Is it possible to pray in Islam shorts. Is it permissible for a man to pray in shorts and a short-sleeved T-shirt? Weekly chapter question - Vaigash

“O children of Adam [and Eve]! Be beautiful when entering any of the mosques. [The whole earth is also a mosque, that is, a place where you can pray, so be as beautiful as possible always, everywhere and in everything.] Eat, drink and do not waste [eat food in moderation; do not spend money on something that is useless, and even more harmful; try to stick to the "golden mean" in everything]. Verily, He [the Lord of the worlds] does not love the prodigal. [The dislike of God can result in health problems for a person, in everyday life, at work. People are sometimes surprised by unexpected difficulties that appear, although often they themselves are to blame for this.]

Tell me, who forbade the adornments of Allah (God, the Lord) [everything that pleases the eye and heart, good, graceful, refined], which He brought out for people, and good from the good (from food) ?! Tell me, this [the ability to use the beauties of life in moderation and without waste] is allowed for believers [as well as for everyone else, although some unreasonably invent prohibitions for themselves] in this life, but on the Day of Judgment [and after it, heavenly beauty, grace ] - only for believers.

Similarly, We [says the Lord of the worlds] explain the signs for the literate people [to learn lessons that help them become happy in both worlds].

Say: “The Lord [provided you with a temporary earthly life with an abundance of blessings in it, but] forbade (1) all bad things (obscene acts, debauchery), both obvious and hidden [which is revealed, for example, as a result of research, examinations , experiments], [prohibited] (2) everything sinful [which is an obvious sin for any sane person] and (3) an attempt [on the honor, property, blood, life of another person or people, society; oppression, manifestation of injustice], without having the right to do so. Also [prohibited] (4) all forms of paganism (worship of the earthly; the deification of something other than God) and (5) speaking to Allah (God, Lord) of what you [people] do not know ”().

The Prophet Muhammad said: “Indeed, you appear before your brothers [before the people]! Let your means of transportation be good (serviceable), let your clothes be good [befitting the place and time], so that you become an example for others (reach a level in this when you become a mole) [decoration of the society in which you live] . Indeed, Allah (God, Lord) does not like obscenity, obscenity, slovenliness.

Answers to questions on the topic

Is it possible to transplant one's own hair from the back of the head to other areas of the head in case of baldness? I don’t know if you are interested, but on one of the English-language Muslim sites I found the answer that it is allowed. Muslim.

It is unlikely that this action can be classified as prohibited in Islam, especially since organ transplantation from one person to another is possible, and there is no disagreement among scientists on this score (provided that the transfer of the organ occurs free of charge). Although my knowledge of human health is modest, I note that such an operation can be very expensive and at the same time ineffective, short-term.

What should be shorts? Above the knees or below? What is the opinion of scientists?

Hanafi theologians say that shorts for men should be below the knees. Shafi'i theologians - up to the knees, but since they ride up when moving, it is better if they cover their knees. Therefore, covering the knees is a better solution.

I have been repeatedly told that according to the Maliki madhhab one can wear short shorts that are much higher than the knees. Is there such a provision?

Most scientists don't think so, so why would you?

I live in Ingushetia, and our neighbors, fellow villagers, relatives, friends go to the sea with their families, and we ourselves were going there. The question is, is it possible for families to go to the sea, where everyone can see everything at a glance? Rasul, 34 years old.

It is possible and useful for families to go to the sea. However, it is important to observe the norms of Muslim clothing: men should wear swimming trunks from the navel to the knees, and women should wear swimsuits that cover the entire body, except for the face and hands. There is a huge variety of such swimsuits today, any colors and models. There are also matching Muslim swimwear for teenage children.

And what is visible at a glance, you can not look.

The sea and the sun are good and useful when there is such an opportunity.

Is the prayer-prayer violated if, during its performance, a man’s lower back is accidentally exposed?

