical System of Complex Adaptation Dmitrieva Girl in the absence of men is given to the dog story

Dogs are amazing creatures! They are capable of many things that are beyond human control.

Dogs can smell odors even if the source is inside the human body. And because of this, they feel when their owners are sick. They can even smell cancer! They are capable of much for the sake of those they love.

One dog proved his love for his owner in an unusual way: she used her sixth sense to help a woman. The animal constantly followed its owner. Nothing could calm this dog. You'll never guess how she saved her owner's life!

Keola is an American Akita who lives with her owners in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England. Ricky and Alana Butler took good care of their pet and considered her a member of the family.

Recently, Keola found out that their family is expected to replenish: her mistress became pregnant. The dog was delighted, but could not get rid of the feeling that something was going wrong.

Alana's lower back began to hurt. The woman discussed her severe back pain with her doctor, but the doctor chalked it up to pregnancy side effects.

Alana returned home, believing that the pains were due to the growing fetus.

And while Alana believed the doctor, Keola knew better. The dog felt something inside its owner. Alana noticed that the animal was behaving strangely, but did not understand why.

“When the doctor sent me home and said that nothing serious was happening, the dog stared at me so much that I was even scared,” says Alana. - I took a picture of Keola and posted her photo on Facebook with a playful caption about the movie 'Hachiko: The Story of a Dog', where the dog also does this. But to my surprise, friends began to advise me to take this situation more seriously.”

Time passed, but the dog continued to worry. Ricky and Alana realized that the animal wanted to tell them something.

“No one knew that I was seriously ill. No one knew... but Keola knew! She pushed me and cried, and I could not understand why she was doing this. Ricky said that Keola remained upset even when I was at work. This has never happened to her before!”

Fortunately, Alana took her pet's warning signs seriously. She again went to the hospital and was admitted to intensive care the same day. Doctors have discovered that the woman is on the verge of death!

The kidneys of the future mother were severely affected by the infection, and the lower back hurt due to “reflected” pain. To make matters worse, Alana had a rare type of infection. If she had turned to the doctors a little later, it would have been impossible to save the woman.

“My case turned out to be one of the most neglected and difficult of all that the hospital doctors have ever encountered,” Alana wrote on Facebook. - Plus, I was diagnosed with a rare pathology, because of which antibiotic treatment was contraindicated for me. In all of England, there have been only two cases of this pathology, one of them is mine! A little more and I would have died. And my son, most likely, too!”.

Thanks to her dog, Alana was able to survive and give birth to a healthy baby. A baby who found a beautiful guardian angel named Keola!

The child was named Lincoln. Kid and Keola have become best friends!

This cute dog has a heart full of love! A very touching story about a dog who loves his owner and saved her life!

provocateur_sex — 28.10.2016 Oh, you perverts, were you waiting for the story of how a hefty dog ​​fucks a little girl? It probably happens, but I haven't seen it. About the topic of dogs. Yes, I did find the one who showed me the zoo porn show. I was interested and I satisfied my interest. Why did I even want to watch it? It's unusual, it turns on, it excites, because it's beyond, but it's not something that is interesting to look at every day. Of course, there are those who fuck only with dogs, but that's another topic.
Since this topic is slippery and perhaps not everyone is interested in reading about it, I decided to ask you anyway. Do you want me to tell you how I went to such a show? I can also tell you what I learned from talking with that girl, how it happened to her for the first time, and I also talked with a man who has a hefty dog ​​for such occasions and what he told me.
I also photographed what I saw. And if you want a story, do you want to see a photo of what is happening?
It may be necessary to make this entry a lock only for those who unsubscribe here. In general, I have not yet decided what to do, so write your wishes. Those who do not want to see this in their feed also write, it will be a plus to the opinion to make the entry a lock for a certain category of friends, for the toughest perverts.


Oh, you perverts, were you waiting for the story of how a hefty dog ​​fucks a little girl? It probably happens, but I haven't seen it. About the topic of dogs. Yes, I did find the one who showed me the zoo porn show. I was interested and I satisfied my interest. Why did I even want to watch it? ...


Once a kitten named Pino saw a man walking in the yard with his dog. Kotofey followed the man and his pet. So they all got to the house where the dog and its owner lived. However, let's talk about everything in order.

This story took place in the summer of 2017. Then a man named John was walking his dog. He noted that a small red cat the size of a palm followed them.

The fearless kid was not afraid of the dog, he bravely followed the pet and its owner almost to John's door. Then the latter dialed his wife on the phone and asked her to give the redhead some food.

The man liked the cat so much that he wanted to take it to his home. However, the wife stopped such ideas in the bud: she was radically against it. In fact, the family already had one dog and as many as three cats! You have to stop at some point, right?

