Norms of human behavior in society 4. Basic norms and rules of behavior in society. Proper behavior in business society

Aggressionmotivated behavior that is contrary to the norms and rules of the coexistence of people in society, causing harm to the objects of attack (animate and inanimate), causing physical damage to people or causing them psychological discomfort (negative experiences, a state of tension, fear, depression, etc.)(Chernova G.R., 2005).

Addressee of influence - one of the partners to whom the attempt to influence is directed.

Altruism -a motive for helping someone that is not consciously connected with one's own selfish interests(Myers D., 1997).

Anomie this is a state of disorganization of the personality, resulting from its disorientation

Attraction -a special form of perception and cognition of another person, based on the formation of a stable positive feeling towards him.

Autism- this is a complex, sometimes painful state of the personality, expressed in its excessive self-absorption, in avoiding contacts with others, in alienation, in immersion in the world of one's own experiences.

autisma personality trait that manifests itself in the norm and is not related to the field of psychopathology.

Relationship barriers occur when negative feelings and emotions interfere with the interaction. It is possible to distinguish barriers of fear, disgust, disgust, etc.

Verbal communicationdetermines the content of the verbal action and uses as sign system human speech: natural spoken language and written speech.

Extra-situational-personal form (4-6.7 years) - communication unfolding against the background of the child's theoretical and practical knowledge of the social world.

Extra-situational-cognitive form (3-4 years) - communication unfolding against the background of the joint with adults and independent activities of the child to get acquainted with the physical world.

Intra-group favoritism is the tendency to favor the social perception of members of one's own group in opposition to, and sometimes to the detriment of, members of another.

Suggestion - conscious or unconscious unreasoned impact on another person or group of people, aimed at changing their state, attitude towards something and predisposition to certain actions.

denotation- the meaning of the word recognized by the majority of people in a given linguistic community, the so-called lexical meaning the words.

Destructive criticism - making disparaging or insulting judgments about a person's personality and / or rude aggressive judgment, defamation or ridicule of his deeds and actions.

Decentration - the ability and ability of a person to move away from his position and look at the partner and the situation of interaction as if from the outside, through the eyes of an outside observer.

Since this mechanism releases from emotional bias, it is one of the most effective in the process of getting to know another person.

Friendship, implies deep individually selective interpersonal relationships, characterized by mutual affection based on a feeling of sympathy and unconditional acceptance of the other.

Jargon - technical terminology or characteristic idioms used in special activities or narrow groups.

Shyness -this is a personality trait that occurs in a person who constantly experiences difficulties in certain situations of interpersonal informal communication and manifests itself in a state of neuropsychic stress, is characterized by various disorders of autonomics, psychomotor, speech activity, emotional, volitional, thought processes and a number of specific changes in self-consciousness.

Infection - transfer of one's state or attitude to another person or group of people who somehow (not yet found an explanation) adopt this state or attitude.

Ignoringactions indicating that the addressee deliberately does not notice or does not take into account the words, actions or feelings expressed by the addressee.

Identification - it is a way of understanding another person through consciously or unconsciously likening him to himself. This is the easiest way to understand another person (Bodalev A.A., 1982).

Identification - this is the ability and ability of a person to move away from his position, “to get out of his shell” and look at the situation through the eyes of a partner in interaction(Rean A.A., 2004).

AvoidanceThis is such a strategy of behavior, which is characterized by both the absence of a desire to satisfy the interests of another person, and the absence of a tendency to achieve one's own goals.

Personal imageperceived and transmitted image of a person, an emotionally colored stereotype of perception by the mass ordinary consciousness of someone or something, for example, the image of a political figure

Influencer - the one of the partners who first attempts to influence in any of the known (or unknown) ways.

Interaction - interaction.

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Are social norms of behavior necessary?

Home / USE essays 2017-2018 (“Man and Society”) / Are social norms of behavior necessary?

I believe that social norms of behavior are not just necessary, but necessary. After all, they control the population of our vast country. The rules may vary. These are also ethical standards, which, having come to a restaurant, will help to correctly and beautifully arrange the appliances, have dinner, and thereby show the top of education and knowledge of ethical standards. There are also legal norms that no one has the right to violate. Such violations are equated to crimes for which punishment already follows. Thanks to social norms, order reigns in our country, and people know how to behave appropriately.

AT literary works situations in which the characters go beyond the norms and the consequences of such actions are described. Or vice versa, living according to the unspoken laws of society, they step over their own opinion and desire, act as society tells them.

The theme of the relationship between society and man is raised in Turgenev's story "Mumu". This is a story about how Gerasim, against his will, drowned a dog that was his only friend. He committed such an act, because he could not go against the will of the landowner.

This example confirms precisely the fact that earlier the peasants had to unquestioningly follow all the instructions of their masters. These were social norms, and they held on with all their might to the work they were given. Even in this example, we can conclude that the norms were needed so that the peasants felt the power of the owners, and they did not have the thought of free life. But, if Gerasim had violated the order of the landowner, he would have violated the already established norms of society. The peasants had neither freedom of speech nor their own opinion. Servants were even more respected in the house of masters. The sacrifice of his act is a sign of recognition of these cruel norms of that time.

Thus, norms are needed to maintain order, in a way, control over citizens.

The absence of these norms can lead to chaos, complete disorder in the country. No wonder there are legislative and legal documents in which the rules are written.

