What to read to men and women for self-development. Best books: what book to read What to read at work

You can find a lot of useful information in books. You get the experience of people who have already figured it out - they have learned how to solve problems, build relationships, and have formulated their knowledge in an accessible form for everyone interested. This is why self-improvement books can change your life. In matters of self-development, they are simply irreplaceable. There are many amazing works that help to become better, stronger and happier. Here is a list of twenty books you should definitely read. They can seriously affect your life, as they have already affected the lives of thousands of people.

Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

This book really helps to achieve what it promises. This classic was published in 1936 and has since been reprinted numerous times in various formats. The book contains simple steps to improve your communication skills and strengthen relationships, each illustrated with real-life examples from Carnegie himself and people he knows. Even one piece of advice - to use a person's name more often in a conversation - can already transform your life.

Manuel Smith, "When I Say No, I Feel Guilty"

Many people have trouble setting boundaries - they find it hard to stand up for themselves, learn to say no, and defend their beliefs. Some become dependent on others, taking their problems and emotions as their responsibility. In Smith's book, you can find information on how to learn to assert your boundaries with simple techniques, how to open up to those who deserve the energy spent on them, and how to exclude people from your life who ruin your mood.

Bren Brown, "The Power of Vulnerability"

This book is an impeccable motivation, a source of incredible change. In modern society, no one talks about their weaknesses, no one wants to admit their shortcomings. Yet being able to recognize them is a real advantage. The book will help those who are ready to think more broadly, change themselves and their approach to weaknesses. To be successful, you need to be vulnerable and willing to take risks.

Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages

Many people believe that love is a simple exchange of words and it exists effortlessly. And this is wrong. In fact, maintaining a relationship is not easy at all. After the honeymoon, the relationship gets worse. This book will help strengthen them. You will be able to find out exactly what manifestations of love your partner and you need, start applying them and notice a quick result. The principles described in the book are applicable not only to personal life, but also to everyday communication.

Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of Now"

This book teaches you to live in the present. Perhaps its content is repeated in places, but it helps to understand the essence. It contains examples of how people behave throughout the day in relation to others. This book will help you deal with the clutter in your thoughts and find the serenity of the present moment.

William Irvine, "Stoicism"

Irvine presents the classic philosophy of Stoicism, which is being reshaped in modern times, supplementing his reasoning with tools and practical advice that will improve the quality of your life. The information is based on personal experience and really helps to become happier and calmer.

Timothy Ferris, "How to Work Four Hours"

This phenomenal book has pushed many people to forget about the standard work schedule. Most likely, you will either like it, or it will annoy, but it definitely will not go unnoticed. Ferris is trying to make people realize that their time is limited and sitting those hours in the office is not the best option.

MJ DeMarco, "A book for those who dare to make money"

This book contains a lot of repetition of the same ideas, but it is motivating enough to start doing your own business, and provides a lot of useful information that will be useful to everyone.

Chip and Den Heath, "Resolute"

Many people find it difficult to make decisions. It seems like you need to make a list of pros and cons, but sometimes this does not lead to the best result. The Heath brothers help divide the decision-making process into four steps. It changes your behavior.

Gary Vaynerchuk, "Passion is business"

Vaynerchuk is the owner of a large Internet empire. His book will help you learn how to build a successful online business with step-by-step instructions.

Robert Glover, Stop Being Nice Guy!

This is a very short book, but effective. She describes the Good Guy Syndrome - what causes men to lie, manipulate, cheat and pretend instead of facing reality.

David Deida, The Way of the Real Man

This book is a spiritual guide for a man who wants to be a man - in the traditional sense of the word. How to deal with women? What is masculine energy? How to achieve happiness? The book contains answers to all these questions.

Mark Manson, "Models"

There are many books on how to start dating women, but most of them contain only ready-made phrases or describe too complex theories. Others focus too much on sex. Manson transforms the approach to meetings with the opposite sex and teaches to get the most positive emotions from communication, behave naturally and feel comfortable.

Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

This book is filled with inspiration. Frankl talks about his life in captivity and concentration camp, about returning home. He is sure that as long as a person has a goal in life, he will be able to survive in any conditions. Just find your purpose.

Maxwell Maltz, "Psychological Cybernetics"

The plastic surgeon's book tells that many people want to change their appearance, but in fact they need internal changes. Maltz talks about relaxation techniques that can help.

