Wine vinegar made from white wine. Wine vinegar: types, useful properties and applications. Is it possible to extinguish soda with wine vinegar

Most of us love to eat well more than anything. However, most dishes are a monstrous amount of calories and an unpleasant heaviness for the stomach, including salads and grilled meat. If you season your favorite salads with wine vinegar-based sauce instead of harmful mayonnaise, then, taking into account its beneficial properties, it will turn out both tasty and safe. By the way, many housewives do not know about the "hidden talents" of this versatile product, and therefore underestimate it.

Useful properties of wine vinegar

Interestingly, our distant ancestors used fermented grape juice, primarily for the prevention and treatment of many ailments. In cooking, according to historians, he took root much later, taking pride of place in the cuisines of many countries and peoples.

1. Natural antiseptic. The problem of clean drinking water has existed at all times. In ancient times in the East, it was especially acute. But our ancestors learned to cope with it perfectly - they simply added a certain amount of peroxidized wine to a vessel with bad water. It destroyed all harmful bacteria.

2. preservative . With its help in ancient times, when there were no refrigerators yet, food was stored, including meat.

3. Storehouse of antioxidants. There are really a lot of them in this product. And they not only help maintain youth, but also inhibit cancer cells, prevent the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the vessels, and strengthen the heart muscles. This is probably why Italians, who love wine vinegar-based sauces, are so temperamental and less likely than representatives of other nationalities to suffer from heart disease.

4. Rich in flavonoids . These are the compounds that are great for boosting immunity. Therefore, it is an excellent tool in the prevention of beriberi.

5. Contains acetic acid. It helps the absorption of natural minerals, and in general - metabolism. The result is a reduction in the risk of such terrible diseases as diabetes, heart and vascular disease.

6. Improves the taste of foods. Since wine vinegar is actually sour wine, it has a characteristic taste and smell. He generously shares them with those dishes to which he is added, giving them unexpected and pleasant notes.

7. Treasury of vitamins and microelements. Vitamins A and C, trace elements: fluorine, magnesium, iron, lactic acid, ascorbic acid - this is not a complete list of all the benefits that this precious product has.

There are several types that depend on the grape variety or the wine from which it is obtained. But there are only two main ones:

- white (from white wines);

- red (obtained from Cabernet, Merlot and other wines).

Vinegar obtained from red wine, as a rule, costs an order of magnitude more expensive, because the cost of the original product is rather big - the names of the wines speak for themselves! By the way, it ripens for a very long time - up to 12 years! - and certainly in wooden barrels. White is more precocious. Store it in steel containers.

The use of wine vinegar in cooking

It is perhaps much easier to say where this valuable product is not used than where it is used. Wine vinegar does not combine at all with kefir-sour cream variety, as well as legumes and potatoes. And here is where it will be most useful:

1. Preparation of dressings and sauces for salads, including garlic sauce that is amazing in taste and aroma.
2. Wine substitute in marinades. It gives meat products an inimitable wine smell and tenderness of taste. Therefore, it is free to soak meat on a barbecue, marinate fish for grilling or oven.

3. Salads seasoned with this odorous liquid simply bloom with a wealth of flavors! By the way, completely ordinary products flavored with it sound completely different in terms of taste.

4. In Chinese cuisine, he also found his application: if someone does not tolerate a specific rice vinegar (it turns out there is one!), It can easily be replaced with wine. Only in this case it is better to use white.

Wine vinegar calories

Another invaluable quality of this product is its low calorie content. So, 100 g of wine vinegar contains only 9 kcal! This is truly a godsend for those who are afraid to get better! 97% of its mass is water, all useful substances account for only 3%. But what a flavor!

How to choose a quality wine vinegar

Any quality product must be chosen with knowledge of the matter. When choosing this product, you need to pay attention to several details:


If wine vinegar is 100% natural, it should contain nothing but fermented grape juice.

Presence of sediment

For many other liquid products, this is evidence of low quality, but not for this flavored liquid! For her, this is approximately the same as for expensive cheese - mold.

Shelf life

A good product cannot be stored forever without losing its healing and nutritional properties.


Naturalness cannot cost a penny. Of course, you don’t need to overpay, but you shouldn’t chase cheap things either.