There are also unspoken rules of a certain society, violating which, you can be excluded from it. When a person observes the norms and approaches this respectfully and consciously, then he has nothing to worry about and worry about. Society will share his interests and will not leave him aside from public affairs. Law-abiding citizens can sleep peacefully and be proud of their country!

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  • Norms of behavior in society

    Since a person is a social being, then his full life outside the life of society is simply impossible. A person must reckon with the norms and forms of behavior that are established in society as a whole and in specific situations or in a particular society. Often what is unacceptable in one society can be afforded in another situation. But still, each person must form for himself fundamental principles behaviors that will determine his life norm and line of conduct and thus shape his relationships with other people, and hence his success in life.

    The norms of human behavior in society and in dealing with other people have been formed over the centuries. But these norms were not always the same. changed social order, social and class division of the population, the customs in the society of the aristocracy, bourgeoisie, clergy, workers, peasants, intelligentsia, military were different. At the same time, the behavior of young people and adults was different, the national and social traditions on which these norms of behavior were based were not the same. For representatives of the highest state, the aristocracy, there were fixed rules of conduct, ignorance or violation of which was considered a lack of education.

    Also often the norms of behavior of the corresponding state of society in different times were evaluated in different ways: at the time of their formation they were appropriate, and in another period of the development of society they were already considered inappropriate, testifying to the low culture of man.

    When talking, people tend to get together. Either in a smaller or in a larger society, and these meetings of a larger number of people are mainly caused by something. The reason may be some personal or family event (birthday, angel's day, weddings, anniversaries) or public (state and local holidays, celebrations of some historical event etc). The participants of such meetings are, as a rule, people who know each other well. But when stranger enters such a society for the first time, he must first of all introduce himself so that those present know about this person. Therefore, most often such a person in society is accompanied and recommended by the owner of the house or a person who knows society well. If there is no such person, then the stranger introduces himself: Dear, let me introduce myself. My name is (you should give your name, patronymic or surname), I am by profession ... (here you can indicate either a profession or a position, etc.).

    Before entering the room, they usually take off their outerwear and hats in the dressing room, and women can leave their hats on. It is not considered obligatory to kick off the shoes, instead, they should be wiped well on the mat.

    Back to Social norms

    Human behavior, that is, the way of life and actions, depends not only on the character of a person, his habits, but also on how he follows certain rules and norms established by society. From childhood, we get acquainted with the rules of conduct, customs, traditions, values. Knowledge of norms and rules allows us to manage our behavior, to control it.

    Norms indicate where and how we should behave. For men and women, for children and adults, their own rules of conduct have been developed.

    The assimilation of norms and rules begins with children's games. Here everything happens as if for fun. However, when playing seriously, the child adheres to certain rules.

    By joining the world of adults in a game situation, the rules of behavior and social norms are mastered.

    The game is a way of learning the norms and rules of adult society. Games of "daughters-mothers", "doctor and patient" model the world of adults. In essence, in the hands of a child is not a mother doll or a doctor doll. They control adult beings, arranging them in such an order as they, children, consider correct, forcing them to say what they consider it necessary to say. Girls, playing "hospital", need to play the roles of a patient and a doctor, ask about health, prescribe medicine, take care of the patient and try to cure him.

    Playing school, the participants of the game play the roles of a teacher, school director, student, parent. They require students to follow certain rules of conduct in the classroom, at recess, in the canteen, etc.

    Through the game, a teenager enters the world of adults, where the main role is played by prohibitions and permissions, requirements, rules of conduct, customs and traditions, in a word, social norms. There are many types of social norms in society.

    The word "custom" comes from everyday life. These are habitual forms of human behavior in Everyday life. Habits are a set pattern of behavior in certain situations. Lifestyle is created by our habits. Habits arise from skills and are reinforced through repeated repetition. Such are the habits of brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, saying hello, closing the door behind you, etc. Most habits do not meet with either approval or condemnation from others. But there are so-called bad habits: talking loudly, reading at dinner, biting your nails. They testify to the bad manners of a person. Manners are the external forms of human behavior. They are based on habits and are judged positively or negatively by others. Manners distinguish educated people from ill-bred people. Good manners must be taught. Dress neatly, listen carefully to the interlocutor, be able to behave at the table - all these are the everyday manners of a well-mannered person. Separately, manners make up the elements, or features, of culture, and together they make up etiquette. Etiquette is a system of rules of conduct adopted in special social circles that make up a single whole. A special etiquette existed at the royal courts, in secular salons, diplomatic circles. Etiquette includes specific manners, norms, ceremonies and rituals.

    Social norms are the rules established in a society that govern human behavior.

    Great importance in the life of society have customs. A custom is a traditionally established order of conduct. Customs are inherent in the broad masses of people. The customs of hospitality, the celebration of Christmas and the New Year, respect for elders and many others are treasured by the people as a collective property, as values. Customs are mass patterns of actions approved by society that are recommended to be performed. The behavior of a person who violates customs causes disapproval, censure.

    If habits and customs pass from one generation to another, they turn into traditions. Tradition is everything that is inherited from predecessors.

    Originally this word meant "tradition". Values, norms, patterns of behavior, ideas, tastes, and views also act as traditions. Meetings of former classmates, fellow soldiers, hoisting the national or ship flag can become traditional. Some traditions are performed in an ordinary, while others - in a festive, upbeat atmosphere. They belong to cultural heritage surrounded by honor and respect, serve as a unifying principle.

    Customs and traditions are accompanied by rituals. Rite is a set of actions established by custom. They express some religious ideas or everyday traditions. Rituals are not limited to one social group but apply to all segments of the population.

