How to cook delicious porcini pickled mushrooms for the winter. Marinating mushrooms for the winter

To begin with, I’ll tell you about what marinating mushrooms is in general and which mushrooms are suitable for harvesting in this way.

A method of preserving mushrooms using an aqueous solution, to which salt, sugar, spices and, in some recipes, acetic or citric acid are added - this is pickling.

Best for pickling tubular mushrooms varieties such as autumn honey agaric, boletus, boletus, boletus and boletus.

Also, it is allowed to marinate and agaric mushrooms, such as bbws, brilliant greens, rows, honey mushrooms.

Only undamaged young mushrooms, strong and without wormholes, are suitable for pickling.

I would also like to note that it would be better if different types of mushrooms are marinated separately, but if you wish, you can mix several varieties of mushrooms in any proportions.

To begin with, we will sort the collected mushrooms by type and size. Wormy and old mushrooms should be immediately discarded.

Then, the calibrated mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned of contaminants (adhering sand, earth, adhering leaves and moss). If you pickle butternuts, do not forget to remove the skin on the hat from them as well (otherwise the mushrooms will turn out with bitterness).

If the mushrooms you selected for pickling are a bit large, then it is better to separate the legs from the caps and cut them into small pieces. And small mushrooms, it’s better not to cut them, but pickle them whole.

A little trick: chopped mushrooms darken very quickly when exposed to oxygen. To prevent this from happening, you need to make a solution of one liter of water, 2 grams of citric acid, a teaspoon of salt, and place them in the resulting solution.

There are two ways to marinate. At the same time, we prepare the same marinade for mushrooms.

Versatile and tasty marinade for mushrooms per liter of water contains:

  • salt - 1 tbsp. lodges;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. lodges;
  • laurel leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • black peppercorns - 2-3 pcs.;
  • cloves (optional) - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2-3 finely chopped cloves.

Method number 1

This is the easiest way to pickle mushrooms for the winter - cooking in a marinade.

You need to prepare the marinade and boil the mushrooms directly in it for 15 minutes. Then, remove the mushrooms from the marinade with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a container for storing the workpiece. Top the jars to the brim with marinade (hot) in which the mushrooms were cooked.

With this method of pickling, mushrooms are obtained with a richer taste, since, in fact, they begin to marinate even during cooking. But there is also a minus of this method of harvesting - the marinade turns out to be cloudy and not transparent, sometimes even viscous.

Method number 2

Mushrooms must first be boiled in boiling water for fifteen minutes. Then, we drain the water and pour the boiled mushrooms with boiling marinade. When harvesting mushrooms in this way, the marinade will be transparent and without turbidity. But the mushrooms will not have such a rich aroma as when harvesting in the first way.

Which The best way- decide for yourself.

You need to store pickled mushrooms in a container that does not oxidize (glass, enamel, stainless steel, food clay). Therefore, in our time, marinating mushrooms in jars is most common.

So that mold does not form on our blanks, you need to boil sunflower oil, pour the container with mushrooms on top and tie it with linen napkins. If we pickle mushrooms in jars, then they can simply be rolled up under the lid. But in order to avoid infection of preservation with botulism, the container with mushrooms must be sterilized for 15-20 minutes.

Store our homemade preparation in the refrigerator or in the cold, again, to avoid the formation of botulinum bacteria. In a cold place, this bacterium is not produced.

In winter, open a jar with mouth-watering pickled mushrooms, drain the marinade, sprinkle them with finely chopped onions, pour fragrant sunflower oil, and enjoy the taste of our homemade mushrooms.

See also the video: PICKLED MUSHROOMS - an easy-to-cook recipe.


Properly cooked mushrooms are not only very tasty, but also very healthy. One of the ways to process them for the winter is pickling. Such preparation as a whole is not very complicated, but it has some features that you should know.

You can pickle for the winter any edible mushrooms. The only, and even that, very conditional, limitation is that young, small, dense specimens should be selected for this cooking method. Large ones become limp when boiled and mushrooms marinated for the winter are not crispy.

It is better to pickle mushrooms separately (by type), although you can mix them in any ratio. Of the tubular ones (with a hat having a tubular lower surface), butter and flywheels, boletus mushrooms, mushrooms (or porcini), as well as boletus. Among the lamellar (bottom of the cap of the plate), preference is given to honey mushrooms and chanterelles.

The first thing to do upon returning from " silent hunting- Soak all the mushrooms immediately in cool water. Thanks to this, the spread of worms from randomly collected worms to healthy mushrooms will be prevented, and dirt, grass and leaves will turn off on the “prey”, which will then be easier to clean off. Soaking time for mushrooms should be short. Some can start rinsing almost immediately. Do not keep them in water for a long time - they will absorb excess moisture.

Cleaning mushrooms should be thorough so that in winter when eating them, the sand does not crunch on your teeth. In the process of cleaning, mushrooms should be sorted by size, and also, preferably, by type, as shown in the video. In oils, be sure to remove the skin from the hat. To do this, put them in a colander, immerse them for 1 minute in a salted boiling solution, after which, stirring slightly, rinse cold water. In this case, the skin is easily washed off.

It happens that there are a lot of mushrooms, their processing takes a long time, and they can darken. To prevent this from happening, they are stored in a solution of cold water with salt and citric acid. For 1 liter of water volume, there should be 2 g of citric acid and 10 g of salt.

Very small mushrooms, with a hat up to 2 cm in diameter, must be marinated whole, but for chanterelles, mushrooms, porcini and champignons, the legs are cut to 0.5 cm from the hat, for flywheels and butter - up to about 1.5 cm, up to 3 cm shorten in boletus and boletus. In larger mushrooms, the legs are completely separated from the caps. Legs up to 2 cm in diameter are cut into pieces of arbitrary length, and thicker ones - no longer than 1 cm.

Hats up to 2-4 cm in diameter are left as they are, and those that are larger are cut into pieces the size of small ones. This preparation is due to the fact that large specimens are cooked more slowly, which is why they eventually become loose and soft. Small and large mushrooms, as well as legs, are best marinated or at least boiled separately so that in the processed batch all the mushrooms reach the degree of readiness at about the same time.

Pre-treated mushrooms are boiled and then marinated. Any mushrooms must be boiled before pickling - this will completely eliminate the risk possible poisoning and also ensures that the finished product does not deteriorate during storage. There are 2 options here:

  • preliminary boiling, after which the mushrooms are poured with marinade;
  • marinated mushrooms.

In the first case, mushrooms are boiled in salted water (salt content - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter) until cooked, then cooled and dried, laid out in jars, and then poured with pre-prepared and chilled marinade. Mushrooms should be put in boiled water, boiled for 15-30 minutes.

The second way: the processed mushrooms are placed in boiled salted water already containing vinegar, boiled and then seasoned with spices in the same solution, and then marinated. And in this case different kinds cook for different times. It is detected from the moment when the mushrooms, laid in boiling water, boil in it. Cooking time for mushrooms in minutes:

  • mushrooms - about 8-10;
  • butter, flywheels and boletus - 10-15;
  • with dense pulp (boletus, champignons, white and the like) - 20–25;
  • chanterelles and honey mushrooms - about 25-30;
  • legs of white and boletus - 15-20.

Boiling is completed as soon as the mushrooms begin to sink to the bottom of the pan used. The marinade should become transparent. Moss mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, as well as boletus mushrooms should be poured with boiling water before boiling, hold in it for about 5 minutes, and then rinsed under cold water. Without this procedure, the marinade will become dark. Aspen mushrooms must be boiled separately, because other types boiled with them darken.

Boletus mushrooms cannot be cooked together with white and boletus, as they boil for different times. The pulp of the former is less dense than that of the latter, and they may be overcooked, while boletus and white ones may be undercooked. The amount of marinade in the mushrooms marinated for the winter laid out in jars should be approximately 18–20% of the volume of the container used. To get this ratio, you should prepare 1 cup of marinade for every 1 kg of processed fresh mushrooms.

Mushrooms marinated for the winter are not recommended to be rolled up with metal lids. According to experts, this can cause botulism. Jars with pickled mushrooms should be corked with plastic lids, which must first be sterilized (boiled). Pickled mushrooms must be aged for at least 25-30 days before consumption in order for them to acquire their optimal taste. They must be stored in a cool, dark, dry place (you can in the refrigerator) and no longer than 6-12 months.

One of simple recipes pickled mushrooms for the winter with preliminary boiling is offered on video. When preparing the marinade, you will need, based on 1 liter of water:

  • salt - 60 g;
  • cloves - 5 buds;
  • Bay leaf- 5 pieces;
  • acetic acid 80% - 40 ml;
  • black pepper (peas) - 10 pcs;
  • garlic, cinnamon and star anise - to taste.

All ingredients, except vinegar, are added to water. After it boils, the fire is reduced and the marinade is boiled for half an hour, maintaining its weak boil. Then they wait until the marinade has cooled, and pour vinegar into it.

