Scenario of the event dedicated to the day of remembrance of political repressions. Scenarios on the theme “Remembrance Day of the Repressed. Scenario of the evening meeting with the former repressed

1. Methodological development of a scenario for a rally dedicated to the memory of the victims
political repressions "37 - the peak of terror"
2. "Scenario of a school-wide / mass event"
3. Alekseeva Elena Anatolyevna, teacher of Russian language and literature
4. Rehabilitated citizens and their relatives, students and teachers of MOU
School No. 15, deputies of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma, representatives
administration of the urban district of the city of Rybinsk, representatives of the Departments
education and social protection administration of the urban district city
5. Education of the civic position of schoolchildren in the framework of the implementation
subprogram "Education and development of a young citizen of the city of Rybinsk in
municipal education system.
6. Pupils of 59 classes (1115 years old) School No. 15 named after. N.I. Dementieva
7. A rally is a mass educational event that becomes
the result in the school event "We Remember", during which our school
there are full-time and part-time excursions, creative competitions (poems, posters about
Volgolag), memory lessons.
The rally at the Laying Stone is one of the traditions of the school for civic education.
patriotic education. Long-term participation of the school in this event
proves that this is an effective educational form of work with children. Participation
in a rally allows high school students to feel their importance in the public
the life of the native city and the preservation of historical memory.
8. Tasks of the event:
form an active civic position;
to form the foundations of morality, patriotism and the desire for

positive self-realization;

Soviet people;

to introduce students to examples of courage and resilience
to form respect for the historical past and for the elder

SCENARIO of the rally dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims
political repression "37 - the peak of terror"
"The best prophet for the future is the past"
J. Byron
Event program:
10.50 - Construction of the delegation from school No. 15 of the microdistrict at the Laying Stone
11.00 Meeting with the participants of the rally. They pass on established for
they are places to the sound of hammer blows on the ryndu
11.10 – 11.40 Speeches of the rally participants
11.40 – Minute of silence
11.45 - Laying flowers at the Laying Stone
Lead 2
Today, even sad, allowed people to come together,
who have by this date - "Day of Remembrance of Political Repressions" direct
or indirect relationship.
1st presenter: Insure yourself against numerous professions.
2nd host: Insure yourself against the proletarians of all countries.
1st presenter: Insure yourself against political repression.
2nd presenter: Insure yourself against funeral telegrams.
1st presenter: Insure yourself against the discolored sky.
2nd host: Insure yourself against the inevitable fuss.
1st leader: Insure yourself against the impersonal sky.

2nd host: Insure yourself from hopeless fuss.
Music sounds.
Polonaise Oginsky "Farewell to the Motherland".

1 reader
Lost time, burnt souls
Your daughters and sons are the best,
The country that lit the eternal fire,
And the space was covered with the ashes of the dead
Endless forests and fields and steppes,
Where in your thousands of terrible camps,
Burned and time, and souls, and lives,
In the smoky bonfires of an endless feast
October 30 was chosen by the President of the Russian Federation as the Day of Victims of Repressions not by chance.
On this day in 1972, Yuri Galanskov died in the Mordovian camp, having received
term for his protest against the imprisonment of Sinyavsky and Daniel writers,
convicted for publishing their stories abroad (according to the authorities,
these stories "discredited the Soviet state and social system")
After 2 years, in October 1974, a group of Galanskov's accomplices managed to transfer to
the will of the proposal to celebrate this day all over the world as the Day of Political Prisoners.
Which was accepted by the world community.
Russia will cry, and mourn for one thing
That we were all mown into this land in a herd
Our even the Almighty forgot the names
We have one plain at the bottom and tire
And ravines and floodplains and deaf past ...
And ... Russia does not remember how they loved
Lead 2
October 30, on this day, rallies are held throughout Russia, remembering those who
innocently suffered during the years of repression. In the 1930s, our district became a place
people links. For 18 years, the native village was entangled with barbed wire. He
not even marked on the map. It was called the capital

2 reader
On the day of remembrance of the innocent - killed,
Those who died at the hands of the executioners,
At his call, deaf, penetrating
Thousands of people come.
They stand with lit candles.
And everyone is somewhere far away in their thoughts,
Only in eyes filled with tears
You can understand how difficult it is for them.
Presenter 1
In the 1930s, our native village of Perebory became an island of captivity. About these
terrible times, our countrywoman Zoya Mikhailovna Krylova wrote poetry.
3 Reader
That fateful time is not forgotten.
It is still in the memory of people,
When the Russian land was covered
A shameful network of creepy camps.

And the city of Rybinsk was no exception.
In the area of ​​quiet old Busts
Suddenly grew up like a ghost
A thorny, intimidating fence.

