Healing breath. Gennady Malakhov - Healing breath. Practical experience

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Diaphragmatic and chest breathing

Thoracic breathing is created by movements of the ribs of the torso, especially the upper chest. When a person takes a breath, the chest expands. On exhalation, it relaxes and becomes smaller in volume. Engage Your Muscles chest to achieve maximum inhalation-exhalation, this is an excellent exercise, also useful for the spine and internal organs. The efficiency of breathing does not depend on the size of the chest.

Chest breathing. As a rule, this method is used by the body only during physical activity. It can be called one of the forms forced breathing. This is an emergency measure. Unfortunately, most people who are used to breastfeeding actually steal oxygen from themselves because they use only a minimal part of the top of their lungs.

When we are in a state of stress or anger, we take a deep breath and hold our breath. The most significant therapeutic aspect of diaphragmatic breathing is exhalation, which should be at least twice as long as inhalation. Slow exhalation tells the body that it can relax and resume its most important functions, instead of remaining in a tense fight-or-flight state.

Paul Bragg

Diaphragmatic breathing is a natural breathing method created by nature. When you inhale, the diaphragm expands. It expands not only the chest cavity (and draws air into the lungs), but also the abdominal cavity. Allows you to massage the abdominal muscles and organs abdominal cavity. When you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes. It pushes air out of the lungs, exercises the muscles of the ribs and provides a massage to the heart. As this process tones and strengthens your abdominal muscles, you get healthier with every super powerful breath!

Internal massage with diaphragm movements

The effect of the diaphragm on the abdominal muscles and organs of the abdominal cavity is extremely beneficial. To overcome the force of gravity and hold the internal organs in place, physical exercises are necessary. Proper diaphragmatic breathing combined with daily exercise and maintaining good posture can do wonders for health.

When you wake up in the morning, say, “Today I will be happier, healthier, and wiser. I am the captain of my life and I am going to make it perfect.” Proven fact: happy people look younger, have fewer health problems and live longer!

Patricia Bragg

In addition, the natural movements of the diaphragm provide an important massage to the heart, chest and abdomen, liver, intestines, kidneys, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas. They stimulate blood circulation and help these organs perform the functions necessary to maintain health throughout your long life!

Movement of the diaphragm stimulates the organs of the upper body (heart and lungs) and the organs of the abdominal cavity, this is a necessary condition for good blood circulation. This is of particular importance at the stage of blood flow through the veins to the heart. Forced pressure created by the heart muscle accelerates blood through the arteries. But this force is only enough to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells and collect waste. The return path of blood through the veins to the heart depends on the contraction of the muscles and muscular walls of the internal organs, which are located in the abdominal and chest cavities. The rhythmic massage of the abdominal organs with the respiratory muscles plays a key role in the process of returning blood to the heart.

Diaphragmatic breathing stimulates peristalsis intestines (wave-like muscle contraction), this contributes to the digestion of food and the excretion of fecal matter. Switching from chest breathing to diaphragmatic breathing has helped thousands of people get rid of heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, liver problems, etc.

Harmonious, rhythmic breathing massages the heart, liver and pancreas, helps to improve the functions of the spleen, stomach and small intestine. Your nerves will become calm, your voice relaxed and your face will radiate a soft, healthy glow.

Super Powerful Bragg Breathing Soothes nervous system

Solar plexus deservedly called power plant body. It is a network of nerves and ganglia (independent groups of nerve cells) that controls every vital organ in the abdominal cavity. It is located in the very center of the diaphragm. The more you stimulate the diaphragm, the more blood the solar plexus receives. As a result, the amount of nervous energy increases, which then goes to the disposal of the vital organs. An extremely important vagus nerve passes through the diaphragm ( literally translated from Latin - pulmonary-gastric), which also benefits from diaphragm movements.

Rhythmic diaphragmatic breathing calms the nerves, stimulates circulation and promotes general healing. Vitamins of group B have the same calming effect on the entire nervous system. Diaphragmatic breathing relieves nervous tension often seen in people with hypersensitive nerves.

Yoga teaches that deep, rhythmic breathing tunes a person to the rhythm of the universe in other words, to achieve harmony with mother nature. The Sanskrit word "prana" denotes not only breath, but also energy of the Absolute or vital cosmic energy. According to the teachings of yoga, when we breathe correctly, we accumulate this energy in our solar plexus.

Often we try to grow or change by adapting to the external aspects of our lives, and sometimes forget that long-term changes come only as a result of the transformation of our internal motivation.

Errol Strider, American actor, playwright, hypnotherapist and spiritual teacher

Living according to the principles of Ayurveda improves health and fitness

Ayurveda (translated life science) is an ancient healing system that developed in India many thousands of years ago. Recently, Ayurvedic therapies aimed at improving health and fitness, such as yoga, the use of herbs, etc., are gaining increasing acceptance in the West. According to the ancient texts of Ayurveda, you first need to determine the type of mind and body of a person, and then prescribe him an individual diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle habits that correspond to his type of mind and body.

The ancient method of yogic breathing improves health

Ayurveda attaches great importance to daily yoga stretching exercises and proper breathing. Yogic breathing helps the mind and body become one. Knowing how to breathe properly will help you stay calm in Everyday life during exercise and during times of stress.

You are where you are because you want to be there. If you want to be somewhere else, you will need to change.

Mark Victor Hansen

Yogic breathing is done through the nose. Slows down the heart rate, lowers blood pressure and relieves stress. Because it is the most efficient way to deliver oxygen to the body, it can be used during exercise. You need to start the lesson by performing several stretching poses. This is followed by walking at an increasing pace (breathe only through your nose) until you move on to jogging. When you can't breathe easily through your nose, start slowing down until you can breathe through your nose again with ease. End with pleasant stretching poses. Regular practice will bring you peace of mind, increase your oxygen intake, improve your health, and give you more energy and vitality.

No one will breathe for you

You will be able to build a new you - a new person, inside and out full of energy, healthy, radiating the joy of life. Remember that only you yourself are able to use this amazing power of deep breathing, you are your own captain, it all depends on you!

I want everything to be clean and good: body, mind and soul.

Paul Bragg

Benefits of Complete Yogic Breathing

Relieves acute and chronic muscle tension, especially around the heart and digestive organs.

Increases lung capacity, this will help those who suffer from asthma and emphysema to overcome the fear of asthma attacks.

Provides correct nerve stimulation of cardio-vascular system.

Dramatically reduces emotional and nervous anxiety.

Promotes the elimination of toxins by stimulating gas exchange processes.

Helps the autoimmune system by energizing the glands internal secretion, which regulate tissue metabolism, core temperature, water balance, ion exchange and mood.

Calms the mind and provides mental and physical balance.

Increases energy, vitality and helps to relax.

With so many positives, do you need extra motivation to start improving your health? Take control of your life in your own hands.

Deep breathing will not be of any use if you do not practice it every day. Daily performance of exercises for super-powerful breathing according to the Bragg method and healthy lifestyle The Bragg Life System will allow you to improve your blood circulation. Soon you will learn to recharge with oxygen energy and stop feeling tired at the slightest physical exertion. Prove it to yourself, start today!

Breathing exercises will restore the radiance to your eyes, the luster of your skin and the elasticity of your gait. Your mind will perk up, your reflexes will recover. You will feel in great shape, and a sense of well-being will return to you, which is worth much more than any material wealth!

Oxygen is the most valuable of all natural elements, and you can get all the oxygen you breathe in for free. You just need to learn how to use it to its fullest with the Bragg Super Power Breathing. By practicing long, slow breathing and taking longer, deep breaths, you will enjoy good health, stamina, vitality and energy every minute!


Give us, God, some sun, some work and some fun.

Let us earn our daily whole grain bread and water by the sweat of our brow.

Give us so much health that we have enough for ourselves and a little left for others.

Give us also some songs, and a fairy tale, and a book, so that it would be easier to go through life.

Give us, God, the opportunity to become better for ourselves and for others, until we learn to live as brothers and sisters in peace and harmony.

Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with for the rest of your life.