Prepared and pre-boiled until cooked, as described above, the mushrooms are laid out in a colander, and then laid out in jars, which should be sterilized in advance, and poured with marinade. Then a little is poured into the jars, only to cover the top with a thin layer of marinade, vegetable oil. We close the jars and remove the pickled mushrooms for storage. With such a marinade, it is best to marinate mushrooms, chanterelles, russula and butterfish.

Another universal recipe is as follows. When preparing the marinade for each 1 kg of prepared fresh mushrooms, you will need:

  • water - 0.4 l;
  • salt - 1 full teaspoon;
  • allspice (peas) - 6 pcs;
  • a little citric acid and star anise;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs;
  • cinnamon and cloves - to taste;
  • vinegar essence 8% - 70 g.

A mixture of all ingredients, except vinegar, is boiled over low heat for about 20-30 minutes. Letting the marinade cool slightly, add vinegar to it. Prepared, and then boiled, as recommended above, put in a colander and cooled mushrooms are laid out in prepared jars, after which they are poured with marinade, which should be cold. The containers are closed and put away for storage.

For any mushrooms without pre-cooking ...

One of the recipes for mushrooms marinated for the winter with boiling in the marinade is as follows. For 1 kg of processed fresh mushrooms you will need:

  • salt - 1 full tbsp. the spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1 full teaspoon;
  • allspice (peas) - 5 pcs;
  • vinegar 8% and water - 2/3 and 1/3 cups, respectively;
  • cinnamon - about 1 teaspoon;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • cloves (buds) - 7-9 pcs.

Place the prepared mushrooms in a saucepan with boiling water, in which the salt was previously dissolved and the vinegar was stirred, heat them to a boil, and then cook until tender. As soon as about 3-5 minutes remain until the expected readiness, add all the spices to the marinade. Then we remove the pan from the stove, wait for its contents to cool. We transfer the mushrooms to jars, which must be sterilized in advance, then pour the marinade (the one in which they were cooked), and then pour a little vegetable oil on top. We seal the jars and hide them for storage.

Quick recipe, also available for viewing on video. To pickle 700 g of any mushrooms, you will need:

  • salt - 1 full tbsp. the spoon;
  • carnation - 5-7 buds;
  • allspice (peas) - about 1.5 teaspoons;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • sprigs of fresh basil / savory / thyme / celery leaves / oregano / parsley / marjoram - 2-3 pcs;
  • wine white vinegar and water - 1/3 and 0.75 cups, respectively;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.

Mushrooms must be prepared according to the above recommendations. We wash the greens and place on the bottom of the jar, which must be sterilized in advance. Finely chop the onion.

In a saucepan with boiling water, combine all the ingredients, except for the greens, then pour the mushrooms into it. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, reduce the fire to a slight boil of the marinade and cook the mushrooms for as long as they are supposed to in accordance with their type. Let the finished product cool down a bit. Then put the mushrooms in a jar and pour the marinade. After the marinated has completely cooled, we close the container with a lid and hide it for storage in the place provided for this.

Marinating chanterelles for the winter or mushrooms with garlic according to the recipe, as in the video. When preparing 1 liter of marinade, you will need:

  • water - 1 l;
  • allspice (peas) - 2-3 pcs;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • black pepper (peas) - 5-6 pcs;
  • cloves - 2 buds;
  • table salt - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pieces;
  • vinegar essence - 1 teaspoon.

For one liter jar you will need: 1 kg of chanterelles or honey mushrooms, dill 1 umbrella or its seeds, garlic - 2 cloves.

Marinate chanterelles or mushrooms with garlic should be like this. Their legs are cut off, leaving a 1 cm long section at the cap. Then they must be poured with cool water and kept in it for about 1 hour. Then the chanterelles or mushrooms are thoroughly washed, placed in a colander, and when the water drains, they are placed in a saucepan and salted. The latter is filled with cold water, and then put on the stove. The contents of the pan are heated, and when it boils, boil for 30 minutes, removing the foam. We put the cooked chanterelles or honey mushrooms into a colander and rinse, and then return them back to the pan.

In another pot, prepare the marinade. Pour water into it, add salt, spices and sugar. Then we take a sample from the marinade - it should turn out a little salty. We heat the resulting brine until it boils, then pour vinegar into it, and then boil the marinade for 5 minutes and taste it again. Pour chanterelles or mushrooms with boiling marinade, leaving it about 500 ml. We put a pot with chanterelles or mushrooms on the stove, heat them to a boil, and then cook, now in the marinade, for about 15-20 minutes.

After that, we put the garlic, cut into thick plates, dill, and mushrooms on top, filling the glass containers up to the shoulders in the prepared jars. After that, pour the marinade left into the jars to their top. We close the containers with lids, set them upside down and leave to cool like that, wrapped in something warm. We remove the cooled mushrooms pickled for the winter for storage.

Bringing the resulting marinade to a boil, put the champignons into it, which are cooked until tender. At the same time, they must be stirred, and the foam should be removed from the marinade. Before cooking is completed, add 8% vinegar to the marinade (for 1 kg of fresh processed champignons, 2 tablespoons are required), clove buds, allspice peas, and bay leaf. We remove the ready-made champignons from the pan, cool, then put them in jars, and then pour the cooled marinade (the one in which they were boiled) and close the lids. We hide pickled champignons for storage.

Every housewife should know the recipes for pickled mushrooms, because such an appetizer will be appropriate both on the festive table and on the everyday one. For winter harvesting, the most different types: mushrooms, champignons, mossiness mushrooms, russula, mushrooms, pigs, oyster mushrooms and many others. If you know the basic rules of canning, then in winter you can enjoy the different tastes of mushroom preparations.

Preparing mushrooms for harvesting for the winter

So that pickled mushrooms do not become a source of poisoning and are well preserved until winter, they must be properly prepared for conservation. They should be collected only in dry weather, put in a basket already cleared of debris and earth. Of no small importance is the sterilization of jars with a pickled product, because the usual procedure carried out at home will not be able to destroy the development of botulism, which these porous organisms are carriers of. Botulism disappears at a temperature of 120 degrees and above, and this is possible only in an autoclave.
Before pickling, you need to sort the main product by type and boil, but everyone has a different cooking time. For example, boletus, boletus and boletus are enough for 15 minutes, and whites need about 25. Autumn chanterelles and mushrooms should be boiled for at least half an hour, and it is advisable to boil the hats and legs separately, because the legs have a denser structure, so they will take more time to cook . Their readiness for pickling is determined by settling to the bottom of the cooking container.
Small species should be marinated for the winter as a whole, cutting off only the bottom of the leg. Large caps are cut into four parts, and the legs are cut into rings. So that the oil does not taste bitter, you need to remove the sticky skin from them and rinse under the tap. If marinated incorrectly, then boletus and boletus can turn black, and their marinade can darken, so that this does not happen, they should be poured with boiling water for 10 minutes before salting, and then rinsed with cold water.

How to pickle and salt mushrooms in jars - recipes with photos

Salted or pickled mushrooms are amazing tasty snack that decorates any festive table in all seasons. The delicacy prepared for the winter has a unique spicy taste that is difficult to find in any other products. But housewives should be aware that improperly collected and cooked mushrooms can not only lead to poisoning: someone's life can be the price. If you do not consider yourself an experienced mushroom picker, it is better to buy them in a store.

Delicious marinade for porcini mushrooms

White mushroom (boletus) is considered the most valuable. This is due to the excellent taste and unique ability stimulate the human digestive function. The benefits for a sick stomach from this product are much higher than from meat and chicken broths. This protein product is also known for antibacterial properties, rich in copper, iodine, zinc, manganese. Mushrooms marinated in fragrant brine become winter the perfect snack.

  • 2 kg of fresh mushrooms;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp citric acid;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 5 pieces of carnations;
  • 5 pieces of black peppercorns;
  • 5 pieces of allspice peas;
  • 2 laurel. sheet;
  • 50 ml 9% vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort out mushrooms, throw away rotten, wormy ones.
  2. Rinse them several times under the tap.
  3. If they are large, then cut into slices, leave the small ones whole.
  4. Pour citric acid into a container with water and mushrooms, leave for 5 minutes.
  5. Then rinse again, fill with new water so that the mushrooms begin to float.
  6. Put on the fire, remove the foam after boiling, cook for 30-40 minutes.
  7. When ready, add salt, sugar, spices, bay leaf, cook for another 20 minutes.
  8. Finish marinating with vinegar poured into water, then mix, put everything in sterilized jars, pour hot marinade, roll up the lids.

Butterfish marinated with mustard

Butterfish are very tasty, so they are especially popular among housewives. Apart from palatability, they are also useful for the body, because more recently, scientists have discovered their properties to destroy pathogenic bacteria. The composition contains lecithin, which performs several functions at once: it participates in protection against damage cell membranes, restores nerve cells and ensures the normal functioning of liver cells. If you marinate oil with mustard, they will provide the necessary set useful substances.