The sea splashed on their bones here.
The Rybinsk hydroelectric power station was lit up with lights.
Many years at the cost of human grief
The country of the Soviets drove progress.
Lead 2
With this pain lived the recently deceased Kim Vasilyevich Katunin, with whom
our museum has been a strong friendship since 1995. He is a witness and a judge
terrible era of Stalinist repressions. Kim Vasilievich, without going too far,
told how the conveyor of death in Volgolag worked. Like overseers
mocked him, having discovered during a search his poems on sheets from under
paper bags. A miracle happened, these poems were preserved in the mid-90s

years were returned to Kim Katunin from the archives of the Yaroslavl Department of Internal Affairs. Himself Kim
Vasilyevich was rehabilitated only in May 1956.
Reader 4
I wandered through Soviet prisons,
Giving vent to gloomy thoughts and tears ..
I looked at the world with bitter bewilderment,
Not even believing my own eyes.
On the bunk at night thinking - sighing,
I didn't understand anything around.
And in the morning in a furious muzzle the guard
I recognized my country with fear.
Through a long row of Chekist offices,
Through the insults a continuous series
I went to you, my country of the Soviets,
Before which he was not to blame.
I was condemned, like many in the barracks:
I went to jail for a couple of bold words,
For a couple of bold frank thoughts,
For the slogan against the ruling elites.
I was to blame for the fact that the truth is the uterus
I couldn't hide, I couldn't hide in my soul..
Went to jail for hating order
To the order that did not allow us to live ...
Presenter 1
The sad statistic is:
the number of prisoners on January 1, 1936 was 19,420
as of January 1, 1937 - 43,566 people.
on January 1, 1940, there were 63,047 people in Volgolaga,
as of August 1, 1941, 85,505 people.
the most tragic year in the history of the Volgolag was 1942, when
16704 people.
According to various sources, 120-180 thousand people died in Volgolag
Lead 2
I ask those whose relatives were exiled from their homes to rise.

I ask those whose relatives have known what exile is to rise and
I ask those who are the child of the exile to rise.
On this Day of Remembrance, we will honor with a minute of silence those who did not live to see
Detachment expedition commanders, representatives of delegations, please entrust
flowers to the foundation stone
Laying flowers at the Laying Stone
Students with banners - portraits of former prisoners of the Volgolag
line up
When the memorial candles burn
And the hall fell silent in a moment of sorrow.
It seems to me that here, for this meeting,
The souls of our loved ones flock.
They cry out to us while we're still alive
And we seem to hear this voice:
"Darlings, become kinder, better,
Light the candles, remember us"
Lead 2
The prisoners of the Volgolag at different times were:
Natalya Ilyinichna Sats

Founder of the world's first children's musical theater, the first in the world
woman - opera director, theater figure, writer, teacher.
Pereborakh founded a theater called "Dramdzhazorkestr", the basis
which were captured Polish musicians
Presenter 1

Sergei Ernestovich Radlov
World-famous director, student and associate of Meyerhold. in busts
organized a theater called "Jazzband of enemies of the people"
Lead 2

Anna Dmitrievna Radlova
Poet of the Silver Age. Died in Volgolag, buried on
Alexander Cemetery
Reader 6
Stars will fall, people will fall
All will tremble before him,
People won't find their way to their loved ones,
To the dead and to the poor living.
Fall to the ground, repent, pray,
And don't hide your face."
The black earth listens to the complaint.
The outside. Song of the Blind.
His voice is like a ringing scourge,
I remember the words by heart.
A sharp cry rolls around the world.
Cry, repentant Russia.
Presenter 1

Nikolai Mikhailovich Yakushev
Famous Rybinsk poet
Lead 2

Alexander Vladimirovich Evsyukov
Naval officer who planted the flag on Wrangel Island in 1924

The speech of the participants of the rally
The word is given…..
Presenter 1
We are reminded of the heavy bloody pages of the history of our Fatherland
hundreds of archival files, monuments and people - witnesses of those events. Let's and we
we will remember this. The main thing is to prevent the recurrence of these events in
our history.
Lead 2
We wish you health, long life, secure old age, well-being
you and your families, as well as to be insured against various cataclysms and
In memory of today's rally, all participants are given commemorative
The rally is closed. Thank you all for your participation.

1. Brodsky Yu.A. Solovki. Twenty Years of Special Purpose. – M.: 2008. –
528 p.
2. Names on the obelisk of the Memorial / Auth. Ryaboy V.I. - Rybinsk:
Rybinsk Compound, 1995. - 192 p.
3. Memorial. Newsletter #13 (October). – M.: 1999. 68 p.
4. Not to be forgotten: The book of memory of the victims of political repressions,
connected by fate with the Yaroslavl region. Yaroslavl. T.4. 1997. - 432
5. The system of labor camps in the USSR, 1923 - 1960:
Directory. M., 1998. 600 s
6. I have the honor to serve the Fatherland ... ": Collection of documents on history
bodies of internal affairs of the Yaroslavl Territory in the late 18th - early 21st centuries.
/ Comp. A.M. Selivanov, N.P. Ryazantsev, Yu.G. Salova et al. Yaroslavl, 2002.
632 p.


Akmola region
Zhaksinsky district
Podgornenskaya secondary school
Ozdoeva O.V. - history teacher
Scenario "Day of Remembrance of the Repressed"

- Everyone
Who was stigmatized by article fifty and eight,
Who in a dream was surrounded by dogs, a fierce convoy,
Who by court, without trial, by a special meeting
He was doomed to a prison uniform to the grave,
Who was betrothed to fate with shackles, thorns, chains,
To them our tears and sorrow, our eternal memory!

Presenter 1:
Many severe trials, sacrifices, and hardships fell to the lot of our country in the 20th century. Two world and civil wars, famine and devastation, political instability claimed tens of millions of lives, forcing us to restore the destroyed country again and again.