If the label says that the product was produced in a country in which there is not a hectare of vineyards, and where wine is not produced, it is better not to buy it - it is probably a fake. Container. A good product is sold only in glass containers.

How to store wine vinegar

Definitely not in the fridge! It is enough to put the bottle away from direct sunlight. And even better - in a dark cool place. And do not forget to close the bottle tightly so that the wine vapors do not disappear and the beneficial properties of this “sour wine” are preserved.

In the recent Soviet past, a standard set of spices was available to housewives: salt, pepper, bay leaf, 9% table vinegar. A modern assortment of seasonings and spices can significantly enrich the taste of dishes.

Increasingly, different types of vinegar are found in recipes, successfully competing with the usual table. Wine vinegar is distinguished by its specific taste and aroma.

Like most discoveries, the wine spice was invented by accident: they simply forgot about the wine or did not follow the process and it fermented.

Now it is no longer possible to find out who and for what reasons did not pour out the spoiled product, but even found a use for it. Already in antiquity, vinegar from wine was used as a preservative, seasoning, and remedy.

The taste and quality of the final product is largely influenced by:

  • The grape variety from which the wine is made;
  • The quality of the already prepared wine;
  • Strict adherence to the timing of the start of oxidation reactions;
  • Type of barrel (wooden or steel) in which the product ferments;
  • Exposure period (from 60 days to two years).

Manufacturing technology certainly plays an important role.

In France, one of the oldest methods (Orleans) is still popular, which is considered high-cost and low-efficiency. All these years, the production requirements remain unchanged:

  1. certain temperature regime.
  2. Specially designed and installed wooden barrels.
  3. Special acetic fungi (uterus).

Throughout the entire production cycle, work is constantly carried out with unfiltered vinegar and filtered wine. With strict observance of proportions and a certain time, they are either mixed, then drained, then added.

In the XI century. distillers appeared, using which the Italians for the first time began to produce wine spice in mass volumes.

Modern devices are equipped with a mixing device, an aerator capable of continuously supplying air to a container with an oxidizing mass.

This cultivation of acetic acid bacteria minimized the use of manual labor, increased the scale of production and reduced the cost of this spice.

Different types and their differences

The composition of wine vinegar varies slightly in taste, color and consistency depending on the variety of the original wine.

Important! The fortress of a natural product should not exceed 6-7 percent.

Red wine vinegar has a rich taste and aroma, which is revealed gradually. For this, it is appreciated by professional chefs and connoisseurs of gourmet cuisine. It is used for sauces and marinades, for meat and fish dishes.

White wine vinegar differs from its red counterpart not only in color, but also in a milder, lighter, slightly sweet taste. It goes well with dressings of all kinds of salads, desserts.

Additional Information! The cost of a quality spice in a 0.25l glass bottle is at least 150-200 rubles.

There are other varieties based on certain types of wine, such as sherry and champagne vinegar. As you might guess, the difference lies in the fact that sherry (Spanish fortified wine) and champagne (white sparkling wine originally from Champagne) are taken as raw materials for their production.

They have characteristic flavors. But, these varieties are found in cooking much less often than the described counterparts.

Note! Wine vinegar is often confused with grape vinegar. The difference between these 2 types is in the raw materials and the method of preparation. In fact, vinaigre, as the French call wine vinegar, is actually a sour wine. A spice made from grape pulp, fermented berries, etc. will be called grape vinegar and have a lower price.

This spice is included in the composition of medicines for skin inflammation, and sore throat, for facial peeling,.

Due to its rich composition, wine vinegar activates metabolic processes in the body, lowers cholesterol, strengthens the immune system.

Most often, acetic therapy, as an independent remedy, is used for prevention or in the initial stages of the disease. Also, wine vinegar has a good healing effect as an auxiliary component to the main treatment.

Important! Before using the spice for therapeutic or cosmetic procedures, one should consult with specialists.

About harm and contraindications

In the application of wine vinegar, it is important not to overdo it. Especially carefully it is necessary to drink it on an empty stomach, since the main components of the spice - organic acids - act irritatingly on the mucous surfaces of internal organs.