If ‘awrah during the prayer is accidentally and unintentionally exposed (for example, due to the wind), then the worshiper should immediately cover the exposed part of the body. If this happened due to the carelessness of the believer, and even more so repeated several times in one prayer, then the prayer is violated, becomes invalid and must be repeated.

It can, of course, be assumed that the part of the body that is above the navel or at its level is exposed, but it is better, in order to be sure of the usefulness of the prayer-prayer, to tuck shirts and T-shirts into trousers so that the lower back is not exposed.

Is it possible to pray in the form of "Manchester United", which depicts the Devil. And there are inscriptions. Or in other clothes with images of people, animals?

Undesirable, but possible if there is no other clothing. As for the "image of the Devil", then none of the living people knows his true appearance.

How does Islam view a man wearing earrings in his ear? Malik.

Can Muslims get their ears pierced? Aziz, 18 years old.

It is forbidden when men try to be like women, and women - like men. This is contrary to both religious and natural canons, which, in general, are one and clearly interconnected.

My friend asked me about men wearing earring. As far as I know, not only from the point of view of Islam, but also from a cultural point of view, it is impossible for men to wear earrings. My friend was told that Imam Bukhari wore earrings in his nose. Is it true?

If you look at this from the point of view of our Russian mentality and modern culture, it looks defiant, and somewhere inappropriate. It is not appropriate for a believer to attract the attention of others with such a “cool” attribute. As for Imam al-Bukhari, I don’t know, I haven’t seen information about it, but if he lived in our time, he definitely wouldn’t wear earrings.

I became a Muslim, but before accepting Islam, I got tattoos. “Allah” is written on the shoulder, and “Muhammad” is written on the back (may the Almighty forgive me). What to do with them now? Is it possible to bring them together or will it be causing harm to the body? Ildar, 32 years old.

It is forbidden (haram) to make tattoos from the point of view of Islamic canons. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) mentioned those who practice this craft, as well as those who make themselves tattoos, among the damned. This action refers to "the change by a person of his real appearance, given to him by the Creator Himself." The ban on this kind of action is also stipulated in the Holy Quran.

It would be better to bring them together. But if it is difficult and there is a danger to health, then leave it as it is.

Or: "Both public and secret, hidden."

St. x. Ahmad, Abu Dawud, al-Hakim, etc. See: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Abu Dawud's Code of Hadith]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar ad-dawliyya, 1999. S. 337, hadith No. 4089, “da‘if”; al-Suyuty J. Al-jami ‘as-sagyr. S. 152, hadith no. 2539, "sahih"; Zaglul M. Mavsu'a atraf al-hadith an-nabawi ash-sharif. T. 3. S. 503; at-Tabarani S. Al-mu‘jam al-kabir. T. 6. S. 95, hadith No. 5617; Ibn Abu Sheiba A. Al-musannaf fi al-ahadith wa al-asar [Collection of Hadith and Narratives]. In 8 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1989. V. 4. S. 595, chapter No. 13, hadith No. 220.

See: az-Zuhayli W. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 1. S. 738, 743, 748.

“Vitamin D was once called the “vitamin produced by light.” Another, more prosaic name for it is calciferol, that is, carrying calcium ... Vitamin D is formed in the skin under the action of sunlight from vitamin D precursors - provitamins. Provitamins, in turn, partly enter the body in finished form with food, and partly are formed in tissues from cholesterol. Vitamin D ensures normal growth and development of bones, prevents the development of rickets and osteoporosis. However, the role of vitamin D is not limited to protecting bones. It affects the body's susceptibility to skin diseases, heart disease and cancer. In regions where food is poor in vitamin D, the incidence of atherosclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, especially juvenile diabetes, is increased. This vitamin prevents muscle weakness, improves immunity, is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland and normal blood clotting, prevents the growth of cancer cells ... Provided that the body receives a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation, the need for vitamin D is fully compensated. See: Vitamin D (calciferol),

See: az-Zuhayli W. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 1. S. 742.