    Rites accompany important points human life. They can be associated with the birth of a person, baptism, wedding, engagement. Rites accompany the entry of a person into a new field of activity: a military oath, initiation into students. Rituals such as burial, funeral service, commemoration are associated with the death of a person.

    Morals are mass models of actions, especially protected, highly respected by society. They reflect the moral values ​​of society, their violation is punished more severely than the violation of traditions. From the word "mores" comes "morality" - ethical norms, spiritual principles that determine the most important aspects of society. The Latin word moralis means "moral". Morals are customs that have moral significance, forms of human behavior that exist in this society and can be subjected to moral evaluation.

    In all societies, it is considered immoral to insult elders, offend the weak, humiliate the disabled, use foul language. A special form of mores is taboo. Taboo is a system of prohibitions on any actions, words, objects. In ancient societies, the system of such prohibitions determined the rules of people's lives. AT modern society taboo is imposed on the desecration of national shrines, graves, monuments, insulting the feeling of patriotism, etc.

    Morality is based on a system of values.

    Values ​​are socially approved and shared by most people ideas about what goodness, justice, patriotism, citizenship are. They serve as a standard and an ideal for all people. For believers in society there are religious norms- rules of conduct contained in the texts of sacred books or established by the church.

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    Culture of behavior

    Attitude towards a person largely depends on his behavior among others. It is no coincidence that the vast majority have a negative attitude towards boors, or arrogant personalities. Cultural people, on the contrary, are desirable in any society.

    There are generally accepted norms of decency and rules of conduct, the observance of which is the key to successful communication. All these norms and rules can be combined under one term - the culture of human behavior.

    Culture of behavior and personality

    The concept of cultural behavior and ethics has existed for many centuries, and in our time has not lost its relevance. This concept includes the rules of behavior in society, the actions and forms of communication of people, which are based on morality, as well as the internal and external culture of a person. The norms of behavior are the determining factor in the correctness or incorrectness of a person's actions in society. First of all, the main factor of cultural behavior is upbringing, i.e. a person's willingness to comply with the norms of behavior, his goodwill and tact in relation to others. Ethics and culture of behavior is a kind of standard, a system of rules accepted in society. Etiquette is designed to serve people for everyday communication, being a set of polite intonations of colloquial speech.

    The culture of communication and behavior is an ambiguous concept. Etiquette can always be realized in communication, but not all communication can be recognized as etiquette. Communication is much more than etiquette. At any cultural communication partners may differ in gender, age, nationality, social status, as well as the degree of acquaintance and kinship. The culture of behavior is built according to these criteria. For example, the younger is obliged to listen to the elder, and not to interrupt him, and a man in the presence of a woman does not have the right to be rude. To some extent, ethics is a system of cultural containment to ensure a positive way of communication between unequal partners. The culture of behavior is almost always designed for two addressees - a partner and an audience. Thus, its rules and norms are distributed in two directions at once.

    Rules of the culture of behavior

    Rules and norms of cultural behavior begin long before two people have the opportunity to get to know each other. In most cases, people entering into communication remain unfamiliar with each other. But this does not prevent them from being polite and tactful.

    The basic rules and norms of a culture of behavior are brought up in a person from childhood. However, if for some reason you have not been instilled with them, or you have forgotten some of them, follow the simplified and basic version of how to become a cultured person:

    These simple rules not only facilitate relationships with people, but also help you become a cultured person in the face of others, which is a rarity today.

    What is etiquette, why it was invented and why a culture of behavior is needed - these questions can often be heard from a naughty child whom parents are trying to calm down. Or from teenagers, when they begin a period of a kind of rebellion against established norms, rules and requirements. And, to be honest, many adults sometimes complain about the framework for the rules of conduct. What is all this for? Why can't you behave the way you want at the moment? Let's find out!


    The word "etiquette" is borrowed from French.. It means the manner of behavior, the rules of behavior and courtesy accepted in society.

    But why do society have rules of etiquette? - you ask. And then, what exactly etiquette gives people the opportunity to use a ready-made order of behavior in a given situation:

    1. At home;
    2. In public places;
    3. At work or service;
    4. Away;
    5. During business communication;
    6. At official receptions and ceremonies.

    Behavioral norms for a given situation created and adopted over many years, even centuries. The first rules of human behavior among their own kind appeared in ancient times. Even then, people began to try to adhere to certain customs in order to peacefully coexist with each other.

    Unfortunately, today many principles of etiquette have become obsolete, obsolete. But what's wrong with, for example, if young people give up their seats in transport to older people? Or that a man will open the door and politely let the lady go first? What is it that began to happen to people if the simple rules of polite communication suddenly became irrelevant? And when should you start following them?

    From an early age

    It is from infancy that behavioral habits begin to form, with which the individual can then spend his whole life. The culture of communication is laid down for the child from his very birth, and the kid will take the behavior of adults - his parents as a basis. Therefore, it is foolish to require children to adhere to some kind of framework in communication, if we ourselves do not comply with these frameworks. No wonder they say that it is necessary to educate not children, but start with yourself.

    As was customary with our grandparents:

    1. Children addressed all adults as "you", even their own parents;
    2. From childhood, kids were taught that it was impossible to interrupt the conversation of adults;
    3. From childhood, the child was taught that old age must be respected, etc.