The use of this product is contraindicated for people suffering from chronic diseases, especially in the acute stage:

  • Gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis;
  • Increased acidity of the stomach;
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Diseases of the kidneys, bladder, urolithiasis;
  • Diseases of the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis) and gallbladder (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis);
  • Sensitive tooth enamel;
  • Allergic reactions to organic acids (acetic, tartaric, malic, etc.).

How to choose and store

In world practice, the use of synthetic analogues of vinegar in the food industry is practically excluded. In Russia, this problem is not yet given close attention. And this should be borne in mind when buying spices.

To choose a quality product, carefully read the label:

  • the composition should not contain flavors, dyes and other extraneous additives (foreign producers often indicate the region where the grapes were harvested and processed, the type of barrel in which the product was contained);
  • the percentage of acetic acid - no more than 6-7%;
  • if the producing country is not famous for its wine, then the spice based on it is likely to be of mediocre quality.

Important! Any vinegar solution is best stored in a glass container. If the spice is bought in a plastic bottle, it is better to pour it into a glass bottle at home.

A small sediment at the bottom is a sign of a natural product. Vinegar evaporates very quickly, so every time you need to tightly close the bottle cap. Store the spice in a cool place out of the reach of children.

Interestingly, in the Russian GOST 32097-2013, the shelf life of vinegars from food raw materials is limited to only 6-12 months (depending on the type and composition). However, the real spice can be stored longer without losing its taste.

The acidic vinegar medium is a natural preservative that prevents bacterial growth. Therefore, when purchasing a bottle of, for example, French spice, do not be surprised if you do not find an expiration date on it.

Wine vinegar is not yet so common in culinary or cosmetic recipes. But, its popularity is growing rapidly. This spice will conquer you from the first application and will become a regular guest and helper in the kitchen!

Wine vinegar is a popular food preservative, called to prolong the freshness of food and give dishes a spicy flavor. Due to its unique properties, it is used not only in the kitchen, but also in health improvement, as well as in the care of appearance. What makes this odorous liquid so popular?

The wine variety was the progenitor of all other types of vinegar, including the famous balsamic. It began to be made many centuries before our era, through the fermentation of grape juice. The technology has not changed radically, but it has been replenished with new ideas: along with red vinegar, from red grapes, they began to produce white - respectively, based on light varieties of culture. Moreover, it turned out that the product gets more original properties if it is insisted on fruits, berries and fragrant herbs - thyme, tarragon, basil or, for example, sage.

Looking into the composition of grape vinegar, you can find potassium and phosphorus, copper and manganese, fluorine and calcium, iron and magnesium, sodium and zinc, many useful acids (pantothenic, malic, lactic and, of course, tartaric), and vitamins include C, B5 and A. Use in reasonable doses promises to correct digestive problems, push back the aging process, remove excess cholesterol, reduce the likelihood of cancer and ischemia.

Culinary uses of wine vinegar

The main interest of grape vinegar, of course, is for gastronomy. Both varieties are often featured in salads of vegetables and herbs, while white, with a milder taste, is preferred to mix with sunflower oil, and red, which is infused longer and turns out to be quite rich, is best combined with olive oil.

What is cooked with grape vinegar:

  • Marinades for meat, mushrooms and vegetables;
  • sauces for hot dishes;
  • salad dressings and light snacks.

Marinade with sesame oil

  • Sugar (30 gr.)
  • Bay leaf (2 pcs.)
  • Grape Vinegar (60 ml)
  • Onion (200 gr.)
  • Sesame oil (70 ml)
  • Carnation (2 buds)
  • Chili pepper (100 gr.)
  • Ground cinnamon (1 teaspoon)
  • Garlic (3 cloves)
  • Salt, thyme, rosemary - adjustable to taste.

Peel and finely chop the onion. Sprinkle with sugar, salt and spices, add crushed garlic cloves, chopped hot peppers, oil and vinegar. After stirring, feel free to lay the meat, the marinating period is 5-6 hours.

Universal Sauce

  • White wine vinegar (1 teaspoon)
  • Garlic (2 cloves)
  • Chopped greens - a mix of dill, parsley and cilantro (medium bunch)
  • Natural yogurt (300 gr.)
  • Olive oil (about 20 ml)
  • Fresh cucumbers (3 pieces).