  • 10 l pan of fresh oil;
  • a handful of mustard seeds;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 20 black peppercorns;
  • 8 peas of allspice;
  • 7 umbrellas of dill;
  • 2 tbsp. l. non-iodized salt;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 8 pcs. laurel sheet;
  • 100 ml 9% vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the butterflies and rinse without removing the skin from the caps.
  2. Pour in water so that the main product is completely covered, bring to a boil, then remove the foam.
  3. Boil the butternut squash for 45 minutes, constantly adding water.
  4. When ready, add all the ingredients for the marinade.
  5. Cook for another 10-12 minutes on the smallest fire.
  6. Arrange the oil in pre-sterilized jars, roll up with tin lids, turn over, wrap with a blanket.

Recipe for mushrooms or chanterelles with garlic

Beneficial features mushrooms have been known since antiquity. Apart from a large number vitamins (groups B, C, PP, E), they contain trace elements such as magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, sodium, potassium. According to the content of calcium and phosphorus, mushrooms adequately compete with sea ​​fish. The calorie content is low - only 22 kcal per 100 g, so nutritionists recommend using the product for those people who are on a diet. Honey mushrooms contain thiamine in their composition, which is responsible for the work of the reproductive function and nervous system, as well as a natural antibiotic, anti-cancer substances.

  • 1 kg of fresh mushrooms;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 5 tooth garlic;
  • two st. l. Sahara;
  • 2 laurel. sheet;
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon (ground);
  • 10 pieces. mountains black pepper;
  • 6 pcs. cloves;
  • one tsp 70% vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the peeled mushrooms thoroughly.
  2. Transfer to a bowl, cover with cold water, leave for 1.5 hours, then drain in a colander and rinse again.
  3. Put in a saucepan, fill with water, cook after boiling for half an hour, removing the resulting foam, drain the water when ready.
  4. To marinate, pour into a clean pan liter of water, add spices, salt, sugar, vinegar, bring to a boil.
  5. Then add mushrooms, boil for 15 minutes, put coarsely chopped garlic in the marinade.
  6. Arrange in prepared jars, roll up, turn over, after which they should be wrapped in a blanket and allowed to cool.

How delicious to pickle chanterelles with carrots and onions

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the cleaned and thoroughly washed chanterelles over medium heat for 15 minutes, then drain the water and rinse.
  2. For the marinade, add all of the above ingredients to the water, except for vinegar, including thinly sliced ​​carrots and onions in half rings.
  3. Put the chanterelles, put to cook on a slow fire.
  4. After boiling, cook for 7 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam.
  5. When ready, add vinegar to the marinade, boil for another 3 minutes, then lay out all the sterilized jars, close tightly nylon lids wrap up with a blanket.
  6. After the jars have cooled, put them in the cellar (basement, refrigerator).

Salted milk mushrooms in tomato dressing

The attitude to the mushroom is extraordinary - some experts categorically deny its edibility, others consider it conditionally edible. But the truth, as you know, is somewhere in the middle. Milk mushrooms become edible if handled properly. This species can be of various varieties, which differ only in color. But they are all very nutritious, because the protein content in them is more than 32%, so milk mushrooms are interesting for vegetarians. The product contains a natural antibiotic that fights tubercle bacillus, and vitamins are also preserved at any heat treatment

  • 700 g of mushrooms;
  • 2 onions;
  • 300 g tomato. pastes;
  • 0.5 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 1 st. l. rast. oils.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the cleaned mushrooms in water, leave to soak for a day, changing the water from time to time.
  2. Then fold them into a colander, then chop finely.
  3. Fry the onion in oil along with mushrooms, then add water and boil with spices for 15 minutes.
  4. Then put the tomato paste, bay leaf and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. In sterilized jars, put pickled milk mushrooms in tomato.
  6. Then put the jars to pasteurize for 45 minutes at 85 degrees in a large saucepan, then roll up and store on the balcony or in the cellar.

How to pickle whites in a cold way

Whites have a slightly bitter taste, so their taste is best revealed in a pickled form. These forest gifts in the marinade become very tender, and are perfectly stored in a barrel or refrigerator in glass containers under nylon lids, they only require pre-soaking. Try pickling whites for the winter in a cold way, you will definitely like it.

  • 10 kg of fresh whites;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 400 g non-iodized salt;
  • 1 horseradish root;
  • 50 g dill seeds;
  • 20 pcs. allspice;
  • 5 pieces. bay leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Whites must be soaked for about two days, constantly changing the water.
  2. Divide the garlic into slices, cut lengthwise.
  3. Rinse the horseradish root, peel, cut thinly along.
  4. Pour dill seeds and allspice in a mortar, mix with salt.
  5. In a container (tub, jar, pan), pouring the spicy-salt mixture, lay the whites in rows with their hats down.
  6. Cover the last row with gauze, and then place the weight on a wooden pickling circle.
  7. Place the container in a cool place. The snack will be ready to eat in 1.5 months.

Salted boletus without vinegar

The special usefulness of the boletus lies in unique composition, in which protein, vitamins of groups B, C, D are perfectly balanced, and thanks to dietary fiber, it absorbs toxins contained in human body. The boletus is considered the most delicious after the boletus, so it is used to prepare a variety of dishes. Below is an easy version of pickling it without vinegar.

  • 800 g of fresh boletus;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • 20 g of citric acid;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • bitter and allspice pepper, bay leaf - at your discretion.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the boletus, peel, soak in water for an hour.
  2. Boil in salted water until tender, about half an hour.
  3. At the end of the time, drain the water, let the mushrooms drain, put them in jars prepared in advance.
  4. For the marinade, boil water with seasonings and citric acid, then fill it with filled jars, roll up.

Recipe for marinating boletus in brine

In the forest, the boletus will not go unnoticed, because it is famous for its bright appearance. The beneficial properties of this species are also known - it is very nutritious and low in calories, therefore it is suitable for any diet. The boletus contains, in addition to vitamins, valuable amino acids that are absorbed by the human body by 80%. It is also useful for anemia, performing an immunostimulating function. The recipe for pickling boletus in brine, which is released during cooking, will instantly gather all relatives at the same table.

  • 1 kg of peeled boletus;
  • 20 g of salt;
  • 5 mountains allspice;
  • 10 mountains black pepper;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 0.5 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tsp any spices (you can Korean);
  • 2 laurel. sheet;
  • 60 ml 30% vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the boletus quickly so that the caps do not have time to absorb a lot of water.
  2. Chop the large ones and leave the small ones whole.
  3. Put in a container, pour water, salt.
  4. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Next, you need to marinate the boletus, for this, add spices, vinegar, onion, cut into half rings, boil for another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Transfer the pickles with brine to sterilized jars, which are pasteurized for 40 minutes, then roll up.

A simple marinade recipe for fritters

Volnushki are very revered among the people, because they have unique properties: vitamin A affects the restoration of vision, B and C are favorable for hair growth, and a large number of amino acids contribute to the rejuvenation of the body. For the winter, housewives like to pickle traps, but before cooking they are in without fail require thorough soaking (at least 12 hours). Here is the easiest recipe for salting them for the winter.

  • 1 kg of waves;
  • 40 g of coarse non-iodized salt;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • black and allspice peas - at your discretion.
  • fresh leaves raspberries, cherries, horseradish, black currants.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the volnushki, pre-soaked for a day, put in a saucepan, pour boiling water.
  2. After 10 minutes, drain the water, repeat the cycle 2 times, then fold them into a colander.
  3. Lay the waves in layers in a jar, sprinkling with spices and salt, shifting with dill umbrellas and leaves.
  4. For pickling, take sugar, salt, 1 tsp. vinegar, add currant leaves, boil for 5 minutes.
  5. Fill jars with marinade, roll up, let cool, store in a cool place.

How to salt gobies (valui) in a hot way

Experienced mushroom pickers are always happy if they find valui, because they know how fragrant and tasty they are. Dishes prepared from them are considered delicacies, and gobies salted for the winter are distinguished by a dense and crispy structure, suitable as a snack or addition to a vinaigrette. Here is a quick recipe for pickling gobies under oppression in a hot way that even a novice cook can make.

  • 1 kg bulls;
  • 1.5 st. l. non-iodized salt;
  • 2 tooth garlic;
  • 3 green rosettes of dill;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 0.5 tsp Sahara;
  • 3 peas of allspice.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cleaned valui, separate the film from the caps.
  2. Boil in salted water for 7 minutes.
  3. Put ready-made valui in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, salt, spices, garlic.
  4. When the container is full, press down the contents with a wooden circle, and place the weight on top.
  5. Keep under pressure for 3 weeks, if mold appears during this period, then it should be removed.
  6. After the time has elapsed, transfer the valui to jars, sprinkle with a new portion of garlic, refrigerate for another 2 weeks to ripen, after which the dish is ready to eat.

Assorted forest mushrooms without sterilization

If you do not want to sort forest gifts, then you can pickle and assorted, just carefully sort through the entire crop so that grebes do not get caught. If there is even the slightest suspicion, it is better to immediately throw out dangerous or suspicious species, because they can be very insidious. After you have only edible mushrooms left, proceed to salting. Below is the easiest pickling option without sterilization.

