Recipes for crispy cucumbers with vodka for the winter in salted jars under a nylon lid. Pickled cucumbers with vodka for the winter - a recipe in jars in a cold way

Chose the recipe large quantity garlic. I have an abundance of garlic, planted winter for the first time in my life. The growth is excellent, large, but I did not guess the timing of harvesting, the heads turned out to be not dense. Such garlic heads are not stored for a long time, so I decided to find a use for them as an additive to villainous canned cucumbers with vodka.

I had my own garlic. The approximate diameter of one head is 3.5-4 cm. I took 4 pieces. Store-bought, Chinese heads of garlic are almost the same size, they need the same amount - 4 pieces. I took my own cucumbers, greenhouse ones.

I planted an early ripening variety at the end of June especially for autumn consumption. At the end of August, pretty gherkins, ideal for pickling, were having fun on the bushes in the greenhouse.

I took the recipe for 2 kg, so I collected so many cucumbers, washed them, and soaked them for several hours in cold water. I would have left them overnight if I had used store-bought cucumbers.

Preparation of spices and garlic

In addition to cucumbers and garlic, the recipe contains spices:

  1. Hell leaves.
  2. Currant leaves.
  3. Umbrella dill.
  4. Citric acid - 10 g.
  5. Vodka - 50 g.
  6. Salt and sugar 2 tbsp. l.

Recipe for 4 heads of garlic, had to peel. I cleaned each slice, cut off the bottom of each clove, cut out the spoiled places. The peeled teeth were rinsed in running water.

Horseradish (leaves), currants, dill (umbrella) washed, soaked for an hour in water, rinsed several times in running water. I thought about it and decided to make the cucumbers even more villainous. To do this, I took a horseradish root 3 centimeters long and 1.5 cm in diameter. The root was peeled and washed thoroughly. You need to preserve clean vegetables and herbs.

I thought about adding peppercorns to the marinade, Bay leaf and cloves, but I decided to limit myself to greens and horseradish. I decided that with pepper and cloves, cucumbers will have a classic taste, like pickled cucumbers, and with herbs and garlic, closer in taste to pickled cucumbers.

Jars preparation

I never regret the time for preparing cans. The cleaner the bank, the better the workpiece is stored. If all the ingredients are observed during preparation, pickled vegetables are well stored in the pantry at room temperature.

My cans of soda or laundry soap. Both that, and another means well launders dirt and disinfects a glass surface, kills harmful bacteria, microbes.

I rinse the jars several times in running water, be sure to sterilize them. Most often in the microwave, sometimes steamed over a pot of boiling water. Both ways have never let me down. Banks, without exploding, stand all year.


I take 1.5 liters of water, pour it into a saucepan, put it on the stove. I add only sugar, salt to the water and bring to a boil. While the water boils, I fill the jars. All components are laid in layers. A layer of cucumbers, a layer of greens, a layer of garlic.

I do not cut the garlic, I put whole cloves. There will be delicious cucumbers and delicious pickled garlic in the jar. Garlic cloves from the marinade can be used in other dishes. They are especially good with meat.

Boiled marinade pour cucumbers in a jar, let them stand for 8-10 minutes. I pour the marinade into the pan and bring it to a boil again. I pour the marinade into a jar. I take out a bottle of vodka from the refrigerator, measure 50 g and pour it into cucumbers, pour it there citric acid. All. I twist the jar, turn it upside down, put a blanket on top.

family feast

In November, the usual family feast happened. Children, grandson gathered. I prepared aspic for this occasion and cooked vigorous, red borscht with fresh cabbage.

A jar of my villainous cucumbers also went to the table. They went with a bang and borscht with a bang. Salted with garlic cucumbers are ideally combined with borscht and jelly. In the evening, a cleanly washed jar of cucumbers was already standing on a shelf in the pantry. I advise all housewives to try this method of harvesting cucumbers for the winter. This salting will not stand for a long time, it simply will not be enough for the winter.