Chapter 8
Why and how to control breathing

It allows you to enjoy health and happiness

Your lungs can hold at least 3.5 liters of air. If you fill them to capacity, you will have more energy, you will forget what fatigue is, you will improve sleep and overall health. Over time, you will be able to easily learn to control your breathing, taking 6 to 8 long, full breaths per minute for a healthier, more energetic and productive life. Prove it, start right now!

Breathing super oxygen for super life

When your body receives live foods and enough oxygen, you are overwhelmed with an indescribable joy of life. Every day you jump out of bed, satisfied that you can live, feel and know that life has meaning. You have less depressive thoughts and feelings, envy, jealousy, heavy Mondays, hatred, anger, disappointments, fears, anxieties or phobias!

With stimulating Super Oxygen, you're ready to tackle life's challenges. You meet them face to face and find solutions. Enjoy the effort it takes to overcome life's challenges. Make full use of the intellect given to you by the Lord and common sense. Those who know how to breathe deeply do not run away from life, but meet it boldly and decisively. The weaklings that shallow-breathers inevitably become find their outlet in alcohol, drugs, and self-pity, which leads to illness.

B Vitamins, Magnesium and Breathing Improve Brain Function and Calm Nerves

When you experience emotional upheaval, which inevitably happens in the lives of all of us, retire and take long, slow, relaxed breaths. Soon you will feel that your nerves calm down and logical thinking takes the place of excessive emotionality. You will become the master of the situation and gain the ability to calmly resolve your problem. (Magnesium, vitamin B 12, B-complex or injections of these will make breathing easier, calm the nerves, and improve brain function. St. John's wort also helps.)

Some of life's greatest pleasures come from slowing down and enjoying the little things that make life brighter.

Deep breathing and walking dispel anxiety!

Fast walking is deservedly called exercise queen because it moves the whole body. When the rhythm of your deep breathing and the rhythm of your walking are in harmony, you feel more energized! Conscientiously follow the breathing exercises suggested in this book to gain perfect control over your breathing, to walk a lot and with pleasure. When oxygenated blood circulates vigorously throughout your body, your legs carry you forward with a buoyant and joyful ride. While walking, stretch up, keep your head high and your back straight, straighten your chest and tighten your stomach. Swing your arms freely from your shoulder, and rearrange your legs as smoothly as if they were growing from the middle of your torso.

Enjoy walking. Start at your usual pace - fast, medium or slow - to better coordinate your movements. Observe the things and people you pass by, or let your walking accompany your ideas and thoughts. As you breathe and walk rhythmically, your awareness of your body will diminish. You will feel peace, happiness and harmony with mother earth and God.

We are what our thoughts make us, and the same can be said about health! Despite the fact that medicine plays a certain role in our lives, the most powerful of all existing medicines- self healing. Acceptance of the present and trust in a higher power frees up our energy and allows it to focus on improving our lives! Treat problems as growth challenges, not as punishments or judgments. Focus on happiness, forgiveness, hope, and peace of mind, as well as the physical changes needed to solve any problems.

Are you in literally you can dispel all worries by walking! When the blood your river of life) will flow through the arteries and veins, cleansing and saturating the entire body, you will be filled with a feeling of well-being, which will clear the mind of vain anxieties and replace them with healthy, positive, happy thoughts.

Brisk walking is the queen of exercise

Posture when walking

Always prepare the next foothold before leaving the previous one.

There are positive and negative sides to everything, and at any moment you can decide which one to choose.

Sister Corita (1918–1986), Los Angeles nun

When we do such fast walking, we say to ourselves: “Health! Force! Youth! Energy! Love! Eternity!" While walking, you discover the beauty of God and mother nature, which awakens, softens and enriches your soul and life! Walk briskly every day, covering a distance of one and a half to five kilometers each time, and do this more often when you have time. Don't allow yourself any excuses! Daily walks should become a habit, no matter what. weather conditions. In rainy weather, walk around the house, on the porch, in the driveway, in the department store, etc. Use hotel lobbies, stairs, exercise machines " Treadmill» or other sports equipment in the hotel gym. Walking can be practiced anytime, anywhere. Get started today!

My father and I always prefer walking on fresh air, but walking indoors is better than none at all. As we travel the world as part of Bragg's health crusade, we frequently jog and take quick evening walks through the hallways or up and down the stairs of our hotel. Our favorite places for a quick walk are the beaches, parks, hills and open decks of cruise ships where the air is clean.

Recent studies have shown that fat stored in a "spare tire" around the lower back increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other serious problems with health! Shocking fact: the larger the waist circumference, the shorter the lifespan!

Deep, full breathing helps relieve pain

Civilized human beings, with their self-destructive habits of eating and living, tend to accumulate latent poisons in the body. This means that when toxins cannot be eliminated through normal excretion routes, they accumulate in various parts of the body: in veins, arteries, joints, organs, tissues, skin, etc. When they accumulate and begin to put pressure on nerves and tissues, pain occurs. Usually it is the result of "ignition" of toxins stored in the body for a long time (with the exception of accidents and injuries).

Pay attention to warning pains, eliminate their cause

Do not immediately resort to the help of painkillers, find the cause of the pain and eliminate it! Lead a healthy lifestyle according to the Bragg system! Use oxygen to burn poisons out of your body! There is no better way to flush out toxins from the body than with the powerful action of oxygen. Deep breathing, 8 glasses of pure distilled water a day (3 of them with Bragg's apple cider vinegar), and regular fasting are the greatest natural cleansers on earth! For example, your right foot may hurt, which is quite natural, since gravity often causes poisonous substances to be deposited in the legs and feet. Painful gout is a perfect example of this trend.

Now let's get the toxins out of the right foot! Perform the following exercise: lie on your back, take a long deep breath and hold your breath. Without exhaling, lift left leg, bend at the knee and with both hands pull it to the chest, at the same time forcing the diaphragm with maximum force to press down on the abdominal cavity. You will feel the flow of oxygenated blood rush unhindered into your right foot. Now exhale slowly. (Also, never sit cross-legged.)

The same technique can be applied to any part of the body. For example, with a headache, take a full breath (by exhaling and inhaling, as in the previous exercise). Holding your breath, relax your shoulders and tilt your head down towards your heart. This will ensure the flow of oxygenated blood to the head (and brain). In addition, with headaches, fasting and medicinal herb feverfew (other names: maiden chamomile, mother grass, matezh) help well with headaches.

The cause of pain throughout the body during moments of fatigue is almost always the stagnation of venous blood supersaturated with carbon dioxide and hyperemia of various parts of the body. Swelling of the ankles can result from eating unhealthy foods and salt, accumulation of venous blood, and water retention. Physical exercise and super-powerful breathing will help improve circulation and return blood to the heart. The heart will drive it to the lungs, carbon dioxide will be removed and replaced with body-cleansing oxygen.

During fasting, the body rests and gets the opportunity to rid itself of toxins. Regular fasting provides rest to your organs and helps reverse the aging process so you can live long and healthy lives.

James Balch

Deep breathing helps with respiratory diseases

Letters and case histories are indisputable evidence of the blessed relief that Bragg Super Power Breathing brings to thousands of people suffering from breathing problems such as sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma and emphysema. These diseases, characterized by chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes and obstruction of the respiratory tract, are becoming more common due to air pollution. (Take precautions to use household air purifiers and humidifiers at home, at work, and in your car.) Colds, flu, and chronic sinusitis are among the most common illnesses doctors have to deal with today. The second place is occupied by back pain.

The body and mind are so closely connected that not a single word or thought can appear without affecting the personality and health of a person.

John Prentice

Respiratory problems are often natural responses of the body to eliminate the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle (diet harmful products, drinking milk, breathing polluted air, etc.). Many people abuse vasoconstrictor drugs, often leading to addiction and disastrous consequences. Possible development drug rhinitis, a secondary disease caused by the drug itself.

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Everyone knows the common phrase about how long a person can live without food, water and air. Without food and water - this is weeks and days, and without air - just over 5 minutes. Not everyone knows, but this is a fact - the daily consumption of water and food by a person is 3-4 kg., And air - about 20 kilograms. Such arithmetic, at least, makes one think about the role of breathing in the functioning of the human body, and after thinking hard, we suddenly realize that elementary knowledge about human breathing is not enough for analysis and conclusions.

