Interesting challenge. What is a challenge for YouTube and which one can be filmed. Learn a new skill and practice it every day

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There are events in life that you want to conditionally put a tick next to. Well, for example, “read 100 books” - ✔️, “parachute jumped” - ✔️, “conquered Elbrus” - ✔️, “shaked hands with Putin” - ✔️. We are aiming to increase the number of such checkboxes, and now is the best time to tick them. After all, the beginning of the year is like a big Monday, when everyone promises to become better and achieve great goals. But how do you do it right?

At website There are a few checklists for you to help you get things done. Choose any or take all at once.

10. Read one chapter every day

Why a chapter, and not the whole book at once? Getting information in small chunks is called microlearning. In short sessions of up to 25 minutes, the brain absorbs information better, and in between sessions it has time to relax and “digest” what has been read.

  • Start with the most interesting book that you enjoy reading. Carry it around with you and keep it by your bed to read before bed.
  • You can set the bar not in one chapter, but in 20 pages, then in 30 days you will read 600 pages, or 2-3 books.

9. Try the Flexitarian Diet

Eating vegetables is good. And eating meat is good too. Therefore, the best solution is to find a middle ground. The flexitarian diet is a balance between plant foods and meat. You can eat everything, but on certain days to get all the necessary components.

  • Make yourself a menu for every day: this will help you not to rack your brains every time you cook, and it will also make it easier for you to stick to the plan.
  • Set goals and record the result - weight, skin color, number of pimples, etc.

8. Learn 5 new words every day

If you learn 5 foreign words every day, then in a month you will learn 150 words, and in a year 1,825 words - this is enough to communicate in a non-native language all day on almost any topic. And after another six months you will be able to read newspapers, books and classical literature. Sounds cool, but you have to follow a system to learn words, so we made a checklist for you to serve as motivation and reminder.

7. Don't complain, don't gossip, and don't judge

The whiner ceases to notice the good, buries his talents and spoils the mood for himself and people. This is enough to make a promise to yourself for the next 30 days not to swear, grumble, criticize or complain. And then you will see how your life will change.

  • Tell family and friends about your challenge and ask them to remind you if you lose control. And at the end of the day, write down how many times you rolled your eyes, raised your voice, or muttered angrily.
  • Print out the worksheet and at the end of the day celebrate your progress in refraining from whining in the form of an emoji. And at the bottom of the list, record the result for the entire week.

6. Wake up 30 minutes earlier

To do everything, it's better to get up early ... Perhaps this is easier said than done. In the evening we give ourselves the word to start a new life and wake up before sunrise, and in the morning we resolutely give up on this matter. You should not torture yourself and set an alarm for 6 in the morning if you are used to sleeping until 8 o'clock. To get started, try getting up 15-30 minutes earlier. And soon you will notice that you have time to calmly drink a cup of coffee, read a book and collect the children for school.

5. Write down 10 ideas every day

If every day you write down 10 ideas on a variety of topics, then at the end of the month you will already have over 300 ideas. You can write more - 15, 20, 100. Write while ideas flash in your head like New Year's fireworks in the night sky. Maybe you start a new business, start a blog, plan a trip, start a rock band, make a movie, or change careers. Who knows what kind of changes it could lead to.

  • To warm up, we suggest first using our list of topics for which you can come up with ideas. Then you can safely start compiling new, very diverse topics.

4. Cook a new dish every day

Take as a basis the conditional fact that you can't eat a certain dish twice a week. That is, if yesterday you ate carbonara, then today you will no longer repeat yourself, but you can make an Italian salad. Don't cook too much, even if you have a large family. The excess is still more often thrown away. Try to cook in small portions, but with variety.

  • Re-read cookbooks, websites and make a menu for the week. Make notes about ingredients, pre-treatment, and cooking times.
  • Try difficult recipes. Experiment with cooking methods and ingredients that are new to you.
  • Carry food in containers with you. So you will not only eat right, but also save a lot.