I have an old friend Marina Sergeevna, very interesting person. Having a rather difficult fate, she managed not only not to break down and survive, but also to help other people absolutely disinterestedly, no matter what question she was asked.
I have never seen Marina Sergeevna in bad mood or upset by something, because her life motto is: "Not a step on the spot, but only forward!". When I found out that she was a little sick, I immediately ran to visit her. On the way to the pharmacy, I popped into the store and bought the freshest pastry with apple jam for tea to brighten up our tea party. I also recommend that you look at this one.
But to my surprise, even with a headache, Marina Sergeevna prepared a small dinner to feed me. But most of all I liked delicious cucumbers salted for the winter crispy in jars with vodka, so fragrant, crispy, moderately spicy. And most importantly, they are stored in her kitchen, not even in the basement, and absolutely do not deteriorate. All because they are prepared according to a special recipe.
Of course, I wrote down the recipe and have already made a couple of servings of such an appetizer, and now I want to tell you how you can make such deliciousness quickly and simply. It is only important to select good strong cucumbers of special varieties for pickling, because salad varieties are absolutely not suitable for such a thing. I also often cook such crispy ones.
The recipe is designed for a 3 liter container. I salt in 3 jars of 1 liter. So much more convenient.


- cucumber (small pickling varieties) - how much will fit in 3 jars of 1 liter each,
- water (filtered) - 1.5 l.,
- finely ground non-iodized kitchen salt - 3 tbsp. (without top).,
- table vinegar (9%) - 2 tablespoons,
- vodka - 2 tablespoons,
- currant leaves, garlic, dill, spices.

Soak the sorted cucumber fruits in cold water for at least 3 hours. During this time, they will completely restore the water balance and will have enough elasticity and strength after canning. If the cucumbers are plucked directly from the garden, you can not soak them, but immediately salt them.

We prepare a jar for salting: for this we wash it well with soda solution, then rinse and sterilize with steam or in the oven.
In the jar we put the sorted and washed dill greens, currant leaves. You can optionally add peeled garlic cloves, bay leaf and pepper.

Next, lay the soaked cucumbers quite tightly so that there are no empty spaces in the jar.

We cook the brine in a saucepan: pour in water and pour kitchen salt into it, heat it.

As soon as the salt dissolves and the water boils, remove the brine from the stove and pour table vinegar and vodka into it.

Immediately pour it into a jar of cucumbers, cover it with gauze and leave it warm for 12 hours to begin the fermentation process.
Then we cover the jar with a simple nylon lid (rinsed in boiling water) and put it in a cool pantry or refrigerator for storage. Be sure to cook and such wow, what spicy.

Crispy salted cucumbers for the winter in jars of vodka can be consumed in a couple of days, but the longer they stand, the tastier and more vigorous they become. The choice is yours!
Bon appetit!

Pickling cucumbers according to any recipe is advised to be done in August-September. At this time, it is no longer so hot, and you can find the most suitable vegetables for pickling.

The best are cucumbers with dark pimples, late varieties. They almost never have voids inside, strong and dense.

If you collect or buy fruits with tails, it is better to leave them.

Before salting, be sure to sort the vegetables by size.

Prepared according to the recipe on vodka, they come out especially crispy.

Based on a 3-liter jar:

  • hard green cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • dill umbrellas - 2 pcs;
  • oak and currant leaves - 4 pcs each;
  • horseradish root - 20-25 g;
  • water - 6 shares;
  • vodka - 100 g;
  • salt (rock or sea, coarse grinding) - 1/3 stack.

How to cook pickles with vodka for the winter

1. Wash fresh (not overgrown and green, without yellowness) cucumbers thoroughly. Put in a large colander and scald with a liter of boiling water. Transfer immediately to a bowl of ice water.

2. After half an hour, remove the cucumbers from cold water and put it firmly in three-liter jar. When laying the vegetables, layer them with chopped horseradish, dill and clean currant and oak leaves.

3. Boil 6 glasses of water in advance, cool. Pour salt into the cooled water, completely dissolve.

4. Transfer the pickle to the cucumbers and pour a good glass of vodka into the jar.

5. Close with a plastic lid and refrigerate. Cucumbers on vodka do not oxidize for a long time and always remain especially crispy.

6. You can roll them up for long-term storage. In this case, cucumbers and greens should be placed in sterilized jars. If you want to add spice to your appetizer, put to taste hot pepper any variety and a few cloves of garlic.

The miniature, pimple-covered pickles are very popular with adults and children and look great on holiday table. Vodka in the recipe is completely safe for kids, does not affect the taste of the finished product and can significantly extend the shelf life of the workpiece.