So, more specifically about the features of breathing, its role and ways of influencing the human body. Why does the human body consume about 20 kilograms of air daily, what processes and organs of our body function due to breathing, how can human breathing be used in everyday life, prevention and treatment of diseases? - When breathing in the air, a person inhales 21.3% oxygen, 0.3% carbon dioxide, and the exhaled air contains 16.3% oxygen, 4.0% carbon dioxide. This is how the main function of human respiration is realized - gas exchange, that is, the supply of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide.

In addition, the composition of the air includes nitrogen - 79%, argon - 1%, other inert gases in small quantities, as well as the energy of the Universe, which saturates the human body during breathing. In the process of respiration, nitrogen is absorbed by the body, decomposing to molecular nitrogen, that is, a person not only breathes nitrogen, but also feeds on it. Argon increases the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency. Due to oxygen in the human body, almost all reactions of transformation and metabolism occur, energy is released. In the process of breathing, decay products, including carbon dioxide, are formed, which are excreted from the body.

Contrary to popular belief, carbon dioxide is no less necessary for the human body than oxygen, since it performs a regulatory function, and oxygen is just an energy material. Human breathing is a bridge, a direct connection between the physical and energy-informational body. Breath is a reflection internal state human, general condition organism. Therefore, with the help of breathing, you can diagnose some indicators of health, emotional state, and also effectively change them using special breathing techniques. Proper breathing of a person starts the mechanism of self-healing, and you get access to inexhaustible sources of energy, which ultimately allows you to improve the quality of life, change the fate of a person for the better. As it turns out, breathing is not just a breath, but a powerful and effective tool for achieving well-being in all areas of life. The life of a person depends on the functioning of the respiratory organs, who for the most part is not burdened with knowledge about breathing, and therefore his life in terms of breathing depends on uncontrolled situations and unplanned accidents. But without knowledge, planning and control are impossible, so we will try to fill this gap.

Human respiration is a continuous process of providing the body with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide in accordance with its needs. The regulation of gas exchange during respiration is carried out with the help of neurons of the central nervous system interacting with the respiratory center medulla oblongata. When breathing, oxygen first enters the lungs, is carried by the blood and other body fluids to the cells to participate in oxidative processes. The carbon dioxide formed during the oxidation process is partially absorbed by the body to meet its needs within the required concentration (6.0-6.5% in the blood), and the excess enters the liquid media of the human body, which delivers carbon dioxide to the lungs to remove it. while exhaling. In addition, the human respiratory organs provide thermoregulation and water metabolism (in the process of breathing, water evaporates from the surface of the lungs, which ensures cooling of the blood and the human body), while inhalation also removes gaseous metabolic products.

Gas exchange during respiration can be conditionally divided into several stages:

  • between the atmosphere and the lungs, when in the process of breathing oxygen enters the alveoli of the lungs;
  • gas exchange between the lungs and blood, when venous blood with an excess of carbon dioxide and a lack of oxygen enters the lungs, is enriched with oxygen, turns into arterial blood. Excess carbon dioxide is transferred to the alveoli and excreted from the human body during breathing;
  • transportation of gas by blood, when during breathing, arterial blood enriched with oxygen transports it to the organs of the human body, and carbon dioxide from tissue cells enters the blood, turning it into venous;
  • internal (tissue) respiration, when oxygen consumption by cells also occurs. Tissue respiration is carried out with the help of capillaries of the systemic circulation in the tissues, when the blood supplies oxygen, receiving carbon dioxide.

The process of human breathing can be controlled if you practice breathing according to special techniques in order to increase the efficiency of the functioning of some systems or organs. In everyday life, the human body carries out self-regulation of breathing. The criterion for the impact on the respiratory system is the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. To do this, in the respiratory center there is a center of inhalation and exhalation. During normal breathing, the inspiratory center sends a signal to the respiratory muscles and stimulates contraction, which leads to an increase in the volume of the chest and air enters the lungs. With an increase in lung volume, stretch receptors in the walls of the lungs are stimulated, which give an impulse to the expiratory center. This center suppresses the inhalation center, the respiratory muscles relax, exhalation is carried out.

If, for example, the human body, during physical exertion, begins to intensively absorb oxygen and, as a result, release a lot of carbon dioxide, this leads to the formation of carbonic acid in the blood, and lactic acid in the muscles. These acids excite the respiratory center, and the depth and frequency of breathing increase, providing a balance of gas exchange. In the large vessels extending from the heart, there are receptors that respond to a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood, stimulating the respiratory center to increase the respiratory rate. Such a system of self-regulation of breathing makes it possible to ensure the functioning of all systems and organs, regardless of the conditions in which a person breathes.

§2. Human respiratory system
When is carbon dioxide more important than oxygen?

Human breathing is the result of a coordinated interaction between the respiratory system, the respiratory muscles and the respiratory center. The lungs are the main organ of the respiratory system, the respiratory system also includes the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi. When breathing, air first of all enters the nasal cavity, rises up through the nasal openings, then, descending down, enters the nasopharyngeal cavity.

In the nasal cavity, the air is warmed and humidified. After passing the nasopharynx and larynx, the air enters the trachea, which, with the help of the villi of the ciliated epithelium, traps and removes dust particles and other solid substances. Further, the trachea is divided into two tubes, called bronchi, which end in bronchioles, located already directly in the lungs. Thus, when breathing, due to the organs of the respiratory system, the air is humidified, heated, filtered, solid inclusions are brought out.

The mechanism of human breathing is realized with the help of the diaphragm and rib muscles. The diaphragm is a muscular septum that separates the chest and abdominal cavities, its function during breathing is to create positive pressure in the abdominal cavity and negative pressure in the chest. The intercostal muscles, due to the turn of the ribs to the sides and slightly upwards, and the changes in the volume of the chest, ensure the process of inhalation and exhalation during breathing.

The article has already mentioned the respiratory center, which provides a balance in the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood during human breathing, which is more sensitive to changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide than oxygen. The recommended ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen in venous blood is 1.5:1.0 (oxygen 4.0-4.5%, carbon dioxide 6.0-7.0%). It's not a mistake in a healthy person, carbon dioxide should be one and a half times more than oxygen!

During medical examinations, it was found that in elderly people, in a static state, the blood contains 3.5-4.5% carbon dioxide, and in young people - 6.0-6.5%, that is, a difference of 1.5 times. The reason is that the breathing of a person in old age (frequent, deep, with shortness of breath) contributes to the leaching of carbon dioxide, and the rhythmic breathing of the young, healthy people- keeping it within the normal range. How to explain the fact that when the content of carbon dioxide in the atmospheric air is 0.3%, in human blood it should be 6.0%? - Yes, the air that a person breathes now contains 0.3% carbon dioxide, and the ancient air of our planet did not contain oxygen and was supersaturated with carbon dioxide, and the body of ancient animals was created by nature taking into account this indicator. The organism of modern animals and humans is built and functions according to the matrix of ancient animals stored in the genetic memory and uses the same mechanisms for regulating the ratio and presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. And man, as a part of nature, according to its laws, follows the path of evolution of his species - from a cellular creature in the womb to a highly developed person. The same evolution occurs with gas exchange - in the blood of the fetus there is 2 times more carbon dioxide, and 4 times less oxygen than in an adult.

What role do carbon dioxide and oxygen play in the functioning of the human body? - The human body receives carbon dioxide during the breakdown of food, especially carbohydrate, during oxidation with the help of oxygen, carbon dioxide is formed in the tissues of the body - this is its main source, since when breathing, a person can receive only 0.3% from the air. Carbon dioxide is a raw material for the human body, and oxygen is an energy component.

The role of carbon dioxide in the human body:

  • is an important component in the humoral mechanism of respiration regulation;
  • changes KShchR - the most important factor of health;
  • is a natural vasodilator;
  • the flow of oxygen into the cells depends on it, since hemoglobin gives off oxygen only in the presence of a standard concentration of carbon dioxide. So that, oxygen starvation is a lack of carbon dioxide, not oxygen;
  • participates in the distribution of sodium ions in the tissues of the body;
  • affects the activity of enzymes and the permeability of cell membranes;
  • the concentration of carbon dioxide is directly proportional to the intensity of the functioning of the digestive glands;
  • is a vasodilator;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • involved in the synthesis of amino acids.