However, John's wife was not completely insensitive: she also liked the cat, so she promised to give it to her sister. The latter was very glad to have a new friend and neighbor. She took the redhead without even thinking.

Pino turned out to be a very cheerful, good-natured and playful cat. He loved to lie on his back, play with boxes, caress and purr.

For a year he thoroughly grew and gained fat. The cat is pretty smart, he is interested in everything that happens around him. Now he is quite an adult.

Pino is even more beautiful than before! And the sister of John's wife is not overjoyed that she took this mischievous handsome man to her!

Every morning the girl was accompanied to school by a dog.

How did it happen the first time?

The morning was stormy. The rain poured down like a bucket. The girl had already run out of the entrance when she realized that she had forgotten her umbrella. There was no time to return - the schoolgirl was late. However, it was quite normal for her.

Jumping over puddles, the girl rushed to school. Sometimes, after the next jump, she landed right into the water and then the spray flew in all directions, causing discontent among rare passers-by.

I had to stop at a traffic light. Waiting for the green light, the teenager shifted nervously from foot to foot.

Water sloshed in her shoes, rivulets ran through her hair, flowing behind the collar of her blouse. The girl paid no attention to it. All her thoughts were occupied by the upcoming math test.

Suddenly, she felt someone's gaze on her. The schoolgirl turned her head and their eyes met for the first time.

It wasn't a person who was looking at the girl. It was a dog.

The animal and the teenager looked at each other for a while. At that moment they were very similar, both wet and equally defenseless before nature.

-What is your name? - Unexpectedly for herself asked the girl.

The dog continued to silently look at the stranger.

– Where do you live?.. You are so wet. Did you forget your umbrella too? The girl tried to joke.

The schoolgirl did not notice how the red eye of the traffic light went out, giving way to the green one.

“Probably you don’t have a home or an owner?” You are so dirty and skinny.

At these words, the dog lowered its eyes, as if it were ashamed. Either for her appearance, or for the owner who left her to the mercy of fate.

“I see... And come with me?! I’ll treat you to something delicious,” the girl perked up.

At that very moment, she remembered that she was late for school.

-Ouch! She glanced at the yellow traffic light. -Let's run!

With these words, the teenager rushed across the road.

Once on the opposite side, she looked back. The dog hesitantly moved towards the girl.

-Come on, hurry up! I'm so late.

The animal sped up a little. There was no time to wait and the schoolgirl ran forward, only occasionally turning around, but not slowing down her steps.

Only near the school the girl stopped. The dog was nearby.

- Sit and wait. I am now.

Grabbing the doorknob, she ordered the dog again: “Sit down! and disappeared into the school building.

There was no point in going to math class. The school bell rang long ago. And without that, a strict teacher would never let a late student into the class, and even to the control one, even more so. Therefore, the girl spent the entire first lesson with her new friend.

In the school cafeteria, she bought a bun with a wonderful vanilla smell for the dog. Wanted, of course, sausage, but that was not.

The animal carefully accepted the treat. Only carefully sniffing the bun, the dog slowly ate it and looked at the girl with sadness.

“Sorry, but I don’t have anything else,” the schoolgirl spread her hands guiltily.

She really bought a bun with her last money.

The rain has long since stopped. The gentle spring sun came out.

Stroking the wet dog hair, the girl kept saying:

– Nothing, nothing. Summer will come soon, it will be warm, good. Good my dog, good.

The dog looked trustingly into the eyes of a teenager, as if he wanted to ask: “Will you be there? You won't leave me? »

Who knows what was the fate of this homeless creature before that day, but now it has found the most reliable friend in the face of the girl.

Every morning the girl was accompanied to school by a dog. Lateness was forgotten once and for all. The schoolgirl tried to get dressed as quickly as possible, have breakfast, secretly from her mother put some food in her bag and leave the house.

The dog always sat in front of the entrance and waited patiently.

“Good, my good,” the girl affectionately ruffled the animal by the ears. - How I missed you, my dear!

The dog devotedly looked at the schoolgirl and licked her weather-beaten hands.

-Wait, hold on. - With these words, the girl would definitely take out some treats from her school bag and treat them to the poor fellow. - Eat, eat, my dear.

After the meal was over, the friends set off on their way to school. The dog always ran next to the girl, on her right hand.

There was a parting near the school gate.

“Well, I have to go,” the girl invariably said apologetically. -Till! Till tomorrow?

In response, the dog wagged its tail approvingly and followed the schoolgirl with a long look all the way to the door.

-Your daughter has an exacerbation. Her condition is worrying. I'll write a referral to the hospital.