3. Set aside every day for ₽ 100

: plank is one of the best exercises that develops core muscles and helps speed up metabolism. And given the fact that the bar takes very little time, it is worth doing it every day. We made a plan for 30 days, which will help you not to get confused over time in the plank and develop a habit. Want more? Then next month, save the result and add time in a new circle. That is, on the 1st you will have 5 minutes. 20 sec. in plank.

1. Watch the best movies

You need to rest, but it is better to do it with benefit. If you like watching movies, then watch only the great ones that carry deep meaning, inspiration and tell a beautiful story. We have compiled a list of the 30 best films according to IMDB. Of course, you have already seen some of them, but it will not be superfluous to reconsider too.

We at MIF check everything that is written in books on ourselves. And we love to challenge ourselves, so we regularly arrange and complete challenges. Running with a crowd of like-minded people is always easier, more comfortable and more fun. It is also a great way to try something new and change yourself. We are talking about the most creative, creative and developmental challenges that we have launched.

Reading Accelerator

Our latest challenge is a course of speed reading lessons. We decided to find out the secrets of people who read a lot. We listened, wrote down, chose the most useful, and got a mini-course with lessons in the form of a mailing list. He will introduce beginners to the basic techniques of reading and memorization, and experienced ones will be pleased with buns and life hacks from experts.

Every three days we send an email with a lesson. There are 8 letters in total. Is free. Sign up→

Author of the photo: @leleyna_marina.

hell week

A legendary and powerful online intensive that will show in 7 days that you can do something you don’t even know about. New day - new challenges. If you want to learn something new, "pump" yourself, expand the boundaries of possibilities - welcome to Hellish cool week. The new intensive starts on July 9th.

The results of the participants of the past weeks can be seen by the hashtags and , as well as in the group In contact with.

Photo credit: @froggitaverde.

We came up with a book challenge, during which we will read one book a week. Then for the year you get 52 books. There are so many interesting things to know! Here is a list of books to be read.

Ready for the book challenge? Join and share the results on social networks with the hashtag .

Author of the photo: @tifahota.


Even if you last drew at school, dare to participate and live the next 15 days of a life filled with creativity.

Photo by: @lenski_pix.

Non-children's children's

Even if you have a baby, with your help he will cope with the first challenge in his life - he will love adventure tasks and believe in himself. Complete 10 fun tasks and get inspired by hashtag achievements.

Photo credit: @xnmlsx.

Happiness Marathon

Even the great "masters of happiness" need constant exercise to stay in shape. Therefore, in April of this year, we launched and published mini-tasks all week long. Everything so that you can develop the habit of happiness - yes, yes, it is a habit. It can and should be practiced throughout life. You can arrange one for yourself even today 🙂

Photo by: @kanibolotskaia_ks.

Who is with me for a dream

93% of people have a dream that can be fulfilled before the end of the week, but they make it their dream of a lifetime. During the “Who is with me for the dream” challenge, we helped thousands of dreamers make a dream come true, or at least take a big and conscious step in the right direction.

Right now there is no set for this challenge, but you can go through the hashtag and get inspired. Or subscribe to MIF's book letters so as not to miss new items and cool ideas like challenges and courses. you here→

You 2.0: go to the next level

Last September, we came up with a marathon that shows the power of small steps. We had exactly 4 weeks. Each week pumped one sphere of life. Every day they performed one task according to the hashtag: they developed the body and spirit, were inspired and created, became more efficient and learned new things.

Photo credit: @ acetrinka.

For the second year in a row, we are launching . Throughout December, our readers share their warmth and kindness with everyone around: they send postcards to relatives who live far away, feed homeless animals and birds, talk heart to heart with those who need it, make compliments and small surprises to relatives. By hashtag - almost 900 publications. Reread them in difficult moments and when you really, really need to believe in people. And visit us in December to make this world a little better together.

Each challenge is a test, after which you become different. Stronger. Bolder. More creative. Happier. And the realization that you are not alone gives you even more strength and energy to move forward. To knowing yourself.

Life is a movement: to meet your soulmate, to work and, finally, towards change. Full enjoyment from what is happening around can only be received by a person who is open to new things and who strives to improve himself every minute. One of the ways that allow any of us to try something unusual, thereby getting to know ourselves from a new perspective and testing our endurance, is the challenge. The use of the English version of this word is considered more familiar, because it was abroad that the fashion for the so-called tests of oneself began.