If we add to this that the brain regulates the frequency of breathing according to the level of carbon dioxide, tk. to a change in oxygen concentration within 20%, the body practically does not react, and the same manipulations with carbon dioxide within 0.1% lead to a sharp reaction from the respiratory center to return the concentration to normal, it can be concluded that with therapeutic breathing, used for healing carbon dioxide is more important than oxygen, due to its priority in the regulation of vital functions. All life on the planet exists thanks to these two components. Without oxygen, there is no life, as well as without carbon dioxide, which indicates their equivalence.

§3. Types of human breath

Although there are many breathing exercises and practices currently in use, they are all based on several types of breathing:

1. Lower (diaphragmatic), middle (costal), upper (clavicular), complete (mixed). Their difference lies in the fact that each type of breathing is used to ventilate a separate section of the lungs.

1.1 Diaphragmatic breathing is carried out with the contraction of the diaphragm, the muscles of the abdominal cavity. On inspiration, when the diaphragm is lowered, negative pressure in the chest rises, the lower part of the lungs is filled with air. When inhaling, intra-abdominal pressure rises, the abdominal wall protrudes. On exhalation, the abdominal wall returns to its normal position, and the diaphragm rises, the lower part of the lungs and partially the middle part are ventilated.

1.2 Costal breathing is carried out with the help of intercostal muscles, while the chest rises slightly, expands to the sides and slightly upwards, the middle part of the lungs is ventilated.

1.3 With clavicular breathing, respiratory movements occur in the process of raising the clavicles and shoulders up, while the chest is motionless, the diaphragm is somewhat retracted. The upper part of the lungs is ventilated, a little average.

1.4 Full breathing is a combination of the three previous types of breathing, it provides uniform ventilation of the entire volume of the lungs.

2. Deep and slow, deep and frequent, shallow and slow, shallow and rapid breathing.

2.1 Deep and slow breathing, during which the breath is slow, somewhat stretched. Such breathing relaxes the body, is used to neutralize uncomfortable conditions, negative emotions.

2.2 Deep and rapid breathing. Twice as often and deeper than natural breathing, used in breathing practices to connect with the unconscious complex.

2.3 Shallow and slow breathing. It is used in breathing practices for a gradual, gentle exit from them.

2.4 Shallow and rapid breathing. It is used to overcome negative experiences, as an effective help with a maximum of emotions in order to get rid of them.

3. Forward and reverse breathing.

3.1 Direct breathing is a natural type of breathing that is used by a person in everyday life.

3.2 Reverse breathing is characterized by movements of the abdomen that are opposite to natural, used occasionally, for example, when performing hard work. When you inhale, the lower abdomen tenses, tightens, and the diaphragm goes down, which allows air to fill the lungs. When you exhale, the abdomen relaxes, the diaphragm rises, removing air from the lungs. When lifting weights, a person breathes so unconsciously, since reverse breathing allows you to receive significant physical resources.

§4. How to breathe correctly?

Are there examples of correct breathing in our life, its visual demonstration? - You can observe the correct breathing in animals, babies, a sleeping person (if he is healthy, sober, “not refreshed” before going to bed with a fair amount of food). The secret of this phenomenon lies in the fact that they all breathe according to the algorithm laid down in them by Nature. The physiology of animals functions only according to the laws of nature - the camel does not eat meat, and the lion does not eat thorns. And so they live, not forgetting to drink water, accelerating their breathing on the hunt, breathing measuredly in a dream. Animals are incredibly lucky, because they don’t fry food in restaurants in the most unthinkable combinations, desserts, cocktails, whiskey are also not for them, breathing cycles and rhythms correspond to natural ones, so animals do not suffer from human diseases.

Follow the breathing of the little man in the cradle - he breathes with his stomach, and his chest is motionless. When he grows up, his body will be pulled into corsets, belts, restricting his breathing, the sea will fall on him negative emotions, the cult of food. Measured, free breathing will turn into frequent, shallow, washing out carbon dioxide from tissues and blood, provoking illness. It is even easier with a sleeping person - consciousness is turned off and the brain regulates the stability of gas exchange in the human body through the respiratory center.

How to breathe correctly? - Master the skills to retain carbon dioxide in the body. This phrase could begin and end the article, since it contains the meaning and purpose of breathing, if it convinced you that it is effective, quite accessible, and therefore possible. So let's continue. Everything, indeed, is extremely simple - a slow, shallow breath, holding the breath, slowly, shallowly exhale. The exhalation is longer than the inhalation (1:2), and the breath holding is equal in time to the length of the inhalation. Extended exhalation and holding the breath - this is the way to keep carbon dioxide in the body. The ratio in the respiratory cycle: inhalation - breath holding - exhalation - 1-1-2. Start with a breath of 2 seconds and your breath cycle in seconds will look like this - 2-2-4, gradually increase the time of inhalation and exhalation.

Your goal is to ensure that there are no more than 8 such breathing cycles per minute, and then 7, 6, 5. Do not be alarmed, yogis manage only 1-2 cycles per minute and feel quite good. In an adult, there are 12 such cycles and carbon dioxide is always washed out, so 8 cycles are not a theory, but the harsh truth of life. You can also pause while exhaling. To master this type of breathing faster, with a pause on the exhale, exhale before inhaling. This allows you to easily and smoothly move on to the next cycle as pre-exhalation relieves excessive excitation of the respiratory center, eliminating the failure in the rhythm of breathing after its delay.

Practice your chosen type of breathing constantly - at home, at work, in transport. One day, when you get distracted from the control of breathing, and then return to control, you will notice that the body is working out the set program regularly. Over time, he will “write” this algorithm into his respiratory functions. This is not a joke - all body functions can be trained and programmed. You can check the effectiveness of your efforts in this way: take a deep breath and exhale slowly. A good result is 35 seconds for men, 25 seconds for women.

Holding your breath can be done in one cycle of inhalation and exhalation, but to make an informed decision, you need to know this. When you hold your breath while inhaling, more blood enters the lungs and heart, the ventilated surface of the lungs increases, as a result of which the transition of oxygen into the blood is carried out more efficiently. Carbon dioxide is not removed (breath-holding), accumulates in the blood, contributing to its acidification and increased release of oxygen by hemoglobin. Conclusion - by holding your breath while inhaling, you contribute to the saturation of the body with oxygen, stimulate gas exchange.

While holding the breath on exhalation, the flow of blood to the heart, on the contrary, decreases and the heart begins to contract idle (not enough blood) - this negatively affects the functioning of the circulatory system. The lungs also receive little blood, their ventilated surface decreases (since the lungs are compressed). In the blood, the concentration of carbon dioxide sharply increases, the blood becomes acidic, the concentration of hydrogen ions increases sharply, and this sure sign saturation of the body with electrons, i.e. energy. Holding your breath while exhaling stimulates your energy, but first “consult” with your heart so as not to aggravate heart problems, if any.

Never hold your breath at the maximum inhalation and exhalation, the recommended rate is 70-80% of the maximum. If the breath is held at the maximum inspiration, then this threatens with stretching of the lung tissue. When inhaling, diaphragmatic breathing should be used more. Holding your breath at maximum exhalation is a guarantee of an unbalanced work of the heart. For a weak heart, use minimal breath holding. On exhalation, it is also necessary to work more with the diaphragm.

If you did not pay attention, then I repeat - it is recommended to breathe with the help of the diaphragm while inhaling and exhaling. this is the basis of proper breathing. Such breathing is also called the lymphatic heart, as it promotes the pumping of liquid media, massage of the internal organs is performed, blood circulation of the pelvic, abdominal cavity and legs is normalized. In the presence of a "belly" and the absence of a press, you will not breathe much, so urgently acquire a press, based on the elimination of the belly. Enthusiasm and skills on this thorny path will be added to you by articles on our website:.

It is necessary to breathe through the nose, since in this case the air is filtered and heated, but this is not a dogma. With significant physical exertion, to restore breathing, breathing through the mouth is allowed. In addition, some breathing practices use mouth breathing. When breathing through the nose, oxygen ionization occurs, due to which biochemical processes involving oxygen in the lungs take place at a higher quality level. When breathing through the nose, oxygen reserves are created in the brain, which enters the brain through the frontal ethmoid sinuses. Breathing through the nose is also preferable because it contains receptors that control the rhythm of breathing and the tone of the muscles of the bronchi.