Wash and chop the cucumbers on a coarse grater. Squeeze out excess juice, mix with yogurt and garlic, pressed through a press. Add chopped greens, olive oil and wine vinegar; add salt and spices at your discretion. Serve the sauce chilled.

dressing sauce for salads

  • Liquid honey (2 teaspoons)
  • Grape Vinegar (15 ml)
  • Lemon fresh (1.5 tablespoons).

Mix the dressing (especially good for appetizers with seafood) should be immediately before serving the dish. "Make friends" of the ingredients with each other, adding salt to your own taste.

Who is the replacement?

If there is no grape vinegar at home, and you urgently need to cook something, you can replace it citric acid solution: 1 teaspoon per 14 table. tablespoons of water (9% concentration) or one teaspoon per 22 tablespoons (6 percent alternative). There are experiments with sour wine, apple cider vinegar, fresh grape or citrus juice.

Use in traditional medicine

High-quality grape vinegar can become a valuable assistant in promoting health - for example, its solution can be used in the prevention of varicose veins by lubricating the legs before bedtime. Here are a few more useful options.

Baths for mycosis

If the fungus has struck the feet, take baths with 9% vinegar twice a week (0.5 liters per 10 liters of warm water). The procedure lasts 20 minutes.

Elixir for weight loss

To speed up the process of getting rid of excess weight, you can take grape vinegar diluted with water. Calculation - one tablespoon per glass, respectively; mode of use - 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Lotions from bruises

The same vinegar solution, but already in an external form, will help relieve the pain that has appeared as a result of an injury. Soak gauze or bandage, fix on the affected area for a quarter of an hour.

Heel spur compresses

Mix 20 milliliters of grape product, vegetable oil in the same amount and a couple of teaspoons of iodine. Soak a cotton pad, apply to the affected area and secure with a bandage. Repeat the procedure daily, on the eve of going to bed.

Cosmetic Talents

Vinegar from grapes has a brightening effect on excessive skin pigmentation, it is credited with anti-aging properties and the ability to fight cellulite deposits. Hair, acting as a rinse, the acid solution gives a healthy glow.

Whitening compresses

Mix one tablespoon of wine vinegar with 2 tablespoons of kefir. Add a teaspoon of flour, mix everything thoroughly. Take a large piece of gauze, soak in the resulting mixture and apply on the face. Rest 15 minutes, then wash with running water.

Anti-cellulite wraps

Combine 30 milliliters of grape vinegar, 90 grams of blue clay, and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. After stirring until smooth, rub the mass into the skin affected by the “orange peel”, wrap yourself in cling film. At the end of 20-25 minutes, wash off the residue in the shower.

Tonic for tired skin

Combine half a glass of still mineral water with 1.5 teaspoons of vinegar. Enter 3 drops of clove and cinnamon ether, mix thoroughly and pour into a sealed bottle. The lotion is stored in the cold for up to 3-4 weeks, it must be shaken before use.

How to make homemade wine vinegar

Many housewives, not without reason, believe that the best vinegar is the one that is prepared independently, from completely natural ingredients. This process is not laborious, so why not try it for yourself?

Easy Wine Vinegar Recipe

It will take half a liter of freshly squeezed grape juice(you should not wash the berries). Dilute boiled water 1:1, pour into a wooden barrel or bottle (enamelled, glass or ceramic containers with a wide mouth are suitable) and pour 150 gr. granulated sugar. Wrap the neck with gauze folded in half; put the container in a warm place. After 3-4 weeks, fermentation will come to an end, the product will only have to be filtered and bottled.

Vinegar from wine

In this case, dry table wine is taken as the basis, in a volume of 300 ml. - white or red, everyone chooses for himself. It also needs to be diluted with chilled boiled water (100 ml.), And then poured into a suitable vessel. Add a slice of rye black bread (about 30 gr.), keep in a dark, warm place for 8 days.

Recipe with honey

Mash 3 kg of fresh selected berries with a pusher. Separately combine 200 ml. boiled water and 3 table. spoons of dark honey; mix thoroughly, pour the grape mass. Move the composition into a glass bottle (it should take about 2/3 of the volume), throw in a piece of rye bread. Tie the neck with gauze or a breathable cloth, transfer the container to heat and darken.