When buying, preference should be given to small, tight vegetables so that they have time to warm up to desired temperature. cherry leaves will be a worthy replacement for laurel.

Crispy sweet and sour cucumbers, along with marinade, can be used when preparing pickle.


For 1 liter jar

  • cucumbers preferably small
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • non-iodized rock salt - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide
  • vinegar 9% - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • vodka - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • dill umbrella - 1 pc.
  • horseradish leaf
  • garlic - 2 teeth
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • allspice - 4-5 pcs.


1. Liter jar wash thoroughly. We put dill, horseradish, garlic, pepper and bay leaf on the bottom.

2. Pre-soak small cucumbers in a bowl with cold water for 3-4 hours. Then we wash them and put them in a jar.

3. Fill with water, which was previously brought to a boil. We pour carefully so that the glass does not crack. Cover with a lid (boiled). In this form, cucumbers should stand for 25 minutes.

4. Then you need warm water drain using a special plastic lid with holes. Pour into a saucepan to bring to a boil again and pour back into the jar.

5. Fill and leave to warm up for 15-20 minutes.

6. The third boiling of the liquid is made with the addition of salt and granulated sugar.

7. While the brine is being prepared on the stove, you need to pour vodka and vinegar into the jar.

Pickled and pickled cucumbers - main winter preparation, available in the arsenal of every hostess. But far from always prepared cucumbers turn out to be elastic and crispy, which undoubtedly spoils the overall impression. What to do to make the finished product of high quality? Use vodka as the main ingredient. Alcohol will not affect the taste and smell in any way, but the cucumbers will be crispy and dense, and their shelf life will increase. Consider a few proven recipes on how to cook cucumbers for the winter with vodka.

Recipe number 1 Marinating

Cucumbers pickled with vodka according to this recipe are moderately spicy, with a spicy aroma and, of course, crispy.

Ingredients that make up the blank (calculation per liter jar):

We cut off the ends of the washed greens. We put spices in pre-sterilized jars: cherry and currant leaves, dill and horseradish, garlic and pepper. Pour boiling water over the future workpiece, cover the jars with lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. After the allotted time, drain the liquid and put it back on the fire to boil.

Add salt and sugar directly into the jars and pour boiling water again. It is necessary to leave a little space for vodka and vinegar, these ingredients are added at the last moment. Twist the jars and send them to the heat with the lids down. Leave the jars under the covers until completely cool.

It is better to store the workpiece in the cellar, but in the usual pantry, cucumbers will be stored for a long time.

Recipe number 2 Salting

Cucumbers with vodka for the winter can not only be pickled, but also salted. For cooking based on one three-liter jar you will need:

  • cucumbers - how much will fit in a jar;
  • water - approximately 1.5 liters;
  • vodka - a glass (50 ml);
  • salt - 4 tablespoons without peas;
  • spices to taste (dill, parsley, cherry and currant leaves, hot peppers and peppercorns, garlic, horseradish).

Wash the cucumbers, you can cut off the ends, or you can leave the greens whole. Pour the vegetables with cold water and leave for 6 hours. Soaking allows you to fill in the existing voids and make the cucumbers more elastic. Put the spices in sterilized jars and stuff the cucumbers tightly. Sprinkle salt and pour cold water over the workpiece. After 3 days, a white film with bubbles will appear on the surface, this is a sign that the cucumbers have fermented and it is time to clog them.

Drain the brine and bring to a boil. Pour a glass of vodka into a jar, fill with brine and seal. Remove until completely cool down with lids, wrapped in a blanket.

Recipe number 3 Vegetable platter

With the use of vodka, you can cook not only cucumbers, but also assorted vegetables. Let's take:

In sterilized jars on top of the spices (we take half of the total volume), vegetables are stacked in layers, we put the tomatoes last. Fill the assorted with boiling water, cover with lids and let it brew. After 10 minutes, drain the water back into the pan. Add sugar, salt and coriander to this. After boiling, pour in vinegar and vodka. Pour the liquid into jars and roll up the lids. Until cool, keep the jars warm upside down

It would seem that vodka and cucumbers are a rather strange combination, but the result fully justifies itself. Instead of vodka, high-quality home-made moonshine or diluted alcohol can be used. Try to cook pickled or pickled cucumbers according to our recipes, and please your household. Especially such cucumbers are suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to store winter twists in the cellar.

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