    During adolescence

    What's going on now c: children feel permissiveness, they try to be on a par with adults and even take the liberty of deciding something for adults. And it’s not worth mentioning the behavior of young people in public places: it is not uncommon for young people to sit in public transport, while older citizens, mothers with babies and pregnant women will “hang out” while standing. And an attempt to make a remark is fraught with a stream of obscene abuse, which the youths will happily throw out at the one who "dared" to call them to order.

    It is unlikely that all these people think about the fact that they will not always be young, strong and healthy, and the time will come when they will have to listen to nasty things from the same young and “advanced” fellow citizens.

    By and large, young people are not to blame in such situations. They simply weren't explained at the time how to behave properly.

    We often strive so hard to protect our children from everything that we put them above all other people:

    1. It is we ourselves who set an example of behavior when we try to seat our already grown-up child in a chair in public transport and do not explain to him that sometimes a comfortable seat needs to be given up to those who are more in need: pregnant women, the elderly or people with disabilities;
    2. It is we who react to an unpleasant remark either with a stream of negativity on the head of the “educator”, or we pretend that this does not concern us;
    3. It is we who, by our example, show our children that our desires are a priority.

    But we forget that our children will still need to learn how to live in society and put up with the people around them.


    And then the kids grow up. And now they are beginning to wonder why the rules of behavior in society are needed: after all, they are already adults, they can do whatever they want. And it starts:

    1. One likes to listen to music at night: well, what, this is his apartment, he "has the right." And he prefers not to think about the fact that he grossly violates the rights of neighbors to silence. Did they come to comment? Ugliness! More will be taught here!
    2. Others need to be refurbished. And he wants to do it exactly on the weekend, early in the morning, or on weekdays until late. What? Negotiate with neighbors? Here's another! And what if someone there gets up early in the morning, and what if he wakes up someone's child, etc.
    3. And the third, having taken a high position, completely forgets how to politely communicate with others - rudeness and tyranny has become almost an integral part of communication with subordinates.

    And where is the culture of communication, tact, understanding that there are also people around?


    You can list the rules and norms of behavior that used to be long and boring. You can justify the current lack of culture among people by saying that the world has changed - and the rules also need to be changed. Why you need to know the rules of conduct that were relevant a hundred years ago? Because all these norms teach us to respect each other: to speak correctly and tactfully, not to use obscene language, to be kinder to others, more compassionate.

    It is etiquette that instills in us the first concepts of mutual assistance, the ability to keep a given word, to treat with care those who are weaker than us, to appreciate our parents and respect each other.

    Etiquette is not archaic rules for the behavior of people in society. Etiquette is reasonably built communication of decent, tactful and cultured people in a civilized society. So let's always remember this.

    The rules of conduct are designed to regulate our everyday life in society, help us communicate, set the necessary limits, going beyond which leads at least to ignorance and bad manners, and at most are regarded as deviant behavior. The rules governing behavior in society are called "etiquette".

    What's this?

    Etiquette is a set of rules for human behavior in relation to people in different life situations. There are five groups of basic rules of etiquette:

    • the ability to present oneself- the rules relate to the appearance of a person: dress with taste, take care of your skin and figure, keep your posture, walk beautifully, gesticulate moderately and to the point;
    • rule of speech and communication - the manner and tone of speech, the ability to correctly express their thoughts, greet, say goodbye, forgive, build a constructive conflict;
    • table etiquette- accuracy at the table and during meals, the ability to properly use cutlery, set the table;
    • rules of conduct in society- the ability to behave in public places (museums, theaters, libraries, hospitals, and so on);
    • Business Etiquette- the ability to build relationships with colleagues, superiors, the manner of doing business politely and with respect for partners.

    Anyone who is able to use the basic rules gives the impression of a well-mannered and polite person with whom it is pleasant to communicate and build relationships. Such a person is ready to meet halfway, they are happy to do favors and fulfill his requests for help.

    In addition to the main groups of etiquette, there are some gender differences in the rules of conduct for men, women, and children.

    Good manners for men

    A well-bred man should be tastefully and appropriately dressed. He politely communicates with the girl, his speech is calm, devoid of sharpness and high tone. He is always ready to help a woman, no matter if she is familiar to him or not. For example, lifting heavy packages of groceries to a neighbor on the porch, opening the car door for a girl and giving a hand or letting her in first at the entrance is natural and easy for him. A man should be attentive to women's needs.

    With the male sex, he is also polite, does not show his superiority and does not brag. Conflicts are resolved by polite dialogue and are not the first to go on the rampage. He is fair with subordinates, does not raise his voice, respects the work of other people, appreciates their time and effort. In a word, a worthy man.

    Basic rules for men:

    • if, inviting someone to a restaurant, a man says: “I invite you,” then this means that he is ready to pay for this person;
    • walking next to a woman, a man should be on left side from it, and only military personnel can be on the right to salute if necessary;
    • you should always open the door for a woman and let her in first;
    • when leaving the car, you need to open the door and give a hand to a woman;
    • help the woman put on her coat and temporarily hold her purse if necessary.

    Etiquette for women

    All generally binding rules apply to women. A woman should be able to present herself - this applies both to appearance and to the manner of communication.. The image should be chosen with taste and to the place.

    Polite dialogue, tact, modesty, a straight back and a beautiful walk are ideal modern woman. She competently renders signs of attention to men.

    Frank flirting with a man is inappropriate, as is excessive obsession, since such behavior is called "frivolity."

