Bay leaf in a wallet. Bay leaf - his abilities in magic. The magical properties of bay leaves

Even in ancient times, laurel was considered the most powerful amulet among plants. It has protective magical properties. Also, a bay leaf is able to attract success and victory. For this reason, the ancient Romans and Greeks, and it was among these peoples that laurel wreaths were popular, put a wreath on the head of a winner or a person who wants to gain primacy among others.

Laurel leaves were also used by housewives to protect the house from negative energy, a bad eye and an enviable person. To do this, women collected branches of a fresh plant and simply put them in a vase or jug. Some women dried the leaves and placed them throughout the house - in the corners and under the bed. Such a ritual protected the hearth from bad people and strengthened the family.

Caring mothers conspired on a bay leaf and turned an ordinary plant into the strongest amulet for little children. Such an amulet protected the kids from enviable people. The amulet of dry bay leaves normalized the baby's sleep and took away all the nightmares.

To attract money smart and knowledgeable people they put a leaf in a wallet with money or in a place where they kept savings. This was done on certain days (after well-conducted transactions or receiving a large amount of money).

What is the magic of bay leaf

Laurel was widely used in rituals and ceremonies due to its magical properties. It is so versatile that it can protect the house from negativity and remove nightmares.
Sheet properties:

  • Protection from the family hearth from the evil eye. Laurel leaves placed in the corners of the house will help clean the house;
  • Protection from trouble. In order to avoid problems in life, it is recommended to always carry a couple of leaves with you;
  • Getting rid of insomnia. To do this, put a sprig of laurel under the pillow;
  • Remove fatigue. The smell of the crushed plant fills the body with strength and energizes it for the whole day. In the morning or in the afternoon, you can inhale a dried and broken leaf - this will give good spirits.

Rites using laurel

Over time it has developed a large number of conspiracies and rituals in which this plant was used. Rituals belong to white magic and therefore they are absolutely safe for the performer.

For the fulfillment of desires

To realize the most secret desire, you can perform a ritual with a laurel plant. You need to take: 1 large dry sheet, a candle, a felt-tip pen, an iron plate. By the way, we have an article devoted to ritual conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires.

The ritual itself looks like this. Light a candle. Write your dream with a marker on a piece of paper. Imagine how glad and happy you will be when your wish comes true. Visualize the dream as clearly as possible: feel it with all your cells, smell it. Then ask for blessings from the Universe and kiss the leaf three times. After that, set fire to the laurel from the candle and say a whisper:

“The power of the gods and the power of heaven, the power of the universe and the power of miracles. My wish came true. As I ordered, so it came together!”

Then put out the candle with your fingers and be sure that in the near future the dream will come true. The implementation process has already been launched. The main thing is to believe!

For family happiness

With the help of a bay plant, you can protect the house and protect it from negativity. For family happiness, you can make an amulet from laurel branches. And by speaking a whisper, you can strengthen it at the energy level.

Take three branches of a bay plant and tie them with red wool thread. The amulet is hung over the main doorway with the leaves down, and the knot up. To enhance the energy of a home amulet, say a whisper before hanging it. The words:

“Laurel, grown under the scorching sun, bring happiness and good luck to my house!”

Such a charm will reliably protect the house from bad visitors, and even if they come to your house, bad thoughts and intentions will remain outside the threshold.

We attract money

To attract material well-being, it is recommended to conspire for money on a bay leaf. The ritual is not simple, but very effective. It should be carried out on the growing moon.

Take 3 leaves of laurel, a sheet of paper, a pen and 7 coins, a jar with a lid. On paper, write down the desired amount of money. Put the leaf with the dream in a jar, laurel on top, and coins on top. Speak the words:

“Leaves grow - money goes. Coins glitter - coins ring. Coins come from where I do not expect. From now on, I will no longer recognize trouble!”

good luck

To attract good luck and success on the new moon or the first lunar day Place 4 bay leaves under the entrance mat. It is worth putting it crosswise with cuttings in the center. This is an ancient pagan symbol, which is obliged to attract the best to the house and to the performer directly.

For good health

In order to always have good health, you should keep a bay plant in the house. Beautiful laurel branches should be placed in a vase. It will also have a positive effect on the health of households. living plant laurels in a pot. The plant itself is strong on an energy level. You can enhance the effect simply every day by saying what you want over its branches. Believe and wait - and everything will come true!