  • 3 kg assorted forest mushrooms;
  • 1.5 liters of mushroom broth;
  • 1.5 st. l. salt;
  • 0.5 tsp lemon. to-you;
  • 2 tsp 30% vinegar;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 10 mountains black pepper;
  • 6 pieces of carnations.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort through the gifts of the forest, cut off the spoiled or blackened parts, cut into small pieces, rinse several times.
  2. Boil 3 liters of water in a saucepan, lower the chopped caps and legs, cook for 15 minutes, removing the foam.
  3. Marinate should be done on mushroom broth, for which all ingredients are added to boiling mushrooms, after which it is boiled for 3 minutes.
  4. After that, put everything in pre-sterilized jars with a slotted spoon, pour hot marinade over it, roll it up.

Boiled barns with vegetables in vinegar and oil

The cowshed or pig is very well known to mushroom pickers, because the first fruits begin to appear in forest glades in the spring and delight with harvest until late autumn. Fans of this delicacy smile at the question of the edibility of the barn, because they are sure that delicious mushroom not found in the spring. In order for the pig to become edible, it should be boiled a little longer, and it is easy to poison yourself with any forest gifts if you do not follow the conditions of collection, storage, cooking or pickling.

  • 1.5 kg of barns;
  • one kg bell pepper;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 0.7 kg of carrots;
  • 0.5 kg of bulbs;
  • 300 ml sol. oils;
  • 100 ml. 9% vinegar;
  • 50 g salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the pigs for 40 minutes, rinse, let drain, cut into pieces.
  2. Transfer to a frying pan, fry without oil until the water has completely evaporated, remove from heat, let cool.
  3. Peppers, carrots and tomatoes, rinse, peel, cut arbitrarily.
  4. Peel the onion, cut into half rings.
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the tomatoes, simmer for 5 minutes.
  6. Add peppers, onions, and then pigs to them, simmer for 5 minutes.
  7. Add salt, sugar, cover, simmer everything together for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  8. Add vinegar 7 minutes before done.
  9. Put the salad in prepared jars, roll up the lids, turn them upside down, wrap them in a blanket or towel.
  10. After the jars have cooled, put the salad in a cool, dark place.

Video recipe for delicious pickled mushrooms at home

You can marinate at home for the winter not only varieties known to everyone. Such types of porous crops as obabok, red-headed, rowing, bitter, bitter and others have an excellent taste when salted. Only such gifts of the forest should be pickled at home by self-confident mushroom pickers with experience, so as not to harm themselves and their family members. There are a lot of ways to salt this product for the winter, but there are also universal recipes, one of which can be seen in the video:

Canning mushrooms for the winter occurs every year and in almost every home. In summer and autumn, a pleasant time begins for mushroom pickers, because hunting for mushrooms is a joy for them. For some it's a hobby, for others it's just another way to make money. Breathing in the fresh forest air, lovers of "silent hunting" carry their "prey" home in baskets. There are many ways to preserve this wealth. The most common is the preservation of mushrooms for the winter in jars. Every housewife has her favorite recipe.

We'll consider:

  1. How to choose the right mushrooms for twisting.
  2. Processing methods.
  3. How to close mushrooms for the winter in jars.
  4. Conservation Secrets.

Collection and processing of mushrooms

Young mushrooms are needed in order for the preservation of mushrooms for the winter to be successful. They are much tastier and prettier than mature ones. They can be preserved without pre-cooking. Sort through the crop: choose mushrooms that are not rotten or wormy.

Pour the mushrooms with water at room temperature, pressing something heavy on top, so it will be easier to wash them from debris. So that they do not absorb a lot of moisture, keep the product in water for a short time. Then rinse in cold water. If the mushrooms are large, then cut them. So that they do not darken, place in water with vinegar and salt. Drain the water, excess liquid should be gone.

Before preservation, you can boil the mushrooms. Do not boil together white, boletus, boletus: the latter are cooked much faster than the others. When cooking, remove the foam and after 15 minutes it is advisable to change the water.

Cooking Canned Mushrooms

Where to find perfect recipe canning mushrooms in jars, you ask. Yes, there are many of them, and many of them are affordable and easy.

How to preserve mushrooms

It is not necessary to remove the film from the hats.

For 1 kg of cropnecessary:

Fill the mushrooms with water to cover them. Put on fire and cook for forty minutes. Then drain the water, let the mushrooms drain.

Put in a saucepan garlic, herbs, spices, oil and add some water. Boil for ten minutes. While the brine is cooking, transfer the mushrooms to jars and fill them with marinade. Roll up the jars with lids.


For cooking, you will need chanterelles, mushrooms, champignons, mushrooms, boletus, milk mushrooms. Take each type of 500 gr.

Rinse the mushrooms well and drain the water, cut off the legs. Boil water and add mushrooms, cook for 30 minutes. After half an hour, add pepper, salt, bay leaf, spices, take 2 pcs in the calculation. to the bank. Boil for 10 more minutes.

Pour into jars and roll up. Banks must be sterilized.

Pickled mushrooms

Preservation of mushrooms is one of the favorite activities of mushroom pickers. Honey mushrooms are very tasty and healthy, they do not need to be cleaned, there are few worms and debris in them. Legs should be cut off, so canned mushrooms will be tastier. Boil them for about an hour, until the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the saucepan. It is desirable to close with nylon lids.

The amount of spices can be taken to your taste. Pour honey mushrooms with cold water, salt and cook for 20-30 minutes. Drain some water, but so that the remaining liquid covers the mushrooms. Add spices, herbs, oil, garlic and cook for another 20 minutes. Garlic must be crushed. Add vinegar 3 minutes before the end of cooking.

Sterilize the jars, put the mushrooms and close the lids. Preserving mushrooms takes a little time, but the mushrooms will please not only the household, but guests will also like it.

So that the legs do not disappear, caviar can be made from them. Cut and fry them, adding salt and ground pepper. Sterilize the jar, lay out the caviar and close.

You can strain the marinade if you don't like spices.

After cooking mushrooms, excess liquid often remains. You can make bouillon cubes out of it. Pour the brine into ice molds and place in the freezer. They can be used to make soups.


Wash jars and lids well. Fill the containers with mushrooms and marinade, cover with lids and place in a pot of hot water.

Boil the jars for 30 minutes. Water should not reach 2 cm to the neck. Roll up the lids and turn the jars upside down until cool. If the lid is not closed properly, the marinade will leak out. In this case, it is necessary to re-roll the jar with another lid or throw out its contents. Be sure to keep your utensils and hands clean.

We have reviewed the most simple ways how to roll up mushrooms for the winter in jars. Must try different variants, with experience, each housewife has her favorite recipes for preserving mushrooms for the winter. It is possible that it will not be possible to preserve the first time. But if you show patience, then soon you will be able to delight your family and friends with culinary delights.

Sunset. Rolling machine. Species, types, classification. Choice, purchase. Tips, personal experience. How to roll up banks

Why does the seam not roll? How to choose and buy a convenient canning (rolling) machine. What to look out for (10+)

The right seaming machine

Let's discuss the choice of seaming. The main task of seaming is to crimp the metal lid on the neck of the can in order to ensure tightness.

Types of canning machines

classical. Crimping is carried out using a crimping element, which is pressed against the edge of the cover and moves along this edge.

experimental. Crimping with some innovative devices.

Classic seams differ in the way the crimp element is fed and in the type of this crimp element.

According to the method of feeding the crimp element

Manual feed

The pressure of the crimp on the edge of the lid is adjusted manually, usually by turning a knob. Turning the handle, we screw it along the thread and, thereby, press the crimping element. The advantage of this approach is that we can control the speed at which we feed the element. For example, if the edge of the cap is not crimped very evenly, you can pass the crimping element several times in a full circle without increasing the pressure. The second advantage is that we ourselves determine when to stop, that is, we can screw the handle exactly to such an extent that the crimp is perfect from our point of view. The second advantage turns into a disadvantage if you are not a very experienced seamer. If the jar is not rolled up tightly enough, then leakage or souring is possible. If you pass, then you can just split the bank.

Automatic feed

The feed of the crimp element depends on how many turns it has made around the edge of the cap. That is, for each revolution, it is fed a certain distance. If such a seaming is well adjusted, then it is convenient to use it. You don't have to think about anything. You put it on the lid, make a fixed number of revolutions, that's it - you're done. But that's only the case when she well regulated. Often, a new seaming is already adjusted incorrectly. As you use the clamping element moves, and the machine stops rolling. Self-adjustment is possible, but very difficult. I won’t even undertake the adjustment process here.

So seaming with automatic feed may not seam at all from the very beginning. And if she rolls up, then after a while (about 200 cans) she stops doing this. Each adjustment is enough for another 50 - 100 cans.