– Hospital?! Is it that bad, doctor?

-But I can not! Our exams are starting, - the girl, who had been silent before, entered into the conversation.

Exams are important, of course. Very important. But health is still more important. You are already old enough and you should understand the danger of your situation yourself,” the elderly doctor said sternly, staring at the teenager over his glasses. You probably remember what happened last time. Thanks, the ambulance made it! But everything could be quite different. And then we wouldn't be talking here now.

After this little tirade, the man began to quickly write something in the outpatient card. There was an awkward silence.

“Doctor, I have no idea what she’s allergic to again?” The girl's mother broke the silence. - We seem to observe everything - no carpets, flowers ...

– Have you got a cat or someone else at home? -continuing to write the doctor has taken an interest.

– What are you?! This is even out of the question! As soon as my daughter began to choke, we immediately gave our cat into good hands.

“Here, take it,” the doctor handed the woman several pieces of paper covered in small handwriting. -Here I have prescribed a treatment for you, everything must be strictly observed. I also wrote out a referral to the hospital. Of course, the decision is up to you, but I would not advise playing with fire. I hope you understand the gravity of the situation. Goodbye! I dare not detain you.

The girl got up from the couch and hurriedly left the doctor's office. The mother stopped at the door in confusion.

“Doctor, what if we don’t go to the hospital after all?” If we stay at home? the woman asked, knowing her daughter's stubborn disposition.

- Well then, pray. Maybe a miracle will happen. Although I personally do not believe in miracles.

A lump rose in the mother's throat, tears welled up in her eyes.

“Well, well, don’t cry! the doctor said a little softer. -Tears of sorrow will not help. But if you eliminated the cause, that is, the allergen, that would be very good. That's when you could safely count on success. In the meantime, talk to your daughter at home, try to convince her. You have it, of course, with character, but it's not stupid. Most importantly, don't pressure her. Calmness and arguments are your main weapons, otherwise you will only make things worse. Adolescence, what do you want?!

-Thank you, doctor! Forgive me, the woman apologized softly.

- Do not apologize, I understand everything ... I prescribed you treatment. Hope it helps. Always carry an inhaler and medication with you. You know everything yourself, experience, unfortunately, already exists. Goodbye!

The mother and daughter walked in silence to the house. Each was immersed in their own thoughts.

Already entering the apartment, the woman suddenly asked a question:

– And where did the last sausage from the refrigerator go yesterday?! And the most interesting thing is that you do not eat sausages! BUT?!

From confusion, the girl blinked frequently, sighed several times, but did not answer.

-Understandably. - Mother's tone did not bode well. -And who is this time?! A cat? Dog?

The daughter still did not utter a sound.

-C'mon, speak! Why are you silent?!” the woman screamed.

"Dog," the girl answered in a barely audible voice.

“Dog?! Look, you’re normal, huh?! You almost died last time!” You were barely pumped out in the hospital, and you are back to your old ways again?! What, you don’t want to live at all?! Yes?! Or did you hurt your head with me?! Answer, why are you silent ?!

Instead of answering, the daughter sobbed and locked herself in the bathroom.

“Open it, open it, I tell you!” -what is urine pounded on the door distraught woman. - Do you even know how much these medicines cost, huh?! We have an empty refrigerator, only shoes for two, and you see, she took pity on the dog! She feels sorry for the dog! And you don’t feel sorry for your mother, do you?! To hell with her, with her mother! Let him get out as he wants! So?! Yes?! Your dad is dead! Left me alone with the baby! And you want to follow him, right?!

Throwing out all her rage, the woman roared uncontrollably. She sat down heavily on an old stool that stood in the kitchen, put her head in her hands and continued to sob from grief and her powerlessness before him.

- Mom, well, mom ... Don't cry. I love you. The girl stroked her mother's head, trying to somehow console her.

“Do you love?! Do you love, yes?!” The woman asked, continuing to sob. -Love is not a word. Love is action, remember! You say that you love me, but you didn’t even think about what would happen to me if you were gone?! How can I live without you then?!

Tears ran down her daughter's cheeks.

-Mom, have you ever thought what it's like to live like I live?! I don't live, I exist. Don't go there, don't look here, don't breathe it. How can you live like that?! I can’t even pet a dog because I could die from it. Just die, mom! Why live like this? For what?

-For me. The woman looked into her daughter's eyes. - For me, daughter, just live for me. I have nothing but you...

The mother stood up and put her arms around the girl's fragile shoulders.

- My dear, take care of yourself for me. You are my happiness, you are my soul, you are the meaning of my whole life. My daughter, the woman sobbed.

“And you are my happiness, mommy,” the daughter said through her tears. -You take care of yourself, too. For me. My dear...