The most famous spice is the bay leaf. It is added to almost every dish to give a pleasant spicy flavor. But this famous plant is used not only in cooking. There are many different magical rituals associated with this plant. There is a bay leaf plot to attract good luck, love and even money.

Conspiracies on a bay leaf help to attract good luck, avert trouble. With the help of conspiracies on a bay leaf, you can attract love and find your happiness.

Legends about the appearance of the laurel bush

The ancient legend about the laurel tree, which has survived to this day, tells of its magical and mysterious origin. They retell the legend as follows: In ancient times, a certain Apollo lived in the world, who was handsome, stately and strong. After his next victory over the serpent Python, he met the god of love, who held a bow and arrows in his hands. Apollo began to laugh at Eros and joke about his ability to shoot accurately, because he himself was known as the best archer. Eros was offended by such ridicule and fired two arrows from his magic bow.

One stele was intended for Apollo himself, it was the stele of love, after which he fell in love with the nymph Daphne without memory. Eros fired a second arrow at Daphne, but this arrow, destined for the girl, was to kill her love forever.

Apollo, with ardent feelings and constant persecution, completely pushed Daphne away from himself. Tired and exhausted, the girl asked Peneus, her father, to turn her into a beautiful fragrant plant. After that, the father turned Daphne into a laurel bush. And the enamored Apollo wove a wreath from the branches of the tree and put it on his head. So the evergreen laurel became a symbol of love and devotion.

The laurel plant is a symbol of immortality and purity of thoughts, it personifies the unbending will and determination to win.

What can bay leaf do

From old times people they believed that if small leaves of a bay plant were spread out in all corners of the dwelling, then this would remove all the negativity. It is believed that the laurel absorbs the negative energy accumulated over long years living in this building. After all, each house has its own energy, and it is filled with both positive and negative aspects of the life of the owners.

To clean the house, you need to clean it with bay branches and leaves. After the plant lies in the house for a week, it should be replaced with fresh leaves, and it is advisable to burn or bury the old ones. Rituals with lavrushka leaves can be performed every month, such a plant will definitely not bring harm, and the house will begin to smell fragrant.

There is a belief that Lavrushka protects the home from thieves and natural disasters.

Bay leaves can not only be spread around the room, but also fumigate the whole house with their aroma. To do this, put the parsley on a dry and clean frying pan and turn on a small fire. Once the pan is hot, the bay leaf will begin to release a pleasant spicy aroma. This scent brings nervous system into a state of peace and tranquility. Your thoughts will be directed in a positive way, and all negativity will disappear. During such aromatherapy, you can meditate, sitting in a comfortable chair and discarding all thoughts, enjoy the aroma of a spicy plant.

A frying pan with smoldering bay leaves must be carried throughout the house, as if fumigating it. With this action, you will expel negative energy from your home, this will affect your well-being and high spirits. It is better to wash off the burnt bay leaf from the pan with water, while mentally repeating that you are washing away all the troubles and hardships along with the ashes.

According to the legend, the bay leaf is the soul of a Greek nymph. Therefore, you can speak out your troubles on the laurel, you can talk heart to heart with him, trust your thoughts and innermost desires. To do this, an odd number of leaves is taken and placed on the palm of your hand. After heart-to-heart talks, a person feels better at heart, and he finds answers to the questions that tormented him.

Beliefs associated with bay leaves

  • A wreath woven from a bay leaf protects from thunder and lightning;
  • A dwelling in which the leaves of a plant are laid out will never be robbed;
  • The leaves of the plant protect against diseases;
  • If you carry a laurel in your pocket, then it will save you from troubles and misfortunes;
  • If you sniff the fragrant leaves of the plant, it will give strength and relieve fatigue of the body;
  • Laurel leaves under the pillow will guarantee only good dreams;
  • Crossed bay leaves placed under the rug at the threshold will bring good luck to the house;
  • Before the wedding, putting bay leaves in the shoes of the bride and groom will bring a long and happy life newlyweds;
  • There is a belief that if you take five bay leaves and tie them with scarlet twine or a thick woolen thread, and then attach such a composition over the front door, then everyone living in the house will be accompanied by good luck in all matters;
  • If a bay leaf is hung over the baby's bed, then no one can jinx the baby.