James Allen, How a Man Thinks

A short essay that contains an important point - your thoughts determine the reality in which you live.

Dan Ariely, Predictable Irrationality

Ariely analyzes why people do what they do. People seem to be logical, but everything is controlled by emotions. This book will help you deal with the subconscious mind and become a better person.

Robert Cialdini, The Psychology of Influence

This book will help you learn how to manage people not only in personal relationships, but also at work, at job interviews.

Matt Ridley, The Red Queen

Why do men tend to seek multiple partners? Why are women so selective? What is hidden in our genes? Ridley's book will help you understand a lot about relationships.

Rolf Plotts, "Vagabondage"

This book will inspire you to travel. Plotts is sure that it is worth traveling slowly, he shares a list of necessary things and many useful tips.

Probably, there is not a single person in the world who would be able to raise children without relying on someone else's experience, on pedagogical literature and advice from psychologists and other parents. We studied all kinds of parenting manuals and chose the most interesting books. They will help you talk to your kids, prevent bullying at school, and get along with difficult kids. And most importantly, they will help shape the character of a strong, intelligent and happy child!

Leisure ideas / What book to read

Women's happiness - what is it? Most will answer that for any woman the main thing is to love and be loved. But is it really so? It is time to recognize that our life is not limited by love alone. We, no less than men, are eager to find ourselves, to succeed in our favorite business and to fully develop. We have created for you a selection of delightful books, the authors of which showed all the diversity of female characters, reflecting the dreams of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. And what about love? Without it, of course, nowhere!

Leisure ideas / What book to read

April will surprise us with a variety of genres. Readers are waiting for the translation of the world-famous novel that inspired Tolkien to create his iconic works. Detective stories will remain the most fashionable books of the season. Read about these and other literary novelties of the month in our April review.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

Looking for something to read in spring? Then don't miss the release of exciting bestsellers. In our selection you will find detective stories, horror, humorous books and so on. Let these books brighten up your last cool days before the onset of true spring!

Leisure ideas / What book to read

Spring has come. Hooray-hooray! And she brought with her new fascinating books. Among the bestsellers were not only novelties, but also reissues of long-known hits. You simply cannot miss them, because in these versions of the books there will be no abbreviations!

Leisure ideas / What book to read

In this list you will find enchanting children's books, after meeting their heroes, your kids will have the most fabulous dreams! We have chosen not only the works of world-famous classics (loved by the children of all countries), but also new bestsellers, including Russian authors.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

In our selection you will find 15 works that allow you to expand the boundaries of consciousness. These fascinating books explain the workings of the human mind, contain practical techniques for strengthening memory and allow us to climb a step higher in the process of self-development.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

No matter what they say, the vast majority likes to read. We have studied all kinds of resources that provide their users with the opportunity to enjoy exciting books by reading them online for free and without registration. In our selection you will find services with catalogs of not only fiction, but also scientific literature.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

When acquaintance with book characters develops into genuine interest, there is a desire to learn about the new adventures of beloved characters. So the recognition of the reader encourages the authors to create cycles of wonderful works. Today we will talk about popular series worthy of the attention of children and teenagers.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

Many writers have tried to display all the difficulties associated with wealth. Of particular interest are stories about people who escaped from the clutches of poverty into a world of prosperity. In our selection you will find fascinating books dedicated to such characters.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

In February 2019, novels in the detective genre will be in special demand (judging by the preliminary ratings of publishers). However, other books were also included in the lists of the most anticipated works of the month, including a biographical work about the life of one of the most scandalous artists, whose paintings are now worth millions of dollars!

Leisure ideas / What book to read

Books are a source of knowledge, they teach life and help to cope with problems, developing children's imagination. However, all children are individuals with completely different hobbies, which means that they cannot be pushed into some generally accepted framework by imposing a school curriculum. It is better to slowly but thoughtfully read one interesting book than to hastily swallow dozens of “recommended reading”. And yet it does not hurt to help the child in choosing literature. In our selection you will find unusual and exciting works that can instill in your child a love of reading.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

These creations have stood the test of time, captivating generations of readers all over the world with their fascinating stories. Permeated with the wisdom of the authors, they carry their message through the ages, finding a response in the hearts of new fans. We studied lists of popular books that (according to leading publishers and literary critics) every person should read at least once in a lifetime. In our article you will find 40 classic literary works of various genres.