The rule is caution. Of course, you remember the grim statistics of how long a person can live without food, water and breath. It turns out that with improper nutrition in the same time frame (1-2 months), symptoms of diseases will appear, the same experiments with water will “reward” you with symptoms of the disease in a week, with breathing it’s completely sad - retribution comes in 5 minutes. Therefore, having decided to improve your health with the help of breathing, carefully study the theory of breathing, its technique, warnings and contraindications, do not set yourself goals in the form of achievements and records.

The process of mastering breathing should be phased, gradual, and you will be happy in the form of a healthy spirit in a healthy body, pleasant changes in fate, harmonious communication with the outside world. There are also breathing techniques that provide access to the possibilities subtle world. God save you from these experiments. As the saying goes: "Entrance-ruble, exit-one hundred." For an unprepared person, the "exit" is very unlikely and death is not the worst of the options.

§5. Secrets of Effective Breath Healing

A person who has mastered proper breathing automatically starts the mechanism of self-healing. The trigger mechanism is an increase in the energy of the body, which until then was only enough for the processing of substances entering the body and their utilization. What the process of self-healing is, no one knows yet, since the human body is a super-complex system, knowledge about which is now scanty, it remains only to state the existence of the phenomenon of self-healing. With proper breathing, and if you still eat right and drink water, then diseases gradually leave the body. To get rid of specific diseases, there are many methods. effective treatment breath.

What is the difference? - Combinations of various kinds breathing. In more detail, you already know about the functions of gas exchange, as well as what type of breathing ventilates one or another part of the lungs, how it affects various functions of the body, that is, you can consciously plan the result by choosing the appropriate combination of types of breathing. This is theoretical, but in practice you use a list of diseases, the prevention and treatment of which is provided by a specific method of therapeutic breathing. In addition, the air contains not only oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, but also vital energy (prana). Prana is the energy that is contained in everything that exists in the universe. Spirit, life, energy, power are forms of prana. Physical energies (magnetism, heat, light, gravity), vibrating energies are also prana. Prana is a bridge, a thin thread between the physical and spiritual body. When this connection breaks, the spiritual body leaves the physical, death occurs, i.e. breath is life.

A person is endowed with the ability to volitionally direct vital energy to problem areas of the body. With the help of breathing, you can regulate the psycho-emotional state of a person, and since negative emotions destroy the body, it becomes necessary to neutralize them. Since the psycho-emotional state is closely related to breathing, by changing the rhythm of breathing (breathing rhythms can be consciously regulated by a person), negative emotions can be neutralized. That is, any violation in the body changes the rhythm of breathing, but there is also a feedback - by restoring the rhythm of breathing, you restore the normal functioning of the body. For example, a person in anger throws out negative energy with a powerful exhalation, and a weak breath leads to a loss of the ability to adequately perceive information. You can suppress anger by restoring the normal rhythm of breathing by taking a full breath.

Mastering healing breathing, you will have to deal with very brief formulations, without additional explanations. For example: “When you inhale, you feel the coolness of the air, while exhaling, you concentrate on relaxing the muscles of the lower leg, mentally direct it to the muscle, feeling warm.” What is the point here? - In breathing practices, different roles are assigned to inhalation and exhalation. Inhalation is life, a universal beginning, filling with energy, peace, love, the ability to take (responsibility), a feeling of coolness, mobilization, muscle tension. Exhalation is death, the end of everything, getting rid of unpleasant memories, negativity, neutralizes negative emotions, has a calming effect, relaxes muscles, gives a feeling of warmth. The role of inhalation and exhalation is interpreted on the basis of the psychophysiology of breathing, that is, when performing exercises, one should concentrate on muscle tension during inhalation, and for relaxation, on exhalation.

All methods of therapeutic breathing can be divided into several subgroups according to the complexity of execution and the amount of use of certain functions and properties of the human body:

1. Methods of therapeutic breathing with various combinations its types (for example, the Buteyko method, Strelnikova's breathing exercises).

2. Combination of therapeutic breathing, consciousness, body. This method is more difficult to master, requires great concentration on the balance in the interaction of the body, breath and consciousness (for example, qigong, Norbekov's breathing).

3. Techniques based on achieving an altered state of consciousness, using circulation breathing (the effect of hyperventilation of the lungs), while breathing, work is carried out with a positive attitude, human sensations are used to gain access to consciousness. The connection of breath and consciousness, in an altered state, allows you to get rid of the burden of past experiences, mental trauma (for example, rebirthing, holotropic breathing). These are very complex and not entirely safe techniques due to manipulations with the brain, not always predictable results and consequences. Therefore, their use is recommended only under the guidance of a Guru. Look for a Guru, not an instructor, as random people sometimes assign this title to themselves. However, the Guru must also have good reputation and recommendations.

As for the first two subgroups of therapeutic breathing, their effectiveness has been proven by mass application, with positive results, and you can easily understand their principles if you carefully read this article. The most well-known technique from the first subgroup of therapeutic breathing is the Buteyko method, or VLHD (volitional elimination of deep breathing, with periodic breath holdings on exhalation). I focus your attention - deep and frequent, then you will understand why. With deep and frequent breathing, an imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body occurs, the acid-base balance is disturbed, and oxygen starvation increases. Hyperventilation of the lungs during such breathing contributes to the loss of carbon dioxide, produces bronchospasm and more than 150 diseases, including "incurable" - asthma and hypertension, from which VLHD nevertheless relieves a person.

But in any situation there are meticulous and principled people who will definitely ask the question: “How do you explain the facts of effective treatment of hypertension with deep breathing?”. And the essence is in the nuance - for commercial and advertising purposes, it is only about deep breathing, and not about deep and frequent, since deep, smooth and rhythmic breathing is the correct breathing of a person, which saturates the body with oxygen, and its ratio with carbon dioxide is regulated respiratory center. Hence the effect when changing deep, frequent breathing (oxygen starvation, decrease in carbon dioxide concentration) to deep, smooth, rhythmic (normalization of gas exchange balance).

When asked about the reasons for the effectiveness of these two, absolutely opposite types of breathing, specialists answer somewhat vaguely, saying that the balance of gas exchange is not decisive in the treatment of hypertension and that there are deeper factors of influence. Deeper is, most likely, prana. If you remember, the human body, with proper breathing, is enriched not only with oxygen, but also with prana (universal life energy). Hypertension is not only a narrowing of blood vessels, the causes of hypertension can be diseases of certain organs and functions of the body.

Disease of the organs due to improper breathing (for example, the liver) is always a decrease in their energy, blood circulation. To restore blood circulation, the body is forced to increase blood pressure - hypertension occurs. As soon as the body begins to be enriched with prana, the energy of the organs rises, due to which the disease factors are eliminated, blood circulation is restored, gas exchange is restored - hypertension disappears.

Take any information consciously, if there is an economic interest, be very careful, refer to the primary sources. And yet, each method of breathing treatment may have contraindications, so all methods of therapeutic breathing always begin with a study of the list of contraindications. If you do not know anything about your health indicators, then it's time to consult a doctor.

The M.Norbekov system (Norbekov's breathing), which belongs to the 2nd subgroup of therapeutic breathing, allows you to restore mobility and flexibility of the body, as well as disruption of connections in the energy field, and effectively raise the energy level of the body. Such a program is implemented due to the fact that the functions of our body contain the possibility of self-healing, and a person is endowed with the ability to activate this process, since his physical body energetically connected with the psyche, emotions, spiritual body. To start the mechanism of self-healing, a complex is used, consisting of physical exercises, Norbekov's breathing, energy breathing, and, which is very important, a method has been developed to introduce a person into a special psychological condition, called the Norbekov mood. The mood of Norbekov has another name - the image of youth and health (OMZ), against which the classes are held.