Attracting money with laurel

There is a conspiracy for money with a bay leaf. With it, you can count on good luck in the monetary sphere, and the growth of accumulated funds.

To make it, you need to take a beautiful container and invest in it a coin of a large denomination. Each coin lining must be accompanied by a bay leaf lining. When lowering a coin into a container, it is necessary to say where the money will come from. It can be a gift, an inheritance, a good income or a sudden find.

After the ritual, the container is closed and shaken. It says the conspiracy:

“Money to money, and poverty is beyond the threshold, profit is with me, like a laurel on a bush.” After that, the container with the spoken coins is placed in a secluded place, away from prying eyes. If money comes to you in exactly the way he says, then with each arrival Money do not forget to gratefully put a coin and a bay leaf into the piggy bank.

There is another conspiracy on the bay leaf for money. In order for you to always have money and increase capital, you should choose a large and whole leaf of lavrushka. This leaf should be rubbed between the palms of both hands, asking Lavrushka to help you in any financial matters. Then you need to apply a little of any essential oil so that its smell merges with the smell of lavrushka. After that, the sheet must be put in the place where the money is stored. At the same time, the words are said:

"Money to money, prosperity to prosperity."

Bay leaf will attract cash flows and save you from unnecessary spending.

A charmed plant can be put in a wallet so that money is kept and not transferred. Such rituals attract cash flows, and stimulate a person and learn to earn good money himself.

Bay leaf is used very often to attract money. In order for money to be found in the house, there is another ritual, for which it is necessary to take seven large and undamaged leaves of the plant. Leaves should have long stems. These legs are tied with red woolen thread. Either a banknote or a coin is tied to the thread, symbolizing monetary energy. Such a kind of amulet is hung over front door with words:

"Money to the house, and poverty beyond the threshold."

A conspiracy for money on a bay leaf is best done and read on the growing moon. It is believed that it is in this phase that flows are opened that contribute to an increase in profits and material well-being.

Attracting good luck with bay leaves

There are many bay leaf charms that help attract good luck.

The simplest and effective way attracting good luck: you need to take a bay leaf and rub it between your fingers, then inhale the aroma of the plant and make your request. You can do it loudly, as if shouting and asking heavenly forces help you make your wish come true.

Since laurel is considered a plant of winners, it carries a charge of success and victory. Many ambitious people use bay leaves to bring good luck and success in their work and personal lives. What is needed for the ritual. To do this, you need to take a large white candle and a sheet of paper with written wishes. The candle is lit and dripped onto a sheet of paper in such a way that the written words are in a circle of wax. A large beautiful lava leaf is placed on top of the sheet. Such rituals are performed on the full moon.

During the ritual, a conspiracy is read on a bay leaf:

“I attract good luck, I come out the winner, I fix the wax with a bay leaf, I turn fortune towards me. All my cherished dreams will come true, and desires will come true, I so want.

After the plot is uttered, the candle must be blown out. In the light of the moon, fold the leaf into an envelope so that there is a plant in the middle. Such an envelope should be carried with you in your pocket or put in your wallet. Do not forget to periodically repeat the desire to yourself. Soon, everything conceived and conceived will come true.

bay leaf for health

If you want to improve your health, then a plant such as laurel will definitely help, it will strengthen sleep, improve well-being. The plant is placed under a mattress or pillow.

Bay leaf: grants wishes, brings good luck, health, love, removes rivals

magical properties bay leaf.

It is better to lay out the plant on a waning moon. It is in this phase that it positively affects human health. Every month the leaves are replaced with new laurels. Old leaves are collected and burned.

Laurel is a plant that symbolizes greatness and triumph. It is a strong magical amulet that gives its owner optimism and vitality. Laurel helps to attract financial resources, luck and love, improve health, protects against dark forces. Its energy relieves fears and gives confidence, so the bay leaf is used by competitors and people who job seekers. With it, you can also bring the fulfillment of a cherished desire closer.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

The miraculous properties of laurel

Bay leaf is commonly used for:

  • Cleansing your home of negative energy. If there are constant quarrels at home or it is required to clear the room from the energy of unpleasant guests, laurel leaves are placed in the corners of the rooms.
  • Protecting your home from negative influences. To do this, tie several bay leaves into one bundle and hang it over the front door.
  • Cleansing the energy field. Bay leaf smoke is often used by fortunetellers to neutralize negative energy after a client with a heavy aura.
  • Good sleep. A fragrant fabric bag filled with crushed laurel is placed under the pillow. He will attract prophetic dreams and free you from nightmares.
  • Restoration of psychological balance. While inhaling the aroma of laurel, tension decreases, emotions subside.