We don't have as much time to read as we would like. Work, family and children, shopping and repairs, cooking and cleaning, meeting friends and walking - all this takes time. There is very little of it left for food for thought. Today's selection is just for those who want to read more interesting and useful books, but never have time.

We have collected books that can be read in less than an hour, and we have also written what skills each book will boost your skills.

Get out of your comfort zone

What we are uploading: leadership skills, the ability to plan one's life, personal effectiveness.

Book number 1 on self-development. It has been translated into 40 languages. It presents the result of more than thirty years of research on the distribution of time. She talks about how to achieve solving complex problems, leaving your comfort zone.

Another you!

What are we pumping: your body -)

An experienced trainer clearly talks about healthy eating, fitness, training planning and the training process itself.

What we are uploading: originality, an outstanding outlook on life, the ability to interest others in one's personality, self-realization skills.

Jessica Hagey talks about 10 simple steps that will help you look at life differently, fulfill yourself, live a full and interesting life. She talks about how important it is to be childishly direct, not to be afraid to take risks and go along the unbeaten paths. The author is sure that the biggest discoveries are waiting for us where we have not been before.

An easy way to learn a foreign language through music

What we are uploading: knowledge of foreign languages, memory and attention, the ability to perceive someone else's speech by ear.

The more you listen to foreign speech, the better you speak. Your ears and auditory cortex must become accustomed to the sounds of the target language. Even ballerinas first listen to "Swan Lake" and only then learn the movements. The method of Susanna Zarayskaya - a polyglot who speaks seven languages ​​fluently - will help you quickly master several foreign languages ​​at once.

What will you choose

What we are uploading: the ability to make the right decisions and enjoy life.

Making the right choice—not big once-in-a-lifetime choices, but day-to-day decisions that we may not even notice on auto-pilot—has a meaningful, long-term impact on your happiness. This book shows 101 opportunities every day to consciously choose a happy life.

5 Principles of Proactive Thinking

What we are uploading: creativity and problem solving skills, building mutually beneficial relationships, taking responsibility and winning.

Proactivity is freedom from circumstance, blame, and victim thinking. You alone are responsible for your life. Personal responsibility helps to overcome obstacles and difficulties, create new opportunities and cope with complaints and procrastination. The result is strong companies and healthy relationships between people.

Improvisation lessons. How to stop planning and start living

What we are uploading: the ability to live in the moment, make mistakes without fear and solve life's problems with the use of acting skills.

Did you know that actors and musicians are specially taught to improvise? This makes their game more interesting and richer. But the main thing is that the habit of improvisation greatly affects their lifestyle. Thanks to her, they are not afraid to try new things, they are not afraid of unexpected obstacles, they live here and now, while many others only endlessly prepare and plan what they will do sometime in the future.

Memory does not change

What we are uploading: the ability to think logically and use memory effectively.

Financial diary: how to put money in order

What we are uploading: Ability to plan family and personal budget.

A financial diary allows you to keep track of personal finances easily and, importantly, visually. You can quickly assess your expenses and income, analyze your financial condition and plan the necessary amount of investments to achieve your goals.

Mr. leader

What we are uploading: leadership skills, the ability to manage your life.

This book is not a set of laws and rules, it is advice for every day for those who are confidently moving towards success. Behind each of the tips are years of experience, mistakes and achievements, years of self-improvement and teamwork.

Rules for happy families Book for Responsible Parents

What we are uploading: teacher skills, the ability to reflect, better understand yourself and your children.

This book was written by the parents of seven children. Instead of ineffective questions like “Why don’t my kids listen to me?” or “When they finally do, what am I asking?”, it’s worth asking better questions: “What should I do differently?” or “How can I be a better parent?” This simple yet challenging concept shifts attention - and responsibility - back to parents and what they can do for their children.

At its best

What we are uploading: the ability to enjoy every day, awareness, reflection, self-confidence.

This book is about people who did not fall into the trap of prohibitions and after 50 years live a full life. They ceased to be invisible - on the contrary, they felt confidence and real beauty in themselves, which they are not afraid to show to the world.

Sea gift. How to return to yourself and live simply

What we are uploading: the ability to deal with routine and chaos, streamline your life, focus on important things and goals.

This is a book about how by reviewing relationships, numerous obligations, objects that surround us, and giving up the superfluous, we make room for simplicity and fill our lives with truly important things.

show your work

What we are uploading: the ability to focus on one's strengths, communication skills, the ability to present oneself.