What is OMZ? - Each of us has events and sensations (usually in youth) when you are in the power of spiritual uplift, you feel with every cell of your body the strength and health seething in it, that at the moment everything is working out, and the future is fine. Such a state is always accompanied by side events - it can be a sound, a smell, a flowering meadow. If you practice well, then you will develop a thought form, sensations that give your soul a holiday. For the author of the book “Experience of a Fool or the Key to Enlightenment” - it was the cry of a donkey, but for example, for me it is the melody of a popular song. After long workouts and occupations, my personal image of OMZ was firmly entrenched in my mind. Now, without any effort, just by turning on this melody, without a long entry into OMZ, I feel a surge of energy and health.

What to look for when performing this complex? - Performing physical exercises, pay 90% of your attention to yourself, and not to the mechanics of exercises. This complex, as well as the physical exercises included in it, have the status of energy practice. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the breath, concentrating attention on it, if you work with some organ, then concentrate on it. That is, first of all, you work with breathing, energy thought forms and thoughts (a thought is also a clot of energy).

Sometimes you have to read articles and watch videos where the "Eye of the Renaissance" ("Five Tibetans") complex is presented as a set of movements. The benefit is zero. Therefore, if you do not find such recommendations in such methods, put the article or book aside. Caution - in these complexes, "breathing" through some organ is sometimes practiced in order to increase its energy. Never practice such breathing through the heart and brain.

When, in the process of healing breathing, you begin to get rid of diseases, you will definitely have to go through healing crises. This is the process of removing diseases from your body, but in reverse, with more speed. The process is not very pleasant, but it is better if you are aware of it and are ready to go through it without fear and disappointment. And better - relax, because you get rid of diseases. So much more practical. This topic is well described by G. Malakhov.

Will these skills and knowledge be useful in everyday life? - I once read the recommendations "How to fall asleep faster." I read - inhale - pause - exhale, exhale is longer than inhale and added: "For some reason, after that I quickly and imperceptibly fall into a dream," but you know why. By the way, I read another recommendation - closing your eyes, with an interval of 10-15 seconds, open them for a moment until you fall asleep. I tried it, and for some reason quickly and imperceptibly began to sink into sleep. Sweet dreams, companions.

If you run (to improve your health, don't think badly), then you are familiar with the appearance of a second wind, its arrival can be accelerated by holding your breath. For example, if headaches begin, I begin to breathe with an extended breath hold. Works better than tablets. You already know about emotions, they are reflected in our breathing, change your breathing - emotion will disappear. During a conversation with a person on whom the solution of some of your problems depends, try to adjust the rhythm of your breathing to the rhythm of the interlocutor's breathing, as well as his manner of sitting, talking, gestures and facial expressions. The solution to the problem is guaranteed to you - NLP is called.

In conclusion. Why are we taught all our lives, obliging us to comprehend knowledge that we will never need and on which our life does not depend at all. Reinforced concrete fact - a person cannot live without breathing, but no one requires us to learn to breathe. Apparently, this is not economically feasible. But it's not expedient for you, it's just quite expedient for you. Do you know that the most successful people planet "universities did not graduate." Self-educated, but only in applied disciplines. Therefore, apparently, they succeeded. Learn to breathe!

It's all! detailed, step by step instructions according to the methods of therapeutic breathing will not be, since with the volume of our article, this is counterproductive. Each person is unique in terms of their health, and in a short article one can only give recommendations on how to individually select suitable methods and convince you to engage in self-education and the practice of therapeutic breathing. In detail, step by step, taking into account your health indicators, you can plan all stages of healing with healing breathing by studying books and articles by famous healers.

To maintain viability, a person needs a constant supply of oxygen, and in the treatment of diseases - in an increased amount. How to provide the body with oxygen with the help of therapeutic breathing and how to breathe correctly, we will learn from this article.

The role of therapeutic breathing in the work of the heart

To reduce pain, increase the amount of oxygen in your blood.

Imagine such clinical picture:

  • heartache;
  • profuse sweat;
  • angina attacks;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • pulse rate over 80 beats.

How to prevent cardiac arrest? What medicines to apply? What if the medicines you need are not available? The man is confused. He does not know that the reason for the malfunction of the heart was the insufficient supply of oxygen to the blood of the lungs.

In this state, a person is close to death. Healing breath will save him, increasing the amount of oxygen. In a few minutes, the work of the heart will improve - atrial fibrillation will disappear, pain will subside, sweat will disappear.

And what about an athlete - a skier or a runner who has fallen at the finish line, suffocating from a lack of oxygen, with an exorbitant pulse rate, atrial fibrillation and fibrillation of the muscles of the left ventricle? He takes a deep breath and exhale vigorously, but cannot restore the work of the heart.

Individual athletes, their coaches, schoolchildren in such situations have a cardiac arrest. Medicine cannot save them with medicines. Then healing breathing comes to the rescue.

The benefits of healing breathing

The breath of children is healing by nature.

With a lack of oxygen, nature forces a person to change breathing, saving the body from cardiac arrest. Let's confirm this:

  1. During sleep, children inhale air through the nose, exhale it for a long time through the mouth - the blood is extremely saturated with oxygen.
  2. During illness, a person takes a breath through the nose, the lungs are completely filled with air. Exhale through the mouth slowly, with a groan. This breathing reduces pain and muscle tension.
  3. In the process of singing, the singers exhale for a long time through the mouth, the movement of air is regulated by the vocal cords. Air is constantly in the lungs.
  4. During physical exertion - for example, a weightlifter takes a breath, holds the air in his lungs, lifts the barbell, and then slowly exhales through his mouth.

Commander A. V. Suvorov did not know about healing breathing, but he forced soldiers to sing songs during exhausting campaigns. The result - the soldiers were less tired.

The benefits of healing breathing:

  • saturates the blood with oxygen in any condition;
  • saves from cardiac arrest with atrial fibrillation and fibrillation of the muscles of the left ventricle;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • relaxes muscles and improves patency of blood vessels;
  • restores pulse, blood pressure and automatism of the heart;
  • reliably protects the body from hypertension, heart attack, stroke and other ailments;
  • increases the lifespan of a person.

A person who does not have knowledge of the method of healing breathing cannot have good health and long life.

How to breathe correctly

The mechanism of free breathing of a person from birth:

  • inhale - about 1 sec.;
  • exhale - about 1 sec.;
  • pause - about 3 seconds.

Such breathing provides oxygen to a young and healthy organism.

In diseases, physical, nervous stress, aging, a person needs more oxygen.

It can provide healing breathing:

  • inhale through the nose;
  • exhale through the mouth;
  • there is no pause.

Video: Breathing that relieves nervous tension.

Exhalation is controlled and controlled by the human consciousness.

The volume of inhaled air is determined by the duration and intensity of exhalation, which are regulated by the lips or vocal cords and depend on the state of the body. The more severe the disease, the more intense the nervous or physical load, the longer and more intense the exhalation.

You may have heard about a non-drug method that was created in the 40s. It was originally recommended for restoring a singing voice.

Almost thirty years later (1973), the teacher-phoniator (the author of the method) Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova received a copyright certificate for her unique development, which passed the registration procedure by the Institute of Patent Examination.

What is the essence of the technique?

Unlike traditional breathing exercises, which focus on time and exhalation, Strelnikova breathing (exercises) is a simple and affordable method that is based on a powerful, forced inhalation through the nose and a slow and smooth exhalation.

Moreover, this forbids holding air or expelling it from the lungs when exhaling. Active and powerful inhalation is combined with chest compression. This allows oxygen to additionally enter the tissues of the body and helps to improve well-being. Due to the inverse coordination of breathing and movements, the development of muscles that are associated with breathing is stimulated.

It should be noted that each breathing exercise gives a very quick effect. Strelnikova was able to develop a complex whose beneficial effect on the body can be felt after 15 minutes. If it is performed correctly, your breathing will become easier, lightness will appear, a surge of strength, efficiency, and your mood will improve significantly.


Despite the benefits proven and recognized by traditional medicine, breathing according to Strelnikova (exercises) also has contraindications. These should include:

  • pathology of internal organs;
  • fever and high temperature;
  • brain injury and spinal injury;
  • cervical osteochondrosis (old);
  • various bleeding;
  • hypertension;
  • increased ocular or intracranial pressure;
  • myopia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • stones in the gallbladder or kidneys;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

When asked if Strelnikova’s technique (short breathing exercises) is right for you, only your attending physician can answer after additional research. Cases have been recorded when it was performed in a sparing mode, significantly facilitating the condition even in bedridden patients.