    When communicating with a man, a woman should be respectful and tactful, but at the same time know her rights. She has the right to refuse obsessive signs of attention and warn the man that he is beyond the permissible.

    more by nature emotional women must be able to hide negative emotions in society, to avoid high tone, swear words and even excessive manifestation of joy.

    Basic rules for women:

    • you can’t be indoors in a hat and mittens, but you can wear a hat and gloves;
    • bright makeup is appropriate only at parties;
    • it is necessary to use perfume moderately: if a woman feels her perfume, then this means that there is too much of it;
    • it is required to observe moderation in jewelry: do not wear rings over gloves and mitts - you can wear a bracelet, while the maximum number of jewelry, including decorative buttons, is 13 items.

    Code of conduct for children

    The first thing parents should remember is that the child imitates them.

    Therefore, it is necessary to be in everything the right example for your child and carefully regulate his behavior in public places and on the playground.

    Children from two and a half years old are usually happy to greet and say goodbye to everyone - such behavior should be encouraged in relation to familiar adults and children.

    On the playground, their toys are always uninteresting until they interest another child. In this case, you need to offer the children an exchange of toys for a while - so the children will learn to share more calmly and ask permission to play with someone else's toy.

    Any kid from 3-4 years old, and even more so his parents, should know that you can’t make noise on the bus, run in the store and scream.

    As children grow older, it is worth instilling the correct manner of communication with parents, adults, and in educational institutions with teachers and educators. Appropriate system of behavior for children from 6 years old:

    • you can not interrupt and intervene in the conversation of adults, be insolent and rude to elders and teachers;
    • treat the elderly with courtesy and respect, help them on the street or in transport;
    • behave decently in public places: do not run around the store, do not shout in the museum and theater and similar places.

    But when teaching children the rules of etiquette, it is necessary to remember the safety rules: children can sometimes be too helpful, and criminals can take advantage of this.

    General rules

    Below are the current generally accepted rules of conduct:

    • Greetings- this is a necessary sign of courtesy to a friend or person with whom you need to make acquaintance. In addition, entering the room, you must say hello first.
    • Parting. “Leaving in English” is indecent in our society. Therefore, closing the door behind you, it is imperative to say goodbye.
    • Gratitude- for the service rendered to the attendants, for the help of relatives, friends, to a stranger who held the elevator doors.
    • Decent appearance - neat clean clothes to the place and according to the weather, as well as maintaining personal hygiene.

    What not to do:

    • Coming to visit without notice - it is necessary to notify in advance about your visit even to relatives and friends, because unexpected guests bring a lot of trouble.
    • Read someone else's correspondence and look into someone else's smartphone. A person has the right to privacy.
    • Ask uncomfortable questions: ask about salary, ask about personal matters, unless, of course, the interlocutor himself touches on the topic of private life.
    • Arguing and arguing violently. AT conflict situation a well-mannered person does not shout at the opponent, does not stoop to insults and calmly presents his arguments.
    • To enter without knocking into a closed room. You must definitely knock on closed door both at home and at work, entering the office of a colleague or boss, thereby saving the person at the door from an awkward situation.

    Below are the rules for public places.

    • It is required to maintain silence in the appropriate premises: in the library, hospital, museum, theater, cinema.
    • Do not litter on the street, in the park and any other public places.
    • It is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol on street benches, and even more so near children's playgrounds.
    • It is unacceptable to spit, pick one's nose, blow one's nose on the sidewalk - this is not only uncivilized, but also disgusts passers-by.
    • Making your way through the crowd, you need to use following words: "let me pass", "let me", "please".

    • Going to the theater, restaurant, political event or a corporate party, you need to choose the right outfit.
    • In a cinema or theater, you need to make your way to your seats facing those who are sitting. If the seats are in the middle, then you need to go to them in advance, so as not to cause inconvenience to the extreme sitting spectators.
    • During the performance you can not eat - for this there is an intermission and a buffet.
    • After the performance, a man should go to the wardrobe himself and take a coat for his lady, while helping her to put it on.
    • In the museum, you can’t talk loudly, you shouldn’t push, making your way to the exhibits. No need to rush - you should calmly move from one exhibit to another and not touch them with your hands. It is necessary to listen to the guide and not interrupt him, ask questions only after he asks about it.

    • Dry the umbrella in any room should be closed.
    • You can’t put the phone on the table at a party, restaurants, during an interview - this is a sign of disrespect, which is regarded as an unwillingness to communicate with the interlocutor.
    • More bags, suitcases, briefcases can not be placed on the table in a restaurant or cafe. Bags are hung on the arm of a chair, and a briefcase or a bag is placed next to the chair on the floor. Only a small elegant handbag is allowed to be placed on the table.

    Etiquette in public transport

    The rules are as follows:

    • When entering any public transport or subway, you must skip exiting.
    • Must go straight to free places don't linger at the door.
    • Give way to the elderly, pregnant women and women with children and people with limited mobility.
    • If you hurt someone or accidentally pushed, you need to apologize.

    Store etiquette

    • When entering the store, you first need to let people out, then let pregnant women, the elderly and people with limited mobility in first, and only then go in yourself.
    • It is not allowed to enter the store with animals, a lit cigarette and ice cream.
    • Thanks for the seller's service.
    • Damaged goods must be returned with a polite explanation.
    • The queue at the store must be respected, but women with young children, pregnant women and people with limited mobility should be let ahead.

    The general rules of decency are an instrument that regulates the limits that society should not go beyond.