Host 2:
But even against this background, political repressions have become terrible pages of our history. Moreover, the best of the best were humiliated and destroyed, who had no idea to fight against their people. Thousands of engineers, hundreds of thousands of tortured, shot, ruined party members, millions of peasants who were victims of dispossession, marshals and generals, scientists and poets, writers and artists who were in fact devoted to their Motherland.

Poem "Light the Candles"
When the memorial candles burn
And the hall fell silent in a moment of sorrow,
It seems to me that here, for this meeting,
The souls of our loved ones flock.

They rush here from Kazakhstan,
Yakutia, Chukotka, Vorkuta,
From Vishera, Usolye, Magadan,
Belomora, Solovkov, Chita.

I think they are looking for their own here,
And rejoice that God keeps us,
That the "black raven" does not prowl at night,
The sound of forged boots is not heard.

They call to us while we live
And we seem to hear this voice:
"Darlings, become kinder, better,
Light the candles, remember us."

I think as long as we are alive,
As long as our descendants live,
On the day of Remembrance always, throughout Russia
Candles burn, remembrance be.

Let the candles burn with unquenchable light,
And let the light not go out in the hearts of people.
I believe: grateful Russia
Victims will not be forgotten, will not be forgotten, no!

Presenter 1:
Incredible in terms of their scale, the numbers of those who were shot, repressed, imprisoned, scattered in orphanages are now known. Only according to incomplete data, their number exceeds ten million people. The system fought completely innocent people, inventing an enemy for itself, and then mercilessly destroyed these people. Eternal memory to the innocent victims. A moment of silence is announced.

Lead 2
- Today is the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions, as confirmation that nothing is forgotten - neither a high feat, nor vile betrayal, nor black villainy. To return to all innocent victims their good name is the sacred duty of the state. In 1988, by a decree of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, the glorious names of its glorious representatives, repressed and convicted in the 20-40s and early 50s, were returned to the people. The rehabilitation of the creative heritage of Shakarim Kudaiberdiev, Akhmet Baitursynov, Magzhan Zhumabaev, Zhusipbek Aimautov, Mirzhakyp Dulatov received a particularly wide response from the public.

The poem "At the monument."
At the old Yegoshikhinsky cemetery
Among the graves, tombstones and crosses
A monument has been erected, which you will not find anywhere else:
It consists of camp posts.

He froze on the mound in mournful silence.
On it is a "thorn" - a symbol of the camps -
And the bell is the herald of the most mournful
And heartbreaking news.

On the Day of Remembrance of the innocent victims,
Those who died from Soviet executioners,
At his call, deaf, penetrating
Thousands of people come here.

They stand with lit candles,
And everyone is somewhere far away in their thoughts,
Only in eyes filled with tears
You can understand how difficult it is for them.

They lost their relatives in the thirties
And their graves cannot be found.
What they have experienced in life
Lord, don't let someone try!

Let slander not break from someone's lips,
We still have a fuse for the answer,
As long as we are alive, we will fight
Our "Memorial" guarantees that!

Lead 1.
- A lot has been written about the mass repressions of the 1930s. Many camp memoirs, manuscripts of former prisoners of the Kolyma and the Gulag were printed, documents from the archives of the NKVD became known. But the most dispassionate witnesses at the trial of history are the letters of the prisoners of the camps, which you can read on our stand. Solzhenitsyn's work "The Gulag Archipelago" is known, a teacher of Russian language and literature will briefly tell you about it.

The poem "Memory" is read by a student
The people have drunk the cup to the bottom

Beria, ezhovs and berries are with him.

People were then executed without trial

Let the monument erected in Perm
It will be common - one for all!

Lead 2.
- The largest camps in which prisoners served their sentences were located on Solovki, in Kolyma, in Kazakhstan. The conditions of detention in these camps led to great loss of life.
Presentation of a stand with information about the network of camps in the USSR.


"Mamochkino Cemetery", the burial place of children of prisoners of the Karaganda camp. Dolinka village, Karaganda region, September 2006.
Maria Barkovskaya, born in 1914, convicted by the OSO of the NKVD of the USSR under Article 58. In Dolinka, on May 21, 1940, she gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Tamara.

Maria Barkovskaya recalls: “As I remember, not far from Dolinka, later in Soviet times it was the Karaganda state farm, on its central estate there was a huge women's zone of the CPO and a children's town, where the children of imprisoned mothers were kept until the age of two, then the children were sent to children's houses. Mothers were taken to feed under escort, which often swaggered over them, trying in every possible way to humiliate and make it clear that, they say, “what kind of mother she is - an enemy of the people” and has no right to raise a child.

A lot of children died. Several barrels stood in the cold corridor, where the corpses of dead children were piled, and rats ran around and often gnawed at these stiff corpses.

And what about the mother? They recruited a certain batch of dead children and then buried them not far from the children's town (this cemetery has partially survived to this day - 2005). This is where the final stop of route No. 5 is at the Karaganda state farm.

So, to the right of the stop there was a cemetery of imprisoned women and their children. Now there is a dump, but some traces of the burial remained. They buried prisoners and children in "packs", without coffins, instead of a monument, columns with boards - they have a number on them, or even without anything at all. As they said, “lekpom will write off” (lekpom - a health worker, an assistant to the doctor).