See: az-Zuhayli W. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 1. S. 467.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Allah (God, Lord) cursed (1) those women who tattoo others (tattoo), and those who get tattooed [both men and women], (2 ) those women who remove facial hair for themselves or others or ask others to do so (pluck out their eyebrows) [changing their shape, making them thinner], and (3) those women who file their teeth (makes artificial crevices between the teeth), thus preening. They change the creation God has given them.”

See: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-bukhari [Code of Hadith of Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 vols. Beirut: al-Maqtaba al-‘asriyya, 1997. Vol. 4. S. 1881, hadith No. 5931; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari [Discovery by the Creator (for a person in the understanding of the new) through comments on the set of hadiths of al-Bukhari]. In vol. 18, Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 2000, vol. 13, pp. 461, 462, hadith no. 5939 and explanation to it; al-Suyuty J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr [Small collection]. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1990, p. 446, hadith no. 7272, “sahih”; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh [Islamic law and its arguments]. In 11 volumes. Damascus: al-Fikr, 1997. T. 1. S. 467; Nuzha al-muttakin. Sharh riad as-salihin [Walk of the righteous. Commentary on the book "Gardens of the Good"]. In 2 vols. Beirut: al-Risala, 2000. Vol. 2. S. 347, Hadith No. 4/1647 and an explanation to it.

See also, for example: an-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi sharh an-nawawi. T. 7. Ch. 14. S. 102-107, hadiths No. 115 (2122) -120 (2125) and explanations to them.

What is the Hukm if a man's back opens during Judgment? Covering the awrah (part of the body that must be covered) is a prerequisite for the validity of prayer. If one-fourth part of one of the organs of the awrah opens during prayer, then prayer is violated. The awrah of a man is from the navel to the knees inclusive. At the same time, the part between the navel and the pubis on all sides of the body is one of the organs of the awrah. Therefore, if one-fourth part of this organ is opened from the side of the back, then prayer is violated. This rule is indicated in the books so that we can approximately determine whether the prayer has been violated or not. And since it is not always possible to determine this, we are obliged to avoid such cases and wear such clothes in which we will pray calmly and not worry that some part of the awrah may open. ("Marakil Falyah")

article published in issue: 18 (535) / dated September 15, 2017 (Zul-Hijja 1438)

Is it allowed to drink wine?

Drinking wine is a forbidden act (haram). Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran (meaning): “O you who believe! Verily, wine (everything that intoxicates, clouding the mind), gambling, idols and divination - all this is an abomination and evil spirits from the deeds of the devil (which he embellishes). Beware of this, so that you may find happiness in both worlds.” There are also many sayings of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) which clearly forbid the drinking of liquor. ("Al-Ikhtiyar")

If a prayer after the Al-Fatiha sura began to read an additional sura and, after reading two small verses, forgot the next verse, and then after a few seconds he remembered and continued the sura, is it necessary to do sujudu sahwi? (Volzhsky)

If the time of remembering an ayat lasted in the amount of one rukn (a time approximately equal to the pronunciation of “subhanallah”), then it will be a wajib for him to perform sujud sahwi. If less than this, then nothing needs to be done.

Is it permissible for a man to wear shorts in front of his mother-in-law or other female relatives if these shorts do not cover the awrah? (G. Orel)

If the shorts do not cover the awrah, then it is forbidden. Aurat - those parts of the body that must be covered. The awrah of a man in front of men and women (except for his wife) is a part of the body from the navel to the knees inclusive. Therefore, a woman who is not the wife of this man should not look at those parts of the man’s body that are included in the awrah. (Al-Ikhtiyar)

Do I need to cut the nails and hair of the deceased? And do you need to comb his hair?

All this is not done, as it is done for decoration. And he doesn't need it. So it is said in Marakil Fallah.

Is it possible for Muslims to enter the church and is it possible to pray there? (Akhtubinsk)

It is an undesirable act, close to haram (makruh tahrimi), for a Muslim to enter a church, synagogue or other places of worship for non-Muslims. And since it is not allowed to go there, it is even more not allowed to perform prayer there. (Ibn Abidin)

I heard that the mosque should always be open and that the doors of the mosque should not be locked. Is it so?