    The subtleties of communication

    The psychological component of our life is communication. AT primitive society people communicated only through gestures and sounds. Now it's happening different ways. AT modern world There are two main types of communication:

    • verbal- through speech. It is the most basic way through which the entire planet communicates.
    • non-verbal- with the help of gestures, facial expressions and feelings: tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory. With the help of feelings and gestures, not only people, but also animals communicate.

    Communication regulates relationships at home, at work, in family life i.e. in every area of ​​life. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know about some subtleties that will help you understand others and be understood yourself:

    • Ability to listen and hear. The ability to listen helps to understand a person's feelings. It is very important for us to be heard, and therefore people who have this ability immediately inspire trust and gratitude. To learn to listen, you need to tune in to the interlocutor who wants to convey their feelings or expectations. To do this, you need to leave your thoughts for a while, listen and not interrupt him until the person speaks out and begins to expect advice from the listener.
    • The ability to express negative feelings is essential in family life. It is important to express feelings correctly and not offend a partner, it is important to talk about accumulated grievances in time, because he may not even guess what is happening in his heart loving person, because no one has yet learned to read other people's thoughts.

    It is important to do this without reproach and shouting, and you need to remember that resentment comes to an act, and not to a person. And it should also be conveyed that such an act offended, and ask not to do this again - an emotionally mature person will understand and will never do this again.

    • Ability to express wishes and requests. If a person wants his desires to be fulfilled, you need to do without hints and ask directly, politely and in an understandable form. Thank you in advance by using the word “please” several times, as children do, because this little trick often works.
    • The ability to communicate with a negatively minded person. The impact of a negatively minded person can lead to discouragement and even depression, deprive confidence and lower self-esteem.

    That is why you should avoid such a “comrade”, but if you can’t get away from communication, for example, with your boss, then you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    • It is necessary to abstract and not take personally the insults that are inflicted on them.
    • Remain calm, prove your case confidently and with restraint, fending off the facts. Usually such people crave scandal, the same reaction to their anger and anger, but cold restraint can confuse them.

    A person is negatively affected not only by such brawlers, but also by another category of people who constantly complain - they suck everything out in the same way. positive emotions. You can get tired of talking to them. the best way there will be an avoidance of communication with such people or you can try to distract them interesting news or topic. But do not tell them about your successes, as this will give a new wave of complaints and cause for envy.

    Etiquette at a party and at the table

    Knowing the culture of behavior at a party and at the table will help a person not to get into trouble and not be considered ignorant. The following points of etiquette are given for those who like not only to host guests, but also often visit themselves.

    • the owner of the house meets the guests on the threshold and helps to undress, then the hostess escorts the newcomers to the table and introduces the guests present;
    • guests should be entertained with conversation, but not to impose topics for communication, but viewing home photo and video only at the request of all those present;
    • it is necessary to ensure that all guests have the necessary cutlery at the table.

    • don't be late;
    • a cultured and polite guest does not come empty-handed - flowers, a bottle of wine or sweets will be an appropriate gift for the hostess of the house;
    • if this is a small dinner or lunch, then it is imperative to praise the culinary abilities of the hostess; this is inappropriate at large receptions;
    • bad tone - to sit silently and not communicate with the rest of the guests, you need to keep the conversation going;
    • you can’t leave without saying goodbye, you should thank the hosts for the evening and politely say goodbye to the rest of the guests.

    • Women sit down at the table first, men help them in this by pulling a chair.
    • Elbows are not put on the table - only the hands are allowed to be put, besides, the elbows should be pressed while eating.
    • You need to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. It is not allowed to sip or smack your lips.
    • The meat should be cut into small pieces, while holding the knife in the right hand, and the fork in the left, it is necessary to eat from the fork. Eating with a knife is unacceptable.
    • In between meals, the fork and knife are not left on the tablecloth, but placed crosswise on the plate. Between the change of dishes, the fork and knife are also left on an empty plate, but already parallel to each other, while the knife is placed to the right of the fork.

    • Before drinking from a glass, it is necessary to blot your mouth with a napkin so as not to leave greasy stains on it.
    • In the event that all the dishes are already on the table, you need to take them only with special devices reserved for each individual dish, and in no case with your own spoon.
    • It is unacceptable to use a toothpick at the table.
    • Can't talk to mouthful, and also leave the table without chewing food to the end.
    • If an attack of sneezing or coughing begins, then you need to use a tissue.
    • You should not force a neighbor on the table to try this or that dish - everyone has their own taste preferences.
    • At the table, you should have an easy and pleasant conversation.

    Rules for meeting parents

    Eager to produce good impression on the parents of the second half, people make stupid mistakes. Therefore, when visiting the parents of your loved one, you need to follow the following recommendations:

    • Do not come empty-handed, but do not give halves of alcoholic drinks to your father at the first meeting. It is better to bring flowers to mom or a cake to the table.
    • You should not start a conversation first - it is better to wait until you are contacted.
    • It is necessary to behave modestly, not to flatter or praise the interior of the house.
    • You should not refuse treats, it is worth remembering that the future mother-in-law or mother-in-law cooked for you - you need to try to eat a little of everything and praise the hostess.

    • No need to get involved in alcohol - it is better to try to stretch one glass of wine longer.
    • Girls should not smoke on their first visit to their parents.
    • It is necessary to take care of a decent appearance. Guys should wear trousers and a shirt or jeans and a shirt, never shorts. Girls should avoid short shorts, skirts and dresses with a deep neckline and cutouts.
    • You should politely answer questions from parents, do not tell jokes and avoid silly jokes.
    • When leaving, be sure to call your parents to visit you.