What is the meaning and peculiarity of challenges?

When the World Wide Web was engulfed a few years ago by the Ice Bucket Challenge, designed to raise people's awareness of such a disease as amyotrophic sclerosis, no one could have imagined that Internet users would like the idea so much. The charity campaign gave rise to challenges of a diverse nature. Suddenly, people began to come up with all sorts of crazy and funny tasks that do not carry any semantic load, but are only designed to amuse the audience and play on the nerves of the performer of these ideas.

Below are some video examples:

Fortunately, the idea of ​​challenges did not remain only entertaining. To many, it seemed to be a really good method of improvement and self-development. Despite the fact that you do not need to shoot your successes on video, as well as pass the baton to someone, the value of the idea is not lost.

How to become the best version of yourself with the help of the challenge?

The most popular way to prove your abilities and break out of your comfort zone is the 21-day challenge. Quite a lot has already been said about him, because the number of his fans is constantly increasing. The meaning of the 21-day challenge is to eliminate or instill a particular habit. Psychologists claim that it is the designated time that contributes to a radical transformation of thinking.

Most often, with the help of "21 days" people try to give up smoking, alcohol, junk food and sweets. It would seem, what could be easier than holding out for only 3 weeks? However, our body, sensing a catch, quickly begins to resist the new regime, trying to confuse a person who has decided to change. Therefore, the number of successful days often does not exceed 10.

Those who once managed to overcome the stubborn alter ego get a taste and continue the challenges, coming up with new restrictions. So, you can combine the rejection of junk and sweet foods with instilling the habit of drinking two liters of water daily. Or stop eating after six with the help of a challenge to visit the gym or pool.

The main value of "21 days" is that you do not have to report your results to your friends or blush in front of your Instagram followers. You must honestly fight with yourself, because this is only for you. Believe me, by putting a few pluses around a particular day, you will not become stronger, but only once again go on about bad habits.

If you do not know where to start, then you can use the tips given below. Having fallen in love with this idea (and this will definitely happen), you will not notice how you begin to come up with tasks on your own, again and again testing yourself for strength.

Useful and simple 21-day challenges

So, armed with felt-tip pens, a notebook or a sheet of paper, you can start numbering the days and choosing a task. Decorate your creation with all kinds of stickers, stickers and magazine clippings: ticking the box will be much nicer. What to choose for the first test?
  1. 21 day alcohol abstinence
  2. daily reading of 40 pages of fiction before bed for 21 days
  3. 21-day exercise in the morning
  4. daily squats (3 sets of 25 reps) every 21 days
  5. 21-Day Life Complaint and Whine Quit
  6. 21 days without social media
  7. 3 weeks full breakfast
  8. daily familiarization with new foreign words every 21 days
You can continue the list as long as the fantasy works and the pen writes. Listen to yourself: what changes does your reality require? Perhaps this article will be the impetus for change and you will finally quit smoking and communicating with unnecessary people. Do not be afraid to challenge yourself and try again: you are capable of more.

30 days of planks, 10 days of abs, a month of push-ups - adidas running ambassador Ekaterina Zemskaya tried everything on herself, but to no avail. So what's wrong with these 30-day plans, and why aren't they effective? Let's figure it out!

We all know the expression “A habit is formed in 21 days”. For some reason, we take the word “forming” as something modern: do the same thing for 21 days and you will get used to it. It turned out that this is not the case at all.

In short, it takes exactly 90 days for a habit to become second nature. After 21 days, the habit is just being formed, but the old one continues to circulate (we cultivated it in the same way as we are trying to grow a new one). After 40 days, the old habit begins to "grass", but it is still "visible", although not so clearly. And only on the 90th day does she become a “mother”, so own and necessary. And it's more about chemistry than psychology.

The essence of habit is memory. And memory is a more chemical process than a psychological one, and it works like this for a person. We receive information through analyzers, they excite a certain part of the cerebral cortex, for some time this excitation circulates through the neural circuit, fading away and getting lost in the abyss of other excitations. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called reverbation (the basis of short-term memory).