The liquidation of the Gulag was only 50 years old. However, the authorities of modern Kazakhstan not only did not open the way to de-Stalinization, but the study of the history of Stalinist repressions remained the lot of individual enthusiasts, like Ekaterina Kuznetsova. Rare Gulag museums on the territory of the Karaganda region did not receive their development, and the museum of political repressions in Almaty was completely closed.


Ekaterina Kuznetsova says that when she started her work, she immediately set herself the goal of telling in her research about ordinary people with a simple fate. And a lot is written about the famous prisoners of the camps, she believes.

Most of the prisoners were ordinary people who had never been involved in politics. They never read newspapers, honestly worked for the state. Famous people, well-known scientists, artists and doctors were sitting in Karlag. But they have and will have their own researchers. Their names will go down in history. And the names of ordinary people will be forgotten along with time. I wanted to return to these people their good, honest, unsullied name before the people and the country, - says Ekaterina Kuznetsova.

She, according to her, set a goal for herself - so that young people know that in the Soviet Union the worst thing that could happen - happened.

It was its own power that destroyed its own people. The crime that Stalin committed is even more serious than Hitler's crime, - Ekaterina Kuznetsova finished her story.

Gulag was closed 50 years ago, only enthusiasts study its history in Kazakhstan

Lead 1.
- With the receipt of the operational order of order No. 00486 of August 15, 1937, the arrests of the wives of traitors to the Motherland began throughout the country. This order gave unlimited possibilities for arbitrariness. Not only wives were subject to arrest, but also members of their families.
Slide "Letters of the repressed"
From behind the scenes against the background of music, the student reads excerpts from the letters of prisoners, Oginsky's Polonaise sounds

May 5, 1938
“My dear Anechka, Lorochka and Lyalechka! Yesterday we were brought to Kotlas. We are now at the transit point of the Ukhtapechora camp of the NKVD. From here they should be sent to a place where they will have to serve their long term of camp imprisonment. When and where the shipment will be is unknown. What jobs will have to be, this is also still unknown ... "
July 8, 1938
“.. I am writing from the transit point of Ustvymlag. They brought here the day before yesterday, from here they will take them further, to Zheldorlag. It seems that this will be the last stage of our journey to the place of our imprisonment... All my soul, all my spirit is only you, my dear ones. Don't forget your unfortunate daddy... Be healthy.

I kiss you very, very strongly. Your father"

September 11, 1938
“...Today I am being sent for treatment at point 42, and from there to Knyazh-Pogost, obviously, to a hospital. So far it doesn't matter to me. I'm all swollen and swollen, I can't walk, I'm suffocating. But I hope that all this is a temporary phenomenon and with good treatment in the hospital everything will pass quickly and I will be able to work. Be healthy. Strongly, strongly kiss you. Your father"

Slide "Rejected applications for pardon"
Slide "Camps", sounds Chopin "E minor"

Poem "About Ninka".
Through the field of wheat
The path winds
Girl on the trail
named Nina.

Side by side mom
Sat down on the path
Take seeds from the field
For my daughter Nina.

And my mother thinks:
"I will deal with adversity,
older children
I'll feed the swan

Here is the youngest, Ninka,
I have to save
In the hem home
Bring her grain.

I'm in a cast iron mortar
crush the grain,
I'll get firewood
And I'll fire up the oven

I'll add porridge
In a clay pot -
There will be food
To my little Ninka.

Thoughts interrupted
The sound of hooves
Straight across the field
The bypasser "flies",

Bends down with a horse
And tramples the wheat
Ran into mother
Like an eagle on a turtledove:

"Collective farm field
Are you staring, vrazina?!
Go to jail for husband
Wanted, brute?!”

And no longer in the hem
Not a spike...
There is no blood in the face
In the look - longing.

What did you collect for Ninka,
trampled into the arable land
Next to the path…

Messenger in the morning
From the village council
And they took my mother
Even before dawn.

Children, all six
sat side by side,
clinging tightly,
They looked at mom.

They understood
Where is she dear
Mother is very calm
Said from the threshold:

"Children, pray
And night and day
I will return to you
I will definitely return."

Information about Algiers.

Reading poems "In memory of the repressed"
The people have drunk the cup to the bottom
For that war of four long years,
But we all remember another war
Destroyed part of our people.

That war was waged by the executioner of the executioners,
Beria, ezhovs and berries are with him.
We have experienced: there is no more terrible war,
When they are at war with their own people.

The country was covered with a network of camps,
Where the dogs and guards are evil without limit.
There, prisoners were not considered people:
Their life in the Gulag had no value.

People were then executed without trial
By the sign of the executioners in the execution lists,
And the victims disappeared without a trace.
There are no crosses or obelisks above them.

And there is no data - the archives are silent,
Native graves can no longer be found.
My friends, as long as we are alive,
I should be able to name everyone.

And always keep in our memory,
Forgetting them is a grave sin for us.
Let the monument erected by us
It will be common - one for all!

Thank you for your attention.

Music "Requiem" sounds.