Full of illustrations, articles, quotes and examples, this book contains 10 rules ("You don't have to be a genius", "Share something small every day") that will help you become bold, productive, open and famous.

Writing is easy: how to write texts without waiting for inspiration

What are we pumping: the ability to write beautifully, to the point and without water.

This book is a collection of lectures and practical exercises that will help you cope with the complexities of writing. Olga Solomatina claims that you can write any text, following simple rules, and write it really well

Gymnastics of the soul

What we are uploading: the ability to relax and move away from worries, the ability to look at any events as a valuable life experience, self-confidence.

"Gymnastics of the Soul" is a technique that will make your life brighter and richer, help you improve yourself and become better. If something does not suit you in life, this is not a reason to give up, but a chance for change for the better. The book "Gymnastics of the Soul" teaches us to get joy from life, use everything that happens to us as an opportunity for growth and development, helps to believe in ourselves and our strengths.

Economy of everything

What we are uploading: the ability to navigate the situation and better understand all aspects of life.

The book will help to understand the essence of seemingly chaotic social processes, to understand what awaits us in the near future, and to think: is this how I live? You will see a different economic picture of the world. Feature of the book: Entertaining language, many witty examples, metaphors and unexpected conclusions.

hot fans

What we are uploading: communication skills with clients, as well as building mutually beneficial business relationships, the ability to manage processes, professionally important qualities of a good manager.

A revolutionary approach to customer service. Written in the form of a compelling business parable, this book will help you understand exactly what your customers want, achieve effective customer service, and gain an army of ardent fans willing to spend money on your services.

Make your kids successful

What we are uploading: perseverance, foresight, hard work, the ability to learn from the mistakes of others, the skills of the educator.

Parenting advice from one of the most influential investors in the world. The book is written by Rogers in the form of advice to his daughters. In it, he gives examples from his personal experience in the world of finance and investing, gives reasonable and very valuable advice that will be useful to anyone who wants to succeed in life and in their business.

Branson Rules

What we are uploading: business skills, determination, the ability to manage one's own life.

"Do what you like and the money will follow." No one confirms the truth of this saying more convincingly than billionaire Richard Branson. He caught the bird of luck by the tail, doing what he loves. This book is a collection of Branson's sayings that reveal his unique style of doing business. These quotes are very instructive.

Visual notes in practice

What we are uploading: visual thinking, the ability to solve various problems with the help of sketchnoting, creativity.

You don't need to be able to draw to get started with this book. Try making visual notes of your travels. Or record with their help the impressions of new dishes. Or plan to work on a new project. Mike Rhodey talks about the basics of sketchnoting and advanced note-taking techniques. You can practice right in the book!

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We often want to change our lives, but sometimes we lack something, and we can’t even understand what it is. But in our age of accessible information, it is not at all necessary to “reinvent the wheel” yourself - you can use the experience of people who have already traveled this path and achieved success. We offer you a selection of seven useful books on self-development.

1. Tina Seelig, DIY

This book will be useful, first of all, to those who want to create their own business, support it and develop it: "Do It Yourself" not only contains practical advice, but also helps to learn to think in the right way - the way real entrepreneurs think. The book teaches us not to accept difficulties, like the lack of start-up capital, as an insurmountable obstacle, but to consider them as an incentive for self-improvement, as milestones on the way to the "you" you want to become - a successful, self-confident person who sees the opportunities provided by him with the world around him, and can apply them at his own discretion. No idea? The book will help you find it. Hands down? The book will tell you where to get the energy and enthusiasm needed to start a career as a businessman, and how to use your imagination to the maximum.

It is noteworthy that the author of the book, Tina Seelig, is a practicing entrepreneur, in addition, she teaches a course on entrepreneurship and innovation at Stanford University: her strong point is an unconventional approach to business in general and thinking in particular. By the way, many of her students did not finish the course, because they understood what and how to do, and left the university to start their own business - now they have become successful entrepreneurs.

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2. Kelly McGonigal, Willpower

Kelly McGonigal in her book helps to nurture and strengthen willpower, her technique is suitable for every person. A ten-week course is offered to the reader’s attention, during which, by completing practical tasks and following the recommendations indicated in the book, he will be able to better understand his capabilities - in other words, to realize that he is capable of anything he wants: get rid of a bad habit, create his own business, play sports or find a job that will become a favorite. It is not necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations: you can find and apply in your life a technique that is right for you.