Locking the door of a mosque for no reason is an undesirable action (karahat). However, if there is a reason, then it is allowed. The reason why nowadays mosques are closed at night is the fear for the property of the mosque. Since we have heard more than once how donations are stolen in some mosques, etc., this reason makes it necessary to close the doors of the mosque with a lock. As for the time when prayer is performed, it is impossible to close the doors of the mosque. (Ibn Abidin)

If I came to the mosque and, seeing that they were already performing farz prayer, joined the prayer when the imam bowed to the ground, did I have time for this rak'ah?

No, we didn't. The one who makes a hand (bow) together with the imam is in time for the rak'ah. as the imam gives salaam in both directions, the latecomer should stand up and supplement this rak'ah ("Marakil Falah")

Is it possible to take payment for washing the deceased and for digging the grave? (Astrakhan region)

It will be best to wash the deceased and dig the grave for free. However, one who washes or digs is allowed to take payment if there is someone else who can do it. If he is the only one who can wash the deceased or dig a grave, then you cannot take payment, because in this case this duty is determined by him. In other words, it becomes obligatory for him, and he can no longer demand payment for what he is already obliged to do. (Ad-durrul Mukhtar)

Muslim leaving the house mainly with the intention in the name of Allahto work, if death overtakes him, does he receive a martyr's degree? (Dagestan, Tabasaran region)

Whoever works for his family, fulfilling the command of Allah  in relation to relatives and providing them with lawful food, Allah ﷻ will make him from among the martyrs in their degree on the Day of Judgment. (Raddul Mukhtar)

Can you sleep with your feet towards the Kaaba?

It is makruh (blameful) to deliberately stretch your legs towards the Kaaba, whether during sleep or at other times. At the same time, some scholars said that they mean makrooh, close to what is permitted (halal). This means that a person does not commit a sin by this action, but this action is not approved. Others expressed an opinion indicating that what is meant is makrooh, close to the forbidden (haram). That is, it would be a sinful act. (Raddul Mukhtar)

I remember when I was a teenager, we went to the cemetery with adults and threw a handful of earth. Is that how it should be done?

This is done when a person is buried. It is advisable to sprinkle three handfuls from the side of the head. This is narrated from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. ("Marakil Falyah")

As-salamu alaikum! Is it possible to feed people who are in the cemetery and dig a grave for the deceased?

Hello! You can only feed outside the cemetery. It is forbidden to do something extraneous in the cemetery.

Is it true that after the obligatory prayers (fards), you must first read adhkars, and then additional prayers (sunnah)?

According to the Hanafi madhhab, it is sunnah after performing the obligatory prayer to say the following prayer: “Allahumma anta s-Salamu wa minka salamu tabarakta ya zal-jalali wal ikram” - or another of a similar size, as reported by Imams Muslim and at-Tirmizi. After that, additional prayers are immediately performed. As for those hadiths that talk about azkars after prayer, they do not indicate that these azkars need to be read before additional prayers (sunnah). On the contrary, these hadiths indicate the need to read these adhkars after sunnat prayers, because additional sunnat prayers are associated with obligatory prayers (fard), follow them and improve them, and therefore are not something separate from obligatory prayers. Therefore, what will be done after additional prayers will be considered performed after the obligatory ones. Therefore, after performing the obligatory prayer, one should immediately read additional prayers (Sunnah), and then azkars, which are constant in mosques (reading the verse “al-Kursi”, the words “subhanallah”, “alhamdulillah” and “Allahu akbar” 33 times and etc.). (Ibn Abidin, "Marakil Falah")

, Respect , Prayer , Washing hands , Berl Nabutovsky

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Can men wear shorts to pray? Can men pray without socks? Can men pray in a short-sleeved T-shirt? I ask you to answer these questions and, if there is a prohibition, please explain what it is and why it is impossible, from the point of view of the Torah.