Our meeting today is held on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions. I will start it with verses:

who was branded by article fifty and eight,
who in a dream was surrounded by dogs, a fierce convoy,
who by court, without trial, by a special meeting
was doomed to a prison uniform to the grave,
who was betrothed to fate with shackles, thorns, chains,
our tears and sorrow, our eternal memory!

The word is given Head of the department of social protection of the population.

1st host: October 30 was chosen by the President of the Russian Federation as the Day of Victims of Repression not by chance: 19 years before him, this day was chosen, if you like, by God. On this day in 1972, Yuri Galanskov died in the Mordovian camp, having received a prison term for his protest against the imprisonment of Sinyavsky and Daniel, writers convicted for publishing their stories abroad.

After 2 years, in October 1974, a group of Galanskov's accomplices managed to pass on the proposal to celebrate this day all over the world as the Day of Political Prisoners. Which was accepted by the world community. And it was also performed in Soviet camps - through hunger strikes - despite the inevitable punishment cells, dating bans, transfers to the prison regime and other delights. Until 1974, another date was celebrated as the Day of Political Prisoners - September 5 - the anniversary of the famous decree of 1918 "On the Red Terror", which, in addition to the execution of "all persons related to the White Guard organizations, conspiracies and rebellions, introduced concentration camps in Soviet Russia ...".

2nd leader: The presidential decree marked the break of the new state with the Soviet repressive regime. To what extent this gap is confirmed by the new practice, we can judge for ourselves.

But did the president, signing his decree, think that the word "repression" hardly corresponds to what happened with the establishment of Soviet power in our country.

Indeed, - what is repression? This is when the government punishes people for some of their actions against it - right? Meanwhile, the vast majority of those whom we remember today did not even think about any actions against the authorities.

3rd leader: Not a thousand engineers arrested in connection with the “Shakhty affair”; nor hundreds of thousands of tortured, shot, ruined in 1937-1938. party members who naively believed that they - the mind, honor and conscience of the era - are building a bright future for all working people; nor the millions of peasants who believed in the "new economic policy" announced in 1921 and found themselves victims of the "policy of liquidating the kulaks as a class" seven years later. Neither the executed marshals and generals - almost the entire Soviet generals, nor the poets: Gumilyov, Tabidze, Smelyakov, Zabolotsky fought against the authorities; neither the artists - Ruslanova, Dvorzhetsky, Mikhoels, nor the author of the trajectory of the future American flight to the Moon Kondratyuk, or the future head of the Soviet space program Korolev, or the aircraft builder Tupolev, nor the geneticists Vavilov, Pantin, Timofeev-Resovsky, nor our physicist Rumer, astronomer Kozyrev, historian Gumilyov, neither the completely destroyed Jewish anti-fascist committee, nor the victims of the post-war "Leningrad case", not to mention the millions of captured soldiers ...

1st speaker: "On the conditions of detention of prisoners."

The largest camps in which prisoners served their sentences were located on Solovki and Kolyma. The conditions of detention in these camps led to great loss of life. The security on Solovki consisted of employees of the OGPU who were found guilty of transgressions in the service and sent to Solovki for correction. And they were doing something wrong there. New prisoners were greeted with the words: “This is not the Soviet Republic, but the Solovetsky Republic! Learn it! The prosecutor's foot has not yet set foot on Solovetsky soil, and will not set foot! Know! You were not sent here to correct! You can't fix a hunchback."

Life was like a theater of the absurd. His own magazine "Solovki Islands" was published. And since 1926, an All-Union subscription was announced for it. There was also a drama group, because there were a lot of cultural figures sitting there. And botanists and art historians were members of the Solovetsky Society of Local History.

There were only two escapes from the Solovetsky Islands. There were different ways of killing people. Of the 84 thousand people, 43 thousand people died.

In different years, 2.5 million people were serving sentences in Kolyma, of which 950 thousand people died.

They died from exhaustion and related diseases.

The size of the ration became the main means for the camp administration to force the prisoners to give all their best at work. The drummers were supposed to have increased rations and the possibility of early release, and those who did not fulfill the norm were ruthlessly cut off the rations.

Since 1938, they began to carry out mass executions, thereby getting rid of objectionable prisoners.

4th presenter: This is not repression, this is - stupid violence which cannot even be called political. Just the violence of power, which feels itself to be power only in acts of violence, the more unreasonable, the more delightful!

The Soviet regime did not invent anything new in this respect. If you think about it violence acted as the main productive force. True, this system could produce nothing but violence. But she did it on an expanding scale.

“What does the word repression mean for your family?”

1st host: Years of the Great Terror(1937-38) carried away the hitherto unknown number of lives of our compatriots. amaze even officially published results of this campaign: 1,344,923 arrested, 681,692 shot. The well-known historian R. Conquest (BT) gives other numbers: 12-14 million arrested, at least 1 million. shot; Commission of the Central Committee (1962) and even more: 19 million arrested, at least 7 million shot.

Howbeit, both names - Yezhovshchina and BT are inaccurate. The NKVD, which carried out mass arrests and executions in those years, was indeed headed by N. Yezhov, but the idea of ​​this action did not belong to him. If we are to associate this with someone's name, then we should call: Stalinism. Suffice it to recall that during the BT were destroyed? members of the Central Committee - almost all of Lenin's closest associates, 95% of the highest generals - the creators of Lenin's Red Army. All of them are by no means enemies of either Stalin, let alone the Soviet regime.

