Scrap metal processing, how metal is processed: equipment, methods. Stages and principles of scrap metal processing Ferrous metal scrap processing enterprises

Ferrous and non-ferrous metal is a demanded resource. Its extraction is a costly process that takes a lot of time. Therefore, the secondary market is especially relevant now. Every day, people throw away various household items and products containing copper, aluminum, iron, cast iron, lead, etc. However, instead, it is better to reuse raw materials, because this will reduce the negative impact on the environment. Therefore, it is better to hand over scrap to special collection points, after which scrap metal will be disposed of in Moscow.

Why is it necessary?

Metal recycling is a highly demanded service. This is a complex process that includes several steps. This is required for several tasks. Firstly, the chaotic distribution of scrap is thus prevented. People do not throw away a valuable resource, but put it into the hands of professionals who know how to manage it. Secondly, this process reduces the burden on the environment (after all, the resource is not unlimited) and the environment as a whole. Thirdly, raw materials will be reused or buried if they cannot be used. Processing is much more profitable in comparison with ore mining.

Scope of application in industry

Scrap metal today is extremely relevant for various industries. Iron, cast iron and steel are widely used. Approximately 90% of the use is for ferrous metal. This is due to the fact that these types of raw materials have all the necessary properties and are well combined with alloying substances. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain various products, from simple sheets and pipes to more complex structures of almost any shape, section and configuration.

Of course, not only ferrous metal is in demand. For example, the recycling of non-ferrous metal is now relevant, because the price of nickel is high, since its use in industry is advisable for many reasons. It belongs to the transition group, as it has both alkaline and acidic properties. In addition, this element exhibits excellent resistance to corrosion, and therefore it is used for the manufacture of:

    Prostheses and braces;

    Batteries for cars;

    Windings for strings of musical instruments;

  1. furniture fittings;

    table items;

    Faucets, etc.

As for the rest of the non-ferrous metal, it is also widely used in various fields. Wires are made of copper, aluminum is perfect for lightweight structures (elements of strollers, bicycles, etc.).

Recycling steps

The process itself is laborious and long, because it includes several stages that require a responsible and professional approach. In general, recycling proceeds as follows:

    Purchase of raw materials. For this, companies establish special points where legal entities and individuals can deliver scrap;

    Pre sorting. The material is sorted according to certain properties and characteristics, after which it is sent to the factory;

    radioactive control. If the radiation level is exceeded, the raw materials are buried;

    Check for flammable and explosive substances. They may get in by accident or they simply might not be noticed at the reception point;

    Checking the correct sorting. Mixing types of materials is unacceptable, because the quality of the manufactured products depends on it.

The scrap metal is then recycled. It is crushed, pressed and melted down. If waste remains after production, it is re-submitted to all of the above procedures.

Who to contact?

Metal recycling Moscow is one of the services provided by our company. We carry out our activities throughout the Moscow region. Our employees are ready to dismantle metal structures, as well as their further removal from the territory of the client. It is a pleasure to cooperate with the company "Priem-Metalla", and therefore please contact us. We will save you from unnecessary scrap, as well as provide a full range of services.

The ever-growing demand for metals in the metallurgical industry, and interruptions in the supply of rolled metal, have made the processing of scrap metal for the needs of the metallurgical industry relevant. The share of scrap metal in industrial production is about 8%, and it is growing steadily.

Metal, unlike plastic, is recycled countless times because it does not lose its properties and quality.

Both environmental pollution and the consequences of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere played an important role: which put forward the need to melt the metal, not leaving it, just rusting in a landfill.

Scrap metal recycling process

First, scrap metal is collected at plants, factories and from the population; at scrap metal collection points, it is sorted depending on the composition and purpose of metal products: casings from washing machines, cars or kitchen utensils are collected. Products made of copper and aluminum are carefully separated - they are processed separately. The sorted metal is packed and sent to recycling centers.

Directly in the center, the metal is checked for good sorting; and immediately, or stored, or sent to the melting furnace. There, the metal is heated and melted at different temperatures, depending on the type of metal. Completely molten metal, collected in full, is formed into small ingots. They are allowed to cool before being put into further processing.

Recycling of steel scrap

Obtaining steel from iron ore is an expensive and time-consuming process, so the recovery of this metal from scrap is much preferable. In addition, the steel recovery process is not so harmful to the environment, polluting water and air to a lesser extent by burning a large amount of coal.