So there were two lonely people in the soul in the kitchen, which had not seen repairs for a long time: mother and daughter, clutching each other with their last strength in this difficult and not sparing life.

Summer flew by like one day. The girl spent her holidays away from her hometown, with her grandmother. Clean country air, fresh goat's milk, vegetables and fruits grown on their own land, could not but affect the poor health of the girl. Tanned, full of vitality, she returned home.

Hearing the sonorous laughter of her daughter, the woman involuntarily smiled herself. She was happy.

On the first of September we went together. Just like before. And although mother and daughter were now the same height, this did not bother them at all. They walked holding hands and chatting carelessly, like two girlfriends.

The next morning, the girl tried to leave the house early. Contrary to her expectation, there was no dog in front of the entrance.

The girl slowly wandered towards the school, at first often, and then turning back less and less in the hope of seeing her old acquaintance.

The dog did not come either the next day, or a week later, or a month later.

Every time she left the house, the girl put some food in her bag, but she did it more out of habit than in the hope of seeing the dog again.

One morning, once again not finding her four-legged friend near the entrance, the schoolgirl began to cry.

After crushing the vanilla bun to the gluttonous pigeons, the girl whispered:

- Farewell, my dog! You must have found yourself a new friend, since you no longer come to me. I hope you are well with him. Sorry. Too bad we'll never see each other again.

That same evening, the mother went into her daughter's room to wish her good night.

The girl lay on her back and stared up at the ceiling with unblinking eyes.

“Daughter, daughter,” the woman called softly. -Daughter!!!

The silence was broken by a heart-rending cry, more like the cry of a mortally wounded beast than the cry of a mother who has lost her child. And the only silent witness to her grief was a flower that blossomed that evening, hidden behind a curtain...

“Doctor, does she have any improvement?”

- There is something, but it is still too early to write your aunt out.

-I see... You say what kind of medicines, maybe something else is needed?

-Good. Don't worry while everything is there.

-Can I see her?

-Oh sure. She just doesn't recognize you.

No, I still want to talk to her.

- You are being escorted.

The woman was sitting on a bench with her hands on her knees, like a child in kindergarten. Her gaze was fixed somewhere high in the sky. Despite the fact that a smile froze on her lips, her mother's eyes seemed completely empty.

The girl silently sat down on the bench. They sat side by side for a few minutes without saying a word.

“Everyone thinks I'm a fool,” the woman suddenly chuckled. -I'm not stupid. I remember evrything. All-all. I remember when she was five years old, she said she wanted to be rich. When he grows up. I asked her why she wants to be rich? And she said to open a shelter for homeless animals. Can you imagine?! At five years old! She's so smart to me. Do you know that she graduated from school with a gold medal?!

After these words, uttered with special, maternal pride, the woman turned her head and looked at her interlocutor for the first time.

-And who are you? New girl? Well, then you don’t know anything about me ... - the patient said and turned away in disappointment.

“So tell me,” the visitor answered, not knowing how to behave in such a situation.

-Tell? Tell... I poisoned that damn dog, like that! She sent her daughter to the village, and got rid of the dog herself. I buried it in the garage. Do you think I'm evil? Yes? ... I went to church, I asked God for forgiveness. I didn't forgive... I didn't forgive... I didn't forgive...

The girl left the city psychiatric hospital. Lowering her head low, and almost not seeing the road because of the tears covering her eyes, she wandered to the bus stop...

The text is large so it is divided into pages.

Some people cannot imagine their life without animals, others simply cannot stand them. It so happened that two such different people came together. After 4 years of relationship, a guy named Getzen decided to move in with his soulmate.

Then he could not imagine how his girlfriend would hate his dog Molly. And as a result, the girl delivered an ultimatum: get rid of the dog at all costs. And the guy advertised in the newspaper:

I'll give it to you for free!

“My girlfriend doesn't like my dog ​​Molly. So I'll have to find her a new home. She is of pure blood, from a good region and spent 4 years with me. She likes to play games, however she is not very well trained. She has long hair, so she needs a little more care, especially her nails. But she likes to be taken care of. He does not sleep and makes noise all night, but sleeps when I work. Eats everything only the best and most expensive. NEVER meet you at the door after a long day at work and never give unselfish love, even if you feel bad. Doesn't bite, but can easily set up a damn nasty set-up!

So… if anyone is interested in my 30 year old, selfish, spiteful, materialistic girlfriend, come and get her! My dog ​​and I want her to move to another house as soon as possible. Urgently!"

A few days after the announcement, Goetzen updated it and added that the girl had been returned to the breeders, that is, the parents, and he and Molly were looking for a new girlfriend.

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