1st reader: "About Anna Akhmatova".

1935 – 1940

No, and not under an alien sky,
And not under the protection of alien wings, -
I was then with my people,
Where my people, unfortunately, were.

During the terrible years of the Yezhovshchina, she spent seventeen months in prison queues in Leningrad. Once, someone “identified” her. Then a woman with blue lips standing behind her, who, of course, had never heard her name in her life, woke up from their usual stupor and asked in her ear (everyone there spoke in a whisper):

- Can you describe this?

And Akhmatova said:

Then something like a smile flickered across what had once been her face.

2nd reader: Anna Akhmatova "Dedication".

Mountains bend before this grief,
The great river does not flow
But the prison gates are strong,
And behind them are "convict holes",
And deadly sadness.
For someone a fresh wind blows,
For someone, the sunset basks -
We don't know, we're the same everywhere
We hear only the hateful rattle of the keys
Yes, the steps are heavy soldiers.
We got up as if for an early mass,
We walked through the wild capital,
We met there, the dead lifeless,
The sun is lower and the Neva is foggy,
And hope still sings in the distance.
Sentence…. And immediately the tears will flow
Already separated from everyone
As if life is taken out of the heart with pain,
As if rudely overturned,
But it goes .... It staggers .... Alone.
Where are the unwitting girlfriends now
My two crazy years?
What does it seem to them in the Siberian blizzard,
What does it seem to them in the lunar circle?
To them I send my farewell greetings.

March 1940

Correspondent addresses the invited guests (former repressed) with a question

2nd leader: The Great Terror was carefully planned - as a kind of military operation. Moreover, the assassination of Kirov on December 1, 1934 only outwardly looked like a reason for unleashing terror, rather it was one of the events of his personnel and psychological training.

The BT plan itself, with a breakdown of the entire population into groups and categories, percentage standards for each category and limits on arrests and executions by regions and republics, was submitted by Yezhov for approval by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on July 2, 1937. only the remnants of the "hostile classes" (including children) and former members of hostile parties and members of the white movement (and their children), but also communists - former members of all opposition movements in the CPSU (b) - 383 lists of the most prominent party and state figures.

3rd reader: Anna Akhmatova "Introduction".

It was when I smiled
Only the dead, I am glad for peace.
And dangled with an unnecessary pendant
Near the prisons of their Leningrad.
And when, mad with torment,
There were already condemned regiments,
And a short parting song
Locomotive horns sang,
The death stars were above us
And innocent Russia writhed
Under the bloody boots
And under the tires of black marus.

3rd presenter: Apparently, at the same plenum, the question of the torture investigation was also discussed. Mass torture began on the night of August 17-18, 1937.

Ideologically, BT was substantiated as early as 1928 by Stalin's thesis about the aggravation of the class struggle as we move towards socialism; this thesis was proved by the repressions themselves: “Shakhty trial” – summer of 1928, more than 2,000 engineers were arrested, 5 of them were shot; trial of the "Industrial Party" - 1930, shot Chayanov, Kondratiev world-class economists; “the case of sabotage at power plants” - 1933, hundreds of specialists were arrested in Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Zlatoust, Baku.

J. Stalin: "It has been proven that the wrecking of our specialists, the anti-Soviet actions of the kulaks ... were subsidized and inspired from outside."

4th reader: Anna Akhmatova "Sentence"

And the stone word fell
On my still living chest.
Nothing, because I was ready
I'll deal with it somehow.

I have a lot to do today:
We must kill the memory to the end,
It is necessary that the soul turned to stone,
We must learn to live again.

But not that ... Hot rustle of summer
Like a holiday outside my window.
I've been anticipating this for a long time.
Bright day and empty house.

Correspondent addresses invited guests (former repressed) with a question “How did your family achieve rehabilitation?”.

4th presenter: 25.11.38 Beria was appointed to the post of People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, most of Yezhov's investigators were arrested and shot, 327,400 "Yezhov's" prisoners were released. Yezhov himself was appointed people's commissar of water transport, then this people's commissariat was abolished, and Yezhov was arrested and shot. But his arrest, trial and execution were never officially reported, only the word “Yezhovshchina” appeared in the language, but it was not officially used either.

The number of victims of BT is mentioned above: numbering in the millions, it remains uncertain, their burial places are discovered by accident. The heirs of the NKVD are doing everything to prevent the publication of the executed lists. For example, a mass grave was discovered in Karelia near Medvezhyegorsk. Here, on October 27, 1937, 1,111 people were shot.

5th reader: Anna Akhmatova "Epilogue".

I learned how faces fall,
How fear peeks out from under the eyelids,
Like cuneiform hard pages
Suffering brings out on the cheeks,
Like curls of ashen and black
Suddenly become silver
The smile withers on the lips of the submissive,
And fear trembles in a dry laugh.
And I'm not praying for myself alone
And about everyone who stood there with me
And in the bitter cold, and in the July heat
Under the red, blinded wall.

2nd speaker: “Repressed on the territory of our region (in the Tyumen region)”

In full measure, the inhabitants of the Tyumen region experienced mass terror in 1937-1938. In one month (from July 3 to August 1, 1937) more than 3 thousand people were arrested under execution articles. By August 13, 5,444 people had already been arrested.