The magical properties of laurel will increase if it is fresh. If it is not possible to get such leaves, you can drop a little essential laurel oil on dry leaves.

Rites and rituals for various needs

Bay leaf is used in magical practice to attract good luck, love, health. For these ceremonies is not required special training. They begin to act almost immediately after the event.

Attracting good luck

Bay leaf helps to quickly attract good luck and positive changes in life. Rituals are recommended to be performed on the growing moon.

To bring good luck to the threshold

Take four bay leaves and place them in each corner under the front door rug. Throughout lunar month leaves will bring luck to the house.

If the leaves break, they must be replaced with new ones.

Simoron ritual for victory and success

If you have to take part in a contest or competition, it is useful to use this Simoron technique using a bay leaf. For this, it is necessary to crown yourself with a laurel wreath even before the competition. You will need a bay leaf, glue, a piece of wire and an appropriate emotional mood, since the Simoron rites are light and humorous.

First, the wreath itself is made. It doesn't have to be perfect. The funnier the craft, the better. Then this symbol of victory should be placed on your head and walk around in it for some time, trying to feel the emotions of the winner. Then you need to stand in front of the mirror and solemnly deliver a speech of thanks. For a victory, you can thank anyone and anything - relatives, friends, a cat, cough pills, exchange rates. The funnier the speech, the more useful the ritual for future victory.

For good luck in all matters

The rite allows you to attract good luck in all areas that are important to a person. To conduct it, they light a candle made of white wax and write on a piece of paper a wish of good luck to oneself. You can write both general wishes and a blessing on the outcome of a particular case. It should be centered on the sheet.

Then, with melted wax, it is necessary to circle this wish in a circle. A large and even bay leaf is placed on top of the inscription and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced: “Just as the bay leaf accompanies the triumphant on his way, so may Fortune be with me. May all my plans and dreams come true, and good luck will often smile on me "I'll close the wish with a wax seal, hide it from prying eyes. What I want will come true on time. Amen."

Then these words are pronounced again, and the candle is extinguished. The note is folded so that the bay leaf is inside it, as if in an envelope. You should carry it with you and repeat the wish as often as possible.

Fulfillment of desires

The magic of the laurel helps to realize cherished dreams. Rituals with its use attract enough energy to transfer desire from the subtle plane to the real world. In order for the rituals to act even faster, you should regularly visualize the fulfillment of the desired, filling the image of the dream. positive emotions.

For the realization of a cherished dream

For the ceremony you need to take:

  • small refractory container;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • light wax candle;
  • felt-tip pen.

The sacrament is performed as follows:

  1. 1. You need to light a candle.
  2. 2. The desire to write with a marker on a bay leaf.
  3. 3. Visualize the fulfillment of the desired.
  4. 4. Kiss the leaf three times, put it in a bowl and set it on fire.
  5. 5. While it burns, pronounce the words of the conspiracy: "By the power of the holy Heavens, by the power of great miracles, may my dream come true. As I commanded, so it happened! Amen."

For seven wishes

Take a thread yellow color(suitable floss) and seven leaves of laurel. Then they think of their seven most important desires. Their wording should be extremely specific.

At sunrise, it is necessary to make a "ladder of success". To do this, they take one leaflet at a time and, pronouncing their desire on it, tie it to a thread on both sides. From all the sheets you should get a craft in the form of a ladder. It is hung in the kitchen and kept until all wishes are fulfilled.

Rituals for money

Laurel is a powerful attribute for attracting financial well-being. Its strength is due to the fact that the plant is directly related to success and greatness, which are often accompanied by wealth. The peculiar color palette of the bay leaf, which resembles dollars and other banknotes, also has the magic of attracting money.

To attract wealth

Take 3 dried leaves and smear them with 2-3 drops of essential orange oil. Then they put it in places where money is stored - in a purse, wallet, box or safe.

To receive a specific amount

For the ceremony you will need:

  • a small jar (suitable for coffee);
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 7 coins of gold color;
  • piece of paper.