    The ability to dress

    A pleasant and neat appearance, personal hygiene are the natural duties of any person. No one will be pleased to communicate with a person who smells bad. Simple things like daily visit showering, brushing teeth and skin care must be carried out.

    It is important to correctly choose your wardrobe, which should contain things for all occasions.

    At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the figure so that the thing sits well and does not seem small, or, conversely, large.

    When choosing the color of a thing, you need to rely on the color of the skin, face and eyes. Each person has his own color type:

    • Winter- the skin can be both almost white and swarthy, hair - black or dark.

    • Spring- blond hair and eyes thin skin, pink lips.

    • Summer- light blond, ashy shade of hair. Gray, gray-blue, green, light brown eyes. Grayish-beige and slightly pink skin tone, pale pink lips.

    • Autumngolden skin, warm shades of eyes (brown, golden, dark brown), hair from golden to red shades.

    For color types, winter and summer are well suited for things of cold shades, for spring and autumn - warm, pastel.

    The wardrobe itself is divided into the following categories:

    • Everyday. Jeans, T-shirts, shirts, various pullovers and sweatshirts will be appropriate here. Women can include simple cut dresses and skirts in it, in summer - sundresses and shorts. Such clothes are convenient for meeting with friends, going shopping, walking in the park or going with children to the circus or museum.

    social norms- generally accepted rules, patterns of behavior, performance standards designed to ensure orderliness, sustainability and stability social interaction individuals and social groups. The set of norms in force in a particular community constitutes an integral system, the various elements of which are interdependent.

    Types of social norms

    1. Group habits are the norms of small groups. They appear and continue to exist only in small groups (families, sports teams, friendly companies).
    2. General rules - norms large groups(society as a whole). These are manners, traditions, etiquette. Each social group has its own customs, rules of conduct, traditions. There are manners of behavior of older people, national customs.
    3. The normativity of social behavior is directly related to the role functions of a person in society as a whole, a social group. These functions are determined by his status in such a group. The social norm instilled in an individual, group and society dictates the behavior that will be expected. Stereotypes are formed, a person's vision of his proper behavior.

    Neo-institutionalists divide into conventions (or strategies), norms and rules. Social conventions describe ordinary and everyday behavior that does not involve the application of sanctions or prohibitions. A norm is a type of social institution that is mandatory and expresses a prohibition, requirement or permission. The rule includes not only a mandatory requirement or prohibition, but also a sanction for non-compliance with it. Establishing a system of compliance with the rules in society should include punishments for those who do not comply with them. According to neo-institutionalists, a norm is an "in-between" social institution, transitional social form from rules to conventions, implying a gradual rejection of social coercion.

    Functions of social norms

    • integration of individuals into groups, and groups into society;
    • regulation of the general course of socialization;
    • controlling deviant behavior;
    • formation of models, standards of behavior.

    Achieving this with the help of social norms occurs as follows:

    1. Social norms are the duties of one person in relation to another or other people. Restricting students to communicate with the school principal more often than with their teachers obliges each student to fulfill the required norms of behavior, certain obligations with other students, teachers and the school principal. Therefore, social norms determine the formation of the network social relations groups, societies.
    2. Social norms are expectations small group, large group, society as a whole. From each person who observes social norms, others expect a certain behavior. When the passengers public transport first they leave it, and only then others enter, an organized interaction appears. When the norm is violated, collisions and disorder arise. Consequently, social norms determine the formation of a system of social interaction, which includes motives, goals, orientation of the subjects of action, action, expectation, evaluation and means.

    Social norms perform their own functions depending on the quality in which they manifest themselves:

    • as standards of conduct (rules, requirements, duties);
    • as expectations of behavior (stereotypes, reactions of other people).

    Social norms are universal. The social norm, fixing any rule of behavior, affects not a specific individual, but all people in similar situations. Social norms are characterized by:

    • uncertainty of the addressee (to someone who is in a specific capacity, in specific conditions provided for by social norms);
    • universality of application (in acts of social relations, production, exchange, interaction of individuals);
    • repeated repetition (a criterion of the historical process, denoting the pattern of development).

    The social norm fixes the act of activity, which in practice has become established in life. Therefore, committed actions become an unspoken rule. The social norm determines the formation of the purposeful activity of each individual, which is determined by objective factors. These factors give so-called "objective authority" to social norms.

    Social norms also presuppose the relative freedom of human behavior, which each person feels when he acts in accordance with social rules, although he could neglect them. At the same time, when a person violates the rules of conduct, he must be prepared to undergo a certain kind of sanctions, by applying which society ensures that individuals respect social rules.

    With the help of social norms, society seeks to ensure the implementation of certain social functions. The exercise of these functions is of public interest. This public interest is not necessarily, in the full sense of the word, the interest of the predominant part of society. However, it is social in the sense that, with the help of social norms, it ensures the coordination and coordination of the actions of individuals in order to successfully unfold, first of all, the process of social production that ensures the existence of society at a given stage of its development.

    >> Rules and norms of behavior in society

    15. Rules and norms of behavior in society

    What are social norms?

    Human behavior, that is, the way of life and actions, depends not only on the character of a person, his habits, but also on how he follows certain rules and norms established by society. From childhood, we get acquainted with the rules of conduct, customs, traditions, values. Knowledge of norms and rules allows us to manage our behavior, to control it.