Used, obsolete, equipment, building materials, wagons and cars, do not disdain, and melting down cans of drinks. Recovered steel is used to make metal utensils, cars, bridges, and the same cans for drinks.

Recycling of copper products

Demand for non-ferrous metals has always exceeded supply: smelting copper from ore is an expensive and labor-intensive process; and the industry cannot do without various types of cables and anti-corrosion copper pipes.

After careful sorting on a special vibrating conveyor, copper scrap is separated from various impurities, paper and polymer waste is removed.

Then the scrap is sent for remelting for the manufacture of copper products, or for the production of copper sulphate, a valuable compound that is successfully used in construction, to protect wooden houses from rotting; agriculture, for the treatment of crops from pests, in the chemical industry.

The benefits of recycling scrap metal are becoming more obvious every year, so this industry is gaining more and more momentum.

Utilization of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap involves the collection and shipment of used products, foundry waste and metal shavings to special landfills for further processing.

The company "RosMetLom" provides fast and high-quality disposal of ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal waste, followed by scrap processing (Lyubertsy). We offer high purchase prices, affordable transportation costs and pleasant terms of cooperation. We work with both individuals and organizations. The purchase of scrap by our company takes place on favorable terms for you. Call our experts and see for yourself.

Scrap metal recycling

Recycling scrap metal allows you to solve several important problems at once:

  • clear the territory of excess "iron";
  • receive money for scrap products that have no practical application;
  • prudent use of natural resources.

Make money on a pile of unnecessary trash: buying scrap metal is an opportunity to get a clean territory and profit in the budget! With us, scrap recycling is not only the most profitable, but also very convenient. We will independently disassemble, cut and load metal waste onto specialized vehicles. You - profit, and old equipment and household items - a new life, namely, scrap metal processing in Lyubertsy.

Purchase of scrap

The recycling process consists of several stages:

  • scrap sorting at the facility;
  • analysis of the structure and cutting of oversized parts;
  • transportation to a collection point, followed by scrap metal processing in Lyubertsy.

With small volumes, you can hand over the metal yourself (cutting, as a rule, is not required). It is more difficult for large enterprises to do all this work, giving scrap products for processing in Lyubertsy. In addition, an expert assessment of scrap is often required during the purchase. Our company is ready to help at any stage of recycling. Scrap recycling can be pleasant if you entrust the organization to RosMetLom.

Sell ​​scrap products simply and profitably. We perform tasks in a complex. We work not only with conventional structures, but also explosive objects. With us, the purchase of scrap metal and its disposal are safe. Recycling of scrap metal, as well as preparatory activities, are carried out in strict accordance with current standards.

Scrap processing (Lyubertsy)

Modern industry is experiencing a high demand for metal. Therefore, such a service as scrap recycling is becoming more and more popular. Secondary raw materials are actively used in the process of creating new products. Thanks to him, the cost price is reduced, production costs are reduced. Not to mention reasonable savings in terms of spending natural raw materials. Recycling the scrap metal donated by your organization is your contribution to the preservation of the environment.

When purchasing scrap metal, they carefully study, selecting waste that will be useful in production. To avoid a dangerous situation, specialists adhere to quality and safety standards. Express analysis of chem. composition allows you to determine which category the metal belongs to. All this helps to carry out measures for the destruction and remelting of metals correctly, because the disposal of scrap requires a responsible approach.

Purchase of scrap metal

Both the purchase of scrap and its subsequent processing are carried out with high quality and with a high degree of responsibility. We put the needs of our customers at the forefront, so we make sure that the purchase of scrap metal takes place as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The purchase of scrap metal by RosMetLom means prompt departure upon request, fast loading and transportation, instant settlement in any way convenient for you. Call and book a free onsite consultation. We guarantee favorable prices for the purchase of scrap metal.

One of the promising areas of business is the processing of scrap metal. But, as in any business, there are many nuances and various issues. First of all, it is necessary to find a suitable place for the construction of an enterprise, equip the workshop with modern requirements, and obtain documents allowing work with metal. Let's try to consider the main issues related to how to make money on scrap metal.

Is it worth starting a business like scrap metal recycling?

Although it is difficult to predict the long-term demand for certain areas of metal processing, it can be said with confidence that, in general, the metal is always in demand, despite all the fluctuations in the economy.