In the course of the next 14 days, the liquid must be shaken periodically - do not let a crust form. Later, strain, pour into a clean bottle and close the mouth again. Keep warm until light and translucent.

Whether homemade or store-bought, wine vinegar should be stored in a cool, shady place, tightly sealed. If you purchase a branded product, be sure to check for the absence of sediment - only base brands sin with flaking.

For certain, the history of the origin of grape vinegar is unknown, but thanks to archaeologists, we know that the product has been popular for many millennia BC. Ancient healers used it as a remedy, the beauties of those times used it as a cosmetic, cooks - as a preservative. What are the benefits and harms of grape vinegar and how it is used - we will discuss today.


Grape vinegar is a natural product that is obtained from grape wine as a result of the fermentation of the product (in simple words, it is sour wine). It is then aged in oak barrels. The end result is a liquid with a pungent odor and a sour taste of varying degrees of saturation.

They produce several varieties of the product: white, red and balsamic. The third product is the most expensive, as the process of its preparation takes the most time and requires special technologies, however, its characteristics are different: the liquid is thicker, similar to syrup, and the taste has some sweetness.

How to get the

At home, you can apply the simplest recipe: heat dry white wine, evaporating it until it is halved in volume, without boiling.

The second way.

  1. The pulp from the squeezed grapes is placed in a glass jar, covered with sugar and poured with water. Proportions: for 800 grams of product, a liter of water and 100 grams of sugar.
  2. The neck of the container is tied with gauze and placed in a dark and warm place for fermentation for two weeks. During this time, the liquid is shaken to saturate with oxygen.
  3. After two weeks of fermentation, the liquid is filtered, squeezing out a thick mass. Another 100 grams of sugar is added to the resulting mash and left until the process is completed. The preparation time takes from forty to sixty days.

    The product is ready when it has brightened and stopped fermenting.

  4. It is filtered and bottled in sealed bottles.

Composition and nutritional value

  • Vitamins: A, B3, B5, C.
  • Macroelements: sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium.
  • Trace elements: fluorine, chlorine, zinc, manganese, iron.
  • Organic acids: lactic, acetic, tartaric.
  • Phenolic compounds.
  • Antioxidants.
Nutritional value per hundred grams of product:
  • proteins: 0.04 g;
  • fats: 0 g;
  • carbohydrates: 0.27 g;
  • calories: 9 kcal.

Did you know? An analogue of a modern battery existed about two thousand years ago. In 1936, the German archaeologist Wilhelm König, during excavations near Baghdad, discovered a curious find: a clay jug with a bitumen stopper in the neck, through which an iron rod wrapped with copper wire passed, and inside the jug - the remains of a liquid resembling vinegar. In the course of an experiment conducted by American scientists, it turned out that grape vinegar played the role of an electrolyte. A copy of such a device, made by the Americans, generated electricity at a voltage of 0.5 volts.

The benefits of grape vinegar

Due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, the presence of acids and antioxidants, grape vinegar has a wide range of positive effects on the body.

  • Promotes the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines.
  • Promotes the production of enzymes that improve digestion.
  • Improves metabolic processes, regulates cholesterol levels.
  • Strengthens bone and muscle tissue, hair, nails.
  • Supports the protective functions of the body.
  • Reduces the risk of anemia, increases hemoglobin levels.
  • Improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, cleanses of cholesterol deposits.
  • It has a regenerating, wound healing, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Restores strength, improves brain function.
  • Supports the heart muscle.
  • Promotes the production of sex hormones.

The product is used for diseases of the rectum, skin diseases, gout, obesity, chronic fatigue, colds. For preventive purposes, it is used to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Harm of grape vinegar

Given the large amount of acid, the product can be detrimental to health if consumed in excess. If abused, vinegar can cause heartburn and unpleasant belching, increase acidity in the stomach, thereby irritating its mucosa. This moment is fraught with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The same acids and phenolic compounds can provoke a negative reaction in allergy sufferers, both when applied internally and externally. People who are prone to allergies should carry out a tolerance test before use.

After drinking grape vinegar, it is advisable to rinse the mouth, as the effect of acid on tooth enamel is destructive.
It is a misconception that ingestion for cystitis kills bacteria in the ureter. The decay products of acids only exacerbate the inflammatory process, delaying the treatment of the disease.