To maintain circulation, we need to regularly repeat what we want to get used to. If the circulation of a new stimulus occurs on an ongoing basis, short-term memory becomes long-term. And then - pure chemistry: changing the protein composition of the cell. A memory trace appears, which fixes the change in the speed of the nerve impulse. As a result, the memory trace is fixed and activated the next time an impulse is received.

All breathed out. And now in a human way. The brain convulsively forms a connection between the object of attention (banana instead of candy) and the excitation of a certain part of the cerebral cortex (delicious!). Each time we follow a new habit, this excitement roams the neural circuit for a while (banana, banana, banana), and fades away (candy is also an option) if we don't repeat the action. And in principle, it depends on the number of repetitions whether this habit remains in short-term memory or in long-term memory (which is regularly more, then it wins).

It takes more than 21 days for the brain to move from a declaration of intent to a stable connection.

Day 21 - start

After 21 days, we are at a crossroads: should we go along that road (the old, familiar one) or the newly laid one? 21 days - the first milestone on the new path. To adopt a new habit, it takes about the same amount of time to weaken those bonds that we have stopped using. This happens in 40 days.

40 days - second period

In 40 days, the old habit begins to “grow with grass” because you no longer walk this path. You are already getting used to the new habit, but it still does not work "on the machine" - it takes some effort to follow it. This is the period of habit consolidation.

90 days - third period

If you overcome it, then the new habit will steadily enter your life. You will no longer need to strain to follow it. The action becomes automatic.

The 21-40-90 rule works great in all areas of life, whether it be health, relationships, finances - these three stages will be everywhere.

In general, it takes about 90 days for your intention to turn into a single neural connection, and the hand itself was torn for a banana, and not for a candy. So don't relax at the end of your 30-day challenge, but extend it to 90, and then you can say that you have changed your life.

And in the end I will tell…

To be honest, only now, having dealt with this issue on my own, I understood and felt the causal relationship and validity of all our “40 days of planks”, “100 days of running” and others like them. I just completed the 40 Day No Refined Sugar challenge - it's been 60 days since I've been eating no candy bars, rolls, pasta, and white polished rice. And to say for sure that I gave up all this, I can only in a month. So if you also decided on the challenge, get ready for three months. Otherwise, what's the point?

Have you ever wanted to start doing something but didn't find the time or energy? Or were you not sure that you really need it? Did you doubt that it would not work out, and as a result put everything in a “long box”? If yes, then this article will be of interest to you. 30 Days Challenge - gaining more and more popularity in the West. Simple and understandable, which we propose to verify.

The essence of the idea of ​​30 Days Challenge

For the first time, the American director, producer, humorist Morgan Spurlock turned to this technique in his show. The essence of the idea is to change or acquire new habits based on what a person has always wanted to do, but never tried to do. A challenge is thrown to oneself: over the next 30 days, it is to engage in the implementation of one’s plans or in what can make life better and more fulfilling. This period will be enough to accustom yourself to act accordingly constantly, understand all the benefits and turn the activity into a habit. Or, on the contrary, understand that you do not need it and refuse. Simply put, the essence is the most banal and is described by the well-known expression: “In any business, the main thing is to start!”.

The challenge can relate to any area: sports, personal or professional growth, small household habits, and even lifestyle. Therefore, this technique can be effectively applied to work with 4brain. Try the program, pay attention to the practice and compare your results after 30 days with the original ones. You will probably improve your skills.

The efficiency of such programs is confirmed by the examples of many famous people. For example, the method is used by personal development expert Steve Pavlina, author of the Zen Habits blog Leo Babauta, Hollywood fitness instructor Jillian Michaels, and Matt Cutts, head of Google's web spam department. The latter, by the way, very colorfully described the discovery of technology for himself and its advantages in his TED talk:

List of ideas

The collected ideas can change your attitude to life, teach you to be active, take the maximum from every day and live fully and happily. The uniqueness of this list is that it is not necessary to take one idea and follow only it. Many of the habits collected here can only be called global, so within the framework of a monthly challenge, you can practice several at once. The only mandatory condition is the time frame - you need to introduce the habit for 30 days every day. Although the well-known blogger Leo Babauta does not agree with the latter, he believes that one day a week can be “unloading”, especially in such complex challenges as.