By type of clamping element

Hard. The clamping element is a washer of a special shape. He slides along the edge of the jar. The advantage is reliability and the best quality crimping by smoothing out the folds of the edge of the cover. Disadvantages - quite a lot of effort that needs to be applied to the handle when rolling, and unpleasant grinding while doing this work.

Bearing. The clamping element is a bearing. It rolls along the edge of the can. Advantage - easy to twist, no unpleasant sounds. Disadvantages - less reliability and crimp quality. Often, right on the new machine, there is a faulty bearing that is hard to spin or even jammed. When buying, be sure to twist the bearing with your fingers, check that it rotates easily and silently.

The choice of a classic car

Machines that are exactly the same in appearance can work in completely different ways. One rolls up perfectly, the other spoils the lids. What is the reason. The correct operation of the classic seaming is determined by only two gaps. Manufacturers, unfortunately, do not monitor the quality at all. So we will have to check these gaps ourselves when buying.

picture 1

platter I will call the part that is superimposed on the lid. In Figure 1, yellow shows the first gap to be checked. To do this, turn the knob all the way. The gap should be about a millimeter or a little less.

Harvesting mushrooms for the winter: Three easy ways

If it is larger, the seaming will not roll up, but will break and bend the covers.

figure 2

Now let's check the second gap, it is shown in red in Figure 2. The platter is bowl shaped. This bowl has a lid. We need to make sure that the smaller diameter of the pressure element goes inside this bowl by at least 1 mm. If this is not the case, then the supply of the clamping element will not be enough to tightly roll up the can.

Generally speaking, these gaps can be adjusted by removing and sharpening part (2). To reduce the gap shown in figure 1, it is necessary to sharpen the part (2) from above and below. To ensure the protrusion of the edge of the crimping element, it is necessary to sharpen the same part from the side of the support disk, that is, from the side opposite to the handle, because protrusion is just prevented by the abutment of the part (2) against the support disk. I have repaired seams so many times. This does not cause any problems, only very troublesome, requires accuracy, especially undermining from above and below. If you grind too much, then the rolling machine will be completely damaged. So I advise you to just immediately choose a serviceable sample in the store based on the above recommendations.

Innovative machine

The figures show one of the seaming options with the original crimp element. In it, for crimping, a spring is used in it, which, when spreading the antennae to the sides, compresses the cover from all sides at once. With this crimping, the edge is wrinkled, with folds. How does this affect sealing? I tried on several banks. The rejection rate turned out to be significantly higher than with the classical crimping method. This is not to say that it does not work at all, but sometimes it turns out to be leaky. In general, I did not use it.

If you still decide to use this particular option, please note that you need to properly install the lid before seaming. The cover should go behind the spring installed along the edge of the roll. To do this, you need to press on the cover with quite a lot of effort.

Which sunset to choose

My choice is a classic hand-fed canner with a hard clamp.

The metal cover is equipped with a rubber gasket. Make sure that this gasket lies flat, does not protrude. The edge of the cover must be crimped so that it top part(1) firmly pressed the elastic to the neck of the jar, and Bottom part(2) was pressed tighter, prevented the gum from popping out, and kept the lid on the can. In this case, the edge should be crimped evenly, without folds and irregularities.

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Mushrooms for the winter can be harvested both fresh and processed. The easiest way to preserve is to clean the mushrooms without water, quickly freeze, store in the freezer, after defrosting the mushrooms are almost like fresh. If there is not enough space in the freezer, the mushrooms can be boiled in a small amount of water until half cooked, when they are greatly reduced in size, freeze.

Marinated mushrooms

Marinade for 1 kg of prepared mushrooms: 75 g of water, 25 g table salt, 250 g (1 tbsp.) 6% table vinegar.
Put prepared mushrooms in a colander, dip several times in cold water, let the water drain, then immediately boil in the marinade. Pour 75 g of water into an enameled pan, add salt, 1 cup of 6% table vinegar (based on 1 kg of prepared mushrooms), put on fire, bring to a boil, then put the mushrooms in the marinade and cook until tender at a low boil. Remove any foam that forms on the surface with a slotted spoon. When cooked, the mushrooms themselves secrete juices, everything is covered with liquid. Cooking is considered finished. As soon as the mushrooms sink to the bottom. Then add 10 g of sugar, 2 g of citric acid, 6 grains of allspice, bay leaf, 1 g of cinnamon, heat again to a boil and immediately evenly spread into prepared, steamed jars. If the marinade is not enough, you can add them with boiling water. Fill jars 1 cm below the top of the neck, cover with lids. Place in a saucepan with heated water and sterilize with a slight boil of water: jars with a capacity of 0.5 l - 20 minutes, with a capacity of 1 l - 25 minutes. after sterilization, roll up the jars and cool.

Mushrooms in spicy brine

Mushrooms; brine: 5 liters of water, 16 tsp. salt and 16 tsp. without a slide of sugar, 8 tsp. vinegar essence, cinnamon, cloves, allspice to taste, bay leaf.
Rinse the mushrooms well, peel and boil in plenty of water for 1 hour, removing the foam. Then rinse. Prepare brine6 for 5 liters of water - 16 tsp. salt and 16 tsp. without a slide of sugar, 8 tsp. Vinegar essence, cinnamon, cloves, allspice to taste, bay leaf. Boil the brine, put the boiled mushrooms in the brine, cook for 10 minutes.

Then pour out the brine and rinse the mushrooms. Prepare a new brine with the same ingredients. Boil mushrooms in it for 15 minutes. Arrange in prepared jars (1.5 cm from the neck) and roll up. Refrigerate and store in a cool place.

Canned pickled mushrooms

For a 0.5-liter jar - 700 g of fresh mushrooms, 30 g of 5% vinegar, 8 g of salt, 3 g of sugar, 1 bay leaf, 1-2 pieces of hot and allspice.
Prepare and boil the marinade filling at the rate of: for 1 liter of water - 60-80 g of salt and 30 g of sugar. Boil mushrooms for 25-30 minutes. in salted water (for 300 g of water 15 g of salt), stirring and removing the foam. Put spices in jars and pour in vinegar. Then quickly put hot boiled mushrooms in them, pour them with hot filling. Roll up jars with lids and sterilize in boiling water: and 0.5-liter - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes.

mushroom salad

For a jar of 0.5 l: 450 g of boiled mushrooms, 25-30 ml of vegetable oil, 10 g of vinegar essence 80%, greens, 2 pcs. hot and allspice pepper, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, 0.5 tbsp. salt.
Sort fresh mushrooms, rinse thoroughly under running water, separate the legs, hats, put in a saucepan with salted water and cook over moderate heat until the mushrooms settle to the bottom. And the broth will not become transparent. Prepare a sauce from vegetable oil, vinegar, black hot and allspice, finely chopped herbs, sugar and bay leaf. Put the mushrooms in jars, pour hot sauce 2 cm below the top of the neck, cover with lids and sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 l for 40 minutes. Roll up immediately and place lids down to cool.

Mushrooms in brine

Mushrooms preserved in this way contain little salt and can be used as fresh.
Mushrooms boiled in salt water, acidify with a pinch of citric acid, pour hot brine prepared at the rate of 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Fill jars 1.5 cm below the neck. It is necessary to sterilize mushrooms at a temperature of 90 or at a moderate boil for 80-100 minutes. Depending on the capacity of the jars. After sterilization, roll up the jars and put them in a cold place. After 2 days, the mushrooms are again sterilized 1-2 times at the same temperature for 60-90 minutes.

White mushrooms in tomato puree

600 g of white mushrooms, 400 g of tomato puree, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 0.5 tbsp. salt, 200 g sugar, 1 tsp. table vinegar, bay leaf and cloves to taste.
Wash porcini mushrooms, chop and simmer until soft in own juice or with the addition of vegetable oil. Add salt and sugar to the prepared tomato puree. Vinegar mix well and put the mushrooms. Then bring to a boil, spread in hot liter cans and sterilize 80-90 min. roll up and chill.

Mushrooms in tomato puree

600 g mushrooms. 400 g tomato puree, 1-2 bay leaves, salt, citric acid and vinegar to taste.
Stew the prepared mushrooms in a closed saucepan in their own juice until soft, add hot fresh tomato puree, seasoned with salt and sugar. Heat the mixture to a boil, acidify with citric acid and vinegar, place in glass jars, close with lids and sterilize in moderately boiling water 0.5-liter - 30 minutes, liter - 40 minutes.

Mushroom caviar "Cheeks are full"

For 1 liter of any fresh mushrooms: 300 g carrots, 300 g onions, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. Vinegar, salt - to taste.
Pass onions, carrots and mushrooms through a meat grinder separately. Sauté the onions in vegetable oil, then add the carrots and finally the mushrooms. Mix everything well, put in a saucepan, pour the remaining oil from the pan there, add salt to taste and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 1 hour. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in 1 tsp. vinegar. Immediately roll the caviar into prepared sterilized jars.