The ritual is performed as follows:

  1. 1. Write on paper the right amount money and your name.
  2. 2. Put a note with three bay leaves in a jar.
  3. 3. One after another, the coins are lowered there, uttering the words of the conspiracy at the same time: “The more the coins shine, the more they ring, the more I have. ".
  4. 4. The jar is placed in a secret place.
  5. 5. Every day, at least one coin should be added to it, visualizing how the required amount comes from unexpected sources.

To repay a debt

Bay leaf is used not only to attract money, but to return what is yours: debts, lost or lost money.

For the ritual you will need:

  • canvas bag or handkerchief;
  • red thread;
  • three whole bay leaves;
  • seven silver coins.

The ceremony takes place at dawn. The sheets are tied together with a thread, at the same time uttering a conspiracy: “Lord, the All-Merciful! Not out of self-interest, I resort to You, but for assistance in repaying the debt. they won’t be found on the road, but let them quickly return to your wallet, to your glory. Amen.

Then the sheets and coins are wrapped in a bag or scarf. They should be buried in fertile soil. You can do it in the garden, in the garden or even in flower pot.

love magic

Laurel is also useful in matters of the heart. Its positive energy will give confidence in relationships, attract happiness in family life.

To give confidence to the fan

If a woman has a humble admirer who is prevented by uncertainty from taking the initiative, the following rite, which is held only on Thursdays, will help. In a refractory container, a bay leaf is set on fire and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on its smoke 9 times: “Glorious, victorious laurel! Give (the name of the admirer) courage. Let it be absorbed into his thoughts, soul and body. Let his courage grow and grow stronger every day. And let the fire burn any doubt, come (name) to me quickly helps. So be it! Amen. "

You can perform the sacrament several times. The most optimal time is the growing moon or the full moon.

To get married

If a girl long time can not get married, she can resort to the help of a bay leaf. For the ceremony imminent marriage you will need:

  • three leaves of bay (preferably fresh);
  • red thread or thin ribbon;
  • any ring worn by a fortune teller for at least three days.

With the help of a thread, the leaves and decoration are tied together and placed under the bed. During the dressing, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced: “The sun and the moon bring love to people. quick marriage. Like I said, it will. Amen".

For a strong marriage

In order for the newlyweds to have a happy and long marriage, before the wedding, one dried laurel leaf is placed in their shoes all night long. For 2 pairs of shoes, 4 sheets are required.

In the morning, the one who laid the leaves should remove them, not forgetting to thank the laurel for their assistance.

For happiness in family life

They take three bay leaves and tie them by the cuttings with a red thread. The composition is placed in the living room, where all households gather.

When making the amulet, they say a spell: "Laurel leaves rustle in the wind, I will bring green laurel to the house. Glorious laurel grows in the sun, it will bring family happiness to the house!"

Rites for work

Laurel will help and arrange a career. Rituals with its use are useful for those who are looking for work or want to stabilize things in an existing place.

For successful employment

For the ceremony, you should take a new handkerchief made of green fabric. It can be replaced with a piece of cloth of the same color. The scarf is spread on the table with one corner towards you. 3 cardamom seeds, 1 bay leaf and a branch of rosemary (dry or fresh) are placed in its middle. All corners are folded together and tied with a ribbon.

This magical herb knot will help boost your confidence during a job interview. The dominant role in it is played by a bay leaf, symbolizing victory and success. Cardamom will help to open up in communication, enhance eloquence. Rosemary is an herb of achievement, mental focus and concentration.

Before the interview, you need to take a bundle of herbs in the palm of your hand and imagine the entire employment process in your imagination. If the employer refuses or begins to doubt, this is a sign that this job is not suitable for the person.

The famous Ovid in his Metamorphoses tells that Apollo, who lived among people, fell in love with the nymph Daphne and constantly pursued her. Once, after defeating the serpent Python, Apollo met the young god of love Eros with a bow and arrows and played a joke on him: “Why do you need a bow and arrows, baby? Are you thinking of surpassing me in the art of shooting?

This mockery offended Eros, and he sent two arrows in retaliation. The first, the arrow of love, pierced Apollo, and the second, the killing love, hit Daphne. Since then, Daphne has always run away from Apollo. No tricks helped him. Exhausted by suffering, eternal persecution, Daphne turned to her father Peneus and the Earth so that they would take away her image from her. After these words, she turned into a bay bush (it is curious that in Russia until the 18th century the bay leaf was called "daphnia" ("laurel" in Greek - "daphne").