In Tyumen, Tobolsk, Ishim, Khanty-Mansiysk, Salekhard, all political exiles were shot. Former tsarist and white officers, priests, many participants in the peasant uprising of 1921. December 10, 1937 - 11 thousand 50 people were convicted in the first category (execution), more than 5 thousand people were convicted in the second category (expulsion to camps).

A special page in the annalistic history of our region should be given to the so-called special settlers. Under the moloch of repressive policy during the war years, entire peoples were forcibly deported to the eastern regions of the country.

On August 28, 1941, the Presidium of the Supreme Council adopted a decree "On the resettlement of Germans living in the Volga region." More than a million deportees to the areas of the present Tyumen region were shot 31 thousand 890 people.

In 1943 - 1944. echelons with deported Chechens, Balkars, Ingush, Kabardians, Crimean Tatars began to arrive beyond the Urals. Many of them ended up on the Tyumen land and experienced the bitter fate of the special settlers to the fullest extent. In 1944, 14,147 Kalmyks were taken to the Tyumen region. Most of them were located in the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamal-Nenets districts. However, having found themselves in unusual natural and climatic conditions and being placed in barracks unsuitable for winter conditions, many Kalmyks - special settlers died and rest in the Tyumen land. The survivors were allowed to return to their homes only in 1954.

The fate of the repressed peoples was shared by the indigenous inhabitants of Yamal - the Nenets. In November-December 1943, the Chekist authorities provoked a rebellion by a group of Nenets, who dissolved the collective farms, divided the public reindeer and migrated deep into the tundra. This situation was presented as an uprising organized by Hitler's intelligence. A company of machine gunners was sent from Omsk to suppress the "uprising". Gathering the unarmed Nenets by deceit, the soldiers opened fire on them: seven were killed and the same number were wounded, the rest were arrested and taken to Salekhard. There, out of 50 Nenets, 41 died of illness and exhaustion.

By 1950, more than 60 thousand people lived as exiles in the territory of the region. The most difficult was the situation of special settlers who worked in logging and in the fishing industry. They lived in hastily built barracks, suffered from hunger and cold, from insults and bullying of those in power.

The correspondent addresses the invited guests (former repressed) with a question “How did the repressions affect your destiny?”.

2nd presenter: But there was another result of BT - the one for which all these hetacombs of corpses were piled up - the completion of the creation of a system of violence as a productive force of society. This is also mentioned above. One way or another, the “cleansing”, in modern slang, was carried out, although its terms had to be extended twice, early, as well as to increase the regional limits on executions (at the request from the field). Socialism, as the leader and teacher understood it, was “basically” built on 1/6 of the land. It was possible to proceed to the preparation of its distribution to the remaining 5/6.

Evening organizer (history teacher): Dear guests! We wish you health, long life, secure old age, well-being for you and your families, and also to be insured against various cataclysms and surprises!

1st host: Insure yourself against numerous professions.
2nd leader: Insure yourself against the proletarians of all countries.
3rd leader: Insure yourself against political repression.
4th leader: Insure yourself against funeral telegrams.
1st host: Insure yourself against the discolored sky.
2nd leader: Insure yourself against the inevitable fuss.
3rd leader: Insure yourself against the impersonal sky.
4th leader: Insure yourself from hopeless fuss.

Music sounds.
Polonaise Oginsky "Farewell to the Motherland".

Before the rally begins, instrumental music is played.
The monument is covered with a cape, microphones are installed in front of the memorial (1 for the honorary presidium, 2 for the presenters).

Against the background of music:
HE Human life is only a moment
In the boundless time of the universe,
And only in the memory of the living
She becomes incorruptible.

SHE IS And our spirit, continuing to live,
In grandchildren, great-grandchildren will join.
And never break
The thread of centuries...

HE The fate of the Russian people has always been difficult. Much has fallen to the lot of our compatriots: the glory of the liberators, and the slanders of the neighbors who have forgotten the gratitude, and the horrors of the totalitarian system that destroyed hundreds of thousands, millions of its most active, talented, extraordinary, innocent citizens.

SHE IS Twenty years have passed since the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Rehabilitation" and the publication of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repressions". Appearing in the early 90s of the last century, these most important documents in the history of our country marked the beginning of the active implementation of the long-term plans and aspirations of the progressive Russian public to restore justice to those who suffered innocently during the years of Stalinist repressions.

HE It is difficult to overestimate the scale of the tragedy that the period of the personality cult brought to our people. This tragedy is not a reason today for disbelief in the bright ideals of the future. It is our great pain and a bitter historical lesson that requires analysis, a serious political and moral assessment necessary for the renewal of society.

SHE IS Dear Belgorod residents! The Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Political Repressions in Russia is a reminder of the tragic pages in the history of the country, when thousands of people were subjected to repressions, accused of crimes, sent to forced labor camps, and deprived of their lives.

HE From the first days of the entry into force of documents on the rehabilitation of victims of political repression, on …… began actively to restore justice and good names to those who suffered in these difficult years.

SHE IS The process of rehabilitation of people continues today.