Rav Berl Nabutovsky answers

Rav Moshe Feinstein (Responses Igrot Moshe, Yore Dea 3, 68, initial words dalet v-ine) and Rav Ovadia Yosef (Responsa Yehaveh Daath 4, 8) answer all your questions in the affirmative. You can pray in any clothes in which you would not be ashamed to walk in front of people. They even allow you to pray barefoot.

Of course, it is preferable not to do so. For prayer, it is advisable to dress as decently as possible. Reason: prayer is communication with the King of Kings, and for such communication it is desirable to have special beautiful clothes. However, since The Almighty knows that many do not have the opportunity to purchase such clothes, or they are not able to carry them with them, or they are simply hot and there is no way to put on a jacket and a hat, it is allowed to pray even in short clothes.

In doing so, two factors must be taken into account:

1. It is very important that at least shaliach zibur was dressed in the most appropriate manner. Even if this is not possible, it is desirable that shaliach zibur wrapped up in talis.

2. Those parts of the body that are covered by clothing in most people pass uncleanness to the hands. Therefore, if you wear shorts or very short sleeves, you obliged wash your hands before prayer. After all, the chances that you did not touch these places are zero. Even if where you live, almost everyone walks half-dressed in the heat, this does not change the status of these body parts as sources of impurity.

In order for a person's prayer to be considered valid, Shariah has established certain conditions that must be met during the prayer. Without this, not a single prayer is accepted by a person. One of these conditions is the closure of the awrah. A person who performs an obligatory or optional prayer avrat should be closed.

For men, the place between the navel and the knees is considered to be the place between the navel and the knees during prayer. In women, the awrah is the whole body except for the face and hands. Therefore, a person performing prayer should cover these parts of the body with clean clothes that are not translucent, on which there are no impurities whatsoever.

It should be noted that the awrah of a person outside of prayer differs depending on the people who can see him. But the awrah of a person performing namaz is established by Sharia, regardless of whether someone sees him or not.

If the awrah of the person performing the prayer is closed according to the above conditions, it does not matter whether the person is dressed in a sports suit or other clothes during the prayer. This does not affect the validity of prayer in any way. However, if the tracksuit or other clothing is tight, fitted, close-fitting to the body in such a way that it emphasizes the shape of the body, then praying in such clothes is undesirable.

An exception is the case when a person is present during the prayer, who is not allowed to show the awrah. In this case, praying in tight-fitting clothes is not allowed, especially for women. In any case, even if there are other men/women in the room, the prayer of a woman/man in this form will be valid, but for the fact that he/she did not properly cover (a) the awrah, he/she will be recorded with a sin.

If prayer in this form (in tight clothes) is performed alone or in the presence of those people from whom it is not necessary to close the awrah, prayer is considered valid, and there is no sin in this.

In the book " Fath Al Mueen”The following is written about this:“ It is enough for a person who performs prayer to cover the awrah with clothes that emphasize the shape of his body, but prayer in such clothes is inappropriate for him.».

And in the book Ianat at-talibin Added to this: It is enough (during prayer to cover) the body with tight clothing, under which people can distinguish parts of the body, for example, tight pants, but this is inappropriate for a man, and undesirable for a woman and a khunsa (hermaphrodite)».

Although prayer in tight clothes is valid, because the necessary awrat is covered, nevertheless, performing prayer in tight clothes, as noted above, is undesirable. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in his hadiths condemns the wearing of clothes that are tightly fitting the body, and described people wearing such clothes as naked.

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

صنفان من أهل النار لم أرهما قوم معهم سياط كأذناب البقر يضربون بها الناس ونساء كاسيات عاريات مميلات مائلات رءوسهن كأسنمة البخت المائلة لا يدخلن الجنة ولا يجدن ريحها وإن ريحها ليوجد من مسيرة كذا وكذا

« The two kinds of people from among the future inhabitants of hell that I have not seen are people who will have whips resembling cow tails with which they beat people; Others are women dressed, but at the same time naked, who lean to the side and call others to this, and in the shape of their heads they look like swaying camel humps. They will not enter Paradise and will not even smell its fragrance, despite the fact that the fragrance of Paradise is felt from a great distance. "(Muslim).