Important! Do not leave grape vinegar in a place accessible to small children: it can burn the insides, even death.

The use of grape vinegar in cooking

Popular use of "sour wine" as a marinade for meat and poultry, mushrooms, as well as for canning for the winter.

The wine ingredient is added to dressings for salads, seafood and herring, to give a spicy touch - to vegetable side dishes, borscht, appetizers, sauces and gravies.

If you add sugar to the product, you can replace it with wine in the recipe, when baking for splendor, soda slaked with vinegar is added to the dough, and wine is quite suitable for this. Grape vinegar goes well with vegetables, fish, meat and poultry, herbs and spices, balsamic is even used in desserts.

There are also products with which it is not combined. The combination of vinegar with milk and sour-milk drinks and cottage cheese, with legumes and wheat, with potato dishes can lead to undesirable reactions. Joint use can cause bloating and flatulence.

In folk medicine

In folk recipes, the product is used to alleviate the condition. with gout. The disease is provoked by salt deposits, which dissolve under the action of acid. Make an vinegar compress from a thick cloth soaked in the liquid, leave it overnight, securing it with an elastic bandage, but not tight, so that there is good blood circulation.

For sore throat rinsing with grape vinegar will help destroy bacteria that have settled on the mucosa, while you need to dilute the product with water so as not to get burned. At high temperatures apply acetic wipes, diluting the product with water at room temperature. The same rubbing of the legs will help get rid of fatigue, give tone to the venous vessels, reducing the risk varicose veins. Cold vinegar compresses will heal cracks and soothe inflammation when hemorrhoids.

One tablespoon of the product, diluted in a glass of boiled water, will help improve bowel function. Take this medicine for two weeks, half a cup twice a day before meals.

The product is also used in home cosmetics. It tones and cleanses the skin, saturates it with useful substances, has an antiseptic and regenerating effect.

To improve the condition of oily skin and cleanse it, a vinegar compress is used. From gauze folded in several layers, prepare a base with slits for the eyes and mouth. Warm the vinegar liquid in a water bath to room temperature, soak a gauze base in it and put it on your face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water afterwards. The procedure should not be carried out more than twice a month.

Important! Remember: on irritated and dry skin, such a compress is not desirable, it can dry out the top layer of the epidermis and cause peeling and redness.

By adding a few drops to face masks, you can achieve the effect of lightening, narrowing pores, and healing microcracks. White liquid is used for bleaching.

Vinegar is rarely used in our kitchen. One of the most common uses for vinegar—and one of the wildest ones I've heard of—is to pour over dumplings. It is not surprising that the consumption of vinegar in Russia is ten times lower than in Europe. One of the reasons for such antagonism to vinegar is the location of our country on the globe (be it wrong!): wine vinegar, a simple product that costs some ridiculous money to produce, is familiar to us to the same extent that most of the territory of Russia is suitable for viticulture. That is, unusual from the word "completely." Our vinegar is malic at best, synthetic at worst, an aqueous solution of synthetically produced acetic acid. In some countries (for example, the USA and France), the production of table vinegar from synthetic acid is prohibited by law, but in our country it is in the order of things.

Meanwhile, there are a number of reasons why wine vinegar is worth having in your kitchen, even if you have not yet counted yourself among its passionate fans. Let's look at them, but first we will understand what wine vinegar is.

What is wine vinegar?

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Vinegar in general, and wine vinegar in particular, is the result of the activity of special bacteria, which, for their unique ability, are called acetic. Of the drinks, these bacteria prefer those that contain ethyl alcohol, which they process into acetic acid. It is not surprising that it was wine that most likely became the basis for the first vinegar, which in the ancient world was used not only as a seasoning, but also as a disinfectant and detergent. Of course, vinegar made from natural wine is not just a solution of acetic acid, but a complex product, in the formation of taste and aroma of which other acids (for example, tartaric acid), esters, aldehydes and other substances that are contained in the original product are involved. As you probably already guessed, the taste of acetic acid is always the same, and it is the taste of the side substances that determines the difference between different types of vinegar.