In addition, the book can teach you to control yourself when it is especially difficult, and manage your emotions and desires when necessary. The technique has already helped many people find success, and Kelly McGonigal's training courses, which served as the basis for the book, have received many prizes and awards.

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3. Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen "A Whole Life"

Often the main difficulty in achieving your goals is the inability to prioritize - to define a goal for yourself and plan steps for its implementation. In addition, the book will help you understand which of the intended goals are really important and can help you in the future, and which ones should be abandoned, since they do not carry anything useful in themselves.

Another stumbling block is that, having set a goal, a person cannot always find time for its implementation or, on the contrary, plunges headlong into work, forgetting about rest and personal life. The book contains techniques to help you find time for everything and enjoy all aspects of life equally.

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4. M. J. Ryan, “This year I…”

This Year I... is another book on how to increase your efficiency. If you are afraid of change in your life, you will find useful tips in the book on how to overcome your fear and learn to enjoy change. Thanks to the tips in the book, coupled with practical techniques and illustrations from the lives of people who managed to make their lives exactly the way they want, anyone can understand their own unique advantages, learn to use them for their own benefit and make their life in every sense. richer and more interesting, implement plans and fulfill dreams.

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5. Neil Fiore, "An easy way to stop procrastinating"

The book contains, first of all, advice on how to deal with procrastination - the constant putting off for later unpleasant thoughts and deeds that you don’t want to do at all, despite the obvious need. A lot of people in today's world really tend to do this, and end up doing it all in one day with incredible effort. The result is often not satisfaction, but, on the contrary, stress and a complete reluctance to move on.

Practicing psychologist Neil Fiore believes that procrastination is just one of the symptoms of deep manifestations of the subconscious: he believes that it is necessary to influence not the manifestations, but the causes - the loss of motivation for certain activities and the desire for perfectionism. Fiore has been practicing his technique for over 30 years, and his book has been published in all languages ​​of the world since 1989.

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6. Josh Kaufman, My Own MBA

Many outstanding entrepreneurs do not have an MBA degree, which does not prevent them from being successful people and creating a business. The fact is that the essence of a successful businessman is not in a diploma, but in his personal qualities: as a rule, such people are not afraid to take risks and learn something new, because they believe in themselves. They understand the aspirations and needs of other people, understand the laws under which business operates, and simply do what is most beneficial in the circumstances.

Josh Kaufman is an outstanding manager who does not have an MBA. Instead of going to university, he chose to study "by doing" - he began working at Procter & Gamble and quickly achieved success. Accordingly, he wondered why a diploma was needed if one could learn without receiving unnecessary information. He soon found out that many people were interested in the same question and wrote the book "My Own MBA", which describes in detail how to start a business, not stop there and learn those things that will be useful for you. In addition, Kaufman talks about the traps and pitfalls in the business world, which is especially useful for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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7. Kerry Gleason "Work less, do more"

This book is about how to work as efficiently as possible, and at the same time not experience stress, but enjoy work, in addition, the book teaches you to complete all the necessary work on time and at the same time find time for yourself. Kerry Glisson details how to get rid of constant work-related overwork and properly organize the workflow so that not a single second is wasted.

The reader will learn how to properly keep a diary, how to work with incoming information and e-mail, and how not to be buried under an avalanche of papers and orders. Kerry Gleason is one of the leading practitioners of the PEP Personal Effectiveness Program. The book will be useful to managers who want to help their subordinates work with maximum dedication and develop their merits.

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Books for review provided by the publishing house " Mann, Ivanov and Ferber»

It would seem, why read motivational books? Isn't it better to take action right away than to spend time studying someone else's experience? But a person often lacks the determination to change his life. That is why we have collected 15 of the best motivating books so that you dare to conquer the heights.

1. Nick Vuychich "Life without limits."

Nick Vuychich was born without arms and legs, but he is quite independent and lives a full and eventful life: he received two higher educations, independently types on a computer at a speed of 43 words per minute, surfs, is fond of fishing, swims and even dives from a springboard into the water. His book is an inspiring, emotional story about how to overcome difficulties, despair, believe in yourself and become happy. Nick candidly talks about his physical problems and experiences, about how it was not easy for him to come to terms with his condition - there was a moment when he wanted to commit suicide. It took him many years to learn to see his problems not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity for growth, set big goals for himself and always achieve what he wanted. Without arms and legs, he learned to climb in every sense of the word. In his book, Nick formulated the rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

2. Barbara Sher "Dreaming is not harmful."

A legendary book about how to realize yourself in life. Cindy Fox was a waitress. Now she is a pilot. Peter Johnson was a truck driver. Now he is a farmer. Tina Forbes was a failed artist. Now she is a successful artist. Alan Rizzo was the editor. Now he owns a bookstore. They all used Barbara Sher's effective techniques to make real changes in their lives. This humane, deeply practical book will allow anyone to turn their vague desires and dreams into concrete results.