Fresh mushrooms for roasting

For a 0.5-liter jar of mushrooms - 25 g of salt, 1 tsp. table vinegar.
Peeled and washed tubular mushrooms cut into pieces, sprinkle with salt, mix thoroughly, put in glass jars, add vinegar, close with books and sterilize in boiling salted water for 30 minutes. Use these preserves for frying. Rinse them before cooking clean water to wash off the vinegar and excess salt.

fried mushrooms

For 1 kg of mushrooms - 350 g butter(or lard, vegetable fat, vegetable oil), 20 g of salt.
Prepared fresh mushrooms cut into pieces. Heat oil in a cooking pot, put mushrooms, salt in it, cover with a lid and cook at a low boil for 45-50 minutes. Then fry the mushrooms in the same dish without a lid until all the moisture (mushroom juice) evaporates and the oil becomes transparent. Transfer hot mushrooms to heated jars, pour melted butter on top so that it covers the mushrooms with a layer of at least 1 cm. Close and sterilize the jars in boiling salted water: 0.5-liter - 25-30 minutes. -40 minutes. Be sure to store jars in a dark place.

Mushrooms "Fragrant"

For 1 kg of mushrooms - 30 g of salt, 1 tsp. vinegar essence, 4-5 grains of allspice, 2-3 pieces of cloves, 2 bay leaves, 2-3 cloves of star anise, cinnamon, 1/3 tbsp. mushroom decoction.
Cut the prepared mushrooms into pieces and boil in boiling water containing salt and spices for 10-12 minutes. Then release the mushrooms from the liquid, add the vinegar essence diluted in the mushroom broth with spices, mix thoroughly and place in clean, scalded glass jars, close with lids and sterilize.

stewed mushrooms

1 kg of forest mushrooms, 350 g of sunflower oil, 100 g of finely chopped onion, 10-12 peas of bitter and allspice, bay leaf and 1 tbsp. l. salt.
Chopped, peeled and thoroughly washed mushrooms cut. Boil prepared mushrooms in water for 4-5 minutes. (For 1 liter of water, add 20 g of salt and 3 g of citric acid). Throw the boiled mushrooms into a colander, let the water drain, put in a saucepan and add 350 g of sunflower oil, 100 g of finely chopped onion, 10-12 peas of bitter and allspice, bay leaf and 1 tbsp. salt. Stir the mixture and simmer over moderate heat for 40 minutes, and then spread it hot into dry, heated jars. Cover the jars with metal boiled lids, and sterilize 0.5-liter jars in boiling water for 2 hours. After processing the lids, slightly cork, and after 2 days, re-sterilize the jars for 40 minutes in boiling water. Then roll up the jars tightly and refrigerate.

Solyanka with mushrooms

1 liter of sunflower oil, 1.5 kg of carrots, onions, fresh cabbage, fresh cucumbers, 3 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. vinegar essence, 0.5 kg of sweet pepper, 300 g of boiled mushrooms, salt, pepper - to taste, 3-4 bay leaves.
Boil the oil, put the chopped carrots, boil for 5 minutes. Then add chopped onions, boil for 5 minutes. Pour sugar and chopped cabbage, cook for another 58 minutes. Add sliced ​​cucumbers and peppers, vinegar, mushrooms, sliced ​​tomatoes, bay leaf, salt, pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly. Simmer for 30-40 minutes, put hot in jars, roll up.

hot pickled mushrooms

For 1 kg of mushrooms - 20 g of salt. When packaged in jars per liter jar - 2 bay leaves, 1 clove of garlic (cut into slices), 3-5 grains of allspice, 5-8 grains of black pepper, dill, sunflower oil (preferably with a smell).
Pour a little water into the bottom of an enameled pan, add salt and put the mushrooms. Boil for 20-25 minutes. Ready mushrooms should settle to the bottom. Cool down. At the bottom of a clean scalded jar, put peppercorns and bay leaf. Put a layer of mushrooms, 1-2 cloves of garlic, mushrooms, dill, etc. fill the jar to the "shoulders". Lightly mash, drain off excess water. Put a bay leaf on top and pour 0.5 cm of sunflower oil. Close the jars with plastic lids. Keep refrigerated.

Cold pickled mushrooms

For 1 kg of mushrooms - 30 g of salt, 1 clove of garlic (cut into slices), fresh dill.
The cold salting method is used for mushrooms that do not require pre-cooking (saffron mushrooms, milk mushrooms, russula). Pigs, milk mushrooms, volnushki and whites before salting should be soaked for 3 days in brine (10 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water). Pour a layer of salt on the bottom of the container, lay the mushrooms in layers, sprinkling with salt, dill sprigs and garlic cloves. Cover with a plate of smaller diameter than the container, and place the load. After 1-3 days, the mushrooms will give juice and settle. After that, you can add fresh mushrooms on top (also sprinkling them with salt and seasonings) or transfer the mushrooms to glass jars. Mushrooms should be completely covered with the resulting brine. Put the containers in the refrigerator for 1.5 months for lactic acid fermentation.

mushrooms in salt

Solid mushrooms (tubular, boletus, talkers, etc.) per 1 kg of peeled mushrooms - 150-200 g of salt.
Peeled mushrooms are weighed, cut into thin plates, laid out on boards or on grates and left to dry slightly in the sun.

Then they are mixed in a basin with a weighed portion of salt so that they are well salted (dangerous bacteria that cause severe poisoning can multiply in poorly salted places), but do not break. Dry, clean jars are stuffed with mushrooms so that there are no air bubbles between the mushrooms, the surface is covered with a thin layer of salt and the jars are covered with metal lids or tied with double cellophane or parchment, which should be wetted on top.

mushroom concentrate

1 kg of fresh mushrooms, 0.5 l. water, 60 g salt.
Peeled washed mushrooms are finely chopped, salted and boiled in part of the water until softened under the lid. Then add the rest of the water and cook further. Soft mushrooms with juice are crushed and evaporated in a wide saucepan so that the concentrate thickens slightly, it is poured into small jars with boiling water (12 mm below the edge), wrapped in a damp towel, the lids are strengthened and sterilized for 90 minutes at 100 degrees. After 2 days, a second sterilization is carried out (45 minutes at 100 * C), and for long-term storage - another third sterilization after 2 days (as well as the second one). Store in a cool place.

frozen mushrooms

Ingredients: freshly picked young mushrooms of all kinds, salt, citric acid.
Peeled mushrooms are washed in water, cut into pieces, gradually poured into boiling salted and slightly acidified water and boiled for about 5 minutes. Strained mushrooms are cooled in a saucepan or in a bowl of chilled water. Well-dried mushrooms are laid out in one layer on foil and frozen in the lower part of the freezer, which at this time is set to maximum degree cold (-23 or -26 degrees). Frozen mushrooms are laid out in plastic bags in portions for single use, they are labeled and air is squeezed out of the bags. Mushrooms are stored in the freezer. Mushrooms are not thawed before use, but frozen are immersed in boiling water and consumed without residue.

Mushroom caviar with tomatoes

1 kg mushrooms, 200 g onions, 300 g tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt, pepper.
Boil the peeled and washed mushrooms for 20 minutes in salted water, then drain in a colander, rinse in running water and cool.

Then pass them through a meat grinder and fry for 30 minutes in vegetable oil. Finely chopped onions and sliced ​​​​tomatoes lightly fry. Then mix everything, add salt and pepper to taste, fry again for 10 minutes. Arrange the hot mass in jars, close with metal lids and heat treat twice - first sterilize the jars for 45 minutes, then hold for 2-3 days at room temperature and sterilize again for 60 minutes.

Chanterelles "For gourmet"

1-2 kg of chanterelles, 1-2 bay leaves, 1 bunch of herbs (dill, parsley, celery), 1 onion, 1 tsp.

Rolling mushrooms for the winter

sugar, 100 ml of vinegar essence (25%), 1.25 liters of water, salt.
Mushrooms clean, wash, boil in boiling salted water, drain the water. Put in jars, shifting with onion rings, seasoning and herbs. From water, vinegar, salt and sugar, boil the marinade with the addition of bay leaf. Cool and cold pour mushrooms. After 8 days, drain the marinade, bring to a boil and pour hot chanterelles again. Pasteurize finished jars for 1.5 hours in boiling water. Roll up hermetically.

canned mushroom soup

For a half-liter jar: 250 g of porcini mushrooms, 170-200 g of red tomatoes, 130 g of carrots, 50 g of parsley root, 20 g of onions, 15 g of salt, 5 g of sugar, parsley and celery, 1 bay leaf, 3- 4 grains of allspice t hot pepper.
Cut off the caps of porcini mushrooms, peel the legs, rinse and cook them together with carrots and parsley roots for 25-30 minutes. Cut boiled mushrooms and vegetables into small strips, add tomatoes cut into slices. Filter the decoction of mushrooms and vegetables through gauze, add salt, sugar and heat to a boil. (Since usually there is more broth than is required for pouring, it is boiled twice). At the bottom of the jar, put celery and parsley, a small head of peeled onions, spices and, if desired, a clove of garlic. Then lay the mixture of mushrooms and vegetables and pour the broth. Sterilize half-liter jars - 20 minutes, liter - 30 minutes.