Due to the fact that the main thing for acetic acid bacteria is to reach for alcohol (otherwise they are quite omnivorous), each nation made vinegar from what was at hand. For example, Babylon was famous for its date vinegar, and today date vinegar remains a traditional Middle Eastern delicacy. Malt vinegar is popular in the UK and Commonwealth countries, rice vinegar is extremely common in Asia, and there are options from more exotic products, from kombucha to kiwi. It is not difficult to guess that wine vinegar is most widely used in Europe, in those countries that are famous for their winemaking. With us you will most likely find wine vinegar from Germany (nothing special, I guess, stores buy it because of the affordable price), Spain and Italy, vinegars from other countries are less common. Is there such a big difference between them? In fact, yes, so it's time to talk about the varieties of wine vinegar.

Varieties of wine vinegar

Everyone will immediately name two varieties of wine vinegar - red and white, but in fact there are several more. I will list the main types of wine vinegar (English names are given in brackets in case you are going to order them via the Internet, buy abroad, or just the manufacturer forgets to print the label in Russian) and I will say a few words about what to expect from them.

Red Wine Vinegar, as you might guess, is made from red wine. As a rule, this is an everyday vinegar, although some producers who want to emphasize the high quality of their products indicate the grape variety from which they are produced. Red wine vinegar is ideal for salad dressings, sauces, marinades, and for use in recipes where vinegar is required.

White Wine Vinegar- white wine vinegar It usually has a slightly sweeter and milder taste than its red counterpart, but in general, these two vinegars are completely interchangeable. Fans of seasoning food with pure vinegar may notice the difference, but in the composition of a sauce or dressing, not every specialist will be able to distinguish white from red.

Photo from

Sherry Vinegar made from sherry, a Spanish fortified wine. For this vinegar, aging in barrels is mandatory, thanks to which sherry vinegar has the richest and most voluminous taste of all wine vinegars. It is used both in traditional dishes and instead of wine vinegar, for example, in vinaigrette dressing. In addition, sherry vinegar is good as a seasoning that can be added to everything from soups to stews.

Champagne Vinegar considers Champagne as its homeland, and is produced, respectively, from champagne. In general, it can be considered a more expensive and higher quality version of white wine vinegar. Compared to white champagne, vinegar has a slightly milder and more complex taste, and is used in the same way - in salad dressings and to improve the taste of chicken and fish dishes.

Not included in this list are vinegars such as, for example, cider vinegar: although sometimes called apple wine, in this case we are talking about grape wine (although you can use cider vinegar in the same way as white wine).

Using Wine Vinegar

Photo from

Above, we already briefly talked about what uses for wine vinegar can be found in your kitchen, but this topic is worth touching on in more detail.

Vinegar as a condiment

The most obvious and simple use of wine vinegar is to spice various dishes with it. In small quantities, vinegar is good if you sprinkle it on baked meat, fish or vegetables, add a few drops to soup or stews. Roasted beets are especially good with wine vinegar.

Vinegar in ready meals

For some hot dishes, from soups to baked goods, the recipe calls for a spoonful or two of vinegar, in which case I find wine vinegar to be the preferred choice: it's relatively inexpensive and guaranteed not to ruin your dish, as lesser quality vinegars can.

Vinegar in sauces

The use of vinegar in the preparation of sauces is truly limitless. He will find a place in cold sauces (), and salad dressings (), and in hot sauces and gravies that are prepared for fried or baked meat. The higher the ratio of vinegar to the total volume of the sauce, the better the vinegar you need to use: if you are preparing a complex sauce, which includes wine and just a couple of drops of vinegar, you can take ordinary wine, while in salad dressings it is more justified to use sherry vinegar or good balsamic.

Vinegar in marinades

Almost anything can be marinated in vinegar-based marinades, from fish that is then eaten marinated to meat that is marinated for a while before being cooked in the oven or on the grill. Pickled vegetables are cooked all over the world using vinegar. It can be said that Russia, where salting and urinating were traditionally used instead of pickling, is a unique case in this regard (which is actually just wonderful).

Vinegar in drinks

This is not the most obvious plot, but a couple of drops of good wine vinegar can change not only the Bloody Mary for the better, but also almost any other cocktail. During the colonization period in America, a family of refreshing cocktails called Shrub (Shrub) from vinegar-based syrup arose, and a drink called Posca (Posca), which included wine vinegar, honey, water and spices, was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans .

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