What do you need to know before starting classes?

Beginners who are just getting acquainted with the Strelnikova method need to learn the basic rules:

  1. First of all, you need to learn how to actively and noisily inhale. At this time, the wings of the nose are pressed against the septum (involuntarily). Energetic breath should be reminiscent of clapping your hands.
  2. According to those who have already mastered this technique, Strelnikova's technique is not at all complicated. Short breathing exercises involve a smooth, natural exhalation. Remaining air is expelled through the mouth. Exhalation should be effortless. The desire to exhale actively can cause not only a failure of the respiratory rhythm, but also lead to
  3. Exercises that are aimed at restoring proper breathing should be performed on the count. In this case, all elements of this technique are performed correctly, and this will help you (especially at the beginning of classes) to eliminate disruptions in rhythm.
  4. Movement and inhalation are a single element of respiratory gymnastics. They need to be done at the same time. You cannot do this in sequence. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the patient is standing, lying or sitting. It largely depends on the severity of the disease.
  5. The number of any exercises should be a multiple of 4. This is a musical size that will easily help you calculate the load. On the fourth day, the number of exercises increases to 16, and then to 24 and 32. The rhythm, which is made up of odd values ​​​​(for example, 3, 5), according to the followers of this gymnastics, requires skills and physical endurance.

Between series of exercises, a pause for rest is allowed for no more than ten seconds. In this case, the activity looks like this:

  • the first two days: 24 sets of 4 breaths (pauses of 10 seconds);
  • the next two days: 12 sets of 8 breaths (same pauses);
  • fifth and sixth day: 6 repetitions of 16 breaths (pauses ten seconds);
  • from the seventh day: 3 sets of 32 breaths (pauses are preserved).

In addition to the rhythm, it is necessary to maintain good mood and good spirits by doing the exercises. So you will achieve a greater effect in healing the body.

This is a very effective breathing exercise. Strelnikova developed the exercises with the expectation that they would be performed regularly. Class breaks are not allowed. After 30 days of training, pauses for rest should be gradually reduced to 5, and then to 3 seconds, provided that you feel good.

You should not be bothered by slight fatigue or dizziness. This can be caused by a temporary oversaturation of the brain with oxygen.

Basic exercises

All exercises of the Strelnikova complex at the beginning of classes do not need to be performed. Even the base 12 episodes need to be split up first. Master the first three exercises, only after that add one daily until you master the whole complex.


A very simple breathing exercise. Strelnikova designed it so that even very young children could perform it. Turn your open palms away from you. Elbows in a bent state are directed vertically down. We take noisy, powerful breaths, sharply clenching our palms into fists at this time. Repeat the exercise 4 times, exhaling slowly. After four repetitions, pause for 4 seconds.


Legs shoulder width apart. Relax your shoulders, raise your head. Squeeze your hands into fists at waist level. With an inhalation, sharply throw your hands down, open your fists and spread your fingers. The muscles of the shoulders, forearms ("shoulder straps"), as well as the hands at this time should experience a slight tension. The initial series is 8 breaths (3 seconds pause). Number of episodes - 12.


Shoulders down, arms along the body. Bend over (slowly) imagining that you have a pump in your hands, inhale noisily and sharply. Then exhale slowly. The exercise is repeated 12 times. Pause - 3 seconds.

We complicate classes

Having mastered the basic exercises, you can proceed to study the rest of the complex, adding something new to your workouts every day.


Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Shoulders are relaxed, lower your arms to the sides of your body. Taking a sharp breath, sit down shallowly. Turn the body to the right. Bend your elbows at the same time, clench your palms into fists. Slow exhalation, and you can return to the starting position. After this, the exercise is repeated on the left side. 12 sets of 8 exercises in both directions.

"Hug your shoulders"

We continue to study breathing according to Strelnikova. Asthma exercises are sure to include this series. Bend your elbows, raising them to shoulder level so that the left hand is above the right elbow and, accordingly, the right hand is above the left elbow. With a sharp inhalation, hug yourself without changing hands or crossing them. One hand will hug the shoulder, the second will be in the armpit. We return to the starting position with a slow exhalation. The series consists of 8 breath movements, approaches - 12.

"Head Turns"

Another exercise that is effective for asthma. Perform alternate turns of the head left and right - without delay, accompanying the movements with sharp breaths. Exhalation occurs through the open mouth involuntarily. 12 sets of 8 movements (break 4 seconds).

"Big Pendulum"

This exercise includes the previous two. First, we perform the movements from the “Pump”, after that, without taking a break, we perform the exercise “Hug your shoulders”. The exercise consists of 12 sets of 8 movements.


We begin to shake our heads: to the right - we reach the right shoulder, to the left - to the left. With every movement, a noisy sharp breath. Shoulders should not be raised, the body and neck are relaxed. The exercises included in the basic cycle: “Rolls”, “Steps”, “Pendulum with the head”, can be performed only after a good mastery of the first 8 exercises. This complex is shown as effective method treatment and prevention (in the absence of contraindications) for most people. Even pregnant women are shown to Strelnikova. Exercises for children, as well as for pregnant women, should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. For the prevention of diseases, classes are held in the mornings or in the evenings. After a busy day, they will help get rid of fatigue.

Breathing according to Strelnikova: exercises for bronchitis

Three main exercises are used to treat and prevent this serious disease: “Hug your shoulders”; "Eights"; "Pump". Such a complex contributes to a better sputum discharge, it stops coughing attacks, giving peace to the ligaments and bronchi. For everyone who is prone to frequent bronchitis, we recommend mastering breathing according to Strelnikova. The exercises are simple, but perform them strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the author of the complex.

What to do during a coughing fit with bronchitis? You should tilt your head down. Relax your neck muscles completely. Place your palms on your stomach on either side of your navel. When coughing and exhaling, push the stomach from top to bottom with a push. In this way you will help the diaphragm. As a result, mucus will come off easier.

Exercises for weight loss

We continue to tell you about breathing according to Strelnikova. Exercise for weight loss is likely to interest many of our readers. To achieve maximum effect, you should follow some rules:

  • The main focus is on the breath. It should be short, noisy, sharp, like a clap or a shot.
  • Exhalation - natural, hardly noticeable. Don't hold your breath as you exhale.

Do not forget about the basic rule on which Strelnikova's breathing is based. Exercises begin to be performed on inspiration. The main complex is performed four times for eight breaths. You can gradually increase the number of approaches.

Strelnikova's breathing is becoming very popular today. Weight loss exercises are a basic set of simple but effective movements. They can be performed by people with different levels physical training. In addition, for weight loss are used and more difficult exercises. They can be started after a long preparation. Start classes with the basics. They will allow you to achieve excellent results with regular and correct implementation.

At first, “Palms”, “Poles”, “Cat” are performed. Then gradually add to them " big pendulum"," Hug your shoulders. A simple scheme is strictly observed - 4 sets of 8 breaths with a break of 3 seconds.

It has been empirically proven that breathing according to Strelnikova (exercises) is quite effective. Reviews of people who have mastered this technique suggest that regular exercise for weight loss helps to cure various diseases. The main principle of this technique is the use of abdominal breathing, while chest breathing is inhibited. The diaphragm in this case is much more strained, its muscles are strengthened, and therefore the blood flow in the organs improves. This cleanses them of toxins and toxins. In addition, abdominal breathing increases lung capacity. After several months of constant exercise, it can be increased by 0.3 liters.

This gymnastics activates the following processes:

  • noticeably dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • improves the work of the digestive tract;
  • fat cells are actively split;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the work of the nervous system is normalized.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova: exercises for children

This unique technique is suitable for classes with children aged 3 years and older. These simple exercises can be performed by sick teenagers. Many note that the advantage of this complex is the ability to deal with it with the whole family. In the beginning (the first lesson with a child), three exercises will be enough. You should do it twice a day - before breakfast and after dinner.

Having mastered this simple breathing exercise, with regular exercises, you can get rid of various ailments that often affect children aged 3-7 years. They often go into chronic form- tonsillitis, bronchitis, frequent colds.