The saddened Apollo from then on began to wear a wreath of evergreen laurel on his head. In Greece, houses were decorated with bay leaves to refresh the room. Laurel branches were placed in the mattresses so that prophetic dreams were dreamed. There was a belief that the laurel saves from a lightning strike.

So, the fact is known that the Roman emperor Tiberius, during the peals of thunder, put on a laurel wreath and crawled under the bed. Laurel believed sacred tree, his wreaths adorned the heads of the winners in Ancient Greece. For several millennia, this tradition has been preserved in other countries, for example, in England. From the word "laurel" came the word "laureate" - "crowned with laurels."

The magical properties of bay leaf

Secrets of using bay leaf magic remedy, a lot and everyone believes that he can bring him a lot of positive changes in life. Bay leaf is used for love rituals, in order to attract a “soul mate”, money rituals (it is believed that the plant is directly related to the financial well-being of a person and literally “attracts” money to itself), as well as in order to get rid of any damage and fulfill your cherished desires.

Bay leaf is often symbol of wealth and prosperity. That is why laurel branches are often hung around a dwelling or workplace (office, shop, workshop) in order to attract customers and cash flows to the business. It is not uncommon for a bay leaf to be present in a person’s personal belongings, for example, in a wallet. So you can attract success to yourself, which will accompany not only in business, but also in work.

Good sign to take bay leaf with you and put in your pocket(as close to the body as possible) in order to succeed in an interview or meeting, in order to be noticed and recognized for your abilities, hired or promoted. So that the leaf does not get dirty and sometimes tormented by a too stuffy aroma, you can wrap it not just in a handkerchief, but in a patch of red or green (red color attracts good luck, green - money).

Many athletes, even before the announcement of the results in competitions, carry a bay leaf with them, which, in their opinion, brings victory and well-being in competitions, as well as recognition and self-sufficient life.

There is one rite that allows you to achieve the desired wealth with the help of a bay leaf. This ritual should be performed at home or at the workplace. Choose a large and whole bay leaf, without holes, cracks or damage. On its reverse side (not glossy), write with a pen or pencil your wish (“get rich”, “get a bonus” or, for example, “repay a debt”). This sheet should be burnt and its smoke spread throughout the room.

Another way suggests that you write your desire related to well-being on a piece of white paper and roll it up, tying three beautiful and undamaged lava leaves to the "bundle". This amulet should be kept in a secluded place at your work or home. Only after the wish comes true, the amulet should be burned and its ashes scattered over the fertile land (garden, kitchen garden).

There is a conspiracy for money with a bay leaf. With it, you can count on good luck in the monetary sphere, and the growth of accumulated funds. To make it, you need to take a beautiful container and invest in it a coin of a large denomination. Each coin lining must be accompanied by a bay leaf lining. When lowering a coin into a container, it is necessary to say where the money will come from. It can be a gift, an inheritance, a good income or a sudden find. After the ritual, the container is closed and shaken. It says the conspiracy:

"Money to money, and poverty is beyond the threshold, profit is with me, like a laurel on a bush." After that, the container with the spoken coins is placed in a secluded place, away from prying eyes. If money comes to you in exactly the right way, then with each receipt of funds, do not forget to gratefully put a coin and a bay leaf into a piggy bank.

There is another conspiracy on the bay leaf for money. In order for you to always have money and increase capital, you should choose a large and whole leaf of lavrushka. This leaf should be rubbed between the palms of both hands, asking Lavrushka to help you in any financial matters. Then it is necessary to apply a little of any essential oil to the plant so that its smell merges with the smell of lavrushka. After that, the sheet must be put in the place where the money is stored. At the same time, the words are said:

"Money to money, prosperity to prosperity."

Bay leaf will attract cash flows and save you from unnecessary spending. A charmed plant can be put in a wallet so that money is kept and not transferred. Such rituals attract cash flows, and stimulate a person and learn to earn good money himself.

Bay leaf is used very often to attract money. In order for money to be found in the house, there is another ritual, for which it is necessary to take seven large and undamaged leaves of the plant. Leaves should have long stems. These legs are tied with red woolen thread. Either a banknote or a coin is tied to the thread, symbolizing monetary energy. Such a kind of amulet is hung over the front door with the words:

"Money to the house, and poverty beyond the threshold."