3. Dan Waldschmidt "Be the best version of yourself."

The book will tell you about the true components of success. You will understand that it is not about diligence at all, but about who you are. “Everything you know about success is wrong. Set goals. Work hard. Be persistent. You can repeat this recipe for success, even if you wake you up at night and ask. And it doesn't work - not for you, not for anyone else." You work all day, get very tired in the evening, and are not one step closer to success. The thing is, success is not determined by what you do, but by who you are. This conclusion was made by Dan Waldsmith, who studied more than 1000 stories of ordinary people from business, science, politics and sports who have achieved outstanding success. Among these people is the chef of the restaurant, who overcame a fatal illness and eventually earned 3 Michelin stars; runners covering incredible distances and overcoming themselves; a retired ER doctor who opened a successful company; figure skater Joannie Rochette, who competed at the Olympics three days after her mother's heart attack and managed to win a medal; Valentina Tereshkova, who became the first female cosmonaut in history at the age of 26; and many others. All these people had several common features, which the author and his team identified. The stories in this book will not leave you indifferent and will inspire you to new achievements at work, in sports and in any other areas of life.

4. Howard Schultz "Full speed ahead!".

In 2008, Howard Schultz, 8 years after his resignation, decided to return to the chair of the CEO of Starbucks, the leader in the coffee market. The reason for this decision, in addition to the deteriorating financial performance of the company he bought in 1987, was the rapid loss by the company during his absence of those traditions and service standards that were originally laid down. Describing the unique story of a successful reorganization of a company in the conditions of a severe economic crisis, Howard Schultz, the main initiator and active participant in all events, frankly shares with readers the secrets of effective management, convincingly demonstrating that building a socially responsible business is not only a duty to society of any entrepreneur and top manager, but also a necessary condition for profitable work.

5. Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert Kiyosaki's first and most popular book on how to live and work not for money, but to make money work for you. And how can a parent teach his children what school does not teach children? How do you teach a child to count so that he is not bored? And how do you teach investing to a child when you, as a parent, do not know how to do it yourself? Instead of teaching my kids to play safe, I figured it would be more beneficial to teach them to play smart.

6. Josh Waitzkin, The Art of Learning.

This is the autobiography of Joshua Waitzkin, who won his first national chess championship at the age of 9 and became the world champion in the martial art of tai chi at 28. How did he manage to achieve such a result in completely different sports disciplines? Joshua himself doesn't think he's the best at chess or the best at tai chi. He says, "I'm the best at learning." In this book, he shares his story and learning principles that helped him rise to the top twice. This is not only the story of an outstanding person, but also proof that any victories and achievements - up to the champion level - are achieved thanks to the right lifestyle, the right habits and psychological attitudes, and not innate talents.

7. Ben Horowitz "It won't be easy."

Ben Horowitz, one of the most experienced and respected entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, shares his tips for building and growing startups. The author's advice touches on the most difficult problems that are usually not discussed in business schools. A lot of people like to talk about how great it is to have your own business. Units say that it is very difficult. Ben Horowitz is one of the latter. He objectively analyzes the challenges leaders face on a daily basis and proposes solutions based on his experience in startup development, startup management, selling, advising and investing in startups. The book is full of the author's trademark humor and his frank statements about business. It is useful for both experienced entrepreneurs and those who are just starting their first business.

8. Richard O "Connor" Depression is canceled.

Depression depends on many interrelated factors: genetic, biochemical, external (environmental factors). This book addresses one very important factor that we often overlook: our own habits. We can hide depression, fight it (and even successfully), but this struggle requires a lot of strength from us, taking away from us the opportunity to fully enjoy life and experience positive emotions. This book will help you replace the behaviors that contribute to depression with more effective ones. The systematic approach described in the book is based on the results of the best research on the topic of depression - with its help, anyone suffering from this ailment will be able to start a new life.