  1. Ride to work by bike. In our climatic conditions, this is difficult to do throughout the year, but try at least a month when it is warm outside. You will see the city differently, and the body will only be grateful for such a load.
  2. Give up alcohol. Try not to use a month and you will most likely realize how unnecessary this habit is.
  3. Don't watch TV. The main time trap of modern man is TV. Take the free time with socializing, walking in the fresh air, hobbies and see how much more you can get from life.
  4. Workout. Do not buy a gym membership right away, just do several sets of squats or push-ups per evening.
  5. Start learning a foreign language. As in the previous case, it is not necessary to enroll in courses. You can start at home using tutorials, tutorials, and resources that are easily found on the Internet.
  6. Take 1 photo on the way to work every day. Take this simple ritual as a rule. In a month you will notice an amazing ability to look at the world differently, to feel the flow of life and its fullness, you will be every day.
  7. Cooking a new dish every day. You can love pasta and buckwheat, but to deny that there is nothing else tasty besides them is stupid. Get a cookbook with simple recipes and try to cook something unusual for your diet.
  8. Learn to dance. Down with prejudices and beliefs. No matter how old you are, and no matter what gender you are, Youtube you can find many training videos with a detailed description of each movement. From waltz to hip-hop.
  9. stop complaining. Don't talk about problems, just complain. For everything: weather, traffic situation, social sphere, etc. Very few of your problems are really interesting, and even those constant negativity only depresses.
  10. Save. Do not spend money for a whole month buying only the essentials (food, hygiene products). Then buy something with all the savings.
  11. Wake up early. Try and do something interesting for you. Recharge, drink and get started. The day will increase by a couple of hours, you will have time to do more and fall asleep earlier. Tired but satisfied.
  12. Learn something new every day. Whether it's a new way to tie a tie or the wave equation from a quantum mechanics course, the main thing is to learn something new.
  13. To eat healthy food. Try to follow the principles. This is a serious challenge, so you can implement it in several stages - first, refuse to snack on fast food, then remove fast carbohydrates from the diet, etc.
  14. News with a stranger. In the elevator, on the bus, in line at the store, in a word, wherever the opportunity presents itself. This will help you deal with and benefit your communication skills.
  15. Do not watch or read the news. If this is a ritual, replace it with watching an educational program or reading an interesting one. You will learn the most important things anyway, and not knowing the rest will not make you less educated.
  16. Write a story. In the United States, every November there is a national event - the month of writing novels. Anyone can write and publish their own text on a special resource. Try it too.
  17. To practicekarma yoga. Say no to selfish motivation for at least a month and do something good for others for free every day.
  18. To compliment. Give honest compliments to those around you, regardless of how close you are to them. At least 1 time per day.
  19. Discover a new activity. It can be anything - a new sport, cross stitch or polymer clay, learn the basics of web design, or start your own blog.
  20. Listen to new music every day. Ask your friends to recommend their favorite song to you, or use the selection service. Listen to everything from classical to hard rock.
  21. Write or call your friends and relatives. Within 30 days, call or email anyone you haven't seen or spoken to in a while.
  22. Dine on homemade food. Do not go to a cafe for a month, do not order a business lunch for work. Instead, bring food from home.
  23. Become a vegetarian for 30 days. Or try following others.
  24. Do not drive. Take care of the environment and your health - leave the car at the time of the call to the garage. Walk to work, ride a bike or use public transport.
  25. Play educational games. Spend 5-10 minutes every day, which will be useful for brain training.
  26. Walk in the park or forest. Set aside at least half an hour of your time to be outdoors every day.
  27. Learn magic tricks and tricks with cards. In any company you will not be equal.
  28. Write down at least three positive things that happened to you during the day.. The world is not as gloomy as it may seem, and this challenge will help you make sure of it.
  29. Take up meditation. Try to "reboot" a tired body with and.
  30. Dont lie. Very simple in conditions and, at the same time, one of the most difficult challenges to myself.
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