A conspiracy for money on a bay leaf is best done and read on the growing moon. It is believed that it is in this phase that flows are opened that contribute to an increase in profits and material well-being.

Why is a bay leaf put in a wallet, and with what words of conspiracy?

Putting a bay leaf in your wallet to attract money and well-being should also be “correct” so as not to incur any negative energy and not have the opposite effect. Of course, you can do without any rituals and just mentally wish yourself success, but reading a conspiracy to attract wealth will be much more effective. Such conspiracies are best read on the growing moon, sitting alone and in silence with a lit candle.

IMPORTANT: You should believe in the ritual itself and in every word spoken, so that your rite is sure to be effective.

This is what, it turns out, is a magical and strong ordinary bay leaf that everyone has at home.

The magical properties of bay leaves have been known since ancient times. AT ancient rome and Greece, this magical plant was used in ceremonies and rituals for the fulfillment of desires, to attract good luck and get rid of diseases. It was believed that this leaf brings success, victory and protects from misfortune.

Why don't you use his magic power?

Bay leaf for fulfillment of desires

Full moon ritual


  • Bay leaf (3pcs)
  • Pen with red ink
  • Paper

The ritual is performed ONLY on the full moon. Write down your desire on paper and say it out loud three times. Then fold the paper in three and say the wish again three times. Put a lavrushka inside a sheet of paper and fold it three times again. Hide the laurel sealed in this way in a dark place and every morning say your desire three times.

Ritual on ordinary days

We will need:

  • Laurel leaf (1pc)
  • Orange marker
  • Clay plate or cup
  • white candle

On a large bay leaf, write your wish with a marker and light the candle. Looking at the flame, begin desires, vividly imagining it in all its details. Kiss the bay leaf 3 times and light it with a candle flame. Put the burning leaf on a plate and say following words: “The power of the Universe and the power of Miracles, the power of the Gods and the power of Heaven! My wish comes true, as I wish - and it happens!

Fulfillment of money desires with bay leaf

Write the amount of money you need on a piece of paper and put it in any metal container. Take 7 coins and throw them into the jar one by one, while saying: “The coins are sparkling, the coins are ringing, I have more and more of them! Coins come from where I don’t expect, now I don’t recognize the need anymore! Place three bay leaves on top of the coins, close the jar with a lid and hide from prying eyes. Every day, be sure to replenish the contents of the jar with one or two new coins, imagining new sources of income. Before closing the lid, repeat the same plot. Exactly after 3 months, take out a piece of paper with a desire from the jar, wrap bay leaves in it and bury it in the ground.

Three drops of orange-scented essential oil, drip on three leaves of lavrushka (drop by drop per leaf) Place the leaves in your money places - where you store or earn money. It can be a wallet or purse, a safe with money, a desktop drawer, etc. Magic power Lavra will attract financial flows there and cash receipts will begin to increase.

Rituals for attracting good luck with bay leaves

Tie 5 dry bay leaves to the cuttings with red thread and hang above the front door inside your home. Say aloud at the same time the following conspiracy: “The laurel, grown hot under the sun, brings happiness and good luck to my house!”

From four bay leaves, make a figure in the form of a cross (petioles should be directed inward). On the new moon, put them under the rug in front of your front door. "Laurel Cross" - a symbol of good luck - will attract success and luck into your life. At each new moon, replace the sheets if they break.

!!! In all the above rituals, carefully monitor the condition of the bay leaves. If they start to crumble, break or become moldy, there is a high probability of an energy attack directed against you. In this case, bury them as far as possible from your home, after thanking for the help, and replace them with new ones.

The magical properties of bay leaves

  • To attract positive changes into your life, you need to rub the “lavrushka” in your palms, inhale its aroma deeply 3 times and say out loud your desire for positive changes.
  • Bay leaf placed under the pillow strengthens sleep and evokes pleasant dreams.
  • 4 leaves of laurel, spread out in the corners of the bedroom, protect its inhabitants from ailments and diseases
  • Laurel aroma will save from overwork and give additional strength and "second wind" to athletes

Here he is - this laurel-sorcerer! I sincerely hope that all these techniques

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