So, with what movements does Strelnikova's breathing exercises recommend starting classes? The exercises are already familiar to you - “Palms”, “Pump”, “Purples”. This is the basis of the complex, to which more complex elements are gradually added. Having mastered them, you can conduct classes on the treatment and prevention of such serious diseases as bronchitis and asthma. It is better if the doctor conducts the first lesson.

Treatment for stuttering

Most effective exercises for the treatment of this pathology are "Hug your shoulders" and "Pump". With stuttering children they are carried out twice a day. These exercises are basic, but others can be added to the complex.

Speech therapists note that Strelnikova’s breathing exercises (exercises for children), for example, “Hug your shoulders”, contribute to the fact that the vocal cords in the larynx make an oncoming movement. The kid with classes helps them to close more closely. After two months of regular training, the child's breathing changes. It becomes deeper, the diaphragm and lung tissue are trained, the muscles of the nasopharynx are strengthened. A jet of air, passing through the larynx during exhalation, vibrates and massages the vocal cords, forcing them to close when pronouncing sounds.

Breathing according to Strelnikova (exercises for children) should be supplemented with classes with a speech therapist. In this case, the problem will be solved faster.

Respiratory gymnastics is a set of exercises aimed at improving the function of the respiratory system. Gymnastics is extremely effective for bronchitis and bronchial asthma- the result of the exercises is a good discharge of sputum, cleansing of the respiratory tract and saturation of the body with oxygen.

Paying attention to proper breathing, you can speed up recovery and prevent recurrence of the disease. Thus, this technique can be considered a worthy treatment of respiratory diseases, which will absolutely not require financial costs.

Exercise leads to an increase in the functionality of the respiratory apparatus, which include not only the respiratory tract, but also the muscles. The prolonged course of respiratory diseases leads to fatigue of the muscles and diaphragm. Gymnastics removes unnecessary stress, increases endurance, returns to normal mode of operation. This is achieved through the following mechanism of action:

  1. Stimulation metabolic processes and blood supply to the lung tissue.
  2. Restoration of the nervous regulation of the process of air exchange.
  3. Facilitate nasal breathing.
  4. Elimination of morphological changes (adhesions) and congestion.
  5. Correction of pathological conditions of the chest and spine.
  6. Improving the patient's mental and emotional state.

At the level of physiology, this is achieved by improving the process of gas exchange in the alveoli, which are the main place where oxygen and carbon dioxide change.

An important part of the positive effect on the body is physical exercise on all parts of the body (abs, shoulder girdle, legs, arms). Thus, for a certain respiratory complex The whole body responds and positive changes occur.

The benefits of proper breathing

Exercises for the respiratory system are useful for patients of any age and gender.. Breathing exercises are especially effective in bronchitis and bronchial asthma, when the task of clearing the bronchi and making breathing easier for the patient comes first.

The main effect that classes give is an increase in tissue respiration and oxygen uptake. It is on this that the vital activity of all cells depends. human body. The result is the normalization of the work of various organs and systems, not only the respiratory ones.

Proper breathing and exercise can be both a way to treat and maintain health during remission. In chronic bronchitis, exercise for the lungs should become the norm in everyday life. Classes will improve not only the condition of the respiratory tract, but also increase overall immunity.

An important aspect is the inhaled air. It should be moist and cool so that the bronchial secretion has the correct rheological properties, and the accumulated sputum can be easily expelled.


  1. Heat.
  2. ESR values ​​in the clinical blood test are above 30 mm per hour.
  3. Bleeding.
  4. Tuberculosis.
  5. Acute thrombophlebitis.
  6. Oncological diseases.

General rules

The execution technique may differ, depending on the chosen technique. However, general recommendations are:

  1. Concentration on inhalation. It is the right breath and its combination with physical effort that is beneficial. Exhalation should be passive, without muscle tension.
  2. If the patient feels discomfort or needs to clear his throat, a break between exercises is allowed, but they are not canceled.
  3. Classes are best done before meals.
  4. Inhalation is done through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth.
  5. Most techniques involve rhythmic exercises and breaths. The count goes to eight, the rhythm must be observed throughout the session.
  6. Regularity is very important. The lesson should be given at least 30 minutes twice a day.

Exercise Features

For classes, you do not need any special devices, you may only need a chair or bed.

The complex is repeated 8 times and several approaches are made with small intervals for rest.

What trains exercises for bronchitis

Regardless of the chosen technique, the combination of physical exercises and the correct process of inhalation-exhalation contributes to the healing of the whole organism. Activities affect:

  1. Aperture.
  2. Cardiovascular system.
  3. Psycho-emotional state.
  4. Conduction of nerve impulses and pain.
  5. Skin condition.
  6. Metabolic processes, in particular, the breakdown of fats.
  7. Smooth muscle of the bronchi.
  8. The quality of bronchial secretions.

Contractions of the diaphragm stimulate the work of internal organs, and increased blood circulation provides nutrition to every cell of the body. relieve not only respiratory diseases, but also excess weight, vegetative-vascular dystonia, depressive states.

Full and shallow breathing

Shallow breathing fills only upper part lungs, and only the ribs, collarbones and shoulders are involved in the process of inhalation. Yoga considers this method one of the worst, as the quality of breathing is very low.. This is due to the fact that oxygen does not enter the alveoli and does not participate in beneficial gas exchange.

Full breathing has the maximum benefit. It involves the entire respiratory apparatus - lungs, airways, abdominal muscles, diaphragm, ribs, shoulder girdle. The process resembles a wave and occurs very gently and smoothly:

  1. The abdomen moves forward and the chest expands.
  2. Air fills the lower and then the middle part of the lungs.
  3. After that, the clavicles rise, freeing up space in the upper sections of the lungs. The abdomen begins to retract and the act of exhalation occurs.

This method stimulates metabolism, accelerates the removal of toxins., increases the overall resistance to adverse factors, gives confidence and peace of mind. A full deep breath completely ventilates the lungs, slows the pulse rate, lowers blood pressure and stimulates digestion.

Popular techniques

Strelnikova's technique. and pneumonia is an ideal treatment technique for sputum discharge. All attention is paid to the breath, which should be sharp and strong.

Yoga. The goal is to manage the spiritual state through the connection of physiological and mental functions.

Qigong technique. A set of meditation and breathing exercises that should be combined with dietary prescriptions.

Bodyflex. Performed to improve the body and lose weight. The goal is to burn excess fat and turn it into muscle mass due to proper breathing and increased metabolism.

Buteyko method. Designed for the treatment of diseases by the method of shallow breathing. Helps with allergic diseases, fatigue, atherosclerosis, dystonia, ENT diseases.

Muller system. The basis is breathing exercises, which should become a way of life. After classes are prescribed water procedures and self massage.

Gymnastics Pam Grout. Aimed at weight loss due to the fact that oxygen optimizes the absorption of nutrients and accelerates the conversion of fat into energy.

Solar-lunar breath. It is believed that alternate breathing through the nostrils stimulates the nerve endings and transmits signals to the brain. This makes it possible to control the heartbeat, temperature and other physiological processes.

Vietnamese gymnastics. There is a pause between deep inhalation and exhalation. The technique helps to establish metabolism and massage the internal organs.

Oxysize technique. You need to breathe continuously and cyclically. In parallel, some physical exercises are performed to maximize the opening of the chest and the access of oxygen.

exercise for bronchitis

How to improve breathing in acute bronchitis? Here are some:

  1. Lower your arms and tilt your body forward. Take a noisy breath in through your nose, slightly leaning your body forward. As you exhale, you need to rise back. Respite can be done after 8 repetitions.
  2. Lean forward a little and inhale sharply. Hold your breath for as long as you can. Such a charge in an adult is very effective for coughing and sputum that is difficult to separate.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis for children

Children can more easily perform breathing and drainage exercises in a playful way. How to strengthen the bronchi of a child and how to do exercises:

  1. Balloon lung training. Blow up balloons with your child. An alternative could be bubble or deflation of a feather.
  2. Position the baby on the stomach so that the head is lower than the torso. While he is breathing, lightly tap him on the back, saying a rhyme or a rhyme. After the exercise, you need to clear your throat.
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