    Norms indicate where and how we should behave. For men and women, for children and adults, their own rules of conduct have been developed.

    The assimilation of norms and rules begins with children's games. Here everything happens as if for fun. However, when playing seriously, the child adheres to certain rules.

    By joining the world of adults in a game situation, the rules of behavior and social norms are mastered.

    The game is a way of learning the norms and rules of adult society. Games of "daughters-mothers", "doctor and patient" model the world of adults. In essence, in the hands of a child is not a mother doll or a doctor doll. They control adult beings, arranging them in such an order as they, children, consider correct, forcing them to say what they consider it necessary to say. Girls, playing "hospital", need to play the roles of a patient and a doctor, ask about health, prescribe medicine, take care of the patient and try to cure him. Playing the school, the participants of the game play the role of a teacher, school director, student, parent. They require students to follow certain rules of conduct in the classroom, at recess, in the canteen, etc.

    Through the game, a teenager enters the world of adults, where the main role is played by prohibitions and permissions, requirements, rules of conduct, customs and traditions, in a word, social norms. There are many types of social norms in society.

    Customs and traditions

    The word "custom" comes from everyday life. These are habitual forms of human behavior in everyday life. Habits are a set pattern of behavior in certain situations. Lifestyle is created by our habits. Habits arise from skills and are reinforced through repeated repetition. Such are the habits of brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, saying hello, closing the door behind you, etc. Most habits do not meet with either approval or condemnation from others. But there are so-called bad habits: talking loudly, reading at dinner, biting your nails. They testify to the bad manners of a person. Manners are the external forms of human behavior. They are based on habits and are judged positively or negatively by others. Manners distinguish educated people from ill-bred people. Good manners must be taught. Dress neatly, listen carefully to the interlocutor, be able to behave at the table - all these are the everyday manners of a well-mannered person. Separately, manners make up the elements, or features, of culture, and together they make up etiquette. Etiquette is a system of rules of conduct adopted in special social circles that make up a single whole. A special etiquette existed at the royal courts, in secular salons, diplomatic circles. Etiquette includes specific manners, norms, ceremonies and rituals.

    social norms These are the rules established in society and regulating human behavior.

    Customs are of great importance in the life of society. A custom is a traditionally established order of conduct. Customs are inherent in the broad masses of people. The customs of hospitality, the celebration of Christmas and the New Year, respect for elders and many others are treasured by the people as a collective property, as values. Customs are mass patterns of actions approved by society that are recommended to be performed. The behavior of a person who violates customs causes disapproval, censure.

    If habits and customs pass from one generation to another, they turn into traditions. Tradition is everything that is inherited from predecessors.

    Originally this word meant "tradition". Values, norms, patterns of behavior, ideas, tastes, and views also act as traditions. Meetings of former classmates, fellow soldiers, hoisting the national or ship flag can become traditional. Some traditions are performed in an ordinary, while others - in a festive, upbeat atmosphere. They belong to the cultural heritage, are surrounded by honor and respect, serve as a unifying principle.

    Customs and traditions are accompanied by rituals. Rite is a set of actions established by custom. They express some religious ideas or everyday traditions. Rites are not limited to one social group, but apply to all segments of the population. Rites accompany important moments of human life. They can be associated with the birth of a person, baptism, wedding, engagement. Rites accompany the entry of a person into a new field of activity: a military oath, initiation into students. Rituals such as burial, funeral service, commemoration are associated with the death of a person.

    Mores and laws

    manners- especially protected, highly honored by society mass models of actions. They reflect the moral values ​​of society, their violation is punished more severely than the violation of traditions. From the word "mores" comes "morality" - ethical norms, spiritual principles that determine the most important aspects of society. The Latin word moralis means "moral". Morals are customs that have moral significance, forms of human behavior that exist in a given society and can be subjected to moral assessment. In all societies, it is considered immoral to insult elders, offend the weak, humiliate the disabled, use foul language. A special form of mores is taboo. Taboo is a system of prohibitions on any actions, words, objects. In ancient societies, the system of such prohibitions determined the rules of people's lives. In modern society, the desecration of national shrines, graves, monuments, insulting the feeling of patriotism, etc. is taboo.

    Morality is based on a system of values.

    Values- socially approved and shared by most people ideas about what goodness, justice, patriotism, citizenship are. They serve as a standard and an ideal for all people. For believers in society, there are religious norms - rules of conduct contained in the texts of sacred books or established by the church.

    The behavior of people in society is also regulated by legal norms. They are enshrined in laws issued by the state, and clearly define the boundaries of behavior. Violation of laws entails a certain punishment. The laws of society protect the most precious and revered values: human life, state secrets, human rights and human dignity, property.

    Summing up

    Human society cannot exist without certain rules and norms. The norms of behavior that exist in society, customs, mores, religion, law regulate the life and relationships of people, unite society and maintain public order.

    Test your knowledge

    1. Explain the meaning of the concepts: "social norms", "customs", "mores", "etiquette", "religious norms", "legal norms".
    2. Give examples of such forms of behavior as habits, traditions, mores.
    3. Why are laws needed in society?


    1. Using knowledge of history ancient world, prepare the message "How did the norms of life and behavior of people in society."
    2. Explain the relationship of the moral positions of a member of society: “I want!”, “I can!”, “I must!”.

    Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A., Social science: A textbook for the 6th grade of educational institutions. - 12th ed. - M .: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2009. - 184 p.

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