9. Richard Branson “To hell with everything! Take it and do it!

Richard Branson is a legendary British entrepreneur, one of the richest people on the planet, who founded the Virgin Corporation, which today unites almost 400 companies under its brand in various fields - from publishing and air travel to space and underwater tourism. Branson is a bright, non-standard personality. His credo is to take everything from life. It means not being afraid to do what you want. It does not matter at all whether you have enough knowledge, experience or education. If you have a head on your shoulders and enough enthusiasm in your soul, any goal will be on the shoulder. Life is too short to waste it on things that don't bring you pleasure. If you like something, do it. If you don't like it, drop it without hesitation. In an expanded version of his bestselling book, Branson offers "rules of life" that should help everyone on the path to creativity, spiritual growth and self-expression. The book carries a huge charge of optimism, wisdom and faith in human capabilities.

10. Stephen R. Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

This book is a worldwide super bestseller, the #1 work on personal growth. She had a major impact on the lives of millions of people around the world, including Bill Clinton, Larry King and Stephen Forbes. Half of the world's largest Fortune 500 corporations have taken it upon themselves to educate their employees on the philosophy of efficiency outlined in the Seven Habits.

11. Robin S. Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

What is true success and how to achieve it? Is it possible to find happiness that does not depend on either career growth or global crises? How to get rid of the endless worry about tomorrow and start enjoying every day you live? Are there simple recipes that allow you to receive spiritual gifts without giving up your usual comforts? How to develop superpowers and subjugate fate? And perhaps most importantly: how to find your calling and become yourself? The answer is in this book, which has become a bestseller in many countries of the world. Together with former millionaire Julian Mantle, Robin Sharma invites the reader to take an amazing journey to Sivana - the land where dreams come true!

12. Donald Trump "Never give up!".

This book is about how failures, problems, crisis, collapse, catastrophe can be turned into a springboard for victory, about how, once in a deadly whirlpool, push off from the bottom and soar up again to success. The main thing is to perceive all problems not as obstacles or bad luck, but as new opportunities and additional chances given to you by fate. And then you are invincible. Nothing can bring down the prostrate of a man who stubbornly refuses to acknowledge himself defeated. No obstacles are terrible for those who never give up. And these lessons are especially convincing from the mouth of a man whose name was included in the Guinness Book of Records as an example of overcoming the deepest financial collapse that has ever fallen to the lot of a businessman. The name of this man is known to the whole world - Donald Trump. And now we know his recipe for overcoming difficulties.
And this recipe: never give up!

13. Mag Jay "Important Years".

Someone calls the years from the twentieth to the thirtieth the second youth, someone - the beginning of adulthood. Dr. Mag Jay, a clinical psychologist, claims that this is the most important decade in a person's life in terms of the development of important areas of life: work, love, physical and intellectual development. The book is based on a decade of work with hundreds of students and clients, combining current scientific research and real stories of those who have entered the third decade. The book contains all the necessary tools to make the most of the most important ten years. The author shares what psychologists, sociologists, neurologists, economists and top managers involved in personnel policy know about the critical importance of this period. What you do and don't do between your twenties and thirties can have a huge impact on your career, personal growth, brain development, your relationships, and the building of business and personal connections. This is a smart and constructive book about years not to be wasted.

14. Will Bowen, A World Without Complaints.

This book will transform your life. Millions of people around the world have experienced first hand: Will Bowen's program "A World Without Complaints" - works! It is based on a very simple idea: positive changes are ready to happen in our lives at any moment, and to let them in, you just need to give up the usual manifestations of discontent. “If you catch yourself complaining, just put the bracelet on the other hand!” Today, more than six million people have accepted this challenge. The task is extremely simple, but difficult (try it - and see for yourself!): to live twenty-one days in a row without complaining, without criticizing or gossip. Help change the world and yourself!

15. Brian Tracy Build Your Future.

This book is for ambitious people who want to accelerate their progress. Brian Tracy outlines twelve proven success factors that anyone who wants to realize their full potential in our world of virtually unlimited possibilities must consider. The book "Build Your Future" will help you develop a positive, optimistic, creative mood in yourself, which is a guarantee of great achievements in any field of activity. You will learn how to attract good people, valuable ideas, and opportunities that will help you achieve your goals quickly. With the help of this book, you will become the absolute master of your own destiny, a real expert in your field of activity, achieve complete financial independence, develop the habits of the most successful people.

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