Salted or pickled mushrooms on the table are like a holiday.

Today you will learn how to preserve mushrooms with carrots. Any mushrooms are suitable for this recipe, even chanterelles, which are now abundant in the forest.

You will need:

  • Fresh mushrooms (you can chanterelles) - 1 kilogram,
  • carrots - a couple of pieces,
  • dill and parsley,
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • garlic - one head,
  • table vinegar - 70 ml,
  • salt - to your taste.


Clean fresh mushrooms from debris and wash thoroughly in water. Better in flow. Then pour the peeled mushrooms with cold water for two hours to remove the remaining sand.

Then very carefully remove the mushrooms from the water and rinse again in running water. Then dry.

Put a frying pan on the fire, heat the vegetable oil strongly and fry the mushrooms in small portions. During frying, juice from the mushrooms is formed. It must be poured into a separate bowl. It also comes in handy for canning.

After all the portions of mushrooms are fried, they have decreased in volume. Put all the mushrooms in the pan and fry everything together again.

Boil carrots in salted water for about fifteen minutes. Cool and clean.

Wash and dry greens.

Peeled boiled carrots cut into fairly thick circles. Peel the garlic and cut each clove crosswise. Divide the greens into branches.

We take half-liter jars for canned mushrooms. Sterilize jars in advance.

Put prepared mushrooms in them mixed with circles of carrots, herbs and garlic.

After frying the mushrooms, we still have juice. Pour salt into it, add vinegar, put on fire and bring to a boil. It turned out a dressing, which should be filled with mushrooms in jars.

Most likely not enough liquid. Then you need to calcine the vegetable oil and pour them with mushrooms in jars.

Heat the oil in a dry frying pan until no more steam comes out of it.

Cover jars with lids and sterilize. Half-liter jars are sterilized for 50 minutes.

After that, roll up the banks and cool. You can store in the cellar.

So you can preserve absolutely any mushrooms.

In winter, there is nothing better than a festive table in a warm circle of friends or family. But for the table to be truly festive, it must literally burst with all sorts of various homemade preparations. The best and most popular snacks not only in winter, but at any time of the year mushroom preparations for the winter. Why mushrooms? The answer is very simple. Because there are practically no people who would be completely indifferent to mushrooms.

In this section of our culinary site you will find a lot of interesting, unusual and even extraordinary mushroom preparation recipes with a detailed description of the cooking process, as well as with bright and colorful step by step photos. It is here that the most popular, delicious and original snacks and mushroom preparations are located. For example, recipes for light and nutritious author's salads, fragrant and rich mushroom caviar, recipes for pickled, fried, baked and pickled mushrooms.

We invite you to read and prepare preparations of mushrooms for the winter according to recipes leading culinary specialists of our country and not only ours, as well as recipes from a wide variety of countries and peoples around the world.

Thanks to our recipes, even novice cooks will be able to cook mushroom caviar, pickled champignons, chanterelles, mushrooms and milk mushrooms for the winter. We will help you become a true culinary professional. If you are already a culinary professional, then with our recipes for mushroom preparations you can experiment in your kitchen, improving and adapting them to your household.

Recipes for canning mushrooms for the winter

We have snacks and recipes for mushroom preparations, both exquisite and extravagant, as well as light, prepared on quick hand recipes delicious meals just in case you suddenly have unexpected guests. In our assortment of recipes you will find festive and lenten mushroom blanks, as well as practical advice how quickly, useful, and most importantly, beautifully decorate any mushroom dish.

Preservation of salted mushrooms (for long-term storage)

The process takes place in 2 stages: salting and canning.

1. Salting. Collected mushrooms (about 2 baskets, to end up with a bucket) are cleaned of debris, washed and boiled in salted water, removing the foam and stirring slightly (butter mushrooms, moss mushrooms and other tubular mushrooms - 12 minutes, milk mushrooms, smoothies, valui, mushrooms, chanterelles - 25-30 minutes).

Mushrooms are thrown into a colander, washed with cold water. Then the mushrooms are laid in layers in an enameled bucket or pan, sprinkling each layer with salt and adding dill and garlic. A plate is placed on top, and a load (a jar of water) is placed on it. The load should be such that the mushrooms are completely covered with brine. From 4 to 7 days, the mushrooms are salted, then they are preserved. Russula, chanterelles, white, etc. can be eaten immediately. Milk mushrooms, nigella, bitters and other “milky” need to be salted longer (from 7 days to a month) so that the bitterness goes away and the mushrooms absorb the entire bouquet of flavors from the seasoning.

Do you know that…

Even more interesting...

2. Canning. We carefully sterilize jars with steam (size from 0.5 to 1 liter) and metal lids (boil for 10 minutes).

Cook the marinade: add peppercorns, cloves, cinnamon to the water. Salt is added based on the salinity of the mushrooms. We try them: if you oversalted (which is better not to do!) - then it is permissible not to salt at all, in short - we can regulate the process in one direction or another.

We put the mushrooms in jars (discard the dill and garlic), pour the marinade (you can add vegetable oil on top, and put a sheet on the bottom black currant). We cover the jars with lids and put them in a saucepan with water heated to 60-70 degrees. The water level is 2/3 of the height of the can. At the bottom of the pan - a rag so that the jars do not burst.

How to pickle mushrooms for the winter in jars and how long they are stored

The water is brought to a boil. 0.5 liter jars boil for 20-25 minutes, liter jars - 30 minutes.

Then the jars are taken out, trying not to move the lids and rolled up with the help of a typewriter (those who love take jars and threaded lids). Banks are turned upside down and allowed to cool. Store in a cool place (in the summer - on the balcony, in the winter - in the apartment, in the spring - they usually run out).

P.S. Mushrooms are fragrant, tasty, with garlic "sourness". The main thing is to guess with salt.

How do you understand pickled mushroom recipes great multitude! Since I am an avid mushroom picker, I also bring a lot of mushrooms, of course there are assistants in processing, but close mushrooms account for on its own. Exactly because of this reason intricate recipes, which require a lot of time and labor - I do, like experiments, a little, just to try and evaluate the recipe. But now we are not talking about this, but about the simplest, not requiring much time and effort, but with all this very tasty way pickling mushrooms.

I use this method for all mushrooms: and tubular, and lamellar, and even liverwort I close it with this method, by the way, the liverwort corked in this way crunches almost like a cucumber, and the taste is such that not everyone porcini will compete!!!

Heading “Canning mushrooms”

True, he needs special pre-processing, but I mentioned this, when he talked about the liverwort.

Of course, there are nuances, for example, all mushrooms take vinegar in different ways, tubular ones are saturated and can be sour, but in lamellar ones it will not be felt at all! But knowing these features, certain mushrooms can be varied. You need to know that opening a jar pickled mushrooms and feeling that you have overdone the vinegar, you can rinse them thoroughly under running water in a colander - this will bring the mushrooms back to normal. By the way, according to this recipe, you can perfectly marinate and bought in a supermarket Champignon! But I will not bore you with more chatter, but will go directly to the recipe.

So, processed mushrooms (depending on the type of mushroom, each mushroom may have certain features in pre-treatment, for example, some darken, some are bitter and therefore must be soaked, etc., you can read about these features in the recommendation for cooking a particular mushroom), peeled, washed, soaked (if necessary), boil in a large container (remember that some mushrooms do not cook for very long, and some need to be allowed to boil longer), the main rule that I personally use is to always drain the first water (after 10-20 minutes of boiling) , and in the second I already boil until cooked (when the mushroom settles to the bottom of the pan, it is ready). By the way, if you are not sure about the region in which you picked mushrooms or you are canning liverwort, then it makes sense to boil 3 times for 20 minutes with a change of water, and be sure to salt the last water. It’s worth throwing an onion during cooking, of course, into the myth that if you get poisonous mushroom- it will turn blue, you should not believe it, however, it will destroy the microorganisms that may be present in some forest mushrooms. Now, while the mushrooms are being cooked, it is worth preparing boiling water (just pure water brought to a boil and left on low heat) and prepare the jars, they must be thoroughly washed with soda and sterilized.
Next, you need to act quickly! in a hot sterilized half-liter jar (only removed from steam) we throw:

  • 1 teaspoon of salt with a small slide (stone! Not extra! Extra will burn all the mushrooms and they will be like mochmola.)
  • 1 heaping teaspoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar (not apple, not wine! But just vinegar! Apple can break the cork.)
  • 3-5 sweet peas pepper
  • 3-5 bitter peppercorns
  • 1 garlic clove (optional)
  • 2 carriages of horseradish root (optional)
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • a few grains of coriander or mustard - 0.5 teaspoon

After all this, we take out the boiling mushrooms from the pan with a slotted spoon and put them in a jar.