This is a daily, noble work to restore historical justice in relation to …….., who became innocent victims of Stalinist repressions, work to create a multi-volume Book of Memory.


(according to the protocol part)

SHE IS Today, ... October, in ...... .. a memorial complex in memory of the victims of political repressions will appear.

It is symbolic that this monument will be opened in the Park ……, which is a historical place.

HE During the Great Patriotic War on the territory of …….. mass executions and burials of more than two and a half thousand ……….

SHE IS After the war ……. The park retained its name for many years. In 1995, a memorial sign to the victims of fascism was erected here and the park was named "".

HE The word is given by _______________________________

(according to the protocol part)

SHE IS The idea of ​​the memorial and its realization belong to ……….

HE Massive political repressions in the Soviet Union are one of the most tragic phenomena of the 20th century.

The common task today is to preserve the historical memory of the innocent victims of political repressions.

Preserving the memory of them, restoring their names and destinies is the duty of the living generations...

SHE IS We invite the sculptor to the microphone ______________________________________________________
(according to the protocol part)

HE The honorary right to open a memorial composition in memory of the victims of political repression is granted to: _______________________________________________________
(An instrumental melody sounds, the cape is removed from the memorial.)

HE May there never be more victims
And repentance will be accomplished in Russia,
Free Russia without shackles
Let him strive for truth and justice.

SHE IS Dear friends!

We must always remember that the Soviet period was marked not only by heroic pages of history that we can be proud of, but also by very bitter and tragic ones.

HE We must carry their memory in our hearts and pass it on to the next generation.

This is necessary not only for the rehabilitated and their relatives.

This is necessary for society as a whole in order to learn from history and not repeat its terrible mistakes.

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Against the background of Albioni's music, the poem "Epilogue" by A. Akhmatova sounds.


1.V: A lot of severe trials of victims, and hardships fell in the 20th century to the lot of our country. The two World Wars and the Civil War, famine and devastation, political instability claimed tens of millions of lives, forcing us to restore the destroyed country again and again.

2V: But even against this background, political repressions became terrible pages of our history.

Incredible in terms of their scale, the numbers of those who were shot, repressed, imprisoned, scattered in orphanages are now known.

ZV: According to incomplete data, their number exceeds ten million

human. And what is most tragic_- the system initially struggled with

completely innocent people, inventing an enemy for themselves, and then destroying


4B: Return to all innocent victims their good name - a holy duty


1B6 every year at the end of October, the country celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the Victims

political repressions as confirmation that nothing is forgotten

vile betrayal, neither black villainy, nor lofty feat

2B: However, even today there are people who try to justify

political terror. You can argue for a long time how justified

mass repression, one can generally reject the existence of millions

broken human destinies.

ZV: But if we want to be civilized people, it's better to read

memoirs and documents of those years. They are the most dispassionate witnesses on

court of history.

"With the receipt of this order, proceed to the repression of the wives of traitors to the Motherland." This order gave unlimited opportunities for arbitrariness. Not only wives, but also members of their families were subject to arrest. 1B6 From the memoirs of the daughter of the professor of the head of the department of Kazan University, Deputy People's Commissar of Education of the TASSR Tarasova Galina (an excerpt from the memoirs of Galina Tarasova sounds).

Father was arrested on the night of January 26-27, 1937. The days of bewildered silence and fear have come. Every night someone from the neighbors was taken away. Our yard is empty, no children. They stopped coming to our house. Neither my mother nor my brother and I believed in the guilt of my father. In March, my mother called the director and offered to leave work of her own free will. We were not at all

what to live on. On the night of August 20-21, my mother was arrested. When she was arrested, she was told that there was no need to take anything with her. So in prison she ended up in one summer dress, and in the camp she walked barefoot, like a tattered one. Kind people shared their junk with her when she was barely alive walking along the stage.

For two years she did not know where her children were, what happened to them. Mom will sit in the corner of the cell, look at the constantly burning light bulb and be silent. My brother and I were sent to an orphanage.

On the outskirts, somewhere in the city

Our orphanage stands alone.

The roof is white, he himself is all red

Looks so sad at the city.

The kids in it are of different ages,

But no more than 12 years old, there are also boys,

There are girls, but they do not have happiness at all.

2B: Judgment of history.... But in fact, it never took place. not said

the whole truth about the methods and forms of repression, a good name has not been returned

millions of citizens convicted not only for political reasons.

ZV: As well as throughout the country, the repressions in Tatarstan were massive and

affected all sectors of society. About 200,000 were injured in total.


(H. Tufan's poem sounds).

4B: History cannot be corrected, improved or worsened, the only thing that remains is to restore justice and legality in relation to the victims of political repression.

1B: Now, by decision of the government in all regions, including the Republic of Tatarstan, a book is being created in memory of the victims of political repressions. And in this large-scale and gigantic work, it is important not to lose a single piece of evidence of that tragic and heroic page in our history.

Concert numbers:

1. Song performed by a soloist from the TsVR.

2. Dance "Oh, these clouds in blue" - school number 62 "Movement".

3. Russian folk song. Folklore Ensemble "Lad"

4. Tatar song. School №62 "Khyyal".

5. Song. Soloist of the CVR.

6. Dance. "Traffic".

7. Folklore ensemble "Lad"

8. Dance "Swan Lake".

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