This hadeeth speaks of women who will have clothes on, but they will be naked.

As we usually do, with the transition to summer time, people begin to take off their clothes so that it is not too “hot”. In such a process, the beautiful half of humanity is especially noticeable. And this despite the fact that everywhere and everywhere you can hear sermons on the subject of clothing for Muslim women - the hijab.

In various religious media, the closed form of clothing for Muslim women is constantly promoted. This, of course, is gratifying, and we are infinitely happy for the opportunity of daawat given to us by the Almighty. It would not be an exaggeration to say that a huge audience of readers is heeding this call, and many are trying to change their former attire for a more worthy, morally rich one. But, to achieve the ideal result, of course, you still have to try a lot.

In such a situation, we should probably try to find a reason to explain this state of affairs. The study does not require much effort: the reason for all this is men, or rather their lack of moral principles. We see an extremely low level of Islamic knowledge among many fellow countrymen. Not everyone has even the minimum knowledge necessary for every Muslim. As is customary from time immemorial, a man is the head of the family, the breadwinner and the one who is responsible for the household. When the captain of the ship does not cope with his duties and does not even try to fulfill them, then the ship, of course, will not sail along the appointed course, but with the current or in the direction of changing winds.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: « Each of you is a shepherd and each is responsible for his flock » . If the head of the family himself does not know the elementary requirements of Islam regarding appearance and dress, what can he teach his children?

I would like to draw the attention of readers to the appearance of an observant Muslim.

For example, often on our streets you can see men in the so-called shorts and breeches. Recently, among young people, wearing them has become especially fashionable. They do not see anything wrong with this, since, in their opinion, such clothes cover the awrah of a man (the place between the navel and the knees). Yes, maybe they are right in this statement.

According to the sources of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), a man's awrah in prayer, in the presence of men or females whom he is forbidden to marry (mahram), is the place between the navel and the knees. The same sources clearly describe the awrah of a man in the presence of women standing behind him. So, in the books “Al-Fiqh ala mazakhibil arbaati”, “Fikhul Manhaj” it is clearly written that the awrah of a man in front of strangers women is similar to the awrah of a woman in prayer, that is, his entire body is considered to be his awrah, except for the face and hands. Once again I emphasize that this is according to the madhhab of Imam Ash-Shafi'i.

If so, then what happens? It turns out that those who wear breeches in front of strangers walk around with the Awrah open, which they MUST close! Thus, he exposes himself to sin, and the women around him. This includes wearing a sleeveless shirt. The wisdom of the prohibition lies precisely in the fact that opening these places in front of women can lead to the forbidden, i.e. to adultery (zina). More than once I have seen how some guys manage to visit the mosque in breeches and perform namaz in them.

Dear brothers, wishing you well, I want to say that praying in breeches is makruh (an undesirable action). Therefore, one who performs prayer with such an appearance will receive much less reward for the obligatory action. This is from an Islamic point of view.

If we look at this problem according to the usual norms of decency, behavior, culture, we will again see that such an appearance does not correspond to the established order of things. This kind of repulsion, and it is considered ugly. And there are even those who take off their shirts: you have to manage to “flaunt” in T-shirts; walk not in breeches, but in shorts, if not in shorts.

And what kind of upbringing will a child get, whose father wears shorts and his mother wears a T-shirt? It is quite possible that in the future their child may even refuse what his parents wore!

Such behavior, such a look is not consistent with either the boundaries of decency or with the norms of religion. As an argument in defense of "light" clothing, many say that they are unbearably hot, sweaty, and they are unable to endure such heat. However, one must know that the hellish heat is billions of times stronger than the heat of our world. And God forbid you feel this difference!

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