We put a dill umbrella on top (although this is an amateur) and pour boiling water prepared in advance until the mushrooms disappear. Now add 1 tablespoon of odorless vegetable oil and roll it up!
We immediately wrap the rolled up jar so that it cools as slowly as possible! After cooling (after about 12 hours), the jars can be taken out to the pantry or cellar, after a couple of weeks you can try. If you are using liter jars, then multiply the ingredients by 2 and so on. BON APPETIT!!!

Everyone is familiar with the situation when, going for mushrooms in the nearest forest, sometimes you don’t know what you will be able to find and collect in the end. It's like a pleasant lottery, where the prize can be yummy for dinner, fried, boiled, baked mushrooms with all the sauces and all the side dishes. What if you hit the jackpot? You came to the forest, and there are apparently invisible mushrooms. And you can’t leave it, and the question is brewing, but where to put them in such numbers then? Do not eat in the evening, they will spoil in the refrigerator. Familiar situation? You stand looking at all this beauty on the stumps and under the trees and feel sad. But there is no need to be sad, because we will harvest mushrooms for the winter, in all possible ways. In today's article, I want to show the most delicious and simple recipes how to prepare pickled mushrooms for the winter in jars.

Pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter - wait a recipe for cooking and preservation

I'll start with porcini mushrooms, firstly, because I love them very much, and secondly, because so many people are looking for recipes for how to prepare porcini mushrooms for the winter. I believe that pickling is one of the most reliable and delicious ways to preserve mushrooms. They are well stored and ready to use, you just need to open the jar. Certainly, dried mushrooms will allow them to fry or cook soup, like frozen ones, but we'll talk about that another time. Now about how to preserve mushrooms for the winter in jars.

Since it is not possible to know exactly how many kilograms of mushrooms you can bring from the forest in advance, I will give approximate volumes and will start from the amount of marinade that will be required for preservation.

To pickle porcini mushrooms you will need:

  • white mushrooms, fresh
  • salt - 1 tablespoon,
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • vinegar 9% - 80 grams,
  • peppercorns - 6 peas,
  • allspice - 6 peas,
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces,
  • garlic optional - 1 clove per jar.


1. Be sure to prepare pre-sterilized jars. Small jars are suitable for pickling mushrooms, but you can use any that you have at home. It is also easy to buy jars in the store. But do not forget to buy lids for them. Lids also need to be sterilized. To do this, it is enough to boil them in a saucepan for about 5 minutes.

2. Clean the mushrooms from the remnants of the earth and forest debris. To do this, rinse them with your hands under running water, and cut off the tips of the legs with a knife in those places where the soil has eaten.

Then, pour water into a large container and rinse the mushrooms. By the way, if salt is added to the washing water, then all the worms and larvae that were hiding in them before will come out of the mushrooms.

3. Put the mushrooms in a large saucepan or basin, fill with water to cover them completely and place over medium heat. Let the mushrooms boil and reduce the temperature a little so that the water with the emerging foam does not run onto the stove.

The foam during the boiling process must be removed, it contains the remains of dirt and debris that could not be washed off with water. It often happens that something small goes unnoticed or is hidden somewhere in the cracks and folds of the fungus.

Boil porcini mushrooms should be no more than half an hour. I usually cook for the first time for only 15 minutes, since noble mushrooms do not need long cooking, boiling too long only deprives them of their taste and overcooks them.

4. After 15 minutes of boiling, remove the mushrooms from the stove and drain them. The first water is poured out, we will not need it for the marinade, as it will still not be clean enough and a little slippery. Discard the mushrooms through a sieve or colander, if there are a lot of them, then in batches.

5. Prepare a marinade to marinate mushrooms for the winter. There are a lot of marinade recipes. In this version, a sweet and sour version is offered, which is somewhat similar to a marinade for harvesting cucumbers. Although, I know that some people do not like to add sugar when pickling mushrooms, but I think this is a matter of taste.

To prepare the marinade, pour a liter of water into a separate pan, pour salt and sugar into it, put spices (except garlic, it must be put at the bottom of the jars before putting the mushrooms), then put on fire and bring to a boil.

6. Add vinegar to the boiled marinade and remove immediately from the heat. Stir and pour over hot, freshly boiled mushrooms with this marinade. Mushrooms should be completely covered. That is, if you have a lot of them and the marinade is not enough, then prepare another portion with the same proportions and add. This will take quite a bit of time.

7. Put the mushrooms in the marinade (in the right amount) back on the fire and bring to a boil, this is necessary for additional sterilization.

8. Style with big spoon or a ladle, ready-made mushrooms in the marinade in prepared jars (if you add garlic, then put one clove on the bottom of the jar). Try to fill them to the very top with liquid. Your mushrooms will float to the top of the jar by themselves, you don’t need to press them with anything.

Cover with hot, freshly sterilized lids and twist.

Turn the twisted or rolled jars over onto the lid and leave to cool at room temperature.

There is another way to put mushrooms in jars, in which boiled mushrooms are first placed in a jar, and then poured with a clean marinade on top. It is also quite suitable, and if you are used to closing jars this way, then use it. For me, the first method seems more reliable, since in this case there is absolutely no air between the mushrooms, and therefore the likelihood that the cans will then explode.

Pickled mushrooms for the winter - mushrooms in a classic marinade

In principle, mushrooms are also very good and delicious view mushrooms. It is especially great to marinate them if they are small. Such mushrooms are very cool to harvest whole for the winter. Then it’s interesting to eat and in jars they look just wonderful.

If you delve into the pickling recipe, then there is no big difference with how porcini mushrooms are prepared for the winter. Only the recipe that you change to your taste can differ. Put a little more sugar or salt, add bay leaf, pepper, garlic. You can even add a little onion to honey agarics. It is placed in small pieces at the bottom of the jar, before putting hot mushrooms there and pouring the marinade. That is, just like garlic.

For those who want to see how marinated mushrooms are prepared for the winter, I suggest watching the video version of the recipe.

For pickling mushrooms according to this recipe, you will need for 1 liter of water in the marinade:

  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 5 pieces. black peppercorns,
  • 5 pieces. cloves,
  • 5 pieces. bay leaf.

The pickling process is considered in great detail. Mushrooms for the winter according to this recipe are very tasty and perfectly preserved. long time.

Pickled mushrooms for the winter without vinegar - butter with citric acid

In order not to repeat myself, I will tell about alternative way pickling mushrooms for the winter - without vinegar.

For a very long time I have heard the opinion that pickling in vinegar is harmful and many have begun to refuse it. Vinegar, of course, has an alternative to deliciously preparing mushrooms for the winter - this is the most common citric acid. It also affects the taste of the product. I tried pickled mushrooms with citric acid, but did not form a categorical opinion that such mushrooms become tastier. I'll leave it up to you to decide what tastes best for you.

And about how to pickle mushrooms without vinegar, I'll tell you. For example, let's take boletus, because these mushrooms are also often found in our forests, and their preparation is slightly different from others.

To prepare butter for the winter without vinegar, you will need:

  • fresh oils,
  • salt - 1 tablespoon,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • citric acid (powder) - 1 teaspoon,
  • peppercorns - 4 pcs,
  • allspice - 1 pc,
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves.


1. The first and most important thing to remember when preparing butter. If you are going to remove the film from the caps, do not wash the mushrooms beforehand. The film becomes very slippery and extremely difficult to remove.

In general, this is a matter of long debate about whether it is worth removing the film from the hats with oil. In this mushroom pickers are divided into two camps. Some say that the oil is bitter because of the film, others argue that the taste does not deteriorate. But I can find one common purpose in this. With a film of oil, they make any broth and marinade slimy-thick. If you don't like it, be sure to shoot the film.

The film is removed from dry mushrooms before washing. It's almost like peeling a potato in its jacket. Take a knife and pick up the edge of the film on the hat with the plane of the blade and pull. The film will peel off almost completely, leaving only a white clean hat.

Peeled butternuts are very tender and tasty.

2. Clean the legs of the oil from the remnants of the earth and dark spots, then put them in a saucepan and fill with water so that it covers them completely.

3. Put the pot on the fire and let it boil. The mushrooms will constantly float up, so stir them and swap the top and bottom layers.

4. Be sure to remove the emerging foam with a spoon and discard.

5. Boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes, then drain the water. Rinse the mushrooms in running water from the rest of the broth.

6. Prepare the marinade in a separate saucepan: dissolve salt, sugar and spices according to the recipe for 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil and add citric acid. Let simmer for 2 minutes and remove from heat.

7. Arrange the butterflies in sterilized jars, but without filling them to the very brim, but only over the “shoulders” of the jar. That is the place where the bank begins to narrow.

8. Pour the freshly boiled marinade over the mushrooms and immediately screw on the sterilized lids. Turn over and wrap with a towel.

When the mushrooms have cooled, the jars can be removed in a cool place.

Please note that pickling with citric acid is not always as reliable as with vinegar ( personal experience), so if possible, eat such mushrooms no later than 6 months. And keep an eye on the integrity of the cans.

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