Since the metal does not lose its properties during recycling, it is successfully used in the manufacture of products after remelting. Therefore, opening a business such as scrap metal processing is always a stable income. It is only important to approach the organization of business in the right way.

Since the creation of such an enterprise requires large financial investments, everything must be carefully thought out so that your investments begin to generate income as quickly as possible. To begin with, let's consider what equipment for scrap metal processing is used at similar enterprises.

Baling presses

The baling press is quite simple in its principle of operation, so its cost is relatively low. The machine independently performs the entire process of creating and compacting a briquette from metal waste. The operator only starts the mechanism, and the press independently performs the work.

Scrap metal is fed into a special loading compartment. When the baling press is filled to the required level, the operator receives a signal. After that, the press is launched directly, which, descending on the metal, rams it.

Press scissors

Press shears are also very often used in metal processing industries. Press scissors are stationary and mobile. Mobile, of course, are more convenient because they can be carried, but they are less powerful than stationary ones.

From the very name of this equipment, one can understand that it is used for grinding scrap metal. Special knives are installed in the press shears, which, when started, crumble the metal into small pieces. The productivity of such a unit can be equal to thirty tons of products per hour.

There is also a lot of different equipment, which is selected depending on the specific production tasks.

Business plan

In order to open a scrap metal processing plant, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan, which includes choosing the location of the future enterprise, collecting documents, registering, calculating estimated costs and income, purchasing the necessary equipment and creating a client base.

When drawing up a business plan, first of all, you need to calculate the income and expenses of production. The initial costs will mostly be related to the rental of premises and the purchase of equipment. This amount depends entirely on the direction and volume of production. Part of the cost will be wages to workers. If you purchase the most modern equipment, on which most processes are automated, you can reduce the number of jobs, thereby reducing the number of monthly salary costs.

The calculation of income is carried out by deducting from the amount of total profit the costs of utilities, wages, the purchase of raw materials, etc. On average, the profitability of this business is about 15-20%.

What is a metal license

To open a production facility aimed at processing scrap, you need to obtain a license for metal. This is a state permit that gives legal entities the right to engage in the purchase, acceptance, trade and processing of non-ferrous and ferrous scrap. Without this license, buying and selling metal is prohibited.

In addition to providing all the necessary documents, in order to obtain a license for metals, you must pay a state duty.

To obtain a license, the production must meet the requirements for work. These are the conditions concerning the premises, the complex of equipment and the working personnel. As for the equipment, then you need to pay special attention to it.

To obtain a license, any enterprise must have installed: a press, equipment for crushing and sorting chips and a dosimeter.

Since each regional structure is differently loaded with the amount of work, and each state entity has its own legal acts regulating this area, the period during which a metal license will be issued is different. As a rule, environmental committees issue a license approximately 45 days after the submission of an application and a package of documents.

Depending on the type of license issued, its cost is differentiated. The state allows the company to obtain a license for black and non-ferrous scrap, both separately for each type, and a single one. At the same time, a license for both types of metals will cost less than two licenses.

Start with little financial outlay

If you do not have enough initial capital to purchase expensive equipment, you can start a business by creating a scrap metal collection point. And the collected scrap metal is further handed over to the scrap metal recycling points. For such a business, you will need to purchase large-capacity truck or suspended crane scales, and ordinary ones, on which non-ferrous metal will be weighed, will also come in handy.

For such a business, two employees will be enough - one will weigh the scrap metal, and the second will sort. We advise you not to save much on the wages of employees, otherwise they will underweight customers, and this will negatively affect your business.

When this business brings a stable income, you can think about expanding it, that is, purchasing equipment for metal processing. Moreover, you will no longer have problems with where to look for scrap metal, since there will be regular customers who consistently sell metal.

Business benefits

In addition to the fact that scrap metal recycling can be very profitable, it brings huge benefits to society and the environment.

Since scrap metal does not lose its properties during processing, it is used to create new products that do not require ore remelting.

As for the environment, nature also wins here, since the oxidation of the metal in the soil causes irreparable damage to it. Therefore, the collection of scrap metal can be called not only a resource-saving, but also a humane type of business.


Metal is still the main material used in a wide variety of industries. Thanks to the good demand for metal, scrap metal recycling can become a profitable and stable business. This business requires a large initial investment, since in addition to paying for the premises, sites and remuneration of employees, it will be necessary to purchase expensive equipment. But if you draw up a business plan correctly, scrap metal will begin to generate a stable income in six months, fully recouping the initial costs.

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